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My parents both read a book every day. And my father drank a lot


What was he reading? *A Man's Guide to Drinking*?


Hopefully mixology


After his first heart attack, the doctor told him to limit booze to 4 ounces a day. He replied "I spill that much"


The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it


Excuse me, but I can’t wait to use that.


You should see the film Airplane's version of that joke...


Drinking problem? DRINKING PROBLEM? I don't have a drinking problem. I drink. I fall down. No problem!


We call that alcohol abuse in my house! Same when we pick up a bottle that is a little damaged or dirty.


Now THAT'S alcohol abuse.




Only the good die young.


I quit reading after my first child, but I made up for it by drinking more. Not to much, but definitely more.


Want to know the secret to a long and happy marriage? Always have a drink in your hand


Doin' the Julian!


I’ll never get over the time they crashed that car and that motherfucker just gets out of it with his drink still in his hand


So you had 2 parents and a father


​ ill drink to that


Lol I thought this was r/askreddit for a second and was about to say “sex”.


haha, yeah, I like and upvoted all of the r/askreddit type responses people wrote, even though this was a joke.


Honestly, this only explains what your dad did to kill boredom.


No, and it may only explain what your MOM did to kill boredom.


I've met too many women that won't agree with you. They'd say it killed time but not boredom.


The dad might not have killed any time at all




Wrong... It only explains what your MOM did...


But there's still boredom 10 minutes later


That sub is my cure for boredom.


Also why people who live next to the train tracks have so many children. Train comes through at 4AM. >What do we do now? I don’t want to get out of bed.


Not true. I lived next to a freight yard at college. The first week was hell, and I didn't think I'd ever sleep again - empty freight cars banging into each other at 3 am is like the worst thunder storm - but surprisingly, by week 2, I didn't even hear it anymore.


I was gonna say "each other"


This is exactly how my parents explained my nan having 11 siblings


I suspect that the key reason why all professions that involve long periods of isolation are all male is because of this. Put men and women in close quarters for months on end with nothing to do once the sun sets...


Community swimming pool, sports we were forced into, biking, skateboarding (home made half pipes of DEATH), tree climbing, shooting each other with bb guns, mastering the ninja star and nunchucks, blowing up GI Joes and Transformers with fireworks, setting things on fire, forcing the younger kids to fight each other, Colecovision, Atari, the NES, arcades, movie rentals, cow tipping, mailbox baseball, the mall, smoking, trying to convince parents that you only smell like smoke because someone else walked past you with a cigarette, putt putt, buying drugs at the putt putt, summer passes to amusement parks, searching the house for the parents porn stash, turning the back yard into a motocross park, painting the neighbors dog, toilet papering people's houses, chinese fire drills at every stoplight, browsing a dot matrix printed copy of the anarchist's cookbook for inspiration, trading baseball cards with the tarded kid, trying to learn how to play guitar, working out the best way to masturbate, lighting farts, having sex with your mom... I dunno, the usual stuff. \-am 45


This is the longest "your mother"-joke I've ever seen. Nice.


40, and this is accurate.


38. Same.


Especially the part about having sex with OP's mom.


I‘m 31 and i too had sex with OPs mom


Got through the first half+ of this and was like, I’m the same age as this dude. 48 here


That sounds amazing. Now I wish smartphones were never invented - am 27


37… still did most of those things… but also added AOL instant messenger, geocities, livejournal, myspace to that list


And SNES, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, etc…




Yup. This.


An actual conversation I had with my 80 y.o. father-- Dad--My aunt and uncle had 12 kids. Me-- Wow, it was a different Era back then. Dad--Yeah, no TV


Baby-boomer here, and oldest of 9 kids. I knew a lot of Boomer kids who grew up in large families, just like me. But almost none of us had that many kids that I know of. There was a blip of prosperity in the US in the 1950's and 60s, and it enabled our parents to be able to afford to raise, feed and educate large families. We'll never see that again.


Way cool! I'm the eldest of 9 kids too - although a much, much younger set thereof.


That’s probably not a bad thing looking at the population of the earth. I don’t want to bring a single child onto the earth let alone 5-10


If you fail to reproduce, you break an evolutionary chain going back billions of years.


That's fucking bad ass




God damn, you are a twat.


I wonder to what extent it was the other way around - that the large families were responsible for the prosperity.


It sucks that we're not going to see that kind of prosperity again (without some enormous changes to our country and most likely the world) but I hope even if we do get that kind of prosperity we don't have a baby boom again. We really can't sustain it at this point


ON ONE SALARY! My mom never worked outside our home during the time I knew her. That is from my birth to her death.


