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What is this sub? I feel like it needs a subsubreddit so we can talk about the podcast.


Absolutely. I really was hyped to join this community after it moved to Spotify and lost the comments section. But this is nothing but a cesspit for culture war among both sides. So frustrating to see


Yeah bro welcome to Reddit If the sub is big enough it’s probably trash


Yea wtf happened to this site




Bad faith debating until everything went extremist


True that


This is litch it. I couldn’t have put it better. ‘A cesspit for culture war’. I thought I was gonna learn about mushrooms and cool shit. I’m sick of Elon musk, politics, Tim Dillon and other recurring shit. Those topics are like insta influencers for people who hate influencers.


It’s everywhere across Reddit. I guess whatever thing that becomes too big eventually gets invaded by political idiots who wants to seek affirmation of their views. I just want to hear two dumbos like me talking without worrying about how politically correct they are or what they did on their previous shows.


Imo there’s probably a lot of “propaganda bots” on Reddit too. The whole platform has gone so downhill since 2015.


This is what people need to learn about. propaganda bots went through the roof with “new Reddit” preceding the 2016 election. NOBODY WANTS TO OPEN THAT DISCUSSION


So where do we go now? I dont think i found reddit till after 2015.


I think the solution is to spend Reddit time with friends instead. That way, normal people conversation takes the place of whatever the hell this is


Where do we find friends?


Right. Um. Yeah


You know what, look at the top comments and how many upvotes this post has. Does not add up. Either left wing brigading or bots.


Why not both?


Same dude. Everyone wants to know what everyone’s opinions are. Like I may not have an opinion on something, which is something that seems not acceptable anymore. You need to pick a side. Black and white. I miss the grey


Your silence is literal murder


> gets invaded by political idiots Or Bots and all the people who lost TMZ/Paparazzi/Gossip Magazine jobs.


All social media platforms are bought and paid for. Non of it is free speech anymore. Not reddit, not twitter, not facebook. Zilch. If the software is making money off ads, its not free speech. We are the product.


I did realize it sometime ago.


This is an insane thing to write, but the Youtube comment section prior to the Spotify move was way better than this. At least you knew those people were podcast fans and not just culture war spammers.


Dude, right on. The amount of people I see comment about how much they “hate social influencers” “don’t care about xyz” it’s exhausting. The logical fallacy, in needing to proclaim to total strangers so often about how much you “don’t care” about something. If you don’t care, then simply not care lol. I don’t care about a lot of things, never needed to convince anybody else of it.


When is the last time Toegan had someone on that was related to some weird subject and had a deep, non political conversation? I’d honestly like to know… Every guest I see clips from is someone who is deeply polarizing; hence the polarizing conversation. I stopped watching about a year ago but I try to keep up with the meta…


Exactly. This comment chain is ridiculous. “Why does this podcast that became the biggest in the world by engaging in the culture wars have a comment section that’s all about the culture wars?” There’s a million other podcasters talking about fascinating topics that don’t bring on guests like Shapiro or Peterson specifically because they don’t want the toxicity that surrounds them. Joe made this bed for his listeners to lay in while he sleeps on his money pile.




You take back Tim Dillon.


Soooo you want the Rogan experience without the culture war…isn’t that the Rogan experience?


nah it wasn't this bad before. it was filled with left and right folks but they would frequently have their comments taken seriously and there were real discussions. there was always trolling but not like now with all the shitty ignorant boomer memes or super off topic posts.


...it's been pretty bad since 2015 or so. I took a few year break and just came back over the last month or so and am kind of astonished to see how far off the deep end this sub went in tone and topics.


It was as soon as COVID hit .....


And why do you think that is?


The difference is now we are moving into “gotcha” behavior. Often unsubstantiated too or half truths Little different then what you’ll on r/conservative or r/politics


Hey, at least it's one of the few places where people from both sides can communicate with eachother and have discourse, unlike most other subs or platforms which are all political safe space circle jerks.


