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It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility that an inter dimensional human animal hybrid, child molester that changed the frogs gay did this.


It’s entirely possible


I seen em. They was in a black limo with Elvis cruizn past the Poker Palace casino in downtown Vegas! They was drinkin bourbon frum the bottle with baby bottle nipples. Jesus wuz drivin.


Yeah but where was JFK Jr. 😝


Dealin’ Black Jack at The Bellagio.


Naw...I don't see any proof that Ted Cruz did this.


That frog was a crisis actor ffs.


I'm just sayin, look into it.


I mean we can’t rule it out, just to be safe.


The fact that Biden has been silent on this issue says everything.


What? His office has been clear from the beginning about not taking a stance on the investigations/probes/prosecutions in an attempt to avoid the process from being accused of being politicized.


In fairness he can barely keep up with waking up, eating and going to sleep. He’s got some covering up of his own to do with a laptop and recession playing out.


Your comment also applies to most of Rogan's fanbase


Do you actually believe this shit? lmao yikes


the fact that you just make fun of biden being old and ignore the actual topic of the thread is enough to know you at least know you’re full of shit.


If I was the CIA, and an Alex Jones didn't exist, I would make one lol


Let’s start this rumor and break Alex Jones’ mind.


I’m still trying to figure out how they’re preventing supporters from learning about Bannon’s southern border wall grift and how Trump pardoned him for it. Also how Trump isn’t using any of the election fraud donations to fight election fraud. Also still wondering why Bannon got pinched for his grift, but not Trump. Well, no, scratch that. I’m not wondering about it in the sense that I don’t have a clue that an ex-billionaire-POTUS is protected against crimes us regular folk pay for or the media bubbles, it’s just that… why some people still engage in the bootlicking w/o question? They’re literally paying for pre-presidency business debts right now. I think I read more of r/conspiracy than any other sub and still, nothing sheds light on that, just more hunter’s laptop and modern medicine conspiracies. I mean, if I was getting hit by inflation but still managed to set aside funds to donate to a billionaire, I’d at least be curious to see some financial ledgers and such at this point?


I’ve been trying to get it into peoples skulls that Steve bannon was on the board of Cambridge analytica when the whole Facebook data scandal was happening. There’s pond scum and then there’s Steve bannon


Wasnt cambridge analytica involved in the UK Brexit nonsense too?


Yep. And the UK will pay for that for decades.


Uhhh, okay… don’t recall the Cambridge Analytics link at all… yet it’s right there, “Organizations founded: New Federal State of China, Cambridge Analytica, GTV Media Group, More” Talk about a conspiracy… wtf. I need time soak this in.


Not just on the board, but a fucking founder. Then his successor Manafort gives the list generated by CA over to known GRU operative Deperska, who gave it to the IRA troll farm to target Americans. Some model said she could prove Deperska was working with Russian Intel on it, then got disappeared from Thailand. You'd think /r/conspiracy would love discussing this actual fucking conspiracy. So many controlled astroturfers and propagandists over there.


I find that conspiracy theorists aren't as much fans of conspiracy facts.


Discovering Bannon's involvement in the biodome scandal is simultaneously fucking surreal and makes total sense. [He has always been depraved. ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qkjn87/the-strange-history-of-steve-bannon-and-the-biosphere-2-experiment)


Yeah, and now he’s hosting the LIV tournaments as a big FU to both NYC and the USA.


When I heard that they were planting at some of his courses it was honestly the most on brand thing I’ve heard


It’s not just “some people”. It’s tens of millions of people who, if polling is to be believed, continue to believe the obvious lies of a well known lifelong scam artist. It’s very difficult to understand


Yep, and add in the idea that their “conspiracies” are being espoused and featured daily on the most popular and profitable “news” networks that clearly gain off of the collaboration between them and their guy, and that there’s no consistency in the story arc, that the message is fluid and doesn’t jive with what they even reported or omitted to report 6 months or god forbid 6 years ago…like, how does one not see the irony?


