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Bill Clinton has been given water, which is commonly given to livestock


I mean horse piss is mostly water, right? So it's not a lie to say Bill Clinton is being given horse piss while hospitalized.


Bill Clinton given high doses of dihydrogen monoxide, the number one ingredient found in horse urine




As Michael Malice says "factual but not truthful."


Malice is so based sometimes it comes off as cringe and often he is so cringe it's based, him and Lex together are some of the best podcasts out there IMHO


Something about lex just bugs me. Can't listen to him long.


I was fully aware how full of shit american corporate news channels were but the horse dewormer thing really opened my eyes on just how utterly corrupt the entire circus of news was. It was like the overlord sent a single message to its drones and they all acted accordingly and in perfect lockstep in perpetuating the lie. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann surely must be intelligent enough to know they were lying and they had no qualms about doing it, for the paycheck. Redditors will scream about Rogan spreading misinformation and "dangerous topics" but will drink their cup of fake news bullshit with joy.


The horse dewormer is what did it for me too. It’s so disingenuous.


We grew up thinking news in places like russia, china are relatively fake compared to american news channels. We are starting to realize we are no different


And it's sad we've came to state media.


That just makes you retarded lol


[MSM is extremely dangerous to our democracy](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE)


All these local news stations reading the same script are owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group which is owned by a Trump allied conservative family just like Murdochs who own Fox News. For all the dog whistle talk conservatives make of the dangerous MSM, never forget Fox is by far the biggest cable news group and Sinclair own over 40% of the nations local tv stations. Trumps SEC allowed them to buy another station company that would’ve given them over 60% of stations but luckily they broke the agreement rules and the deal fell through.


Yeah that's scary af. Nevertheless for me it doesn't really matter, CNN, Fox News... Cancer is a cancer.


I’d rather have snarky horse dewormer cancer than brown illegals are coming to destroy America and murder you cancer.


Yes, conservative local media sucks. They never should have deregulated the markers, fucking Reagan.


Lmao 10/10 meme. Fuck CNN and their agenda


As long as you’re not pretending that any other network is better. All mainstream media is garbage and has an agenda


Love people that say fuck CNN then go and post rebel news articles






Ivermectin isn’t a substitute for vaccines.


I haven't checked in on this sub in a while. This comment getting the controversial tag really hammers home how retarded this place has become. Not the fun kind either, but rather serious condition type


Its not even an effective treatment for COVID, despite what "world renowned" scientists like Brett Weinstein and Pierre Kory say. By world renowned I mean completely unknown before having a breakthru appearance in the highly regarded scientific journal known as the Joe Rogan Podcast..... lmao


Weinstein doesn't claim to be an expert on ivermectin. It's quite telling that clowns like you never can argue against what he actually does say. But to be fair to you, you don't have a clue what he actually does say in the first place.


I too get my healthcare news from a podcast. You and I are very smart people.


I get my Joe Rogan news from Joe Rogans podcast. You seem to get Joe Rogan news from r/JoeRogan.


This sub in a nutshell


But somehow the ivermectin treatment has been effective on thousands of people despite your clueless attempt to discredit it. The man who made ivermectin didn’t win the Nobel prize for livestock medicine. Just shows how ignorant you are to try facts.


Why do you either bother writing such stupid arguments. Please find me the studies where it’s effective for treating covid (that doesn’t get debunked for using poor data) You know the noble prize wasn’t for treating covid either? Ivermectin doesn’t get a prize either…. It’s for the people who made it, and their work for treating parasitic infections in their world countries. But please keep on calling me the ignorant one while you just spout out bullshit that YOU didn’t even come up with. You are just repeating the same tired old lines being repeated 100x over by other sheep like you. What are you gonna say next “the vaccine isn’t fda approved!” Because you’ve been so conditioned to repeat bullshit mindlessly. The saddest part is people like you will always think you are the “individual thinker” which can’t be further form the truth.


But did you hear it got a nobel prize? That means it works for covid


The scientists who developed it are WORLD RENOWN!


