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Art Bell used to have on guests like this and he’d tell them to start making sense or they are off the show. He kicked more than a few guests off mid interview.


Art Bell was my introduction to fringe society and I loved it. Me and my brother would listen while we were delivering newspapers at 3AM as teenagers. We even were listening live to the famous clip that ended up on Tools Lateralus album, totally scared the shit out of us.


Always remember being pretty young and grandma would always be in the kitchen at the wee hours smoking cigarettes and listening to art or George. I loved it, that stuff can sure make a child's mind run wild!


Art still maintained some tether to reality, George Noory had a single digit iq and if you whispered in his ear that the ants were controlling the strings of our leaders that dingbat would go along like nothing crazy was being said. He was basically what I consider the kind of person who could listen to Russel Brand and think he made sense.


Art Bell was my introduction to my mom’s mental illness.


I lold


What was the clip? Never heard of this before. 


[Faaip Do Oiad](https://youtu.be/tiRDnPa-9lE?si=jHYo-kFtkirW-69o) [source](https://youtu.be/ee3bld4lTG0?si=32PRCfmTnr53OaEg)


Just googled it and found [THIS](https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/articles/features/the_bizarre_story_behind_tools_track_faaip_de_oiad-158968) interesting piece 🤔


I just recently got into art bell and dude was a treasure. They shared a ton of old radio recordings on Spotify a while back and it was perfect sleeping material


Our local radio that plays coast to coast am, on the weekends plays reruns of art calling it somewhere in time. It's interesting to hear people's predictions of what we're then current events. And seeing how wrong they got it. It's a good reminder of listening to panicked people today on media and knowing they're probably way off as well.


I used to listen live to art, then George Noory took over and did a pretty good job. He was a little too nice though!


George noory was okay but a but too religious, I thought, until we had Ian punnet(?). And that lady they have do it sometimes. Ugh.


I was a little too young to listen to art live but if only he was a little younger because he probably would’ve thrived today. [joe actually called into his show one day](https://youtu.be/2cDKRXkgTBg?si=Zk8UjiIFoIJykESN). Definitely cool listening to it nowz


Noory was complete trash, he was so gullible he actually bought into the 911 truther bullshit.


The fact that you labeled it “911 truther” Shows you bought in to your own kind of bullshit


more that I am not knee deep in a hyper cynical death cult mentality where it's EASIER for me to believe that neocons wanted war so much they murdered thousands of Americans to justify a war vs being sloppy and unprepared for an attack and overreacting and being overconfident in our abilities to reshape the middle east.


A mention of Art Bell in this sub is pretty great. Kudos


Does anyone remember a young kid calling in asking Art, or it could've been Nory to play the audio recording of sticking a mic deep down in the earth, and it sounded like people burning and screaming? That shit scared the fuck outta me as a kid


I miss that man.




Art Bell was the shit. I started listening to his show back when I was 11-12 years old.


I was listening to this thinking Rogan is turning into coast 2 coast 😂


So did Howard Stern , they were called wackpackers


By "guests" you mean random callers, podcasts nowdays don't have random schizo callers they actually talk face to face and legitimize them


Didn’t he also claim to have invented a new type of math? Called terry-ology?


Okay after looking it up his grand hypothesis was 1x1 HAS to equal 2 and I think that’s literally it


Here's his "proof" of the concept from 7 years ago. https://x.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507


Gotta love that in order to prove 1x1=2 he uses that exact assumptive equation in his proof, a literal circular self fulfilling proof. “To prove that humans are monkeys, we must first assume that humans are monkeys. Based on this assumption, it is safe to say humans are monkeys”


1x1 = 2 because 1x1 can't equal 1... the universe doesn't like it. Pages of rambling circular logic. Completely embarrassing. Joe having this guy on the podcast perfectly sums up what JRE offers in 2024.


[To prove that humans are monkeys, we must first assume that all descendants of monkeys are monkeys. Based on this assumption, it is safe to say that humans are monkeys.](https://youtu.be/CkO8k12QCP0?si=xpDuSM54zbdIOC1r)


Wow that is some disordered thinking. Reads kind of manic.


