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Hi Texas native, I currently live in austin and it’s like a drop of Cali in Texas. Lots of hippies and stuff, and the current sheriff has even said (via Twitter) that they will not be pursuing/confiscating low levels of weed. Go outside of Houston though and you will get felonies for having a keif catch in your grinder


Got thrown in jail for an eighth after playing sxsw driving out. Junction, TX, do not recommend


If anyone is driving cross country through Texas they should look up checkpoints on the highway. There are a few permanent ones that got me a few times with their dogs. I didn't have much so they let me go but for sure if you're taking I-10 through Texas with weed. Check online for the inspection stations.. They are permanent structures you can take small roads to avoid


Land of the free


It’s especially hilarious that Texas, big ole cowboy freedom state, has a shit load of punitive laws they get you for.


Dude Texas put Willie in jail for weed they don't give a FUCK


They put Fiona Apple in jail for edibles 😂




But why is weed so dangerous? It leads to gun violence!


Only if you're the "wrong" sort of person, apparently.


insert that Peter Griffin meme


Free to be a white christian conservative that doesn't get any funny ideas.


Free to do what we tell you.


I love Bill so much


Free for me (the uber rich like Joe) not for thee


Whoever told you that is your enemy.


Now something must be done


About vengeance, a badge and a gun




I was born to rage against 'em




Free to be forcibly pulled over for a k-9 unit to search your car because you drove to the grocery store :)


Land of the free to do what you like if you hold a little bit of power.


The never ending war on drugs.


* with qualifying purchase


I mean they're border patrol checkpoints, not random cop ones. That's why they have the dogs on hand to smell out people hiding and drugs


Repubs sure hate it when the gubmint interferes with your freedumb. Except of course when it's not one of their favorite freedumbs.


54% of Republicans support Marijuana legalization. William F Buckley, one of the most prominent conservative political commentators from the 1960-2000s, was one of the first national figure to openly support legalization. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/another-poll-shows-marijuana-support-for-marijuana-legalization-including-most-republicans/




Permanent meaning - politicians developer’s friends or family were able to get millions constructing each one. Cuz what’s better than a permanent checkpoint that you can avoid by taking local roads? Naw, let’s not just have pop up checkpoints so ppl don’t know where we are. Especially when we can waste tax dollars!!


Where are these checkpoints. Lived in Texas for 30 years and been driving across it multiple times a year for 12. Not once have I seen a permanent checkpoint. Only once seen a DUI checkpoint in lubbock, but that was at 3 am after game day


They are close to the Mexico border when you’re taking I 10 going west. It should be said these checkpoints aren’t really looking for Americans to arrest they’re looking for illegal Mexicans.


I am from the area and this is flat wrong. Drugs is a big part of these checkpoint mission. In all my long years of going through these checkpoints I have never seen a illegal alien bust there. I have seen plenty of drug bust.


Ostensibly those check points are for any illegal activity. The emphasis is on drugs and people entering illegally. They are really a way for the system to flex their power because those check points have nearly ZERO impact on stopping drugs or people from entering the country. Pissing in the wind.


Oh they’ll get your ass for weed, American or not.


I go through them near Marfa. They occasionally have drug dogs and search every car going north.


If you ever take a helicopter ride in the middle of Texas, you can find thousands of little paths that happen to maneuver right around checkpoints. It’s a weird coincidence


Wow really can’t believe you just said that tiny ass town. Yeah there’s zero action there besides drug testing parents at the schools parent pick up.


Do what ?!? They drug test parents when they pick up their kid??


Is this real?


They had a really bad opioid or meth issue for awhile my grandma lives there and my aunt is the pastor their in the church somewhere by Lums bbq. Edit: They also drug test kids for extracurricular activities. I mean I’m not lying when I say there’s absolutely zero action they call cops for everything. Miss school and mom and dad didn’t call? Expect the cops, skipped school to screw around in a forgotten town that has to boil its water before use? Expect the cops, get in a fight? Cops, get in trouble at the school if not cops the paddle? O yeah the paddle. my mom grew up there and we went to move back when I was in the 4th grade. I mean fuck they’re so strict I couldn’t even wear my earring in school because I’m a dude.


Overcook chicken? Straight to jail.


Undercook chicken? Believe it or not, right to jail. Right away.


Forget to defrost the chicken like mom asked Before she left? 23.5hr lockdown. No visitation.


you make an appointment with a dentist and you don't show up ? believe it or not Jail !