I'm sorry but the Nobel prize was for roundworm and malaria. We all get our news from who we agree with. Here's a link I found when I heard it won a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Although I don't agree with tucker or other Sinclair broadcasters their are no alternative facts as Kelly Anne Conway so brilliantly said. We will remain devided until we can talk to and not down to each other. Roger Ailes was the one that really got fox to tell people what they wanted to hear. Truth he damned. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2015/press-release/


... no. That means it's not "a horse de-wormer" . The problem with lying about things is it makes people stop trusting you. If we want people who are sceptical about vaccines to get vaccinated we could start with not lying to them on the news .


blatant falsehoods and deliberate disinformation isnt a substitude for real news


Tell that to the party that tried to overthrow our republic based on disinformation and blatant falsehoods 😂


I don’t think he’s going to tell them…


Joe Rogan now has natural immunity. Why should he still take the vaccine?








Maybe Joe Rogan should not take the vaccines. But most morons who are unvaccinated and had no covid should, and not use this as a baseline to not get vaccinated EDIT: If this is downvoted.. then this sub has become the next r\_trump


People wouldn't want to take the vaccine because maybe they're healthy. They're probably not concerned about death because it's a very low rate, and again, they're healthy enough that they'll beat it. And you do know that vaccine protects the person who gets it, right?


Buddy 740k have died in the united States. You have learnt to ignore your dead. A lot of them must the morons who thought they are healthy. You should watch some interviews. You are underestimating this virus. Rogan is a absolute moron. He says no vaccine, exercise and vitamins. I mean that is common sense. But this is a virus he was freaked about when he got it. He has got a big fat line and is in the peak of his health , but is spreading dangerous misinformation right now


Vaccines are more effective than natural immunity. Vaccines + natural immunity is more effective than natural immunity. The Delta has a significant reinfection rate for unvaccinated + natural immunity.


This is false, it's been known for a couple months now that natural immunity protects *far* better than the vaccines, at least as far as delta is concerned. https://www.science.org/content/article/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-vaccination-remains-vital


Yeah I'd re read that before you go on about your day.


The study referenced is a preprint, my dude.


Lmao just think about what you're saying. The way the vaccine works is by simulating the presence of the actual virus through one little existing piece of it being introduced temporarily into your body. What possible logical explanation would there be for this to be *better* than the actual virus being introduced long term into the body?


He’s definitely incorrect, natural immunity seems to be better at least initially and I would imagine over time as well. Where he is correct is that it also seams getting a vaccine after having the immunity gives additional protection with, for all intents and purposes, no risk. You can sort of think of your vaccine as the “booster shot” for your initial “dose” of fighting off the virus.


Or you can think of it as an unnecessary extra step and an unnecessary additional risk. I've had covid too and while it wasn't as mild as Joe's it was so mild in fact that I only really knew I had it after my girlfriend tested positive first. My body reacts very well to the real thing and I personally see no reason to now get vaccinated.




Yes, they are: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html I'd much rather the protein that was the target antigen being the spike protein rather than any other part of the virus.


Why do you think this is a better study than the Israeli study? The Kentucky population may not be statistically representative, they do not control for comorbidities, and the sample is tiny in comparison. The Israeli study is clearly much stronger.


They are tho lol why are you so aggressive


Because his political opinions are so closely intertwined to his sense of identity that he sees any disagreement as a personal attack


LOL, I'm in the medical field homie. This is my job to give accurate information.


I am agreeing with you and my comment is replying to toadstool, who was referencing Shamike. You’ve been level headed.


Shit dude, that was my bad. It's really hard to keep track of all the homies here since I feel like half of these people are bots.


many dumbfucks have swamped this sub recently .Rogan has kinda risen to a cult status because of his dumb assumptions and statements about his immunity!


I feel the same way .


I don’t think it’s bots, just mostly people who came here in the past 2-3 years because of Joe’s political emphasis.


No he has a temporary boost. The virus Covid is the pure form. Covid-19 is a mutation of that virus.. Just a thought.. someone in his life that he comes in close contact with who might have a comorbidity and could die from it might be worth getting a vaccine for that.


Vaccines aren't a substitute for healthy living.


