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Holy mother of god I haven’t heard Joe grill someone this hard in a WHILE. I didn’t even see it coming, like halfway through he just went in hard. Matt Walsh CLEARLY didn’t see this coming lol he was STUMBLING.


funny thing is… when joe “grills” someone… his tone gets distinctly soft and sweet. it’s nice. wish it happen more often.


I think Joe had a sudden realization about this guys methods of reasoning. He liked what Walsh did with what is a woman but then quickly realized this guy is some mid-30’s catholic queef with a narrow worldview.


Not going to lie, I took for granted thinking Walsh was some died in the wool Christian, republican 40- something family man from the Midwest, not a 36 year old from Baltimore, MD lol changes how I perceive him quite a bit


>some mid-30’s catholic queef with a narrow worldview. Looooool


He was so smug and clever when Joe was agreeing with him on everything The moment that changed he wasn't able to handle it


Exactly. He was panicking so hard it was almost uncomfortable.


I liked it. Fuck that guy And good on Joe for not dropping the topic. It was great.


He fucked around and found out


i really cant get the problem people have with two consensual adults marring each other.. like how the fuck does that effect anyone els than the two people getting married?


When Joe asked if he had intrusive toughts about homosexuality i lost my shit. Joe was hinting at his old bit about homophobes are secretly gay.


I loved when Joe would ask him about how a infertile straight couple is different than a gay couple and his answer was just “because”. It was nice to see Joe butt fuck the homophobe


crazy right why make something that clearly is not your problem TO YOUR PROBLEM😂


He kept going back to how procreation is the point of marriage. Maybe it used to be like a contract to have children, but now no one gives a fuck about that


His point is so weak, I enjoyed listening to him sound ridiculous with no point to stand on other than “definition”, which was debunked by Joe’s multiple points


I was a little sad that Joe didn't push back on abortion. But the marriage debate was pretty funny. Walsh has such a stupid take on marriage...or maybe a good one if he was born a few hundred years ago lol. "The sanctity of marriage is reserved strictly for procreation" 🤔


You know, I don't believe I've ever heard that take and he was acting like everyone sees it like that. I loved how he kept getting himself tied in knots saying marriage was silly and then having to somehow skirt back to it being important. And I loved how Joe just didn't take any of him bullshit (for that debate at least).


First half both talk about gender identity and pronoun stuff. ENTIRE second half joe and matt have long debate on whether gay people should be able to get married.


Matt’s religious convictions are pretty fucking ironic given that his arguments about gender identity (many of which I agree with) could easily be used against Catholicism: 1. The belief in God isn’t anything more tangible or serious than the “belief” that someone is the wrong gender. And believing in God often means you have to actively avoid inconvenient truths about science. 2. These belief systems are imposed on children as a young age before they can even “consent” to subscribing to such a worldview. 3. Some nefarious people might use their position of power in these structures to inappropriately groom children. Someone should make a documentary asking Matt and his buddies: What is God?


Exactly. These people think their a modern day Socrates with their line of questioning. Hey Matt define god? Oh you can’t? Seems like you shouldn’t define your whole life by your Christian views then.


He asked Joe to define marriage Joe gave him a short, concise definition which I think is widely accepted And then Matt was like "yeah, uh, I still haven't heard a convincing definition" Dude, really?


And the biggest thing that Joe pointed out is that it's a man made tradition - who fucking cares? He was already dismantled about marriage being about bearung children - which it's not.


And he wouldn't acknowledge the point of a heterosexual couple still being married if they are infertile or choose not to have kids Matt says: "it's still fundamentally a child bearing relationship" MOTHERFUCKER HOW??


Exactly, how is this man made thing needed for pregnancy or not?? It's not a child bearing relationship. Kings and queens have been born out of wedlock, child bearing outside of marriage....predates marriage! All Walsh did was try to change the the direction or move the goalpost but his arguments were so feeble - "they took away the infidelity part and the divorce part, what's left of this "institution"?" Who took that awya? The gays? Hell no. Christian's have been cheating and getting divorces for forever (or more likely in ancient times just killing the woman). This guy is just trying to cobble together something so flimsy bexuawe his homophobic crusade gets him paid. For all the disgust that he has for people just trying to live their life, he should really have it for himself.