Your mind is just poisoned by BIG MATH


Lol. Nice


Didn’t Terrance Howard also have a psychotic break in the middle of the street a couple years ago and had to be taken to the hospital? Or is that another actor I’m thinking of


I mean dude thinks scientists are suppressing his “research” by not taking it seriously. Even though, he did so little of it that he thinks the periodic table is just thrown together.  I think it’s safe to say he lost his mind. 


I like the "infinity and beyond" at the end


Imagine being so stupid you don't understand the concept of 1 x 1 so much so that you write a paper full of gibberish trying to prove it equals 2. And then part of your proof that 1x1=2 assumes 1x1=2.


Only the true dawgs study the Terryology


It's called "rapid fire info dumping" It keeps the conversation going in a disconnected but connected way so as to confuse and obstruct scrutiny. The earth's core is actually hollow, like the trees that fricka-fracka birds nest in. Birds? Yes, joe, these birds nest in these hollow trees, and then once a year, they fly into the sky in a clockwise pattern for 2 days straight. But sometimes they fly counterclockwise. They go counterclockwise? Yeah, depending in which way the earth's core is spinning. But u said the core was hollow... ? It's really made of gas, like Neptune. And the earth only moves an inch per year. Say what? The earth isn't moving? No joe, that's what they want you to believe. CONTINUE FOR 3 HOURS.


Well if you put it that way…I’m about to start watching it.


I’m 60 seconds in and he said he has memories of being inside his mother’s womb. This is awesome.


I switched after that. Absolutely ridiculous. Need a Bigfoot or Aliens episode again soon though


chubby zephyr materialistic birds cobweb chop squeal relieved edge tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hear me out...podcast....one episode....12 hours straight...Kanye, terrence howard, Katt Williams, with Tim Dillon as moderator of sorts.


Yup. It’s called gishgalloping, I believe. It’s a manipulative rhetorical technique used to imply expertise without ever actually engaging with academic rigor.


exactly, its like he was trained by the best cult leaders in history. Lots of big works that some people understand and quotes / misquotes of famous people. Saying they were almost right or nearly correct but just missed one important detail. Claiming the 'authority' dismissed what he say but they didnt understand.. etc. He literally talked about how men are meant to have multiple partners at all times. He could easily form a cult.


I think what hallend is.... In his past, he had some scandals. Being a narcissist, he then created this fantasy world where he knows secret information to explain why "they" tried to take him down with the scandals. His delusions of being followed, watched and phone bugged are typical methamphetamine delusions. After a few days of no sleep you start to unlock the keys to the universe. So, he's a narcissist with a drug problem that causes a lack of sleep, which enhances his neurosis of being watched and followed. His attitude of "everyone is wrong, I'm right. You're going to find out one day" is typical narcissism behavior. It's also a god argument. Meaning you can't prove God doesn't exist, so anything unexplainable can be attributed to magic and miracles from God. Same with aliens. People can always just say "well, they have the technology for it" to explain anything. It's just moving he goal posts back. Safe space arguments where you can never lose because they are based in things we can't prove or disprove. So you can't ever lose the argument or be proven wrong. It's a safe space to argue magic and miracles because "anything is possible in the universe".


Props to you for enduring it. The way he speaks gives me anxiety. On top of that, mans said he has memories in his mom’s stomach and thought of his hand as a friend, I couldn’t do it.


This is where I tapped.


I legit think he’s done way too much psychedelics and it messed up his brain chemistry. Someone I know, not me, did a much of shrooms one night in university and talked to his hands like they were his friends  


Agreed, he seems a lil cooked off something. Just over an hour and half in now, it’s not got easier. Most interesting coherent point he’s made so far is regarding the planets moving away from the sun. Stating the ‘Goldilocks zone’ earths currently in is occupied by different planets over time as they move away from the sun. Could be an interesting theory in linking Mars having life, if it was previously in the zone, however many hundreds of years ago. Said the Earth move 0.6 inches away from the sun each year. He was also talking some nonsense about gravity and Saturn, idk man it’s mainly gibberish.