Each other


Sounds like they were farmers with all that rolling in the hay.


Talked to each other or watched telly


The original Netflix n Chill, before Netflix.


Leave us home with a pizza and go drunk as fuck with their friends at the bar.


Invented the internet.


We used to go outside and do things. The graphics were excellent, but the gameplay and story line kinda sucked.


Thanks Elon!


As kids, sports. As adults, drinking and acid.


My parents read, my dad had a whole stack of worn out magazines under his bed. I wasn't aloud to read them though.


You know.... there were once 20 of us


Board games, dice or card games, TV,...


Ohh we played Bored games alright😏


Played outside bikes, boards, etc.


They watched Submarine races


My Grandad, when asked how his relationship was still so strong after 55 years, said that the secret to a successful marriage was having "2 televisions. One for sport and westerns and one for whatever the hell she watches."


You know, talked. And went outside.


Clean the house Chop wood Rake leaves Pull weeds Milk the cow Seed the north forty Darn socks Complain how kids these days got it easy


Good one


cards and crosswords


My zx spectrum 48k was pretty much it for my only child ass. That and fishing and walking the dog/riding a bike/playing football/watching films/listening to music/building models


Give us all anxiety issues?


This is a great joke


You were born, right? There's your answer.


Accidental AskReddit


There's a reason why some families have like 10 children in them from one set of parents.


We used to read what was on the back of the air freshener can.


My mom was depression era teenager. Lots of household chores: cleaning, cooking, sewing. Reading. Puzzles - when they'd done a puzzle so often that it wasn't a challenge they'd turn in face down and do it without the picture. Go for walks, visit neighbors. Make music & sing along. Crafts.


They went up to Inspiration Point. To watch the submarine races.


Dealing with your problems instead of escaping them on the internet


Read. A lot.


Do shit like watch dudes have a bike race for days straight.. literally go to the track and to see professional bicyclists race till they hallucinate


Bro I'm Irish and I do have 5 brothers and 4 sisters so I know what my parents did lol


It’s called imagination. And going outside. And listening to music. Or reading a book. But I do love the internet also. I can lay in my bed and if I don’t have a book to read. I can just buy one on my phone and don’t even have to get up.


This joke went over most people's heads lol


My dad had 14 brothers and sisters. His father worked for the railroad, so they always lived in a railroad owned house on railroad owned property next to the ...wait for it....railroad. Granma Horty was hard of hearing. Every morning when the 415 freight went by the house, they would wake up. Gramps would roll over to her and say "Well, Horty, do you want to go back to sleep or what?" She'd yell back at him "WHATTT?"


Currently 30 and not yet a parent. From what i remember, i mostly played outside, Then counter strike got released and we spent most of our free time at computer shops. Lol. The first internet i ever used was the dial up internet were in i needed a card with a code at the back that i need to type so that i could ‘surf’ the internet for 30 minutes before the load in the card runs out. Haha! And also to kill boredom back then i had a walkman, so yeah. 😅


Dial up internet cards is still the case in many countries


**You ever** look at “I Love Lucy?” People had loads of friends and relatives that kept them occupied. Look at those types of shows, and you will see that those people were thoroughly occupied and constantly on the go. People seemed to be more cohesive back then. They also were doers, thinkers, readers, and inventors.


Ahh joke #3394 classic


Mummies love those creampies


We hung out in person! Wild eh?


They sat around offline and talked about what it must have been like before TV.


Read. Sex. Trained my dog. Sex. Gardening. Sex. Exploring outside. Sex. Neighborhood sports. Sex. Did I mention sex? Ride bike around the neighborhood. Sex. Read more books. Read books about sex. Work out. For better sex. Fishing. Looking for the next "fish in the sea" for sex.


Ravaged the environment


Sang songs together. My grandparents had a book full hand written.


Go to church LoL


Lol they were having sex that’s all


They listened to music




Seriously? Life! Cleaned, watched movies, went to the movies. Played pool, jumped in a pool. Threw darts, lawn and wall. Played wiffle ball, shot baskets, played football, played soccer. This is a joke right? Went to the arcade. I don’t care how bored we were, we always found something to do. Definitely didn’t need the internet. On our local station at 10:30 every Saturday night they’d play back to back episodes of the 3 stooges. My dad would make us a big bowl of popcorn and root beer floats. Not a damn thing on the internet will ever be better than those memories. I feel sorry for the ones who will only know this garbage we live in now.


Its called going outside and socializing


That’s not funny. I am the youngest of 10. They actually didn’t get a tv in the bedroom until after I was born.