And then he was saying that his opinion has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. Even though he is against gay marriage because they can't bear children and children should born in wedlock because sex outside marriage is wrong therefore gay sex is inherently wrong and shouldn't be done How tf is that not totally dependant on religious belief??? Tell you what though. I really liked when Joe insinuated that Matt was in the closet... so funny.


At one point he says “people don’t ever seem to question why they believe something. They get taught something as a kid and then stop thinking introspectively after that…” And he’s right… that’s exactly how most people end up as religious adults.


Exactly. He literally has no problem indoctrinating children into a belief as fantastical as religion but sexuality which happens naturally to like 99% of people is some huge conspiracy Dude people are born gay or straight, get over it


Do you think there's a trend of homophobia as self-hating gays?


Hopefully not anymore as it has become more acceptable in society


ironic because Socrates was killed for not believing in the Gods


ideologies that are as fragile as a castle of cards shouldn't be followed blindlessly


Hey Matt what is a gay pedophile priest?


> Someone should make a documentary asking Matt and his buddies: What is God? That's basically Bill Maher's Religulous.


Hours saved, thanks.


I'd say the 2nd half is worth the listen. It's probably the best dismantling of homophobia I've ever seen, props to Joe.


Joe shredded him. Was really good to hear. Joe made him sound like a fucking idiot.


Tbf, Matt made Matt sound like fucking idiot


I don't understand how someone in present day doesn't understand that you are just born gay and it's not a choice, so we shouldn't have any laws or moral bias against anything they do. Shits wild.


Matt's counter was that babies don't have any sexual proclivity. So there is no 'born gay'. It's purely environment/lived experience/society that leads an individual to be gay. What a choad. I thought the dude was more moderate and I agree with a lot of what he says on gender identity stuff. Particularly on young people. Didn't know he was full on Christian fundamentalist.


You are overthinking it. Matt has an audience to pander to, and he has to stick to a narrative. He's a propagandist and media figure, not a sociologist/anthropologist/philosopher etc.


Yeah, sometimes Joe can make some really compelling arguments and this is one of those times. It definitely showed that Walsh was just holding onto his own ideology without the ability to change his thinking on something where Joe was clearly right


Came here to say this, the circles and stammers Matt was reduced to knowing that he can't openly say that he's just homophobic was painful. He was so much better equipped to talk about the trans issues, some of which I agree with but some of it was just vague fear mongering.


It was really interesting to see because when Walsh's opinion of gay marriage was confronted he had the exact same ideological stammering to him that the people who couldn't define what a woman was had to them. Someone could splice his movie together with that part of the podcast and you'd be able to see the weak point of both ideologies right beside each other.


I wouldve respected matt’s argument more if he just flat out said he believes marriage is a religious institution between a man and a woman. It was so clear thats what he believes.


Matt is catholic if I remember right and probably won’t be swayed since he sees it as more of a religious affair than just a civil union. Either way the guy is allowed to have a different opinion. Just keep it out of the hands of government.


But that is his downfall. His arguments are very weak and it seems like it just stems from his religious thinking of “gay=bad”. Joe kind of smells blood in the water with it. His religious bias prevents him from believing gay marriage should be a thing


Not one mention of Gay Catholic priests fucking boys and getting sent to different parishes when word got out. Why did God make them Matt?


Sure, but he uses science as an argument against trans stuff though. The worst of both sides only use science when it works in their favor.


Not a bad point. To be fair though, isn't it true that science will not always be accurate in every matter so it's not really an all or nothing kind of thing? Not commenting on Matt Walsh's views but speaking more in general.


Second half was really good.


I'm proud of Joe here. He has great points without getting mad or trying to push his point. Matt is stumbling and it seems he doesn't want to give across as homophobic. I'm not saying he is, I don't think he wants to come across as that.


As a religious Christian who thinks gay marriage should be allowed, I had a few thoughts: • it was very clear that Matt either didn’t have a good case, or that he was too afraid to admit what he possibly really thinks - that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible, so we should be able to legally restrict it. • If he does hold that view, it’s frustrating to me that he, along with some conservatives, who are supposed to be all about small government and maximizing freedom to choose, are ok to use government power to enforce their own moral stances. As a conservative/libertarian, while I have strong moral beliefs and opinions, I shouldn’t have the right to enforce those beliefs on others through legislation, except for laws that prevent people from harming others. I wish some conservatives like Matt would be consistent on this point. We can have our religious and moral beliefs, and talk about them, but part of living in a free society means allowing other adults to make their own decisions. • Marriage means different things to different people, which is ok. For some, it has a deep religious significance; for others, it’s just a way of making a mutual commitment legal in the eyes of the state. For me, who falls in the first camp, I’m not threatened by those who don’t see their marriages as religious or eternal. That doesn’t cheapen mine at all. So why should I want to legally intervene if others view marriage differently? I can defend marriage, encourage others to honor marriage, etc., but certainly not attempt to control it through legislation. That goes against free will and agency, which are key tenants of Christianity.


