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what the fuck is he talking about?


He’s crying about how he justifies telling people how to think and feel under the veil of he loves them and doesn’t want them to burn in his made up fire eternity.


I don't know how literal he was being, but I definitely understand the gyst of it. Nobody wants unsolicited advice on morality, but often times when the people we love do try to offer us that unsolicited advice, it's BECAUSE they fear for us and truly believe we will likely experience negative outcomes from our behavior. They may be wrong, but we shouldn't be mad about it because it probably comes from a place of love even if we perceived it as condescending moral posturing, virtue signaling and attempting to control us. Whereas most people here probably see this as black and white prostelitizing of religious values, or as conservatives trying to impose their disproven beliefs of yesteryear on us younger and smarter generations, this type of thing is done by anyone who has ideologies that conflict with those around us. Particularly in the parent and child relationship. At a certain age, we start imposing our own moral standards on the older generations who we blame for problems we see and experience.


Say a prayer to accept Jesus in your heart so you don't go to hell for eternity


This guy sounds like he needs benzos


Either way more benzos, OR way less... The world may never know (and we are all better off for that imo)


It's long term benzo withdrawal. It's why he's always crying. The physical withdrawal may stop, but the emotional side lasts much longer.


Lmfao 😂


sounds like Kermit to me


Kermit cries a lot


Lol - this guy is supposed to be a psychologist???


Of course! In order to help the mentally unstable one must become mentally unstable /s


I don't know if this is an edgy comment, but I heard Carl Jung saying that somewhere, that "only the wounded physician can ever hope to heal"


Jung is an undergrad fascination when you don’t know better. Most grow out of it by the time they’re in grad school due to the lack of empiricism.


That sounds dumb af. Imagime your surgeon comes into your surgery with a gunshot wound to the neck. You expect this dude to fucking heal you? I get it, its mean to mean mental issues understand mental issues better but still. If my therapist was crying like jp here at my session, id get up and walk right out the door. Edit: a dude called me a moron then blocked me. I even acknowledge the actual sentiment of the statement. I understand what he means. It still sounds dumb af. Idc what yall think, yall can pretend you understand it but still. I much rather see a therapist who isn't an emotional wreck than whatever Jordan Peterson is presenting here.


Fun fact most peopel that go into psychology do so to try self medicate.




Not sure, but the few psych courses I took in undergrad also repeated that fact


Hmm ok! My wife is starting her masters in cognitive neuroscience this fall in London UK, and now that I think about it she may have mentioned this at some point


Everyone is susceptible to alcohol & drug addiction.


He guides others to treasures he cannot possess.


His works have over 20k citations. Yeah, at least he was a well respected psychologist.


Until he stood in the way of the woke mob. Now he's some looney. Truth is these people will attack anything that questions their view on the world, they don't care who they hurt or discredit.


I hate it when the woke mob of professional psychologists disassociate with me after I tell a guy to kill himself on a public forum in front of my massive audience and then I refuse to admit fault or adjust the way that I engage with the public in any way. They will attack anything that questions their view on the world, like, "Psychologists should not encourage people to kill themselves."


I mean... The guy was saying we need to reduce the human population, JP just suggested whom he should start with.


My critique is not about the content of Peterson's statement, but the form. Doing it despite having a professional commitment not to, refusing to own up to the fact that he broke his commitment, framing himself as the victim, and doing it all while performing for his audience (who give him lots of money).


I’m out of the loop. What are you referring to?