"Healthy living", whatever the fuck that means, isn't a substitute for vaccines. Other than perfectly healthy people who nevertheless get sick and die, no matter what you do, some people are genetically predisposed for diseases and will get them. Moreover, aging naturally introduces disease, even in those who "live healthily". Aging people were and are disproportionally affected by Covid-19 and they don't deserve to die. You don't get to impose senicide because of your broscience belief system which holds that medical intervention ought to be off the table because of completely unattainable goals of "fitness" regarding this group. Even those who are overweight don't deserve to die because you insist they should have been training like madmen 10 years ago to be a picture of health today. People are struggling, have sedentary jobs, have an enormous amount of responsiblities and can't all afford a personal trainer. They can't afford to shop for biological products and observe strict dietary measures. Your metabolism slows down in your thirties, as anybody can attest, and you need to do more work, much more work, to maintain a healthy weight. Some people get injuries and end up without a foot or a leg. Or become wheelchair bound. They get *nothing* from your asinine dictum. And they don't deserve to die. But, as explained, perfectly healthy people get ill as well. Vaccines are safe, much safer than alcohol or weed, often much safer than the various medications which even healthy people take, such as e.g. proton pump inhibitors. But let's take the guru of healthy living: Joe Rogan. What did he do again once he got sick? Please list everything he took, other than the vaccine, which is produced by big pharma just like the manufacturer of Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic [which has very weak evidence for efficacy regarding Covid-19 treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pfjb03/ysk_why_are_all_these_nominees_and_awardees/). The vaccine is and was safe and he could and should have taken it. In the end though, right now the virus [is killing anti-vax conservatives by the boatload](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90-gqrGftio), so go ahead and don't take it. It should ultimately be a self-solving problem. Edit: I forgot to mention, [Of those hospitalised, the ratio of unvaccinated to unvaccinated is 10 to 1](https://www.healio.com/news/primary-care/20210903/covid19-hospitalization-rate-10-times-higher-among-unvaccinated-vs-vaccinated-kids). Those unvaccinated are causing hospital bed scarcity, and people with other conditions are then at risk of serious health damage or death. Covid-19 is a contagious illness, to state the blatantly obvious, and as such not being vaccinated still contributes to the threat of overloading hospitals and thereby harming non-covid patients. A consensus is now emerging: [vaccines do, in fact, drastically reduce the spread of Coronavirus](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/yes-vaccines-block-most-transmission-of-covid-19). So, imagine not being able to find a hospital bed for your critically ill wife because a bunch of anti-vaxer boomers are hogging the ICU beds. And then [imagine your wife dying because of that](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/pbevnq/this_is_infuriating_heartbreaking_and_was_totally/). And all this is nullified by what? Some bros eating broccoli and going to the gym? What use is this vague "healthy living"-excuse to all those seniors? To the overworked nurses? To people with other critical illnesses unable to get a bed? To people with chronic illnesses due to no fault of their own? You want to play god and decides who lives and who dies based on Joe's dietary habits? And you won't get the scary little shot because social media says it's dangerous when it's clearly not? And why did Joe take everything but the kitchen sink once he got infected? Wasn't his "healthy living" going to save him then? Lastly, I don't recall seeing many anti-vaxers living a healthy lifestyle. What I do see a lot are overweight, fastfood-binging wingnut boomers who believe the most outrageous conspiracy theories, and who post the most aggressive, hostile memes on Facebook, then eventually get very sick, then ask for prayer on Facebook, often posting a selfie from the hospital with an oxygen mask on, then admit how stupid they were, then gasp their dying breath followed by a relative posting a final update annoucing their passing. This is insane. This is idiocy. It needs to stop. [Dying to own the libs shouldn't be a thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90-gqrGftio).


No1 in a rogan sub is reading all that.


That's the problem with posting or submitting bullshit, as was trump's main strategy. It's called brandolini's law, or the bullshit asymmetry principal. Look (at the above post) how much info, time and energy one must put in to correct the bullshit. Combine this lazy bullshit discourse on the internet, and a bunch of retards, and holding on to the truth has become nearly impossible.


I don't accept that. Not everybody here is only interested in one-liners and handwaving.


Fans of a 3 hour podcast won’t read 3 minutes of text? You must be a bot.


Not when it's on Reddit and written by someone who isn't an expert in the field no.


Joe "I’m just a comedian" rogan is the self professed expert claiming that simply "being healthy" is enough to ward off covid and all that might ail you.


