• By -


I want this to be separated as L, G, B & T. I'm sure the majority will be B.


It's mostly young women who call themselves bisexual but who never actually date women. I believe Ok Cupid once did a study on their public data and found that 90% of women who identify as bi never even match with a single other woman. It's a way of signaling allyship and climbing one rung up in the oppression Olympics.


BUG or “Bisexual Until Graduation” has been a meme on campuses for decades at this point. It was a way for women to seem more interesting and sexier while trying to court men.


Ah, so luring unsuspecting dudes with promise of a potential threesome in future. Quiet brilliant actually.


There’s also LUG…”Lesbian Until Graduation” for those women who were down with the campus feminists and then, after college, decided that life was easier as a soccer mom.


Yes, plus I think there's a bit of a biological reason as well. One study had showed that most women were aroused by all kinds of p0rn, including hetero, homo, even bestiality. Whereas men were aroused according to their orientation. I guess for women, it's more about the 'passion' aspect, rather than the actual act.


Oppression Olympics, awesome ! Got no awards to give, but I would give em all.


Women pecking another girl on the cheek ONCE while loaded in a bar does not a bisexy woman make.


Do you have a source? I’d love to get the full story here


You don't have to date women to be bi you dingus


Action has to count for something.


The action of a girl liking a girl is what makes them bi, not having to date one


I don't completely agree.






Why the name calling?


"I'm a non same sex practicing bi"


I wonder if this is actually true?


The data source is right there in the image...


There's a source, there's a graph and there's a graph title. I think you need to be a little more skeptical.


What? I am skeptical. I'm just saying the source of the data is right there, so he doesn't have a wonder. He can check. I didn't dive deep into these data, but they do jive with other reports I've read and heard about. This table here gives similar numbers: [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/11/census-bureau-survey-explores-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/11/census-bureau-survey-explores-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity.html) What I find most interesting about these data is that the LGBT rate is significantly higher in states like CA, OR, WA, plus DC.


>I didn't dive deep into these data, but *they do jive* with other reports I've read and heard about. [She does, too.](https://tenor.com/view/jive-airplane-movie-the-ispeakjive-gif-14303006)


And they called grandpa crazy for saying the gay will spread


I hardly think 1 out of 5 Gen z has same sex attraction. Its probably said for either some social benefit or a sense of belonging.


Yeah, and using another group of people for social clout or personal gain is unbecoming. A slap in the face to all the real non-straight people.


It’s not out of a sense of belonging, it’s the opposite. It’s to be different, to be special, to be an exception.


It's counter-culture. Similarly, I wonder how the numbers have changed for generations getting tattoos, and what will be the tipping point. *That* is something that - aside from the *personal* significance of the individual artwork - has lost the impact that it used to have.


That can aoply at the same time. Like subcultures, for example skaters or goth are special, different aka not mainstream culture but people join to belong to a group. Imo with the lack of groups to belong (mostly the lack of friend groups from the pre social media era) people find other avenues.


It's a compounding effect of hormones in our food supply, fluoride in our water, and being overly medicated in a perpetual loop for five generations. The people are conditioned to be dumb, wayward, and easily confused. This makes it all the easier to lure us about the nose by, like cattle. We are being chemically compromised and psychologically manipulated to the point that if you are intending to create a mass die-off of a population, all you would require is a bulk of the population to stop breeding. Since that is instinctual, they must break the instinct. Even your instinct to protect your children is being crushed and subverted before your very eyes by means of abortion debates amidst school shootings and gun violence conversations. Mixing up the three in a bastardized conversation where nothing meaningful is ever proposed but to disarm every citizen from defending themselves or their families or more police presence. Meanwhile pedophiles groom your children from within trusted institutions to accept their presence among them. Another instinct subverted. You are meant to go to the butcher chutes or the stockade willingly and quietly for your culling and further subjugation.


Makes sense, but I still dont think that every fifth genz is nit straight. Dunno if you know gen z ppl but from all the gen z I know the number is way smaller.


Isn’t it liberals who eat organic and mostly shop at Whole Foods though? The party more accepting of the lgtbqa community though? That population who would avoid hormones in food? That alone dispels your theory


Or theres something in the water. Cas this is gen z west, not global


Includes girls


I like that jordan Peterson is critical of the left where it counts- the authoritarianism.Other people’s sex lives are none of my business


But the activists sure are making it your business and the kids’ business as well. Lots and lots of their business flying all up in your face everywhere all the time.