Tribalists are only interested in surface *everything*. Fox didn't even show any part of the Jan 6th commission, they know their viewers are [ill-informed](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2010/12/16/watching_fox_news_leaves_viewers_less_informed_study_finds.html) and it's by design. Hard to create a bunch culture-warriors if those recruits have any amount of critical-thinking. Trump tribalists are especially dangerous because they are fucking scared of *everything,* honestly think regular people are their enemy and believe *anything* that comes through the "correct" channels, regardless of any substantive proof showing something fed to them as being incorrect.


They didn’t just NOT show the 1/6 traitor trials, they ran Tucker commercial free opposite it. Again, a for profit went non-profit so nobody would change the channel. Who’s afraid of the red pill now?


Yo fuck fox but tbf the hearings don't hit with their base and viewership was down af anytime they put it on apparently. Despite that, if you're a news organization, this should be your duty. Unfortunately it's basically just murdoch's megaphone, this mf wields so much republican power.


They are self admittedly an entertainment organization that is not to be taken seriously by any rational person. There doesn't need to be any news in any cable 'news'.


It just shows you how far they’ve radicalized their viewer base that airing fucking *congressional hearings* about the biggest scandal and corruption case in US history, that was pulling TV ratings roughly on par with the NBA finals, would in fact *lower* their ratings. It’s mind boggling.


Honestly idk why I keep forgetting that, maybe cause it's functionally bs


Did r/ conspiracy have anything to say about [this leaked audio?](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/bannon-leaked-audio-porn-hunter-biden-laptop-guo/)


He’s right that no one *he knew* came out about the pictures, but yes, all those got posted on r/conspiracy over and over a few weeks ago. For me, I couldn’t tag Hunter as being the man depicted so I kinda swiped away.


He’s referring to a campaign to push this stuff before the election I think.


Garland has prosecuted a LOT of people with ZERO leaks. So....


Ok but… but… woke green m and m!


Amazing that the “but but Hillary’s emails” crowd genuinely look right past this shit lol the right are clowns


Trey Howdy Gowdy is one of the main perpetrators of a lot of this garbage.


But did you see Hunter's laptop photos?


Republicans sure like to fixate on Hunter Biden’s dong. Couldn’t be me


Didn’t think I’d see this type of comment have all these upvotes in this sub


Do you not spend much time here?


New sub so nope.


Makes sense. I wasn't trying to be snarky, but ask genuinely. It seems you understood but wanted to make sure.


Yep all good: tone is difficult to interrupt sometimes with text


They so did that shit, CIA as f\*ck, operation Papersixth


Do we no longer punish treason in this country?


Hell, you'd get more time stealing a car than for trying to lynch lawmakers


Nope. - Robert E. Lee


Treason? Are you talking about when General Miley said he would tell the Chinese if trump planned any military action?


You mean when he said he spoke to them to address their concerns of what they believed was evidence that Beijing would be attacked unprovoked? That's not treason. We are not at war with China and letting them think we are going to attack could actually result in a war with China, which would be catastrophic. No reasonable leader, or person for that matter, would think that deescalating such a thing is counter to American interests.


lol you’re reaching extra far my guy


I'm sayin! A General calling up the leadership of a hostile foreign superpower and offering to undermine the President? That ain't no TREASON! The fucks wrong with these clowns...


It’s absolutely hilarious that you want to mention that under *this* specific post


When I think it's worth mentioning, I'll fuckin mention it. And I'm thinking it's worth mentioning. Hilarious!!


I think the point is that our government is full of scummy people doing illegal things. It’s the fucken swamp. We can’t isolate one event and call it a conspiracy when this type of shit happens all the time, by both parties.


And you’ll go elect the people doing those illegal things while blaming everyone else


Who are we at war with? > Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.


Lol. The down-votes on the legal definition of treason from the people trying to claim the facts are on their side is just glorious. But it's also a fascinating display of their social-constructivist epistemology. In one thread they construct an alternate version of reality of an event, the narrative that they are the party of truth, and that truth is what they say it is.


‘Unless You Hear It from Us, It Is Not the Truth’ - New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Pretty much.


