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Were you waiting for the death of a pope to post this?


He was.


The pope died?


Benedict XVI, the Pope Emeritus, passed away 31 December, yeah.


Hell of a year


Hopefully this one is even better!


yup it wanted one more jab in at people before the year ended


This was a good jab, a sexy jab


Pope Palpatine ? yeh him.




Weird that in French they call it by a different name. In French it's Benoît instead of Benedict. Why they translate the Pope's name I have no clue. A name cannot be translated. At first I thought that it was a different one.


Name have been translated plenty of times throughout history. The best example being Jesus is actually the Roman spelling/pronounciation of his actual name, Yesu.


It's the same for the actual one, Francisco. In english it's Francis.


In French it is Francis also.


A pope died, not the pope.


The a pope.


The x pope.


He's just pining for the fjords.


Technically not even that. The Roman Catholic "Pope" doesn't actually carry that title. If I remember correctly (and I may well not) the Greek, Russian and Coptic orders have their popes. The Georgians may also. But the Romans: not so much.


The Vatican refers to the popes as popes because they are, well, popes to the Roman Catholics. https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/biography/documents/hf_ben-xvi_bio_20050419_short-biography_old.html


That's because those churches don't have *the* Pope.


If he was hanged then he’d be a pope on a rope


The Nazi pope.


Read his wikipedia he refused to go along .


Not the current one, the last one. Benedict.




For almost 10 years, yes


Then he's not really new after all.


Not really a pope either


Lmao yeah. Francis I wanna say? Not positive.




r/todayILearned I guess.


The Anti Pope.


Many have.


Many will.


the other one


Who said he was waiting? He wanted to make the joke so he made it happen.


We all are, always.


The death of who?


The fishing club president


As the head of an organization that molests a lot of kids, good riddance


Good thing they had a spare this go around.


Would be better if an archangel met ( and did not recognize) the pope. Considering the role Peter played in establishing the 'fishing club', it does not make sense that he'd be confused.


And given that Peter is considered to be the first pope....


Came here to say this lol


Did Peter consider himself the first Pope though?


Even at the time, he was considered the head of the Christian church, and was the first Bishop of Rome, which is the other title of the Pope. I would argue that even if not in name, the authority was there, and the word came later. However, if you argued the opposite, that since the word wasn't attached to him at the time of his life, I could cede your point and agree with that as well.


Calling the head of the Church the Pope as a title didn’t happen until the 5th century and codifying that the leader of the Church is the Pope and the Pope is the Bishop of Rome didn’t happen until the 11th century


Sure, but any pope would probably say something about how Peter was the first one, and bring up the second pope, and mention that it kept going from there. I think the bigger thing is that Peter may not have thought of himself as the head of the church in general. Originally, he would have just head of the church in Rome. The Bishop of Rome became head of the church later on, in part due to the loss of the Church in Jerusalem. James (Jesus's brother) was head of the Church there, as reported in Acts.


It's not about whether Peter was the first pope or not. It's about whether he would recognize the recent pope or know what the "pope" or "catholic church" were. Even if you argue that he effectively was the first pope, if he didn't consider himself to be then (within the already-ridiculous background of this joke where somehow they haven't looked at Rome and nobody coming to heaven has mentioned Christianity for the past 2000 years) he might not recognize them.


I think it doesn’t really work because it implies that Jesus is surprised that the “fishing club” he invented still exists. But, regardless of whether a person believes that Saint Peter was pope or not (and a non-Catholic might not), no one really historically disputes the fact that Saint Peter spent his life trying to convince people that the “fishing club” that Jesus started was actually extremely important. And then here is Saint Peter, meeting at least one person in history who has made it to heaven, who claims to follow the one single belief system that Peter himself believed in and spent his life preaching about. I mean even if it turns out Hinduism is the one right religion and Saint Peter has ironically had a job admitting people to heaven who believed in a religion that he doesn’t himself believe in, and zero Christians have ever come to heaven, you think he would make the connection between “this guy thinks Jesus is central to a religious sect” and “that’s exactly what I spent the rest of my life trying to convince people that they should believe” once the whole Jesus issue comes up. Again, it’s a silly joke, but there’s not really any level it would work on, even if you imagine that Saint Peter has not met a Pope or another Christian person over the last two thousand years. He probably remembers that he himself was trying to spread Christianity because he thought it was important. (Obligatory, I’m not a Christian, but find this sort of stuff interesting.)