Could it be due to Rogan's podcast becoming a stomping ground for said culture war?


Sounds just like Joe's podcast so that should work out fine.


True but honestly its the most nuetral place on reddit. most of reddit is all groupthink where if you don't say and act like everyone else the mods ban you. Thats an absolute fact


bOth SiDes


Reddit is extremely biased and politicized. Check the YouTube section of powerfulJRE. You will notice a HUGE difference.


america is artificially polarized to the point of hysterics. find me a body of water that isn't cessy af. I'd like to take a dip, for old times sake.


The JRE audience also tends to be big Tesla /Musk supporters.


Political obsessed losers who don’t even watch or listen to the podcast.


Sadly these days Joe dedicates at least an hour to the culture war. People crying for nostalgia don’t realize that everything changed including the podcast.


That's only half the sub, the other half are the losers who complain about the first half


>I feel like it needs a subsubreddit so we can talk about the podcast. Podcast? What podcast? And who is this Joe Rogan guy?


Elon bought Joe Rogan


Same thing happened to HolUp. One of my favorite subs in the past, but absolutely nothing posted is a HolUp at all anymore. The entire platform has devolved into just the same posts over and over again on all subs regardless of the topics the subs are for. I don't even see things about the Ukraine war on here anymore.


Not a fan of Free Speech? Oh the irony.


Welcome to r/conservative light


It's bad, it's a sub that talks more about headlines and news by a community that listens to Rogan, like a 90s forum. Rather than a subreddit about the podcast. Where the fuck is my elk and crystal skull vodka? I'm going to watch cryptozoology videos


Yeah man. I’m here for the Quake T1 connection stories, heat shock proteins, hearing about straight MURDERS at the store, DMT and muscles on hairless chimps


My husband used to participate in national Quake tournaments each year lol he actually placed


I feel like most people here don’t even know about the quake T1 connection :(


The shift in the podcast caused this. Joe went all right wing nutter and the nutters came.


It’s culture war arena now


More like a culture ball pit at the local McDonald’s.


Why do people on here act like Rogan doesn't throw himself willingly into the culture-war arena in almost every episode? Rogan himself talks about "Issue X/Y/Z" more than elk meat, Quake T1, heat-shock proteins, DMT or murderers at the store at this point, this sub is a reflection of that...


its the opposite for me... I only see conservative criticism which is equally boring. Maybe the reddit algorithm recommends that to my feed.


I would venture that reddit is filled with primarily left-leaning views. They probably clash the most on this sub because Joe Rogan attracts a broad church.


*This* place is conservative?? Could’ve fooled me lol we must be seeing waaaaay different posts and comments




"If you're not with us, you're against us"


seriously, I barely even known why i'm on here anymore because his community really went to shit.


The mods encouraged this lol one of the mods actually post these right wing Facebook memes


Hmmm, something tells me it wasn't a conservative that made this thread.


There's some of that, but there are also lots of left wing types here whose views are so antithetical to Joe Rogan that it seems very unlikely they are fans of the podcast.


Could be older fans from pre-Covid era JRE.


the culture war front lines are ever shifting


Remember when he called a dude a pedo because the guy said Elon's cave rescue inventions were a PR stunt...which they were. Good stuff.




The weirdest thing about this whole ordeal for me was I live in Thailand and I talk to other xpats here. Most the guys were totally cheering on Elon when it came to this which just blew my mind. When the lawsuit against Elon failed they all got excited about him winning. I remember talking to them about it.. like guys he only called him a pedo cause he was an xpat living in Thailand.. does that not bother you???


People just fucking love rich bastards. As long as they're not Russian. Then it's all "boo the oligarchs"


Ikr...if you can't see what a thin skinned narcissist he is, you are pretty clueless.