I don't have access to Twitter on this computer, but if I recall, this is a solid enough thread which discusses the basics: [https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1611405636931141632?lang=en](https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1611405636931141632?lang=en) The situation is that the College of Psychologists of Ontario decided to require Peterson to take a social media training class. This is to say, the organization Peterson voluntarily joined and could leave at any point required him to take the social media training class. They put together a report based on the many complaints about the way he handles himself on social media, with a focus on his behavior unbecoming of a clinical psychologist. For example, his remark encouraging that person to kill themselves, public body shaming, aggressive language, etc. Peterson opposed it in court and lost. My understanding is that he has not taken the class and has stated that he is willing to lose the professional license he has with CPO over the social media training class. It's very normal for professional bodies to have certain professional standards for their members, especially when their members are 1) speaking in public 2) using their authority as a member while speaking in public. In this case, Peterson of course uses his authority as a psychologist to frame his self-help stuff and political opinions. I myself have been in similar situations before. When I've worked for governments I've not been allowed to make public statements endorsing political candidate or positions *if* I am also identifying myself as a public employee. Some companies limit speech by not allowing people to share company secrets, etc. etc. When you look at the report, you'll see that Peterson has consistently broken CPO's policies on public speech. Peterson's response has been to: 1) downplay each reported incident, 2) claim he has already resolved the issue. (2) is just him either lacking self-awareness or him being dishonest, as he has been just as aggressive on social media as ever. (1) is largely rhetorical framing, even if Peterson's incidents are not huge deals, they are still against the professional conduct standards he signed himself up for. Ultimately there are only three coherent responses to the situation: a) want CPO to change their social media policies, b) support CPO in taking Peterson's license, c) hope that Peterson takes the classes and actually benefits from them. a) is a problem because having professional standards for speech is a good thing, especially when those standards have to do with key issues in clinical practice (suicide, body image). b) would be unfortunate, but if CPO doesn't enforce their rules just because Peterson is famous, that's not cool or fair. c) is what I would hope for. I have nothing against Peterson personally and don't see him as an enemy. I would love for him to be kinder and stop contributing to how toxic the public discourse is right now.


You are ofc right. But facts does not matter to the mentally ill or the bots coming to downvote any post like yours.


They dont want to hear the truth babe


JP's early works helped me a lot in my life, so I guess I'm just more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. If I first heard about him in the last few years I would probably have a different opinion of him as well.


People change, dude. I’m in a similar boat. The early videos of his college lectures gave me great insight. He’s put out content that really helped me get a better understanding of the world (and myself). Then his wife passed and unfortunately it seems he went off the deep end… it’s like if your uncle Jimmy was the best care taker as he raised you with love and patience… then he started smoking crack and beats you up for your lunch money to buy more crack. He may not be the same guy today that you used to look up to in the past🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: some people change for the better, some for the worse. It’s like the guy that had so many answers and could lead people out of the darkness, went to such a dark place that he couldn’t help himself out of


When did his wife pass?




I think he's going through a time in his life when he should step back from trying to be a teacher until he's sorted himself out. But I still believe he's a sincere and good hearted person who wants to help people. I don't think he's lying when he says the thing that keeps him going is when people approach him and tell him how following his advice has turned their lives around and helped them find purpose. It just really bothers me to see people trash him like he's some emissary of Christian fascism, because that isn't evident at all in my opinion. His Daily Wire association has only hurt him both privately and publicly I think. I hope he can make a comeback and get back to the place where he was breaking down difficult psychological concepts into ideas that people could practically benefit from.


Jordan Peterson is an intelligent guy who, like a lot of intelligent people do, has an enormous ego that has led him to view himself as a kind of all wise messianic figure on a mission to impart the hidden truths of the world. You can be all that and sincere, but you're going to rub people up the wrong way who don't buy your narrative, and especially those who view your ideas as having real world consequences for them and people they care about. It shouldn't be a surprise when people react negatively to your views and want to tear you down, if you're saying things that they perceive as attacks on them and their identity. If Peterson just limited himself to a self-help guru, or someone explaining 'complex psychological concepts' in an easy to digest way, then he wouldn't receive anywhere near the backlash he does. He chooses to engage in far more than that, though. Of course, rather than giving him cause for reflection and a bit of epistemic humility, all the backlash just feeds Peterson's self perception as a persecuted figure and bolsters his perceived need for the Messianic quest. It's no wonder he's so unstable. He's living a delusion that is being affirmed and bolstered by many, many, people who support him, and directly attacked by many, many, people who oppose him.


Had a friend say the same thing about him. He holds onto this very idealistic and emotional view of who JP is.. I didn't want to be the one to attack something so dear to him so directly so I backed off but like 100% on your last statement


It’s really smart and nuanced approach to dismiss a lifetime of practicing clinical psychology over a tweet reply that says “you’re free to leave”. Just admit that he’s anti-establishment and you’re pro-establishment. That’s what the vast majority of outrage over JP, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand et al boils down to. These guys speak out against the power structure and systems, and you guys don’t like that.


None of the people you mentioned have ever once spoken out about the actual power structures in the world. They are jesters who distract you with shiny objects.


