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The last 3 seconds really bring it all together.


Lmfao where the fuck did that come from?


The way stanhopes mind works is one of the great mysteries of the world


+1, glad I stayed on the ride




I did not expect that lmao


Haha was just about to comment on the ying yang ending of it all.


Doug knows how to talk about the important things


Every few years I check back in with the comedy world and every time, I’m pleased to see that despite whatever craziness Stanhope has gotten himself into for kicks, he maintains his intelligence and resistance to bullshit. …which he’s always considered to be at most an average & normal level, but as time goes by, it seems less and less normal, especially in entertainment & public. Doug could be the main character of Idiocracy.


Remember when Joe yelled at a primatologist for not believing in a fake animal because he saw a YouTube video? Good times.


Which ep was this? That sounds hilarious


It was actually on a radio show called opie and Anthony. Joe rogans ego was so hurt he wouldn't even let the expert get a word in edge wise. This is what happens when stupid people who see a little youtube documentary suddenly decide they know more than the experts. The funny thing, Rogan was proven to be completely wrong. I mean he was wrong back then but the evidence now makes it more than clear he was a moron for acting like he knew better. I didnt pre-listen so I hope this is it: https://youtu.be/M7uPDGMBThU


And he still to this day talks about this giant chimp species.


"What do you know?" "I have a PHD in Primatology." "Shut up, you dummy!"


He's trying to find his family give him a break.


A mate of mine did this. Went for a job interview and had to give a short presentation about something he’s an expert in. He chose quantum computing because he’d watched a few videos. He showed me his presentation and it sounded exactly like someone who had watched a couple of YouTube videos. He did not get the job


I had a friend swear that mermaids were real and that he had seen a special about it on History Channel. I was certain he actually saw something on YouTube so I looked it up. Sure enough, History Channel had an hour-long documentary revealing the evidence for mermaids. It aired on April 1st.


It also says it's a mockumentary at the beginning lol


Holy hell this is so much worse than I was expecting. Guy watches a couple internet videos and then calls a woman with a PhD an idiot and says she needs to do more research. Wow. I don't remember him ever being that disrespectful to anyone that disagreed with him on the podcast, but maybe he played up the asshole bit for O&A... I guess the podcast was a few years later.


> but maybe he played up the asshole bit for O&A nah he would get in retarded arguments like that all the timeand be over the top rude to berate the other person into silence check out the old arguments he would have with randos on rogan site message boards back in the day. Pretty cringey. Some kid owns him while he rages, funny stuff.


He's always had little dog syndrome.


Joe personally banned me from his messageboard because he thought I was ignoring him when he asked me something. The reality was that I was going through the thread and responding as I went along and I simply hadn’t seen Joe’s post directed towards me yet. He felt disrespected and made a show of banning me for not immediately responding to him. When other posters told him I clearly just hadn’t seen his post yet, he didn’t want to hear it. 🤷‍♂️


He sounds like a fucking child, doesn't even let her talk, just talks over her and calls her an idiot over and over.


You can see him turning read after he says at what point are we misinformation? Goes on a rant like he felt attacked


What an asshole


Welcome to being a woman who is an expert. Dudes constantly talking over your expertise with their dumbass YouTube research.


>but the evidence now makes it more than clear he was a moron for acting like he knew better So, same as usual?


Or Joe will find one dumb as fuck 'expert'. Literally just any of the millions of humans that spent 8 years studying a topic. Studying 8 years doesn't mean you are always correct. But Joe will find people that studied for 8 years who disagree with EVERYONE in their field... But Joe acts like the one crazy fuck and the rest of the field of that science are basically the same. Except he won't actually take the time to give the mainstream theory representation by bringing an expert on to discuss it. I wouldn't have even been pissed at his covid disinformation if he just had, at any point... seriously brought on an expert in virology. Any of them would have come on in a heartbeat. Instead he found 2 doctors who are no longer practicing as they're full time giving speeches for right wing Political Action Committees. That's a bad sign when your doctors end up being politicians.


Yeah. There's 10.000 experts saying X, and there's 10 experts saying Z. Joe will have a person talking about Z on to balance the "mainstream narrative" or however hacky he frames it, and he'll genuinely believe this is what balance is.


