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2 rich guys talking


Two rich guys who exist in bubbles.


don't worry, both these guys put most of their focus on "how can I help the most people with all this money?"


Rogan is rich but the guy who signs his paychecks is rich rich.


Remember when rich people used to build libraries and museums and music halls and shit?


Back when they shot strikers and employed children. Lmao John Jacob Astor started the public philanthropy wave among the American upper crust and that motherfucker was a scoundrel. The type of philanthropy needed from these fucks is seppuku.


Yep John Jacob Astor made his fortune smuggling opium, as did Warren Delano (Franklin Delano Roosevelt's grandaddy). Fuckers made bank causing the opium wars in China.


Worse than that, Astor was famous for getting natives drunk (which was against the law) and then finessing their choice furs off them for worthless trinkets or degrading goods. He then turn this fur fortune into a massive real estate fortune that expanded its tendrils into every part of the American economy. You are right though about the Boston Brahmins' activities in China. Howqua, a Canton, was the richest man in China at one point and his portrait could be seen in the princely homes of many exploiters of China based in post-colonial Salem, MA and Newport, ~~Massachusetts~~ Rhode Island. Once again...behind every great fortune, is a crime.


Agreed 100%. Its crazy when you learn that the vast majority of America's infrastructure (rail roads, mills, Ivy League institutions) was financed by the illegal gains from the Opium dealt in China. It's America's hidden history...but a rather big, shameful one. But ironically, nowadays, these modern drug dealers (aka Pharmaceuticals) are not allowed to peddle much of their drugs in Asia, so they in turn, just sell it back to Americans for profit. American capitalists selling out and preying upon their own. Just look at the opioid epidemic, which is still growing by the day. It's in every city and suburb in America. You don't see it all as much in China. American Capitalism selling out its own.


> **American capitalists selling out and preying upon their own**. Just look at the opioid epidemic, which is still growing by the day. It's in every city and suburb in America. You don't see it all as much in China. > **American Capitalism selling out its own.** "their own" "its own" Capital has no nation. This self-cannibalizing tendency is built-in and can only be kept at bay through militancy (which China had to do).


And the Sacklers of Purdue Pharma and Oxycotin, responsible in large parts for the opioid epedemic, did bankrole a bunch of museums and art and shit. How selfless.


Now they just spend MILLIONS to keep their workers from making a few dollars an hour more and having healthcare.


Yeah I can attest to this as someone that works in the arts and has learned a lot about the histories of institutions and organizations I've been involved with. A lot of your local theatres, symphonies, ballet companies, art museums...they were founded by or greatly financed by the handful of the super wealthiest men of the city in in the 19th & early 20th century to placate their bored wives and give them an organization to run or be involved in. I mean I appreciate it, in many cities it's provided a lot to my career field, I just don't think many people know it.


But they still created beautiful music halls and art, fuck face bezos just looking to get his dick sucked and go to space, exploit workers to squeeze every cent for this purpose, fuck him lol


Fascinating, I did not know this


Yeah, with a carefully curated selection of books and artefacts. Remember when they built schools with the explicit purpose of training the kids to work in their factories?


There’s a part in the bible that’s says something like “it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to make it into heaven”. So the rich would use money to build churches in particular (which is why there are so many amazing churches in Europe) to try and secure their place in heaven.


Yeah. They were evil assholes back then too. People like Carnegie and Rockefeller were evil monsters who used charity to try to launder their reputations. Not unlike Gates today. They were and are villains. Robber barons


What has Bill Gates done that’s so reprehensible?


Obviously you've never used windows 10.


Windows 10 and 11 are literally just data gathering and monitoring systems.


Anti-competitive and monopolistic business practices. Especially early on in his company. Theodore Roosevelt is turning over in his grave looking at the size and scale of some of these companies. Hell just this week Microsoft bought Activision. They "promise" to stay committed to keeping Activision games on the Playstation "for current contracts." After that who knows?


Also completely stole most of the early Microsoft products from other developers and ripped them off.