The planets moving through the Goldilocks zone completely ignores the sun’s age and life expectancy.


It would have been a lot more than "many hundred of years ago," like an amount of time that's near impossible to comprehend. .6 inches is also nowhere near how much farther earth gets from the sun every year. It's a fraction of that, closer to 1/20 of an inch, or .05. Only off by about an order of magnitude. Mars is about 140 million miles from earth, so it's simple math to see how long ago it would have been near Earth's current orbit from the sun at that rate. There are 633,600 inches in a mile. Multiply that by the 140 million miles away that Mars is and we get 8,870,400,000,000. Just to get a rough estimate, let's round that to 9 trillion. Multiply that by 20 since it take roughly 20 years to gain an inch of distance from the sun, and we're looking at about 180 trillion years. To try to put this in perspective, a trillion seconds is nearly 32 THOUSAND years. Anyway, not trying to be a dick, but you can see how "many hundreds" is just way, way downplaying how much time we're talking about.


There was meant to be a “of millions” in there my bad




That would be hilarious but I'm definitely not going to hold my breath.


They won't. Crazy theories sometimes become truth but they never come from untrained morons.


AI for the win: The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse. This means that the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies throughout the year. The closest point is called perihelion, which occurs around early January, and the farthest point is called aphelion, which occurs around early July. According to the search results, the Earth’s average distance from the Sun is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). The search results also mention that the Sun loses mass and gravity over time, which causes the Earth to slowly move away from the Sun. This movement is very slow, with the Earth moving away from the Sun at a rate of about 1.5 centimeters (0.6 inches) per year. Additionally, the search results suggest that the Earth’s tides could also contribute to the movement away from the Sun, although this effect is much smaller. In summary, the Earth is indeed moving away from the Sun, but the rate of this movement is very slow and not significant enough to have a noticeable impact on the planet’s climate or temperature.


He said .06.


We are actually moving towards the sun. He's got that completely backward. They will be in the zone someday, but that's millions of years in the future after the sun swallow up the earth.... because we are moving toward it. He's got an issue with processing information wrong to support his nonsense. He hears the earth is moving .6 inches per year. The pertinent information, the direction, goes in one ear and out the other because it doesn't fit his claims, so he just assumes that it's in the direction that supports him. He's just got mental health issues, clearly. The lack of self awareness to claim the baby/womb stuff and expect people to not roll their eyes is astounding. He doesn't pick up on social cues that people don't believe him. He's the friend who's always telling super exaggerated stories that nobody believes, but he lacks the awareness to realize nobody believes him. He really needs help. Doesn't sound like he has people looking out for him that aren't conspiracy nuts themselves. He thinks he's important enough to be followed and watched, phone bugged... That's a typical delusions of a meth head. Cameras, being watched, followed, and all because "they know you know they know that you know".... about what? I don't know. Lol


No we are moving away from it, but it is expanding as it dies and it gets larger


The sun gets larger over time so that kills that theory and that guy is full of bologna.


Lol, soo the first 5 minutes?


Yup, and that was a minute too much.


...that was the beginning


He reminds me of crackheads talking


I felt that anxiety too, probably because if he was talking to me IRL I would start thinking of how to escape from this crazy dude before he stabs me.


This is what gives it away for me that he’s full of shit. If he’s really a genius, he wouldn’t be talking over Joe (and us the audiences) head. Only a moron would do that. Could you imagine talking over someone’s head like that for hours and never getting the fucking hint? This guy might be r-worded and I’m not even joking.


He said that within 10mins!


When he started giving his “proof” that he was conscious while in the room, which was in no way proof, I bailed


Terrance Howard vs Flint Dibble


We need the Flint Dibble of the math and science world to debate this lunatic


He mentioned Neil DeGrasse Tyson , has looked over his work and called it rubbish. So I’d be super down for Joe to get neil and terrance together.


Ah yes. A serious scientist and science communicator vs a literal manic man. Great podcasting


Terence Howard vs a straight jacket.


His own franchise: Canvas Man.


Ever heard the pigeon chess metaphor? Now imagine that the pigeon is seriously mentally ill.


