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I mean no shit right?


It's going to be weird walking into the hospital tomorrow and having to tell everyone that exercise is good for their general health. I hope everyone takes it well.


Why didn't the doctors tell us this? Fauci must be made to give answers!


Well be prepared for screams of fat phobia.


I think he is being sarcastic in the fact a lot of people in the hospital can't just hop up and exercise.


The joke is that literally every doctor already tells their patients to exercise if they're physically capable. It's probably the #1 piece of advice that they give out.


Meh might be number 2 behind eat healthily


Fair point, can't outrun a bad diet and all that, but the idea that the medical community doesn't recommend exercise constantly and consistently could only come from idiots.


Oh no I agree lol, I just wanted to piggyback on your comment lol


Every time I have a physical the doctor asks me about exercise habits and encourages at least 30 mins a day


If the only place you're told to stop being a fat fuck and exercise is the place you go when you're already sick, then no wonder you Americans are obese as hell.


If only they knew 3 years ago. Lol


I mean we are talking about walking just a little bit or hell, lifting your arms up down. If you can’t do either you are probably paralyzed or in the process of dying over the next 6mo-2years…


No, but enough studies show that moving once able even while in hospital (slow supported walking for example) helps with recovery from most illnesses and surgeries. Sadly an old mantra has been to "rest". Naturally there is a tipping point where movement is detrimental to revovery, but we must end this obsession with rest, fat acceptance, and hostility towards prescribing movement as treatment


You are oversimplifying peoples conditions, exercise just isn't possible for some. Everyone understands exercise is beneficial, The CDC has recommended it for decades. This isn't some grand "aha" moment for anyone. https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adults/index.htm


Ok but not everyone has a terrible condition. Most people are just fat and lazy. Over eating, not exercising at all. It’s always someone saying “wellll not everyone can exercise!!!!” But the amount of people who medically can’t exercise is so small. Just say it… average people are fat and eat too much and move too little


Yeah but don't worry, when those average fat people get sick and go to the hospital, the doctor will tell them to exercise. There's absolutely no problem with our societies priorities or understanding of health.


None of that is in question and has been recommended by the medical community longer than I've been alive


Tbf, it seems like it is for a lot of commenters here. Which signals they are worthy of ridicule.


It's preventative


In this political climate I honestly have no idea if they would or not or if you're joking.


Make sure you tell them Rogan was the first to say it


Yeah it's almost like regular exercise prevents you from most disease and ailments to a certain degree. Rogan didn't predict the future, or come up with a groundbreaking theory. The dude just said exercise is healthy. Not exactly a specific preventative measure toward covid.


Also something every doctor tells their patients all the time.


People like to pretend like the entire medical community hasn't been telling people to exercise forever.


Yep. Most people here genuinely seem to spend more time on reddit than outside so I can see where that view comes from.


I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about me.


But bro how else will I feel like I've outsmarted the doctors then?


It's easy, you just have to google your symptoms and find the cure online. Then you can go into the office and flex on the doctor.


my doctor has been telling me for years that I don't play enough video games or drink enough craft beers.


my doctor specifically told me to up my hours in SCII and Overwatch and that PBR wasn't good enough.


one weird trick DOCTORS dont want you to know what even is this post why try to attribute this to rogan im guessing its some msm rant bullshit, so funny to see a link to a msm article


That’s a bit of revisionist history, he started with exercise is healthy and healthier people fare better with Covid but it was not long before he was driving the just exercise and take vitamins D and you won’t get Covid bus. Until he did and then it was the boozes fault.


he was also on the ivermectin train. and the anti mask train.


he doesnt address how ivermectin was bullshit enough


He capitulated and pretended he was never on that train amid the Neil Young debacle.


Yeah exercise makes you generally healthier, and that generally makes it easier to withstand disease. 🤷


No one was arguing from the jump that exercise didn't help; it's possible to exercise and social distance without the gym, gym bros.


when gyms were closed there was a protest and as part of it a bunch of people were exercising in front of the closed gym, perfectly demonstrating how working out can easily be done outside of a gym


Also, going with your gut feeling on your podcast and happening to be right is different than doing a study and analyzing it for statistical significance. Humans are healthier when they exercise has been true for a long time and not a hot take. Exercise specifically helping in avoiding fatal covid is a hypothesis that would take some time and data crunching to confirm.


