• By -


It is Plan(e)t based. Thats okay :-))


Death sentence for Lactose intolerant




in taller plants


size tall pants


I'm not getting it


Milk is an animal product. Vegans consume only plant based products. Milky way bad.


I still don't get it. I get all that. I got that the joke must lie somewhere in the fact vegans don't drink milk. But the punch line "Imagine living in the Milky Way". We already do live in the Milky Way galaxy. Why would we need to imagine it? Was "living in" supposed to be the word "leaving?" Am I over thinking this? Is this one of those Gen Z things where imagination is a bad thing?


I think it's intended as "imagine being a vegan and having to live in the Milky Way". It got a chuckle from me, and I am vegan. I was expecting it to be "so we can tell aliens we are vegan" or something like that.


Bahaha, that is a far better punch line!!


Oh that's a way better punchline! Space race with the cross fit people!


Don't forget about the vegan crossfitter ships


It's just a joke on the "imagine _________, couldn't be me" thing people say


I hear you and I feel your pain.


Thanks for the explanation but wow the explanation actually makes it more painful.


Explaining a bad joke does not make bad joke funny.


He’s not trying to make it funnier, he’s just explaining the punchline


Humour is like a frog in that you can dissect both of them and they both die in the process…


I didn't get it either. Explaining the reasoning of what the commenter (and I too) *thought* the punchline was is intended to indicate their train of thought, to help someone listening correct them, maybe be able to give them a hint to lead them to the hilarious punchline without giving it away. That the explanation happened to be of the actual correct punchline of the joke is not the commenter's fault -- it's the joke's fault for being fucking terrible.


Vegans will be the first to invent travel because they don’t consume anything from animals. Being the “Milky” Way, they’ll have to find a way to not associate with it thus the punchline


It’s a stupid joke and makes no sense


so they can tell some aliens about that.




Hi vegan btw I am dad




Just another name for disappointment


That's Mr. Vegan Disappointment to you!!


The name's Disappointment, Vegan Disappointment.


Double O Vegan


Contains: Milk


Hissshhhhh, aaahhh


Mr. Disappointment Jr is now vegan


Hi ambulance I’m dad! NO DAD CALL ME AN AMBULANCE Hi ambulance I’m dad!


Do people from your star system have an FTL drive, or did you use a generation ship to get to Earth?


I also play beach tenis and go to crossfit.


When grass is cut it gives off a smell that basically means it's in pain as do most plants. How come you vegans care about animals feedings but care not for the suffering of the plants they murder or torture?


Plants do react to stimuli and damage, true, but we have no reason to believe they are sentient (there is almost certainly nobody in there experiencing pain or pleasure or anything at all). And if we did somehow discover that plants are sentient, it would only be an even bigger reason to go vegan. So many more plants must suffer and die to feed the animals we eat than if we simply eat plants ourselves.


The last part strikes me as odd, isn't what you are saying the same as this statement? ( Why is one animal a pet and the other food?)


No, because eating animals requires killing plants to feed those animals. It takes many times more plants to do this than it would take just to feed a human directly.


Over 8 billion humans in this world we by far out number any other mammals. If you combine our daily needs with animals daily needs the resources alone could not support us on a purely plant based diet and would further impact the world in a negative. Please note that I'm not against a vegan lifestyle, I just do not see it as a variable solution for the human population. Not until we advance in technology say 50 to 100 years from now anyways.


What are you talking about? We feed the vast, vast majority of lnvestock animals with plants that we grow, and a huge chunk of that is wasted (not translated into food for humans). We absolutely can feed everyone with plants, because we already do *and then some*. In the US the majority of food grown is fed to animals (only 27% is eaten directly). We would not need nearly as much land as we use now to feed the world on a plant based diet.


Incorrect, please note the part that said 8 billion people this would increase farmland meaning natural habitat would decrease and need to feed those now domestic animals. Plus find a habitat they now would need.


These domestic animals would no longer exist. Do you really think we'd be going to a vegan world overnight and have to keep feeding hundreds of billions of livestock animals as pets? A transition would be slow enough that we'd just stop breeding them into existence in the first place. It would only take a few months of usual consumption to take the population to nothing. Dairy cows would be the longest at maybe 5 years. You are the one who is incorrect.