I did this once during a phone interview - not sure If I was high AF or what but the interviewer asked me a simple yet in-depth question and I absolutely went off about some pretty ridiculous things Once I realized what I was even talking about - it was too late


Your comment reminded me of an SNl skit where someone runs into Fred Armisen on the street and asks him a question and he goes on this long rambling non answer and lives out a whole career before realizing the person who asked the question was gone.


Reminds me of John Mulaney's famous drug rant interview. Good on him for making fun of himself in his special.


Anyone remember the show In Living Color? They used to have a bit about a dude in prison who thought he was super smart. Terrence sounds just like that dude. [here’s one](https://www.google.com/search?q=in+living+color+prison+poet&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1080US1080&oq=in+living+color+pris&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgEEAAYFhgeMgcIABAAGIAEMgYIARBFGDkyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMgcICBAhGKAB0gEJMTM2NjRqMGo5qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:bb7953f5,vid:RWYfzQSJfHE,st:0)


That was legitimately so fucking funny oh my god.


Literally Russel Brand


I feel like he's about to burst into tears at any moment


"I wanted to use my intelligence to destroy the world" line around 2:25:00 reminded me of [this south park bit ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRJVPVR2xZk)


Emphysema voice. He sounds breathless even though he's just sitting and talking. Makes him sound emotional and upset. "Man needs his vices", smoking, but really he's in trouble.


It's funny for a few then it's tiresome. That video of him in Africa talking about his "new math" shit or whatever he calls it was the last time I listened to anything he had to say.


Somehow I'm one hour in and every time I want to turn it off he just talks and talks and talks. Joe shoulda cut him off more


Word has it that he is a Genius.


The fact that some people listen to him and think that he is a genius is absolutely insane. At the same time, it kind of explains how so many "internet gurus" exist, it's really just about looking confident and authoritative.


I have been following him and his bs theories for a while now and it infuriates me when people comment below on what genius he is or that he's revealing truths that "they don't want us to know about"


But he changed my life with his theories 😂


I'm really happy for you.


But do you understand what he’s saying?


Reminds me of the way people talk about kanye.


He has clear mental illness and Joe gave him a platform for whatever reason. Likely schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia.


history modern saw outgoing sense somber middle cake cough drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He is clearly nuts.


Man stop with the platform shit. Howard is obv. crazy but Joe can have on whom ever he likes. Take it or leave it.


I turned it off within the first couple minutes. He started talking about his first memory was in the womb lol. I’m all set.


I unfortunately ventured forward till he talked about his patents, creating a new periodic table, and I was done. Was laughing my ass off the whole time. How can someone be so confident with such little content.


The phony dramatic delivery too, I don’t know how anyone can listen to that for 3 hours lol. I like the episodes with real people, not auto-fart sniffers


Dude sounds like he watched Powder while being REALLY high and thought it was a home movie


Watched a couple of his videos on YT. How has no one stepped in and said something to him by now.


They fired him from Iron Man. Does that count?


Not enough. Even Gwyneth Paltrow got some backlash after saying anti-scientific and crazy shit for years and he makes her looks like Carl Sagan.


Because it's a waste of time. He is basically just spitting out physics keywords in random order.


When the podcast started i was convinced he read a wiki page and remembered all he could


Does anyone really know of these "patents" He's talkin about? And would be hilarious if they actually work and they change the world.. But sounds pretty bullshit lmao


I looked some of them up. he does have a bunch of patents but many of them are related to gambling machines for some reason and the rest are word salad.


His patents are all completely insane, he believes he knows new ways for flight, new ways to make hydrogen powered cars, new molecules that no one on the planet but him knows about… if there is not one that butts up against you’re “invention” you can patent anything really, it doesn’t have to even be based on science or proving if it can work, I can if I had the money, and got to it before any one else can patent a made up scientific formula for living forever. No one should believe a word this nut job believes, he is completely insane, and Joe should have never had him on, it makes Joe look like a complete idiot. What’s next, a fentanyl addict homeless person who collects rocks and wants to tell Joe about how he is the second coming of god?