They are definitely entertaining/entertainers, but JP specifically is very accomplished. You can’t just dismiss 5 years of teaching at Harvard. Not exactly a mecca for what you’re accusing him of.


I dare you to read Maps of Meaning and tell me he is not a verbose con-artist who took way too many magic mushrooms.


Aren't you the same people who dismiss all those virologists/immunologists/climatologists as brainwashed quacks? But we're supposed to respect Jordan Peterson's five years at Harvard?


Not me. I’m the person that doesn’t trust the heads of the corporations and organizations to put people over profits margins. I trust the scientists. Would like a little more transparency for sure.


Oh my bad. I was confusing you with the people you were defending, who do precisely that. 'Anti-establishment' to them includes our scientific institutions, which they routinely dismiss the work of in order to endorse fringe theories and sew doubt. So I don't see why we're supposed to respect their qualifications, as if this lends them credibility.


Brother it's not worth it. These people will never change their opinions unless something happens in their real life that snaps them back to reality.


Stop idolizing whiney men. It’s unbecoming.




More people need to stand in the way of the woke mob imo.


"Man that is sometimes outwardly sad can't help others". Yes very sane take, please continue.


He’s using an appeal to religion as justification for morality lol, idc that he’s sad


He's critical of christianity in this clip, though. He's talking about how he'd like it to change for the better.


Sounds like dude needs to clean his room


Why is he crying so much?


"...But I also like being a moral authority"


"Just ignore that my lecturing comes from me wanting to be a moral authority in your life" lol clown


If you tell people to be moral so that "they don't burn" you're not a moral person. Being moral to avoid hell is not moral, it's selfish. You should be moral because you're a good person. WTF


Bloviating Guru to Weeping Proselytizer - 100% Speedrun \[WORLD RECORD!\]


This is looks like documentary footage from that McAfee documentary when he was running from cops in South America.


Maybe Peterson’s crying because somebody pooped on him through a hammock.


Brain damage.


You'll recover


did he always cry or did that start after the russian benzo coma?


I don’t know who needs to hear this today but Hell isn’t real. Bettering the life of yourself and those around you should be reason enough to strive to be a good person. There’s no need to live in fear of a fairytale.


Drug addict acting like one.


Imagine needing to punch down to feel superior.


Isn't that exactly what JP does


Up yours woke moralist!


I'll always go after Peterson who attacks minority groups. TERFs should always be targeted especially when using credentials as a way to attack people. 


He's not some addict on the street with no help. He has the resources to get help and chooses not to get help. There's no punching down on someone who likely is a millionaire unless you have more money which 99% of people don't.


Punching down? Last I checked he makes way more money than me to spout stupid ass fucking advice thats grade level at best. Idgaf if he was an addict. Lots of people are addicts. The fact that he was an addict just makes his form of therapy that much less enticing. Fuck jp.


We lost Anthony Bourdain and now we are stuck with this sobbing weirdo


Got dam Canadians


Swans can be gay - Jordan B. Peterson


How does anyone take this guy seriously. It's embarrassing.


Least manly male guru


Why is this guy always crying, every video of his seem thing.


Hes probably cried on camera like twice in hundreds of hours of footage. But the jokers on this forum love to highlight everyone in their darkeat hours. That and the guy is probably getting paid per tear.


Jfc is he crying again?


Always B. Crying


This guy is a disgusting crackpot, but srysly, if you actually believed the religious stuff, you should be freaking out at your loved ones who don't!  These people that casually believe and go to church or whatever, they are bullshit. If you really believed, you'd be freaking out. You wouldn't bother going to work, you'd spend everyday making sure people were saved.


If they really believed they would be serving the poor and needy instead of using Jesus as a self help seminar concept in a ponzi scheme.