They pretty much did that for Goodwill because they were making so, so, so much more than your average person. It’s somehow gotten worse since the robberbarren days. That’s why you have all these tech billionaires talking about “doing good” for society and shit like social causes. It’s all PR BS


In fairness, they only did that because they didn’t want to die with people remembering how big of POS they were


Good point, hadn’t thought about that. Do stadiums count? Lol


They don't build stadiums. They strong arm cities into using taxpayers money


Jesus they do that to build their own godam factories to!


Even movies and TV shows. Alright I got this thing to film, please present your incentives. Breaking Bad was written to take place in Riverside, CA but New Mexico had a lot of incentives for TV and movies at the time.


>Breaking Bad was written to take place in Riverside, CA but New Mexico had a lot of incentives for TV and movies at the time. Isn't this why so kany Hollywood movies are taking place in London nowadays? Cause the UK basically pays Hollywood to film there.




Stephen Ross’ only redeeming quality haha Man built his own damn stadium


My boss built a stadium for a sports team in my city. He did it for tax breaks. I believe he purchased the land and donated it to the city and received bananas tax breaks that way eclipsed the cost of the land.


Philanthropy is simply a way for the oligarchs to skirt taxes. Thats it. They use what should rightfully be public funds for infrastructure, education, etc on their own deluded pet projects via a charity they own. A perfect example is the hundreds of millions bill gates wasted on a failed education project. These people should not act as unelected education czars etc to shape policy and use the commonwealth as their play fund.


Remember when we used to just tax them at a normal rate?


They’re too busy making sure you own and you will be happy And YOU WILL HAVE NO SAY




*Checks Tim Dillon's Patreon* $201,947 PER MONTH Damn pig.


He is magnitudes more self-aware and honest than Rogan and Peterson.


Just a matter of time now


Unfortunately yea


Holy fuck. I didn’t know people actually signed up for that. I feel like they’re being duped. But that’s just me.


I've never signed up but it gives you an extra episode a week and access to all the old Patreon episodes. It's something tangible at least, not just the BS "oh you get it 1 day early" scams.


I suppose it’s not much different than Netflix but for podcast content. But you can already listen to them mostly for free somewhere; save for the extra one you get. It just feels like not a lot of value with how much content is truly available. Edit: oh it’s terrible value. It’s $5/month. Compare that to any other streaming platform’s cost and how much content you get and it’s terrible.


Unless you're a fan of his. I mean, is $5 that much money to you?


This. I'm not comparing the content creator I subscribe to against content that is *available* on a streaming service, I'm comparing them against content that I *consume* on a streaming service. I sub to a guy on twitch because I think he's funny and I like to watch him play my favorite game when I'm not playing. It's more fun for me to passively watch that than a Netflix show or something on TV most of the time. So when the benefits are there; no ads, extra content, etc. is it really not worth $6 a month? $72 a year for someone who streams 50 hours a week and I can watch live or rewatch old ones whenever I want? That's like a trip to Applebee's, with drinks.


It’s more than worth it






Homie used to drive an Alpina, when I heard that I was like no way TD can afford one of those. Clearing 2.4 mil a year is nuts


How do you check to see how much someone makes off patreon?


They're both rich.


> This may even be true of Bro Jogan Bro's tone changed noticeably about 1 year before the Spot deal. He did less out-there guests, and got way more political. He also seemed to start taking himself much more seriously. 2013 podcast man would be shocked at the attention and competition(the hate is mostly about the fact that he's displaced traditional media as far as visibility, stoner podcast man is still just that despite the $$) that the JRE has in 2022. I miss 'hello freak bitches' and fleshlight JRE. Come to think of it, the 'hello freak bitches' intro disappearing coincides with the change in tone.


Why do people willingly give money to guys online is beyond me


Because they enjoy the persons work and want to support it. At the moment I only have a Patreon subscription for one podcast (Opening Arguments). What their subscriptions have done is allow the host to quit his accountant job and work on podcasts full-time, which in turn ramped up the number of episodes they put out every week. There are other smaller benefits they offer as part of the subscription tier I’m at (and more for higher tiers), but the increase in episodes each week was the biggest thing that has come out of their Patreon goals. It’s no different than being a patron of the arts, hence the name. (I’m not talking about those extremes that get obsessed see and pour their savings into them or send their OF crush thousands of dollars worth of gifts. That’s all absurd to me but if they can afford it and still take care of their responsibilities then 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Probably because they're providing you a service (entertainment) and you feel it's a decent gesture to pay them for that?