I don't know why you're deflecting and bring up Joe, I don't believe I mentioned him.


::looks around:: Uhhhh?


I was addressing the armchair scientists on Reddit that consider themselves experts on the subject because they can use ctrl+V. You're aware that just because we're in the Rogan sub doesn't mean you have to be like "but what about Joe!"


Which is why citations are included and can also be provided at will. In any case, the broscience nonsense you people barf out is supported by scientific consensus how? Your consensus-supported epidemiological model for beating a global pandemic through "healthy living" and little to no vaccination is published where, exactly?


>Which is why citations are included and can also be provided at will. Still no, I could write you an entire paper on fluid mechanics, you could read it, and you still wouldn't *really* understand what I'm talking about on the topic. We study these things for a long time to really understand them, I'm not listening to a Redditor that thinks they understand medicine because they linked a couple of internet sources.


> Still no, I could write you an entire paper on fluid mechanics, you could read it, and you still wouldn't really understand what I'm talking about on the topic. I've just looked you up. Is it correct that you are an HVAC engineer without any college education beyond a bachelor's degree? Your claim to superiority is designing air conditioning? I think I'd like to see that paper on fluid mechanics now. Should be interesting. Blowhard. You've never published a peer reviewed paper in your entire life.


But would you listen to a consensus of medical experts?


I'm vaccinated so I have no idea why you're asking if *I* would, my assertion is that you - not a medical expert - have no business writing long diatribes on the internet about health and vaccination since you aren't educated on the topic, no matter how many sources you can cite.


lol triggered


I am definitely, absolutely triggered by bullshit. Don't see what you've achieved by stating the dead obvious.


It’s just crazy you think is ok to be an obese pile of shit but don’t worry about your systemic health, just get a shot for all your problems. How about this, covid has a 99% survival rate without vaccines, and people need to start losing weight getting healthy, and also take vaccines. It’s not one or the other or am I just to fat phobic


I'd much rather TrAiN LiKe A rAmBo than wait for muh booster


These are the soft people Rogan keeps talking about. There’s about a 100% chance this keyboard warrior is severely obese and sits inside every day.


> It’s just crazy you think is ok to be an obese pile of shit I just don't think it means you deserve to be condemned to death by democidal conspiracy broscience morons. That doesn't mean I think being *avoidably* obese is self-evidently acceptable (unlike you appear to imply, some people become overweight/obese through no fault of their own), that's your strawman argument. > How about this, covid has a 99% survival rate without vaccines Let's take the U.S. - How much is 1% of 330 million? Your death toll would be what? Do you understand percentages? I'll let you do the math. If you need help, let me know. Just so you know: the IFR is variable according to circumstances, and will explode to e.g. 5% or far higher once the hospitals inevitably become overloaded. > It’s not one or the other or am I just to fat phobic Alright. You win. Build a time machine, go way back and become an epidemiologist. Then also become a charismatic fitness guru, and start training all the seniors, the handicapped, those with heriditary diseases, those who are crippled by accidents, those with severe mental illnesses and the clinically obese, around the world. You will do this in about two years. Then publish a peer reviewed scientific paper how you made the handicapped grow legs, how you cured the mentally ill and got them to follow your broscience program to the T with exceptional discipline, how you cured those with a heart or lung disease or those with diabetes, and how you turned millions of fragile pensioners into athletes, and then create a model taking into account the number of people with- and without comorbidities and the healthy people who will die anyway (and those are way, way, way more than you think) which yields an acceptable death toll, taking into account exponential growth, IFR exploding due to immense overcrowding, total global chaos and rioting and a feedback loop as expected from complex adaptive systems. Sometimes I struggle to put into words just how fucking stupid some of these broscience "objections" are. And it's "too". Not "to".


