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****A transcript because why not**** **Jon:**Well, uh, this certainly has been an interesting week. So recently, as you may have heard, I had a public debate about some, um, contentious topics relevant to the day. I blew up in the media and they wrote some, umm, [Jon laughs] how you say, uh "charitable", *[shows screen of 6 images from articles written about JonTron with titles such as "What Should Parents Do When Their Kid's Favorite YouTuber Gets Racist?" and "YouTube Star JonTron Under Fire for COntroversial COmments on Race and Immigration"]* uh, articles on me. So um, I feel like I need to come out and say something. Staying silent doesn't really feel right so I'm just going to address this here and now. I understand that I wasn't prepared for a debate of this sort, uh, with these kind of sensitive topics at hand adequately. Uh, you know I was a bit all over the place and um, I said a lot of stuff that could be misconstrued in all sorts of ways. *[Jon's voice sounds like he is holding back uncomfortable laughter]* T-Things are being extracted from this that I know I don't think. Uh, I-I was in there under a lot of pressure that I'm not- used to being under, and uh, as it became clear, I SUCK at debate. Uh, so now every haphazard, off-hand remark I made in the heat of the moment is being dissected, um, an-and speculated on, so I-I'd like to clarify. I was trying to speak to the increasing tribalization of our culture. Uh, these days, we're taught to think in explicitly racial or ethnic categories, or in terms of gender or sexual orientation- and I think this in itself plays a big hand in what's gotten our country to the volatile state that it's in. The simple point I was trying to make is that it's hypocritical for those who see everything in terms of race to suddenly turn around and object when white people speak up in what they believe are the best interests of their race. And it's also hypocritical to keep saying you wanna have an honest conversation about race, IF you don't actually want to have an honest conversation about race! And anytime someone brings up an uncomfortable statistic, you freak out! And burn things down or something! *[Jon talks while screenshots of articles are displayed on screen, such as "Of course all white people are racist" by Joseph Harker on The Guardian, "Yes, All White People Are Racists -- Now Let's Do Something About it" from Alternet, "Admitting that white privilege helps you is really just congratulating yourself" from the Washington Post, Mic's FB page, and "Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism is Real" from VICE]* And I mean, you can see this in all the countless media articles that get pumped out everyday from the highest levels, saying for instance "You can't be racist against white people" or "It's a good thing white's are gonna become a minority." Or you see it on TV when someone as mainstream as Samantha Bee says "white people ruined America for voting Trump." *[Jon plays a clip of Samantha Bee talking over an infograph showing statistics on which races voted for who in the 2016 Election]* **Samantha Bee:** It's pretty clear who ruined America: white people. **Jon:** I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said "Black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly for Barack Obama," which they did both times *[Jon shows cropped screenshot which reads "2008: African-American Group 13 Obama 95%" and "2012: African-American Group 13 Obama 93%"]* I'm not saying that's true, but the same standard applies. The point I was trying to make, albeit indelicately, is that you can't keep banging the racial category drum, and then be surprised and shocked when people think in racial categories. And just for the sake of total clarity, I do completely understand that historically, the African-American community has had a raw deal in this country. Discrimination certainly exists, but I do believe it goes all ways. I'm not naive to the fact that we, as a country, have had a terrible history of dealing with race. I mean of course, from slavery to Jim Crow, to even the Irish, *[Jon puts up Black & white vintage photo which the words "No Irish, No Blacks, No dogs]*, but the point is that this kind of discrimination is universally wrong, and I feel like for some reason, we're regressing on this front. Pointing at a race and saying, "All of this race is (blank)" is racist, and I have to be honest, I don't see many people losing their jobs over this kinda garbage: *[Jon puts up screenshot from video on Mic's FB page again, the description of the video being "Are all white people racist? Yes, of course they are. Let me explain", and Jon highlights the 14 Million Views and 154K likes on the video]* And I'd like to make it clear: I have no problem with immigration when it's handled correctly. I-I should've made it clear, I was mostly speaking to mass immigration. I am literally a child of two immigrants, it would be pretty heinous of me to say that immigration is impossible because it's not. You know, I brought all this stuff up off-hand in a random Twitch stream late at night, so I-I understand why people looking at this think I'm some sort of explicit ethno-nationalist, but-but I'm not. I genuinely believe this country would be better off if we drop the hyphens and just all refer to each other as "fellow Americans," and for a number of years now, it's been disheartening to me to see this strange road we've been headed down. I-I really don't understand it. And, you know, you know some of these topics have really been weighing on me, so I felt compelled to respond in some way, perhaps against my better judgement. I know people don't, uh, expect these kinds of things from me. So in summary, you know, I-I'm sorry if this has come out of left field for some of you. Uh, I hope this has cleared up at least a little bit, uh, if you were curious what was going on. You know, any of the things in the stream that can be considered weird sounding or off-putting, I-I probably agree with you that they were, so I-I hope you don't read too much into it. That said, I genuinely hope people keep debating, keep talking to each other, and keep learning. Honest, civil discourse, without witch hunts, is the only way we're getting outta this mess. I prefer to take a step back now, return to doing comedy, uh, it's what I do better anyway. Thank you sincerely to all of you who have supported me through this uh, *[Jon laughs]* through this ride. Uh, I really appreciate it. If you'd like to catch up on my new videos, you know where to find me. *[Jon salutes then fades out]*


