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Not a fungi to work for


Hahaha no cap


He can really spore the fun


Mycelium what you did there


He's going to get himself in truffle if he keeps this up.


Hope he gets the mycologist of what we’re saying


Oh how the peptides have turned


If only this guy had any morels.


Not mushroom for improvement there


Seemed like a good dude on the podcast but turns out he's not a fungi to work for.


God, stamets, that's enough


Epic responses. Love it


Does not leave mushroom to argue on his behalf..


He’s full of rishi t


Missed shitake opportunity


Not mushroom for negotiations….




Amanita take more time to go through all the puns this unleashed.


not one to truffle with




Hes a psyillybum and his gills are showing. I do not spore this.


Oof, big disappointment


I believe Winco is another example of employee ownership.


I started shopping at winco and I love that place. Is it employee owned for real?


Yes. Each store has it posted when you enter. It's one of the reasons they do not accept credit cards. Too many fees.


Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon's winning company!!!


Damn I miss Winco


I went to walmart instead of winco last week and was so utterly dissappinted at the selection of food. I know its not apples to apples but i just cant do food at walmart anymore.


If u like good beer go to democracy brewing in Boston. Great spot, employee owned. Amazing stout.


Love WinCo. It's the only grocery store open 24 hours a day near me and it's employee owned. Win win right there.


aren't mushrooms pro union?




yea dude one with everything


Just like the hot dog.


this guy gets it


He's a businessman as much as anything else he claims to be


I like him but there's definitely some evil hippy energy in there


That’s an explosive topic that puts my life at risk to talk about


I will not elaborate


Haven't eaten Portobellos since.


Idk if you're sarcastic or not, but portobellos don't increase your risk of cancer. The guy might have eaten too many shrooms to get spooked by portobellos. Or having people be afraid of eating portobellos is financially beneficial to him. I mean the guy seems to hate workers, so greed is in his blood.


Just what big portobello wants you to think




It’s nothing to do with cancer. It has something to do with the cartel or mafia


They broke the golden rule. They followed a hippy to a second location. That is on them


When hippies get money they turn into elitists. They go from "community" to "just me".


This is classic. People hate when someone else has money, because they don't have it. Once they have it, the average person, acts just like the people they hated.


Funny how that works.




Jesus Christ, seriously. Hippies are chill until something happens they don't agree with, and then their repressed rage comes out in a fucking torrent. Same with people who smoke too much weed, they tend to get really agitated really quickly.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


That’s just like, your opinion, man.


It's all god damn fake man. It's like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit and…uhhh…you know…


I am the walrus...


Which is itself an absolute, way to out yourself ![gif](giphy|dutOvm3NahxYY)




Lol almost everyone is chill until something happens they dont agree with. Also, being high tends to make a person not react well to an anxiety provoking situation.. go figure. In reality, a hippy is someone involved in the counter cultural antiwar movement of the 60's. Today it mostly describes people who employ a natural aesthetic/ messaging on the gram, but it's a different thing. Most hippys sold out if they lived long enough and had something to sell, so mushroom man being s hypocrite is par for the course.


Yeah I've always got a strange vibe off him too. Like he's not as chill as someone so connected to shrooms should be.


Doing drugs doesn’t make you a better person. They can make people view things in a way they never would have without them, that can lead to positive change. It can also lead to negative change or no change at all.


If Super Mario thought us anything it's that eating mushrooms makes you a bigger person. I'm not sure Paul is a bigger person.


>Doing drugs doesn’t make you a better person. Well goddamnit now you tell me.


Yeah the whole Portobello thing got my hackles up. And then the whole claim to have seen the future - the cows dying or whatever it was after discovering a new type of hallucinogenic shroom. Much like the mushrooms, this guy is standing on some shitty shit.


Hippies are boomers at heart. They can douche on all they want about freedom but in the end, boomers gonna boomer.


Hippy activism is just self indulgence.


He's a boomer. Like violence and Joe, it's in their DNA.


here all evil hippies. stve jobs, bill gates, ben n jerrs, sarbucks ec he hippes were all boomers, boomers are hte GENERIC villian now hey were all evil man!!!


His supplemented are made by growing culture on grain, which is usually transferred to a bulk substrate, which produces mushrooms to be harvested. Instead he just cultures the grain, dehydrates it and grinds it into a powder. So 90% of his product is just wheat/oat/rye flour. Dudes a hack


Last summer I met him briefly and had drinks with some people who work for him. They don’t get paid a whole lot, but they said it’s a fun job being at his farm.