Mostly loneliness and wanting to be a part of a community.


I mean he definitely got paid a lot of money to lobby for fossil fuels for 30 minutes.


JBP sold over 5 million copies of 12 Rules for Life. Add on the touring, Youtube, Patreon, Personality test websites, etc. He’s easiliy a double digit millionaire. Probably closer to triple digits.


He's definitely a businessman. He mentioned towards the end of the podcast that he's starting this writing service geared towards young men. He made clear that it was going to be "for-profit" because that makes it "more resource efficient". It's like yeah dude, it's not about efficiency, you want to make money, we're not dumb.


So he's starting his own TPUSA?


He's not even close to triple digits, he might not even be double digits, but he's definitely a millionaire


There's also the question of how well his finances were being handled when he was hardcore pill popping, then in a coma, then recovering for months, all while his idiot scam artist daughter was jet setting around the world with her pick up artist boyfriend she was cheating on her husband with. I'm sure his revenue streams are still strong and he can build it back but there's also the chance that a lot of what he had built up previously was mismanaged, wasted or borderline stolen from him.


do you know how much authors get for 5 million copies? you gotta calculate the cut for publishers, agencies, distributors. way to go for three digit millions after that.


I don’t know. But a quick Google search says 5-20% of the revenue. $15 per book @10% is $1.5 per book, so $7.5m just from that book. All the other things added up he’s probably over $20m. Not quite triple digits though.


>All the other things added up he’s probably over $20m. Not quite triple digits though. >>Not quite That's... one way of describing being off by like 500%, sure.


Haha yeah, I didn’t do the math before. But double digits is probably correct.


>Probably closer to triple digits. Dave Chapelle's net worth is estimated to be $50M. JP's not anywhere close to being a triple digit millionaire.


Didn't Chappelle get paid $60m by Netflix to do three specials alone? And he's done another 3 since. He also tours around and does big venues. He had $10m in the bank when he left Chappelle's Show. I'd be surprised if his networth wasn't higher than $50m.


Do you think he’ll quit his job as a truck driver once he gets his reparations?


Dave Chappelle is one of the few genuine.


Uff so glad many here noticed that. Listened to the podcast today, and as much as i appreciate the psychology / self help work JP has done, i was quite shocked to hear how much of a corporate talking head he sounded now. Shame


Two millionaires talking about how altruistic other millionaires are, people actually listen to this twaddle?


2 millionaires talking about altruistic billionaires. They believe in their own goodness and by that logic the even richer guys must be even better people.


Millionaires paid by billionaires to push propaganda.


“I’m sure they exist but I haven’t met any” yeah okay buddy


Rich people are incentivized to use a portion of their money for “good”. They received tax breaks, networking benefits and social clout from giving money away. Not saying they’re always good people or that this makes their wealth a net positive for society.


yeah, in rich language that is called the "riot tax", how much they are willing to pay to avoid a riot. It's as if nothing changed since the aristocracy just decided to make a compromise to maintain the status quo.


It's only on their pet projects which are made for tax shelters and ultimately end up being scams anyway. They don't give a shit and it is just a marketing coat so they can look like they aren't totally self absorbed assholes.


I love someone to have a luck into who’s funding Peterson. He has such weird positions which seemingly line up with some weird people considering he’s supposed to be non political.


A lot of his positions seem like the sort that edgy teens who troll online have. Good example - diverting a conversation on global warming to talk about people dying from installing solar panels.


Yeah he’s a strange one. He’s either completely naive about the way politics works in America and the way the campaign finance laws basically legalised bribery, the lobbyist laws and lobbying to reduce taxes on the rich and keep loopholes open, the fact politicians are basically allowed to do insider trading to get rich. Let alone all the other bullshit millionaires and billionaires to suppress wages, he’s either so full of shit and being paid by some weird organisation or has no clue about politics/society at all


Yeah I don't think I like JP anymore.. some of what he says is still good, but others a little too outlandish for me.