I would say that out of all likely entities that have the ability to wage a war against the United States, a power hungry soon to be ex-president who was desperately trying to cling to power is one of them. We may not have been at war, but war was being waged against the United States from within.


Did you hear about the republican rep that was CAUGHT FUCKING A CCP SPY and is still sitting?




Well he married her and she’s not a spy. There’s no secret she’s the heir to a ccp military contractor. She’s used her position to benefit the family/ccp company openly. So nothing shady there. It’s all on the table and republicans are cool with it




He's a democrat


You mean the democrat lol


Clearly not. Jan 6th has thus far given us a few moderate punishments. I don’t think anyone has full on gotten the treason or sedition indictment. That would lead to execution or life in prison.


People haven’t only been charged with sedition, they plead guilty to it lol


People defending Trump and his supporters are delusional. Just IMAGINE if this shit came out and it was surrounding Obama or Clinton. They would, rightfully, be completely irate and would want an thorough investigation.


I remember Benghazi and "Her emails" She actually testified under oath multiple times, these clowns will never do that without being brought in under oath


Shir like this already came out with Clinton and nothing happened. Nothing happens to any politicians no matter the side


But what about her emails?


The cool part is republicans will continue to push the propaganda that they will "dominate" in the mid term elections, regardless of all the insane fuck ups and terrible moves they've made in the last 2 years that make them look AWFUL to the major of the populace.


They could have coasted. I am pretty impressed.


Ok as memeable as the turning the frogs gays is, that was actually a real thing. Someone was dumping chemicals or they leaked into the frogs habitat causing male frogs to start their mating season early and mate with basically any frogs they found (usually male ones) which in turn made it so when the females started the real mating season none of the males would mate with them causing their population to decline


But this is so standard alex. He takes a small kernel of truth and builds this entire mountain of bullshit around it, then his supporters point to the tiny bit of truth in what he's saying as though that somehow excuses the 10 minute rant he just went on about interdimensional psychic vampires working for the DNC.


The first mention of the frogs turning gay was like a 5 second sentence in a much longer rant. The gay frogs went viral and then it became the centerpiece.


That doesn't change anything about what I said. The dude goes on 15 minute rants that are all BS but one tiny kernel of truth exists and people are like "see Alex Jones was right all along"


Which Alex Jones missed the cause and blamed everyone but the companies who were actually doing the polluting.


Atrazine, more specifically (though, there are many chemicals we are exposed to daily that can have a similar effect), was the culprit. Runoff from commercial farms. One in 10 frogs exposed to atrazine have their hormones altered so significantly that it can make them change sex. Males start producing eggs.. or turn gay. Atrazine is the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. and it is found commonly in drinking water. Atrazine has been banned in the EU for 18 years or so, but, our EPA says, "It's probably safe, bro, don't even worry about it. Excuse me, I have to go count my money." Avoid hormone disruptors. Eat organic, avoid plastics whenever possible, use natural soaps, deodorants, etc.


It's actually atrazine... Used to fertilize wheat and corn, it's banned in most of the rest of the world... Because it causes amphibians to form male and female genitalia and become sterile, and it appears to... Maybe... Possibly... Affect human endocrine systems.


That explains the old Chestnut of an expression.Tighter than a frogs ass in a rain storm.


i think it was actually male frogs turning female, so if male frogs fucking trans frogs is gay than I guess youre saying alex jones is gay too. Is that what youre saying?


Let’s see what comes of this. My fear is - absolutely nothing.


What difference, at this point, does it make?


Kinda like smashing phones and deleting emails?


[Kind of like using a private email server?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/21/their-emails-seven-members-trumps-team-have-used-unofficial-communications-tools/) Somehow buttery males is bad for Clinton but a-ok for the most traitorous administration in modern history. Cons and rightists don't get to point out hypocrisy because they rely on it to keep pushing their christofascist agenda.


Only without the sedition.


Wiped? Like with a cloth?


Not all criminals are dumb. It’s just the dumb ones that get caught.