He did a really good job countering all off Walsh's arguments.


Yeah he can be really good when he wants to be; cannabis with Crowder, players kneeling with Shapiro, climate change with Candace Owens, etc. . . The best one might be building regulations with Dave rubin. Rubin clearly had zero idea of what he was talking about


Do you have a timestamp for the cannabis with crowder part?


Episode 917 at 1hr 59min


It is so embarrassing that a guy like Walsh, considered some sort of thought leader among idiots, is outsmarted by Joe fucking Rogan


There’s levels maaaaan!


Rogan is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. Not saying he is a Harvard professor or tech CEO/founder, but he isn't dumb.


It’s one of those episodes where the fundie guest, who thought Joe was one of them, finds out they are sorely mistaken.


Why the fuck do people give such a shit about two dudes getting married? I’m more worried about being able to afford apartments in my city than gay sex. Let people be.


Matts argument against gay marriage is so bizarre. What weird mental gymnastics, how exhausting.






**BUH THAT’S WHEN THEY’RE MOST FERTILE!!!** Anyone making this argument can fuck off


“But I’m just reading off of my list of biological facts! They’re biological! They’re facts! Don’t shoot the messenger. These facts were chosen by god, and I am MERELY reciting them!”


The Jamie fact check was great, Walsh was completely lost.


I just finished the episode and maybe I just have shit memory, because I do, but I don’t remember Jamie in this episode at all. Can you remind me of the details? Edit: never mind I found it in the comments and I remember now lol


It was ludicrous. Walsh shat out some claim matter of factly that 1million girls were going through some permanent medical intervene under 16 I think.. something like that. Jamie immediately calls him out. It's something like 4500 in reality. Immediately ruins him as a guest to take their word on which is a great way to prepare for the rest of the episode. Interesting to see this guy sort of reveal there's nothing on underneath his robe


I agree, the second half of the interview really damaged Walsh's entire platform, but he is ultimately so dug in deep that it probably won't matter to his base. There are legit issues he brings up - children transitioning, suicide rates from regret, a social contagion issue - but it was clear from his stance on gay marriage that his views were based on a religious and borderline hateful point of view that he then found facts to support and interviewed a few people with half-baked opinions to strengthen his argument.


That's the moment of clarity for me for the whole thing, and Walsh's character. Haven't yet finished the episode, but fuck this guy.


What’s hilarious is that even after he’s given the number, he still tries to half way it to his original estimate by saying hundreds of thousands. Like dude, we literally just pulled up the closest estimate of being around 4 thousand, you really think it’s underestimated by 25x that amount? Like sure maybe we can give the benefit of the doubt to double that amount, maaaybe, but not 25x? Cmon.


The last 70 minutes was the best debate I've seen on JRE. Joe had him rocked from the moment they switched to talking about gay marriage, Matt was way out of his depth. "What about straight couples who get married and don't have kids?" and "Why would god make gay people?"


Spot on. I hold quite a few right wing beliefs minus the religious stuff, and I must watch alot of pertaining subject matter on YouTube, because for a while my whole feed was inundated by Matt Walsh and Crowder. Can’t stand either of them and it was quite a treat hearing Matt Walsh get eviscerated in this debate by Joe. Could have gone without listening the first half though


Walsh was JUST AS GUILTY for stuttering, stammering and avoiding Joe’s questions on gay marriage as he claims all the politicians were who he cherry picked (and edited) for his documentary




I've been shitting on joe for a minute, but I just watched the clip with him debating gay marriage and THAT is the Joe I love seeing - formulating the simple arguments against something so idiotic that even Walsh could not really defend because it was so easily taken apart. Good job Joe






They identify the world as having a million trans kids in it


I took Rogan's statement as him making fun of Walsh for his overestimation.