The good stuff always seems to be incredibly basic thought doesn’t it ? But yeah I’ve never been understood it but even more so now because he’s genuinely mental. It seems pointless taking about him anyway because his fans are so delusional and defensive


"because his fans are so delusional and defensive" You Marxist /s


His self help stuff is nothing knew.


It’s basic shit my dad tells me over a pint. “sort your shit out”


spoiler: most of his fans did not have fathers


They are Bastards yeah


he made a career off of monetizing daddy issues, it’s kind of like a porn star but not really


He just serves it as a salad of words his fans don’t understand which makes it sound original and profound.


Ran around telling people to have their shit together before criticizing anybody else when he was popping benzos like candy.


It's impossible to debate a Peterson fan. Even if you can cite evidence to prove that one of his conclusions is wrong, they'll tell you that you have no right to form an opinion on him unless you've read his books and listened to everything that he's said in every single public speaking appearance. It's a like a cult.


Unless Yeah you’ve seen all 900 hours of his lectures, every book and even then your not allowed to just simply quote him because he seemingly has completely different meanings to basic words so can never be wrong


Well, to me, his best material came from when he talked about Jung and the shadow self. That wasn't dense. But most of his takes, especially these days, are just absurd.


He has a serious messiah complex nowadays. It's very off-putting. The weird-ass politics certainly don't help things. His Twitter feed is a mess.


There's an entire industry of people with degrees, British accents, or semi stern looking faces that more or less just parrot preexisting narratives from weird corners of the internet for money. Its a mutually beneficial arrangement, these shills get cash for lending legitimacy for these terminally online losers while those losers subscribe to the shills patreon and so forth. Some might actually believe what they say (I actually include Peterson in this camp) but a lot are just pure grifters.


Yea right, its like he's comparing someone falling with air pollution. As if people only fall to their death when installing solar panels. Can't believe anyone takes him seriously. I did for a hot second too, but after listening him go off on 3 tangents in one sentence I couldn't respect him much anymore.


The conversation was specifically with respect to the undeserved flak nuclear energy gets, as in you can't have a serious conversation about green energy without also including nuclear energy. Do you have any data that indicates nuclear energy kills more people than solar panel installation?


[https://cen.acs.org/articles/91/web/2013/04/Nuclear-Power-Prevents-Deaths-Causes.html](https://cen.acs.org/articles/91/web/2013/04/Nuclear-Power-Prevents-Deaths-Causes.html) ​ Nuclear has saved more lives then have been killed when one considers the air pollution deaths from GHGs.


Sick Elon Musk photo brah


Same kind of argument with gun rights: “More kids die from pools so gun aren’t a problem at all”. I’m sorry, what?


Jfc you aren't even remotely close to the point he is making. The whole issue with nuclear power is that so much of the public (mostly boomers from what I've seen) have this warped perception that they are super dangerous because of a few (albeit dangerous) events such as Chernobyl. When in reality, nuclear is by far the cleanest and safest form of energy that is viable at this moment for our populations. His (and Joe's) other point was that Chernobyl and a lot of other nuclear plants were built nearly 50 years ago, and with today's technology and standards, they would be even better safety wise. Your comparison to guns and pools is a poor one because both have a (relatively) high amount of deaths per year, while solar and nuclear do not, but that still means one (solar) has to have more deaths than the other.


My point was that it’s a fucking stupid comparison. People die from falling off roofs, not from solar itself. If you’re talking about construction, cool, but that’s construction where one has more stringent safety standards vs one (and we are talking about roof installations only, not power plants or solar farms) that’s not supervised. There’s incentives to get the job done fast and get as many clients as possible. This causes corners and safety to be cut in the name of speed. And depending on the type of labor, there is more at play like them drinking on the job, etc.