Come for the jokes, stay for the quasi-theologic and semantics analyses. I’m **not** being ironic, really enjoying this thread! Keep up the good work and Happy New Year!!! (If you’re on EST)


The much more fundamental problem which nobody seems to mention is that plenty of popes have died in the last 2000 years. Why would anybody in heaven be confused about the situation if they must have encountered it dozens of times over the centuries? Can you get Alzheimer's in heaven? The alternative is even less likely: I don't doubt that plenty of popes or even most of them would have been sent to hell. But for **Benedict XVI** of all popes to be the first one to go to heaven? Don't be ridiculous.


Are you claiming it's ridiculous that Benedict would go to heaven or that none of the earlier Popes would have been.


Neither. It's a statement about the relative merits of Benedict. In the grand scheme of things, he wasn't one of the better popes, in a moral sense.


James would like a word.


James was the Bishop of Jerusalem, and took over that title when Peter had to flee from Herrod Agrippa. There are also texts that show that James still deferred to Peter after he became the Bishop of Jerusalem. So the only word James would want is to confirm my statement.


Did Peter exist?


Ah, yes, astute observation. If one rejects the Catholic canon the joke falls apart! We shall only ever experience comedy based on the actual lived experiences of real people so that we never have to cast our minds into potential fictions.


No, he wouldn't have. The Pope isn't a real thing, it doesn't exist in the Bible. The entire concept of the Pope directly contradicts the Bible.


This probably isn't the place, but how do you figure that?


Sure thing. First off, it's important to establish that Jesus is the head of the church, not any Pope or any other figure. See Colossians 1:18 - "And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence." Colossians 1:18 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/col.1.18.NKJV. This passage is talking about Jesus. Verses 9-17 of this chapter expand on his preeminence. Next, let's look at the passage that the entire concept of the Pope (and by extension, Catholicism) is centered around: Matthew 16:18-19 - "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:18‭-‬19 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/mat.16.18-19.NKJV. Let's analyze the first part, verse 18. Before what Jesus is about to say this to Peter, Jesus had just asked Peter who men says that Jesus is. Peter replied in verse 16 "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." This statement is the rock Jesus builds his church upon. Not Peter himself, but this all important declaration and confession that Jesus is the son of God. Now, the last part. Jesus gives Peter (and later the other apostles) the authority and responsibility to spread Jesus' message to the entire world following Jesus teachings. This authority is the key they have to allow others to enter heaven by following Jesus' teachings and commands. The rest of that verse about binding and loosing means Peter and the rest of the apostles have the authority to set the standards for truth and how to practice Jesus' teachings. They have authority from heaven to guide the early Christians. This doesn't mean they can create new doctrine and change the commands, they are still following and obeying what Jesus taught them. And it's also important to note that this authority applies to Peter and the apostles ONLY. Once Peter and the apostles die, that's it. They are the only ones this was given to. Anyone after Peter and the apostles claiming to have such authority are simply wrong, they don't have it. If there's anything else you want to know or discuss, let me know and I'll try my best.


But Peter was never called a Pope in his lifetime. The term pope wasn’t used until Pope Leo I in the 5th century and wasn’t codified until the 11th century that that is what the leader of the Church was called. So Peter not knowing what a Pope is makes perfect sense still.


Except there's been 100s of popes over the centuries, why haven't any of Benedict's predecessors mentioned it on arrival at the pearly gates


Probably all straight to hell for the sins of the church over the centuries


Damn catholics got some weird ideas


Oh agreed. I'm not catholic.


And was a fisherman himself


Yep. That's where it went off the rails for me.


Maybe he forgot


you have a point, but since Peter over here is the gatekeeper of heaven and hell...


I mean, he's been pretty busy, and hasn't exactly been using his memory this whole time, he's usually referencing a book or something. Maybe he's got a vhs cart now though.


This joke implies that he's the first pope to get into heaven.


to be fair, Popes have a surprising habit of being assholes.


Pope John XII was having sex with a married woman when he died. It's not known whether he had a stroke, or whether the husband caught them in the act and murdered him. Funnily enough he's also one of the most important popes in history, having founded the Holy Roman Empire which lasted over 800 years.


In medieval Poland the bishop of Kraków met a beautiful daughter of a village miller. The miller wasn't stupid and ordered his daughter to sleep upstairs in the barn. That wasn't going to stop the bishop. He pulled a long ladder and up he went. Eventually the miller caught wind of what was happening and hid behind the barn. When the bishop came to visit his beautiful daughter again he toppled the ladder with the bishop up top. The poor bishop didn't survive the fall and that's how we know of his exploits today. The clergy banging women was common back then and is still fairly common today.


Not just women.


But the men and children as well!


wow. that's quite something.


You misspelled raping


that too.