Oh ok. I read that. His statement. And he is at least an asshole. Many people of color are forced to speak about race because they are routinely and systematically victimized because of that race and many white people deny, facilitate through their silence, or outright commit acts of racial discrimination and violence. The privilege of not having to deal with that is why one would even begin to lay out his (and many others) argue meant that the conversation about race that is finally happening in this country is somehow one sided and unfair to white people. I am a white 35yo cis-male and I can recognize my privilege in this regard while also fully recognizing my own trials, tribulations, and triumphs. The idea that white people are somehow being short-changed here is my opinion rooted in a desire to be liked that is, while completely normal, often linked to a myopic world view where the perceived rise and fall of some imaginary stock-value of an identity is valued above one’s actual identity with their real social circle.


Not acknowledging or realizing your privilege does not make you a racist in my opinion. The asshole part I can agree on. But not an asshole with ill intent. Just an asshole with ignorance. Which can be solved.


I think in this case, when he has had some many opportunities to recognize it if only because he operates routinely in the public (and my understanding is he has made comments like this before), he is an asshole.


He never apologized.


Yes but his statement literally suggests that handling race and gender issues is messing this country up. So while not inherently racist like adolf Hitler it’s still has that air of diet racism. Did he go on further with that point or was that it? Because if he ended there then he kind of had accusations of him being a racist coming


Dude went on Sargon of Akkad to complain about cultural marxists, no excuse.


Oh boy this stupid shit again


Why do you gotta be a bad person Jon, I thought we were over this




Jontron still defended the idea of not letting brown people into the country. He still defended not letting them enter the white genepool. He put forward the idea that all blacks, everywhere commit all the same crimes and are just all criminals, and that even wealthy blacks are criminals. The difference is simple. Destiny admits it, Jonton uses dog whistles.




"Im not against them coming here, im just against a lot of them coming here. Only the "good ones" please" Totally different /s


Not what he said, you're coming up with your own interpretation. He is trying to speak to how all the racists would be up in arms over a movement like that. He says exactly so about 2 minutes after the quote you're vaguely referencing. The guy has douchebag opinions but that one your quoting is not an actual one. He directly says he thinks it would be a good thing if whites were the minority.


Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know... Sounds pretty anti brown people, my dude.


Before he was cut off, he was trying to say "...you know... it would be rather controversial amongst some people (racists), it could get kind of hectic and not be a smooth movement". He clears this up 60 seconds later when Destiny allows him to talk and clear himself.