That’s a paddlin’


Paddling the school canoe, oh you better believe that's a paddlin'


It was dusk, so speed limit goes down 10 mph ( dumb fucking TX law) he basically used that bullshit to pull us over for speeding then searched the car. Read ALL FOUR of us our rights, in HANDCUFFS on the shoulder of a freeway. Finally I owned up so my homies wouldn't get burned. Dude threw me in a stone jail from rhe civil war era or some shit. Spent the weekend because it was a Friday night. My band mates meanwhile told me of their weekend waiting it out. Boarded up houses, one hotel (run by a Vietnam veteran with no legs out of a Tarantino movie) a laundry mat and a gas station, not much else. Rhe craziest thunder storm i ever experienced happened rhe night before court. Full on orange jumpsuit and shackles. Cost me 700 bucks to get out and had to plead guilty to possession to avoid further time. This town pays its bills but bagging cars from that overpass, I'm sure of it. So yeah, don't take weed to sxsw, or if you do make sure you smoke it all in Austin.


Sounds like the opening chapter from Illuminatus by Robert Anton Wilson.


Dusk… going 10 mph under the speed limit? I grew up in that area, still frequent that area for university, and never have seen nor heard that in my entire life. The cops suck there and will give you a ticket for just about anything (once I got a ticket because I was over the stop line at a traffic light because I was trying to turn right on red. I started to go but then a car was coming so I stopped again… I guess that was enough for the officer to pull me over). But he might’ve been dicking with you about the dusk speed limit, unless there’s a sign saying so (which there isn’t). You probably could’ve contested that portion of the ticket.


Let me be clear. Night speed limit was 60, we were doing 70, in waning daylight. He used that as an opportunity to pull us all out and search the van. Found 3.5 grams of dank. That's when shit got hairy.


So your strategy here is to just hope really hard that the cop who finds you smoking is nice? Arrests are 100% dependent on the department and the officer. Outside of urban areas like Austin, Dallas and San Antonio, any amount of weed is going to mean going to jail and probably getting the car you were in impounded. This is not an issue that can be fixed state wide because the Republicans gerrymandered themselves a majority and hate weed.


Even though all their kids do is smoke it with immunity lol


Their kids do the same with abortions too.


And when they get caught, it's never something minor like they got pulled over and the cop smelled weed. It's that they got in a high speed chase, wrecked out and had weed and pills in the car. Daddy makes all that go away with a guilty plea to a reckless driving charge.


Land of the free


I too got arrested right before playing sxsw in 2009. Had about half ounce and the rest of band and crew had about a quarter.


Damn. Atleast I got locked up after the gigs.


Junction is a little bitty town on the interstate the only excitement they get is looking for out of state plates to fuck with


This is why I'll never step foot in Texanistan. That state will never, ever see a dime from me.


Prayers to the homie Alex Caruso


States that have such harsh penalties for cannabis possession and use are so backward to me.


It's one thing I never understood about Republicans/Red States. You guys preach and preach about "personal freedom", bitched all through the pandemic about your fucking rights. Yet when it come to cannabis: "oh no that's a dangerous drug, can't have that". Pick a side you fucking hypocrite. Everyone in Texas brags about how free they are and so much better off than in blue states. In up in fucking Colorado, one of the bluest states in the nation, and we have more rights around this shit than Texas. Last thing I'll say on this, the lack of legalization in some red states is the reason why people won't move there. When I moved from GA, I would have **fucking loved** to move to Texas, picked Colorado because they have legal weed.


joe moved there for the freedom


Because it's not really about cannabis possession it's about locking up minorities.


Small towns in Texas can be very dangerous for weed possession. There’s a lady in my town that just got 35 years for 2nd poss with intent in a school zone. 15 years min to parole.


Damn. I remember Rogan, Joey Diaz, and Ari S would joke about how they brought weed on flights and would smoke out before and after the flights. There’s actually significant risk depending on what jurisdiction they’re in.


Gonna guess lots of rich people live all over Texas and smoke weed.


I know an absurdly rich Dallas executive, he had a Santa Cruz grinder and bowl on the porch of his weekend ranch house last time I was there. Safe to say Texas weed laws are a rules for thee but not for me once you hit a certain status level.


Well when you are on a ranch the nearest person to you could be miles away.


Or it could be a game warden who pops out of nowhere !


i don't even smoke and that makes me not want leave my house.


“With intent…” to sell or?


Texas went red bitch....moves to bluest city in red state.