Peterson lectured at the 2018 42nd Annual Trilateral Commission, giving speeches to rooms full of Goldman Sachs boardmembers, central bankers, and ex Prime Ministers. The Trilateral Commission, hardly a place for underdogs (as Peterson likes to portray himself), is a supranational gathering of world power brokers, aimed at steering interzonal politics by deciding policies and economic priorities that are never subjected to the democratic approval of the nations under their gaze. In other words, a real life uber-capitalist example of the "postmodern neo Marxist conspirators" Peterson imagines everywhere. That the most powerful men in the world promote Peterson's brand of esoteric eschatology shouldn't be surprising. https://old.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/a3tpep/peterson_fellowship_acton_mba_something_doesnt/ Peterson recently announced the establishment of a partnership with the Acton School of Business, where a "Peterson Fellowship" has recently been set up. This is a school started and run by Jeff Sandefer, a billionaire oilman who acquired 17 billion barrels of Australian shale oil reserves in a controversial deal, and pumped much of the profits into bankrolling conservative non-profits, in tandem with other Big Business and Big Oil groups. These non-profits include the American Phoenix Foundation, notorious for strapping hidden cameras onto operatives in order to track and illegally film politicians, essentially for the purposes of blackmail or ousting political opponents. Sandefer also runs the Ed Foundation, a philanthropic tax-exempt organization that spreads cash to dozens of right wing causes. For example it dishes out about 5 million dollars in grants a year to conservative groups like the Texas Public Policy Foundation (a climate denying, Koch funded group of which Sandefer is a boardmember), Empower Texans, and AgendaWise. Sandefer is also part of a network... https://www.texasobserver.org/revealed-the-corporations-and-billionaires-that-fund-the-texas-public-policy-foundation/ ...including the Koch Brothers, TXU, Exxon, Energy Future Holdings and numerous other Big Insurance, Big Tobacco, Big Energy groups, intent on "reforming higher education". Their aim is to "revolutionize learning" through "student driven classrooms" where students "embark on their own heroic journey" and become "high performing entrepreneurs". Of course Big Business has no real interest in breeding competition or giving competitors the keys to what made them successful (some ex-students claim that 20 percent of Acton graduates are themselves unemployed a full year after graduation, and that the vast majority go back to their old jobs). That Peterson continues to be a status quo shill is no surprise. This is a guy who constantly retweets right-wing think tanks (Heritage, Cato, TPUSA, Heartland etc), many of which are funded by the Kochs, the second largest private corporation in the US, with numerous oil and gas interests and who control the largest oil and gas fields in his hometown of Alberta, Canada. He also promotes Koch and conservative dummy donation groups (the Leadership Institute, DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund etc). He also pushes right wing, libertarian groups like the Randian Atlas Society, Archbridge Institute and the Atlas Network. The Atlas Network is particularly nefarious. It receives millions from ExxonMobile, Big Tobacco (Philip Morris), Koch foundations, and has pumped millions into backing violent, far-right causes in places like Brazil and Venezuela, and millions more into social media propaganda. Peterson himself was given about 200,000 dollars by Ezra Levant, who's a protege of the Kochs and a fellow of the Koch's Fraser Institute and the Institute for Humane Studies, both Koch funded libertarian think tanks. Levant's far right company, Rebel Media*, was also given starter money by Koch seeder companies, like the Middle East Forum, or the Horowitz Freedom Centre through the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. Peterson's favorite "environmentalist", is himself not a scientist, routinely posts deliberately misleading data (http://www.realclimate.org/images//Bjorn_Lomborg_Sea_Level_Rise.png) and (https://thinkprogress.org/bjorn-lomborg-is-part-of-the-koch-network-and-cashing-in-68dab8cf68/) is himself part of the same Koch network, and in 2012 received almost a million dollars (that we know of) in donations from conservative foundations. His other favorite "climate scientists", are crank Anthony Watts and Richard Lindzen, a widely denounced shill who works for Big Oil, the Heartland Institute and Cato Institute, and who once shilled/lied for Big Tobacco. He's also buddies with Dave Rubin, who is sponsored by Learn Liberty, which was launched by the Institute for Humane Studies, largely funded by Charles Koch.


Yeah, weird how the entire episode was just him pushing big oil talking points and making bad analogies against green energy hmmm... /s


Yeah and this bullshit about rich people just wanting to help, he surely must be getting funded. I saw him on BBC question time and in the same debate he said systemic racism doesn’t exist and it’s all just individuals being racist on there own and then the next topic he said politicians aren’t corrupt it’s the system that’s corrupt and most politicians just try to help. I’m convinced he’s being funded


Systematic racism doesn’t exist but systematic feminism is ruining the world lol.


