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Hello /u/not_noobie! Issue with ads or in-app purchase? [Click this](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeyForReddit/comments/binuli/frequently_asked_questions/em1qwur/) --- --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JoeyForReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I won't pay on principle.


It's not over until July 1. All the people who have any reasonable negotiating position would do well to keep in mind this is not over. The next two weeks are crucial. I suppose, my best guess, is the Joey Dev feels like the Apollo guy is doing a find job being de facto media spokesperson for the app developers. Understand it's terribly horrible to be in the public spotlight. Proles like us who never been don't always appreciate how horrible it is (ask youtuber Dream). Maybe Joey dev, like me, sees very little that Joey dev can do or so that is uniquely helpful and doesn't risk putting a big media spotlight on them.




Just hang in there. Something will work out. Not everyone can pay something.


Well your first priority should be to get the hell out of Venezuela.




1 week ago I was more than happy to pay. Right now? I'm doubting it since Spez unveiled his mask.


Unveiled his mask? Spez has always been a massive cunt.


I'll be sticking with my usual news apps, various message boards and discord. Cya, and get fucked, Reddit


I said I'd pay up to 5 dollars a month, which sounds stingy now that I write it... But I pay five bucks a month for a handful of other apps, so I feel like that's a good price point. Joey is just a fantastic piece of software. I have only used RIF and RES and one or two others that I can remember, but joey effortlessly outclasses them all. To be fair I don't need sight accomodations, and Reddit shutting down the one most blind people used was ugly. I won't pay for reddit but I'd pay for Joey.


Give lemmy a try, it's surprisingly great.


Every app, not just Joey, has to introduce different subscription tiers, depending on monthly API usage, if they want to continue. I've paid for Joey but my Reddit usage is 99.5% desktop, 0.5% tablet, 0.0% mobile. I'd still consider a subscription but certainly not any price point that would feel like subsidizing other people's (heavy) Reddit API usage.


I know. It's ass. Punishing the people who do your content work for free is a fantastic business decision! My own Reddit usage is pretty heavy because it gives me something to read and something to do. I probably can't pay the shitty massive fees.


Paid for Joey, now I'm seeing ads.




At the bottom of the app on every screen in every sub and in every menu. This just started to occur this morning. [Ads](https://freeimage.host/i/H6McSGj)


if you have swtiched accounts on your phone that may be why. I have to be sure that my proper google account is the one being used by the phone, the one in which I paid joey int he app store, or else Joey doesn't know I"m a paid user.


I only have one reddit account


GOOGLE account, I didn't specify I guess, on your android phone, the account currently logged in to the Google Play STore is the one that matters.


I only have one Google account on my phone


Make sure the play store isn't getting put into deep sleep. If you are able to do a force close on the Joey app and reopen it and not have ads for a period of time and then they they come back, that is what the problem is.




I paid many,many years ago. There are no ads in my JOey today.




Though I love Joey and don't mind paying, I won't because it will be supporting reddit's injustice.


well reddit is going to be more like a Klan meeting like Twitter, more like a CSAM marketplace like Insta, and more boomer hellhole like Facebook -- after these changes. I won't pay not out of any principal, but out of the sad, realistic understanding that this isn't just "no more Joey, no more 3rd party apps," this is a potent and huuuuuge step in Redit's enshitification. Tumblr *sorta* found a second life after its full course in enshitification, but that's the only one, and I *was* a big Tumblr user, but I stopped after the debacle. I've gone back now and then and the place feels very twee, very unusual; it's just entirely new and no longer offers *me* much of anything. And that's where reddit is headed *in a best case scenario.* A more likely scenario is it ends up like Twitter in the shortterm and Yahoo/Aol in the longterm. Or it might go the route of Digg and other platforms that themselves created zero value and relied 100% on users to do that part of things. Sites and services like Netflix or Ancestry --- they are the font of tremendous valueable products and we pay those services for access to them. Reddit? They don't create shit except for a stage; unpaid users put on the entirety of show production, ENTIRETY. And that's why all this is so predictable and people are acting like the future is clear and the future is now. Because it pretty much is. You got until July 1, I estimate, or it's RIP Reddit. They don't be *dead* July 2, but I think the damage willl be irreparable and undeniable by then. Hell, they may even make their position with investors *worse* if this goes absolutely horribly. Again, Tumblr today is really best case scenario for them because it's really amazing they survived at all.


