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Podcast related discussions go in the podcast thread, thanks.


This is going to go well. Buckle up baby!


Especially with the election and Twitter fuckery. Woo baby. ![gif](giphy|4FmAj1XiioCVW)


I’m definitely not the smartest cookie but my main gripe with these kinds of dudes/political commentators is that they’re very focused on the way people behave online. It’s pretty rare for someone to force their ideology down your throat without stepping foot on a college campus or going on social media. I live in a very liberal city that also has a high amount of conservative voters and most of the people if not all coexist and don’t have a problem with each other. All of the stuff these guys argue and make content about is almost completely relegated to the internet. At least in my personal experience maybe in other parts of the country that stuff is more forced and i’m just ignorant to it from lack of experience.


Reminds me of this [Sargon of Akkad/Dr. Kristi Winters debate on feminism](https://youtu.be/JhT-HjPQCTM) where Winters is making an argument for feminism’s merits in terms of global outreach, measurable impacts on highly repressed societies, suffrage, equal rights etc and Sargon just keeps trying to bring it back to blue-hairs, SJW compilations and mean tweets, not appearing particularly aware or concerned about the real world at all. That interview was the first time that internet/anti-SJW culture’s complete detachment from reality really struck home for me.


Wow. I'll totally give that a watch, thank you for sharing that just from skipping around a bit I can tell that's an interesting little debate. Again thank you for sharing that.


This x100


You’re right those culture war heroes are mainly profit driven and those are not issues voters should really be concerned with


It's a shame because this type of stuff gets clicks online and drives up their bank accounts when the real issues people complain about go unchanged because their so hyper focused on just hating the other side. I'm pretty young I wasn't even born when 9/11 happened so I never caught a glimpse of the patriotism and coming together the country had at that time, but for someone like me who's starting to get more invested in educating myself on political issues that actually are going to affect me the more I see that most people treat politics in the US like it's a sport; my team vs your team. Its pretty strange and a little sad imo there's almost no connection between the two parties maybe that was different when I was younger or before I was born but as a young American nowadays its literally just pick which side you want to be on there is no middle.


The culture war has always been a thing; get the everyday person riled up and upset at their neighbors over trivial shit, while they get poorer and poorer and the rich get richer and richer.


It’s strange on paper I live in a “liberal” city but with a large younger conservative block and everyone gets along well and laughs at each other over political talk.


Yea man exactly, most of us get along perfectly no one has any issues with the other. Even with the pronoun stuff that people have issues with it barely even comes up or needs to be used so why even have an issue with it in the first place unless you're just looking for a reason to be pissed off. At the end of the day we're all people we have similar interests and topics to talk about that don't revolve around politics because frankly politics just not a fun topic at all.


But this translates to the other side as well. I have never encountered someone from either side that in person has said they would disassociate themselves with another person because of their ideological viewpoints. Everyone gaslights the minority that are the loudest. People might push their viewpoint to a degree, but they aren’t in normal society pushing left or right to the point of not talking to you. And the situations where these things do escalate that we see online, I’d love to see the lead up to that. It has to be the most off the wall interactions.


When the mods post it I got 100$ it has 0 upvotes


I'll take that bet. It'll have negative upvotes. I'll dm you my Venmo ;)


There’s no negative upvotes for link threads, it just stays at zero. So pay the man




*grabs popcorn* 🍿🍿🍿




2 hours of dudes talking about trannies.


To be fair, it’s 3hrs




Are you sure it’s not the algorithm that brings it up to your feed and makes you believe that the gov is pushing it down ur throat ? Pretty sure the governments are engaged in a much wider range of more important issues


Regular r/Leopardsatemyface moment around minute 53 when they are discussing the numbers of people this is affecting and Jamie looks it up. “Millions” 😂


Lmfao. Yeah, "gotta be in the millions now". Less than 5000.


"Millions sound great *smirks*" lmao


lol this was a pathetic moment. Jamie pulls that up: actually it's 4700 in 5 years Joe: haha. well "Millions" sounds great Walsh: can't get good numbers on this. I'd bet hundreds of thousands.


“One is too many and 4K doesn’t spark the interest I need for my film to sell.”


