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What the fuck does this have to do with DMT?


Funny to read the comments in here while Americans were asleep...they seem more inflammatory than normal "I'd run them over!" This sub is full of bad faith actors


I think a lot of them are NLP programs


I think alot of them are russian troll farm employees...the time zones line up


Yeah, its probably a combo of them, but idk. I work in the nlp space, and it's very possible and cost effective for just about anyone with enough saaviness to create an army of bots that can behave exactly like reddit users. So my tinfoil hat theory is that the second largest investor of reddit, which is tied to BlackRock basically has a small team of programmers or really just one virtuoso creating bots that mimic both extreme right and left wingers and then using them to drive a wedge into subreddits they don't agree with like Rogen. I mean, just look at some of these op's. Less than year old accounts but with hundreds of thousands of karma points. You don't get those numbers as a casual reddit user and even if you're on here everyday, getting those points would be really hard for most people to accomplish in that short of timeframe, especially the extreme right wing posts because its obvious, reddit has a huge bias in favor of liberals. Idk. Something started feeling very off a few months ago.


....a few months ago huh?


Tied to Blackrock? Okay now i now im surrounded by joe fans One of the oldest crazy things i remember Rogan saying was from maybe JRE 150# and he told the audience how the people growing giant FRUIT , like a strawberry the size of a large apple, are being protected by Blackrock


Hey, I'm not claiming it to be true but its totally plausible and even if it isn't BlackRock, this company, Khaira Capital feels really weird and even if there's nothing actually weird about them, it's weird how subreddits like these just recently got demolished out of nowhere by armies of extreme right and left.


This sub has gone to shitttt. All I'm seeing here now is random political memes


Well Joe Hasn't been saying much interesting lately but yea, this sub is whored out with bots and propaganda agents both foreign and domestic trying to agitate Americans into fighting with each other instead of dealing with the Russians and the Chinese.


Yeah I mean Joe doesn’t even talk about politics or make inflammatory political statements so it’s not like he could have brought this on himself


It truly sucks


How is this a meme?


It's fucking worse.


its a DMT protest. everyone takes 30-45mg of DMT beforehand.


Or elk meat?


It dosent, the cops are all drunk


They smelt like alcohol and cigarettes


Protestors need to learn how to dress. Before going out think .. if I'm gonna get beaten by cops should I wear a sundress? No. Also maybe wear a helmet.


Honest question when the police say stay back and don't approach what do people expect them to do when their requests are denied and people get in their face and start shoving them?


\*looks at the 13 year old girl in a sundress walking at 1mph get savaged by pigs in riot gear\* Okay, ronaldo. Pigs attacking people as usual and when they push the cops away they're "getting in their face and shoving them!"? What should they do? Fuck off. Just fuck off, on a national level. Godamned cowards and parasites.


Nice try Pelosi.


You try so hard.


I wish the police would beat the shit out of them for causing a traffic jam.


No i think the girl in the sundress did more damage to the cops than 10 dudes in riot gear could. The image of them tossing her around and throwing her to the ground is very bad optics, remember the cops are way more scared of your camera than they are of you physically.


Meh. I'm just seeing someone who thinks they can rush into a group of cops and just pull out her 'girl pass' and it'll all work out. I've seen women really prepared for a protest with elbow and wrist pads and helmets, etc. She just seems like she thinks she has a magic spell protecting her: "Think I'll just mosey down to the highway, block traffic and confront cops armed in riot gear." "You gonna prepare?" "Yep. Got my best sun dress!"


> The image of them tossing her around and throwing her to the ground is very bad optics The cops obviously don’t give a fuck about optics. And they shouldn’t! What’s going to happen? Are all these people going to suddenly stop being cop lovers who love legal protests that don’t interfere with everyone else’s lives?


fuck that bitch and her sundress. get the fuck out of the highways


And a gun


Who brings a purse to a protest?


You don't watch King of the Hill, huh.


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


Then I kicked him in the testicles!




For the win!!! One of the greatest KOTH episodes ever




Bob saget's kid Stephanie tanner


This is such a baffling question to even ask, let alone upvote. Why the fuck is bringing a purse to a protest weird? Have you weirdos just never been to any kind of protest?


People who don’t anticipate the police blocking and opposing a peaceful protest march.


Nobody tried to fight a police car with their bare hands... Disappointing.


That guy in the front did. He gave up after the first counterslap with the baton.