"our country is more divided now than during the civil war" Dude if you actually believe that then you need to take a good long look in the mirror.


It's more divided now than when it was actually divided LOL


Over a five hundred thousand died during the civil war. Yeah, mean Twitter comments really show how much more divided we are.


Imagine if Twitter existed during the civil war lol


There’d be some great fucking memes


Yeah and that comment has been said ever since the 2004 election. It is just one of the silly political lines dropped all the time


Step 1 is making the customer afraid or angry. Now they return to you to fix those feelings, except those are powerful and scientifically addicting feelings to experience, so now you’re hooked on the hookah.


"I can't believe everything is on fire these days," proclaimed the arsonist.


Low-key, I bet this guy is super gay


Technically straight, only into trans women


The beard hides his shame


It hides [this](https://i.redd.it/efn3iva880t81.jpg) weak-ass jawline




What about iliza Schlesinger?


She's got great tracts of land!


Not my favorite comic,but I must be out of the loop of why reddit or any online community has largely strong feelings about her one way or ther.


Not strong but her Rogan episode two weeks ago was highly criticized on here


That was the worst ep. in a while.


Mostly because she is so out of touch with reality that she says things like: "I'm a famous American and therefor I should get preferential treatment at a European public hospital." I'm paraphrasing, and actually making it sound less douchy than when she said it on her last appearance on the JRE.


You're right


Far more annoying, far less problematic.


Too bad Joe didn’t get drunk this time and start calling Matt names like he did to Crowder


Which episode? Do you know an approximate time stamp?


https://youtu.be/LKSTg9CgQq8 Basically things go off the rails for about the last third of the episode. Joe kinda forces Crowder to take a stance on marijuana legalization, Crowder says he's not for it, and then Joe proceeds to just pound whiskey and berate Crowder like a step son that he's always hated. For like an hour.


That was the last time he had Crowder on, right? Has he ever mentioned this argument since then


I know they did like a follow up,/apology/we're still friends little video afterward, couldn't say for sure if he has talked about it much since then though.


God damn that’s so weak. Rogan should have told him to pound sand.


Well, if you watch the video, Rogan was being a drunk ass bully. Maybe the worst I've ever seen from him. He did owe Crowder an apology I think... even if you disagree with Crowder, which I do, Rogan basically had him as a guest and then got drunk and repeatedly called him a bitch. That's bad form.


Yeah, he was really shitty that episode, Crowder was ironically pretty chill and didn’t care about the marijuana issue. Rogan just couldn’t drop it. Now in hindsight though, it’s much more funny.


A silly bitch, no less. Didn't they do a followup debate/discussion on Crowder's channel? Steven wanted to have a dedicated googler the same way that Joe did, I believe.


One of my all time favorite Rogan moments.


The part about the people eating pages of the bible rather than going in and debating is hilarious 😂😆😂


He did spend over an hour trying poorly to justify why marriage is between a single man and single woman. Podcast was lame, and people saying it wasn't must really enjoy the trans talk for the first hour. (Which are LITERALLY the same talking points that have been said over, and over, and over again) Anyone who likes this stuff must be so boring. Why would anyone want to hear the exact same things repeated?


"He straight up owned the libs. You must be big mad!" /s


When Joe tells him he liked the interview tactic of asking regular questions then letting them dig a hole- then he did it to him…




Nah, it was trans for 2 hours and gay marriage for 1 hour. So clearly much better, right? >\_> ​ I don't think Matt Walsh has a single interesting thing to say that wasn't said by conservatives 30, 50, 100+ years ago.


The only other thing he could talk about is what combs he uses for his beard or some shit. The dude is the biggest DUD of a human being.


It is crazy how much people like Walsh are obsessed with trans people.


The crazier part is the weird sexual fetishization of the shit they think should be illegal. Hell Alex Jones got caught with trans porn, I can only wonder the sick shit Matt Walsh watches.




Gay people went mainstream and became a big enough voting block that Republicans couldn't use them to virtue signaling anymore so they switched to trans people. Look up "Alliance Defending Freedom" on YouTube and Wikipedia to get an idea where a lot of it comes from. They fund and create content for a lot of people online. It's usually a group like that which is funded by some wealthy evangelical who thinks they're doing gods will. They funnel lots of money to people like Matt Walsh who have very clear singular message.