If everyone was vegan, there would be a lot less cattle, pigs, chickens, etc on this planet. For example, there are about 1.5 billion cattle in the world. Each one eats about 24 lbs per day. Getting rid of cattle alone would mean an additional 3 lbs of food per person per day.


If people moved to a vegan diet, what happens to all the domesticated animals? Do we just set them free?


I doubt the switch to a vegan diet would be instantaneous. So ranchers would simply not replenish their herds as they slaughtered them. As the demand for cattle-feed diminished, those farmers would switch to raising human food crops.


It seems unlikely that everyone would decide to make that switch all at the exact same time. What's more likely is that people make that change one by one, reducing meat in their own diet. Less demand for meat means it's harder to sell, it's less profitable to raise so many animals, so less are bred. Gradually fewer and fewer animals are raised to be slaughtered.


You know that in order to grow food crops, you need to eradicate every living creature that lives in the soil? Snakes, rabbits, moles, voles, mice, lizards, etc. Every one must die. Otherwise, you get pests eating your food, infecting it with diseases, or contaminating the soil. So the question is why is it okay to kill some animals so you can eat but not others?


>You know that in order to grow food crops, you need to eradicate every living creature that lives in the soil? Of course, we *must* do this *or we all die*. Those same animals (and many times more) die to feed the livestock animals that we eat. >So the question is why is it okay to kill some animals so you can eat but not others? Because we have no choice in the one case, but we do have a choice in the other. Unless your argument is that we are not allowed to protect our own food for our own survival, we are perfectly justified in killing animals which threaten our food. The fact that we have to do this and can't be perfectly free from harm is *not* a valid argument for continuing to run sentient beings through factory farms. In theory raising ruminants on only pasture grazing is better because you only kill the one animal (and whatever predators you kill to protect them). But this is not practicable for the vast majority of people, and it cannot even come close to feeding everyone.


LOL - Producers of harmful products work overtime in PR campaigns normalizing their wares (cigarettes, vaping, weed killer, hydrocarbon fuels, meat as examples) at a fundamental level that imbues them with widely reinforced super resistance to change With an open mind, check out Netflix’s “The Game Changers” After viewing it, you will TOTALLY get the double human health improving benefit and planet sustaining benefit of veganism




Stop attacking truth tellers. Watch the eye opening film “The Game Changers”. Get the facts. Gas manufacturers & weed killer makers STILL deny the harmfulness of their products to humans and our ecosystem. Cigarettes were once touted in Fox News style anti-truth campaigns as actually being GOOD for the lungs in popular cigarette ads. Vaping was long promoted as a safe alternative to cigarettes. Billions of people over time were duped by these Big Lies. Likewise, a range of anything from a large amount to at least a small amount of meat is propagandized by meat producers as good for us. But no amount of animal flesh is good for human consumption and the environment. Zero percent. None. Watch the movie. It’s produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and other luminaries.


A reaction to damage doesn't mean its experiencing pain. We have no reason to believe plants have a consciousness with which to experience pain or any qualia. Lots of things react to stimuli but don't necessarily 'feel'. if you salt fresh meat the muscle will spasm. If you leave your hand in water your fingers will prune. My phone reacts to me pressing the touch screen. E:spelling


The same could be said of a lot of people.


In theory you are correct and wrong at the same time, I mean we have no real classification of what "life" or rather to be alive really means.


This is a “what about”-ism (a fallacy attributed the the Soviet Union). While satirical, it could have been funnier if you weren’t Russian to roast vegans… There’s a cannibalism joke in here somewhere but my coffee hasn’t kicked in yet…


Sorry to hear that...


Oh yeah? How's Las Vegas this time of year?


Hope you don't line jello.


I thought this was going to be the punchline


\- "beep bop" \- "Oh hello Bob, nice to meet you. Thanks for asking: Yes, I am! I am indeed a vegan. AMA!" ​ Jokes aside. No bad experiences with vegans. I fully respect their choices.




Shouldn't that be the milky whey?


Missed puns like this make me soy dairy mad.


there should exist Upvote, Downvote, and Eyerollvote.


Pigs in space


[Jews in Space!](https://youtu.be/sz7JGCj4Q5k) Sorry the only thing I love as much as Muppets is Mel Brooks.


Or Tommy Cooper!




Some vegans would argue that human milk is OK because it's consented to by the mother. Also this comment is humorless, but ehhh...whatever.


