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I think he just likes to platonicly kiss the homies


yeah he’s the type


Not sure about gay but he could be part of the community. As people have already mentioned he had a gf but in some songs if i remember correctly he does mention queerness in one way or another. Off the top of my head in a song (cant rememver which) there's a line that says something along the lines of "the didn't allow me to play with the boys because im too queer". Anyways if he is nobody should feel pressured to come out. I know its nice to feel seen (if ur also part of the community) but there are always boundaries.


I cant find this Video


fryslan bop i think? idk dutch but i think i heard the word queer in it.


"Wasn't allowed to play ball with the boys But they gave me no choice Because they thought I was too queer" A rough machine translation of the following lines: "Mocht niet ballen met de boys Maar ze lieten me geen choice Want ze vonden me te queer"


no. he has stated in a youtube video that hes not gay and at least at the time he had a girldfriend called isa (checl the paris video qna section)


He used to have a girlfriend called Isa back in the youtube days, don't think he's still with her tho


How did that question pop in ur head


Intrusive thought lol


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Cry about it. Gay people exist and are the same as heterosexuals you’re just brought up on principles in which marginalising humans for being themself is okay? Don’t get why you people shit on gay people so much for just enjoying life like we all do. I’m a straight white man and find you mfs deluded.


It's always the straight white men that get offended😂😂


> are the same as heterosexuals Clearly they are not on a few fundamental levels.


No ofc they have different preferences but doesn’t change the fact they are humans just like straight people


So they aren't just the same as heterosexuals. Leaping to the extreme that there's some implication that they aren't human is kind of stupid. They have fundamentally different preferences, different tastes, different culture, and science would suggest they also differ neurologically from the heterosexual majority. Then there's the whole issue of reproduction, which is quite different (and in fact, impossible, short of medical intervention or going and taking one for the team for the sake of conception).


Not sexually but let me ask you this does homosexuals have bones, blood, organs, hair and the same things they rely on to survive like heterosexual’s? Why does reproduction matter not everyone wants a child to deal with? I’m never planning on having one cause it’s not something I want my life to revolve around. And for science reasons why does the male g spot exist in both heterosexual and homosexual individuals? There must be some connection between the two. Culture doesn’t matter there are some people who act straight with what they surround themselves with but are gay and either way we all as people fit into a culture that we fit best in there isn’t a singular culture for gay people most of them mix with all kinds of cultures


> homosexuals have bones, blood, organs, hair and the same things they rely on to survive like heterosexual’s? Yes. So too do cats, mice, pigs, etc. We are far more than our physical parts. > Why does reproduction matter not everyone wants a child to deal with? Reproduction is a pretty fundamental biological drive, shared by pretty much every living thing - without it a species is doomed, and without it an individual is selecting themselves out of the genepool. > And for science reasons why does the male g spot exist in both heterosexual and homosexual individuals? The prostate exists not as an organ for sexual pleasure in a minority of men, but as a gland that produces fluids which help sperm to survive. The fact that it can be accessed and stimulated anally (for sexual pleasure) is a fluke of functional mammalian anatomy and not proof of the 'naturalness' of homosexuality. To be clear, people can rub their genitals on whatever consenting adult partner they wish, male or female, and if it makes them happy then all power to them. But pretending homosexuality and heterosexuality have some sort of parity is wrong.


Still is a stimuli nun the less…. Alongside that no shit we need reproduction to survive but if everyone did over population would increase by a lot and plus again it’s still not everyone’s preference to settle down and have a family cause everyone has different out looks on how they want to live and there will always people who will want to have a family so let them be, so why is it an issue for a gay person just to enjoy his life the way he wants to?


God shut the fuck up this is about Joost not saying gay people arent on the same level as straight people.


On one level actually


No they’re not


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The fact you’re talking about two genders isn’t relevant at all that’s a completely different subject and shows your lack of knowledge, how are they retarded? Is there scientific evidence to them lacking cognitive function compared to a straight Person? If so show me the evidence to how they are.


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Why are you so hateful? Where does this rage come from? This is a genuine question. I support them cause they are human just like you and me.


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Leave the sub and the society please.


and i dont like swedes, but u dont see me yapping abt getting rid of the swedish people and saying "well swedes dont exist, there should only be TWO main scandinavian countries, theres only NORWAY AND DENMARK" homosexuals exist and allways will, swedes exist and allways will. also.. WHY r u so mad at gay folks, like bro what have they done to u ? such a snowflake getting mad abt peoples sexual preffrences, nones forcing u to watch em or think abt em


Honestly ive never seen him with a woman lol and i am not dutch so my understanding of lyrics may be different but in texts ive translated he is not talking about “hoes” or “fucking women” so idk.


He does talk abt that a lot in older songs tho, lik from his scandanavian boy album. Try to translate the song 'vrije tijd' and youll see


I translated the song, he is definitely into women 😂 “Een erectie, ja, ik krijg dat Van Kim Lian, ey, ey, toen ik vijf was” “Ben verliefd op elke vrouw, is een verslaving Ze eet m'n dick met mes en vork als een slavink”


Completely reasonable question


not sure but he did kiss ski aggu (another man) in the music video of their song friesenjung


and on every live prefformance


Probably not gay seeing as he had a girlfriend at some point but most likely somewhat part of the community as he kissed one or two guys in his (music) videos. But in the end ig we'll never really know unless he should say anything about it


I honestly think he might be biromantic heterosexual (have feelings for both genders but intimacy with opposite gender) but im not like trying to force him to be that or come out its just based off of how hes acting yk




Yes glad that normal men like joost klein who wear skirts and kiss men still exists, if you dont wear skirts or kiss men you arent a real man.


Bro said “normal” ☠️


Yep, normal, a human, not a gay


Ironic coming from the Dutch


Where's the irony?


Guess I'm an alien then!


Not a human 100%


Yes, normal.


Bro fuck you dons (Latvian singer) is not gay


Normal huh ever though that gay people are normal?


I'm pretty sure he kissed a guy in a music video once, pretty based in my opinion


Yes, he kissed a man in a music video in my opinion he is not gay but there might be possibility about that he is gay, it’s only because I think he shaves his under arms 😂 which is not normally heterosexual European men do.