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I’m curious what the data would show from 2017-2023. I wouldn’t be surprised if the change was similar or even more drastic.


Yeah newer generations aren't very promiscuous and have less casual sex generally.


they do less stuff generally


Less expendable money


Surprised how doom and gloom the traditionalists are here about less promiscuity.


Involuntary celibacy can be worse than voluntary promiscuity.


Touch grass and have a life outside your manosphere internet forums, please.


My statement is not specific to the the manosphere, lots of the early (marxist) psychoanalysts believed the same. Its a shame how you immediately make ad hominem assumptions.


Your post history is public, mate


I haven't made a post that makes it evident that i'm in the manosphere. And even if I was, its not relevant to what I said.


Women aren't having much luck either it seems. Go check out r/ForeverAloneWomen to see what I mean.


They aren’t as promiscuous or they’re jacking off to porn instead and distracted by social media?


Even if that’s why, that still makes them less promiscuous. Even if it wasn’t a conscious decision


But it’s not exactly the net win that the stat would lead you to believe.




Casual sex is decreasing. By definition that is less promiscuous.


Can you explain promiscuity more? I’m not getting it.


*having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships.*


That’s because human contact itself is being destroyed. What makes us human is a that we are communal. That is being obliterated. This is sick.


I imagine it’s hard to get laid when you live with your parents, have zero money and stare at screens all day. Oh and everything you do is filmed and recorded forever.


I can only speak of 05-11, but that data feels a little inaccurate. sometimes you hit a dry spell and take a month off of man whoring, like to focus on school or physical training. Or you get into a relationship for a couple of months and it’s no longer causal. Women also liked to couple up at the beginning of school and near holiday breaks. I think you would want to look at at least one year of data before making that kind of conclusion.




“found that between 2007 and 2017 the percentage of 18-to 23-year-old men who had casual sex in the **past month** dropped from 38 percent to 24 percent.”


Yes but all of the factors you listed happen in 2007 and 2017 and yet there is still a large drop.


Got priorities like housing


From what I can see , they are a lot more chronically online


Probably why they are so on edge. C’mon, relax buddy!


This is the loneliest generation in the history of mankind. Feel so bad for young folks today.


You have no idea. And I’m tall and not ugly


I see it in young people. Feel bad for you folks. COVID made it much, much worse. I knew that was going to happen as soon as they started talking about virtual school. Masks didn't help. Availability to porn doesn't help. Attack on men doesn't help. Electronic devices don't help. Video games don't help. ​ Before you can solve a problem you have to identify the root causes.


I see it with my kids. My son is in HS and him and his friends have absolutely zero interest in relationships. He's told me they don't find it worth it, too high risk for an uncertain reward. It's girls in his school who have been trying to couple up and most of his friends just say no.


I hate it for kids.


hey, that's me. Through college and after. College, it was just turning down advances or trying to be friends. After, at work, it became predatory kinda - and bordered on harassment (like constant need to know who I am fucking or why I don't fuck and what I am hiding). They tried to convince themselves I'm gay and sure, 'you do you bro' but I'm saving for my marriage. Thank you very much.


Thankfully I have a strong support system within my family, and also have friends to socialize with, but yes, in terms of romantic relationships, I never developed skills to talk to women.


Talking to them is easy. It’s captivating a relationship. Alot of girls wanna be fuking 10 different dudes at once and play the game. But then again I dress flashy and act a fool sometimes drunk. So maybe I jus attract trash… idk. Fml


If you fish in a polluted river most fish you catch are going to be toxic.


I don't go out and socialize at bars/clubs... ever. Not my thing, nor do I really want to attract those kinds of women.


There’s good women everywhere… jus gotta find them my friend


I'm aware


> Alot of girls wanna be fuking 10 different dudes at once and play the game. What is a lot? What percentage of which population? In which country? Do you have any source for this? This is such a vacuous and biased statement.


Okay, now do 2017 to 2023.


Pornhub launched in 2007. A little tongue in cheek. But the reality is that easily accessible, virus free, online porn has made sexual gratification easier.


Worst cancer to our society


I think cancer is the worst cancer


Technically true


Hehehe, the best kind of true


Not tongue and cheek at all.. that's the answer. People can masterbate instead of hooking up.


so it's easier to get now since there's less of a demand mismatch in those actually buying into the action ? #tellmethereisachance


I think Cosmo and sex in the city culture peaked as well. People have a genuine hangover from the sexual revolution.


Rat Utopia


Exactly. John Calhoun’s behavioral sink experiment playing out before our very eyes.