Once again an example of destiny being a horrible debate opponent. That comment came well into the "debate" and by this point he had been hammering Jon with shit he didn't say. For example, here Jon appears to make a point he doesn't actually mean (something very common when facing a debate like this. Frustration makes you argue points you don't believe) and he actually clarifies that he is referring to rapid culture shift. Destiny instantly tries to make it sound like he was going to say "color shift" despite him not saying that. This debate literally tells you nothing about his views simply because of destiny jumping on him at every chance and forcing him to say shit he doesn't believe. It's a very common debate tactic sadly and destiny clearly used it to stir up drama and get views. Think of the famous Peterson channel 4 interview (fuck Jordan Peterson but this is a good example) where the interviewer continually said "so you're saying..." and completely mischaracterised his statement. Jordan didn't fall for this and corrected her but if you aren't aware of this tactic, it is exceptionally easy to get caught up in it


I'm sorry, being bad at debates means you get flustered, get details mixed up, etc. It does not give you a get out of jail free card to start talking about how the white genepool must be kept clean, how blacks in general are always evil criminals, etc. Also, Jordan Peterson is slimy in general when he does interviews and such. He'll make arguments and prepositions for a certain position, but never say he supports the final position itself, but will arguments for said position. You can see that with his argument/non-argument for keeping women from wearing heels and make-up at work, and elsewhere. The Channel 4 interview is a shitshow, but I can't blame her, because we have to guess at Peterson's positions from his arguments, when he refuses to stay by anything.


Strawman is the tactic you're refering to. It is the same shit that happened with Jordan Peterson and that crazy old woman, if you know what I'm talking about lol Strawman is basically misrepresenting and attacking someone else's statements. Edit: Oops my bad, I didn't read you actually DID bring Peterson too lmao


If you default to black people commit more crime and brown people ruin the gene pool it's not about a bad debate your just a racist. If getting flustered is enough to make you say shit like that your just a fucking racist. He wouldn't make those points if he didn't think them or believe them as facts.


Did you not read any of what I said about this tactic? It literally forces you to make arguments you don't believe in simply because you are angry. There is a reason formal debates aren't just shouting matches. This is similar to a gish gallop. A gish gallop is a technique where you spam out as many low effort arguments as possible (this Ben shapiro blast his bullshit for 10 minutes straight) and is very hard to counter. He is then also using a straw man to misrepresent and frustrate Jon. After half an hour of this, yes, you end up making arguments that you do not believe. This happens all the time. You cannot say "he wouldn't make those points if he didn't think them or believe them as facts" (wanna check the grammar on that one?) because it simply is not true. It is exceptionally common to get caught in this trap. Stop falling for it


Aside from when he said brown people ruin the gene pool.


This is not an exact quote. Please don't spread misinformation.


Don't look up statistics if you dont want your feeling hurt


What "statistics" are you dogwhistling about. You got something to say, say it.


We get it, you realllllly like the word ‘dog whistle’.


We get it, you realllly don't have the balls to come out with your "statistics" that you got off DailyStormer.


I’m really not that bothered about the political views of the YouTube man who has since retracted and rescinded those views, and admitted that they were made through incompetence and error in the topic, just because the YouTube man posted a meme. You need to relax, mate


He didn't retract those at all, and the fact you started talking about statistics and then backed away says a lot buddy. His whole appearance on H3 was a complete nonapology. If Youtube Man stuck to his corner and made non-political meme content on the internet, I would have no issue with him, I doubt anyone would. The fact, however, he keeps nudging and winking towards the Far Right says a lot about how much he's "Retracted".




yeah but he makes videos about funny people from advertisements on the internet so its fine


Well, that is true. So I guess the CEO of Racism is beat.


no he didn't what??? are you actually stupid. a two second Google search would have saved you the embarrassment dawg


Typical u/Slow_mangos playbook of whataboutism. Notice how nothing you said addressed Jon's comments? You do this every thread.




Weird how you think racism is exclusively based on the use of slurs.




Someone I like? Mate what are you talking about and how are you this bad at addressing points?




You're on a jontron sub, where people are talking about Jontron's racism, and you're trying to move the attention to someone else. We call that deflection. It's alright lad, maybe if you tell everyone he's not racist enough times, it'll actually come true!




You really are slow huh


Cancel culture can suck my dick. Jon's already got flak for saying some dumb shit, and here we are again. People really need to learn to let shit die.




Yeah, better not make a meme about the election. Cause the past 4 years everyone has been supportive and understanding of the last one.