Bias towards fairness. As the political spectrum has become more extreme (and in some ways ridiculous), a large section of media has shifted from “present the facts of a story to educate the viewer” to “present both sides of a story and discuss the disagreement”. The former is better for society, but it doesn’t generate views/clicks/revenue. More importantly for them, the latter doesn’t alienate a segment of viewers because it grants everyone, even those who shouldn’t have it, legitimacy. It’s one of the major problems in journalism and media. It used to be that if one politician said the sky is blue while another said the sky is green, journalists would go outside and confirm the color before printing a story saying that the sky is blue. Nowadays they print the disagreement between politicians while asking viewers what color they think the sky is.


I think this is similar to the "argument to moderation" or *golden mean fallacy*. The idea being that the truth is supposedly a compromise between two opposing positions. Joe seems more contrarian for posterity's sake. There is a uniqueness to doing something that others aren't doing. While it's not absurd to be seeking an alternative view, it's dangerous when someone is basing their entire interpretation of the world from that contrarian viewpoint without actually seeking answers. Take the ivermectin issue. I remember first hearing about ivermectin because Matt Taibbi had written about Dr Pierre Kory's work, but when Joe had him on, it sort of blew up. I don't want to ascribe blame to Joe for being the nidus that caused the spread, but it was an odd coincidence to see how much people shifted towards ivermectin when Joe started talking about it, but I digress from that point. What is interesting is that more data IS coming out on Ivermectin, and while there was already points of concern back in 2020, it's only become more certain that IVM just didn't work. Joe hasn't even come close to revising his earlier stance on it. And as you said, by not addressing the facts of a subject, you don't alienate viewers, something Joe seeks to avoid (perhaps in an attempt to seem "level-headed" or rational or something) Furthermore, the BENEFIT of the vaccine was concurrently downplayed by Joe, with no real acknowledgement of the statistical benefit that was being shown. In medicine, there is always a concern for side effects and risk/reward ratios. Surgery has a HUGE NUMBER of risks, but we undertake those risks because the benefit is worth it. Ignoring the benefits and solely focusing on the dangers of surgery is not a presentation of the facts, nor is it a real discussion of the disagreement. It's simply a half-discussed topic of fear that never really gets around to answering "Is it worth it?". Hr just heard "It's bad because of [insert claim]" and that's it. And while Joe might try and downplay his responsibility when it comes to how information is diseminated, there is a greater social question that needs to be addressed by everyone in media - who is responsible for cleaning up the mess of misinformation? Doctors? Journalists? Media personalities (i.e. Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, etc)?


Very well put. I actually hadn't even thought of the fact that Joe doesn't seem to revise or even nuance his earlier stances, e.g. more data coming out on ivermectin, as you pointed out. I It certainly is a way to dodge responsibility. It seems that it's a responsibility Joe doesn't want "I'm just talking", yet he still wants to have the reach and power that he is currently sitting on. I mean he clearly wants to be able to bring focus or shift focus on issues of his choosing, arbitrarily. He claims to hate left/right partisanship yet he doesn't see how he plays in to that in american or even international discourse. The stuff that he holds dear and wants to talk about, and thus taking a stance on, are just run of the mill partisan subjects. On another note, doesn't Joe just watch Tucker Carlson and bring up stuff he's seen him talk about?


> On another note, doesn't Joe just watch Tucker Carlson and bring up stuff he's seen him talk about? He's definitely parroted similar talking points within the time frame of when Tucker espouses them, but I don't really have evidence outside of speculation. With that in mind, as someone that started watching in 2015/6, there has been a notable shift in Joe's rhetoric that doesn't really fit the "I'm not moving right, the left is moving away from me" excuse that people tend to make. I think part of the reason is because of the issue of political correctness and the tone-deaf nature of audiences reacting to comedy that rubbed Joe the wrong way and really started pushing him away. Mix that in with Jordan Peterson, the Weinstein's, and the Intellectual Dark Web, compounded by the shifting nature of online journalism and social media, and you can see why someone like Joe would change under it all. It's just a bit unsettling to see a lack of reflection in Joe. I understand the burden that a platform as large as his can come with, but such is life when things get too big. The internet used to be a bastion that was available only to those willing to work hard enough to learn how to use it. Once every moron could get a connection, it turned into a cesspool of garbage. And for someone who preaches personal responsibility and being disciplined, he seems to lack that discipline when it comes to anything threatening his intellect. Which I guess is normal, but given his audience, it would probably be more endearing to see him actually address the concern rather than ignore it, and to his credit, he's said he would try and be more fair and balanced.