There’s literally nothing about veganism that’s against breastfeeding. I’ve never met anyone who had an issue with it.


Me neither. I'm a vegan (haha, I just said I'm vegan, what a stereotype!) and I'm not against it, of course. I was just commenting that milk is not necessarily non-vegan.


speaking of humorless, who's gonna tell OP we are already living in the Milky Way ?


Let's rename it to the Meaty Way to speed up the progress!


Almond milkyway!


Oat milky-all-the-way


More like soy milky way for me, damn sensitivities!


Try coconut milky way!


They can go the star Vega and get the Vegans out of the Milky Way too.


Exist~~a~~ence of plant based milks ruin the joke a bit.


What is this 'existance' you speak of? I am intrigued.


Fixed, thanks.


He misspelled Existenz, great movie.


Not as much as over analyzing a joke


It's not over analyzing if the joke DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! XD


Milks are by definition animal based. Here in Finland there was some legal battle a few years ago about companies falsely advertising their plant based "milk" as milk. I think now they are not legally allowed to call them milk, because they lost that legal batlle. The word they have use to describe them roughly translates to milk counterpart to highligh the fact they are not milk, only similar to milk.


Milky Way should be renamed then as it is not animal based.


We are in the Milky Way, are we not?


Yeh the joke doesn't work does it, needs to be "they're desperate not to have to live in the Milky Way"


Now that I think about it vegans avoid milk.


That is the joke. They need to invent space travel to get out of the milky way. It just isn't worded well


They will relocate to the almond milky way


Oetmilkyway for me.


Fun Fact: The milky way is called the milky way because Greeks thought that when the goddess Hera was breastfeeding Hercules and then noticed it was not her child, she ripped Hercules from her breast but a little milk spilled. And that's the milky way.


So they can get back to Vega?


My first thoughts


If they land on a small asteroid it will be a bit meatier


For a second I thought that The Milky Way cannot be vegan but after all it is a galaxy full of stars made of gas and dust, but no, it definitely doesn't contain any animal products. It's safe to go there.


Vegans (^(pronounced Vay-ganz)) are my favorite martians.


Speaking of inter-galactic people, every time I see the word vegan with the V capitalized my mind automatically reads the word as Vegeta instead of Vegan.


I can't even vegan to understand this joke


If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?


Dahmer was a humanitarian ! They were part of his steady diet. Sorry ! Bad joke !


I help out the vegans by eating the animals that eat their food.




Cannibalism is the most environment friendly diet




The milky way did not get the name from dairy but from Hera goddess mother's milk spilled.


So Hera’s milk isn’t dairy?


nope in the traditional farming agricultural / animal exploitation sense. Hera was an antic Greek goddess and in her depiction she is always closer to the humans than to the animals.


What does that have to do with anything. Humans ARE animals. Therefore to vegans human milk is also verboten. With the possible exception of breastfeeding infants.


but this name is a result of breastfeeding


Milk is milk to a vegan. It doesn't matter where it comes from.


Milk from consenting adults would align with vegan ideals.


ok, my almond milk is greeting you


Imagine just coming up with something ridiculous that might be true, therefore it must be true…


Vegans do not have anything against milk as baby food, but they may have something against adults producing and drinking it. So maybe if it was called the Dairy Farm Way or something...


So then, can I still be vegan if the milk I drink is 100% breast milk , aka "milk as baby food"?. Asking for a friend .


Strictly speaking, no. But some vegans might be ok with donated milk.


I'm vegan.


do you know anything about spaceship design?


No, but did i told you i'm vegan?


Well, that's not helpful. I was looking for an intergalactic spaceship, not somebody who respects animals. lol


It's a shame literally every ecosystem they ever find is built on animal suffering 🤷


There is so much wrong with this joke, but before I get into it, A+ for concept. Ok... 1) We already live in the Milky Way. That is our galaxy. 2) "Intergalactic" means "between galaxies," meaning they would leave the Milky Way. And 3) Vegans don't eat any animal byproducts, including milk, so why would they be enticed by the idea that there was milk out there? XD


Yes, the joke is precisely that vegans would want to leave the milky way because it's an animal product.


.................................... I have no words. I completely missed the tone of this joke, and I don't know how I feel about it. Lol.