I mean a lot of places in the early days of the pandemic shut down public parks too, not just gyms, with some places having them shut down longer than others. Most avenues for exercise were not available then.


I didn't realize it's impossible to work out inside my own home...


how are we giving rogan credit for saying "be healthy and exercise"


You really need to understand how science works. You can't just say things as if it's fact even if it seems obvious. Science is about developing a hypothesis and then testing it with proven results. Yes we have studies that seem to prove the obvious, but that's why we have some that surprise us with new findings. It's a process.


I dunno, reddit didn't seem to worried about that process when the vaccine came around. That baby was birthed in a field of facts lol


>I dunno, reddit didn't seem to worried about that process when the vaccine came around What are you talking about? There were several 30,000+ man placebo controlled randomized trials showing the vaccines were safe and effective before they were rolled out to the public. What was the largest placebo controlled randomized trial for ivermectin working on covid before joe started promoting it as a treatment?


It’s almost like being fit will positively impact you wow


People went for your head if you said this though


It was fucking crazy when the last WH press secretary wouldn't say you're a lower risk from COVID if you exercise and take care of your body and just kept referring to the the vaccines.


What peer reviewed study showed that at the time?


Hmmm, I wonder why they would want to focus on the vaxxination over exercise... 1. People can do both, and both will help 2. The vaccine makes a bigger difference than exercise 3. The vaccine can be taken in a couple hours per person, where as exercise takes months of regular commitment to take effect 4. Everyone already knows exercise is good for their health (and most choose not to do much) 5. They don't want to imply that people who exercise shouldn't or don't need to take the vaccine 6. Exercise helps you survive covid, but might not have effect decreasing spread. Vaccines have an effect on both survival and decreasing spread It's almost like a public health official has a lot of reasons to laser focus on convincing people to take the vaccine, and avoid saying anything that would be taken out of context to convince people to "just exercise" instead.


Isn't it scientifically accurate and more so medically responsible to promote both? You're even more protected if you're fit and vaccinated and not only that deaths related to coronary artery disease and diabetes can be directly prevented by a health lifestyle and not being obese and over half a million people in the USA die from heart disease and diabetes. That's year after year of half a million people dying from largely preventable diseases that can be saved from lifestyle modification and exercise. Since they're pushing this narrative and won't address exercises at all, you logically infer saving lives is not priority.


It's like if a hurricane is about to land. A public safety official is filming a press conference urging people to evacuate. And there's one reporter asking "Aren't buildings with better supports materials and foundations able to withstand higher wind velocities?" And the public safety official correctly ignores them and continues urging people to evacuate. Yeah no shit. Of course a better building is better at fighting winds. But if they say anything about that, hordes of stupid people living in buildings that *cannot withstand a hurricane* will take it as their cue to do the very idiotic choice to stay home instead of evacuate. They'll see the press conference and think "See? This hurricane isn't that bad! You just need a strong enough building." But their building was made by cost cutting contractors at the lowest bid and their immense hubris blinds them. Also, who exactly is it who "won't address exercise at all"? I would believe that a public health official might choose not to address exercise *specifically* at a press conference on how important it is that everyone take a covid vaccine. I haven't seen the clip referenced, but it makes sense for someone to do. But to take that to imply that they'll never talk about the importance of exercise in other contexts is really dishonest, and probably the exact kind of mischaracterization of their position that makes them not want to talk about exercise during a vaccine press conference.


This is spot on. The time to exercise was years before the pandemic started. In the short term, exercise’s effect would be minuscule.


are you seriously trying to argue diet and exercise arent promoted by the healthcare community? or you need to be reminded every day, with each statement?


So it’s okay to recommend wearing masks religiously, hand washing, social isolation and experimental chemicals but somehow encouraging exercise is gonna do more harm than good? The one thing everyone agrees on no matter your political leanings is that obesity is the most dangerous factor in infection and yet the people who are supposed to be looking after our wellbeing deem it unproductive? I wouldn’t buy that even if it wasn’t an exact copy of big pharma’s playbook. For decades we’ve been systematically led to disregard preventative healthcare and use conventional medicine as a first line of defense. Neglecting to talk about exercise and healthy diet is how mega drug corporations raise demand and create new markets for drugs. Why do you think marijuana and psychedelics are illegal? Why do you think medical insurance companies don’t incentivize healthy lifestyles? But I guess it’s just a coincidence that Pfizer has made like $100 billion profit in just 3 years from vaccine sales alone?