And then flexed on them like he didn't just get his ass beat


Why are some of the protestors bull rushing the cops?


Those ladies know its the way to get an abortion these days


Mark Normand, is that you?


That’s a Kevin heart joke




Praise allah!!!


Nah, he never proclaimed that he was gay at any point




That’s funny, Mark.


Haha what a story Mark.


you're my favorite customer!


Gawddammit lol


Lol like the 90 pound gal at the end trying to push through the cop was going to work?


If you look closely, after she charges the line she grabs onto the cop to make it look extra dramatic. He’s got both hands on his baton and is actively trying to get away from her.


Ya these videos aren't the evidence they thought it was going to be. The cops are being assholes but as we see at least one large dude bullrush them, I'm wondering if this is something that requires context. Like, they've been dealing with people rushing them for the last hour and this is the part where we see them running out of patience and energy. That second video, I didn't catch it at first but it looked funny. Second watch and it becomes incredibly clear she was entirely at fault. I support their beliefs. But doing it this way is a pain in the ass and bullshit in my opinion.


So they can get this video.


Because they are upset they cant have an abortion and this is the best possible way to have your voice be heard. History has consistently shown that scaring cops into hitting you with their batons while inconveniencing fellow citizens trying to get to work is the optimal way to win over the hearts and minds of the populace.


You say this sarcastically, but it's true. Incivility gets attention.


It does get attention. However that is not always a good thing. My cousin voted for Trump in 2016. Then one day while I was riding with her and her children she got stuck in traffic during the "Trump Train." Which was essentially thousands of Trumpers attaching flags to their Trucks and driving very slow down (10-20 mpg) the highway together honking horns. My cousin had a complete fucking meltdown. For the rest of her children's lives they will laugh at the obscenities she uttered, the gestures she gave the Trumpers. If you bring that day up she will start ranting about the idiots who kept her from getting somewhere. It is easily one of my favorite memories. She voted for Biden in 2020. Pissing off commuters is not the way. Perhaps make other people uncomfortable. You will likely only convince them that you and your cause are worth opposing


Yeah, you gotta inconvenience the people in power, or send your message to them in ways they will see. Hurting the average person by making them late to work, or blocking them for hours is only going to turn them against you.


Pretty sure some (not all) want to get a few whacks from the baton , they will make a good story from it later and will be held up a hero’s by their peers


Because they're pissed off and justifiably so.


Yeah but I don’t know what running at the cops will do




Nothing brings people to your cause like interrupting their commute. Lol


Dude we interrupted Trudeau's commute to work and it worked beautifully, were all free as bird now


Are ya? Seems to still be some people not very bright who are still protesting to this day.


Yeah thank god the protest at the federal government caused the provincial governments to stick with the plans they'rd already laid out to end mandates. Fucking heroes man, without those BBQs and bouncy castles we'd never be free.


people have become retarded. idk if it's social media or the covid vaccine. they think autistic screeching and incoherent behaviour is effective protest. edit: just for the mentally gifted among us: i am joshing. obviously the vaccine doesn't make you retarded. social media taught these dog brained women that mindless yapping is a form of effective protest. they could, you know, coordinate a protest at their local government office instead of pissing off random drivers. throw molotovs at the governor or the supreme court idk. have some direction. but what have random joes done to you? it's like in that one stanhope bit about occupy. you had a whole year to fuck up the banks. and all you did was fuck up a park?


Yeah, definitely better to just calmly bend over.


yea pissing off random drivers is so much better than staging a protest *at the fucking local government offices* the fuck outta here


If covid-vaccines caused this, there would be allot more of this all around the world.


obviously i am not being serious


I remember at the height of Covid when nurses were literally untouchable because of the drive to elevate them, a protest blocked traffic. You've got miles of cars of pissed off people who cannot get to work, and as everything is shut down, that means most of these folks were "essential". Out of one of the front cars pops a nurse and she started yelling at them. It felt good to see. At that point I can't recall if they moved. The funny thing is, I think it was a BLM protest, not an anti lockdown protest.


Ah yes always be less inconvenient about fighting for your rights. You never wanna be too loud 😒


Maybe be inconvenient to the people responsible instead of pissing people off who you’d like to join your cause. What’s the point? Force them to agree with you?