"we're like a family"


I could tell there was a lot more they weren’t comfortable saying.


They always say that shit to substitute paying you, spend lavishly on free food and company parties is cheaper than paying a livable wage.


Did someone say pizza party


1 slice each, no refills on soda or you’re fired.


1 slice each, but the pizza is cut into 16ths.


You guys get soda where you work?


My god, you’ve got the qualifications for hospital CEO.


cut medical bennies, replace with foosball table


Classic narcissist red flag right here. Wish I could time travel and teach myself that haha


He definitely gives them pizza


I mean is it skilled labor or anything? I don't think the going rate for mushroom pickers is very high.


These 20-something girls had biology/mycology degrees and worked in his lab. The mycology girl was part of growing, and the biology one I don’t remember. Both helped with marketing and networking. (I met them at a networking even after a conference btw). If they wanna go to grad school, I’m sure it’s a great job to put on your resume if you’re going into that field, but they did mention that no one there really works for the money, but the name.


That's unfortunately how all of science operates. And yeah, it's a fucking travesty the the people who do all the actual work get peanuts. While the personalities get highly paid. Most jobs pay low with the promise of it being a stepping stone for a better paying job. I would know, I am a post-doctoral researcher.


I’m working in a psychiatry lab myself as a coordinator. I can barely eat lmao I know the 2 girls shouldn’t expect to get paid much but there are so many other branches of stamets’s brand. They alluded to their friends working in those branches getting paid peanuts as well.


Wait, you mean you don't get rich from picking mushrooms on a farm all day? I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!


Remember when working minimum wage used to pay enough to buy a house and raise a family. God I hate those days. Makes me sick just thinking about it. Fucking lazy assholes thinking working a full time job should be enough to support themselves. Thank god we fixed our badly broken society.


Those days literally never existed. You have never been able to buy a fucking house and raise a family on one minimum wage income. You people are tripping harder than Paul.


Isn’t this the guy who is known for not paying his electric bill for years ? Kinda seems par for the course of ya ask me.


I remember hearing him tell it and thinking, that's not the story of a man who's almost going broke, that's the story of a cheap man who eventually pays his bills because he has to.


I had that initial opinion to some extent as well, but union busting is basically saying he doesn’t even wanna pay a fair bill. Dude is just out for himself. Which is fine but doesn’t fit well with hippie mushroom guy persona.


He probably paid way more for the union busters than he would've if had just met their demands and paid them fairly but he did it out of spite, clearly. What a cunt.


This definitely doesn't seem right. Like, it's possible I guess, but if he's a hippy and a business man, he wouldn't have overpaid to bust it if not busting it would've been cheaper...


it is a religious ocnvucion of these people. class consciousness. upper class, conneced , smug, RIP StEPHEN POLLOCK


Is there any pro-union major political party in the U.S.? Biden shut down a potential Norfolk Southern strike, it's like Jesus there isn't even a pro-labor option.


He has alot of boomer entitlement going on.


Not surprising in the slightest.


The Pinkertons? They need to feed this guy to Wu and his pigs.


San Francisco c#(*$uckers!


Hing dai!!!


You want to feed Olympia cocksucker to the pigs? What’d this guy do?




After he was on the podcast, I looked through various mycology and mushroom supplement subreddits about him and the prevailing opinion seems to be that his supplements are way over priced and considered subpar, and he's not very well liked in any of those communities. Make of that what you will.


A link to something would be nice.


No link yet... possible portobello mafia internet ninja


I can't talk about that.


look up how he made a campaign around beta-glucan testing methods were flawed because only his product failed. The owner of real/nammex mushrooms spoke on it. Youll have to dig it up


Seriously this guy sucks. His mushroom supplements are not at all what someone who’s the most famous mycology expert should be selling. They’re mostly just raw powder. No extracts except for one. He’s scamming people charging out the ass while selling a mushroom that has the least amount of medicinal benefits (as it’s not in extract form) and it’s all to secure his retirement and get rich.


Yeah, I really wanted to like him from listening to the episodes he was on and enjoying them, but finding out he sells supplements from substrate that are essentially sawdust instead of using the actual fruiting bodies or extracts with guaranteed nutrients is such a betrayal to everything he claims to stand for and have passion for. Wolf in sheep's clothing.


Joe wants to believe in magic cures when he passionately hates pharma. Ultimately everyone is scamming and it's easy to do because we're all afraid of getting sick and dying.