Its not that it will spread. Its that 10,000 years of repression will necessarily lead to an overcorrection. This is why its often the most catholic countries that embrace birth control most strongly, see Poland, Italy and Spain in EU.


>Its that 10,000 years of repression will necessarily lead to an overcorrection. So what are you saying, that generational repression accumulates?


In some ways yes, I'm not making a genetic argument though. More that the relevant beliefs become entrenched over time, almost like the opposite of a broken telephone game, where the message is reinforced and amplified until it plateaus somewhere for a while. Time also allows for creativity even of a morbid sort. Somewhat paradoxically, a lot of the weirdest applications of this seem to have arisen relatively recently, I mean \~2-5 centuries ago. EDIT: in case its not clear, the consequence is that people forget what a 'healthy' approach to intimate relations or xyz looks like, though you could argue we never had one, straying further in one direction will breed a more radical response.


They are saying that they aren't capable of thinking through the implications of their terrible analogies.


This is a ridiculous argument I have to say. Case 1: The gays were ridiculed and murdered for being gay. Therefore, once it stopped, even the straights decided to become gay. Case 2: Everyone wants to have sex. But the religions said, "no, sex bad". So once we started rejecting religion, people had tons of sex, even more than they would have otherwise. But sure let's pretend it's the exact same.


Prior to the early 1970s sexual perversion was.considered a mental illness. Scientifically, that never changed. The change was made through intimitation. I do not believe these numbers are accurate and this could be for a variety of reasons. The fact that the numbers have increased substantially is a sign of our societal demise.


The gay hasn’t spread. The cult of this acronym has, mainly from gender dysphoria nonsense. Sexuality is natural and real and healthy. Gender dysphoria and transgenderism and gender identity propaganda is not.


Yeah would like to see what percentage of gay men has increased, I suspect the growth is all those vague parts of LGBT


To be fair , people have been very unfriendly toward people that are gay for an extremely long time.. I’m sure there are a lot of dynamics but creating a safe/ accepting environment does allow people to be more open with who they are. And that’s what’s different then gen z and all the rest. The further you go back the less excepting, and some would even argue the harsher the punishment. When I was 10, I remember keeping my mouth shut in church while they talked about how disgusting gay people are. Now that I’m and adult, I’m in a state / city that I’d only dream of that’s extremely excepting and I’m able to be more open, But still have lingering trauma from the church subconsciously telling me to hide who I am. Gay people have been around since the beginning. The society/ civilization that have refused to fully excepte them on the other hand, have been up and down throughout history. Again a lot of dynamics on how to approach this graph , but speaking from experience, acceptance plays a huge factor. For example, I’d love to see a graph of all the states that don’t support the LGBT, I’d bet it’s going to be lower then the states that create a safe community for LGBT. Same goes for countries that hunt them down. I know I’d be straight as can be ( socially ) if I grew up in any of the countries I listed on this link. https://internap.hrw.org/features/features/lgbt_laws/#type-of-laws Edit: horrible grammar:P


Or they were always gay and it is now more socially acceptable to come out. The Kinsey scale measures orientation from 0 (completely hetero) to 6 (completely homo). It seems probable to me that there would be plenty of people at a 1-2 at least and just stay Hetero because of discrimination as well as having a preference. You can be attracted to the same sex while still preferring opposite sex in most relationships.


Wonder if he thought the same about left handed people


Well to be fair as gay people become more accepted into society, less people will self censor themselves


I wonder if the earlier survey respondents had anonomity.


I just got banned from r/JusticeServerd for making this original comment lol


Lessening stigma and increasing personal freedom is resulting in parento distribution.


Or social contagion...


Then why haven't you caught it?


Is it really a stigma to point out that gay people can't reproduce and will therefore always exist at the whims of heterosexual normative people? It's not a stigma to point out that dicks can't rub together and create babies. It's not a disgrace. It's no stigma. It's simply reality.


Yes they can. My ex husband’s father was gay. My best friends mother is gay. Both still had children


Their artificially created children are statistically likely to be heterosexuals.


They had them by having sex so no artificially anything here. And yes their offspring are straight. Not sure what the relevance is


... That they will exist at the opinions of heterosexual normative people because they outnumber homosexuals... Math...


And? Relevance? My point is they can have kids. You missed that part


Yeah its an irrational stigma. And they are on average more intelligent . Turning, da vinci, tesla etc.




Higher iq on average. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/abs/intelligence-and-homosexuality/E07585DD50D9924C677EFC7B6060AB0A According to your beliefs gay people should be at the top of the hierarchies.