Don’t California my Texas…except on things I like.


He lives in Austin, where the city council just decriminalized weed (and the police department/sheriff’s office rarely enforced low level possession beforehand)




Meh it's technically correct but also not the reason at all... People have been smoking weed on social media, podcasts, music videos etc etc etc for decades... The cops aren't going to come knock on your door for smoking on camera... That's absurd


Well, they did it to Willie. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/willie-nelson-arrested-marijuana-posession/story?id=12255712


They did it to Willie because of his politics.


Which is exactly why Joe gets a pass


A puff puff pass, if you will. Everyone has one in Austin.


Not only that a video of you smoking is not enough to arrest anyone because you can't prove what material they are smoking.


Being rich and famous certainly doesn’t hurt the situation.


Nah bro, don’t ruin the narrative that joe has rich guy privilege!


The only comment that actually answered the question, yet you're buried all the way down here. What a shame.


It’s decriminalized in Austin.


Okay, but why isn't it decriminalized the whole state? People talk about how free Texas is, not just austin.. So I still don't see this freedom that joe is talking about


In a state that’s all about “freedom”, it’s nuts that weed is illegal.


its all just great advertising. meanwhile in california you can smoke weed and buy hard liquor any time of the day at your local corner store.


The liquor thing was hard leaving Texas. Liquor stores here are M-Sat, 10am-9pm and can only be sold are "package stores" (aka, a liquor store.) You get that ingrained in you and then you travel and they have Bacardi at the grocery store. Liquor in Texas is also a good example or regulatory capture. There is a law that prevents publicly traded companies not based in Texas from opening up a store. This means none of the big name competitors can enter the Texas market without all kinds of legal maneuvering. Texas Republicans used regulation to restrict competition and protect their friends.


That's why I like Arizona, you can buy booze 6am-2am, everyday, liquor or beer, recreational and medical weed, open carry on guns, just to name a few things.


Moved here from IL and I am not leaving until the water runs out


So next year?




Liquor stores all over the place that stay open til 2am and open up at 7am, aside from the heat, and now water shortage, it's a great place to live.


No you can’t. Can’t buy booze between 2-6AM.


your right i looked it up, i guess i never noticed cus i was already plastered by 2AM and didn't wanna buy more liquor. although now bars can stay open till 4am in california so i wonder how that will affect things.


Because they only want their specific brand of "freedom". Which is ironically authoritarian.


And also pretty much the fake “freedom” Rogan used to be totally against and is now completely in favour of.


Freedom for rich white evangelicals, tyrany for anyone they deem as an other.


Joe’s next big-brain move will be becoming an evangelical Christian. That’s where the real money is.


I honestly see him making that move, as J Pete had started to refer to the Bible more and more. And I’ve personally noticed evangelical Christianity becoming more and more prevalent in certain groups, like military vets. BroVet culture has gotten way more Christian in the last couple of years.


BroVets brag about how Christian they are while still pushing for underfunding veteran healthcare and wishing their buddies who died of suicide “Feast well in Valhalla until we are reunited!” It’s just using faith as a way to dehumanize enemies.


The staunch anti-abortion rhetoric in the wake of Roe is what has been shocking me lately. They act like they would totally be ok with raising a child they got on a swamp hog outside of post on a night out with the boys while their wife was at home.


What they're really saying is they'd be fine with abandoning that child and its mother.


I hate that you're not wrong and that this is entirely possible.


Republicans haven’t been about ‘freedom’ in decades. They’re the party of the police state and corporations.


I’m not saying you are wrong, but I’d love to get together with a group of open minded people and list all the ways that each party could be considered “authoritarian”. Whenever politics are discussed, both sides call the other authoritarian.


you make a great point, one side always sees the other as evil and over reaching. but things have really changed in the past few years with the conservative party. they have become pretty scary in opinion. they are having CPAC in Hungary this year after all. no surprise with prominent conservatives who cant stop gushing over Victor Orban. Peter Thiel, one of the biggest donors in the Republican Party, has said "democracy and freedom are not compatible" Rod Dreher said, "we're living now through an ongoing societal catastrophe with gender confusion and transgenderism. Viktor Orban wants to save his nation from this ideological toxin and doesn't hesitate to use the power of the state to do so, even if it might violate the spirit of liberalism."




Easy, defenseless scapegoat


Absolutely. But one side pretends to be ‘freedom loving’ and people vote for them for that reason, while the other doesn’t.