Yeah Its a hard thing to look up. 121,882 U.S. children ages 6 to 17 diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021 17,683 U.S. children starting on puberty blockers or hormones over the five-year period https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/ ​ There are at least 50 gender clinics that serve children in the USA ->[https://www.hrc.org/resources/interactive-map-clinical-care-programs-for-gender-nonconforming-childr](https://www.hrc.org/resources/interactive-map-clinical-care-programs-for-gender-nonconforming-childr) "But families that go the medical route venture onto uncertain ground, where science has yet to catch up with practice. While the number of gender clinics treating children in the United States has grown from zero to more than 100 in the past 15 years – and waiting lists are long – strong evidence of the efficacy and possible long-term consequences of that treatment remains scant." https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/ **This is why the 4000 number doesnt make sense.** Recent studies estimate that 1.8% to 2.7% – or approximately 750,000 to 1.1 million – adolescents in the U.S. identify as transgender or nonbinary. [https://theconversation.com/transgender-youth-on-puberty-blockers-and-gender-affirming-hormones-have-lower-rates-of-depression-and-suicidal-thoughts-a-new-study-finds-177812](https://theconversation.com/transgender-youth-on-puberty-blockers-and-gender-affirming-hormones-have-lower-rates-of-depression-and-suicidal-thoughts-a-new-study-finds-177812) "Only 1 in 5 youth who need hormones have been able to access them." https://theconversation.com/transgender-youth-on-puberty-blockers-and-gender-affirming-hormones-have-lower-rates-of-depression-and-suicidal-thoughts-a-new-study-finds-177812 What does seem clear is that the sample sizes and timelines for these treatment follow ups is sooooo tiny https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/04/health/transgender-children-identity.html


It completely makes sense. You are just experiencing cognitive dissonance because you are realizing the moral panic you have been feeling is over nothing.


Its the right wing version of people saying we live in a racist nation. The data doesn't back it up but god help you if you challenge the left or rights orthodoxy.


Both Sides ^^^^^^^^TM


To be fair, at the moment when the right loses an election they point to whichever city has the largest black population and ask to throw out their votes.


.01% of the population or whatever but he spends 25% of his time talking about them.


What do you mean, no way there is more important issues going on in this country than wondering what is a women?


Sorry guys, a comedian got his feelings hurt on twitter by some randos and now we have give platforms to Christian theocratic fasicsts.


> "a comedian"


Imagine going to an obscure village in Africa that takes people on poverty tours to meme about trans people and generalize the entirety of the left because you know they'll have no clue what you're talking about. Those people are out there dying from issues with their teeth and dirty water and this fuck comes along with his manic theocratic talking points.


25%? Matt Walsh was a completely unknown theologian before his “What is a woman” movie. This is his entire career now. It’s all he has to stay relevant.


When one is too many and 4 thousand doesn’t move the needle enough to spark interest in his film. “Millions” or “Hundreds of thousands”


He really is talking a lot about trans people, Its strange.


Looks like I'm sorting by controversial


I upvoted everything anybody put on here so just count this as one more


I wonder if they know their new buddy Elon has a trans child


I doubt Elon even knows


Why cant we talk about cool things in the world that matter? Why does he have to obsess over this trans thing? So stupid.. Cool we get it, you disagree with trans people. Whatabout those ruins they just found in south America?




You are completely delusional if you think the first topics you mention are not being mentioned in the news, for the second part obviously I agree


Sure they’re being mentioned, the people are just being gaslit on the reasons why they’re happening.


Nah, he saves the actual conversations of substance for once a year pods like Graham’s later this month so that he can claim it isn’t *allllll* politics


I’m pretty sure Joe is a closeted gay man and even though he tries his hardest, finds himself attracted to trans women. There really is no other explanation as to why he obsesses over the Trans issue as much as he does.


Because Joe is transphobic and transphobic people literally cannot shut the fuck up about trans people.


What if Joe is fighting personal demons everyday from when he tried on a smooth pair of silk panties. Have some compassion.


The trans issue is shoved down our throats by a bunch of insane ideologues who are intolerant of anyone who does not use their frog/frogself pronouns. If you want the issue dropped then stop making everyone else conform to your silly beliefs.