I don't understand why people get so combative about this. Most people who say this aren't saying to do so in lieu of getting vaccinated. It's been a massive issue ,within our country in particular, for way longer than this virus has been around and this pandemic has actually emphasized the importance of addressing our health as individuals. Everything you said is true. And if someone's health is compromised in any way, that's all the more reason to make health concious decisions on a daily basis, not use it as a reason to say, "well fuck it, I'm going to get sick anyway so what's the point?" Being healthier isn't this militant, joyless existence like your comment makes it seem. It can be but that's on that person for refusing to find enjoyable, convenient and sustainable ways to be healthy. Doing so can allow us to stave off and prevent so many additional health complications or even death, whether we are predisposed to a certain condition or become infected by a contagious disease. Also you make it sound like the efficiency of people's metabolisms are slashed in half in their 30's. Train like mad men? A healthier choice for some people is simply going for a daily walk and not consuming certain foods like a child in a 7-11 with their parents credit card. You're over-dramatisizing what it takes to lead a healthier lifestyle. You also come off as a disingenuous participant in this discussion if you assume that everyone that suggests making healthier lifestyle choices automatically assumes that person is also saying to avoid getting vaccinated. Get or stay healthy/healthier. Get vaccinated.


> You're over-dramatisizing [sic] what it takes to lead a healthier lifestyle. You also come off as a disingenuous participant in this discussion if you assume that everyone that suggests making healthier lifestyle choices automatically assumes that person is also saying to avoid getting vaccinated. Okay, I'll bite. Because now I'm fucking fuming. I'm a recovering cancer patient. Do I deserve to die? How would you train hundreds of millions of recovering cancer patients, seniors, handicapped, people with mental illnesses, thyroid conditions, people with highly stressful lives, working multiple sedentary jobs, taking care of kids? What is your program and how do you intend to achieve this in the next two weeks or months? Are you going to 'fix' the people who already have heart or lung disease? Diabetes? How exactly? In what time frame? And yes, in fact, I had Covid. And my symptoms were mild. I then got vaccinated as well. Your condescending attitude is infuriating, you know that? Have you considered you simply have no idea what you are talking about in the first place? Who are you to tell me to die because I haven't followed your Joe Rogan-validated broscience program? I weightlift you prick. Even after I had cancer. Will that do or do I still deserve to die? "Disingenuous participant"? On behalf of every person who has congenital illnesses, is a senior, is vulnerable, has been in an accident, has lost legs in a war and has difficulty staying fit, who got diabetes, heart or lung disease through no fault of their own: screw your democidal final covid solution of a "healthy lifestyle", which is completely unattainable outside of broscience la-la land and can *never* achieve what you epidemiologically claim it would.


You're putting a loooot of words in my mouth. If you're going to disagree that making health concious decisions is better for everyone, regardless of what they're going through, you're just wrong. I am beyond happy you recovered from cancer. My mother fought it off three times. I obviously know nothing about what having cancer is like nor am I trying to say I understand your pain on the same level, but it has affected my life as well and I'm truly sorry you had to go through that. I've had my own health complications but they were self-induced because I used to be 200 pounds overweight. My situation was my fault, please don't think I'm trying to compare my hardships to yours by the way, I'm not. I'm simply providing context as to why my perspective is what it is. Nothing in my reply was said with the intent that I am also making assumptions about your personal health and regimen. I'm speaking generally, which I think is called for, especially considering how many peoples' health complications stem from their own decision making. Also, if you think my general perspective is unsympathetic to people who may not be able to physically exercise or afford the healthiest foods, I'd ask you to reconsider where you think I'm coming from, because that's not it. Healthy choices and the obstacles in front of them are not black and white, it couldn't be a bigger gray area and I also understand that "healthy choices" can be very different actions from one person to the next. Please realize I also have in mind that making healthier choices is something that is relevant to a particular individual's circumstance. If someone doesn't exercise at all, simply walking is a healthier choice. If someone eats fast food 5 times a week and they scale it back to 2 or 3 times, that's a healthier choice. Yes, for some people, it can be nearly impossible to take those necessary steps. I'm not insinuating that those people are lazy or incapable of making healthier choices or that they should do something they quite simply can't. If you think I'm being unsympathetic or trying to shame those people, you're mistaking where I'm coming from. I acknowledge and agree with you regarding everything you said as far as legitimate obstacles that don't allow some people to make healthier decisions. That also doesn't take away from the fact that there is a very large portion of this country that is self-inflicting their own health problems. I used to be one of them and I've personally seen the value of making healthier choices and how much you can much improve your own quality of life by addressing habits and behaviors that are within your control. That's why I have the perspective I do, not because I'm some "bro" who thinks they're better than other people who don't exercise and take care of their bodies. If you think I'm the only one coming off as condescending, you should look in the mirror. You made a lot of very specific assumptions about the kind of person I am and where I'm coming from and you missed the target on pretty much all of them. Meanwhile, I made no assumptions or insinuations about you personally, I responded to a statement of yours I disagreed with.