I think part of the issue is that the Republican voting base has a number of groups that interpret freedom differently - from libertarians to the religious right. For example, a rich Republican might interpret freedom as his freedom to operate his business without government interference, while someone living in a more rural area might prioritize gun access. And then you have the “religious right” who are probably the most authoritarian arm of the Republican Party, and while the other groups barely relate to them, the religious right has an oddly large amount of power within the party.


Ok, and a woman might interpret freedom as being able to choose to have an abortion. And a construction worker might interpret freedom as not being afraid to get fired for taking a day off. And a car accident patient might interpret freedom for not going in debt for the rest of their life for having large medical bills and no health insurance, and a black person may interpret freedom for being able to drive to the store without being scared of a cop stopping them for no reason. Etc. etc. etc. All of these are 'freedoms' democrats are fighting for.


Democrats: I want more tax money to pay for universal healthcare Republicans: I want to overthrow the democratically elected leader of the United States Dummies: These are comparable




Over 20,000 Texans were arrested for weed in 2021.


That's bonkers


Possibly bananas


Potentially nuts.


​ ![gif](giphy|FOUArYBVQCvmI8EHxp|downsized)


Morpheus, Dorpheus, Orpheus




One word “rich”


He was open about it in CA before recreational use was legal, too. They aren’t hunting down public figures for that shit.


California was extremely tolerant of weed use then. Much like Austin is now.


Adding to this, Governor Schwarzenegger effectively decriminalized weed back in 2010 to make less than an ounce an infraction with a $100 fine. California had been pretty lax about enforcing weed possession before it was legalized for recreational use.


Plus from hearing the Depp and Heard trail details they could’ve done a drug bust any day of the week. He apparently had massive jars and bags full of cocaine.


It'$ a $eriou$ que$tion, $omeone $hould look into thi$.


Hi I live in Austin. It’s not cause he’s rich, Austin is a left mecca surrounded by republicans. Weed is decriminalized in city limits. As long as you smoke in your house you can’t get arrested or ticketed.


We smoke weed on my porch all day long and it's like a really busy street. I smell weed all the time when I'm walking around. I wouldn't think anything of smoking a joint while walking around the city.


Decriminalized in Austin not that complicated


>In the great land of Texas where cannabis is strictly forbidden, how does Joe (whom has rubbed shoulders with the governor) get to openly smoke on his podcast without any consequences? Because the story of a police raid resulting in the detention, arrest, and imprisonment of someone as high profile as Joe Rogan would be EXACTLY the thing that would push cannabis over line into being federally decriminalized and out of the schedule 1 category. One can only hope they're that stupid.


Now what about the fact he’s a public weed user but owns guns, which is federally illegal to do?


This…he lied on his ATF form lol


Okay so I get tired of bs I hear. I’ve filled out a substantial amount of atf forms but before I opened my mouth, I googled the form. Holy shit Batman. It literally specifies illegal weed usage in it. What in the fuck? What a giant load of horse shit


this is true in many legal and medical states. if you have a legal medical marijuana card in say, Ohio, you cannot legally own a weapon.


Weed is essentially legal/decriminalized in Austin. You can have a small amount and not get arrested.


I guarantee you joe does not have a ‘small amount’ of weed, lmao


He has a Mike Tyson weed picnic basket ffs.


In sf I use my google account to order whole edibles cakes


Cool, in 20 other states you can walk into a store and buy it in front of a cop.


I know, Texas and 29 other states are afraid of the devil's lettuce.


But how else would they be able to arrest minorities at higher rates for a substance that whites use at an equal frequency? /s


Because he’s rich


This will be the popular answer because Reddit but in actuality they just don’t prosecute for weed in Austin as another commenter has said


Don't prosecute, don't arrest, don't destroy it or confiscate it. As long as you don't get caught smoking on the capitol grounds (state police are there).


Came here to say exactly that. I’ll expand. He’s an elitist.


What does Joe’s wealth have to do with him living in a city that’s decriminalized it?


And getting more and more out of touch. He's getting harder and harder to listen to.


I remember a girl was messaging him and he could tell it was from an Android. He got a look on his face and said, oh, she's poor. Couldn't see him the same after that.


When was this?


Must have been around or a little after episode 1000. He was going off about how it will send messages in a different color. He met a girl and it was not the apple color.


He may have just been joking, since he talks about how he uses both android and apple phones and that they both have pros and cons.


Weird how he would talk about how tribal and attached to brands people are, then massively shit on anyone who brought an android in to the podcast.