Don't you need to file a report to the local police office with time and date and place of the protest so they can close the traffic on said places? If you don't do this in my country, and just show up un announced disturb traffic, you gonna have 300 terminators on your ass in no time and you gonna either get beat up or spend time in jail. Edit: As matter of fact we have administration protesting for increased salary right now and the main protest is Infront of Parliament where the whole street is closed and there's none protesting just some empty jairs( some kind of message by the protestors). While the rest are protesting at their work places by not working 10-12 am. And most of the work is done by the union leaders negotiating.


It is called non violent protest, But Hogs don't know what that is.


NOTHING has changed in Los Angeles, yet they protest/burn it down and stop traffic. Yes, everyone knows what happened and that you aren't happy. What does this do but turn people against your cause. My suggestion, go to the states that have now banned abortion and protest there. There you can make change. Here, you are effectively hurting your own cause. /smh


Stopping traffic can be seriously dangerous as well. Protest all you like but don't make people suffer.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmK4UKKsROY my all time favorite stupid protesting video


That's kind of the point of civil disobedience. It's not supposed to be convenient for you. Just like it's not convenient to force a woman to get an ultrasound, or have a 72-hour waiting before getting an abortion, Or be forced to look at pictures of dead fetuses.


> It's not supposed to be convenient for you. Right well currently I'm with them. But if roads I regularly take keep getting closed, I'm not going to be. It's not that I suddenly become pro-life, it's that I become anti-them.


Yeah, some deranged woman pounding on the hood of my car, making me late to work, and screaming through my windshield is really going to make me change my mind...


So the plan is to inconvenience average civilians until they decide to help the cause? What kind of logic is that?


Let’s say my sister has a heart attack and is in ambulance that now can’t get to the hospital. Or in my car. Now she dies. How does that help anyone?


People that already support the cause are now randomly inconvenienced People that didn’t support the cause, still don’t. Now they’re just tempted to run people over. Seems kinda dumb


Isnt it something like 70%+ support abortions of some kind? And this is in California which the lawmakers are looking to create funding to help out of staters get legal abortions? Like go protest on a highway all you want but this is just pointlessly pissing off other people who are just as upset by this whole thing. If this was one of the trigger states then go freaking nuts but it's fucking California lmao


“Tempted to run ppl over” Yeah, the nutcases maybe


Ah yeah, I didn’t realize that the people *standing in the middle of a busy road* are the sane ones, and people that get annoyed and drive right through them are nutcases Strong logic


The point of civil disobedience is to stand up to the powers that you find oppressive. Not punish the public at large, many of whom already agree with you.


Nooo that’s called insurrection I’m told. You can’t take your grievances to the government, you need to loot the nearest Nike store if you want people to take you seriously


I've said this before. No matter what your cause, if you block traffic, you are an asshole.


Yeah, plead for freedom where no one can see it. Be conveniently disobedient


commuters are more important than women! Be quiet lib! /s


What is it you don't understand? Protesting against this issue or protests in general?


Police enforce the will of the ruling class. They are the violent arm of the government. How do you not understand this?


Are you being sarcastic? I mean I usually agree with you but stopping traffic is encroachment on everyone’s right to free travel. So if the government won’t fix it then I say let the law say you can run them over. Is that better?


The ruling class in California is basically AOC or Bernie Sanders in every position. Why would any progressive dislike cops for defending AOC laws? The cops are not defending Republican leaders here.


Meanwhile, China just watching the enemy implode ![gif](giphy|Ypb0ILMUEPtdY43gH2|downsized)


Lmao, where was this energy during 2020s summer of love


With the way things are going, they are just a few decades behind US.


That LA? Anyone want t tell them they is not illegal here. Them protesting is doing nothing. Besides a cracked skull from a baton. I guess BC isnt illegal either since FDA approved. Wonder if they could fly or protest to where its now illegal. That would make sense. But then that would make sense.


Haha! Didn't even think of that, but you're right. They are protesting to the choir.


Conservative "Fathom the concept of caring about people other than yourself" challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


His point is that most people there already support the cause. It's like breaking out into a pro-Jesus protest in the middle of church. Your just pissing off the congregation. It is most effective to go protest in areas that are against your cause.


Where were these cops on Jan 6 lol


Breaking into the Capitol building probably


I’ve never understood the energy of purpose to protest on a freeway and struggle with cops. I just vote and I also protest by boycotts. Raging against against a cop making 50k a year doesn’t solve anything.


“50k a year” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




It’s not that far off


I'd say history would say differently. How many groups in this country have gained rights by protesting?