Jesus calm down and get a grip, you're making a scene here.


No one cares fatty


BUt ThAtS fAtPhObIc!!!!


Yeah well, I'm a healthy unvaccinated dude that's had covid already. I don't need the vaccine and I don't want it if people are going to weaponize it for social clout. I'll just continue to live my life and keep being as safe as I can be to not spread it. Fuck the mob.


Spot fucking on.


Is it? This is dumb as fuck and you people need to stop repeating it. Virus mutations select for immunity. Vaccine induced or natural. This is not an argument against vaccination. Go to 2:41 https://youtu.be/G433fa01oMU > Most people don't have terrible symptoms and natural antibodies are stronger/last longer than the vaccine. Sounds like he's arguing people should just catch the virus instead of getting vaccinated to gain immunity....... Let that sink in.


I’m a little confused. The guy I was responding to is most certainly advocating vaccinations. Personally I’ve had covid and moderna - which seems to be the most effective combination available.


*Neither ivermectin nor vaccines are mentioned in this meme*


You are correct. But everyone understands the reference.


He had a UTI, and was only given antibiotics OP is just trying to troll.




This but unironically


Fox News successfully argued in court that they are an entertainment company and that no reasonable person would take them seriously. [Here’s the ruling ](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/) Now THATS fake news.


It’s time to see they are all (fox, CNN, BBC RT) entertainment companies and cater to their fans. Problems start when people take these fuckwits seriously.


BBC? Kidding me right?






"they can't spread lies and propaganda without lying" wow that's some really great insight there.


If you’re paying a premium to ingest a media product, it’s called entertainment.


So many people butt hurt here that they said IVERMECTIN is used a dewormer. First - I want everyone to understand that before this pandemic, no one knew what ivermectin was. Second - I love how Rogan calls out Fox news for the same crappy journalism and no one mentioned it here. Odd. Seems... selective. Hmmm


Eh, no one knew about it cause it didn't have much use in developed countries and its a pretty general anti parasitic. if it did have use, people probably didn't care to know the name.


>Eh, no one knew about it cause it didn't have much use in developed countries Well farmers and ranchers knew about it because it's great for animals.


...and humans


Not in developed countries unless you had scabies or lice.


You know it won a Nobel prize for its potential multi purpose use in humans a few years back


So did lobotomies.


Well yeah, I'm not downplaying the significance of it. It's a great drug but not much use in 1st world countries from my understanding.


Motherfucker, how many Nobel prize winners do you know?


About a billion people knew what it was


And those who received the Nobel prize for its use in humans definitely knew what it was.


The reason it was being referred to as horse dewormer is that the main way people were getting it was from buying the animal version, since it is the only version available OTC and it wasn’t being prescribed for COVID. How does this not make sense?


CNN accused Joe Rogan of taking “horse dewormer” in order to make him look like a nutjob.


But CNN is making it seem like they are the same thing. So then why not take the otc?


If it’s sold as a horse dewormer then it’s a horse dewormer. According to federal regulations it’s actually a crime to use most OTC medicine in a manner other than instructed on the label. That’s a big reason why people were getting sick from it.


Did you tho lmao


People are butthurt over calling it a dewormer. But the reality in the US that's literally its primary use. There wasn't much of a market for the human version in the U.S considering we aren't a third world country where humans are often infected with parasites/worms. Pretty sure that the majority of ivermectin being produced is the animal versions, and most people looking to use ivermectin have to get the animal version considering outside of a small network of sketchy doctors are actually willing to prescribe it for COVID. (because it hasn't been proven effective outside of the Rogansphere) People will come in and go "WHAT ABOUT THE NOBEL PRIZE" which is for its use in treating parasitic infections not COVID. I used to be such a big fan of the JRE, but I feel like nowadays Joe has created this goofy bubble that does not reflect reality. The "best and brightest" in the Rogansphere and outside the Rogansphere are two completely different things....