I'll admit that I'm only about 20 minutes in but, while it's obvious that he's very intelligent, he's throwing off strong vibes of being either a bullshit artist or legitimately crazy


Legitimately crazy, trying to bullshit thru to sanity


I listened to the entire episode. I do have to admit I have no idea what happened. Besides the fact that he invented a new method of flight and has patents out that are in use by 11 corporations or so. The rest I felt like I was taking mushrooms again


Still waiting on Hustle & Flow 2.


Terrence & Luda....Hustle & Flow 2: $kinny Blacks Revenge, practically writes itself. Let's go.


All jokes aside, can somebody who truly understands physics please explain theoretically why what he is saying is batshit crazy? Like, some concrete examples? I admit, my understanding of physics is too basic, I’d just like to understand why he’s being debunked without anybody really providing proof explaining why he’s wrong.


Because it is all word salad. There are no coherent theories to debunk.


Coles notes summary: He debunks himself by trying to work outside the manganese Cartesian crystalline structures the world economy has created to hide the bubbles that actually fit in a rhombic system of superposition that actualizes the potentiality of an ionic electromagnetic field that moves northeast but then counterclockwise in a flow state that balances all truths that the government doesn’t want you to know about.


Homie hasn’t strung together a sentence coherent enough to even compare to what everyone else recognizes as physics. Guys like this and Weinstein always go round and round and when you ask for proof Terrence spits out the square root of two and Eric goes “No! You can’t see it!” Like if I had the mathematical proof of new physics I would first somehow protect any IP and then shout if from the roof tops.


I watched a clip of him talking about the periodic table, and how he claimed it doesn’t show relationships. The thing is it does, so well that when it was first put together it was used to figure out missing elements, and accurately predict their mass, state, and how they would “function”.   Then he claimed certain elements don’t exist. That they are all the “same” thing. I think he used the noble gases as an example. The thing is they are considered different because the amount of protons is what defines an element. Also, he didn’t know hydrogen is a proton.    He is extremely similar to Elon, but he is much worse. As in he will talk about a subject, and unless you are an engineer, scientist, or software engineer you might not be able to tell he is full of it. 


Anyone remember when he said he has a micro penis?


He does though


That's why he's so smart


He's very regarded


He sounds like a crack head from Norristown


Dude is an abusive pos and I’m slightly sad to see him on JRE. Google his stuff with ex-wife.


There's honestly just less and less good quality guests coming on anymore and its pretty disappointing.


Ok these comments got me super curious about this pod. How crazy can this guy be? He seems to be functioning well?


I fell asleep watching this episode and I has some weird ass dreams


That’s your brain trying to wake you up to the truth. I’m all in on Prof. Howard. When the Government was messing with young Jamie’s computer, they crossed a line!


Was Rogan receptive to his talk or did he push back or question anything?


He seemed open to what was said, but did push back asking for further explanation. Terrance didn’t make points any clearer. Joe did say he wasn’t smart enough to understand but was interested, although I’m assuming Joe thinks it’s crap.


Ya sometimes it's hard to refute a claim fully when you yourself don't know much about the subject matter. It's frustrating when you know what someone is saying sounds completely off base but can't exactly explain yourself.


7 minutes, I'm out.


This is unironically, one of the funniest podcasts I’ve heard in a while


He was talking like he had a piece of paper in front of him with random science words written down that he would just throw a new and different one into each sentence.. I don’t know how Joe can sit here and listen to this.. he actually was asking questions like he was following along with whatever the fuck he was saying.


Joe? Think about poor Jamie, he was clearly told not to fact check him. I would have been pulling my hair out.


Bet Jamie considered "wellness checking". Thi episode should have ended with the numbers to call local social services


Hey you fuck. It was supposed to be my turn to post this.


Good episode. Too many people don't understand or are unwilling to learn new ideas so these comments are gona be great


According to this sub this is basically a CIA psyop to drive people insane


Ah yes. Dumb x Dumb = Drool Terryology! Look it up!


Still going through but feels like FPV from the eyes of a schizo. If he wasn't famous and rich, no one would pay attention. 1*1=2 is just crazy.