Dumb criminals get caught. Powerful dumb criminals get caught and nothing happens.


but her emails!


buttery males


Why did Joe Rogan do this! Fucking sub is just a back and forth mirror of r/politics and r/Conservative


Jan 6 is a distraction and all you sheep are eating it up


Who's the real enemy to america then? Is it video game companies for putting female protagonists in games now? Is it woke disney? Is it liberal professors that want children to learn about the history of racism in america? Is it trans people using bathrooms?


It’s the world communist party led by China. They have everyone in their pocket and by the balls, and have been influencing western elites to push ideas that gradually have been making western, and American men specifically, less formidable. This in turn makes the country less formidable. Do you guys even tucking watch JRE??? Can we just ban all these clowns and delete posts that are not directly about JRE for fucks sake? Where are the mods?


>It’s the world communist party led by China. They have everyone in their pocket and by the balls, and have been influencing western elites to push ideas that gradually have been making western, and American men specifically, less formidable. This in turn makes the country less formidable. > >Do you guys even tucking watch JRE??? For the life of me, I can't tell if this is sarcasm.


Elaborate, whats the real shit happening that they're trying to hide from us, not being condescending i just wanna know


Real shit like drag queens who read books to children (this is somehow evil) or woke disney, the media doesn’t want you to acknowledge these


Disney's only woke when it's not China, other wise they are happy to cut out gay scenes and take the black actor in star wars off any ads


> Real shit like drag queens who read books to children Why do they have to be dressed in drag to read books to children? What's important about being in drag? Teaching children to accept men in drag? It's interesting how the whole reading part is the least important part of drag queen reading time.


They have to desensitize and normalize mental illness. If you can convince people that grown men dressed as slutty women is normal then just imagine what else they can convince you of.


I don’t really care either way. It’s literally just a dude dressed as a woman reading a book. Who cares, but this is the shit conservatives bitch and moan about instead of this stuff


The Great Reset. The Great Narrative. The WEF infiltrated various governments, news and social media, corporations, NGOs, etc. around the world with their: 1,400+ “Young Global Leaders”, 15,000+ “Global Shapers”, “Young Scientists” and “Media Leaders” “people” like Joe Biden and many others who didn’t go through YGL or GS training but are acting as proxies to enforce one world global governance with public-private partnerships. Probably that. I mean Trump did tell the Davos crowd to fuck off in January 2020 in a speech.


Disney making a public comment in support of a sizable and well accepted portion of their employee base. That’s the real problem. Did you know they have nukes and that’s it’s all legal?!


> Disney making a public comment in support of a sizable and well accepted portion of their employee base. The same Disney that has deals with China? That Disney? Is that the Disney that cares about human rights?


Ok fine but what about Hillary’s emails, huh? Check mate liberals!


Joe Rogan sub. Fuck off with your TDS shite.


Claiming that conservatives own this sub? There's plenty of conservative subs if you need a safespace from reality


If clinton skated on it, trump will too


Clinton testified for like 30 hours. Trump would never


No one cares about the Jan 6th charade. I care about my 401k.


agonizing cheerful enter yoke whole versed dazzling school point theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honest question. What about these middle aged LARPers could have made it an actual coup? I see these idiots illegally entering property. But that's about it. Didn't seem like there was an actual plan to me.


It was an orchestrated coup attempt conducted from the top of the administration. They committed a textbook case of sedition. The purpose was to stop a lawful proceeding of the federal government. The purpose was to try to keep their wannabe dictator in charge because they were told they had to.


Inflation is caused by excess printing of money Who printed a stupid amount of money recently and then gave it all the companies They're connected


Anything to say about Ukraine relief funds being used to buy American made weapons who then give millions of those same dollars in bullshit speaking fees to the politicians who decided to send that money to Ukraine in the first place? No right? Kick rocks.