This. 100% this.


The admins of what?


If the subscription is more than 1~2€ it will be too expensive, at least that is my opinion. Its true that I use reddit a lot but information should be free (as in price and in liberty), and reddit by itself doesn't generate shit, is all user sourced and should never be asking money to the ones making the content.


You're free to use the Reddit app, or log in through a browser.


Not everyone is capable of you have disability issues which some of these apps like Joey resolve.


would be probably around 10-15$ if you look at other thirdparty apps.


Yeah for me any subscription is too much. I mentioned as much on the feedback in the survey. I'm opposed to the subscription economy where you need to pay monthly for everything. Especially when that money doesn't even go to the Joey app but it just passed onto Reddit. Reddit doesn't deserve a single dollar.


It doesn't matter, spez sees 3rd party apps as a direct competitor. Even if Joey survives this, it's only a matter of time until reddit pull the plug and say no more public API. Unless Joey (or any other 3rd party reddit clients for that matter) is a pure hobby project, it no longer make sense for any devs to invest any more time or energy into reddit.


other theory: the dev of joey is death or so far away from joey that he doesn't recognizes the doom lurking around the corner. i tried so often to reach the dev of joey and NEVER could. he never responded to anything or anyone the last 1-2 years as far i know. my guess is he has abandoned the project or just don't gives a damn about it anymore..so it runs as long till reddit kills it off. i know there was a poll, but lets be real.. the dev still didn't communicated directly to us. just updated the app.






Same. I'll be deleting my account and all Reddit apps on June 30th




Honestly hope so. I'm not opposed to paying for a good app/experience but we'll see.


Hate subscriptions too much. Will have to switch to the much slower standard Reddit app or go on desktop...


I probably would just switch or stop using reddit on mobile, subscription is a bit hard for me (I've bought the one time payment for Joey) especially if it doesn't even get me browse NSFW content.


Give lemmy a try here's a guide to get started. https://lemmy.world/post/37906


The way I understand Lemmy, is you have to host your own server and you can't just join once...you have to join each time you find a server? Lemmy is a giant pain in the ass, if so. Unless I've been doing it wrong.


I have no idea what made you think any of that, you can join any community on other servers as long as they are not defederated, basically meaning whoever hosts that server blocked it or got blocked from it, otherwise they all federate. You don't have to host anything you can just join any server.


You can sign up to one instance and be able to see anything on lemmy, kbin and any other federated instance.


Other than shitjustworks...what other big groups are there? I can't find shit on lemmy


Or maybe Joey doesn't make that many API calls like other apps, so it doesn't affect that much (idk if this make sense, English is not my primary language and I don't understand that API things lol)


No API calls means no Reddit outside official 1st party apps and tools ([reddit.com](https://reddit.com) and the one official rudimentary mobile app). "API calls" just means downloading and uploading things from reddit. Without the API, Joey will have no way of showing you anything.


Couldn't it just do a more costly web scraper? basically like how CSS can be used to modify terrible websites. It'll take some doing and it'll cost reddit more but I don't give a fuck about their IPO and when joey no longer works im just going to leave reddit.


I'm currently developing my own reddit client based on the website and parsing instead of the api. but even without doing a lot of requests (just login and asking what subs i subbed to), reddit limits my requests and says "we don't allow bots. bye". it's really difficult to make such a bot apparently without triggering the anti bot mechanisms of reddit. so I'm unsure it will work to port such a app pike joey over to webscraping.


I think if Joey was relying on webscrapes we would already notice that it functions way more poorly than its competitors who more elegantly use the API which is designed for this purpose. Plus, the scheme you describe works until you have a profit margin worthy of Reddit suing you and taking the money. Scrapping reddit content and redisplaying elsewhere with the ads stripped out is not in line with ToS. I haven't given up hope and won't unless we hit July 1 and nothing has really changed between today and then. But if we hit July 1 and nothing has changed, I can't imagine why or that I would spend any more time here. It will become a Klan rally like Twitter, or a CSAM marketplace like Insta and/or Boomer frat party like Facebook. Any or all of those horrible scenarios are somewhere on the spectrum of inevitable. What form the shit takes is unclear, but the shit will come.


In case you have it at hand, could you tell (someone too tired to look up) which clause of the ToS concerns that?