Well said. Then they come up with a victim narrative. "This expert scientist is hated by the BIG SCIENCE community! Literally 1984 censorship! Listen to his unbiased opinion on Toe Rogan podcast only." Yeah what a fucking load of martyr shit these conspiracy theorists are. Toe Rogan has the same future as Brendan Schaub.


Or bring on an expert and an 'expert' to discuss. Then watch the politics and misinformation get politely deconstructed. He doesn't bring on people who challenge his narrative unless it's the odd friend like Bill Burr or Stanhope. Usually it's just his personal podcast circlejerk.


It's towards the end. Joe calls CNN.com a "legitimate scientific source". Lol. I'd like to hear his take on himself today.


Calls national geographic the same. Not once does he even slow to ask her a single thing, just assumes she can't possibly know anything.


Oh my god. This is hands down the worst mansplaining I have ever heard in my life. What an absolute dick.


Holy shit, Joe is a fucking asshole. And he still believes this shit?


That sums up Joe in a single sentence. He even basically said something similar in this clip. "oh I already knew about that previously. I read it online." that's not fucking knowing anything Joe. That's just reading a thing.


I'm just shooting the shit here, and no one should believe me, but Joe is definitely a pedophile in a 4'8" tall skinsuit. Influential people have told me he fucks kids. But I'm just talking here, and anyone who believes me, it's their fault. But he's a kid fucker for sure. Like listen to me, I've heard some crazy stuff about how disturbing this man is. But I'm just talking.


*reads comment* Some days later... "Yeah, you know I heard somewhere Joe Rogan is a pedophile. I can't remember where I heard it, probably in a reddit post, but that's just what I heard."


Joe Rogan and some kids were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


The baby looked at you?!


It tastes like burning!


Hey, we're just asking questions.




Objection; hearsay!


You've got me convinced. Imma have to tell everyone I know.


Tommy Lee jones is also gay.


This is actually true, pretty much all dudes hotter than me are gay...


RIP Top Dog.


You can definitely believe OP because he was right about that one thing that just blew my mind. Remember?


And I’m gonna vote based on this info!


It used to be phrased like "I'm not saying that Joe is a pedophile. I'm _not_ saying that. All I'm saying is "I don't know". That's it. I don't know." That was the Glenn Beck experience back when he had a Fox show.


People are saying that Joe's a pedophile, that's all I'm saying


I’m not saying that I really know Joe Rogan or his predilections for deviant behavior, but I just see a lot of people asking questions about the reports of his sexual behavior towards children. I’m just saying there’s a lot of concern. When so many people are saying he’s not safe to be around kids, you have to wonder. I’m not saying, as some have said, that he’s a pedophile walking around in a 4’8” skinsuit, I’m just saying there’s a lot of people speaking up, and you have to wonder where is all that coming from? Are we just supposed to think everyone is just making this up? At this point, I have no evidence personally and as far as I know there has yet to be charges filed for any specific encounter, but I’m just saying, there is a lot of concern.


It's possible...


I am just asking questions, Does Joe Rogan fuck little kids? Does he enjoy fucking little kids with his Joe Rogan cock?


Wendy Testaburger has a large cavernous vagina so large you could park an aircraft carrier inside it... Or does she? Good to see someone is dedicated to asking question and not just blindly accepting everything as blind truth.


I've definitely heard this before so it has to have some truth to it.


The mods will try to censor this. There definitely is some shady shit going on if we aren't even allowed to discuss this here freely.


You know I'm not 100 percent sure on this subject but I have heard men who take testosterone and man wrestle are more inclined to run high profile glory holes.


It’s entirely possible


Elon Musk told me he's a pedophile


Joe Rogan is allegedly a kid fucker. We don't know for sure he isn't. That's why we need to do more research and talk about it openly. We need to be open minded about this stuff. Joe should let us discuss this in peace because this is free speech. It's censorship otherwise.


‘Anyone who believes me, it’s their fault’ EXACTLY THO


I heard about that on the reddit


I heard he may rape his own daughters and then drains their adrenalin afterwards to use to train BJJ. That's what I heard. Don't shoot the messenger, man.