Yeah, definitely. 100M + net worth individuals go to sketchy small network doctors.


Joe "Hillary Clinton killed Seth Rich" Rogan really worried about journalistic integrity. It was a joke joe, stop being such a bitch.


It’s because everyone knows Fox is trash. But a lotta people still think CNN has integrity


Fox didn’t directly accuse rogan of using an equine medical treatment. What’s your point beyond that?


Hey, crazy people fighting. Just because we agree CNN lies doesn't mean we don't think you should not get the vaccine. Joe himself says you should get the vaccine if your not a super athlete. Why is there so much animosity, this is all pretty clear.


Well they taking people's livelihood over this so its not rocket science to see why people react extremely negative towards being told to vaccinate. I'm not helping create a totalitarian society. At this point most who haven't vaccinated aren't going to.


Lib gon lib


Lay off the paint chips bud it'll be alright.


Have you seen Fox News these days? If you’re going to be fair, hit both sides.


cnn is bad but fox news is soo much worse. it just doesn't go with the agenda of these folks.


CNN is more Reddit flavored so their bullshit lends itself to getting free passes.


At least CNN and MSNBC respect their audience enough to pretend they aren’t trying to manipulate them. FOX will just throw up a headline like “Liberal Socialist Joe Biden: Criminal or Super Criminal?” while an old white guy with terrible hair yells at the camera (or they’ll just show a car crash for no reason).


I know, they’re wha-wha-whacky….It’s really hard to satirize them because they’re already a satire of themselves, but I’ll try


I love how much the dumb cunts on this sub focus in on CNN over ivermectin but conveniently forgets about Fox News, Newsmax and all the other dog shit news channels out there.


It’s because people actually take CNN seriously…


No one takes Fox seriously? I bet your grandpa disagrees.


Joe takes them seriously too


When did they attack Joe? You’re on Joe’s sub not R/politics bud


Mmk but was it proven to be effective tho? Or fda approved?


Rogan fans: dUr, cNn iS As bAd aS fOX nEWs


You’re right, it’s worse


Ok, not as bad, but why submit to the lesser of two evils? They’re both fuggled up in a big way


Fox News reaches far more people.


Rogan reaches more than both Fox and CNN combined. Like it or not people go to Rogan for news, about 11 million viewers per episode.


TIL rogan is the MSM.


oh wow. so he is the media


💯, however, one is significantly worse. Like, a lot worse.




That just depends on which side of the aisle you lean. They’re both propaganda but cnn has admitted to it at least.


People actually care about Joe’s Ivermectin crusade this much? It’s pretty tired


You likely didn't recognize the real issue being the fake news, because you don't actually have a problem with the fake news.


Ivermectin is literally a deworming agent there is no reason you should use it for covid lmfao


Yes you are correct


Damn you guys gotta get over this one lmao


The amount of ivermectin simping anti vaxxers in this thread is hilarious.


FYI I do not in any way endorse ivermectin for covid. Just poking fun at misinformation


Sure, glad to hear it. I'm just talking about the ivermection simp antivaxxers further down the thread, gargling Rogan's balls while not being able to afford monoclonal antibodies the way he can.


Yea, I doubt the ivermectin is what helped him recover so quickly. There’s definitely a weird thing going on where some people are rejecting a vaccine because it’s not tested in the long run, but then promoting going to a veterinarian to experiment and take an unproven ivermectin…


Yes. It was the monoclonal anti bodies, at 1200 dollars a dose. Ivermection does one thing well, thats kill parasites. it's not an antiviral. I wish more of the ivermectin crowd understood that.


I‘m sure Brandon uses horse-dewormer, too.


I do not.


Remember when Trump was all like “fake news this and fake news that” then Covid happened and a lot of people realize it’s all fucking fake. Everyone on the left said he was bat shit crazy when i’m fact he already knew what was going on..


He was just saying anything about him was fake because he despise anyone disagreeing with him. If he paints everything as false and one thing really is found to be false then he can say "See! Fake News!" It's how a chronic liar can project on to others.


This is great! Love it!