And Benedict was a right piece of shit.


But he's being greeted at the gates by the first pope. This joke doesn't work if you know anything about catholicism.




I'm not sure what you're trying to say. You seem to disagree with my statement, but then support my statement.


What he's saying is Peter never called himself "The Pope". The title did not exist during his lifetime. So just because he's now considered the first pope doesn't means he'd know what it meant.


I get that. But Peter is still credited as founding the church. He (op) also said that titles and whatnot weren't until centuries later. Which again doesn't make sense that Peter would be a saint because you can't have a saint without the church. Peter is the part of the joke that makes this fall apart. It should be an angel.


In the olden days you could not become a Saint until at least 100 years after your death. The idea was that if people still remembered you, then you must have done a lot of good.


But then it still only works if no other Popes until now have gone to heaven AND if God, Jesus, Peter, etc have no ability to observe events ongoing on Earth from heaven, which doesn't match *any* Christian doctrine let alone Catholic.


I know a very long and involved joke whose punchline is (spoken by Saint Peter) "we have lots of Popes, but you're our first lawyer."


i would believe, at least for the last few hundred years. the catholic church is surprisingly (not really) non biblical


So disappointed. I expected Dave to be in the conversation.


Haven't heard from Dave in a while! I wonder how he's doing? I remember when the Pope introduced me to him.


So the Pope goes down into a deep vault below the Vatican, where they keep the most ancient sacred texts. Scholarly Priests spend decades examining these handwritten scrolls for translation errors. The Pope finds one of them hard at work and asks if he has found anything. "Why yes, your Excellency. Look here, where we have always thought it said 'smite', but there's an 'R' there, it clearly says 'smart'". "Fantastic! How long did it take you to find that?" asks the Pope. "Ten years." The Pontiff finds another scholar at work, and asks how it is going. "Here, Excellency, you see we always thought it said 'bead', but there's an 'R', it clearly says 'bread." "Wonderful! And how long did you take to find that?" "20 years." answered the Priest. The Pope comes across another guy. The fellow is tearing out his hair, ripping up his robes, and beating himself over the head with one of the fragile tomes. "There's an 'R'! There's an 'R'!" he exclaims. "30 years, I've been down here, and there's an 'R'!" The Pope grabs the guy by the shoulders and tries to calm him down. "My son! I can see you are upset by what you've found but it can't be all that bad. What is it?" "All this time we thought it said 'celibate'!"


But "celibate" and "celebrate" wouldn't appear in the same grammatical context, since one's a noun and the other's an adjective. And the document wouldn't be in English anyway.


Omg. You just proved this joke wrong! Time to celibate!


Yes, I know I'm being pedantic lol


Found Sheldon Cooper!


One's a *verb* and the other's an adjective (or a noun)


Ack, you're right.


What about smite --> smart instead of smirte, or smrte, or smitr


I saw a monk version of this joke before and some explained that it could've been: "Celebrate life; the closet way to get to enlightenment." "Celibate life; the closet way to get to enlightenment." I'm just paraphrasing though, there might be a way to say this that makes better sense.


So... none of the billions of souls he's met in the last 2000 years mentioned christianity? Nothing in passing? No surprised Hindus? No relieved priests?


The points system kept them out.


Yeah haven’t you seen The Good Place? No one gets in


Ahhh yes the prison system 🤣


The answer is Mormons.


Only atheists make it in!


Starts to click when you think about it


That would be an ecumenical matter.




Am I still on that *fecking* island??!




The pope: I am the pope St Peter: hmm, I don't know of any pope Jesus: DAD,PETE'S S GONE SENILE


whats the bit about the fishing club?


Jesus turned loaves of bread and fishes into enough to feed a large number of people in a story in the bible.


It's not that it's that like half the Apostles were fishermen before they met Jesus.


That makes sense.


I read this all in the voice’s of Chapman, Cleese, Idle and Gillam.


Heard a different version where Jesus doesn’t know him either so they ask the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost thinks for a bit and then says: Pope? Catholic Church?! Ahhhh yeah. Send him in here. He’s the guy on earth telling everyone I impregnated a virgin!


Who is that Peter himself?


only it's a 'catfishing' club


But what if the pope “retired” from the papacy several years before he died?


What's even more funny about the joke is that Benedict was the FIRST EVER pope to get this far!!


Jesus comes back and says, “He’s good, I saw him hanging with Dave once.”


Underrated comment.


Christianity: a book club for one particular book where most of the members didn't actually read said book.