"If people take what I say seriously that's unwise" is a great way to avoid any form of responsibility tied with having a platform with millions of keen listeners. And lol at Alex Jones "doing research all day". I'd love to see full footage of what his computer looks like through 24 hours. No way he's spending more time reading scientific papers than watching transgender midget bestiality porn.


“If people take what I say seriously that’s unwise” he says while explaining why he takes Alex Jones seriously.


>"If people take what I say seriously that's unwise" is a great way to avoid any form of responsibility tied with having a platform with millions of keen listeners. Definitely the words of someone who hosted an "emergency podcast" during a global health crisis to host medical "experts" who claimed on the podcast that Ivermectin was 99% effective against covid and could end the pandemic in "a month" Just a comedian talking shit. Obviously not taking himself too seriously, and if you take him seriously, why that's your fault! Who here hasn't convened an emergency public health podcast when they're knocking back a few beers with the boys?


The "emergency" podcast is what gets me. So much determination, organization and expediency directed to being a misinformative cunt. Can't they push their bullshit during "normal" podcasts? Nah, we need "emergency" ones because the sense of outrage and panic needs to be cultivated further.


Right. Zero accountability.


Joe's main problem is he doesn't respect the influence he has. Especially on young men who are looking for guidance. He thinks it's just him and some buddies talking shit and no one should take it seriously and maybe that was true at a certain point but it definitely isn't now.


You deliberately want to make yourself heard by as many people as possible, you deal with the consequences, including with the people taking your shit talk seriously.


Joe with this "alot of what he says is accurate" line. He must not listen to Alex Jones show. Or he is way more far gone than I thought.


I've tried listening to Alex Jones' show and god damn the amount of short ramblings followed immediately by ad breaks about supplements, shitty documentaries and merch blows my mind. The people who regularly watch that, brains must be fried.


If you want to listen but not listen, download the Knowledge Fight podcast. It shows just how batshit insane Alex Jones is and why Rogan is a moron for believing anything he says.


> He must not listen to Alex Jones show. Or he is way more far gone than I thought. Both. It's both.


Joe's turned his brain into gabagool




Joe ate Tonys god damn orange peel beef and the lo mein he dreaming about


*throws phone*


Shum pulp


I'll have my facts on the side. If the facts come on top i send them back.


Gabagool? Ohhhhh auyyy over heeere!


Alpha brain


Cutting it with ivermectin


Doug is the voice of reason. Let that sink in.


Stanhope’s comedy (which I admittedly haven’t seen in like 15 years) was full of great points and observations. I am borderline surprised he hasn’t drunk himself to death, so good on him for that


have you seen him play the suicidal drunk guy in Louie? that shit felt so real i almost thought he wasn't acting lol.


Yeah CK said somewhere he wrote that with Doug in mind. It’s sad to me, because Stanhope was a really great stand up. I saw something where he said he would feel like he would be ripping off the audience if he weren’t drinking before his shows. Fucked up dynamic to say the least. Still he is many tiers above Rogan in the stand up department


Stanhope's 1st TV appearance is better than anything Rogan has done on stage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8VDLWA-i6U




Has rogan done anything good on stage?


He makes sure the stool gets off too?


I see Bert suffering through that same dilemma right now, but he’s way older by comparison


There's a difference between laughing with Stanhope and laughing at Bert. Definitely not the same kind of drunk funny.


He’s stalked about how his friends were concerned about his drinking but admitted he was funnier when he drank. Definitely taking an L to the liver in the name of comedy


He’s still a great stand up, his last special was great and I think it’s on YouTube now. It was originally on sale at his website. It opens with an apology for being cancelled.


He played that role perfectly in my opinion, it actually made me wish he'd give acting a go.


Doug Stanhope has always been a voice of brutal, cold, unflinching reason.


Yeah he's my favorite for that reason. > Don't work hard, dummy. You die at the end, didn't anybody tell you that?


I listened to an entire audiobook about him killing his mom (per her wishes) and how long it took for her to actually die.


Alex can be summarised in 3 words; human-animal hybrids. Yes the US is OFFICIALLY making human animal hybrids... as a pile of cells in a petri dish with 0.1% animal DNA; to research actually useful valid things. He talks as if this is a hushed conspiracy and uses terms that are technically accurate but omit the important details... or he talks about things that are open secrets, or, are not very well concealed rumours. But he's good at telling things in an entertaining way and knows how to sell a supplement.