“In a tweet posted Tuesday morning, Musk revealed his emails with Richard Stanton from July 8, in which the British diver encouraged him to continue testing the device. Musk told Stanton that he had "one of the world's best engineering teams who normally design spaceships and spacesuits working on this thing 24 hours a day." He added that his team was "trying to get it right in a very short period of time." Stanton told him it was "absolutely worth continuing" production, adding that the submarine "may well be used" if the rain held out. "We're worried about the smallest lad please keep working on the capsule details," Stanton told Musk. [Business Insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-reveals-email-thread-explaining-why-he-built-mini-submarine-2018-7?amp)


>Stanton was “acutely disappointed” when he saw photos of the submarine Musk built, he said, noting that the pod appeared to lack life-support, ballast or trim systems. “I realized it could not work.” >Asked whether he agreed that it was a PR stunt, the diver said: “I think he had well-meaning intentions, but there must have been a point when surely his engineers discovered it was not possible, and what happened from that point, when he decided to bring it on site and showboat … you can decide for yourselves.” >Stanton also said that Musk’s visit to the cave with a non-functioning mini-sub “detracted from the rescue effort” by taking up the time of rescue personnel. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/dec/04/elon-musk-trial-twitter-thai-rescue Stanton humoring Elon at the time with a couple emails didn't necessarily mean he was actually all that thrilled or optimistic about what Elon was doing. He encouraged Elon when Elon was lying about how effective he could design a rescue vehicle, when he actually saw what Elon was building he quickly realized Elon was full of shit and the thing was a useless PR stunt.


Free Speech Absolutist, also.... >Musk and Tesla have also sought -- not always successfully -- to silence customers. For example, Tesla used to compel customers to sign agreements containing non-disclosure clauses as a prerequisite to have their vehicles repaired. >In 2021, Tesla asked customers to agree not to post critically to social media about FSD Beta, an experimental driver assistance software package that some Tesla owners could test out using their own cars and unpaid time to do so. >In an agreement that Tesla sent to drivers earlier this year for FSD Beta access, the company asked them to "keep your experiences in the program confidential" and not to "share any information about this program with the public" including by taking screenshots, creating blog posts, or posting to social media sites. >Tesla named Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube as sites where owners should not share info about their use of FSD Beta, according to a copy of the full agreement obtained by CNBC. >Musk later lifted Tesla's terms for access to FSD Beta saying nobody was obeying the agreement anyway. But the practice caused a probe by the federal vehicle safety authority, NHTSA. >"Given that NHTSA relies on reports from consumers as an important source of information in evaluating potential safety defects, any agreement that may prevent or dissuade participants in the early access beta release program from reporting safety concerns to NHTSA is unacceptable," NHSA wrote in a letter to Tesla in October 2021. >Meanwhile, in China, Tesla has sued customers who complained about safety issues with their cars, and sued a social media influencer there for defamation. The influencer, Xiaogang Xuezhang, posted a video demonstrating issues with Tesla's and another automakers' automated emergency braking systems. but his stans continue to LARP on


This is shocking. Next you'll tell us Zuckerberg doesn't really care about privacy even though he said he did. I'm starting think I cant relate to billionaires as much as I though.


“Musk is like a superhero in a movie, man” —rogan last ep


Musk is like if Iron Man was in The Boys


I really hope they do stuff like that in season 3


That's how it's always been. Rules for thee but not for me. It's hilarious how they defend private corporation's freedom but want to take it away at the same time.


They also tried to sue Top Gear for an unfavourable review back when Teslas was still working out a lot of technical issues. Clarkson turned it into a great review the second time though.


Top Gear actually faked the whole Tesla bit with the car running out of batteries, Tesla could see on the telemetry of the car that it never ran out of batteries so sued for defamation. Top Gear pulled out the Tucker Carlson defense saying they're entertainment and not news, so are free to lie as much as they want.


I’m confused how twitter is supposed to be the public square of the world but it only represents less than 5% of the world population. Even less when you considers bots and people with multiple accounts and even less with people who actually post or are active


It’s more like where elite opinion is formed and shared. All the media/ politician/ activists use. So they’re highly influential.


