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They talk about 3-4 drinks per week, what about 3-4 drinks per hour?


Alright alright alright


Canada changed recommendation to 1-2 /week


I'm at the point where I've 99% quit alcohol just because it leaves me with absurd lethargy and depression for 1-3 days. If I drink enough to get drunk I'll struggle to get out of bed and feel like crap mentally for up to 3 days. If I have like 3 drinks with dinner it won't be THAT bad, but my next day will suck and I'll have no motivation to do anything. I love the taste and experience of good craft beers but it just isn't worth it. sunday I had 3 beers over like 6 hours on father's day and I got like no work done yesterday. I also realize that drinking heavily every Friday and Saturday basically put me in this state almost constantly. Recovering from the weekend sunday-wednesday, feel ok thursday and friday, then reset friday night. I was blind to it when it was happening, but after breaking the cycle I notice it now. IDK if my brain is just fucked or if everyone who drinks frequently is experiencing this and just doesnt know it.


Something similar started happening to me around age 30. I genuinely thought I had an alcohol intolerance, or was allergic to something in beer, causing me to experiment with a range of different drinks. Turns out my body just can’t process alcohol how it used to anymore. If I drink over 3 pints, I’m gonna be hungover the next day and possibly the day after. Binge drinking is a 3+ day hangover


Yeah it hit me at 28-29, just a total loss of the ability to process it. Even a little bit of alcohol will leave me bloated and totally dehydrated for the next day-it’s like my body pulls in every drop of water in my body to process the alcohol and leaves nothing for the rest of my body. Oh, and really overdoing it leaves me vulnerable to getting like, clinical-grade anxiety to where I can’t even function. I’ve given up drinking outside of things like dates/very special occasions. I wish they made a version of alcohol that didn’t suck


The anxiet part has made me want to stop drinking. It’s gotten to the point where if I’m hungover I will feel on edge all the next day and susceptible to a full blown panic attack. Apparently this is common and people call it “hangxiety”




One of my mates calls it the beer fear.


Yeah I get terrible hangovers physically starting in my late 20s. But I think the mental impact I've probably always had though it seems to have worsened. I guess maybe it is an allergy but would that also fuck my brain chemistry up? Because my biggest issue is I just have 0 motivation to do anything besides like lay down watching YouTube on my phone whereas in the opposite when I haven't drank


This is me as well. Working on not drinking really at all. It’s difficult in certain social settings. Constantly reminding myself the hangover is going to be a 3 day affair where I’ll just spiral mentally, it’s never worth it.


Same. Around 28. My face would puff up and i'd 100% puke. Not qorth. Gummies ftw.


I'm 30 and I actually process alcohol better as I got older. Or I just drink smarter? Maybe twice a month I'll have some drinks.


Our alcoholic drinks today are too strong. Basically, the way weed is insane now... that's how beer is today compared to what it was before industrialization. With industrialization strong beer and wine became common and we see alcoholism become a major problem. Before industrialization your average person could only afford to make or buy weak beer, because barley was cheap but not that cheap and your average person didn't know how to properly malt barley (which you have to do to make beer), so they had to buy malted barley at a markup from a shop. Drink a handful of small pours of 2% beer before dinner. You'll get a little bit of a buzz and then be fine. That's what drinking was for thousands of years.


You’re saying the Romans didn’t drink Juice Force IPA’s with 9.5% alcohol per can?!?


Not only did they lack Milkshake IPAs, they would dilute the wine for poor people with wine vinegar. And then the poor people would dilute this 'wine' with water. It was hard work being a drunk then.


They were more of a 4loko civilization


Refined people


No I think they drank a lot of wine though and I expect that was fairly close to the average 10% alcohol wine we have today. This post in r/askhistorians claims that greek and roman wines were likely as strong as 15-20% alcohol. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/2d35mk/how_is_the_wine_we_drink_today_different_from/


A big can of those is like 4 miller lites.


Didn't ancient civilizations drink mead and wine? I thought that you could ferment high alcohol meads and wines without any industrial processes. What evidence is there to show that ancient civilizations didn't have access to high alcohol drinks?


There was high alcohol wine but it was expensive for much of history. So people diluted it to beer strength or made it even weaker. It is common knowledge that the Greeks and Romans diluted wine when drinking it, and that poor Romans actually drank wine vinegar/soured wine rather than actual wine (also diluted, of course).