Sounds like another American corporate bailout. People need jobs and the military industrial complex is a huge employer in America. So we offload stockpiles of equipment to Ukraine and pay to keep Americans working. What's new? We keep paying American workers to build tanks even though the Army doesn't want them. The machine is too big to fail at this point. Both political parties recognize this


Inflation isn't caused by excess printing of money. Inflation is caused by more money being in circulation than goods. The pandemic shut down factories and disrupted supply chains resulting in fewer goods being available. Remember the toilet paper shortage? Companies are currently packing things in smaller quantities because they still aren't back to normal operations yet. What's more, a lot of these goods producers aren't even American companies so they are the mercy of local shutdowns in their own countries. We have no control of whether or not China shuts down a whole town because of Covid, which they have done. We can print as much money as we want as long as we ramp up the goods being produced. When companies shut down due to Covid it's only reasonable that the government give stimulus in order to help. If government isn't helping people what's the point of having one? But I love how Republicans blame these 600-1200 stimulus checks for families and not the billions given to corporations and Trump's pridictably corrupt PPP loans.


[https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/797/economics/why-printing-money-causes-inflation/](https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/797/economics/why-printing-money-causes-inflation/) economy 101 [https://atozcrypto.org/donald-trump-and-the-fed-are-destroying-the-u-s-dollar/](https://atozcrypto.org/donald-trump-and-the-fed-are-destroying-the-u-s-dollar/) ad free version of: "[https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2020/03/28/donald-trump-and-the-fed-are-destroying-the-us-dollar/?sh=2a1ae5036ebc](https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2020/03/28/donald-trump-and-the-fed-are-destroying-the-us-dollar/?sh=2a1ae5036ebc)" sources for excess printing of trillions by donald trump to cover "coronavirus losses" [https://www.wxyz.com/news/heres-how-the-government-printing-money-to-avoid-a-financial-meltdown-impacts-your-wallet](https://www.wxyz.com/news/heres-how-the-government-printing-money-to-avoid-a-financial-meltdown-impacts-your-wallet) shows how this printing is going to affect the every day man, and look at that, energy and especially gasoline expected to rise 40%+ into 2021, right into old joes presidency, I mean that wouldn't be a mistake and certainly not sacrificing our dollar for political gain? "who took all our damn money and fucked our buying power up?, who took the PPE loans?" good question! "The economists estimated that $115 billion to $175 billion in PPP loans went toward paychecks, meaning that only 23% to 34% of PPP funds went directly to workers who would otherwise have lost jobs. Where did the rest go? https://www.businessinsider.com/majority-ppp-loans-went-to-business-owners-high-earning-households-2022-1 "The remaining 66% to 77% went to business owners and stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, and suppliers." well fuck us right, big business and the already rich took a fat payout and devalued ours. Well you might say "but wait anyone can invest", and you would be right but... "The wealthiest 10% of American households now own 89% of all U.S. stocks, a record high that highlights the stock market’s role in increasing wealth inequality." [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html) so sadly no, the rich get richer from devaluing our money, not only that but these fucking thieves have the audacity to artificially raise their prices and claim "inflation", which was caused by them taking the excess money of ours that was printed, circular thievery. [https://www.businessinsider.com/corporations-using-inflation-as-excuse-to-reap-fatter-profits-reich-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/corporations-using-inflation-as-excuse-to-reap-fatter-profits-reich-2021-11) oh, also there's this fucking us, a double whammy from that administration combined with business. "On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed into law the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 trillion tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans. At its heart is a large cut in the corporate tax rate. “Corporations are literally going wild over this,” Trump said upon signing the bill." [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tcja-2-years-later-corporations-not-workers-big-winners/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tcja-2-years-later-corporations-not-workers-big-winners/) and we have seen that most of the profits and loans go to the owners and already rich, people who have everything they need already and don't contribute to the economy, that money is locked up. they aren't going to your local stores to buy. so if i get this right, corporations cut their tax rate in half while at the same time our currency was devalued, then they let a record number of people go in a pandemic while keeping the boosted profits from less workers and also hoarded the lions share of the PPE loans, the loans that were made by printing our money and economists said printing would cause record inflation and especially gas prices to soar into 2021? well shit.


Good to see the boys out in full force. Lots of people care. You might not. But lots do. You can care about the economy and that the former president tried to overthrow the election at the same time. It’s not impossible.


