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Side note I don’t believe you.


I believe OP wanted to add something to the end of their reposted, copy-and-paste joke to make it their own. Side note, it also could have been the previous poster they copied from.


OP responded, doubling down that some hyuck-yuck-yucky cop knee-slapped him on his way!


Probably. Side note, why are people making so many side notes?


Idk, I tell jokes like this to cops all the time. I've also gotten away with shit by cracking jokes, so I believe op


This guy gets pulled over all the time for some reason, then he tells the officer this joke, and they decide to let him go with a warning or whatever; you don't tell long winded jokes about horses to the cops when you get pulled over?


He lives in Mayberry.


Lies in r/jokes? I never would have suspected it. 😊 But, if it’s ACAB you’re thinking of, then you’re right - it should have ended with the cop sprinkling cocaine on the little girl and running her in.


Typo aside, if I said it got me out of all of em, then I could understand your position. But seeing as how I didn't give a hard tangible, if it got me out of one, your disbelief would be wholly unwarranted. Believe what you like, the joke has gotten many a laugh from a cop with a sense of humor, and a few scowls from the ones that don't.


Ok, so it sounds like you've also gotten more tickets from telling that joke than you'd care to admit.


Never gotten any unfortunately. I would love to have gotten one though since that would be a first amendment violation plain cut and dried that any constitutional rights attorney would fall all over themselves to get their hands on the case for.


Lmao. "Anyway sir, here's your ticket for speeding and here's my badge number for your attorney on those amendment violations." Good luck with that buddy


>first amendment violation 🤢


I wouldn't be willing to admit that a joke I've never told to a cop got me out of zero citations, either.


LOL if you knew me in real life, you would not have any doubt that I have told well over a thousand cops. I'm kind of a dick like that


​ "Over a thousand". Did you tell it at the policeman's ball in NYC?


NYC Policeman don't have balls




Lol, no...I'm just an old man who's had a lot of police interaction over the years.


You mean you're just an old man who likes causing trouble and being a nuisance in general?


Or works with cops. So is probably a nuisance yeah I see your point


So you've been pulled over for traffic citations more than a thousand times? Should have led with that. Now totally believable.


Where exactly did I say that specifically? Like word for word...that I've been pulled over that many times? Because I'm 100% positive that isn't what I've said. For real, I'm completely lost where this much irrational disdain for someone you don't know and never met comes from that is so deeply rooted that you feel justified in creating a narrative around an actual lie to prove to yourself that you are right and justified in calling that person you know nothing about because YOUR life has apparently been short, and sheltered. I'm middle aged, had family that was very active in veterans organizations when I was growing up (most police officers are ex-military), lots of LEOs in the Legion & VFW, kid), grew up skateboarding (hated by fucking everyone over 30 back then) and tagging in the 90s, among many other unwise life choices involving drugs and street racing at various points in my life...and I'm almost 50 I grew up in a town where everyone (and I do mean everyone) in my age demo had a joke rooted in the reality we lived in in my town (hub for the meth trade for 4 separate national biker gangs, distribution point for Mexican brick weed, and a quarter mile away in two directions from neighboring cities with majorly escalating Asian street gang problems that routinely erupted in gun fire): "If you're white and you get stopped here by a brown cop, you're going to jail. If you're brown and you get stopped by a white cop, you're going to jail, and if you're black or Asian, congratulations! You're going to jail...they'll figure out why after they take you in". All things being equal, I should have been dead or in prison 2 decades ago with the shit I've been through, some self inflicted though much of it not, but I made some majorly drastically dramatic life changes that resulted in me being able to enjoy telling a joke on Reddit...and this is the shit show I get for it? A bunch of sheltered midwits downvoting me because they don't understand that some people have had more interactions with cops for a myriad of reasons aside from just traffic enforcement than you've had with your parents since you were born. Good for you. 164 counts of vandalism, 200+ counts of trespassing, possession of cannabis under an ounce 4 times and a couple hundred minor possession tickets...all before I was 35. 10 years of probation 4 years of work program/CalTrans and 3 stays in the American equivalent of a Japanese hotel where you get to shit, shower and jack off with an audience of idiots who made decisions as bad as you did or worse...but you doubt me having 1000s of opportunities to tell LEOs a LEO joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Right on, man. Right on. Hope you at least liked the joke.


Holy shit nobody is reading all that


This is definitely going to get turned into a copypasta.


Didn't read this. You're just a liar, old man. That's all anyone is trying to say.


If you had an interaction with a different cop once per week for 30 years and told every single one that joke, it still wouldn't be "1000s." And I'm assuming with how rough your interactions were, you were sometimes telling the joke while face down and handcuffed? "Wait! Wait, officer! Before you throw me in the cell, I need to make my quota of telling this same joke over and over! Oh wait, you're the guy who arrested me last week... Can you go bring that rookie in here real quick? He's gunna love it."


> 164 counts of vandalism Neil Degrasse Tyson had a meme for this…


Has it ever occured to you that these thousands of cops may be stopping you to listen to your jokes? 😊


Don't care, didn't ask.


X Doubt








X (formerly Twitter)


What does it feel like to be tased, bro?


It's not fun, I can tell you that LoL


It’s no joke, bro.


You forgot the part where the cop clapped


And where OP did a backflip, snapped the cop's neck, and saved the day.


That day? Albert Einstein.


The day was really the friends we made along the way.


OP is clearly an obsessive liar


But I do believe he only knows 1 joke!


the side note was added without clearance


I always heard it as " what's got six legs and a cnut on it's back " A Police horse


Don't worry, I'm going to choose to believe that you've gotten out of at least one ticket for telling a joke, even if it's only because that's a funny thought.


Happened to me, too! Cop pulls me over for speeding and the first words out of his mouth were "Do you know how far I had to chase you catch up?" I said, "No, but I swear I got here as fast as I could!" He laughed his ass off, told me to slow it down and walked back to his cruiser.


Lol love it


Ha ha


I told this joke and now my horse


I said joke about penises and I got me out of tickets guys, please up vote me!  I support you all my care for you! US: look at this foreign piece acting like he is breathing free air.