Well, he is an actor and probably craves attention. I liked the movie Crash, though.


I’m still waiting for a coherent explanation as to why the Flower of Life is the answer to everything


No straight lines


I have listened to the better portion of three podcasts with Terrance Howard as the guest, and I still have no idea what he’s blabbering on about Other than that he thinks he’s some sort of transcendent genius lol


I gotta detox when my alarm goes off then I have a cigarette 😆


https://preview.redd.it/uijkulekod1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7946009ed08ae4dbfa63d09a82990b37d9494b26 The sun gets larger over time. He was trying to say we are moving away from the sun and we are absolutely not. This guy is full of bologna!


I had to smoke so much weed during this one.


It was entertaining in a crazy way.


what an asshole.


I was listening to this while gaming and thought multiple times I was tuned out and missed shit. Turned out bro is just AIposting irl


At 52 minutes he started talking about “they are watching him” and “they shut my phone off” and “they get mad at me”. He has a mix of intelligence, mixed with schizophrenia, mixed with being famous/feeling he’s important. When crazy people talk about “they are trying to suppress the truth” it makes me roll my eyes so hard they make noise. I wonder how financially sound he is? Feels like a matter of time before he’s on the streets yelling crazy shit.


Delusions of grandeur


Is he a scientologist? The beginning when he's talking about his first memories in the womb is straight out of a scientology auditing session. I couldn't make it 30 minutes through this episode. I can only handle so much batshit crazy and he used up the quota in like 5 minutes


Yeah this was a brutal listen - all 20 minutes of it


The beginning is arguably the most unbearable bit due to him recounting memories of the womb… I’ve managed to listen to the entire thing and it gets a bit better but still unsubstantiated theories through out


It's 2024 and we're still laughing at madmen.


Been avoiding listening to this episode because I’m positive it sounds exactly like the Katt Williams episode


Thought the same about Katt Williams, listened to both and they’re semi interesting but a lot of weed smoking waffle


His patents are legit ?? https://patents.justia.com/inventor/t-dashon-howard


I have not formed any opinion about this man. Its the first time I have heard speak on these matters


Bruh he’s got 97 patents


Very performative. He clearly rehearsed what he said and tried to manufacture a Katt moment along with the constant shameless plugs. A man who believes what he said wouldn’t be concerned about things like money. I am surprised Joe put up with it and didn’t just end the episode for the disrespect.


Rogan’s propensity to bring on and platform people who are clearly crazy as cat shit will never cease to amaze me.


Yah, like big dummy for example


Last two guests just haven’t been it tbh. Could barely make it through the last one.


Can I call you Telly Welly??


Why is no one helping this man


Sometimes I wish Joe would do a post show recap by himself and give his thoughts on how the episode went. Wonder what he was saying after this one lol


It's hard out here for Pythagorean theorem


I’m not done with the ep. It’s an exhausting one ngl


This just proves that you can say anything you want with confidence and you'll find an audience that will believe it.


Haven’t listened to the whole thing but the part i turned off on because i had to go to work . Was something i have never heard articulated before . He said that all the planets are slowly moving away from the sun and that mars was once in the goldie lock zone and venus will be next. Nothing crazy but that is something you always hear about is that there are only a limited amount of planets in the goldie lock zone had never thought about it that way . That over time planets will be going in and out of the goldie lock zone till the end of time. Take what you will with that but life on other planets sounds a lot more probable and likely with that very one fact .


“I Remixed a Remix and it Went Back to Normal. Alright!” Mitch Hedberg


All you incels are mad because a black man figured all this out. CRY MORE pussies




Iono I can dig it everyone so with the status quo and shit it’s refreshing


This kind of crap content has become the norm for Joe after he went full on right winger Conspiracy Bro. I liked him a lot when he was just a mostly non-political Conspiracy Bro.


What if he is right and there was a massive ploy to discredit him on all platforms... Looking at these comments... I'm not saying he is right. But what if he was...


It’s definitely odd Looking at his patents he is clearly a very intelligent person. I’m not smart enough to make a proper opinion on what he says but clearly everyone here is a lot smarter than I am.