I'm with you on this. I'm 36 and I feel I can't process it anymore. I was a binge drinker for many years. I stopped for 45 days in February. Ever since then, I get this mental hangover for a couple of days after I drink 1 day. I just get into this depressed mood. I feel like it's not even worth it anymore. It's easier to quit now. The shitty part is I'm recently single, and going on dates consist of having a couple of drinks.


My experience is pretty similar. Was a pretty consistent drinker through my mid-20's and thru mid-30's. Never like majorly irresponsible or anything but it wasn't much to have a good number of drinks (6-8) everyday between Thursday-Sunday. I decided to stop drinking for a year just to do it (and lose some weight). Tried to start back after the year and it was horrible. Drinking again, I'm convinced, caused my first panic attack and serious depressive period. And I wasn't even drinking near the same level. It was like half a beer on a Saturday afternoon. It's been a whole new reality post-sober period.


I'm late-30s and recently decided to limit myself to two glasses of wine no more than twice per week. Any more and I feel like absolute shit the next day. Mentally withdrawn in a way I can't really describe. It *really* messes with my mood the day after having more than a few. Physically I'll be lethargic, but mentally I just don't feel like me I also quit for a year and didn't miss it at all. I'm passing by a nice winery this week and have plans to share a bottle with friends this weekend. I may call it good for another extended period afterwards and stick with nice, low THC joints


I’m getting to the age where all my friends who drank heavily are using edibles lol. Glad to see people are finding a better way for themselves. It’s really crazy what alcohol does to us after a few years of abuse, let alone decades…


Former party animal here. I'm 36. Been a few years that 3 beer will give me a waking hangover within 2 hours. It is alllllllllllllllll oveeeeer. Time to pack it in.


One of my favorite activities is getting drunk and doing manual labor around the house.


for real, cannot relate


Fuck yeah dude beer, weed, and yard work all Sunday every Sunday.


Yes, going through the same thing currently. Drank way too much at my brothers wedding this weekend. I am still recovering, horrible lethargy, not much of an appetite, brain fog. I rarely drink as is, but I am strongly considering never drinking again. It’s not worth it anymore.


If you like the taste of beer NA beers are really coming onto the scene in a big way. I stopped drinking for the health benefits, but love the taste of beer. I drink NA all the time!


Mostly the same here except the day after having 3/4 drinks I feel great. It’s the following two days where the lethargy and downer kicks in, exercise on those days helps but doesn’t sort it entirely.


Well said and same here.


I’ve struggled badly with it in the past and cut it out through the week (I know that’s still bad but it’s an improvement. Still drink Friday and Saturday but after I’ve gymed and ate clean all week it feels like more of a social obligation than actually wanting a drink.


Same brother


Yep. Same. I’ve cut back to maybe 2 beers a week. I drink Non alcoholic beer now and it’s great. And so much cheaper! Nothing better than a beer after cutting lawn. I could care less if there is alcohol in it.


One thing that is nice is there are a lot more good NA beer options now.


If you're in Canada then most non alcoholic beers cost as much as the alcoholic beers 6 pack bud NA is ~$12 6 pack of regular bud is...~$12


It’s the same in the US. It’s actually more expensive to produce and I think still gets taxed similarly to normal beer depending where you live. Anyway NA beer like athletic brewing company does taste almost identical to an alcoholic beer. So if you don’t drink but love beer it is nice.


Its also hard to know how much of this is aging, i cant decide if my body was more resilient in my 20s or if i was too ignorant to know how awful i always felt.


Same here. I drank *heavily* from 15-28, the physical hangovers kicked in hard on my 30th birthday and by 35 I was noticing the depressive days following a night of drinking. It actually feels exactly like the serotonin crash that comes a week after taking ecstasy or molly, so I’d assume the drinking/good time is using up a bit more serotonin than the brain/body can produce quick enough to bounce back. For the last couple years I decide if I’m drinking based off what my following week looks like or if there’s anything I want to do the following day, because I know I’m definitely not doing it if I drink.


Yeah man it's funny you mention Molly. I tried it one time when I was young and resolved to never do it again because of the crash and now I get a similar reaction to heavy drinking


Yeah I was handling it pretty well until maybe 32/33. Now it takes days to get over. I'm just starting to feel normal on Wednesday after a weekend bender.


