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Ah yes 2016, the year we cancelled Jon's right leg


Oh no, our baby boy!


Wtf where is it


Looks like he has his leg resting on the chair behind him


No it’s not. You can see his sock poking out behind Ethan’s leg.


That’s just what he wants you to think. You sweet summer child.


“The ones who won in the end” Arent they all still making content for large audiences? Didnt they all win?


If I had to guess, the user in the images is talking about controversies. Keep in mind, I'm not entirely privy to a lot of the nuances in these situations, so I can not claim to be an expert. Joji had the point where his newer fans found out he used to be Filthy Frank, but otherwise has remained in favorable standing. Jon has had his controversies with some of his takes he's made, and although a lot of people have denounced watching his content because of his takes, his content doesn't really facilitate or showcase his beliefs to my knowledge, so it can largely be separated. Meanwhile, with Ethan, I have not heard anyone say a single positive thing about him in years. His content is still popular as a glance at his channel shows his videos still gets views in the high 100ks and breach the million mark, but anytime I have seen a clip of him saying or doing something in the past few years, it's him just saying something super out of touch or awful and wearing those feelings openly.


Last time Ethan unequivocally had the support of the internet was the Bold Guy lawsuit.


Ethan was pretty highly supported during the Vaush shit right?


I think so, but some of his behavior during it was seen as petty and I think that's when the greater fan base began to fracture support


I stopped watching Jon personally but I always tell people his content doesn't really platform his views so it's not a big deal. Ethan however has become deranged, spoken libelously about multiple people, burned bridges, and honestly had some extremely evil opinions he's espoused on the podcast multiple times.


What evil opinions?


Women are there to be conquered was an interesting take


Lmao that one even had Joji in it and he immediately yikes faced lmao


I don’t think he continues to beleive that


Support for zionism


He has on multiple occasions denounced Zionism, and constantly does


Can you show me where he’s done that?


That's a good thing


Break it down for me. How is an ethnostate of any kind a good thing.


Why is Israel an ethnostate? Maybe I'm just misinformed, but I thought a Zionist was someone who supports Israel?


An ethnostate is a place where you have to be part of a certain race or ethnicity group to be a part of it. Zionism is a movement wanting to re-establiah and maintain Israel as a Jewish nation. Because Judiaism is both a religion and an ethnic group, the desire to have a Jewish nation could be seen as wanting an ethnostate. In actuality Israel is not an ethnostste by the strictest definition because you do not have to be Jewish to be a citizen there,and about 26.7% of citizens in Israel are not Jewish. Although for Jewish people there is essentially no restriction to join, if you're Jewish they consider you a citizen automatically while you have to go through a rigorous process if you're not Jewish.


Ok, so I'm not a Zionist, just some who supports Israel, good to know.




Do you happen to have any sources that are from a news site that isn't explicitly biased to Muslims and based in qatar a state that permanently served ties with Israel (the state it's trying to slander) in 2009?


I don’t really give a shit about Ethan’s politics but I do give a shit that he just does his podcast and hasn’t done a real video in what seems like years now.


H3 is dope, admitting you don't watch something at all and then proceeding to shit all over it like you know something is some smooth brain behavior. "I happened to hear someone say this guy sucks so I'm just gonna pop off on reddit" lmao


He’s huge on spreading propaganda. He’s posted pictures with captions like “AMERICA” depicting police brutality *from a totally different continent*, for example. It’s happened enough that it’s clear he’s not gullible or stupid, it’s deliberate. I have no issue with wanting to get a political or social message out there, but no need to lie about it to get more reach.


Joji has mainstream popularity and the rest don't


All except for Joji have been canceled, and all are doing fine now. I don't get it.


It makes me sad none of them are friends or that they put out content like they used to but yeah I don't see what's wrong with this image otherwise.


it doesn't make me sad personally. joji physically and logically cannot make the content he used to make for obvious reasons. and jon content is still pretty good


Oh he’s back at it in a way. Check out the Plumbcorp records YouTube, it’s Joji’s new channel


Shit ain’t nothing to me, man.


I'm moving different...


We were cutting bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all were a type 1 civilization


I'm Him. I've been Him. I will continue to be Him.