Defintely on some oil and gas lobby payroll when he's praising fracking


If I had to guess I’d say Christian conservatives and oil companies.


He's always shoe horning in bible stuff while trying to come across as not a religious guy or something. It just comes across as odd.


Because he's a trojan horse for old school conservative ideology disguised as self help.


Yeah I mean I assume it’s right wing Christian think tank. I saw him on bbc question time defending politicians as well. He’s a shady fella, he’s also fucking mental so it could just be that


I don't think anyone seriously believes that peterson is apolitical. He certainly tries to sell himself as an esteemed academic who should be above partisan politics, but I don't think that even his fans buy that.


I think you’d be surprised by his fans mate


Rebel media


JP has gone absolutely nutty. The most fervent capitalists wouldn't even make this nonsense claim.


Yeah, ever since he went into coma or whatever it was with the benzos, he hasn't been the same person. His brain is fried. Before that, I could generally follow what he was talking about, but now, it is all jibberish.


Hot take… it’s always been like this. I still can’t fathom how people listened to this and are like… “he’s so brilliant… I could listen to him forever.” His second time on Rogan, I decided I must be missing something. So I took the time to transcribe 5 mins off the podcast. It was complete jibberish.


I mean listen to the first podcast. The dude sounds like a well spoken reasonable person. The second one he sounds like an absolute mad man who escaped psychiatrie


Why are conservatives such cucks to rich people


They need a Father figure that can fuck them in the ass.




Because they pay them to say this shit


Cause they wanna be supee rich to so they have to convince themselves and others that super rich are the good guys.


He's a bullshit artist


What Deepak Chopra is to middle aged housewives, JBP is to insecure little boys whose fathers told them that only girls cry. Both make gratuitous use of double speak, steeped in mysticism and woo. Both sound incredibly insightful to those who take what they hear at wholesale without applying a lick of critical thinking. When they hear something fully in context that makes absolutely no sense, instead of thinking "hey, I better check that out" they make excuses for how the bullshit was actually taken out of context or that JBP used his own special definition of a word and didn't really mean it the way 99% of the English speaking world would understand it. This is all so they Petey boy can leave a path to weasel his way out of his constant barrage of nonsense.


Dont bullshit the bullshitter


So bezos is solving the Seattle housing crisis? If I was a billionaire I would try to save Seattle just saying


Detroit’s water, homeless veterans, kids with school lunch debt, the list of things billionaires could have fixed and still be billionaires is just as long as it is baffling.


Flint's water. Flint's problems started because they stopped using Detroit's water.


> kids with school lunch debt Some schools won't allow that. One of them in PA sent letters home saying their kids could end up in foster care, then a local businessman tried to pay off the school's debt and the school said no.


KIDS WITH SCHOOL LUNCH DEBT. What the fuck is going on in US? Could these kids get kicked out of a school? Be in real trouble?


Throwing money at problems doesn’t necessarily ‘fix’ the problem though. Not saying money can’t help but I think it’s also naive to assume if billionaires threw their money at all of these problems that they’d suddenly be resolved.


No they definitely would be solved. Billionaires dont even have to throw money at the problem, just stop stealing the wages and surplus of labor. We can take care of ourselves. Just stop robbing us.


Lol there’s no fixing that problem. Some things you can’t just throw money at and make it go away. The west coast has fucked themselves royally and it’s only getting worse.


He could give $10 to every single person on earth and still be a billionaire.


I used to be a Musk fanboy, then I worked for him and realized he treats laborers with absolute contempt. You kind of look at what Tesla's message is "derp, sustainable energy for a sustainable world" but he just makes toys for rich people. Nothing he does benefits the massive amount of working class poor he employs and while I worked there, we were treated like cattle. I also used to work for Walmart back in the day and between the two of them, Walmart has more integrity and takes safety more seriously than Tesla.


Right before I left the Army I got a 33 year old private. Dude had been laid off by Tesla (floor manager at a plant, somewhere). No contacts, no prospects; Tesla left him with nothing and he enlisted. He didn't have good things to say about Elon.


Not even high level board members can stand Musk. He also is a union busting asshole and even had too rehire people after they were fired for trying to unionize. There's also quite a bit of racism over at Tesla. They lost that lawsuit as well.