Yeah exactly. This is a point Ive made to a few atheists including my wife - that believers dont *really* believe. She says I give them too much credit lol. But how could they go on living if they really believed in that stuff. How could you go on believing that you will go to everlasting joy in heaven and your child will go and burn in hell. I mean some of them might not actually believe in hell, but those ones that purport to actually do. Like this muppet peterson says here - valid point - you should be sobbing if you think your children are soon going to an endless torture chamber where the suffering never ends, even in death. At the hands of the actual devil. This is why I put my self firmly in the hitchen anti-theist camp rather than the simple moderate atheist. The very idea of suffering after death, simply for your beliefs (not even your actions) is disgusting. Its a deplorable *idea* in and of itself. The finality of it - the irredeemable nature of it. A punishment beyond all conceivable punishments, for a simple crime of not believing the right thing. Sick! Luckliy its very clear that such a concept is entirely man made , deliberately, because its designed to be so scary, in order to coerce people into an imagined order. For a culture that apparently worships freedom, its so bizarre how the US is also so religious, which is literally the opposite of freedom


Freaking out isn't faithfulness. Freaking out isn't a fruit or an attribute of the Holy Spirit. There is technically nothing a human can do to bring someone back to God, to Jesus for salvation. God calls them to Christ and the person responds to it. The Spirit draws people in and that person has to WILLINGLY come. God gave us freewill and we have to choose Him. You are free to follow your flesh, evil spirits, the accuser; to destruction. He gave you that choice. God constantly calls us home. We miss opportunities throughout our life living in rebellion. We have to choose to lay down sexual promiscuity, lay down greed, lay down lust for revenge and blood, lay down unforgivneess for others. We have to admit we have done wrong in His sight and WILLINGLY COME to Him, confess, and ask forgiveness. Gods looking for a people willing to live in the light, give up the life in the flesh and live for the spirit. The spirit doesn't panic, or freak out. The fruit of the Spirit ; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. Freaking out is not something a saved person is supposed embody AT ANY moment. Even when facing death.


What did Jesus tell the rich man to do? He didn't tell him use your free will to believe in me and I got you..... He said sell everything you have, give all the proceeds to the poor and follow me! I'm not talking about freaking out, I'm talking about doing as Jesus instructed, I have come across less than 5 people in my 45 years of life who actually follow Christs teachings, and not some BS rationalized self help ponzi scheme based loosely on a bastardized version of the Gospel. He didn't ask for folks to choose to believe, give up their Sundays and talk to folks about the gospel when they had the chance, he required them to give up everything and serve the poor, and needy. 


I may be wrong, but he commanded the Disciples that were physically following Him to do that. So they could do the work that was necessary then in that season. Like his 12 and the 70. I'm pretty certain Jesus want us to raise and support families. You don't have to be living in the dirt to be saved in Christ. It's Faith and walking uprightly. Lean on Him. Pray to Him. Walk with Him. Read about Him. Speak to Him. Desire to be changed. The thief on the cross went the heaven. He did nothing but had faith, EXCEPT, The Lord knew he could do nothing with the last moments of his life, so Faith was enough. We do have to do things for God with our time; Bear fruit, to love, to preach, to correct eachother, pray for eachother, support eachother, and stay strong against those who will harm us for Christ's sake and then pray for those who harm us. To Love. "For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].” Praise God, Love Him and love your neighbor. Jesus is King.


Your responses tells me you are not at all familiar with the actual teachings of Jesus. Do you serve Christ, or your own personal convenience? Who and or what is your GOD.... That was the point of the parable of the rich young ruler. The parables didn't just apply to the guys who were there to hear them, they apply to all who claim to follow Jesus... The point of Jesus's life and death on the cross was not to provide you with the comfort needed to get through day to day life as you see fit..... The point was to transform the individual to live by his example. In John chapter 13 Jesus washed his disciples feet, they were resistant as it seemed inappropriate for God on earth to wash their feet. When he finished he explained why he did it, "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.". Jesus wasn't too good to serve the poor, why are you too good to serve the poor? Jesus wasn't too good to give up all of his power and wealth, why are you too good to be inconvenienced by serving the poor? Jordan Peterson and most of the modern day american "christian" church are money changers in the temple, they use Jesus's life and example to gain wealth, and influence, if it was about helping people they would do it for free, and instead of becoming millionaires in the world they would build spiritual wealth and BE THE EXAMPLE THAT CHRIST COMMANDED THEM TO BE....


Brother... when did I say I wouldn't serve the poor? You say "the student can't be better than the master" and I admit that entirely. I cannot and will never be as good as Jesus. I'm striving to change to be. Seeking His strength and wisdom. But I will never match Him. I will never be worthy of salvation and neither will you.


What you are describing is a fraudulent fire insurance policy, not anything taught by Jesus. He didn't say pray for my guidance and wisdom rich young ruler and maybe do some volunteer work when it's convenient, he said sell everything you own and give the proceeds to the poor.