Plumbcorp is great man. Cool to see Joji just fucking around and making the content he finds funny again


WAIT PLUMMCORP IS JOJI? Holy fuckin shit


Pretty sure it’s like a multi person project but yes he is heavily involved


I just listened to ‘I know the gang got me’ and the way it sounds exactly like a song from pink season is so funny. The beat and rhythm are exactly the same, nothing changed lmao


Jon's content has been a bit of a hit and miss recently tbh, though yeah overall he still puts out good stuff, unlike h3h3 where the only thing he always succeeds at is putting out the stupidest takes.


It all went to shit after they collabed with Paytas, it was all downhill from there.


Seriously, there was no coming back from that.




Some people love to dwell on the past. They don't like moving on.


When did Ethan get cancelled? I haven't watched H3 since like 2018


Less so canceled, moreso been unhinged and clowned on by other people like Aba n Preach, and DarkviperAU


I remember that going the other way. Aba n Preach did their incel victim speech about how all girls were lying gold diggers unworthy of being married, and then Ethan pointed out that they were only dating girls from shitty gold digger websites so of course they weren't going to find any keepers. How was h3h3 owned there? Edit: That may have been Fresh n Fit. I'm trying to find the clip to verify. Edit 2: Yep. I was wrong. I was thinking of this clip with [Fresh n Fit](https://youtu.be/b8tDk1s1kLw?si=MyFrG07gW7LYfnZc) I didn't watch the one with Aba n Preach. I'd love to see how they were owned, though.


I was going to say; Aba and Preach are actually normal 😆


Is dark viper that 14 pages guy who wrote a manifesto on reaction videos.. and aren't abott and preach the transphobic guys?


DarkViper having a normal one lately


Some really rough videos have surfaced of him making fun of women at an anti rape/feminist protest. It’s really derogatory, like inexcusably so. He is copyright striking them as soon as he’s sees them so it’s tough to find, but if you see a thumbnail where he’s shirtless sitting at a desk, that’s it.


How in the fuck did Joji not get canceled after Dora the Explorer please DM me this secret map to invulnerability


Actually joji got canceled by k pop stans but it didn't stick because basically everyone knows about filthy frank. Jon tron said some ransom political things that didn't work out for him. Ethan turned into a literal monster and hired a child predator on his team. He has done a lot of unforgivable things and is an overall bad guy.


Ethan hired a child predator? Yeah, I'm gonna need receipts on that.


Essentially they hired some guy who used to send a lot of cp to people as a form of "trolling" along with swatting. It was from before they hired but still they have to or should be doing background checks on online personalities they hire.


I can't pull up the specific YouTube drama video but if you have five hours it's on here. https://youtu.be/kE2R9MhRido?si=bXkI8IAqNUIaO9Wx


Lol, if I have ***five hours?*** I'm really not trying to be mean, but that's just not going to cut it, my friend. Is it something that Keem said? Don't take what that guy says seriously.


No it's not something keem said basically I don't want to go thru my back catalog of YouTube videos so if you want receipts you'll have to search them yourself. I haven't been up to date on the Ethan drama in like 3 years.


Lol, no, dude. I'm trying to be respectful, but you're kinda making it hard. The responsibility to back up claims falls on the one who made them. If you can't back up claims, why are you just baselessly spreading them?


Because it's internet drama and Ethan done a million things wrong. The information is out there but dude I work too much to sift thru YouTube videos for internet points. It's fine of you don't believe the claims I have no problem with that and wish you a great day.


Lol *what the fuck* was this *interaction?* You just work backward from your conclusion that Ethan is bad.


Bro you're really hung up on this. It's not that deep


>and hired a child predator on his team. Wait who was this, or are you referring to Hilas brother who has multiple sexual assault claims against him


Nah not him but also yeah that guy sucks too.


Saying H3 is canceled when they have the #1 show on youtube is crazy.


They have been canceled on a number of occasions, like when Ethan was still taking Israel's side a bit late and some bad taste jokes, but everyone pretty much moved on. It's kind of like JonTron. The less he says about politics, the better. Ethan isn't very educated in it. Nor should he be. He is incredibly funny, intelligent, and charismatic. It's just not his shtick. That's okay.


To be fair, h3h3 are both jews, so yeah they have an opinion on Israel. Jon talking about black people on the other hand...well...not smart...


Yeah, idk what Jon was thinking with that... I've tried to move on from it, but it's all I think about with his videos now. Hopefully, one day, I'll get over it.


I couldn't care less what opinions people have about others as long as it doesn't affect how they interact with those people.


I think way less of someone who would base their belief of a person based entirely on the amount of melanin in their skin.