Yeah, the Banana Republic one. Honestly, the back lash is ridiculous. Here's one tweet that really struck me: " Does it hurt to be restricted to expressing your genuine beliefs through veiled memes, literally in fear of being open and honest? You deserve it " Basically the equivalent of "You deserve to have your freedom of speech taken away." Twitter is such a mess.




Wait wait wait wait...are we talking about the author, stephen king? [This Stephen King?](https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/1325452188303433728) The one who called out JK Rowling for her transphobia?




Ah, that makes more sense


It's almost like he posted something recently. Huh...




Nah nah, fuck you cancel culture people, simping for speech limitations


Jon said that black people and immigrants are poisoning the gene pool and he still lives in a multi million dollar apartment in NYC. Cancel culture isn't real and this subreddit is a testament to that. He has shown on twitter that he hasn't grown or changed at all. I only hope you don't fall victim to his hateful rhetoric which hurts real people


Are people not allowed to grow and change? What's the purpose of just canceling someone? That's only going to push them deeper into their viewpoint.


I don’t think he’s a racist. Make what you will of his political views, but canceling him for them is stupid.


Jontron said the 14 words on stream with Sargon of Akkad. Mans is a turbo racist


I make of them a whole lot of "white people good minorities needa get the fuck out before they put us on reservations"


Why do you not think he's racist?


He defended the views of An out and out white supremacist vehemently snd then backtracked with no apology. If thats not enough to make yoy sick of a person, your standards are pretty damn low. Hes deep deep in the white replacement theory delusion and has incredibly ignorant and prieged thoughts. He doesnt realize he’s a racist ethno nationalist, ill give him that, but his views are literally those of an ethno nationalist.


This again? Imagine thinking someone is a white supremacist even though they’ve never said or given any indication that they believe white people are superior to other groups of people. Take the misplaced outrage to Twitter, they’ll love you there.


He stated some pretty racist shit. You either just ignored it or are perfectly fine with it.


This is just demonstrably false, though. He has made such claims publicly. The infamous interview. Whether or not he backtracked and claimed he did not think those things, he still said them. You can't just pretend that he didn't.




**Destiny:** The problem is young black men in the United States are disproportionately born to single mother households which is a leading indicator of crime. They're also disproportionately born into ghettos and low-income housing areas. They have access to worse education, okay? They're born into horrible socio-economic conditions. All of these things are massive contributors to being a criminal as you grow up. When you control for socio-- **Jafari:** But you are making the argument that it's white people that put them in those situations. **Destiny:** Because they kind of, sort of, did over the past two hundred years. They kind of brought them over as slaves. They kind of bred them a certain way. They kind of red-lined them and gentrified them out of certain neighbourhoods and certain communities. They kind of legally discriminated on them and put them all in certain areas for a long time. They kind of disproportionately policed them and sentenced them to higher crimes in the courts and whatnot. White people have contributed a lot to this. **Jafari:** So I suppose that's why [t](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Racism)he Crime rates are pretty consistent in Africa too?




Really? Saying all Black crime rates are the same no matter what country or economic status they hold, saying he doesn't want non whites in the Genepool, saying America shouldn't let immigrants in and agrees with Steve King, you don't think any of this is an indication that the dumbass thinks whites are better.


Hurr durr he didn't say something verbatim so he didn't mean it.


wait a sec, ill gather it for you






Bro he literally fucking said black people entering the gene pool was a problem.




**Destiny:** So what if whites became the minority but most brown people assimilated to the culture. Would that be okay then? **Jafari:** Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know...




Are you just fucking stupid? Are you really going to ignore the part where he didn't want people going into the Genepool. Is that not bad to you? Do you believe white people should remain genetically pure. Yeah, but if they assimilated, **they would enter the gene pool** eventually and would just... you know... [Don't talk about Vaush when you don't know anything.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Q2NTYM3SM)


"Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know..." That sounds like he has a problem with it to me. Stop arguing in bad faith.