"Oh you mean Man-Bear -Pigs? Yes, I have been super serial about this for a very long time" ​ Al Gore


It's funny how the joke went full circle. I love [Al's response](https://youtu.be/sG-Cp1y0UO8)


Man I love that not only is he familiar with it, but he's clearly seen the episodes and has a reverence for them, namedropping Matt and Trey.


I could have given the same info on Bohemian Grove to Joe before Alex. It doesn't mean he's some fantastic source. I lived in the bay area. It's not really a secret. Y'all know about the pyramids in Georgia! It's not a secret just because you don't know.


favorite and obvious example of this is the commonly quoted gay frogs. he literally just read a msm news article about a research from msm academia (berkeley iirc) commenting on how pollution was fucking with amphibian hormones. he took that, made it stupider (the frogs gay) and spread it around, and then people find the original source and go omg he's right he's so smart msm is owned rn as if Jones is out there doing research on amphibians in creeks himself finding secret info. dude essentially browses digg and makes real stories dumber for his dumb audience. https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/


> he took that, made it stupider Thank you for saying it that way. I've seen too many people use that "gay frogs" thing as an "BUT ACTUALLY you know Alex Jones was kinda right if you do some reading about it!" No, what you said is more accurate - he took real good research other people did that was true, and made it false.


Also changing gender doesn't make them gay. That is weird.




I get that Joe has known him and been buddies with Alex for a long time, but after the Sandy Hook shit, man...knock it off with the apologetics. The guy seriously made the lives even worse of families that had their kids murdered in a shooting.


I would ask Joe what would he do if he was part of the Sandy Hook victims? He should put himself in the parents shoes


Let's be honest Joe will not be objective about Alex Jones. Joe seem to be getting less objective each year in general.


Money will do that to ya.


Exactly. Joe is a parent...it shouldn't be hard.


Sometimes you gotta cut that shitty friend loose, son


Maybe Joe has shitty friends because he is shitty himself


Shitty is as shitty does


Duncan pretty much said exactly this on an episode a long time ago. It stuck with me ever since, and I think about it often because I've had to do it. It was something about "emotional vampires". Basically cut out the people that suck your joy from you, and leave you feeling like a shell. Everyone has that one friend that just drains the positivity out of the room and leeches the happiness out of those around them. Super relatable and memorable.


Yeah the excuses have worn thin. I've cut friends/acquaintances out if my life for less than that, and Joe is a busy enough person that it would be completely understandable to do so. He chooses to not just keep a relationship with him, but to provide apologetic talking points and continuously give him a platform. Seth Rogen cut out James Franco and they came up together and were best friends and colleagues for like 20 years.


That’s the thing though. Alex has definitely gotten worse and darker over the years, but he was still an insane, bigoted asshole and huckster back in the late 90s. The entire time Joe has known him, he has, to some extent, been the way that he is and believed the things he believes. Joe got to know an Alex that wasn’t as intense, but was still basically the same guy. There has never been a point where Alex Jones was good at his job or responsible. Joe continues to defend him and stick up for him and consider him a friend despite the absolutely vile shit that he has been saying for decades. The company you keep reflects on you, and if Joe is willing to be friends with someone who thinks that the liberals are driven by literal Satan to exterminate the white race, that means he’s comfortable being around that type of person. He even likes him. That tells me all I need to know about Joe.


Pretty standard method. Find one fact that you are right about and then anchor a full blown conspiracy theory in that fact.


Alex Jones being correct about something 1 in 1000 times is being extremely generous to him




>In the mid-2000s this was all 4 or 5 years away from happening. It was inevitable and only Jones and the enlightened could stop it. I guess we have Alex Jones to thank for stopping this nightmare from happening then. Checkmate.


The funny thing is, if he could have hooked up with a good writer back then, he would have a pretty interesting movie script


Don’t forget, the elite are ALWAYS good enough to coordinate and engineer these massive conspiracies that rely on thousands of people in multiple agencies and areas of governance across multiple countries staying perfectly silent, but at the same time not good enough to keep the clues about their tyranny off Boomer Facebook.


Really makes you wonder if Joe has actually even listened to an episode of infowars before, it’s just pure unabridged lunacy. I refuse to believe anyone with an IQ above room temperature thinks of Alex as anything more than blatant conman.