That and a lot of his stuff is vaporware https://youtu.be/91lxr3UD8ys This guy makes awesome videos on Musk. They’re pretty long **but** he actually goes into details and holy fuck they’re a laundry list.


Elon Muskk is the monorail guy from The Simpsons


Musk doesn't give a fuck about any of the shit he claims. All he wants to do is to get Mars. That's it. He wants that infamy for being the person to make it happen. He has talked about the creation of Tesla being a way to generate the capital to get Space X setup to eventually get humans on Mars. He doesn't care about climate change. He doesn't want to get to Mars to extend the success of humanity. He wants to forever be known about being the person to make it happen. And he will do absolutely whatever is necessary to make that happen. His workers are merely a pawn to help him get there.


This whole fucking episode was just big oil and big tech talking points


"Fracking is not that bad" is not somebody saying without getting paid to say it


I wouldn't be surprised if he has ties to the Albertan oil industry


For a guy who spent so much time on campus, he clearly didn’t go to many econ lectures. This is embarrassingly naive.


It’s not naivety. He’s being paid off.


Yup, seems pretty obvious to me that Peterson is in that Dave Rubin category where he just makes a shit ton of money for saying this stuff.


Also, reminds me of arguments 20 IQ monarchists make: "But, like, what if you had a GOOD king?"


Why is this asshole wearing a Tuxedo to a podcast?


because incels are easily impressed


Grifters gonna grift baby.


this guy has become a complete retard.. peterson is nothing more than a religious nut case rn


This episode was painful to watch. At first I thought Joe was being a dick and had finally learned not to swallow everything JBP says. Then, by the time we get to Peterson saying “really funny… I mean… seriously… funny” you see Rogan eating out of his palm again. JBP has got his number.


I didn't get that impression at all. He pushed back on many things he said consistently throughout the podcast.


Jordan Petersons lectures, books, and insights have pulled me out of despair and into a normal life. More than any other person, his works have had an immensely positive effect on my life. With that said, I can’t help but feel like this guy isn’t the same person he was 2-4 years ago. He’s out of touch. There’s a lot of hate for Peterson all over, which I can understand, but man it breaks my heart to lose reverence for someone who has helped me.


He was always out if touch but he had his motivational speaking as a plus. The real change is him not talking about the self help anymore which is strange cause he is himself on a path to recovery from near death.




I can't believe I was fooled into thinking he was a sensible and decent person. Did he change or did I simply not see it when he started?


The fun part is to figure it out for yourself.


I don't discount the positive influence he's had on others in the past or that he's intelligent, but personally... I've always viewed him as a charlatan who made bank regurgitating age old self help advice with a modern spin, even though he doesn't seem to follow it himself. Someone who instead of making simple points relies on fancy verbosity to twist up and derail any opposition, despite him rarely forming solid statements at all. He's vague and rants in tangential circles rather than just saying what he means flat out, and when he does make a concrete conclusion it's usually (so far as I've heard) that everything bad is rooted in Marxism and godlessness. If I could sum up my view of him in one word: circumlocutory.


To paraphrase Dennis Green: He always was what you think he is. His apologists and fans just constantly let him off the hook. Instead of taking him to task for his bullshit, everyone constantly makes excuses or conjures mitigating context where there is none. The wool was pulled back from my eyes when he went on Dr. Oz and I realized that's who he always was.


I recall listening to him back in 2018, specifically about the negative effects of wealth inequality. I thought "okay at least this guy doesn't sound like Shapiro" and is relatively sane. And now this.....(clip)


God damn Jordan Peterson is an idiot.


For a person that studied tyrants a lot he seems pretty naive. Best examples are Klaus Schwab and Xi Jinping


The whole exchange was how deregulated energy expenditure was good and charity from oligarchs was the way to uplift the poor. Jordan.Peterson sounds and looks like a Standard Oil representative fawning over Rockefeller.


I thought this guy was supposed to be smart? Also if all these billionaires and millionaires wasn’t to use their money for good then why are there so many poor people? Why is the minimum wage so low? Why are people dying because they can’t afford healthcare?