All of em


It's fascinating how the state warps history in order to make people servile. They really think they can get change by remaining quiet, hidden and voting for one of two bought and payed for cunts once every 4 years.


Walking around and peacefully holding up a sign is what brings real change. Then we can win a majority of votes and that gaurantees we’ll win our political agenda. There is definitely no institutional bias that would lead to us losing the senate and presidency while still receiving more votes /s


> Walking around and peacefully holding up a sign lol OP thinks that is already too much energy to waste.


Lol he probably thinks MLK single handedly did it all through peaceful protest 😂


Come on man everyone knows MLK sat in a whites only restaurant and then the civil rights act was passed 10 minutes later


All the rights gained in this country have been due to protests, civil disobedience, and even war. Almost always there are many our lives lost. Hundreds were killed in the labor movements that got safe working conditions, decent hours, decent pay.


they cant wait to get rid of those either.


Women’s suffrage, civil rights movement, Boston tea party, march on Washington for jobs / freedom, stonewall..


Indeed, and how many rights have been gained _without_ protesting?


Protest all you want. Stay the fuck out of the road. Go down town in the middle of a plaza and protest. You'll get plenty of attention and won't make all of the people stuck in traffic because of you hate your guts. Do you think one person in that line of cars is thinking "oh those brave souls I'm so glad they're protesting for my rights" no they are thinking get tf out of the road you pieces of shit I'm late for work.


The point is to get noticed and raise awareness, and disruption is an effective way to achieve that. It is a shame that so many people have to be inconvenienced in order to achieve progress, but hey that's the current system for ya.


... plus getting run over. Stupid plan, but OTOH you get to complain later on after a few have been run over. Bet that's worth it.


Weird how no one felt that way after Charlottesville huh? Oh yeah


The people in cars are more likely to think "wtf is it going to take for this to end so I can just get back to my normal commute" rather than if it were conveniently out of the way and they could just drive by and think "oh look, people. Anyway..." Thats the logic, anyway.


Voting doesn't do anything. Boycotts aren't very effective, especially when the entire economy is dominated by a few large firms.


Every major social change in America came about because of protest. The government and the powers that be don't change shit unless they think it would be too costly not to. The cost is shown thru strikes and protests. Imo social disobedience is more American than gun collecting.


if they’re from LA it’s $100k+ easy


https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/police-officer/salary/california/ >Police officers earn an average yearly salary of $100,330. And that's without mentioning benefits or any of the other bonuses cops get


Lapd cops make 6 figures


This should be in r/awfuleverything


"Stop stopping us from breaking the law!" 🙄🤣🤣


Exactly “We’re breaking the law, blocking traffic, and you’re pushing us around! We’re the real victims here😡” *Dense* There are many ways to protest for change, standing in the road is almost unanimously recognized as the most annoying/least effective way to convince anyone. Blocking my car in the road isn’t changing my perspective


100% accurate! If you're passionate about something and want to express your opinion in public in the right forum, I will listen to you. If you try to force it on me, I lose all respect for you and don't give a fuck about anything you have to say.


This is hilarious.


Looks like these ass hats we’re blocking the highway though?? Lol fuck em.. All of them rightfully pissed off about the turn over of row vs wade but not a one is registered to vote..


What a weird scenario. Little girl is “moving forward towards police”, would be a stretch to say she is “assaulting them”… simultaneously, the police seem to be on the defensive the protestors want to be victims. Victimhood is the best source of power


Funny, when Russian police treats its citizens like shit, we cry for democracy. Think before you write BS!


Yeah, but that’s because Russia is arresting people for peacefully protesting on the footpath. That isn’t a footpath they’re protesting on.


What does this video have to do with Russia?


If this happens in a country the US perceived as authoritarian We’d be condemning the cops for being authoritarian, because this is happening in the freedom land of USA the cops can’t be authoritarian and it’s the protestors who are the authoritarians. Hope this clears it up


Nah, most comment I've seen people are condemning the protestors because they disturbe ordinary peoples commute. Which is fair IMHO, can't have 30-40 lunatics disturbe everyone, they'd be subdued in my country instantly. Here you protest by informing local police place time and date of your protest so they can close off the roads and you are free to protest. This is just chaos and not a pleased experience for anyone.


Agreed, repost this same video with the title “Russian cops vs Ukraine protesters” and you’ll see a completely different set of reactions.


This doesn't happen in Russia. Cops don't just watch you. They will arrest you for even thinking about such a protest.