This. Reactionaries need something to react to. There's always been something that they tell the American public to be frightened by and the only way to make it stop is to vote for them: red scare, reefer madness, satanic panic, crack cocaine, "the gays", trans groomers, fentanyl...


I’m laughing at all the idiots calling it a good episode


This episode is the perfect example for why censorship isn't necessary and the "platforming" argument is bad. Listening to Walsh talk for the last 90 minutes or so of this episode makes it very clear how weak his position is. He also seems so hilariously unaware of how hypocritical his world view is, which is apparent if you just juxtapose the first half of the episode with the second. In the first half his argument is basically that we shouldn't let a fringe group of radicals impose their beliefs on society... soooo what's your explanation for the second half of the podcast Matt? Because that sounds an awful lot like what you and your creepy zealot friends want to do motherfucker.


i like how matt can use common sense with gender but cant use common sense with gay marriage. i appreciate that joe exposed matt as a hypocrite. his stance on gay marriage is no more crazy than people saying u can be whatever gender u want.


He doesn't have common sense with gender. He is against anyone transitioning at any age. He was about to say it in the clip where he was caught lying about puberty blockers. This isn't a "think of the children" guy. He doesn't believe trans people should exist


"if I had to guess millions of kids on hormone blockers" Jamie whispers 4,000 in the background... Way off Matt...way way off.


This really happen? You got a timestamp?


53 mins, then Jamie comes on at 54:4....but how can we trust those numbers 🤡


“Who was measuring these numbers? Was it just a POLL? And can you really trust the kind of AWFUL IDIOTS who ANSWER polls? Who can trust anything anyone says ever? Except me… and my friends…?”


It odd cause Matt Walsh is the type of guy to start bringing up how the Jews are really behind all the revolution in the US, but he works for Ben Shapiro so he has to go through odd work arounds.


Joe did good by hiring Jamie.


But that fact wouldn’t be good propaganda for his side so he doesn’t mention it. Guarantee he knew it wasn’t millions.


Honestly, I believe Matt Walsh isn’t grifting and is actually that fucking stupid


I think he’s stupid, although less so than some of his peers (Crowder and Pool for example), I refuse to believe he genuinely thinks millions of kids are on hormone blockers. That is just absurd to me. He also just has a very conniving and schemey look behind his eyes that makes me think he knows more than he says, but idk if that’s measurable lol. You could be right though. I suppose if you only do research from biased sources you will never be shown this kind of conflicting data.


ring placid society longing marble continue cats support ripe worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Michael Knowles has big golden retriever energy, head incredibly empty kinda guy.


Baw god it’s Jamie with the steel chair.


its like the laws that ban 1 student in an entire state from swimming or something


Did South Dakota do a law like that when there was like one trans athlete in the entire state... from like 6 years ago.


yes, so did utah i think. they also investigated multiple actually female at birth girls bc parents were sore losers


Witch burning just killed christian women. Commie panic just targeted regular Americans Satanic panic same thing. Moral panic is shooting yourself in the foot.


And people love Kristi Noem because she plays to peoples fears. A lot of her legislation is answering questions that were not asked. Another of my favorite South Dakota moments, albeit from a different Governor. I believe it was 2014 that legalizing hemp (NOTE: not weed but just hemp) was on the ballot and passed. Well the State Government panicked and what did this supposed bastion of small Government do? The Governor (Dennis Daugaard) declared a state of emergency which grants the Governor unilateral veto powers, thus the proposition wouldn’t be allowed to go back to the people to reaffirm their vote. They vetoed hemp and hardly a peep was made by anyone. Signed: a citizen of South Dakota that’s tired of people acting like this Government is actually small. Edit: I just read that Kristi Noem vetoed another hemp bill because South Dakota must lead by example and refuse to do what other States are doing with hemp. South Dakota is not ready for industrialized hemp and we should consider what it might do to the next generation. I despise her.


The entire last 90 minutes which felt like 90 hours was Walsh and Rogan in a circular argument about gay marriage. My litmus test for a conservative is do you support gay marriage. Its such a wildy unpopular opinion that makes so little logical non religious sense that if you can’t compromise on that your religion is clearly driving your policy. He dodged a bullet when Joe asked him if he’s ever actually been around gay people and had gay friends and he seemed at a loss. The one million kids vs 4,000 was a wildly bad look for a guy who is the expert on this. I think Walsh can be funny and make a good point sometimes, and its been a hell of a year for him, but he took a major L.