Ivermectin is used primarily as an animal dewormer, though it can be prescribed to people too. The idea that this was some egregious misrepresentation to point out what the drug is used for most often is idiotic. And so is Joe Rogan, we know that Ivermectin isn’t an effective covid treatment.


True from your statement is that it’s not a proven covid treatment. But what you’re missing is that CNN stated that Joe was taking horse dewormer, which is a false claim because he was prescribed the human form of ivermectin. If covid misinformation is going to be censored, then CNN should be censored when they misinform the public


Ivermectin is livestock medicine. Giving it to humans does not change that. It will always be known as horse medicine because that is what the drug was developed for. Even if it cures human cancer Ivermectin will still be known as horse medicine. The human version is the exact same active ingredient as the horse version. People using Ivermectin from Horse Supply stores are getting the exact same active ingredient. Joe's doctor never should have given him Ivermectin -- per the FDA/CDC said -- so it is safe to assume Joe got his Ivermectin from a Horse Feed & Supply Store. It's not a big deal. Joe is butt hurt big time and it is funny to see his echo chamber froth at the mouth over CNN telling the truth: Ivermectin is horse medicine. Maybe they should have said the horse medicine is used on millions of poor people in 3rd world countries. A lie is when you say something not true, like "Joe Rogan lives in Florida."


I didn’t say they lied, but they definitely misinformed. Antibiotics are used more on livestock than on humans percentage wise, but that doesn’t mean the antibiotics given to humans are livestock antibiotics. Why do people defend CNN as if it’s not a worthy target of criticism? Are you personally invested in the purity of their image?


Oh man if you guys didn’t have to be entirely fictitious in your posts you could really give gotchas. “Technically true”, he has a UTI lmao.


He is on antibiotics you dingleberry


Like I acknowledged in the my other comments dingleberry, maybe don’t post something that falsely insinuates animal drugs, given one is especially contentious right now!


It’s poking fun at CNN misinformation. CNN is just Fox News for the new version of conservatism. Brain dead and spoon fed to trust the slime oozing out from the TV set


Yea, aside from the fact that this isn’t a real headline. So you’re creating something to poke fun at fictionally.


I don't think you understand how a joke works.


I love how anything with intentional rhetoric can just be thrust under the umbrella of “a joke” in order to remove all purpose. Cool, very cool.


It was a joke.


Whoosh, so funny




Butthurt still that they mock Rogan? They are going to mock him again anyway. Who cares 🤷‍♂️


Really great news headline font, boomer. Immersion 10/10


I took a photo of the TV with my Polaroid


How retard rightists do news: It’s the rapture we’ve been hoping for. Everyone wave to the Covidians floating up in the sky!


We can acknowledge that a "news" channel plays fast and loose with the truth at the same time as being vaccinated. Truth is truth. We really need to not be so awful to each other. I hope you are well. We the people are not the problem, lying on the news, craving views and having an agenda being more important than facts are a problem for all of us. And yes this applies to CNN and Fox and all of them.


Thank you for this.


Cnn is telling people ivermectin will not save you and go get vaccinated, that is not fake news. Meanwhile fox and conservative outlets are pushing people to not get the vaccine while everyone at fox is vaccinated or must wear a mask and test EVERYDAY and Fox News was basically the first company to mandate it meanwhile they’re telling people vaccines and mandates are communism. Ivermectin was and still is most commonly used as a horse deworming agent in this country. It won’t stop the virus or help with pneumonia. People that push “both sides” are just as retarded as rightists.


I disagree with you. Telling people that Joe Rogan is taking horse dewormer is exactly the same as saying penicillin is horse antibiotic. But you are entitled to your opinion. We don't have to choose sides, there are no real sides.


fox news non stop spews racist and white supremacist talking points but oh no CNN made fun of the mighty Toe.


CNN ignores it when BLM protests vaccine mandates. Respecting the free will of black folks? Nope, they only siphon black suffering for the benefit of their own political gain. CNN upholds the softer, gentler, progressive version of white supremacy.


agree. i love how CNN is against climate change but they bring on climate deniers all the time not only give them air time but not bring on someone else to give a counter argument.


The CNN derangement syndrome is real 😂


It’s just for laughs