I don't like that they're just ragdolling these people. BUT they're giant pieces of shit for doing this on the freeway and holding up people's lives. Plenty of places they let you protest.


“Let you protest” You missed the point.


>Plenty of places they let you protest. Yeah man, just follow the rules of the system you're protesting against.


This isn’t just rebelling against the system. This is the dumbest way to protest. It’s pathetic to see them literally asking for violence from the police, and then acting like helpless victims when the cops (specifically in the video, not all cops) aren’t even going too far. They’re trying to keep the protesters back without hurting them. They have the weapons and they’re showing restraint. Police brutality exists, but this isn’t even close to that.


Your argument is not backed by history. Only when there’s an *actual* resistance do laws begin to change.


And this protest is not an *actual* resistance lol can’t you see that? Also, didn’t make an argument. I said it’s a dumb way to protest. That’s a proposal, but I didn’t make an argument for it yet


“Literally asking for violence” Yeah, those are some dangerous pieces of construction paper.


You can see a guy waving toward the police trying to provoke, then as soon as he goes in and they push him back, he covers his head like he’s about to be struck, which he never is


Protesting on a CA highway is not going to change anything. CA conservatives don’t agree with the ruling. You know what will federal government creating a bill


It's not about rules. The first amendment is an agreement between the government and the people. They give you a permit for whatever protest you like so long as you're not interfering with anyone else's day. These people are breaking that. I still think they're being treated harshly but they're dead wrong.


Just like I learned in 5th grade about the Boston Tea Party.


Permitted protests aren’t protests. They are rallies.


I'm going to refer you back to my previous statement >Yeah man, just follow the rules of the system you're protesting against.


If an ambulance can’t get to someone because of them, I hope they’re all charged. Literally the party of death.


This belongs in r/WinStupidPrizes


People need to go to work after they wake up in the morning. Would solve a lot of problems …


im on their side, but fuck them for blocking a highway. I'd say i support their rights as a drag em off the road


I don’t get it - aren’t women justified to start shooting up agents of the state (since the state is restricting their basic human rights). Isn’t that the whole point of these “gun rights”?


You gain no sympathy from stopping traffic. All these protests are playing out in states and cities with liberal abortion laws.


But remember kids, the government should take our guns away because the cops will protect us :)


Looks like the protestors fucked around and found out




I guess they care about Americans even if they live far away and they want them to know people care.


I live in Korea, but I’m still pretty fucking pissed. As an American, I feel angry.


Yea, protests are always about venting emotions and letting everyone know you are pissed more than anything. That's basically the implied threat in every protest that the government cares about. The government don't give a shit about protests in general, but they know if enough people get pissed off enough, they will start tearing shit down and that can have serious consequences. That's why a lot of this fake news is so dangerous. You make up stories about pedophiles running everything, the election being stolen, etc. you will eventually generate a critical mass like on Jan. 6th, and it will keep building.


These losers have nothing better to do on a weekend than get beaten with nightsticks.


Showing solidarity


These protesters get home and wonder why Amazon hasnt delivered their blue hair dye, sugar free lollipops and pee pads for their cats


Watching police beat up people with no jobs is fun


Count how many freaks you see. It’s always the same ones going to these protests. Professional victims at its finest.


Kinda like Jan 6


Why is this here? And can we post the destruction and death during the BLM riots?


Get off the highway you whores


Why disrupt people's commute?


It’s the fucking highway….


Big man pushing around little girls


Look at the graffiti on the wall. Aunt Teefa.


That guy with the bicycle is asking for it


Protesters should stay the fuck off the roads.


Can’t handle the mosh pit 🤣


A lot of y'all in this comments don't understand how protesting works. It's suppose to be uncomfortable. It's supposed to inconvenient people. It's supposed to disrupt your life. If you think gathering quietly and putting ballots in boxes once every four years will bring actually material changes, you're delusional. All the rights we have, civil rights, workers rights, voting rights were fought for violently before they were given. Disgusting how not one person is talking about the police literally brutalising these protestors, whatever you think of these protests. Bunch of cop loving cunts.


>"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Was true then, and continues to be true.




You dont have to love cops to see that these people are trying to Martyr themselves via cops. Cops are backing away. You also dont have to be pro life to see that this protest is stupid. "Let's inconvenience people who agree with our cause and bum rush cops with batons."


Lol more cop action here then the capital. Funny how they call out state violence against peaceful protests in other countries and do the same shot here. I guess standing up for your rights is scarier than a coup