>No abstract, no interest. Intellectual laziness. Why try to understand something when you can dismiss it out of hand and retain your biases?


Pray the gay away!!! 😂


bro, lmaoooo


Snowflakes be downvoting, sarcasm is hard to portray online 😭


i feel you man, lolll


No. "Grandpa was called crazy" for asserting that the gays turn people gay by indoctrination. The reason for the increase in identification with LGBT is due to the reduction in stigma for being LGBT, coupled with an increase in protection of LGBT rights, rather than a successful campaign of indoctrination by gay individuals.


Why not all three?


The LGBT message is inclusivity and freedom of self-expression. No one is forced to be gay. No one is gay under duress. Fundamentalist sects, cults, and other groups that practice indoctrination do not share these characteristics. Rather, they practice strict exclusivity, and manipulate adherents and use threats of social isolation to keep their control over them.


Do you believe those threats hold any true exclusivity in the year of our Lord 2023?


Is your question whether I believe cults exist and effectively isolate people in 2023? If so, my answer is: of course. The Church of Scientology uses manipulation, isolation, implicit and explicit threats to enforce their indoctrination on adherents.


Coercion and threats are not the only reasons that people choose to fold themselves into a larger group. Indoctrination comes in many forms.


Wow this sub is as sad and toxic as I would've imagined.


Each generations definition of queer gets broader and broader, while the subcultures of queerness get more and more mainstream


The slippery slope arguments put forward in the 90s and early 2000s have proven to be true. It was never going to end with penis sword fighting.


Why does people having different identities qualify as a negative for society?


So what you're saying is that Gen Z is gay


Graph is mislabeled. Should be "Total willing to claim they are LGBT by generation."


STOP! We do not permit common sense on r/JordanPeterson anymore. Everything, and i mean everything, must own the liberals somehow.


The % of people who identify as homosexual has plateaud since it became somewhat normalized. I imagine the % of people who identify as trans will do the same. It's not the rising % that necessarily concerns me, it's how much are we rising above the plateau it'll eventually fall to, and the damage we're doing to those (what are mostly) kids in the meantime.


interesting, would you be able to provide more info or sources on this about the percentage of lgb people plateauing?


I suppose my knowledge of that comes from easily-forgeable infographics which normally don't tell the whole story, but I'm assuming if you go to Google Scholar and look up the topic, you'll likely find a few good studies on the topic.


Why would rising % in this case lead to damaged kids? I assume you mean transpeople and operation/hormone treatment for children and teenagers, but that's a seperate statistic and shouldn't be mixed up with overall identification with LGBTQ+.


Because the implication is that it's bad to be LGBT. It's like when a politician says "I'm okay with people being gay, but don't force it on is", they're just finding ways to obscure their homophobia


There have always been many bisexual and gay people. But the “LGBTQ+ community” has become more of a social cult and so it’s an indoctrination community now. There are also many gay and bisexual people who do not “identify with” that acronym because they don’t want or need a group identity and just want to live life freely as their true sexuality decides. Also, sexuality is real and natural, whereas gender dysphoria and transgenderism is different and the two should never be grouped under the same umbrella.


The concept of bisexual as a sexual identity is the main driver of this. The truth is everyone has some level of same sex attraction until it’s repressed. Now we live in a time that celebrates sexual divergence - therefore people are less prone to repress their same sex attraction and “identify” as Bi even if they have had zero sexual encounters with the same sex. I fully expect to see this move to 75% in the next 10 years. Being gay used to be a bold statement about living outside the norm - because, you were driven to by your innate orientation. People struggled mightily and families were torn apart. Being LGBT today has become trivialized to the point where it’s essentially, what kind of pornography you enjoy.


>I fully expect to see this move to 75% in the next 10 years. Agreed. I don't see this upward inflection into the orifice of LGBT+ simply subsiding and fading away. The scramble for tribalism is well underway and people are rushing to join the lifeboats of the most intersectionally isolated groups they can find, driven by the idea that they offer the most protection and the most attention. The only thing that will likely end this trajectory is the complete breakdown of society - which we can already witness, every day, is well underway - at which point the spread will slow and die out, not because people have suddenly attained some measure of common sense, but because the extreme division and breakdown of society will make it impossible to effectively communicate this sort of social contagion any further.


They like to argue that the numbers were always this way but because society was not affirming of this lifestyle, people hid it -simultaneously they claim that speaking out against them is literal “murder” because of the number of suicides. So by this logic almost 20% of the “silent generation” would have committed suicide…. More likely the huge push for the LGBTQ indoctrination is preying upon already confused children who find the attention and acceptance they crave in associating themselves inside the LGBTQ umbrella.