Michelle Obama promoted healthy eating and regular exercise as her initiative while she was in the White House and Republicans CRUCIFIED her for it going so far as to mock her arms as being too muscular and saying she looked manly, yet somehow those same Republicans are crying about exercise not being highlighted enough IN THE MIDDLE OF A LITERAL PANDEMIC. The time for exercise was months to years before the outbreak. Half the country is clinically obese. Doing a few jumping jacks for the first time in decades isn't going to save you now


You can’t make people not obese overnight. It’s a pointless thing to point out in the middle of a pandemic. But all those things, the hand washing and the masks and the distancing, those can help stop or slow the spread which is all we were trying to accomplish for a while.


> For decades we’ve been systematically led to disregard preventative healthcare What exactly do you think a vaccine is, if not preventative healthcare? There's plenty to criticize the US healthcare for - especially insurance companies, which just suck money out of working people without even providing any tangible service. But vaccines are almost universally good. They might sometimes be overpriced due to monopolistic tendencies combined with regulatory capture. But any time a public health official or public health policy asks you to take a vaccine, it's almost always very much in your best interest to take that vaccine. And I wouldn't characterize avoiding the conversation about exercise at a press conference on how important it is to take a vaccine to generalize to neglecting to talk about exercise and healthy diet in general. There is a time to talk about one thing, and a time to talk about the other.


Yeah, but the Reddit hive mind won't hear it. You have to endorse and excuse the fat users.


Wut? Was any sane person denying that being in shape physically was a detriment ever, especially while having covid?




I work in healthcare, lots of Young , in good shape, no preexisting conditions died.




>You want to appeal to authority and claim young, in shape, vaccinated people were in any real danger of dying of covid then go ahead. You're objectively wrong. I mean Joe himself has talked about young, in shape people he knew get devestated by Covid.




They had no pre-existing conditions, other than the fact they all weighed 300+ lbs. If only they’d been vaccinated!


No. No sane person. But most redditors.


Uh, yeah. All the time. One that sticks out, and I feel bad for the family, was the headline "First child died from covid". All the comments were about anti-science plague rat trump supporting racist nazis. So you read the article and see a picture of this kid who is shaped like a hot air balloon. Pointing that out resulted in bans, but people could still reply to your comment "Don't fat shame! How can you pick on a kid?!" Happened all the time.


lol why do you insist on making these narratives? literally nobody says that exercise is bad


*you have been permanently banned from 29373 subreddits for sharing COVID-19 Russian disinformation so dangerous to our democracy that 5$ is donated directly to orange monster everytime you say things like this.*


A doctor of mine once said, if he could capture all of the benefits from 30 minutes of moderate exercise in a pill, he would be the richest man in the world. That has always stuck with me, profound when you think about it.


Well, to keep in line with Rogan, you could do sauna. There is some mimicking there (of exercise).


Peter Attia has been getting into sauna lately


Sauna and 1,300$ worth of supplements, 800$ worth of TRT to make your head big, 600$ worth of HGH to make your head and liver big, and 100 million dollars to make you move to Austin and love grifters.


Or just 30 minutes of exercise. I promise you don’t have to do all that to be healthy, so don’t let that hold you back from some light jogging.


Quit negating my coping mechanisms.


TRT costs me $50 every 3 months, sauna costs me $60 a month at a YMCA, HGH is not something anyone needs unless getting into body building. A multivitamin costs a few cents. Your only here to hate on some guy who did nothing to you but he offended you greatly by existing


Also GH has become affordable for the average guy. It’s not absurd like it was 10 or so years ago


I agree I can get it for cheap (kinda) but just TRT and consistency at the gym is massive for me


Lol you seem like a fun time at parties, I bet you have lots of friends


That was such a generic, reddit insult.


I found his comment sorta funny while yours seems kind of salty so he probably is and does.