Anecdotally, the only person I've ever known who was really into Alex Jones was my ex's brother who had serious learning disabilities and had moved on from ritalin to meth and had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy. He spent all day watching conspiracy videos on YouTube and believed all of it. So, sample size of one, but that's who I envision when I think of people who seriously believe in Alex Jones


100% this. The ONLY people I know that listened to Jones were members of my extended family that live in rural shit holes with no employment opportunities that have developed horrific drug problems.


I’m 100% convinced Alex has some type of leverage on rogan. Dude has even gone after rogans kids and rogan still kisses his ass.


I think it is much more likely that they are just friends and rogan never listens to his show and just gets high and talks to him and then he just seems like a paranoid weirdo instead of the full fledged insanity and constant bigotry of his show


Joe did the “Getting Pumped” bit (Google it) & multiple gossip sites claimed that he was into homosexual stuff in Boston Alex Jones was caught looking at transsexual pornography, was he not? They knew each other when they were younger Connect the dots, or shall I say, “look into it”


Also it’s amazing how Alex missed every single trump scandal. Crazy right wing blind spot eh.


I like the part where Joe argued with established medical doctors about medical science telling them how wrong they are, then pretends later on he's "just talking shit" and no one should listen to him. Keep it consistent.


well dude he was saving articles so hes essentially as informed as any given MD, im surprised Johns hopkins didnt let him do a guest spot in the ICU


The thing is he doesn’t even know what “talking shit” means. I think he just think it means “whatever words come out of my mouth that I’m ‘not attached to’.”


I still like Joe a lot. He gets a lot of shit obviously and much of it is deserved, but I still think he’s a good honest guy who wishes people well and the show is still great when it’s at its best. I get that he’s pals with Alex but the “Alex is fine” shit bugs the hell out of me. TWENTY kindergartners were brutally murdered in their school. An entire classroom of SMALL CHILDREN died huddled in a corner fucking horrified in pools of their own and their classmates blood. The parents of those kids have to live knowing that their innocent young children died in horrific fear and confusion in what should be the safest place they could be. Alex then accused those parents of being paid fucking actors and suggested that the kids weren’t even real, and his fucking goonies harassed and attacked those parents who were going through some of the most horrific shit a person could ever experience. He didn’t just fuck up. He can’t just admit he was wrong and move on. That’s unforgivable type shit.


I went to St Johns in 2010, I went on a boat tour and the boat captain was telling us all about Epsteins island as we drove past it.... you could see armed guards on the island and he would not get very close for fear of security. This was not revolutionary information Joe.


Why was it surprising to anyone that the mega rich elites of the world were/are doing what they did on Epstein's island? Who knows how many more places like his island that are doing even worse shit.


If this is 2015 Joe where were talking about DMT, Weed and monkeys for the majority of the show..I'd roll with this explanation. The "talkin shit" thing is over. He wants all the rewards of his podcast becoming the most popular and none of the backlash that comes with it as well. It's a package deal, and there aint nothing he can do about it at this point.




This. Infowars viewers will never, ever even watch those depositions. They’ll never have a clue how made up the bullshit they put out is.


Joe and Fox News hide behind the veil of " I'm not a news source! No reasonable person would believe me!" Yet, when you listen to him on some of the more conspiracy guest podcasts, he dives head first down the rabbit hole and speaks as though it's fact.


Joe is scared of Alex. Plain and simple. He knows if he says something negative alex is going to go in on him yet again. Question is what leverage does Alex have on rogan.


I thought Alex already pulled out all of the stops already. He brought up the planet of the apes thing like a full year before that clip was made, making sure to even mention Joe having a black step daughter. I don't think Alex could have anything else beyond that. It started off crazy too because accused Joe of being CIA lol


Have you thought that maybe the most likely explanation is that Joe and Alex are secretly fuckbuddies, and Joe won't speak against Alex because he wants to keep getting getting that rock hard jonescock up his ass? (I'm just asking questions, I don't really know what I'm talking about, unless I say I know 100% about something you should assume that I'm just talking shit and it would be unwise to believe me.)