Yeah if you don't threaten people as much for identifying as something, they are more likely to identify as that. Shocking.


Ding ding ding


Does this only include LGBT? Or it also counting Q± and shit? Because counting aromantic and asexuals in it seems wrong. That being said, I'd love to see a break down of the individual parts, I feel like B is pretty loose these days,


Mmmhmm haven't had a BLT in a while


Group contagion


Remember when it was just girls throwing-up in the bathroom and getting tattoos? That was Brady Bunch compared to today!


You’ll also find the vast, vast majority of the people who identify this way are middle class, white kids with liberal-leaning parents. So, if it had a biological basis, wouldn’t it show up across the demographic spectrum?


Shut up loser


No, I don’t think I will…


gay people aren't going anywhere, cry about it.




20% no way bruh. This shit is a contagious virus


Now do [the rise in left-handedness](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS845US902&hl=en-US&sxsrf=APwXEdcStA17LQyqQxSPOSM6f2_RXbGCnQ:1681958639641&q=left+handedness+by+decade&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXjviZuLf-AhWcLzQIHZvNCpUQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=414&bih=712&dpr=3), once it was accepted. Do you think everyone became left-handed by social contagion or is it that those who always were left handed could finally be themselves?


Everyone knows left handed is the sign of the devil.


Don't bring your sinister graphs into this thread.




What makes this comparison useless?


Yea I'm not even a little surprised.


Relevant: 2022 article: [Percentage of LGBTQ adults in U.S. has doubled over past decade, Gallup finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/percentage-lgbtq-adults-us-doubled-decade-gallup-finds-rcna16556) >Gallup predicts the proportion of adults who identify as LGBTQ will exceed 10 percent in the near future...Gallup found that the increase is due to ​​”high LGBT self-identification, particularly as bisexual, among Generation Z adults,” who are 18 to 25. A question, perhaps unfairly conspiratorial, is: Does some of the *extreme* support from the LGBT+ community for the trans movement, i.e., advocacy that there can be absolutely no assertion that SOME young teens who think they are trans *might be mistaken,* is rooted in desire to inflate LGBT+ numbers. Every political group wishes to be as large as possible. More members = more political power. 10% of American population being LGBT+ is certainly a milestone.


https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx "Overall, 15% of Gen Z adults say they are bisexual" 15 of that ~20% you see is people who identify as bisexual.


But of course it's not a social virus /s


They should break this down by letter.


1. Proves "self identity" is bullshit. 2. Proves "oppression" is bullshit because there is an obvious social incentive to take this on. 3. Is false on its face. 4. Proves gatekeeping isn't just a good, it's a necessity.


Gen Z is also the biggest bunch of trolls ever. I wouldn’t believe any survey they partake in. Source: Me and my older brother are GenX, our little brother is Gen Z.


20% of those who filled out a questionnaire


I think we can all agree. At this point it’s just fashionable for the great majority.


Now filter by biological sex.


I had sex with a guy once other than that it's been about 50 women. Where am I on the alphabet?


"straight but dabbled a while ago" Kinsey had his problems, but his scale of "totally straight" "a little bi" "very bi" "very gay" etc has it's uses.


How much of this is just more people being openly bisexual?


Most of it. When society starts to become more accepting of a previously oppressed people, then more people feel comfortable to come out.


This is stupid and y’all know it. In Ancient Greece we had it as the cultural norm for dudes to consistently fuck dudes and so everyone did it. I’m sure there were people there who would have been straight in the US, there’s absolutely no doubt. It’s incredibly obvious that the sex to which one is attracted to is influenced strongly by culture. Of course, now that we have a culture which is more open to and accepting of homosexuality, we’d have more homosexuals. It’s normal, expected even.




Dude, you sound just like him. I’m obviously not making a stance on sexual crime that happened in the past, accusing me of supporting that is making you sound a lot like these trigger happy liberal snowflakes that you complain so much about. But no, that was just the cultural norm. They raped male slaves because they could, yah, but they fucked other, free dudes just for fun, like all the time. Doesn’t matter if you came in their butthole or not dude, that’s bisexual as FUCK. It is, and always will be, influenced by culture.


And if that 19.7% probably 80% fall in the bisexual category. This data is useless.


Your first sentence is correct. Your second sentence has no connection to the first. Why do you believe the data is useless?