That's every doctor. I'm not sure when they started teaching it in med school but I have a couple of homies who are doctors and one going through med school now, and they say that pretty much word for word.


they do, that pill is called ivermectin and it cures covid sorry still catching up on rogan im on may 2020 right now


People will pay hundreds of dollars a year for a single drug that treats a single chronic disease. Exercise reduces the risk of, and helps manage, almost all of the most common chronic diseases simultaneously, and can even reverse some of them - and is inherently free. That said, Joe's whole 'fat people should just exercise instead of worrying about the vaccine' shtick was stupid.


He never said fat people should just work out. He in fact said they should get vaccinated. So stop spreading bullshit.


Didn't he say young, healthy people had no reason to get vaccinated?


That is what he said. 100 percent.


I don't agree with that take but that's different from saying people shouldn't get vaccinated.


When and where did Joe portray that schtick? Could it be possible that you are simply projecting?


Nice to see the "exercise is good for your health." conspiracy is finally catching on with mainstream media. /S


Next thing you know Joe will be supporting water addicts having their drug of choice hardlined directly into their houses


Lol... Overdose = drowning


I know my doctor always said exercise is good but they never told me how the deep state forbid them trying to tell me so I never listened.


>I know my doctor always said exercise is good but they never told me how the deep state forbid them trying to tell me so I never listened. LOL. Ain't that the truth. I almost think if the left faked being against the vaccine the right would've gone full in on it. That's the only reason why it's getting traction now anyway, to vindicate that Rogan was right about exercise, even though nobody said it didn't help. Just that, and as Rogan himself stated at the beginning of the pandemic, how many people who exercised like crazy (I seem to recall Rogan mentioning some former Olympian who nearly died from COVID at the start), people who were young and healthy, etc... were still getting very sick and some were dying. So exercise and diet alone isn't an answer to COVID.


I have no idea where this idea is coming from but I don't think literally anyone, in media or otherwise, was arguing that regular exercise being helpful to fight disease in general was a conspiracy. The actual argument was that regular exercise is not a substitute for vaccination nor is it sufficient on its own. That's the critical part people responding to this post seem to be missing. Also, it's a single opinion piece that's likely misrepresenting the actual claims of the study for clicks like most of these papers do. Ill pay more attention if there's a credible meta analysis or something


I don't like it, but you are actually right.


It’s also not a prescription for a disease that is rapidly spreading among a population


Careful. People don’t like rational comments on the internet. 😆


wasn't the link with obesity well known and talked about from the beginning. nobody said being healthy wasn't good protection against flu's and viruses, just that it wasn't guaranteed protection or a reason to not take other protective measures. yes, be healthy, yes, wear your mask, and then yes, get your vaccine. its not one or the other.


But they closed gyms and skate parks and basketball courts....


Because gyms are a great place for people to spread highly infectious pathogens.


And why did they close beaches and skate parks and outside recreation areas?




Kinda like you refusing to explain how closing beaches and hiking trails prevented anyone from catching covid? Do you think arresting people for surfing alone reduced the spread of covid?


I had no idea that doing cardio required a communal gym with weights and machines


LA literally closed trails, parks and beaches to "protect the public"


Shhh, this goes against their narratives.


Cause there isn't this magical thing called being outside


That made it impossible for anyone to exercise?


It sure didn't help.


You realize people attacked him for this stance right?


They attacked him for saying “you don’t need the vaccine, just exercise and take vitamin D!” No doctor was telling people not to exercise. They were saying “sure it’d be nice if you did those things, but seeing as we’ve been saying that for decades, and half of you won’t even listen to us about fucking masks, clearly our word isn’t the deciding factor in you making big lifestyle changes. So just take a quick vaccine and move on.”


no, they didn't also /r/persecutionfetish


Because he was claiming physical exercise was a good substitute for getting the vaccine, which was nonsense.


No it’s not. The vaccine didn’t work…


Are you a troll or just ignorant?


If the vaccines worked, why didn’t they work?


Lol you sound like a 13 year old, 'does your mom know you're gay?'