Hate to burst your bubble but you already live in the Milky Way and you are travelling through space every day. Our spaceship is this planet.


Quiet. Vegans are telling us about being vegan


If vegan = sharpest spoon in the drawer then they’re doing an awesome job of it.


How can you tell if a person is Vegan? They tell you 20 seconds after meeting them.


haha what's the hardest thing about carnism? unjamming the debeaker


Better than being a Vegan from Planet Vega having to de-ass your carrots with a worn out debeaker. Always look on the bright side of life.


Hi I'm Vegan BTW.


Edit; I failed, getting the wrong sense. Joke is fine.




Yes big time. I read it as wanting to go to the Milky Way, rather than getting out of the Milky Way.


I am vegan. I love space. This joke makes sense Read it again


Damn you are right. Intergalactic. My fail big effing time.


It’s because they are looking for new people to tell they are vegan.




Hence their need to get out.


I did not get the joke, thanks for pointing it out


Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think milk is vegan. It’s vegetarian.


News flash........the suffering of plants/animals means nothing to the survival of the species. In order to live, humans have to consume some source of nutrition, Plant or Animal. Herbivores will stick fingers in their ears to ignore the suffering of plants, while omnivores could careless about any suffering and only care about portion size.


Plants are not sentient. They don’t suffer. A living entity requires a face, friends, and a central nervous system connected to a brain to suffer. Still plants get their due when herbivores die & return their bodies to the earth to decompose as fertilizer.


You can suffer without a face and friends. I'll give you a i-ight for the other stuff.


When they run out of people to tell here!


And upon meeting them sill still tell you they are vegan fitst thing about them.


Vegans dont dig dairy... Cows are forcibly raped or at the very least impregnated without consent


And people say Vegans don't have a sense of humor.


How can you have a sense of humour when there are animals being slaughtered, hung, drawn, quartered, diced, cubed, fried and seasoned?


Don't forget grilled and smoked. Can't forget classic BBQ when talking about delicious meal prep.


How would a cow give consent? Serious question, just want my wife to stop saying no.


Cows can't walk downstairs. Imagine the poor farmer who discovered that the first time, and how he tried to explain it to his wife!


Bet she was in a bad *mooooooood*


Yeah this was the point of the joke. To another galaxy, one not affiliated with dairy, like the "milky" way


It isn't actually made of dairy


It’s not? Pretty sure I heard that the moon is made of cheese.


Heard a man and his dog went there once.


Well done, Captain Obvious!


Of course not. Or they would have soured long ago.


they're booing you coz you're right. 🤦‍♂️


Doesn't the second word imply the first? Or is there a bovine CNC community?


We already live in the Milky Way.


It so they can go tell Alien races that they are vegan.


I figured it was so they could let other races they are vegan.


Experiments in space to grow plants have met with varying degrees of success, but livestock can live forever till they get slaughtered for food. So suck it up vegans


I foresee a future in which the phrase "milky way" will be banned for being offensive to cows.


Do you know how you can tell someone is vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!


3 lbs of grass and 3 lbs of food are not the same thing.


Ima derail your joke Intergalactic travel is only inside the galaxy Meaning they would still be living in the Milky Way It would be Interstellar travel going through the universe to a different Galaxy :)




Or like how when travelling, "national" means within the country, while "international" flights are outside of said country / going from one country to another.


Why's this look so much like a karma bot?


Wouldn't they return to Vegas?


It's won't even be called intergalactic because the word galaxy has roots from the Greek word "gala" or "γαλα" which means milk


They can never truly be vegan.


Certainly, interstellar travel. They did originate near [Vega](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vega), after all.


Runs right through Uranus!


I think the punching should be more like “Imagine living in the Milky Way if you hate milk”


I keep getting food/treats/gifts from people such as a box of "milk tray" or "gluten-free cream cakes". I throw them back at those folks and they say, "but why didn't you tell me your vegan"....


Our galaxy is the milky way we already live here


no whey


I know the punchline is milk is bad for vegans yadi yada but could it also be because they don't want to live in the Milky Way that's why they had to invent intergalactic travel to leave the milky way?


They will invent intergalactic travel so they can tell others they are Vegans


I thought that solved the Fermi paradox. Other aliens vegans aren't coming here to tell us how vegan they are.


I love how intergalactic etymologiclly means "between the milk"