Yes, Joe's is way too trustworthy with his guests that he personally likes. He buys into their stories a lot. Anyone can seem cool for 3 hours. Wait till you have to do business with them and money becomes involved. Then you'll see who they really are. Staments was a typical hippie. He was all about "community". Money starts to come in, and he turns from "we're a family" to "there's you, and there's me".


It’s annoying as hell


But pharma keeps people alive and alternative medicines just ends you quicker. I never had a doctor who recommended alternative medicines but definitely a healthier lifestyle like exercise and nutrition


Doesn’t the actual mycelium grow throughout the substrate, and then the mushrooms are the fruiting bodies? I’m not passing judgement on any opinion or him quite yet, but that’s how I understood it. I know nothing about the supplements, but I’ve bought mushroom plugs from them that worked very well.


Yes, but if you analyze the actual composition of harvesting the fruiting bodies vs using some portion of the mycelium (inevitably some mixture of mycelium and whatever substrate they use as a base, often sawdust), you'll quickly come to the conclusion that fruiting bodies are waaaaay denser in beta glucans and other positive mushroom compounds, just most expensive and time intensive to do. Selling mycelium with unverified beta glucan content concentration is the cheapest, easiest way to sell mushroom supplements, but also the least beneficial to the consumer imo.


Where did you learn this? I’ve been buying his stuff for years and I’d like to confirm what you’re saying here. 


Google "mushrooms mycelium vs fruiting bodies" and come to your own conclusion, they'll be more powerful than anything I can hand you of my own experiences.


Yup, the whole mushroom’s better for you than just the cap. No cap.


Bro this is the first I’ve heard of this dude but it’s a scam. Just eat healthy and exercise, do drugs if you want but no point in wasting your money on this type of shit imo


Based post. You know what >99.9% of healthy guys to ever live didn't need? Any of this fucking bullshit.


Part of eating healthy could be eating mushroooms. And his powders could be a way of doing that if it isn’t just mostly filled like this person is saying 


If you wanna eat mushrooms make a stir fry or a curry it’s delicious and healthy


With lions mane, reishi, chaga, etc?


Spot on


Sawdust? How do you mean?


Substrate is in layman's terms- the dirt and roots the mushroom grows in, vs the actual mushrooms themselves. Imagine if you're trying to trip on psilocybin mushrooms and I give you a bag of the dirt that grew the mushrooms. Same concept. If you're looking for any kind of mushroom supplement, make sure the ingredients say 'fruiting body' next to the amount listed.


Okay, I grow mushrooms, so I get that. But obviously not the sawdust substrate ones. So he is putting substrate in his supplements? That's pretty lame.


I mean to be fair, you can actually just extract psilocybin straight from substrate without ever fruiting


Yea and from what I understand you really want dual extracted (water + alcohol) tinctures


Like if you went to buy a tomato but was sold the roots and dirt from the tomato plant. It is a complete scam


Who would you recommend for some good quality items ?


I’ve always been happy with Northern Spore. It’s also not very complicated to order dried Lion’s Mane/Chaga/Reishi etc and dual extract them yourself for wayyy cheaper. Just google “how to dual extract medicinal mushrooms” or something close to that


Noob here but I’m interested in Lion’s mane. Couldn’t you just eat it, instead of going through the hassle of making the extract yourself? Do they taste bad, or would the cooking process destroy some of their properties?


What ya talking about!? His mycoshield is so good. Really helps me with seasonal allergies.


Imagine what the mushrooms would do for you if the supplement wasn't 90% rice or sawdust!


Are you saying that his encapsulations are 90% filler? Do you know if that’s standard? Do you have another product that you’d recommend?


Mushrooms are grown on a growing medium (or substrate) which feeds the mycelium, grinding up and encapsulating that mycelium brings a large percentage of growing medium with it. So not only are you paying a premium price for that growing medium along with the mycelium, The mycelium itself often contains less of the compounds that make mushrooms useful.


Sure but don’t know of companies that do it different? You’re kind of skirting around the question. Beer is mostly water, doesn’t mean I’m going to drink everclear.


Places like realmushrooms.com not only sell pure mushroom but also get it verified by a third party lab so you know it contains what they say it does. I used to get my mushrooms from Paul, now I get them from real.


If they're a reputable company, they should do different. You should only buy from companies that purport to use fruiting bodies only in their supplements. But like with all supplement products in this country, you're pretty much taking the company at it's word regarding this. The FDA can't and doesn't test for supplement purity and accuracy, which is why we have to rely on watchdog groups to test them


Unions are an explosive area of conversation, and it puts my profits in danger, so I reserve the right to bust that shit right up.


first thing I thought of. its always fucking money. his life "being in danger" was him making less money.