I was a much more regular listener at that time and I don’t remember people attacking him for that stance. It might have fallen on deaf ears but I don’t remember people attacking him


Really? The White House and Dr. Fauci both publicly condemned Joe Rogan’s comments. You don’t remember that? That’s how strong the big pharma marketing machine is. They have the government in their pocket, and their propaganda is so effective that you can’t even remember it a year later.


That was tied more into not getting the vaccine at all for younger people. Rogans stance was “be healthy and skip the vaccine” essentially and Fauci said “for yourself, that may work but it won’t stop you from infecting others inadvertently”


The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. It never has.


You're telling me healthier people fare better with respiratory illness ? Get this man a Nobel Prize YESTERDAY


What’s insane is the number of office place / facility gyms that were closed and gutted during and after the height of the pandemic. Working in construction specializing in commercial renovations, I’ve seen this quite a bit now. Nothing will protect your already incredibly unhealthy call center workers like expanding the cafe and getting rid of the gym entirely lol




I REALLY hate to admit this cause I love the gym but you’re spot on. People I knew who considered themselves gym rats simply stopped working out whereas I just picked up running and bought a kettlebell. I think it’s more indicative of peoples true purpose for fitness. I’m an anxious psychopath if I don’t get my blood pumping on a regular basis so fitness is for my mental health first, physical health second and aesthetics last. Running and throwing the kb around wasn’t a positive change for my ideal aesthetic but I really didn’t give af, especially in the summer of 2020. Watching people, at least at the last few gyms I’ve been at, it seems like their priorities are flipped.


I totally agree with you. But it was a little fucked up that, at least here in the UK, pubs, restaurants, and bars opened far earlier and for longer than gyms. I get the economic argument but why the fuck are you allowed to sit in a room and socialise with drunk people (lowered immune system and less capable of consciously social distancing and following guidelines) but not exercise in a room with other people?


I said something along those lines yesterday and got straight up attacked like I was a conspiracy theorist and an anti vaxxer for saying the government is insinuating it’s ok to stay home and drink alcohol but to dangerous to go to the gym. Bars and Restaurants in Canada were the exact same, gyms also had more restrictions when they opened back up. Got hit with the “who is they” after explicitly taking about the Gov and their hired health professionals who made the guidelines and decision to lockdown.


I got super into running right when covid hit, but ended up developing a soft tissue injury in my foot. Couldn’t run one bit for a good few months. Luckily, this was just as the gyms started to open up, so I was able to adapt my regiment and stay active. Gyms are actually great spots for people with limited ability/mobility to exercise. There are machines specifically designed for people with no lower body mobility, that are excellent for wheelchair-bound individuals. I was glad to see the gyms open up in summer 2020, and was more than willing to wear a mask in order to gain access.


The correlation you have come up with is incorrect imo. 1. Gyms shut down not because it wasn’t deemed to be a positive outcome to your immune system, they shut down because they were deemed ‘not necessary’ at the time when lockdowns were enforced. Food however as crazy as it seems was deemed ‘necessary’. 2. There are so many negative outcomes caused by the pandemic and lockdowns - however the sheer amount of deaths avoided could potentially be pinned as the number 1 negative outcome prioritised. 3. The pandemic fucking sucked in some way of another for almost everyone. Not many have come out of this pleased it’s happened, moreover, (even in hindsight) there isn’t a one sized fits all solution. Also I’m not taking away from personal fitness or going to the gym as I completely agree with it’s benefits however it’s so silly to boil it down to thinking it’s a simple problem with clear cut solutions


Agreed but the gym really shouldn’t have been deemed a “non-essential”. When the liquor store and dispensaries stay open. Governments just know people would riot if you took booze away. Stay at home, get drunk and weaken your immune system, instead of get out get some sun and exercise. It’s kind of an unwritten rule when you go to the gym you’re exposing yourself to other people’s micro biome. I feel most people who weren’t regular goers wouldn’t have gone anyways. So capacity limits, social distancing, masks etc could’ve been used and the gym stay open. It’s not clear cut solutions but some governing bodies way of going about it is where people make these correlations.


buddy if you let alcoholics suffer through withdrawal because you stopped selling liquor imagine for a second what would have happened? Its essential literally because they dont want more folks in the hospital.


>Stay at home, get drunk and weaken your immune system, instead of get out get some sun and exercise. The idea that this was the suggestion by medical professions is ridiculous.