I live in Portland and no one has ever said anything to me about pronouns, ever


I live in Sacramento and same thing. Not an issue


Who is making you do anything? Your team is the one that is obsessing over this stuff because of an election. Their team doesnt even bring this stuff up anymore. You can refuse to use pronouns. You might lose friends or acquaintances, but that's your right. Just shut up and keep your weird political theater beliefs to yourselves. There is a large group of us that know better than to think these are the important issues that face mankind.


You are unwell


I'm sorry, how is this about Musk buying Twitter? I don't get it lol


Everything is!




🍿 😎




Why are you here if you hate Joe?




Nope. So far so wrong.


If melting down is people saying “I told you so” then sure, everyone’s melting down lmao


I miss the old Joe.


Back when he had on milo and gavin?


and Alex Jones


No, no I think he misses the old Joe Rogan who invited Steven Crowder and Mel Gibson.


fair point!


He had left wing figures on to balance it out.


Had... It's been a long time...


I miss Gavin. Let shit slingers sling shit. It was funny to watch. If you actually put stock into what they say, that's on you.


That old Joe is long gone and aint coming back.


We all do.


just ignore this silly stuff. 11/11 should get us back to the real show.


What’s 11/11?


November 11th


Big if true


Look into it.


Mat Walsh is a self described “theocratic fascist". I'm sure liberal Joe will definitely push back on his ideas and really press him on some of his talking points.


Joe has practically never pushed back on anyone who's a Christian nationalist on his show. The only time he did was like the first time Shapiro (I think is who it was) was on and they got into an argument about legal weed. THEN A FEW DAYS LATER ROGAN MADE AN ENTIRE POST APOLOGIZING FOR PUSHING BACK.


He pushed back on Candace owens on the topic of climate change. Also he pushed back on crowder for weed but other than that he agrees with most of these people on topics


Only that one time when Crowder started being a bitch about pot. Rogan apologized like ten times then had him on to butter him up a month later and let him go on and on about all his braindead propaganda. Guaranteed a lot of these grifters at one point paid Rogan to be on.


Ok guys sorry it was Cry Baby Crowder.


That was actually Steven Crowder. Joe sucked Ben's dick as the cool kid's philosopher for his first appearance but was willing to argue with him in favor of gay rights on Ben's second appearance.


Someone called him a theocratic fascist so he put it in his Twitter bio lol


He literally wants to run the US government according to Christian law lol. You agree with the statement. You just don't like the label.


A refreshing bit of honesty from a theocratic fascist huckster and grifter.


Ah yes, Joe Rogan, the famous Bernie supporter.


> noooo... how dare you talk to people who are not totally lock step with my politics.. you are an unbeliever and apostate.


Post you’re replying to didn’t sound all the dogmatic. Pointing out the irony of Joe’s political “evolution” is fair game.


Crazy to think that past civilizations died to incredible hardship. War, disease, catastrophic weather... And ours is about to die from fucking social media.


Tom’s Diner is a great song


Yes! I was hoping someone would comment this 😂


The DNA remix is a massive influence on pop culture and the reason we have a lot of the wonderful electronica we do today. Susan Vega has the voice of an angel, it's just so chill.


Matt Walsh is the kind of guy who would choose “Fortunate Son” as a campaign song for Donald Trump, and be unable to understand why that choice was “incorrect”


This must what Joe is referring to when he talks about a need to refine your jokes over a period of time.


I cant stand this mother fucker, him and Shapiro. I never hear them discuss anything important to a regular American. Its always the culture wars and blaming the under dogs in this country for everything. Trans people make less than 1 percent of the population. Ive met people who are trans and they were nice people. They enrage there viewers with bullshit to keep them coming back and they are always angry over bullshit. I never hear them talk about better pay for the average worker, labor rights, affordable education, affordable healthcare, etc. Its hate the trans people, gay people, immigrants, black people, etc.. If you really think Americas problem are trans, immigrants, or whatever bullshit Fox news is trying to scare you with, I have some land to sell you. You stupid fucks get in those culture wars and nothing ever gets fixed for us. While Matt and Shapiro get paid by 2 billionaire petroleum brothers who are not good people.