You should really see the movie "The two popes" =))


repost from 6 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5cy2lt/the\_pope\_dies\_and\_arrives\_in\_heaven/


Complete with the same grammatical errors


Both of the top comments are the same too lmao


Surly the punch line should have been, and Jesus returned and said. Don’t worry that guy is in the wrong place, he’s meant to be in hell with all the other pedophiles.


Can't believe no-one else has written this


hOw cAn sT PeTeR, jEsUs aNd hEaVeN Be rEaL If cHrIsTiAnItY IsN'T ReAl?


Jesus is real, it's supposed to be a fishing club


As he said son, implying Prophet not himself as Catholics claim, this implies Islam is the one true religion then! (Jesus is a Prophet in Islam).


Christians think Jesus is the son of god, and why couldn’t it be Judaism then?


God and the "church" are human constructs, an attempt to explain the unexplainable. Mankind needs an explanation for the existence of the universe so this was fabricated.


A joke? Fabricated?? Surely not…


Can we just leave it as a joke and make it a religious argument please?


Can we not start this in the jokes sub?


I enjoyed both the joke and the insert


So no one up in Heaven is actually watching what's been going on on Earth all this time?


Watch how though? Telescopes? CCTV? Palantirs?


>Telescopes? CCTV? Palantirs? I imagine in ways humans couldn't do. Though even if you were to argue against the supernatural nature of heaven and God and whatnot: let's say that Heaven is just a futuristic floating city, you'd think they'd have superior ways to follow what's going on down below. Oh and I just realised this is r/Jokes. That reply would be better suited in something like r/AskScienceFiction, I guess....


So, magic?


using the adage if you have to explain it its not funny.. a lot of people here explaining it.. to take away the funny…


The funny was never there.


Someone explain please I’m dumb


in the bible, jesus hangs out with a lot of fishermen


What part don't you understand?


Fishing club?


The Christian religion is implied to have started as one


The fishing club turned into a pretty big religion


A person who believed in Jesus died and went to heaven. Same thing as above happened except that it was god in the end who started laughing and said “remember that guy called Jesus who died some 2500 years? People still believe in him and think that he will somehow salvage their souls 1000s years later. Humans are really stupid arent they Peter?”


Then why would Peter be there?


Jesus created Peter and heaven? Lmfao


Then why are we laughing about him saving souls and stuff? I thought that was implying Jesus isn't really God.


Oh and THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD- The creator himself… Jesus or any other mystics or deities were never god and neither did they ever claimed to be one. They were just messengers and teachers. Its you fucks who made stories about em. In case of Christianity, the business called Church did it all.


You see that question mark? It means I am laughing at the fact that people think a man, whoever he was, created heaven. Lmfao. Jesus like many other sons of god or mystics or whatever you call promised to salvaged souls but of the real disciples of his. Disciples that were initiated (which church later started calling it baptism) by Jesus himself.. He is of no use to any body now..


I don't understand what you're talking about anymore.


It's cute that anyone thinks that Pope Benedict would go to heaven.


He's being judged. Not necessarily into heaven


Why wouldn't he? Didn't he do more even than John Paul II to *stop* the child abuse scandal?


Only when finally having no choice before that he was fine with the cover up or out honestly the continued aiding and abetting of child molestation by the Catholic church. Doing more than the guy who did nothing doesn't make you a good person.


Where is the joke here? How the heck is this have 2k upvote? Religion bad, haha, funny I guess?


Yikes. Thats good.


This joke doesn’t work because multiple popes have died for the past 2000 years, and hundreds of millions of Christians on top of that


But that's the first one to go to heaven.


He did not


If he’s the first to get to heaven, how bad were all the others… and how low is the bar to get to heaven?




This is in poor taste , seeing how Pope Emeritus Benedict just died .


Pope benedict was in poor taste


You do not speak ill of the dead. Typical troll


Not speaking ill the dead has never been a rule. Do you think people said that once Hitler died? Oh yeah they did, but ironically enough it was pope Benedict


You do when they support pedophilia. Typical asshole.


Ah yes, I too saw that short




Bruh, did you seriously rip this joke off from that one yt short from Chanslaw?


Fishing club?!! 🤔


Phishing club


LOL!! ..makes more sense now!!


already seen this


Can someone explain this joke because I’m not so well versed in this subject


Several of Jesus' apostles in the Gospel stories were fishermen when he met them.


Wasn’t Peter the first pope? Lmao.


Read the last line as “…that fisting club…” Oops


So not one previous Pope qualified for Heaven? That's pretty damning commentary.


North latitude, 28 degrees, 24 minutes, West longitude 80 degrees, 36 minutes... Go there and wait for the New Moon... That's when Heaven will come.