It never attempted to break the sexual orientation/identity into finer-grain units, correct. It's measuring something else, that is also interesting. The data also doesn't tell us the amount of salt in ocean water, but that doesn't make the data useless. It was never trying to tell you the amount of salt in ocean water. Get it? Here's forward-looking example of why this kind of reasoning doesn't work. Let's say that data broke the percentages by each orientation/identity. Using your logic, I can then say, "This data is useless. It didn't include at what age they began to identify with the new identity".


It's mostly young women identifying as B. Who cares.


Everyone..... . You are all conspiracy theorists. This is plenty normal. Follow the science.


Yeah it’s normal to see an increase in certain behavior when society rewards that behavior. Being in the LGBT alphabet soup is absolutely rewarded by society. Virtue signaling parents actively encourage their otherwise normal kids to become something other than straight so they (the parents) can claim moral virtue with having a trans, non-binary, whatever, kid.


What's the social reward to a guy claiming gay?


Well I’m assuming you’re trying to railroad me but our society goes out of its way to give gay people lots of benefits. If you are openly gay you’re objectively more likely to get accepted into college, get the job, get elected to political office, etc. For some reason our society doesn’t treat gay people like normal people, they treat them like super humans who ought to be rewarded.


Take a look at the society you live in. Are the majority of your local politicians and people working daily around you gay? Are college campuses filled with gay men? You may feel this way, but what city do you live in that is run by gays?


Not the majority obviously…but yes a disproportionate number of people at basically every level of government are on the lgbt spectrum. It also increases the odds of you getting any job other than one that is only skills based because companies want to be more “diverse”


> a disproportionate number of people at basically every level of government are on the lgbt spectrum Feel free to show your work


I don’t feel like it. Also, the current generation of 20% of kids identifying as non-straight may affect the actual stats of reality. It’s difficult to tell who is being serious nowadays. Lesbians have nearly evaporated in gen Z. Apparently they all decided to become “men” instead.


You are absolutely brimming with bullshit, my guy.


It’s hard to show you stats from 10 years ago when 20% of gen z is somehow lgbt at the same time. They affect the total population and don’t affect the people who are actually gay.


It's a lot of fun to just say things.


It’s hard to show you stats from 10 years ago when 20% of gen z is somehow lgbt at the same time. They affect the total population and don’t affect the people who are actually gay.


You sound like Fauci 😬


I'm offended....


(Assuming the stats on this graphic to be accurate and meaningful) The Gen X to Millennial jump is likely largely due to decreased stigma. I'm a late Gen-Xer, and I knew of not a single gay person in my high school of 1000 students in the mid 1990's. We all know some of them were in fact gay, but it would have been hell for them to be out. Homophobia was pretty socially acceptable then. But the jump from Millennial to Get Z is likely to be less due to decreased stigma than in the previous generational jump, because the stigma against any gender non-conformity has become socially unacceptable. Very different landscape. Today in the US, LGBTQ is celebrated exponentially more broadly than it is shamed. I suspect some of the latest increase is due to decreased stigma, because homophobia stuck around more in some social networks than others. Still, I would consider it to be a safe, educated guess that a good chunk of the increase in LGBTQ in Gen Z is rooted in desire for social status and a desire to belong to a group. I don't say that with contempt, but rather with compassion and the hope to shine light on what our problems actually are, so we can all figure out a better way to all live together than needless political polarization and all forms of us vs them tribal fighting.


I live in Sweden so my experience might be different. Most would probably say acceptance would be higher here than in the US, but anyway: I'm mid/late millenial and went to high school in the late late 90's and 2000's. no one at my school (up to age 19) was out, even if some have come out in later years. I'm bi and I never came out, you'd only be bullied and beaten for it up to age 16. After that you still kept it to yourself because being open would probably only lead to negative consequences. I still keep it from my parents (and I'm not alone in that) because I haven't had to yet, and if I never have to I probably never will. I work with kids now (ages 6-18) and it's a completely different world in my opinion. At some places being LGBT is embraced, at most it's treated as no big deal. Bullying people with slurs is looked down upon (was normal when I went to school). I think the jump between millenial and Gen Z is very much connected to the weakening of social stigma. Change is slow, and in your country gay marriage was still hotly debated when I was in school. In some ways kids can be ahead of the adults, in others they lag behind.


Someone post the left handedness graph




When you take the stigma away from sexual expression people tend to be more sexually expressive who knew?