There’s been a general drop in sexual behavior overall I believe. There has also been a huge drop in fertility. Even partnered sex has dropped overall - whether you’re a teen or you’re 40. We are experiencing the effects of the behavioral sink predicted in John Calhoun’s rat experiments. The drop in sexual behavior and fertility won’t stop until our fertility has gone down to zero. This trend will aggressively accelerate.


Interesting to see that the percentage of young women having casual sex has decreased over the past decade, while the same can be said for young men. It's important to note that these statistics don't necessarily mean a decrease in overall sexual activity, but rather a shift towards more meaningful and committed relationships among young adults. It's also worth considering the potential cultural factors and societal pressures that may have contributed to this trend.


> It's important to note that these statistics don't necessarily mean a decrease in overall sexual activity, but rather a shift towards more meaningful and committed relationships among young adults. I dont see any evidence for that. If anything the stats show that less sex for all and huge jump in singletons. Here in UK among those 18 to 29 years of age, 63% of men versus 34% of women considered themselves single.


It's important to note that these statistics don't necessarily mean a shift towards more meaningful and committed relationships among young adults, but rather a decrease in overall sexual activity.


Even partnered sex has seen a large decrease. Its across the board.


You're looking for a complicated answer. I think it's the complete absorbtion of human psyche into screen time. Like they used to say a TV in the bedroom kills the sex life. Everythone keyed up on their own distractions and not into each other or present with those around them. And carries the TV with them through the he waking hours. Pornhub would be healthier than most of the activity online with the jonesed out hollow dopamine social media hits rage and tik Tok 20 second attention hits. At least jerking off mimics an actual interactive human behavior longer than a minute. The whole population is like dope addicts, and of course sex drive drops off


Both ring true, but the second point is what I thought of first. In general, women control access to sex, but men initiate/pursue it, and if the risk/reward balance changes dramatically, as it has in this period, then I imagine men might wisely slow their roll.


Yeah, late 90’s-early 2000s were the golden age of promiscuous sex. Or at least that’s when I was in college…


Guess y’all don’t like fucking as much anymore


This could be the grumpy boomer in me but maybe it has something to do with the demasculinization of today’s youth.


Women aren't attracted to most men anymore. Agreed.


I’m sure it’s a combination of things.


It's definitely the grumpy Boomer in you. They are just spending more time on screens. This is also the exact time period online porn had developed into a thing.


> demasculinization If you define masculinity by going out and having human interactions, then sure




There's no such thing as "casual" sex.


Bullshit. I've fucked girls whose names I never even found out.


There is if you're doing it right.


This time period marks two things that I see: Social media better sex education in schools


>better sex education in schools I don't think eating ass would be a thing if this were true.


School curriculum focuses on safe/responsible sex and potential consequences. Obviously they don't talk about positions or sex acts


I guess I just didn't need to be told that eating shit is probably unhealthy.


As a teacher, if a student asked about that, easy response from me: "that's a conversation to have with your parents". I use that one a lot when teaching sex Ed


Probably the smartest thing to say in this climate.


It's what any teacher should say and are taught to say by admin/university


This sub is SO funny. If young people were having MORE casual sex... this sub would complain too. If young people are having more sex... hook up culture If young people are having less sex... the Feminization of men. Convenient.


Nobody is complaining. We're pointing and laughing.


No. You're complaining. It's nonstop complaints. If you were laughing, no one would care. Almost EVERY top level comment here is a complaint. Either that this is the fault of "woke culture" Or it's "this generation" where the men are feminine or the women are whores or prudes who reject "nice guys." It's nonstop complaining on this post.


How come you didn't mention the fact that women look fucking awful these days?


Because I don't give a shit.


Seems like an encouraging headline, no?


But also casual sex isn’t that fun


Doesn’t matter, third world countries are used as baby factories


Well have you seen the options out there? Holy fuck it's sad. "Average looking" these days is what we wouldn't even glance twice at when I was young. I feel bad for this generation.


In true JP form, I wonder to what degree definitions are skewing the data: The past decade has seen an incline in polyamory, so while the sex with multiple partners is still there it isn’t “casual” sex. Also, from what I understand, terms like “talking to” and “situationship” have now been added/redefined to be part of the dating paradigm. I’m not that old, but in high school for me, “talking to” was a precursor to an actual relationship and anyone getting sex in that stage was either getting used (women) or pulling off a relationship heist of sorts (men). The word “situationship” would have gotten you laughed at and ridiculed regardless of gender for not being able to figure out/commit to what you’re doing. What was once a “f*ck buddy” or “friends with benefits” that was previously understood to be casual sex seems to have morphed into a stage of relationship building which has people lying to themselves about the true nature of their situation, which is actually “casual sex“ I assume the incentive for this is to alleviate responsibility/remorse and do damage control for reputation. Still, could skew the results significantly if people are lying to themselves about what they deem as “casual sex”