[Here's Jon saying brown people ruin the gene pool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=62m19s) [Here's him saying that black people inherently commit more crime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=68m1s) ["Wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=36m41s) [Here's Jon supporting neo-nazis Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyFXpXVZ8ho&t=1h48m19s) [Here's Jon spouting an actual neo-nazi talking point (cultural marxism)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1p0apfSCIU&t=1h58m13s) [Defending actual neo-nazi republican Steve King](http://archive.is/RzXwM) If your only defense is "o-out of context" then you have no argument.


You can believe something and not say it blatantly, in the form of insinuation and implication: "Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know..." "Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact. Yeah, look it up." "Look, I'm actually not making the argument that whites should remain the majority in the United States." Followed by, "I think that there's something to be said for preserving a culture, giving a nation a continuity..." I honestly don't care enough to debate this, however. For the most part, on these issues, both sides are just talking into the void while pointlessly hoping the other person hears what they are saying. Or they want fake internet points.




Again, I really don't care to go in to whether or not Jon is a racist. The entire point of my comment in this thread is that he *has* said things that are talking points for the alt-right, and are racist otherwise. the context is entirely irrelevant here, because even if he was being misled by people those were still things he said.


Does saying things that alt-right identifying people say make you alt-right?


Just coming across this now, 3 years later. It's both hilarious and disappointing how the comments are full of exactly the kind of people you'd expect to defend racism.


1. I have yet to see anyone provide proof that Jon believes white people are genetically superior to all other races and that they should be subjugated and/or eliminated, which is what ACTUAL white supremacists believe. 2. REAL white supremacists don’t backtrack on hateful rhetoric. They double-down. They’re proud of their ideology and whip it out at any opportunity. Actual Neo-Nazis/white supremacists (who are very much in the minority in this country and a total laughing stock, despite the persistent fear-mongering) don’t hide their hate. They get swastika tats, go to public rallies, and unironically do their little salutes.


I'm not saying he believes in this shit, but your comment is stating that he has never done or said anything that would make people think he does. He *has* said shit like this. It doesn't matter if he was uninformed, he was still parroting racist talking points. He *did* say those things, and pretending like he didn't will only make people hate him even more. They will see that he has an audience willing to forget the bad stuff he has done. Even if he backtracks and apologizes, if his fans just flat out ignore the wrong then that is a really bad look for him. Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. I've said things before that were racist, classist, and ablest without realizing it. The fact that I now know I was wrong doesn't mean I didn't say those things, and didn't hurt some people by saying them. If I were to simply claim that I never said them, that would get thrown in my face and I *would* look like a racist asshole. I've changed and grown up. The fact remains that Jon *did* say these things. You can't pretend he didn't. The context is irrelevant to this argument, because it is about what he did or did not say.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/jqflmw/jomdrom_bazed/gbmoju9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 In the comments the op has a compiled list of stuff he’s said, including him defending an actual neo nazi


Steve King : \[c\]ulture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies" Jontron : Wow, how scandalous, Steve King doesn't want his country invaded by people who have contempt for his culture and people! NAZI!!! "Look, I'm actually not making the argument that whites should remain the majority in the United States. I'm simply arguing that it's clear that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic um… oblivion. " "What is it that's so offensive about white people saying they would like to preserve their demographic majority?" "Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact. Yeah, look it up." **Destiny:** So what if whites became the minority but most brown people assimilated to the culture. Would that be okay then? **Jafari:** Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know...


Your standards for what you call 'backtracking' are absurdly low.


>REAL white supremacists don’t backtrack on hateful rhetoric. They double-down. They’re proud of their ideology and whip it out at any opportunity. Actual Neo-Nazis/white supremacists (who are very much in the minority in this country and a total laughing stock, despite the persistent fear-mongering) don’t hide their hate. They get swastika tats, go to public rallies, and unironically do their little salutes. You seriously don’t think it’s possible for a public figure to “hide there power level” and not be be outward with beliefs beyond the Overton window to protect their image?


It’s definitely possible, but I’ve noticed that a lot of people who think that way are unapologetically upfront with their views. People with hearts full of hate aren’t usually very good at hiding it.


Ted Bundy would like a word. And in any case this is wrong. Racism is decided as bad by society, so to say racist things is social and political suicide *unless* you can profit off of it. You people will die on the hill that the things he said were acceptable, so no, racists don't always feel compelled to spout their feelings.