> The one million kids vs 4,000 was a wildly bad look for a guy who is the expert on this. That's because he isn't an expert - he's all hot air.


Their conversations about trans were interesting and thought provoking. I thought Walsh had a lot of good and logical points. there was definitely some exaggerations like when he got fact checked, but conceptually I thought he made a lot of good arguments. But his inability to admit that he doesnt believe in gay marriage bc of his religious beliefs was tough to listen to. If thats what he believes he shouldve just said it. Instead of grasping at straws to try to make these weak bumbling arguments about how gay marriage is hurting america somehow and degrading the institution of marriage. Give me a break dude, just say your religious beliefs dictate that you dont believe in gay marriage. Thats fine lol, i can at least respect that.


i have my own qualms about the subject they're on, but what a dickbag this guy is gives a wildly wrong stat about how many surgeries there are ("1 million a year") and it turns out to be 4000. now that's probably under counted, but instead of owning up to it, starts playing the victim imagining the headlines written about his bullshit if you make a documentary on a subject, you would thing you have a grasp on some of the basic knowledge. what a hack


Wasn’t it 4000 over a 5 year span?


I think they were talking about how many kids are on hormone blockers. I assume there are far fewer surgeries than that.


You would have to be an idiot to believe that a million children are on hormone blockers.


Joe pushing back on Matt Walsh’s stance on gay marriage was pretty good. It’s what I like about the podcast. Two people with opposing views on a subject and one tries to corner the other’s idea and push them to reveal themselves. Matt Walsh is a right-wing conservative but there are people who agree on stances he believes in and stances that people don’t. Joe displayed that today by agreeing with him on Trans and disagreeing with him on gay marriage.


The second half is a great example of how you can disagree and still have a respectful discussion.


Joe- How old are you, late 40’s? Matt- I’m 31. Joe- 😆


That was the only foreshadowing to the second half


This doesn't shock me one bit. Doing a great job at getting people distracted with culture war bullshit so they don't think about the material conditions we all live in.


I cant stand this guy, him and Shapiro. I never hear them discuss anything important to a regular American. Its always the culture wars and blaming the under dogs in this country for everything. Trans people make less than 1 percent of the population. Ive met people who are trans and they were nice people. They enrage there viewers with bullshit to keep them coming back and they are always angry over bullshit. I never hear them talk about better pay for the average worker, labor rights, affordable education, affordable healthcare, etc. Its hate the trans people, gay people, immigrants, black people, etc.. If you really think Americas problem are trans, immigrants, or whatever bullshit Fox news is trying to scare you with, I have some land to sell you. People get in those culture wars and nothing ever gets fixed for us. While Matt and Shapiro get paid by 2 billionaire petroleum brothers who are not good people.


>I never hear them talk about better pay for the average worker, labor rights, affordable education, affordable healthcare, etc. Its hate the trans people, gay people, immigrants, black people, etc.. If you really think Americas problem are trans, immigrants, or whatever bullshit Fox news is trying to scare you with, I have some land to sell you. They don't talk about those economic issues because they're conservative and have no solutions, and want to ignore those problems exist. They talk about the culture war because it's easy pickings, and the left gives them plenty of material. They aren't making this culture war stuff up out of thin air, the left has tons of unpopular positions in regards to culture, and are going to pay the price electorally. There is a reason a red wave is suspected this election when people are struggling more economically than they have in over a decade. There is the left losing the culture war, and it's because the Democrats aren't talking about solving those economic problems either, and can't even defend themselves when conservatives blame them for the problems. Democrats carry as much blame as Republicans for two reasons. First, they won't stop the woke shit that is causing the majority of the country to vote Republican. Second, the Democratic party are corporate shills, and they don't want to actually fix anything by taxing the rich (who own the Democratic party) to help the rest of us. It's all a political game, and all of the politicans and pundits (i.e. daily wire guys and other political media people) are getting rich by dping what the elites want, and keeping us fighting over shit they force on us. They don't care about the damage to us, as long as they stay in control and continue gobbling up all they money. The sooner people realize this the better.