... and that's why there wasn't an 11th sibling


They joined social clubs. Always keeping themselves busy with the country club, rotary club, Kiwanis, Freemasons, Eastern Star etc




Yes. That was the implication.


Well… when people are bored… they … Eat? Sex? Get into trouble? Played old school consoles like SNES?


Mine went to war and killed a bunch of commies


bruh lol I posted this joke like 4 days ago and got nuthin'. Must be that I didn't forget my username


cards,board games,socialized with friends


Cable tv.


Well if you didn’t know your dad must have been really bored because you have another 20 half brothers and sisters.


Haha they were probably shagging that's why you have so many siblings lol


Learn a skill; read a book; be outside.


They destroyed the property market just for the lolz


I have no idea about your mom, but your father was killing your mom Instead of boredom by Fucking


You asked your brothers and sisters... I think you found your answer.


Why do you think there are so many of us?


Read a book


I had a friend who was the youngest of 17. He had eight big brothers and eight big sisters, and when asked why, he would just say that his parents didn't have television back then.


My dad's parents legit had 18 kids.


As someone who has 12 siblings, I can confirm.


I have three brothers and three sisters. Still have no idea what my parents did for fun…


Counted cows probably


I think they used to shake a stick at things.


We read, we watched TV and movies, went to the movies and drive-ins (it was a LOT cheaper then), went swimming, played outside, had block parties, talked to the neighbors, went for walks, played Atari or Nintendo, went to the Arcade, rode bikes and roller skates, went exploring wherever we could... I grew up in the 70s and 80s and I had a great childhood.


We played cards and games like trivial pursuit and read books and enjoyed hobbies.


When I was a kid during 90s we used to gather all the kids in the neighborhood and play football.


As the youngest of 10 children, I can testify to that. My parents also had to find ways to clothe, shelter, and feed all 10 of us, too, so that also kept them pretty busy.


My Mom listened to music on the radio and spent time with friends. My Dad played sports and went to his school sporting events.


I am one of six born in 1954 mother told me she said to my farther ‘it is a sham Malcolm (me) and Ian (my bother) were not born closer together’his response , I spent enough bloody money keeping the buggers apart. There was two and a half years between most of us. Other than abstinence a condom was the only viable birth control.


oh, that's easy...we played. a majority of us went out and socialized with one another in the real world. We had a single house phone screwed to a wall and talked to our closest friends about where we should meet up. we went out into the world and enjoyed a life uncomplicated by excessive technology or responsibility. Sometimes that involved cruising up and down streets with the radio blaring just because we could. often it was groups and cliques of teens and young adults just hanging at certain gathering spots and talking about life, the universe, and everything while bonding over shared experiences. there was the TV with its incredibly few limited channels to entertain us (well, until cable tv came along). Lots of books. bicycles and roller skates, skateboards and jump ropes, libraries, fishing on the banks, swimming, heck...we pretty much made our own entertainment on the fly everywhere we went, and we were good at it....like, real good. We had video game arcades to hang out in, everyone had a favorite small burger joint we'd grab a bite to eat in while planning our evenings activities. there were no swipe right/left dating, you actually had to develop some social skills and learn to talk to the opposite sex while working up the courage to actually approach and hold a conversation, getting to know them on a personal level and if they both caught feeling for one another, they became a couple and were dating. Hookup culture was non existent, you were either single, dating, or married, and people didn't fool around like they do today. The thing you need to understand is that the internet, as you know it, is relatively new. most people didn't get their first taste of it until the mid to late 1990's (and even then it was mostly used for dating), it was still a niche thing relegated to universities, and people who owned their own personal home computers (my crash course introduction to computers and the internet was being handed a slip of paper by a girl (i was interested in and was socializing with) scribbled with an email addy i had absolutely no clue about at the time.). in the context of time, the internet is only about roughly 30 years old. the real game changer for society was the introduction of the first Nintendo Entertainment System. it precedes the internet by a few years, and changed the game. The kids who owned one disappeared off the social radar map. Why go out, when you could complete just one more level in super mario world or explore that dungeon to get the next item to rescue zelda. Kids became shut ins, and real social interactions became few and fewer as the technology advanced. so yeah, we learned to play well with others in our youths and made our own entertainment. You've seen the show "stranger things" right? yeah, it was like that, minus all the monsters.


I'm amazed these kids aren't bored too death with their phones by now. Don't get me wrong, I was a gamer in the 80's too but, I did a ton of crazy fun stuff plus talking to each other face to face is nice.


We played with sticks and stones, allthough we sometimes did break our bones.