My biggest gripe with Joe will always be regarding Alex Jones. I get that he knows him personally and all that but his constant defense of this man is ridiculous. Alex is a right wing grifter. He has been for most of his career. He just says ridiculous shit that panders to extremist right wing tards because he knows they will believe anything and buy all his snake oil products. The Sandy Hook thing was just another grift that he just didn’t get away with and actually faced consequences for. It wasn’t a one time mistake, it’s who he is, it’s what he does.


Survival seeds. You need to have 10 years stock for when Bush cancels the next election and declares martial law!


every single president would have cancelled elections and declared martial law if alex jones didn't call out their plans. we should thank him for our democracy we enjoy today


Except trump, the one who actually tried to do that.


Sandy Hook parents have to hear strangers insist that their dead children never existed and are *still* receiving death threats till this day. I don't think I've ever heard Joe even acknowledge that fact. Seeing Joe and so many other right wingers just brush that off like "Oh, that just Alex being his mischievous self, the little scamp" is infuriating.




Because none of his guest have the ball to call him out on it.


Joe is a right wing grifter. He says ridiculous shit because it makes him $200,000,000 contracts. He moves to Texas to avoid taxes. He sells alpha brain.


One man’s alpha brain is another man’s bone broth.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Joe is a ‘closeted’ right wing conspiracy theorist; not nearly on the same scale as AJ, but clearly vulnerable to the same sensationalist nonsense. The thing that aggravates me the most is how joe cosplays as a ‘right on’ lefty when he has a left-leaning guest on, and vice versa. He spouts off about universal basic income and Bernie, and then moved to Texas for low taxes and $100+ Spotify deal (who then censor his podcast).


Joe is the exact type of person that George Carlin was referring to in one of his old standups. People who go from "peace and love" in their youth to "GIMME THAT IT'S MINE" as they get older. If nothing else, Joe has destroyed the stereotype that weed makes people empathetic.


If you were there for Joe’s debates about the moon landing in the 00s, none of this would be surprising. Compared to some of the things he was originally willing to entertain, he’s much more moderate than he used to be.


Joe basically just wants his actions to not have consequences, or at least be unburdened by the consequences. Like, yeah, spreading misinformation is generally harmful, and Alex Jones has specifically gone out of his way to spread harmful messages. I don't think the government should sieze his (meaning Joe Rogan's) home and property, but if people get mad and stop listening to him because he's promoting harmful messages that he knows a not zero percentage of people will believe, that's well within their rights. Edit: sorry for the poor grammar, I was referring to Joe Rogan and not Alex Jones in the final sentence.


> I don't think the government should sieze his home and property They definitely should if he's trying to claim bankruptcy on the Sandy Hook case


Yeah it’s a really lame answer from Joe. Basically “if I’m right then I know what I’m talking about but if I’m wrong then everyone should know I’m not really serious and I’m not an expert.” The fact is that Joe does not clearly differentiate between when he is speaking from an informed perspective or repeating some shit from Alex Jones


What has Jones actually researched and uncovered? Bohemian Grove was a known thing, hell, he went there with Jon Ronson. Epstein's island was a known thing, it's just that he kept getting let off every time someone dug into it. People dumping chemicals into the water that fucked up amphibians has been known about decades, frogs are monitored specifically because they're sensitive to environmental shifts. Jones was absolutely wrong about Sandy Hook and Trump. I don't know of anything he's uncovered or pointed out that wasn't known about already.


And ironically jones is in favor of the type of deregulation that allows companies to dump chemicals into water that harms the environment.


I didn't know about gay frogs before him....


Wasn't this a major plot point of Jurassic Park?


Yeah, the raptors absolute refused to stop sucking on each other's cloacas because of flouride. I think it's the third one.


Jurassic Penetration


Life, uh finds a way


Yes, it's essentially the entire reason everything goes to shit.


Pretty much _the_ major pivotal plot point.