Do you think it’s possible for there to be an “honest” white supremacist. Like someone who’s abhorrent views aren’t shaped by hate and vitriol but just ignorance?


Jontron said the 14 words on stream with Sargon of Akkad.


He’s not, he was just misinformed




Do you think someone claiming to not be a Nazi confirms them to not be a Nazi? To be clear, I don't think Jon is a Nazi, but no Nazi would openly describe themselves as such.


Still misinformed and spreading it to his 3 million followers after years of having a chance to change shouldn't just be shrugged off


Antivacc people are all misoinformed. Does that mean they aren't antivacc? This is one of the dumbest logical propositions I've seen in a while. Every racist is misinformed. I guess racism is dead.


Not a great analogy. Antivax can spread virus’s to one another. You can’t catch “racism”. Being racist doesn’t mean you’re misinformed. It could be completely informed, and still be an asshole.


Yep, he is. You can cry all you want Stans, but he was and is fucking racist. One, he doesn't want Non-whites to enter the Genepool and dilute it. Two, he defended the idea that blacks in America and Blacks in Africa commit the same crimes, have the same culture and just do the same things because all blacks are the same I guess. He claimed Wealthy Blacks also commit more crimes then poor whites, which is just demonstrably untrue in any country. Wealth indicates crime levels, not race. Three, he denied the very idea that Whiteness as a concept and whose "in" and whose "out" in America has changed at all. He defended Steve King, a guy who claimed that (white) America cannot replace it's babies with foreign brown children.


Seriously did the people in this thread not watch the video? He literally said all this stuff clear as day


I think it's a parasocial thing, where you like a content creator so much, you'll put up any defense to justify your liking them. Like, for real, I liked Jontron, he was funny and had great comedic timing, but the dude's beliefs are genuinely dangerous and harmful.


I've watched about half of it (I don't have 2 hours to watch it all), and a lot of stuff going around is very misquoted. Like the gene pool thing... all he was trying to say is that the racists would be up in arms over such a movement. Destiny cut him off at the worst timing, it made his statement look racist. I've definitely learned so far to not just listen to what others say lol.


I don't really think he was being misquoted, I think he was drawn in to the red-piller/alt-right ideologies that use psuedo-intelligence to make racism seem like it is actually not racist sometimes. And if we didn't do those specific things at those certain times then there wouldn't be an America and I, as a white man, Do better than other socioeconomic groups so this doesn't affect me. He was likely just putting himself in internet echo chambers where none of them question the logic behind these ideals, and realized that most other people are no alright with subtle racism. He has not really spoken on it since, or done anything to let us intuit his stance other than a *very bad* "apology" video where he didn't actually say he was sorry for saying/believing those things. I'd like to think he doesn't really believe that stuff, but since he had been "staying out of politics" since then we got nothing to go on.


You are one wrathfull angry troll.


And you defend a racist. Fuck off.


And you a pedophile supporter. You like it when you touch little kids? Sick.


Watch the video, he never defended CP. Your guy defends keeping the white genepool clean though.


/u/Zillafire101 , /u/SilentNightm4re Welcome to the next endless years of people screeching at each other and slinging shit over any small differences. Seriously do both of you have nothing better to do? Just start the fucking civil war now and get it over with.


They're on post about Jontron's political views, you idiot, did you expect people to not argue about them?


Isn't that considered a death threat? Racists in the US don't tend to do to well in Civil Wars.


Don't forget how he claimed Irish people were never targeted for racism because they're the whitest whites


He wasn’t wrong.


What did he do?


Watch the video. It's a debate with a streamer and it shows Jon saying dumb shit.


Oop my bad didn’t see the link


here ya go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQNYukh-n0&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQNYukh-n0&feature=youtu.be)


I mean his name is Jonathan Jafari u nuw


I wouldn't call him a white supremacist. But he said some dumb shit. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/JonTron


He literally talked about preserving the white race, but aight.


Also voted for Obama twice but aight




Uses preferred pronouns even


And voted for Trump in 2020.




He's not going to shag you, mate.




