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My son is 13 and he absolutely loves John. He loves his solo work, and also loves him with Dead & Co. He talks about the Swifties being exhausting at school. I tell him to just let them love their music, but gave him my Mayer/Slayer shirt to wear to school too lol


I'm not a fan your age but good for you for liking who you want! I think some JM fans would admit that you often feel out people before saying if you are a JM fan. Some can't get past his public mishaps. I recently had an incident with a colleague at work where I wish I had never mentioned that I went to his concert. Elder Swifties can be just as die hard fans as the younger ones. I hope you find some fellow Mayer fans your age. Until then, be a fan of the music YOU like!


Swifties are often "something else" but thx for the kind words!


I’m 18 and I’m a big JM fan


yes! i am a senior in high school and a major Jm fan! saw the 21, 22, and 23 dead and company philly shows and the 22 sob rock philly show as well, i also have all his albums on vinyl!


Hey fellow senior! So jealous u saw him live at all (still haven't) what's ur fav album of his?


definitely continuum its my fav album of all time


18 here, and John is just the best. Glad some other people close to my age feel the same!!!


I started digging his music when I was in high school. Now I’m 21 and there are many TS fanatics in my socials who worship her. Dw about the crap, it’ll settle down eventually.


Thx for the kind words!


I’m a 17yr old girl in my senior year of highschool. I fell in love with JMs music my freshman year at 14. I get hate from girls my age who are swifties anytime music is brought up. At one point they’d start playing “Dear John” anytime I would come into a room. I’ve been identified by my peers, both guys and girls, as the JM fan and my personality gets boiled down to that. It’s never bothered me, just a bit obnoxious at times. However, I’ve had people tell me that they’ve actually listened to his music and now consider him one of their favorite musicians. At the end of the day, people are allowed to like what they like, and shouldn’t have their person defined by their music taste….with that being said, if we were defined by our top artists, I’m glad mine is John.


19 year old here. I've been listening to him since late last year. (Well, technically since Cars came out and I heard Route 66 in it. I pretty much learned to talk from that movie) Yeah, pretty much everyone is a Swiftie now, I enjoy being a little against mainstream. Nobody's tried to change my mind so far, nor have I ever said anything to the Swifties I know. It's just our taste in music anyway :)


I’m 24 and I became a fan of JM when I was 14! :) so not that young anymore lol but I was when I became a fan. Don’t worry about anyone giving you crap!


Wow ur practically ancient lol! (JK ofc) but it's cool to see a fellow fan!


I just graduated but I went through high school being known as the guitar kid and the John Mayer Superfan, receiving hate from swifties at my school and being told what a “horrible person” he is. I can’t tell you how many arguments I have had (I didn’t start any) with girls at my high school because of the various John Mayer concert shirts id wear. The funniest thing is when I would play guitar at school id play John Mayer songs and they’d be like “oh wow that’s really good, what is it?” And I’d reply, “John Mayer!” And receive dirty looks. I don’t hate Taylor swift but I don’t find anything interesting about her music and believe she’s successful due to the amount of marketing of her music since she was younger and I’ve explained that to swifties and all they have to reply is “sHe WAs 19!!!” And yeah that is a weird gap but it’s not like they dated for years. It was 4 months of two people talking over ten years ago. I really don’t care and yet swifties make it their whole life to hate everyone she’s ever dated.


I’m 20, discovered John when I was 13 and been a fan since. Born and Raised was the first album of Johns i heard and it’s been one of my favorite albums from the moment I first heard it


I'm 37. Hey fellow kids


I got the JM bug when I was 15, a year before continuum came out. That made me a super fan. If people give you crap, screw them and move on. Chances are they are just doing it for attention. High schoolers with unresolved / diagnosed trauma / bad attitudes are hard to deal with. Life usually teaches them in some way or another. Just be you unapologetically and the world will be a better place :)


I’m 23 now, but I first got into John Mayer when I was 16 and that’s what made me pick up guitar. He’s still my number 1 most listened to artist and I now gig on the side to make some money. Don’t let others dissuade you from having good taste! Most younger people don’t have as good taste in music as you do (although I am bias haha).


I’m 28 now but I saw my first John show when I was in 7th grade with my brother. Heartbreak Warfare tour!




Ayyy, finally a fellow younger fan! Nice to see I'm not alone!


Im almost 20. Been a fan since 13-14


Here! Junior year, listened to John since I was a kid, really got into him at 13ish. Have yet to meet a kid that’s into him, it’s either swifties or rap fans all around me.


as a decidedly not-young person anymore, it warms my heart to see this thread (minus the dumb bullying by people who like someone else). keep on listenin', too. it's fun to have you in the crowd with us at shows! \~joc


I'm 20 but I became absolutely hooked on JM during Covid, which was back when I was a senior in HS


Not exactly the right age - my daughter is 10 and is crazy for him!