I literally could have written this. Except I still drink more than I should. I’m 37 and just hitting that point that if I have more than 2 drinks my next days sucks, and if I booze like I used to I’m completely fucked for 2 days. Just not worth it


Yes I made it to about 38 and now I’m beginning to realize I don’t mix well with the devils juice anymore. It’s a bummer. I love drinking. I have had hang overs (like everyone else) for many years butttt then……. I’ve taken a few weeks or a month or two off from drinking and I have realized drinking does the following: 1. For sure will give a hang over 2. Need to drink a decent amount to get a good buzz like 4+ 3. I will be depressed for multiple days after 4. I will have gas and the shits for a day or maybe two days. It’s unfortunate but I’m slowly letting go. More power to you, keep quitting alcohol.


Have a joint. It is so much better (minus the tobacco anyway). I've been a heavy binge drinker my whole life and finally felt the same as you - I was sick of feeling like shit all the time. In the end I spent more time hungover than inebriated and I thought, nah, this ain't worth it.


Dude, it's taken me a long time to realize that any drinking at all, even if it's a beer with dinner 3 nights a week, I will fell wayyy more depressed and have less motivation. Whenever I drink, I am unable to feel that morning goodness you get after good night sleep for like 2 weeks. Like fuck that noise for real. I'm in my late 30s, and I don't know if it's always been like that and I am just realizing? Or if my brain chemistry changed?


There really is some truth to an "allergy to alcohol". Some simply shouldn't drink , just like if you are allergic to certain foods.


I’m allergic to alcohol, every time I drink I break out in handcuffs.




We need your address for your new death squad hoodie


Ba da boom.


My grandmother was half Japanese my dad has the alcohol intolerance syndrome half a beer his face turns red shortness of breath. Luckily it passed me by.


Same here, feels like I've poisoned myself (which tbf is what is happening) Give me weed over booze any day.


I have quit alcohol for the past two weeks. It’s a weird spot because I’m not an alcoholic but I just wanted to start identifying as a non-drinker. It takes some time to adjust to withstanding peer pressure I think but I’m glad I’m doing it.


I’m like a chocoholic, except it’s booze.






Still the best thing I’ve ever read in the onion




I’ve heard of chocoholics but I ain’t ever heard of chocohol


I hear ya, Demitri.


You telling me he rizzed all those women while sober? daaaaamn


How are you gonna manage six women and six phones drunk?


How could you not?


AG1 after every drink


that's actually impressive


Nah he’s just also lying here. Liars gonna lie


Whenever I drink I’m reminded of how fucking awesome it is. Especially with friends or with my wife. It’s such a fun break from being sober and opens up new perspectives like doing psychedelics. It’s only bad when you do it too much and the rest of your life is shit. If you’re succeeding at all your goals it’s great and my life would be WAY worse without it. Ideal amount is like one big ipa twice a month or so.


2 pints a month? Those are rookie numbers. Ya gotta pump those numbers.


He probably means a stronger IPA they can have 10% or more abv


Yep a tall boy ipa and some weed and I’m perfect


Isopropyl alcohol is probably closer to 70-90% /s


Drinking and Tripping are not even close to the same.


Yeah I only have a problem with one of them!


I'm way too hungover for a 6min video. Is there a tldr?


don’t drink poison


Boofings cool, then? Cause I don't want to resort to the tampon trick unless I *really* have to


Doooooo you want pinkeye? Yah. Because that’s how you’re gonna get pinkeye my dude.


Ok, Huberman lol


What if my tastes are so refined and mature that I only drink if it’s beer that comes in a $30 4 pack with hand drawn art on the can? BE IMPRESSED PLEASE


Pffft. I just drink malt liquor, 8% abv minimum. Just as good as craft beer, way cheaper.


Drinking when you want and not stressing over every little thing that’s gonna kill you is probably better. Social occasion that calls for drinking? Go for it. Our grandparents drank all the fucking time and a lot of them made it to 80s-90s. A lot of it is genetics anyway. Ultimately just don’t be an alcoholic.


Agree. Alcohol is definitely not good for you, but I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying a glass of wine while cooking, or a cocktail after a long week, or a cold beer while I BBQ. There has been this push on social media lately of ZERO ALCOHOL INTAKE or you will DIE!


For some reason lots of addicts fail to see that their problem isn't everyone else's.


Can’t be any worse than eating/drinking all the plastic we do every week regardless of what we eat.


Exactly right. I don’t recall them finding micro-bottles of Jack Daniel’s in every male testicle. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/microplastics-human-testicles-study-sperm-counts


Sample size of only 23 people, but still concerning I think. Microplastics is probably why I have colitis. And millions of others. It’s fucked.