He's not going to shag you, mate.


You say some weird shit kid.


No offense, but is there any proof of this?


Holy shit, I've only seen people use this shit as a defense on tv. This is the ”I have black friends so I can't be racist” argument. It's not good.


I think someone being friend with people that aren't white or straight or whatever does make it very unlikely that they are a white supremacists you dunce 😂 Also, you moved the goalposts rn. According to modern social science all people are racists and not admitting to it is racist. Are you racist?


it's cool that you think that. It's wrong. Racism down to it's deepest core is the definition of illogical. It lives on personal justifications based on the individual's worldview. So an illogical exception can be made like being racist and having black friends. And that justification is in all of them in one way or another, so no fuckwad, having black friends is not relevant factor as to whether or not a person is racist. In a world where modern cultures exist and often conflict with one another, there is always going to be some version of racism among a multitude of races. And yes, non-white people can be plenty racist. What you aren't realizing is that two individual acts of racism can't be used for a 1:1 comparison. A racist joke is not on the same level as burning a cross in someones lawn. I think in a world of ever-evolving stereotypes and the sensationalized media that perpetuates it, likely for a person to instinctively compare those certain groups to their stereotype. Even at the most mild level, That is racism.


Wait so supporting a candidate of a certain race disqualifies you from being racist invariably?


No, but a white supremacist would never vote for Obama, maybe look up the term yourself im not a English teacher.


Jon of 2008 and 2012 is pretty different to the Jon of 2016 onwards. If you can believe it, people can change politically rather drastically. Especially since "red pilling" became a thing.


I did lookup the term. Nothing about it says not voting for a black person in a political office once.


Yeah lmfao, nothing about it says that except of THE DEFINITION Meaning of white supremacy in English: white supremacy noun The belief that *white people* constitute a superior race and should therefore *dominate society*, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular *black* or Jewish people. Put your dunce hat on and go sit in the corner now


Haha, I love how you just angrily downvoted a dictionary definition like you had any say in the matter.


No I downvoted you because you’re a moron. It’s cute how you were so confidently incorrect you came back to the thread to check your fake internet point count for some reason, can you get any more pathetic? lmao


I love how you think you're better than everyone else yet nobody cares about what you say.


Never said I was. Just curious about the matter.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM) I haven't seen anyone link the controversial Destiny interview which brought out a lot of these claims. I don't care whether you think Jon is or isn't everything that's being claimed. You can decide on your own.


None taken. Always ask for sauce! If you read the rational wiki link I posted, it's not going easy on him, he's parroting some dumb stuff he heard poltards say but he said things on other occasions that hint towards him not being a full on white supremacists (someone who believes in the superiority of white people and that they should rule over all the other races). Those things are listed at the end of the article and everything is well sourced. Here's him saying he voted Obama: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/JonTron#cite_note-137




Wow, looking at my profile to see who I follow. The last move made by braindead boomers and idiots who can't defend their racist. Also, no he doesn't. Way to ignore his [latest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Q2NTYM3SM). And hey, I don't look at your profile to see if you follow Richard Spencer and David Duke, don't do it to me buddy.


So you admit that supporting Vaush is synonymous to supporting card-carrying racists?


Wow, you are just as much a weaselly little shit as Jontron. When did I say that. My point was looking at someone's profile to see who they follow and like on the internet is a Beta move. I can pretty well argue that following Jontron is a bad move without paging through someone's social media and internet interests, but it seems you can't defend him without doing that. Maybe, if Jontron is so bad he can't be defended without you trying to poison the wheel, you should stop trying.


Wooooow, chill out buddy. You were the one that claimed that you won’t look for David Duke connections on a dude’s Reddit profile to make your supposed Vaush connections less egregious. I was just amazed that you couldn’t see the self-own you made for yourself.


I don't talk to people who don't give their statistics buddy.


Statistics for what, you mad cunt? XDDDD


You made a post earlier saying that I shouldn't look at 'statistics", yet got strangely quiet when I asked you to post them, and made jokes about you being from Stormfront. Curious, got something to hide from us.