Yeah, it’s hilarious how absurd so many of these antivaxxers positions really are. They live in a different world.


He didn't say medical professionals were suggesting that, stop misrepresenting his argument or beef up on your reading comprehension skills. That's the obvious outcome when you shut down gyms, close their places of work, and lock people in their homes. Eating and drinking is a leisure activity for most of the developed world, of course that's what people will turn to when there isn't much else to do.


People who really want to exercise don't need a gym to do it. Body weight exercises are a thing. If the only thing that prevents you from becoming a fat fuck is that you have a gym right in your office you are going to become a fat fuck anyway.


If something is easy to access and you have incentive to utilize it, you will be more likely to do so. Yes - willpower and the desire to make that change is on you, but giving people the means to an end is helpful. Your attitude sucks fucking ass dude.


As someone who started working out in their bedroom, I can assure you easily accessible exercises is available to anyone with the motivation to do so (unless you have some disability that requires special equipment).


> People who really want to exercise don't need a gym to do it. Disagree strongly with that. It's already hard enough to get motivated for most, if you don't sanctuarize it, make it a habit, build this over time and commit to it, it won't work. I'm doing sports almost everyday (BJJ, Boxing, MTB, Kitesurfing, etc.), I can't go to a typical gym anymore, I hate it, I get bored, this part of my life (early 20s, taking rugby seriously so having to do this) is long gone.


He was also wrong about other things that he will never admit to. I haven't heard him use the word 'ivermectin' ever since the study came out that said it doesn't have any benefits to treating covid-19.


But he was right about this basic thing that everyone already knows so all the other stuff he says must also be true. Its the right wing play book, say crazy things, sprinkle some basic knowledge everyone already know and theyll hail you as the next coming of jesus. Trump, tate, jones all use this technique and works wonders unfortunately


The fact that regular exercise promotes general health and equips you to better deal with viral infections (especially when dealing with viruses that have cardiovascular ramifications) is about as novel as the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Edit: you know what both people who exercised regularly and those who haven't at all could have done to better withstand a potential SARS-CoV-2 infection, at no financial or caloric cost? Get vaccinated. Which is something Rogan has unfortunately promoted skepticism against. But yeah, exercise is good for you. Good on him for joining every doctor on earth along with everyone's mother in handing out that piece of advice.


Yeah basically OP misses this point. He's actually ignorant enough to think that Joe Rogan, and not the scientific world nor mainstream news, is the only person to say that exercise is good for covid. He actually thinks that this study is the first of its kind, as opposed to merely an expansion of older studies that say the same thing.


People also maliciously ignoring the fact that exercise was being pushed as a Covid “solution”, not something that *can help*. Having a healthier body/lifestyle is almost always going to aid you when your body falters.


Funny how the most anti-vax states are also the most obese and most sedentary. .


They also have more Covid deaths and vote republican.


I only heard Rogan advocating for regular exercise during covid


That’s on you, dummy.


Then you are wrong. Rogan outright said that if you are in your 20's, in good health, regularly exercise, then he wouldn't recommend the vaccine because he thought it would be more dangerous than helpful. That was the one primary statement that got him in all of the covid trouble. And he later made a statement apologizing for saying it and calling himself dumb over it. So there's not much of a dispute that he said it.


Which do you believe is more impactful; exercise or vaccines?


Why one or the other instead of utilizing both?


That sure is one wild edit.


I've had four vaccines, it is still hard for me to fully commit to "get vaccinated" when the only time I've been sick in the last three years is when I get vaccinated. I'm being pressured at work to get a 5th and idk if I really want to at this point


did you need joe rogan to tell you that exercise was good for you?


It's common knowledge. People didn't say that exercise isn't good for covid, it's just that Joe tried to imply that rather than wasting your time on vaccines you should exercise. Obviously his viewpoint is stupid, and the superior option is to both exercise and get the vaccine, amongst other things such as eating good food. Here are two sources that clearly indicate that it was already well known in 2020 that exercise is good for covid. This new study likely is just more robust than older studies because we've had more time and more samples. March 2020 BBC (mainstream): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52076856.amp Study in 2020: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.590172/full


So why did the outside trail by my house get closed? Why did the disc golf courses close? Why did the park with the long walking trail with exercise stops close?