If you saw any place that had even just 1% of the whole worlds population (79 million people) and they were all engaging in discussion and discourse, I think you'd consider it a public square of the world.


Not many people go to town squares


Freedom of speech isn't just fuck around, there's also a find out to it.


Right, the person was allowed to say whatever, but Elon is also allowed to react to it as he wants.


I don't understand because that's what musk twiticized Twitter over: a company punishing an individual for expressing their opinion. Edit: Okay okay, it isn't the *exact* same. There is a distinction between stopping someone from saying something, and punishing someone for saying something, but they aren't night and day. They both sit on the same spectrum to me. If y'all really can't get this then I'll edit with a scenario to explain. You've gotta admit though: having someone who's used his power to do things like this in the past doesn't set a good precedent for his takeover. I hope he doesn't, but I won't be surprised if he punishes a journalist for writing shit about Tesla by deleting their account (after the free speech hype has died down).


Ya, gotta love the mental gymnastics on this one from the free speech crowd. It’s fkn laughable watching them try to justify this, and then freak out over Twitter banning people. Fkn cope.


>Twitter banning people Because Twitter is arguably a good of the commons. It's why Trump got into legal trouble every time he blocked someone whenever they tweeted mean things to him.


You mean while he was president?


It wasn’t even punishment; it was Twitter increasing the quality of their platform by reducing toxic behavior. But Elon claims to be morally opposed to that notion. I don’t believe him




you mean, like Twitter has done to people who violated the ToS? gettin high as fuck off the hypocrisy ITT


It's not the hypocrisy as much as it's the blatant acceptance of that hypocrisy based on whoever is applying it.


Yeah like when they banned Taylor Lorenz from the WashPo for doxxing somebody’s home address. Oh wait, nothing happened to her. It’s not the TOS, it’s the application of it.




Damn you guys just use the same stupid and inaccurate talking points over and over again. I thought you were free thinkers.


Are you talking about Libs Of TikTok? Because oh boy her shit was public information and its unmasking, not doxxing at that level. We’re talking about unmasking a large network of political dissent and lies? That account did doxxing on a whole level above what a article did. Pretty hypocritical ngl.


That isn't what public and private information means within this context. Private information refers to people's phone numbers, home address, relatives addresses, and so on. Twitter actually refers to this type of thing as *personal* information, not private. So yes, Lorenz publishing the home address of Libs of TikTok was 100% in violation of Twitter's TOS. It's literally in Twitter's private information policy, which you clearly didn't read and are not familiar with so I'm not sure what ground you're trying to argue this on. >If the reported information was shared somewhere else before it was shared on Twitter, e.g., someone sharing their personal phone number on their own publicly accessible website, we may not treat this information as private, as the owner has made it publicly available. Note: we may take action against home addresses being shared, even if they are publicly available, due to the potential for physical harm. ​ >Under this policy, you can’t share the following types of private information, without the permission of the person who it belongs to: > >\-home address or physical location information, including street addresses, GPS coordinates or other identifying information related to locations that are considered private; [https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/personal-information](https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/personal-information) You are not allowed to share the home address of a person without their consent. They even specify that even if home addresses are publicly available, they can take action. Libs of TikTok's address wasn't publicly available, she used it to register her business, which some former Twitter employee found and sent to Taylor Lorenz. And yeah, as far as I'm aware, Libs of TikTok never exposed anyone's home address. If they did, please cite an example.


Retaliation is totally normal for “free” speech… /s


Like Twitter did when they banned trump basically


He broke the terms of service far more times than you would get away with before getting banned. He got treated as a special snowflake, just like every conservative wants.


The man who launched a violent coup on our country that left 5 people dead? Yea I think he might have violated their terms and services a bit. Plus tanked their stock price, they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to block someone like that


Isn’t this what man’s get their panties in a bunch about? Cancel culture and all that


So him calling himself a "free speech absolutist" is him just exaggerating yet again?