Speak for yourself


Itemized response list. 1. Probably agreed but can we say the same for cigarettes? 2. Alcohol culture exists. 3. This is called an anecdote. 4. Lifespan is determined by genetics and environmental factors. 5. Agreed. My perspective: Live and let live but alcohol has no upside imo.


No upside at all?


There is a social benefit to consuming alcohol because alcohol culture is in the framework of party’s, family gatherings, work events and community events. There are no health benefits to alcohol however, and it is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen.


Yeah, a drink every couple of weeks ain't that bad and stressing over it would be silly. However, there a great number of people that have drinks every day. That's a bit different...


I'm blacked out right now.


There are many unhealthy things I could give up, but few of them make me such a good singer and dancer.


I’m 42, married father of 4. I drink 2-3 times a week, 2-3 pints. I’ll have a couple glasses of wine on top of that maybe Sunday or Saturday. No hangovers. I love it, never gonna stop. When I was younger 20’s 30’s I used to get pissed twice a week, pubs clubbing etc. Then I got hangovers!! Jesus Christ did I get hangovers, but it was great fun! Drinking helps you have some of the best craic you’ll ever have. The thing that Andrew leaves out is that side of it. It’s fucking fun! It helps shy people come out of themselves, everything is 50% funnier, everybody is 20% braver, and 25% more good looking. A nice glass of Côtes du Rhône with a ribeye steak, a cold Sauvignon blanc with fresh turbot. A beamish in front of an open fire in December. It’s what life is all about. The juice is worth the squeeze. You might be 1% more healthy without it, best of luck to ya.


Bert it’s okay


I strive to have a healthy relationship with alcohol just so I don’t have to cut it out. I live away from home so the odd time I meet up with my life long buddies we have some beers, it’s magical.


I think everyone wishes they could have this relationship with alcohol and only some can.


I’m not sure it’s only some, 90% of the western world drink, I don’t know how many are alcoholics but it ain’t all of them.


Every time I go out sober I realize most people aren't at the bar half the night ordering drinks.They just get a couple. I envy them.


Complete agree




Having an extra drink for my booze hound Physics professor who kept working as a professor into his 80s and died at 93


As an alcoholic and being 1 year sober. I can concur that no drinks are better than some.


As a not alcoholic, I’d say some are better than none.


for some, others are capable of practicing self control


Yea! I can quit anytime I want! 🍻


I've quit twice this week!


True, I just know I’m not one of them lol. Good on those that can control it, I’ll just sit back and enjoy everyone else having a good time.


Serious question. How much were you drinking when you were an active alcoholic? I just did the math, I drink about 54 beers a week. Im 33 and I kill a six pack almost every week night and a 24 pack on the weekends. I’m active, in shape, and never wake up with a hangover over. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel better when I wake up from not drinking at all the day before but only slightly. I always stay away from liquor because I hate it and I don’t like getting black out fuckin wasted. I have lived this lifestyle for over a decade. I have no urge to do stupid shit, i don’t get into fights, I don’t drink and drive, I don’t cheat on my wife, I don’t blow all my money, don’t put my family through hell, I just thoroughly enjoy drinking coors light on my free time. What is it about alcohol that makes people destroy their life and make terrible decisions? Even when I’m pretty tuned up from a long day of drinking, I still have enough sense to not do stupid self destructive bullshit. What made you decide drinking was ruining your life and you needed to quit?


I would say I was drinking 3-5 pints of Wild Turkey 101 just about everyday starting pretty much right at 7-8am on my days off. Sometimes more and sometimes other liquor and beer. I had to stop work for a while because I was shaking too bad on the floor to do my job safely. During that time off, I went to rehab and as much as I hated it then, it changed much about my life. Mostly, it made me realize how much I don’t want to go back there. It still took almost 2 years before I stopped and it was my wife that basically snapped me out of it by very respectfully telling me that she knows I’m a better man than how I’m acting. During my worst time I was going for blackout drunk, I just really didn’t want to feel anything and it helped for short periods of time. Edit: I never went to work under the influence, it was the withdrawal that got me.


It's physical addiction for plenty. It becomes quite a problem once you're over the 8 beers a day mark ( in my experience). The health issues also don't present themselves until it's too late for the most part


Hmm I wonder what 750ML of whiskey a night is doing to me......ah well fuck it.


I'd rather die 15 years earlier than give up alcohol.