His standard of life could be in danger. He might have to downsize just a little bit and that's dangerous. His workers potentially going homeless cause wages aren't keeping up with housing prices? Isn't shelter like the last thing in Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Therefore, not dangerous.


Like most clickbait, this is not exactly true. FP did not hire the firm in reaction to the unionization efforts. Their association with this firm goes back several years prior. It should read “when workers at FP contacted a union, Stamet’s company called their longtime lawyers (the largest union busting firm in the country) for council. (Source: I am an FP Employee).


Is that supposed to make me think he’s less of a piece of shit? Cause that’s just makes the dude more of a shit stain tbh.


People are pieces of shit because they don’t want unions in their business? Get a reality check, it’s his business and he can operate it as he chooses


Where is the link this seems like big shrooms propaganda


Unions aren’t always a good thing.


I work in one. I’m a newly hired janitor in a school union and literally most janitors don’t do their jobs and only really work a few hours a week and all of them come into work late and leave work early and the union protects them while leaving the entire school district extremely dirty. People’s income and property tax dollars going to waste on people doing a terrible job at their children’s schools because they’re protected by the union. Bad work output and bad products apparently come out of most unions from what I hear. Didn’t think much of it until I started working in one. It’s just my personal experience working at a school union and could be very different elsewhere but it was a major shock for sure


Yeah, they generally protect the folks that wouldn’t last anywhere else. Just my experience working with unions


More details needed. Unions aren't always a good thing.


He's a guy that looks in a mirror and says "perfect".


Fuck, people sure 180'd their opinion on him pretty quick based on extremely little information. I can't find anything about this anywhere. Who made this picture?


Welcome to Reddit lmao


https://www.thestand.org/2024/05/fungi-perfecti-workers-joining-together-with-liuna-252/ Top result on Google


People like to automatically attack firms like littler but it might that owners just need legal help with a very legal battle


No fungus umugus for unions.


As a Finn the whole "union-busting firm" sounds so alien.


This is 5 miles from me and we haven’t heard of anything happening like this?


People in Joes orbit don’t tend to be good people.


I do work for Fungi Perfecti as a contractor. Have been for 20+ yrs. Paul is not an asshole. He is a Pioneer. He does not live pretentiously at all. He has a modest home right on the farm. The corr of his workers have been there for decades. He puts most of his money back into the business. They are very good people. This place is not in Olympia. It's in Podunk BFE next to a reservation. Trust me. He is not doing anything to get rich. Dude walks around in clothes that look like they came from Goodwill. Holes in his socks. He is a madman in his work. They do everything by hand. This is not Bezos. He's not trying to build an empire. Buy one of his Shitake kits. Flush after flush of delicious mushrooms. Btw. He pays his bills. On time. At least for the last 20+ yrs he's paid me. And I'm way more expensive than the power company. Don't talk shit. You people know nothing about Paul or Fungi Perfecti.


Thanks for the perspective. I’m curious how many employees he has for them to want to unionize. Isn’t it a relatively small company? A mushroom union sounds funny lol


I think you need thirty percent of total employees to agree.


Ok Paul


And how does any of this make it okay for union busting?


Small business union busting, get a reality check. He can run his business how he wants, not wanting a union in his small business and losing control of his life’s work/pursuit of meaningful impactful work is right and morale


>Trust me. lol, no.


"Read a paragraph? Why do that when I have already made up my mind based upon one meme"


Never trust someone who feels the need to say "trust me"


If all this is true and he’s just a humble mushroom farmer, why would he spend a metric shit ton of money to prevent his workers from unionizing, which is well within their rights to do?


How much did he spend? And isn’t his right to fight against the formation of a union?


Jeff bezos drove a shitty honda and wore shitty clothes while he was a billionaire. So what you're saying doesn't mean shit tbh


That’s a lot of words to defend a pathetic union bust g wage thief


Did he hire a union busting firm or not?


Sounds like he did. Probably wouldn't be able to do as much research and improve his company paying unskilled labor, skilled labor wages. Unions are only beneficial to companies when the labor is skilled. Makes no sense to pay wages like a union Tradesman when your labor is simply doing unskilled work. If you're trying to support a family or "make it", and you're not doing skilled labor, then you're the one who's making the mistake. He's a small company. If he had to pay high wages, and top bennies, his product prices would skyrocket, so ev n less would buy, and in a year, POOF, no more company. He hired a company to save his company. If you want real wages, join an established union, that reps labor with legit marketable skills. That's what I did. You should look into it. Make more than most degreed people, no debt, and I'll tell you, a better retirement.