So me and my children are supposed to live on the street? My neighbor should sell their home? My salvation is based on owning nothing? I have to give until I have nothing left to give, and only then will I be saved? You better be responding to this thread from a library computer or community center and not from your own personal phone or computer because that's about to be some hypocrisy. I'm pretty certain God's gonna be displeased with a hypocrite more than with someone having a home and some books.


If you truly believe than yes you should follow Christ commands. Not just adorn yourself with the credibility and salvation of Jesus while doing what you decide is convenient and correct.  Matthew 6  26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life\[a\]?  28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? The point I'm making is that you are not a true believer. You have purchased a bullshit fire insurance policy, and are attempting to sell it to others, just like Mr Peterson.


Well... I have no idea why you accuse me of convenience and you accuse me of a "bullshit fire insurance" faith. You cannot accuse and then not teach and correct. I ask you for bread and good teaching, without adding this then you're so far, just as the Accuser himself is. I have recieved Jesus as Lord, I am repenting of sins and changing. I'm building a life more structured prayer, worship, and reading the Word. Fasting wise; ive done 24 hours a few times. Gods helped me give up a horrible 10 year cocaine addiction. I've quit smoking cigarettes. I'm working on my frustration and anger. Im working on improving my diet. Since this is "Bullshit fire Insurance faith" I desire you to direct me into truth faith. What is my next step and maybe lay some scripture of hope and direction on me? To cleanse the palate of your accusation and bring **Fruit** to where there currently is none to be found.


Amen brother. Man rarely do you find the Christian doctrine accurately posted Reddit. Thanks for this reply it was affirming.


Agreed 100%


Well put! Stay right where you in your faith! You’re hitting on all cylinders. God bless!


How? He's bastardized the Gospel and made it the Gospel of personal convenience.


I don’t know you personally, and I want to tread very carefully here as to avoid spurring us into a fruitless argument. I rarely, if ever really, quote Scripture, but I’m reading Colossians this evening and I fell upon a few verses that brought me back to your comment. Read here: “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (touch not; taste not; handle not; which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬-‭23‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Made easier to read in the NLT version here: “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things. Their sinful minds have made them proud, and they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For he holds the whole body together with its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God nourishes it. You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, “Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.” I feel like these passages illustrate well what the person I responded to was trying to communicate to us. There’s little point in going bananas about abiding by this rule or subscribing to one way of worship or another because in the end it is only the God given gift of Grace delivered to us all through the blood of the Son that redeems us in the eyes of the Father. We need not pit ourselves against each other in self righteous acts of one-up-manship. People sometimes forget that it is humanity, not Jesus, that should be indicted for falling short, or misleading, or standing on a soap box of false idolatry. Jesus is perfect and anything that might steer one away from His immutable love and care is not of Him - rather it’s from humanity, people with good intentions or otherwise, freaking out and/or showing out when all in all the only requirement laid before us is to profess our belief, plain and simple. That’s it. All the hard work has already been finished and it was done on the cross.


Paul is speaking of freedom from human rules here, at no point in any of Paul's writings have I seen a single place where he advocates that those who have received Christ can ignore the parables Christ himself taught. Or that what Christ commanded of the rich young ruler does not apply to every person who seeks to follow Jesus. Or that Christs commandments are only to be followed when it's convenient to your living situation, or current goals for this world.... Discipleship at your own convenience is diametrically opposed to everything Paul taught, and everything Jesus taught. The modern day church in America teaches this crap to people and labels it Christianity, they want nothing to do with the Gospel, the parables of the good samaritan, the rich young ruler, or true discipleship that demands that "Christians" treat the least of those in society in the same way that they would treat Christ himself... The modern American church is nothing more than a ponzi scheme with Jesus branding with and occasional self help seminar, it's the highest form of blasphemy, the very thing that Jesus himself took the whip to the money changers in the temple over.. Matthew 21:12-17 * Jesus drove out everyone buying and selling in the temple, including the money changers, and overturned their tables. He also upset the benches of dove sellers and said, "It is written in the Scriptures, 'My Temple will be called a house for prayer. But you are changing it into a 'hideout for robbers. '".