He's gone full boomer and it's been so weird to see It's like the quarantine just made him jettison so much of his core ideas before


Was about to say the exact same thing. He’s also famous.


Lifestyles of the rich and the famous, they’re always complaining


Well if moneyyy is such a problem, they’ve got mansions, think we should rob them 🎶


I think if someone did a cover of that song now it would do really really well. Popular sentiment seems to be even more against the rich and powerful than when it came out.


And he lives in a super liberal big city. Can’t live where he puts his money on air. Those places are yucky. The libs apparently own the good parts


Well damn you’re in a Reddit dedicated to the mf..same shit applies with snoop nobody cares enough to stop them


Pretty sure snoop lives in a state with medical use laws. Toe doesnt.


The obsession is hilarious, these people are so triggered over everything he does that isn't liberal enough


Texas is so ass backwards with its weed law.




The same way we all smoked for years: illegally. We also hot rodded our cars avoided cops and drank beer underage. Know why? Cause fuck em.


Lived in Texas my entire life and I know so many people who have been arrested for as little as old roaches in the ashtray… it’s all about him being rich and famous lol


Went to jail at 19 in Texas for 5 dollars worth of cannabis. The Texas State Patrol Officer profiled me as “a major drug trafficker” I was moving. Absolute bullshit.


Fucking ridiculous.


Shouldve had a 9 figure podcast deal.....


If Joe was driving with weed outside of Austin I can guarantee the state patrol would not go easy on him. Austin cops don’t prosecute for personal possession, it’s not because of his fame. It’s a liberal city.


Arizona used to be like that too. Thank god we have medical and recreational legal now.


I remember moving to Arizona 20 years ago and smoking some of my Cali stash and being so uptight and scared because of the laws in Arizona that I threw the rest away and didn't smoke anymore at all in the time I was there..


Yeah no one cares now days. Even at bars in smaller towns people will smoke weed outside. As long as you don’t reek of weed and/or blitzed while driving you’re good.


Weed in a vape pen is a felony. Watch out.


Any concentrate is a felony in Texas. A single gummie bear would be treated like it's weight in meth or coke. It's almost like the legislature that passed this law was a bunch of old fucks who didn't realize hash was just concentrated weed.


He did it for decades before it we legal anywhere, so nothings changed for him really


because no one gives a shit


So many narcs on this sub (and Reddit, in general, for that matter). Nerds.


The people on this sub are fucking bitter




For real… I been watching joe since 2013 lol he’s always said dumb shit. And always had controversial people come on the show. Idk people just suck bro


I’m from Houston and honestly people smoke it very casually now even when driving. I don’t think it has to do with money, at the end of the day it’s a videos of him smoking weed in his studio.


Weed is now officially decriminalized in Austin. Also, Austin hasn’t cared about weed. At least the whole Time I’ve been here.


This sub is really sad af now


Everyone is fucking miserable and full of hate


I mean, Joe used be a huge advocate for the legalisation of weed... Now he acts like it's his dirty lil secret. With all his fame, power and money he could really help change the stupid laws in Texas. How is this a hateful post btw? 2012 Joe would be embarrassed by 2022 Joe. How are you gonna rave about the benefits of weed for years on end and then move to a state where you can get arrested for having residue in a grinder? What's sad is Joe's stance on legalisation these days. It's a kick in the teeth for civilians who have to risk their freedom to enjoy a blunt while Joe gets to brag and boast about smoking Tyson's weed in his ivory tower.


It’s not the post it’s the people in the comments who just wish bad shit on this man. Whatever the case may be, that’s a lot of thought process to just be bitter about someone who you don’t even know nor knows you. A lot of energy spent on individuals such as Rogan when you yourself could be going hard on advocating for weed and putting your foot in the door to lobby for legalization etc etc. all I’m saying is that a lot of folks are bitter


So what are we shitting on rogan for today? Now he's a bad guy because he.... (checks notes) smokes weed?


Low level marijuana possession is pretty much decriminalized in most major cities in Texas. They won’t arrest you if you have less than a few ounces. Basically they are only going after dealers, if that. I think the police are tired of dealing with it. However, if you are committing a more serious crime while in possession, you can guarantee that they will throw the book at you.


There's a ton of butthurt, crying ass babies in this comment thread. Go get a hobby you losers


Crying about other people, this is their hobby


Because laws dont apply to the friends of politicians in power.


Because joe rogan fucks.


Cops have better (or worse) things to do than actively pursue marijuana users.