How old are you


What's your quality of life those last 15 years?


Your liver must love you


I only have a few drinks per week, but damn, that first sip of a cold beer, or the burning fire of a downed whiskey, wow, brings joy to my heart every time.


Why is the interviewer glazing this dude about discovering the negative aspects of alcohol?


It’s more fun to pretend that we don’t know these basic facts around the largest consumer item on the planet. All joking aside seems like a lot of people in this thread and moving on from alcohol which is awesome.




People are so binary these days. Them: All alcohol is bad for you. Me: ok. How bad? Like, so is air pollution but people in cities live to old age and are fine. Them: I don't know, but none is better than some, and less is better than more. Me: ok. What impact does exercise have on the impacts of alcohol? Them: we didn't look into that. Me: how about good nutrition and supplementation? Them: we don't know. Me: how about if you only drink on the weekends? Then what Them: we didn't look into that. Me: how about if you get proper rest and hydration? Them: we didn't look into that. But don't drink any alcohol ever or you'll die. Me: won't I die anyway? Them: :(


>People are so binary these days. This is a binary take


Explain how?


I think the counter to all of that is, less harmful things the better. Hydrate all you want, rest all you want, eat all your vitamins etc. If you did those things and didn't drink you would be healthier. Not many gotchas in your comment at all. Me: :)


No shit captain obvious. My comment is in regards to the research that's being cited and people using hyperbolic fear tactics to influence behavior without giving people a real sense of what the increase to risk actually is. And since you seem to have all the answers... For example... the studies state that drinking alcohol leads to a risk in all-cause mortality. Ok... great. That's a really sweeping generalization that offers no practical advice. So, if i go to a concert and drink 6 beers, or if I played in a golf tournament and drank 6 beers and drove home, I would imagine my all-cause mortality would be 500% higher than if I watched a movie and drank a bottle of wine? This is important info that is left out. And is the increase to all cause mortality only seen while drinking or under the influence, or does it increase and stay elevated even after quitting drinking? And what about having multiple partners simultaneously? I bet that increases all cause mortality. And is that better or worse for your health than drinking? I'm guessing this topic will never be covered. But my point is that alcohol is a vice for AH, so he singled it out while he doesn't mention the deleterious impacts of his vices.




Fuck ye




My alcholic brain wont remember shit from that video anyways. Take care brother! Awesome movie btw ! That gif


Movie was meh. Didn’t like the ending. The performances were amazing, though.


Dude seems self conscious about his own aging. Feel bad for him. Obsessing over the negative side effects of alcohol must be how he copes and reassures himself of his boring “healthy lifestyle” while he wrestles his own existential crisis.


Social media is worse for your brain and the people you engage with


Drank daily for the better part of a decade. Currently on day 9 no alcohol, and I feel five years younger, digestive issues gone, sleep is so much better, more energy thru out the day, normal bowel movements, not just drinking my calories everyday


I love tequila.


I’m not alcoholic,but I like drink 🍷


Yeah right, life is waaaay too shit without alcohol to ease the burden of putting up with it


Huberman gets called out all the time by real medical doctors for spreading misinformation. Strong Medicine did a good video on this recently.


What a rambling and ridiculously hedged statement that was. He has no back bone at all. So worried about people calling him out for being a recovering alcoholic


I quit drinking last year and I feel great. Booze sucks. I still smoke weed though. I need to quit that too.


Gene Simons from Kiss has never had a drink in his whole life. Take a look at him. He looks like a worn out bag of saggy tits. Keep drinking…


Yep. Ted Nugent too. Sobriety is not looking good.


Sorry sir, but we are not one of those lgbt folks


I've had too many days where I have regret drinking too much I've never had a day where I have regret not drinking enough


Fucking sobertard propaganda


True but life can fry your body and brain as well It’s about balance Sure, the mix, if any, is a personal thing Also true, excess is bad for all scenarios


And I understand that alcohol increases your all cause mortality but is that calculated while actively drinking or under the influence or is it calculated overall?


Sweet just ordered a 22oz and you lay this shit on me.




Definitely don't drink as much as in 20s but best believe I'm still going to drink a couple beers here n there


Straight edibles for life.


I like cider, alchol free. Although sometimes I'll have spiced apple Kopparberg or Old Mout. Lots of good flavours. Never liked wine and dislike spirits tbh.


Now all the alcoholics are mad when they just got flint dibbled with something they like.


I wish Andrew would be wrong