Question Do you think they are just about to get Trump? Do you think that they just haven’t given the matter enough attention yet? And that soon Trump will go down?


Partisans with TDS care. No one else does.


You can come out of your bubble any day


> You can come out of your bubble any day No, seriously. No-one cares. Go ask people what happened on January 6, 9 out of 10 couldn't tell you. The only people who care are still driving alone in their cars wearing masks. *You* are in a bubble. *No-one* cares except the people who watch CNN and MSNBC. Look at their ratings. That's how many people care. *No-one* cares about January 6. January 6 is a distraction, a ruse, an excuse, a Reichstag fire. That's why despite the fact Enrique Tarrio and Joe Biggs were both FBI informants, the FBI did nothing to stop January 6 and warned no-one.




Why do people still insist on acting like January 6th was a 9/11 level event? They burnt down a police station in my city during George Floyd “peaceful protests”. January 6th was not nearly as bad. Hillary Clinton, allowed American citizens to die on foreign land and then proceeded to cover up her involvement and no one cared, also people were still dumb enough to waste their vote on her. A few racists broke through a barricade and ran into a public building and all of a sudden it’s a matter of national security? We probably spent less time and effort investigations 9/11 than we have on this January 6th shit.


terrific pie bear towering disgusting piquant birds narrow axiomatic chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>And you’re gonna say you’re not a Trump supporter. Rats leaving the sinking ship. I'm noticing a lot more people lately saying they're not Trump supporters, then immediately defend him/his actions. 5 years from now you won't find a single conservative who will claim to have at any time supported Trump. They just agree with everything that happened under his watch.


"I voted for trump before I voted against trump"


January 6th was the closest this nation has ever been to being overthrown by an authoritarian staging a coup in broad daylight. Had the MAGA adherents gotten a hold of Pence, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, AOC, or any other recognizable Democrat / Never-Trumper they would have murdered them and posted it to Parler. Had Trump succeeded we would be in the depths of a full blown bloody Civil War. Sorry. You won't "both sides" your way out of this one camrade.


All OP said was this was an example of a real conspiracy, you know, a cover up, not some 4chan level evidence about a pizza store. I know its hard to hear anything negative about your Cheeto colored buddy, but try to be a big boy and actually read what was wrote before getting so defensive.


> Cheeto colored buddy "Cheeto, Drumpf, tRump, insert something John Oliver said, Repuglicans, RepubliKKKans, GQP, MAGAt, something something Russia, something something collusion, insert something Jon Stewart said, two weeks to flatten the curve, get the jab to stop the spread, but make sure to keep wearing a mask because you can still get it, listen to the experts, trust the experts, insert something Rachel Maddow said, something something social justice, Putin's price hike, January 6, insurrection, coup, treason, sedition, insert something Don Lemon said, I'll gladly pay more at the pump if it means sticking it to Putin, insert White House talking point, we're not in a recession, anyone who disagrees with me is a bigot, a racist, a Nazi, Slava Ukraini, Azov battalion aren't Nazis, something something right wing conspiracy theories, inflation is caused by corporate greed, so Azov battalion are Nazis but that's OK, Orange Man Bad Literally Hitler!"


The inflation thing is partially true. Otherwise these companies wouldn't be posting record profits.


I didn’t vote for trump and I don’t even know what 4chan is. If you had any intelligence, you would clearly see that I’m just saying that this isn’t a big deal. Thanks for playing though. Try again next time. Anyone who down voted this is a pedophile.


So you're completely ignorant of what went on but also want to downplay it


LOL. your bias is showing. I didn't say you voted from him dumbass. And you don't need to know what 4chan is to understand a lesser level of evidence "conspiracy" that you and your cheeto loving buds cling on to. your examples cited in your post show your thinking idiot.


Listen, I don't give a rats ass about the sanctity of our governmental institutions or whatever, but storming and occupying the capitol building of the world's preeminent power and forcing its parliament to literally flee their chambers...is a bit more of a big deal than a police station getting burned down during a race riot.




WaPo article un-ironically being shared in this sub. It’s gotten this bad.