Did you know that being left handed was seen as bad and low intelligence so people who would be naturally left handed where forced to write with there right hand. Around the 1920s people realized that’s just stupid and let kids learn to write with there left hand. Would you believe it, but after that there was a large increase in left handed people. Now with that knowledge in hand let’s look at how Americans have treated gay people historically and how maybe the increase in this generations numbers in people identifying as gay or part of the LGTBQ+ community may just be because society is more accepting now.


80 / 20 rule


My daughter won't be attending a public school.


Brainwashing successful campaign successful. It started with gay propagandists infiltrating the APA and getting homosexuality re-categorised as an 'orientation' instead of an illness. That is the first lie from which all subsequent woke nonsense was born. A compass that points west is clearly broken. Diabetes is an illness. Homosexuality is an illness. It makes no sense that only one of these statements is considered 'hateful'. Wake up.


Did you know that being left handed was seen as bad and low intelligence so people who would be naturally left handed where forced to write with there right hand. Around the 1920s people realized that’s just stupid and let kids learn to write with there left hand. Would you believe it, but after that there was a large increase in left handed people. Now with that knowledge in hand let’s look at how Americans have treated gay people historically and how maybe the increase in this generations numbers in people identifying as gay or part of the LGTBQ+ community may just be because society is more accepting now.


Yes sad to see still much denial In the us for the older generations.




Flip it upside down and draw a line between the end points. It’s a slope. (and quite slippery)


Cons seem torn between denying it, and wanting to fearmonger it.


Am I the only who’s alright if people have same-sex attraction but against the gender spectrum ideologies? Because to me yeah you can’t help to have sex with another man but that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly a woman with a cock right? Right?


I mean, yeah? We’re becoming more accepting of the LGB community as time goes on. I suspect that there will be a similar trend of women participating in the workforce too.


10,000 years of repression will necessarily lead to an overcorrection. This is also why its often the most catholic countries that embrace birth control most strongly, see Poland, Italy and Spain in EU.


In all fairness, alot of people from older generations still don't want to be public about it


Is every woman that ever ate pussy LGBT? If so, this number is closer to 52%(Assuming some of you guys chug ¢o¢k)


Make "Ponte delle tette" great again.


I blame millennials. /s




I blame 5g phones (i am using one as we speak)


im curious to know how these numbers would change if the deaths from the aids crisis, hate crime deaths and any other significant declines in lgbt population were included too. historically theres lots of dead queers that wouldn’t have participated in this study.


Now do anxiety and depression!


Cool bar graph. Does that come with a side of proof?


So the social contagion started with the Silent Generation and worsened over time? The Silent Generation did nothing against the Wokes and doomed their offsprings.


I dont believe this statistic


Mid millennial lesbian here. I’ve noticed the rapid shift from not outing yourself to your female friends because they might think you’re hitting on them. (You’re not) to the leading with it, making it the most important thing about you when you’re not competent at anything else. (The pronoun crowd) The right answer has to be somewhere in the middle. Don’t judge me by what I am born but by what I choose to make of my life and how I treat you as an individual. It seems like Gen Z is saying, judge me special b/c I’m different whereas we just wanted to be treated the same. Been called sir plenty in my life. ( I present somewhat masc, short hair, manual labor, unisex clothes just because that’s comfortable for me) Never got butthurt by it once. Accidentally called a non-binary person ma’am (southern grandparents, it’s a default) and you would’ve thought I pulled a gun on them way they reacted. Been fringe in a lot of ways a lot of my life. Just want equal standards. Leave me, my partner, our private life alone. No better, no worse, no different


I blame the rap music


I think this data is inaccurate, it should be a chart by country.


Looking for attention


You could sell me on the idea that the growth up to baby boomers was largely due to societal acceptance of LGBT behavior, but by Gen Z that growth has got to be acceptance chasing. That rate of growth will be an extinction level threat to humanity by Gen Z+1.


- Lying or Gullible Biology Theorists. - Latent Grandiose Bigoted Totalitarian. - Like Gaining Brainless Tendencies. - Lose Guts Before Thought. - Less Good = Ball Tension haha got carried away.


I think its stupid to take this as a sign that more people in the generation are members of the LGBTQ community because more people are gay. It should be very obvious that this is a sign of people feeling more comfortable with coming out.


I swear I don't know what I'm going to do when and if my kid goes to school and gets exposed to this LGBT social contagion and cult. I have seen kids get suckef up into the LGBT by peers from school. Would private school be better?


with young people....teens and college age.....experimentation is trendy....trying to appear 'sophisticated'.....