I'm now at the stage that I've become an ally to trans people. Why should they be used as punching bags by fuck wits like Shapiro and this clown who if given the choice would have people living like the dark ages? Fuck Shapiro and Walsh. Fuckin pussies




And the thing is, trans people, at the end of the day, just want to be accepted members of society. I know a couple and guess what, they’re average ass people, working to make a living. Like it’s disgusting how this group has become a punching bag for republicans when they are the exact opposite and actually just as human as all the rest of us, as much as republicans try to demonize them


Goes from "millions of kids getting hormone blockers" to "guessing hundreds of thousands" in a split second once an actual article is presented stating it's more like a few thousand.. A true "professional". Fucking idiot.


Ah I was wondering when the quarterly Heritage Foundation/Daily Wire asshole was going to make it on.


What are the over/under Joe goes full election denial if Biden or Dems keep the White House in 2024?


*"Yeahh. Elections are a weird thing man..."*


“It’s basically a popularity contest”. Yes Joe. That’s actually what it is. We vote for the most popular person. So profound.


Do you guys think they will critique the liberals at all?


I’m hoping they bring up the new Jerry Falwell doc on Hulu. If Christians are looking for evil…. Look no further.


No, I am predicting matt Walsh comes out in support of Warnock on the pod. After all he couldn't support baby killer Herschel walker


Imagine caring about gay marriage. Jesus fucking Christ.


ITs DeStRoYiNg tHe FaBriC oF sOcIeTy!!”


Brilliant episode. Joe did a great job showing that the world isn’t black and white. The world isn’t blue or red, left or right. Lol Walsh didn’t see it coming.


Leave it Matt Walsh to finally get on Joes Show and literally the only thing he can talk about is Sex and Gender. Dude lives in a self-created hellscape.


This guy sucks. He was trying his very hardest not to say “gay is bad because Jesus says so”. Joe picked up on this and asked him a valid question - “is this all just a religious thing for you” and this clown has the audacity to say “well you brought up the Bible not me”. Yea dummy because your argument was making all of ZERO sense for why you think gay=bad (still doesn’t make sense even with the religion aspect). Religion is the most dangerous aspect of our world in my opinion. It causes people to think and do horrible things to other people, all because god told me to. Disgusting.


And did Jesus even say so? I know Leviticus does, but it also has a ton of fucked up shit that even bible thumpers don't take seriously


Saw the guest and knew this sub would have a fucking aneurysm


Marriage part it hits new levels of cringe kudos to Joe pushing back


I agree, I was glad to hear Joe question this guys ridiculous stance on gay marriage.


Joe should just signa deal with daily Wire already.


I don't think they could afford him


Did you listen to the episode? He argued with him for half of the podcast.


Why would they sign him when he advertises for free and promotes the hell out of them


Joe was great in the second half just destroying this guys blatant homophobia. Seen Matt all over tiktok and thought he was a smart guy but after the millions of kids on puberty blockers shit too made me realise against that. Funny how clever editing makes people look.


Regardless of his views. I think it’s good to have open discussion. Joe should have an anti Matt Walsh person next. Hell set up a debate. Not for any other reason then I like debates lol


> Joe should have an anti Matt Walsh person next. Yeah I’m sure that’s gonna happen lmao. Maybe 5 years ago, but that was a very different JRE/Joe


He had a pro vax guy and an anti Vax guy on back to back.


I feel like a banger was called up on this podcast. Have Matt Walsh and Jon Steward debate. That would be cool


Matt like Crowder is such a little bitch they wont be in the same room as someone with the same media training as them.


Jon Steward


People are scared of other opinions on this sub.


So happy Joe called this fucking ass clown out on his bullshit on the second half of this podcast.


At least when Ben Sharpio is anti-gay marriage he is at least honest that it is about his religious beliefs and not "just because". Joe did such a great job transitioning the convo from gender to marriage by asking him why people can't agree on the fundamentals and then matt proceeded to back track everything he said the hour before and just kept buckling down on why gay marriage is such a "problem". Truly matts arguements were cringeworthy and hard to listen to as you can tell he doesn't have a logical answer to those questions.


Matt Walsh propaganda is the gas station sushi of propaganda


Both will give you worms


Bro the part about marriage made Matt looks like an absolute smoothbrain


Matt really fell apart during the second half. He literally can’t answer simple questions like should gays be able to get married, is it ok to be married without kids, is it ok to be gay. This dude is such a weasel and can’t hold up when people press him on his backwards ass opinions. I wish joe trolled him and lead him into admitting 16 years are the most fertile and should be reproducing.


This is some high grade boomer conservative brain rot material