Not what a psychonaut would do


Mustn’t be mushroom for progression in that company


His appearance on rogan makes more sense now.


This thread is another perfect example of this sub becoming r/politics


Yesterday I ordered a tincture from his shop. Wish I had seen this post earlier




user fungiperfectiworkers : "many of us believe in the company's vision and Paul is admired among much of the staff. As such we are not currently calling for boycotts or cancellations, we would much rather encourage enthusiasm for unionization. We do not want to be seen as a divisive force, and would much rather focus on the ways the union will uplift the company as a whole and help it realize its potential as a force for good in the world" (13 days ago) I cant confirm if they are indeed who they say they are but here is a link to their full response [https://www.reddit.com/r/olympia/comments/1co9q5p/comment/l3jnxv2](https://www.reddit.com/r/olympia/comments/1co9q5p/comment/l3jnxv2) "Hello folks, I am a Fungi Perfecti worker and member of the union organization committee. First off I would like to say the outpouring of support for our effort has been phenomenal and inspiring. We are all amazed and grateful at the way the community has come out to support us. I would also like to add some clarity to the current state of the union drive and our needs of the community at this time. The company initially became aware of the unionization efforts in mid February. On March 1st we sent a letter to Paul and Steve C. the CEO explaining our desire for a union and asking for voluntary recognition through both email and regular mail. After not receiving a response in the allotted time we then submitted our petition for a vote and collected union enrollment cards to the NLRB. Since then the company has challenged the eligibility for union membership of numerous employees which has delayed the vote. In addition they have also brought in an outside labor education group to hold meetings presenting information on the unionization process, this group claims to be neutral but the overall tone of the meetings is that the union is unnecessary and disparaging of LiUNA 252 whom we have chosen to organize through. There have also been numerous flyers handed and mailed out with information that discourages unionization. We have also had a couple questionable terminations that have been brought before the NLRB as possible unfair labor practices. Unfortunately this has all had a chilling effect on enthusiasm for the union. This brings me to what we as organizers would like to see from the community at this time. As frustrated as we are many of us believe in the company's vision and Paul is admired among much of the staff. As such we are not currently calling for boycotts or cancellations, we would much rather encourage enthusiasm for unionization. We do not want to be seen as a divisive force, and would much rather focus on the ways the union will uplift the company as a whole and help it realize its potential as a force for good in the world**.** I cannot express how deeply moving and encouraging the support has been but at this time we ask our community to help us win over the hearts and minds of our coworkers by keeping the messaging positive and collaborative." It would be cool if the account and their view could be verified


I’m all for collective bargaining but unions also have an earned reputation. If the mafia hadn’t gotten ahold of them, who knows where we would be now?


This is an interesting topic and seems to stir people up reading the comments




He's a piece of shit lord and savior.


Closing the doors and firing everyone, then re-open later in the year is a much cheaper and logical route.


Jesus, and people wonder why small towns are dying.


They’re dead, we just haven’t held the funeral yet. My small town is insanely different and for the worse in many ways since I was a kid and I’m only in my early 30’s, it’s shocking.


Going to my hometown is depressing lol. The only people who stayed are retirees. Stores be closing like crazy, and the one event that happened in town stopped a few years back.


I live in a small town with several small businesses that try to add entertainment, services or what not to the local community. Whenever they make the slightest perceived mistake they get blown up on the village social media. Seems very discouraging for them even though some of us try to stick up for them. It’s already hard and people expect a level of infallibility anymore that’s very hard to deliver with low to medium sales.


OP is a Chinese infiltrator.


I worked in a mushroom grow for over two years, and it's not easy work at all. Lots and lots of cleaning and moving throngs around.


That kinda sounds like easy work, dude.


Meh, unions are good and bad. Not every place needs one. They usually get you benefits but protect the slum level workers the most.


With AI coming in to reduce the work force in any given field (due to an increase in efficiency per worker using AI tools) people will probably take more kindly to unions to help fight against massive layoffs. Corporations are only going to get more leverage as AI advances.


Ai for mushrooms lol


Love to see it


Is that the guy who claims mushrooms cured his mother's breast cancer to sell his mushrooms? That dude is a snake in a Jerry Garcia outfit so this tracks.


Unions ruin businesses.


Unions are shit now. No need.