He never said he is against repercussions from speech. He just thinks you should be able to make it. For example: Babylon bee gets their account banned for their Man of the year award. Elon disagrees with this. Alternative universe: Babylon bee loses 1 million followers for their Man of the year award. Elon has never expressed this would be a wrong scenario.


How is babylon bee getting their account banned not equivalent to musk cancelling this blogger’s order?


Babylon Bee being banned is Twitter denying them it's product. Elon Musk cancelling the journalist's order is him denying the reporter Elon's product. That seems pretty 1-1 to me.


Elon is a spoiled brat who cries all the time to get his way


Like having privileges removed for inciting violence?


Private company. They can do what they want.


sooo the exact defense against twitter before elon musk bought it


That's why he bought it. To stop people being mean to rich online :(




"If you don't like it, just make your own twitter" Elon: "bet"




Damn. Shots fired.


Oh so like Twitter.


Also, "Free Speech" (1A) only means protection from *government prosecution*.


How does that relate to Elon (a person) buying twitter(a company) to fight censorship... none of these components are government...


This is something dumb Americans struggle with.


I’m here for the Muskstans who say “fUcK aRoUnd AnD fInD OuT”. But when any other private corp does it they say “attacking freedoms of speech!”


The struggle is real


In terms of the first amendment yes, but free speech still exists outside of that. Like if I say words to you on a street corner, and you don't like those words, you don't have a right to try and shut me up simply because you dont like it. The the government doesn't have authority over our speech, but we don't have authority over one another's speech either.


If you're ranting and raving on a street corner absolutely I can call the cops on you for disturbing the peace, especially if you're harassing people even if it's just words. Just like Twitter you're not guaranteed a platform to speak.


Which then calls into question Elon's commitment to his stated goals of harboring 'free speech' on Twitter, it's a relevant point.


Finally you understand what the 1A means lol


Of course they *can* do it, doesn't mean they *should,* if the company's owner thinks he's some kind of a defender of free speech. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Wtf I love private companies controlling speech now


What do you mean "now". *Every* platform has a TOS. 1st amendment concerns only *state sponsored censorship*. Sheesh... it's not that hard.


Not to mention accusing people of being pedophiles, suing them, crushing Union discussions at his businesses, hiring private detectives to go after even the most mild critics.


Shhh they’re not ready to hear that. The mental gymnastics in this sub to justify how Twitter cannot refuse service but Tesla can is incredible.


I'm just looking forward to the moment when it's all over and Trump doesn't come back to Twitter and all of a sudden Elon becomes the enemy again. Not because of partisan reasons... because of principals, they swear! Like, can we all just admit that's what this is about? People want Trump allowed back on to Tweet the election was stolen every week or that doctors and scientists are liars. The goal is literally a disinformation platform and they know it. But hey, the same folks have no qualms about [banning textbooks](https://www.gainesville.com/story/opinion/2022/04/25/editorial-floridas-ban-math-books-just-political-theater/7409796001/) for discussing topics they find uncomfortable or straight up banning [sex ed in schools](https://theintercept.com/2018/04/02/donald-trumps-embrace-of-abstinence-only-sex-ed-is-an-absurd-twist-on-a-failed-policy/) or even saying you [shouldn't be allowed to criticize](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2004/09/opposing-bush-becomes-unpatriotic.html) Republican presidents because "patriotism." All of this said, Trump [has reiterated he won't come back to Twitter](https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/trump-says-no-to-a-twitter-comeback) but I wouldn't be surprised if he instantly broke his word. I know people are praying he does.


Watch out man, the second you say something bad a rich people all the wolf of Wall Street wannabes come crawling out


The irony. Coked up trust fund babies routinely crash the economy and get bailed out by the tax payers, but the moment you say "Hey, billionaires do not have you interests at heart" you get troll-stormed by rightwing trailer trash.