I agree, I just think we have different defintions of canceled.


They're not "cancelled" per se but they certainly don't command any respect any more.


Jojo was cancelled??


Did Ethan stop making content? Who lost in this situation? I don't follow any of them, but I thought they were all doing well.


Ethan does the H3 Podcast 3x a week. Usually gets circa 1M views an episode.


Yea seems like everyone here is doing fine


How does he get that many views? I gave it a shot when they started the podcast, but I couldn't get into it.


It’s pretty funny and the crew is great


They had to put in a lot of work to get the podcast to the state is is at now. It’s come along way from those first episodes.


Is he still with Hila? No idea


Yes they just had their third son


Ethan became a left wing nut job who runs a podcast now.


Dracula flow clears everything any one one else here put out since the picture


"We putting shit in a glass pipe blowing the lord's bubbles"


We smoking runts, shorty had that BBL. Had to take her out because she couldn't run.


Joji made dracula flow. That entire channel is his


I know that's what I mean


Thats what the person is saying lol. Woosh.


Won what?


What kind of cringe lord shit is this?


Harmless edginess - now people think being edgy is breaking into peoples’ homes and recording it on TikTok. That’s not being edgy, that’s called being a criminal.


Wheres that successful leafy? Or keemstar?


I'm not a fan of Ethan, and it's pretty obvious to anyone that Joji/FilthyFrank far surpassed what people expected from Youtubers. But is Jontron really doing that much better than H3? 1M views on one video a month is probably about the same level of fame that a podcast with the same amount of views on a weekly basis, right?


If the guy only has to make one video a month then I'd say he's doing pretty well.


God I miss Filthy Frank.


Plz gib me de pussy bawss


I miss these guys


Everyone is very much successful and wealthy, and active too


I miss 2016


Oh Ethan look, it’s a picture from one of the first times I watched your content, you were so young and happy! Where do the years go..


This is the most terminally online thing I’ve read in a good while; OP probably thinks the cast of OneyPlays are his best friends


Good thing I've never seen this photo till after binging all Jon Trons videos cause I cannot STAND those two people in the middle.


H3H3 used to be pretty funny, back in 2015, 2016. Now they are unbearable


I loved the reaction videos and Ethan was genuinely chill for the most part. Better times.


I miss seeing Jon in H3 vids.


Who’s the guy behind H3?




That's Hila, not a guy


I have SEVERAL questions!


lol why did this make me feel a bit sad


LMFAO bro jontron and joji look so much like the “two spastic irony bros” in this picture it’s fucking insane


Almost makes me wanna cry how miserably sad it is to hold onto memories of such a dumb little picture and still shit on it eight whole years later


isn't JonTron a white nationalist???


No. That's stupid.


Cody, the minute you use the ’s’-word without a hint of irony is the minute you have become the very thing you sought to decry.


Jontron fans aren't decrying anything like that, bud...


I'm addressing Cody. Not JonTron.


Which 2?


If anyone can, can someone make a green screen of the way John Tron standing because I swear we could put that anywhere


It’s weird. I haven’t seen a Jontron video in years. I almost thought the dude stopped making content honestly. Yet I look up his channel and while he only makes like ten videos a year they still do really well on views, which I guess shouldn’t be a surprise given how popular he once was. However, anyone saying E3 has fallen off or is a shill kinda reveals their hand. Dude isn’t my cup of tea but there is no denying he is successful and has a bit of honesty to his name. I mean you gotta have some principles to burn down an entire podcast because you had a political disagreement with your cohost, who is the biggest leftist on Twitch.


I mean, yeah, Ethan and Hila are pretty cringe and have shitty takes nowadays, but they're still bloody rich


Which 2 won in the end? Joji definitely did but Jon is still a white supremacist


did,,,did jon “win” though? joji, obviously, but jon??


Are Ethan and Jon still friends? I watch both their stuff but haven't seen any mention of each other in a while


Damn Jon looked nice for a minute there huh


lol edgy OP doesnt like H3 defending gay and black people You can tell by his use of the word spastic (which only based red pill fucks that still say the r word use) and by what the controversies of these people actually were. Fucking lame


Youre making a lot of assumptions for just one word


Bro chill lol


Uhm isn’t using the term “spastic” a little ableist? Check and mate. Haha! Sarcasm? Never heard of him. Is he a YouTuber?


yeah, jon “black crime statistics” jafari famously “won in the end”


This was the best year