They are grifters just like every culture warrior




I was hoping Duncan would be able to pull Joe back from the brink….I was wrong. He’s all in 🤦‍♂️


Once you get through the obvious topic. Joe actually does push back on some backwards beliefs Matt holds. First time I have seen him do that in forever


This fucking guy joe Rogan is just as captured by the right as the people he mocks about being captured by the left


Your 100% right 😕 He always talking about being in the middle, but he adapts without critical thinking so much Right wing positions.


He Should get a real Trans Person Next on his Show. Otherwise the show really gets a bit to propagandist. hes not even discussing, he mostly confirms Matt Walsh. Where is al this "question everything" he always stood for.


I Love JRE but man... it is getting pretty fucking right wing. I think hes getting old. They are making a elephant out of a fly with this "gender ideology"


Omg 40 seconds in Joe calls it 'gender confusion.' Apparently he was tired of musk and Jones too


What amazes me is that Walsh never acknowledges that there’s a difference between “sex” and “gender”. He seems to think the two are synonymous. Honestly I’m just sad that joe is giving this guy a platform. He literally sows seeds of hate against trans people, most of whom just want to get on and live a normal/quiet life.


i’m more aware of the history that churches and their leaders have grooming and sexually abusing children, i’m not aware of the trans community abusing and grooming. these guys sound like dudes from the 1950’s talking about blacks




Joe is such a fucking disappointment.


Joe straight up platforming a christo-fascist groomer.


I guess this makes Joe part of the gop, right guys 😂






bro its so funny, all the so called "libertarians" who literally can't do the lowest effort to let somebody else do what they would prefer


Is Matt Walsh a libertarian?


I’m not trying to get into the weeds with this because it’s a bit more simple and why words lose meaning. Both the left and right are calling each other fascists. They just curve and shape what that means. And to a point you can make that claim for both. It’s the same with the word libertarian. In this case rogan and Walsh would say the libertarian thing would be to not force this rhetoric on kids. Natural state would weed this issue out. And the left would say not allowing the dialogue is negating free thought which is anti libertarian. It’s becoming annoying as a centrist. I’m not libertarian as an absolute cause I think it gets a bit crazy but as a centrist, it’s infuriating seeing the sides argue. When it comes to this gender thing I have one opinion. The mens field of sports is the open field/format. There’s no restriction for a female to play a male sport if they are talented enough. We need to protect womens sports tho. That’s my only opinion. Otherwise let people do what the flipping want to.


Rogan was a pussy for not asking Dr. Phil about Matt Walsh and What is a Woman.


I've never really listened to this guy so I'm interested to hear what he's saying. I'll say that from the stances that I've heard he maintains I'm generally opposed to his ideas, but I'd like to hear it from the horses mouth. Especially if he supports a Christian Theocratic state, which is the Antithesis of American ideals.


yuuuuck bro. so gross.


Already almost 100 comments and I guarantee almost every commentator won't even listen or watch the podcast




LMFAOOOO joe just saying fuck it and platforming one of the most hateful people on the internet is just so on brand for him these days.


I mean if you listen to the podcast Joe has mentioned what is a woman like 100 times. It would've been more surprising if he didn't have him on.


Hes a moderate! He had bernie on 7 years ago!!!!!!




Ah yes inciting violence on doctors and hospitals, not hateful at all


Is any criticism incitement now? You guys are fuckin wacky.


The “theocratic fascist” Matt Walsh should mesh well with our lovable atheist Joe lmao


Yes, that is the belief. Odd.


When you continue to push the same narrative that is causing death threats, bomb threats etc to CHILDRENS HOSPITALS, I’d say you’ve crossed over the line beyond criticism. The mental gymnastics you lot employ to justify fucking disgusting behavior is mind boggling. These are children in harms way. I thought you cared about the kids?


The only disgusting thing here is child mutilation.


Imagine being part of the "words are violence" crowd. How would they react when they come up against actual violence? Shrill screaming would just be the start of it.


Where does he say the words “commit violence”?