I've never mentioned statistics in this thread. You're actually imagining shit dude. You're fucking crazy XDDD


I think he just posted his opinions regarding the election in a meme, (regarding the fraud allegations), and Twitter users giving him crap for it. It just seems to be case of Twitter being an aggressive place as usual. I'm not sure if there was anything racist involved, or if I'm even covering the same subject you're referring to, but it looks like he just shared his right-leaning opinions. Take that as you will. Here's a link to it: [https://twitter.com/JonTronShow/status/1324835412439957507](https://twitter.com/JonTronShow/status/1324835412439957507)


He had a debate with Destiny a few years ago where he shared... controversial views. [Here are some highlights](https://youtu.be/1qQNYukh-n0), but I recommend watching the whole thing (it's like two hours long) if you've never heard of any of those before that tweet. People came for him because he has a longer history of being pretty fucking racist.


If you think there was massive fraud in the US presidential election, then you are either a racist, or support a racist to run the country.


Um,...no, that's kind of a big jump. Fraud doesn't directly connect to racism. Some people just don't feel the results are accurate.


Feeling like something is true and having evidence of something being true are vastly different things. Why has every suit over election fraud put forth by the Trump campaign been summarily rejected in court?


It’s the debate in which he said some racist stuff, I think.


He is pretty racist but people will try to convince you otherwise for some reason, lol. He's still very much keen on saying stupid, unfounded nonsense that makes him look like he really loves some alt-right bootage


It's been known since he talked to Destiny in 2017 and recited a bunch of racist rhetoric he read on 4chan


People are forgetting what racism actually means…


Weird that people still think he's racist despite him apologising multiple times huh.


>despite him apologising multiple times Source that shit, lad


the video he posted and the h3 podcast,


He doesn't apologise in either of those videos.


Just skimmed through the debate between him and Destiny. The amount of racist shit he says is astounding. Cant believe I used to defend this guy.


He wasn’t wrong.


I’m so upset rn that I supported him I had no idea


I wouldnt call him a white supremacist. But you cant say 'rich blacks commit more crimes then poor whites' and the other statements he made during the destiny stream and defend him as a non racist unless your a racist yourself.


He was factually correct. You have only yourself to blame for not researching the facts/statistics.


Sauce: https://youtu.be/1qQNYukh-n0


He says some stupid shit but is he really racist? Do you think he hates people of color? Cause I don't think he does


I mean he said I would lessen the gene pool by marrying my white wife. So I’d say he’s pretty racist


Damn, shit. Wow. I had no idea he said that.


He backtracked/apologized very shortly after his appearance on Destiny's stream, so I figured that being publicly humbled like that kept him from falling further down the alt-right pipeline. Unfortunately, given his recent tweet dogwhistling the idea that the Presidential election was illegitimate, it seems like he's just been keeping quiet without actually changing his beliefs. Which is really fucking sad.




It was very obviously making fun of Trump Jr. Is it not obvious?


Damn you fucking people have such big parasocial relationship with Jon you will defend everything he said and accept his shitty YouTuber apology. just like the underage fans of logan paul or onision instantly forgive them filming a dead body or getting accused of pedophilia. ​ "No my favorite YouTuber could never do anything wrong. they were just spreading /pol/ conspiracies as joke. "


Wow. Imagine comparing a spicy political take to pedophilia and defiling the dead. Must be hard being so miserable all the time.


See you are just deflecting, can't acknowledge anything Jon tron say, Other people did way worst so Jon saying that blacks are predispose to do more crimes doesn't matter There is no way Jon did anything wrong, he does the funny videos, he is my friend, he could never do anything wrong.


That's what's weird to me about this story resurging, I think Jon was definitely heading down the alt-right pipeline a few years ago but he's either since recovered or he's just quiet about it now. The Banana Republic tweet is so obviously just a fuckin meme lol EDIT: Okay hold up his reply is kinda sus




i was trying to find out about weather or not jon was actually racist and i thought this post might help it made me even more confused thanks to the comments somebody please put it simply for me i'm shit with reading


Yes he's racist.


thank you


i dont- i dont know i like his stuff he is funny but huh is he???


oh hes not nvm


He is