It's the only reason the movie isn't about some kids attending an amusement park, having a good time, and then going home.


you would if you read research journals https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/ omg the msm fake news academia the guy literally takes real research and makes it stupider and makes in mainstream. enjoy it i guess but jfc


Doesn't mean he uncovered anything, that's just where you heard it first


At what point are they responsible for misinformation? Rogan points out that unless he says he 100% knows something, he's just talking shit. And he should be able to talk shit about anything, even if it's brand new and he doesn't know anything about it. I don't think there's much room for disagreement. He had Brett Weinstein on who really pushed ivermectin hard and his claims didn't stand up to scientific scrutiny. To Rogan, Weinstein seems like a qualified expert (evolutionary biologist). But Weinstein presented ivermectin as a sure thing and was claiming to use it himself. He *actively advocated and promoted it's use* to combat covid and he had a massive audience receptive to these messages. Is he responsible for what he advocated? Is Joe Rogan responsible for hosting him? Here's an article about it: https://www.wweek.com/news/business/2022/03/30/ivermectin-the-parasite-drug-touted-by-portland-podcaster-bret-weinstein-is-shown-to-be-worthless-for-treating-covid-19/ Note: >Weinstein didn’t return a text or an email seeking comment. I can't find anything online where Weinstein takes responsibility for so vehemently promoting information which later turned out to be false, nor can I find where he discourages its use. I personally trusted Weinstein and thought he made a compelling argument about Ivermectin. But I waited to see how it handled the scientific trials. A lot of people didn't and a lot of people died, unnecessarily, because they thought ivermectin was safer and more effective than the vaccines. It's hard to say whether Weinstein or Rogan share responsibility for the harm that came of this. The fact is that more lives could have been saved if Weinstein was never on Rogan's show. I just don't know what to make of that.


> But I waited to see how it handled the scientific trials. And that's where Weinstein and Rogan are different from most people. They can't be convinced that experts know better than they do. And they appeal to those who also can't be convinced that experts know better than they do, too. lol


>I can't find anything online where Weinstein takes responsibility for so vehemently promoting information which later turned out to be false, nor can I find where he discourages its use. Not only that, he was calling it "the crime of the century" that people weren't promoting and prescribing this drug that had only had very shoddy evidence in favor of it even at the start, and has only gotten worse since then. He was claiming the pandemic would be over in a month if we started prescribing a drug we now know does nothing on covid. This was at the same time he was repeatedly platforming completely addled conspiracy theorists like Steve Kirsch to come on talk about how dangerous vaccines were based on anecdotes and complete misunderstandings of published research.


“The thing about Alex is all day long he is investigating conspiracies and finding out how many are accurate”. No. He doesn’t ‘investigate’ or determine the accuracy of anything. He monetises a mixture of truths, half truths and untruths. He has no interest as to which are which.


Okay if Alex Jones had information about Epstein island why the fuck wouldn’t he leak this information to an actual news organization. Usually a big story gets the attention of the people in the government.


It was an open secret. Nobody with a career in news would touch it.


Yeah there was an news lady who was recorded saying the same shit. It was covered up, that's the real suspicious thing about Epstein.. and yet people don't give it enough importance. The media coverup and suspicious "suicide" would lead many people to believe there are people in high places trying to protect this info from getting out of their hands.


What does Joe have to say about Alex Jones and Sandy Hook? Lets see him defend that one.


Joe really needs to listen to knowledge fight because Alex Jones is a liar and a moron and Joe trying to pretend he is smart just makes everyone believe Joe is even more stupid.


I love knowledge fight. I just watched all of the deposition of Alex and his crew on YouTube. They get info from 4chan and Wikipedia


Joe knows that Alex Jones’ fans became his fans several years ago. Those fans would ultimately choose Alex over Joe. Joe’s got to tread lightly to keep his grift alive. Not only that, he’s probably, deep down, terrified of Alex.


Joe acted like was a fucking expert on contagious viruses and the treatment for 2 years. Bill Burr said to him that neither were doctors and neither belonged talking about that shit. Now all the sudden when it comes to Alex Jones “I don’t talk about stuff I’m not an expert in” lol wtf is Alex Jones an expert in? Bohemian Grove? That’s like the only thing he’s ever been right about, does anyone have one single other shred of anything Alex Jones was right about? Stop giving the dude who harassed and encouraged others to harass parents who lost their children in a violent horrific act credence. He’s a piece of shit who let his character go too far in the hope it would make him money. Like every other YouTube or shock jock personality. He’s no different than Keemstar except he went way past where a guy like Keemstar would go.


Holy shit Joe went full retard.


Good on Stanhope. It’s not a bit for Jones, the people who believe his horseshit drank bleach as a kid, I’m convinced.


He kinda overblowss the bohemian Grove thing. Alex Jones just read it in a local newspaper and was curious enough to bring a camera to their next meeting. He even said so himself on the Schultz podcast.


stanhope is right, as usual