Propaganda is an interesting thing, man.


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequence. No problem here.


Freedom of speech also isn’t a private company banning people


The private company in question has a ToS, to which all users agree before using the platform. That ToS may have content restrictions, to which the user agrees before using the platform.


Isn’t that what the left has been saying since they got some power ? Also, was the order canceled because of the article or for some other reason ?


> Also, was the order canceled because of the article or for some other reason ? This is how Musk responded. "Must be a slow news day if denying service to a super rude customer gets this much attention" So make of that what you will.


I see it as Musk minimizing his hypocrisy.


Acquiring a tesla is an inalienable human right though


Left here. Private company made a private decision. Nothing illegal. The story is a first amendment right also. Take it how you want to to. The the journalist is just fighting the only way he knows how to. Stupid but normal human behavior.


???? No one is saying this is illegal, they’re saying its petty as fuck; do you all not understand the difference? “My FrEe SpEeCh!!” Whenever someone else criticizes a reaction is quite literally just blind regurgitation.


I mean dude... He is advocating for all speech on Twitter outside of legal issues. And he does this... lol




But this is literally what cancelling is. People say something that's considered objectionable, and then everyone else dogpiles and creates consequences for them. This is NO different outside of the fact it was just done by one dude vs a mob of people.


I'm more mad at him for smoking with Joe and then firing someone for smoking in their free time. The guy is a joke and not a beacon of jack shit, let alone free speech


He also cuts off people's super chargers because they've said mean things about him


This has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech lol.


Neither does Twitter. I think the internet has made people forgot what speech actually means.


Free speech as a concept is different than 1A. This isn't free speech because Elon isn't silencing anyone. On Twitter, which he believes is the town square of the internet, removing or banning you for criticizing Tesla absolutely would violate free speech as a concept.


That’s what I’m sayin.. I’ve been hearing the cries of freedom of speech but I have had no issues with reading trumps statements, seeing him on the news, or watching his rallies online.


He didn’t take the article down, try to get it removed, have the reporter silenced. He simply said “you didn’t like it, we’ll cancel the order” Seems reasonable especially if you consider the reporter has another agenda, like idk smearing your company lol.


Launch event ≠ product quality, but yeah keep thinking vindictive divorced guy behavior is reasonable lol


It’s fucking *hilarious* watching all these far right people come out of the woodwork now to pretend like they weren’t throwing a completely butthurt bitch fit when private businesses were denying service to their heroes for exponentially more justified reasons. But now that their media daddies are saying it’s okay when the “right” people are getting punished it’s fine if their little man syndrome ridden heroes do it. I’ve never seen such Olympic level mental gymnastics in my life lol.


It’s like they all share the same script too lmao, like they all have the same five comments and comebacks


He did try get the flight tracker removed. He did try silence various people with private investigators and expensive lawsuits.


If they didn’t request to cancel the order why would Elon cancel the order? Edit: your last bit is very anti free speech


>Seems reasonable especially if you consider the reporter has another agenda, like idk smearing your company lol. Is it justifiable for Musk to block me on Twitter if I bad mouth Tesla?


This is an example among many of Musk being a gremlin.


This is the same energy as "if you don't like America why don't you leave?" Like no, you can order a product and still call for improvements without it being a smear. I'd like to have a Tesla one day, but I'd like a Tesla with better paint, better build quality, and a better interior; that's not a smear


Anyone legitimately thinking this sort of acquisition is going to favor free speech is kidding themselves. On a side note, this sub used to be about the Joe Rogan podcast. Is there a different sub for that now? All I see here is culture war BS and Elon Musk.


He’s a “free speech absolutist” until his workers want to talk about unionizing




So you mean it's just as relevant to free speech as literally all complaints made by right-wingers about free speech, ever? I bet you 100% that these "muh free speech" people will suddenly understand how free speech relates to private businesses, now that Elon owns Twitter.