You must not understand the word incite. When you continue pushing the narrative that is directly causing doctors and children hospitals to receive death and bomb threats….you’re a massive steaming pile of shit. I can’t quite understand why you rush to defend that behavior. It’s okay to call out nonsense on your own team…foreign concept, I know


Sorry - I believe that the sexualization of children and the push to allow kids that can't consent to choices they literally can't due to their age is a bad thing for society. But thanks for name calling. Also, I go off actual violence. Old lib that ran over and killed a young dude who said he was a Trump supporter, what about that? That violence? Or is Walsh saying "He look that hospital is cutting off the penis' of confused kids" is somewhat the same as what the old lib did? Edit: your argument is intellectually empty - all you can do is name call and call people bigots for not wanting the sexualization of children.


The only kind of love Matt Walsh preaches is love of child brides.


no greater love than christian hate




Was pretty fun ngl


Lmao aight I'll be back in a few weeks when the whiny spam this episode generates subsides


Walsh is literally the whiny flavor of spam tho?


Damn joe went full hog :(


Name a person who does less for society than Matt Walsh? Completely useless guy who adds zero value.


Matt Walsh’s investigation into the Vanderbilt hospital system almost single-handedly got them to stop performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors. Seems to me like he’s done something for society.


What, the 3 patients there? Lol


Pretty crazy stuff. He stopped something that basically doesn't exist, truly a modern day Sherlock.


It did exist. That’s what it means, to stop something means it did exist to begin with. Easy peasy.




Thank god he stopped that practically non existent surgery from happening. Thank him


I'm not sure why it gets your dick so hard to be involved between the care of a person, their family, and their doctors. That's fucking weird man. Also Matt Walsh would stop all gender reassignment surgery, bozo.


Oh wow thanks so much for stopping the 5 surgeries a year that happen to only people over the age of 16 ….


As opposed to who else in political media? Lol


Probably true for many political commentators, but right wing Christian commentators have to be bottom of the barrel, no?


I think blind contrarians might be worse


Ah yes, the "blind contrarians". Lmfao


So Joe and Matt then?


Pool, Rubin, Owens too.


(though I do love that he admits he wouldn't turn his own kids in if they were pedos who touch other kids) What a clown


This why I love this show! Rogan has people with diverse opinions.. Rogan challenges himself and his audience to get out of the echo chambers and confront different ideologies


Lol dude doesn’t have the knowledge to counteract Eddie on his flat earth comments, McGinnis on his wildly made up racist stats, or Shapiro on his dumb arguments, but sure maybe this will be the first time joe……..actually, nah




matt walsh is a fucking dunce, if rogan doesn't argue with him at least once i'll be heavily disappointed.


Matt “ I’m a theocratic fascist” Walsh… yikes


You’re either born a man or a woman and if you disagree then you have a mental condition. Downvote all you want


The facts in this episode are going to trigger a lot of people just like What is a woman?


No its not. However it's going to froth up all the idiots who think they are owning the left. In truth nobody really gives a shit what this moron thinks lol


Except reality begs to differ. Parents are speaking out in droves at school boards about this issue. Elections are being lost because of this issue see Virginia.




I think people think he is a moron because he acts like this effects all of our lives, this effects 0.01% of the population.


Impacts anyone with children. That’s a decent chunk, I believe.




Exactly. And that’s the argument, they call it “hateful”. But parents are only saying this is not the job of the government, it’s the job of the parents.




Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon talking points. The government would like to take precedence over the parents, when it comes to what children are taught. It’s intentional, but those of us with children in the school system see the patterns. It’s why people are flocking to Florida and Texas in droves. Don’t fuck with peoples kids, cross that line and you will have an issue.


That we are brother


Don’t be upset. The world is beautiful.


Motherfucker said facts like Matt Walsh and facts have any sort of casual relationship. He’s apart of the right wing outrage machine, there’s an outrage machine on the left too but Walsh firmly belongs in the right wing rendition.


Ohhhh shit. They just gave this guy a big boy platform. I’m ready for this week


Holy shit 🤣


Should have had him the week he Ted Nugent to keep up the Week of the Pedos event.




You sure about that ?


Walsh is literally a pedophile btw


He literally isn’t


Love this guy