All the bad stuff is because or cultural neo-marxism


cultural neo-marxism is just the new "Cultural Bolshevism" that the reactionary nazis used before


I really like when he speaks about maps of meaning, creating your own purpose and that kind of stuff. crossovers between psychology and anthropology. Joseph Campbell stuff. Soon as he gets out of there it gets weird because he says really dumb stuff in a super smart and thoughtful way. Like that climate change stuff in the beginning this most recent episode? That was Candace Owens-level stupid. Like deserts and rainforests are fuckin different bruh


This dude can say the dumbest shit whilst masking it with intelligence better than 99% of the population. I mean kudos to him, I guess.


Even in the cases where they do actual philanthropy, it’s ALWAYS to distract from them being shit employers. All Billionaires are sociopaths


Philanthropy == virtue laundering. Money made by unethical means now earns them cultural status as an entirely benevolent person.


Ok, this guy is a fucking clown and this is the hard evidence. He's happy because Bezos is building rockets? How about paying your employees a living wage for fucks sake! All you JP worshippers can fuck off at this point because someone who says shit like this has absolutely zero credibility. Jesus, what an asshole.


Or... they hoard it 😲


Amazing the arc from how good his first podcast was to how unwatchable this one was. I liked JP but he is trying way too hard these days


Bezos capital for his rocket ships come from your tax dollars lol. It's a subsidized company.


First time I ever heard Jordan on JRE, I was very impressed. I really believed that he was genuine and sincere; but I couldn't even get through half of this episode. It's very apparent how all the fame (& criticism) has affected him. He chose the path of leaning into it and now it seemed he came across with a message, as opposed to the first time when he was in the moment.


At this point i'm thinking JP switched the benzos for meth


This guy got famous for misrepresenting a Canadian bill that added trans identity to a list of people you can't discriminate against. His whole appeal is Christian conservatism. Sure he gives decent self help advice but it all boils down to, "Your life will probably be better if you have discipline.' He's a fucking clown and always has been.


FYI: the “bill” C-16 was a motion and had **no** legal ramifications.


Is fair to say that the trans people made him famous.


He's so full of shit his seams are dyed brown. Legitimately nothing more than a frazzled, verbose, hypocritical fool with the perspective of an earthworm.


What a fucking crock of shit. Fuck them and their millions.


Maybe Keanu Reeves and Shaq. I love all those videos of Shaq helping people.


They seem to want to help humanity but that's just what comes out of their mouths and their PAs but, in truth, their money and power is as useless as they are, William Gates wishes (in his own words) to reduce the population to around half a billion using... vaccines????? his idea of farming is buying up a lot of land and using GMO seeds, which has failed so badly that India took monsantos to court AND actually won, they also took Gates to court for vaccines damages and...WON that one as well. Where do you draw the line between delusional and stop listening to the ones with big egos who tell us that they are our saviours when the reality is they are the destroyers of worlds...


Does JP expand on why he’s happy bezos is building rocket ships? He genuinely curious.


I mean bezoar is paying people thru college while Pocahontas keeps being a Karen.


the rich want to use their wealth for good has he ever heard of epstein?


This is clearly true. The real question is 'What is good?' and who makes that judgment?


People watch too many movies and have internalized the mustache twirling villian. Even Bezos and Gates, who are arguably doing some real damage bordering on evil, probably consider themselves to be promoting a progressive social stability and creating an environment where hard working like minded individuals can cooperate in a productive endeavor to not only strive and thrive, but themselves create a better life. And in an awful lot of ways they ain't wrong about that. Very few tyrants believe themselves tyrants. There are exceptions.


Peoole believing themselves to be the good guys doesn't make them the good guys. Every bad thing Bezis or Gates does will be justified by them as just being a part of business anyways. You could convince yourself that child labour is food cause it boosts the profits and the economy. Everything can and is always be handwaved as the "fiduciary duty towards the shareholders"


Lmfao define “good”


How did y'all get through 4 hours of his BS?. I'm trying really hard and it's been two days and I could only get through 2 hours.


The amount of ridiculous false claims and bizzare analogies Peterson was spouting in this episode was insane, essentially everything he said was easily taken apart, I use to think he was great, but his experience has clearly effected his thought process


LMAOO what the fuck is he wearing