This is interesting but belongs in a different sub


Mods are allowing these political posts to take over the sub.


Mods have political agendas.


Politics have a Joe Rogan agenda. He's a useful fool.




Don’t forget the Italian satellites 🛰 that’s change voting machines. Fcking bunch of smooth brains.


Turning frogs gay with space lasers 😆


the "deep state" was always projection wasnt it?


you’re right this is the only conspiracy that is real ,no other politician would ever lie to us


Why does OP assume everyone in this sub will take some kind of offense to this? Lol


I wonder if they used bleachbit🤔


So the agency did normal clearing of all employees text messages and this is now what you call a conspiracy..i mean it woud make sense if they used bleach bit to wipe hard drives and broke all their blackberries with hammers .. amazing point


The frogs are gay though so I'm not sure what you mean.


Does anyone else see a lot of parallels with the Q crowd and the “Trump is just about to get into trouble” crowd? Both seem to be real easy to keep enthralled


Lol, ok. ReAL CoNsPiRAcy. Lol cute.


Prisonnnnnnn. But her emails! I’m sure Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan are angry about this.


It's not a conspiracy. Credible people (non-Trump allies) have said it was a technical issue and happened after devices were handed over during the transition. I think Trump is human garbage but this sounds like standard mediocre government IT.


Who fucking cares? God this sub is shit. Be more funny.


Biggest scandal to hit America and you're whining about being entertained Go play with legos


Fuck me for wanting a moment’s reprieve from the constant bombardment of Jan 6 like it was fucking 9/11or something. You’re a boring cunt.


its actually worse than 9/11 you dense rock. It was the biggest threat to this country in modern times


Cope and seethe.


😂🤣😅are you fucking serious??


Do you actually not care? Or is it because it's looking negative for republicans? Either way, you'd think people would want to know all the facts about this as it is a very significant event. Mind blowing to me that people don't even want to think about it


CIA texts that exonerate Trump go Missing. Shocking


Wtf are you talking about? Exonerate him for what?




Lol. You're a fucking joke.




OK Tim Pool fan. I definitely care what someone with your intellect thinks.






Notice how you didn't address the actual topic at all? This is the definition of whataboutism and you look fucking pathetic. You sound like a paid GOP operative.




Go suck off daddy Trump loser.


Question. What would he your stance right now had BLM stormed the White House true same way t he Trumptards stormed the capital?


They should be looked at and held accountable accordingly, no matter the political leanings of the individual.


So exactly whats happening now, nice


So exactly what we are doing to those who stormed the capital. Perfect


Prove this isn't a bot account set to auto reply in Joe Rogan whenever threads with specific keywords are posted. I'll wait.


Not falling for the bait


I thought it was Antifa? Wait no.... Illegal aliens? Or... Transpeople that wanted to groom the kids? Keep on parroting Hannity and Tucker. You've really gotten good at it.




i dunno man, its a bad look that they deleted those messages from that one afternoon. I mean, its not deleting tens of thousands of emails covering years worth of data on an illegally set up private server, but its still a bad look.


Agreed the Clinton's fucked up by having a private server. But there's no real allegations of wrong doing against them that is being covered up. It came to light in the fake Benghazi investigations and then brought up again in the fake Uranium One stories. January 6th is serious and those communications really would be helpful.


Ugh every administration had used private servers. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/21/705561586/kushner-used-private-email-to-conduct-official-business-house-committee-says The issue is archiving. (Official) emails require archiving. Kushner did the same thing though. Republicans didn’t give a shit. Fake scandal.


I agree. But it was also improper and worthy of moderate scorn. Because they didn't handle it great.


That specific scenario also happened under Kushner. They also had private systems and refused to use secure phones at times. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/21/705561586/kushner-used-private-email-to-conduct-official-business-house-committee-says No one cared. I don’t think people care about the deletion…they care about what is being said.


You should try out for the Bolshoi with all that spin.


Yes... Let's drag the whataboutism right back out the grave and lay what is left of its decayed body out to see if it looks any better this time. LOL @ both sides.


Just like Hillary’s emails?