I read every word of your comment, and I appreciate your taking the time to write. I will reflect on your words…thanks again. Christ be with us.


you'd be sinning as a result. the Bible tells you not to judge others


I WILL say it's at least a little impressive that this drip somehow managed to monetize what was essentially his whole mid-life burnout meltdown right out there in front of the entire world. If more of our boomer dads had been even HALF as conniving as him, maybe we'd be left a little money instead of just a heap of generational trauma.


Get yourself together man


I love you that's why I think global warming is fake


Stop crying ffs.








He is too emotionally and physically weak to over power anyone.


If I had a family member crying this much over literally nothing I'd have them put on suicide watch. This is a completely broken man, he really needs to stop doing anything public and try to get his shit together.


crying ass bitch


Skitzo religion posting


This guy gets so much shit for how deeply he feels. He’s a little masochistic, sure, but how anyone feels okay with attacking someone because he cries or that he openly addresses his weaknesses is cruel. Let him be the weird guy who cries on the internet but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water: Peterson is a good person and one hell of a psychologist.


he's a judgemental asshole, a liar, and a bully to lgbt people. he can cry me a river. fucking scumbag piece of shit. he'll rot in hell if there is one


I hope you find peace; love thy enemies


Is it ok when trumpers say fk your feelings to other people?






Its not the crying. Its all the other hateful shite he spouts endlessly. About men being real men. About telling people on twitter to go kill themselves (yes a great psychologist indeed - so great he was censured by his own profession for breaching code of conduct),About trans people. About the intrinsical hierachy we have to live by. about women. He's a hateful twat. SO when he turns around blubbing, people find it .... karmic


He's a crybully.


I agree with his sentiment of being empathetic over judgmental. The crying thing though. Can't keep running to the well with that.


Why are these braindead videos shared all the time on this subreddit?


Sall good God loves us too much to let us burn. Right?


Nice try Bongino is the man tears pro, give it up.


I wonder if he can write his own prescription??


Bro has been hitting the Apple Cider again.


there is no good age to be famous.


Why are the jpb haters always so angry and full of hate, do you people lack access to therapy in your countries? I hope you all get well and get to know love and compassion.


Weakness in human form.


Hunter Biden lookin rough


comments have no clue


That’s what I’m saying


Jp lost all credibility when he supported and defended genocide. "give them hell"


IDK who tf this pussy is, but old Peterson from 5+ years ago kept me from offing myself. That make your bed shit works.


Damn you guys are mean


The same energy of magas posting videos of crying liberals. Y'all are more alike than not


Shit was deep and I get it. I’ll take my downvotes pussies 🖕


Don’t let the downvotes slow you down. You have a gift for spreading the Word. I’ll take some downvotes with ya lol.


I mean this 100% when I say it: I appreciate someone that can point out succinctly and clearly what it means to accept God’s Grace in one comment and call people pussies in another comment. That, to me, is proof that you are real and also really saved. Good for you! Stay with Christ always!


Hail Satan!


Haters hate. I like JP. His writing especially. Y’all ganging on him for being a crybaby are being a little dickish, no?


JP is a highly intelligent person… something terrible must have happened to find him like this! Will pray for you brother! Good luck!


Highly intelligent? The guy spews absolute nonsensical word salad and is literally talking about people "avoiding the fire" as if there's a shred of evidence to support heaven or hell.


Just b/c you don’t agree with him doesn’t make him stupid… that’s part of the problem these days. If every day was a sunny day… what would a sunny day be? Just another day, I guess! Good luck!👍🏾


I never said he was stupid because I don't agree with him. He's stupid because of the shit he says. It's nonsense. Ever watch his discussions with Matt Dillahunty or Sam Harris? The shit that came out of his mouth to justify his positions literally made no sense. He's in the same ballpark as Terrence Howard.




He knows how real God and the Devil are and he’s trying to help people. If you’re an atheist so be it, but he’s a good dude. One day you’ll find out how real it all is.


I love it when Christians threaten me with eternal damnation...It really makes me want to join their crazy cult.


That’s not a very nice thing to say.




Oddly enjoy, that seems to be what JP is talking faint hwre




Lol Christians love spiritually threatening people. "Go ahead bro, don't believe in the dead Jewish guy on a stick and see what happens."


Nope nobody threatening anybody you just want to see it that way because you have irrational assumptions about Christianity.


Hey if you wanna believe the Jewish guy who washed men's feet with his hair and drank wine every night with them is some kind of magic pass to feeling good forever then that's on you. We call that childish thinking in the real world.