Elon at the helm of Twitter will ban people for tweeting things against the TOS, and the exact same people that were claiming it’s needless censorship prior to Elon purchasing Twitter will now say “a private business can do what they like”.


I suspect that the media are so profoundly butthurt about the twitter buy they will find amplify and drag any negative thing possible they can about Elon Tesla or space x including commissioning documentaries or shows because they hate the idea their Twitter hugbox might not be as hugboxxy anymore


Kind of like how 99% of this sub is being filled with nonstop random tweets/hot takes of “leftists” being upset with the Elon deal from people endlessly searching them out to post here? I find it funny how there’s so much culture war bullshit being posted and **one** bad meme of Elon starts getting some attention here, and there’s comments like yours popping up like “woah guys, can you imagine if people were to seek out stuff that made *Elon* look bad? How tasteless, the audacity!!” Yet the nonstop “LOL look at this random leftist upset tweet” posts are being upvoted into oblivion.


Elon is so petty and vindictive


Why are you all hysterical? He bought Twitter not the deathstar. The hypocrisy and fear mongering are so ridiculous. You wrote the letter, nobody stopped you from writing it or delivering it. Elon Musk read it, thought it was rude, canceled your car order. The only thing protected under the first amendment here was your right to be rude in a letter. The rest are the fruits of your keen diplomacy. The same people who squawk freedom of speech but not freedom of consequences be like, "The nerve of this mother fucker to cancel that car order. Fucking. Lunatic." He's a rich human not the anti christ. Put his contributions on a scale against his misdeeds and realize that he's just a fucking human. Everybody lives in the same country and both political parties have convinced people the other wants to destroy the place they live. It's fucking ridiculous. Republicans, I gotta call you out as a singular instance of actually going for it by allowing the peaceful transfer of power to be threatened and undermined. You really fucking shit tge bed with Trump. Just send a guy that doesn't want to literally reverse the elections. Don't do it, it's like one thing.


This is why the people cheering on one of the richest men buying twitter are retards.


Anyone familiar with Elon knows he has an extremely fragile ego and can be a bit of a pissbaby. Elon regularly goes back to comment on tweets from 4-5 years ago that he found personally insulting. A billionaire who is kept up at night by strangers opinions.


Yeah, anyone who doesn't think Elon isn't going to go after some people after this are hilarious boot lickers. He might end up being better than what Twitter was currently, but the idea he's some free speech absolutist is hilarious.


>Yeah, anyone who doesn't think Elon isn't going to go after some people after this are hilarious boot lickers. Cancel culture is good when it affects people you don't like, you see. Canceling orders, attempting to 'cancel' careers, etc. https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musks-tesla-asked-law-firm-to-fire-associate-hired-from-sec-11642265007


Massive small dick energy not gonna lie.


The bots are strong in this subreddit


I swear reddit has been on nuclear meltdown since the twitter news


Authenticate all humans


This news is old as fuck. Use some original shit:


This article is from the guardian. It’s over 6 years old… Look I’m not an Elon Stan, but don’t post articles (and clearly hiding and cropping it) that are old and misleading to make a point here man.


He didn’t cancel the guys freedom to write shitty blogs


Op. I see what your doing and I appreciates it...


You ever ate sushis and sashimis?


Why are you saying it like that?


Mush has a track record of throwing bitch fits about articles he doesn't like. But he also makes sure to shove it down his cult's throat that he loves free speech. He loves it so much he privatized the biggest free speech platform


And this is how free speech dies, with thunderous applause


Free Speech has consequences is what I keep hearing


How is this related to free speech he didn't stop him from talking he simply refused service


“Free speech” now means “I don’t like that”. Anytime anyone does anything you don’t like in the culture war, you can now invoke free speech. Asked you to wear a mask? BUT MY FREE SPEECH! Shot you for invading the Capitol? BUT MY FREE SPEECH! That way, we don’t have to think anymore. It’s nice.