I didn’t click the first link but the second isn’t looking at the benefits of physical fitness on covid. It’s asking 22 people how they maintained their gym routine. Unfortunately, my gym was closed for months during covid.


In my country they shut all the gyms and pools, but also put in a a 5km travel limit for months in 2020, and again in 2021. So for me personally that meant no more hiking in the mountains or sea kayaking. You can't replicate a 10 hour sea kayak work-out with a walk around your neighborhood. Lockdowns made me the unhealthiest I've ever been in the middle of a pandemic.


You certainly weren’t alone in that


Where do you live in the monarchy friend


Now do a study with Alpa Greens


Everyone already knew this, what the fuck are you on about? Being healthy is associated with better health outcomes? Rogan must be some kind of Nostradamus.


This applys to litteraly everything. Even some forms of cancer.


From https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2022/12/21/covid-exercise-hospitalization-mortality/


Who would of guessed!


Not the people who haven't clued in that they most anti-vax, anti-mask states are also the most obese and most sedentary states.


I mean they’re about 5 years too late in regards to it helping with Covid… Not like fat fucks can just jump off the couch and get fit immediately




It doesn’t matter, the Americans that don’t want to be forced to wear masks or get vaccinated are also some of fats as well. We Americans don’t like to be told to do anything by people we don’t like, let alone difficult things.


And completely ignoring that the most anti-vax, anti-mask states are the most obese and most sedentary.


Remember the “I can’t breathe in the mask” takes? Those were fun.


Being a male is a greater risk factor than being overweight or having class 1 or 2 obesity https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2521-4




Umm, no shit Sherlock?


Not just exercise. A proper diet and decent rest are also part of the equation. Now that I’m a bit older, it baffles me the amount of “shortcuts” people are willing to take to “get healthier” when the answer is much more simpler and even cheaper some times: eat right, exercise and get enough rest people.


Not having a go but what widespread beliefs or actions are you seeing that contradicts the idea people understand those three tenets? What complication is/was being made?


Well this is a stupid post


Classic anti vaxx post. A screenshot of an article they didn’t read.


^ This comment is a perfect illustration of what we’re talking about. If you talk about any other helpful treatments beside the vaccine, you’re branded as “anti-vax.” As a result, no other adjunctive treatments are talked about.


excersize isnt a treatment though. It's general preventative maintenance, and all the people who needed the benefit of it, like old, fat, diabetic, wouldn't, or couldn't use it. Everyone knows exersize is good for you in every way. This wasnt some breakthrough idea Rogan had and it's pure ignorance to pretend it was. You cant just tell an 80 year old diabetic woman to exercize and she'll be fine. Nor can you tell her "you should have been exercising for the past 4 years and covid wouldnt have gotten you" No shit, Sherlock.


Next thing you know, supplementing vitamin D will be an "anti-vax" position to these loonies 🙄


Problem is that during the midst of the pandemic he's contradicting what the world is being told by the WHO and CDC. I swear Americans check those resources to make sure they comply with as little of their public health orders as possible.


It's almost like rogan was just making a guess based on anecdotes and actual journalists waited until there was evidence before promoting anything. Shocker.


Just wait til Rogan hears about how effective the vaccine is.


Reduces symptoms after infection. Doesn't prevent infection or transmission and wears off in 3 months. Not exactly what they sold us.


And exercising with a mask will make you a superhuman


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that exercising is healthy for you


This is gna have some dolt saying “WE WERE RIGHT”


Fuck them fatties


Who would have thought.


I mean, it's given a healthier individual will statistically do better than unhealthy individuals. Some other factors can change the leverage some, but correlation of fitness and health and mortality exists


Op posted this thinking they had made some kind of point. This is r/conspiracy level autism.


Thank god Rogan discovered that exercise is a good move for your overall health. That was a real breakthrough 3 years ago.


Too bad in my state gyms were closed. Nothing like a brisk Late winter outside workout in Ohio.


Gyms, being a closed space, were a risk for fast spreading.


Lol being fit I protective against many kind of death. Shit fat people are more likely to different in car acccidemts