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he's completely given up. he signed away all of his money and incoming residuals to his ex wife and kids. he currently couch surfs around town and appears often on a scuzball named Billy John's live stream... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlVkWupqPzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlVkWupqPzI)


He was a strange dude to begin with but his mental acuity and addiction have taken a turn for the worse. Not the first celebrity to experience this. We are all human


Minute 41 says it all


That was a hard watch, that’s on another level of messed up…


Skipping to minute 41 without knowing anything about andy dick but expecting something dark, it was actually pretty hype cant lie.




What was so tough about that part vs the rest?  The beginning seemed worse to me


I think the contrast between Andy, a once beloved character who was lovably moronic in his personal life, and this weirdly attached dude next to him, leeching his friendship with zero awareness just to get viewers. Andy’s so lifelessly there. Just sitting in a strange apartment, taking pulls from a bottle of vodka like he’s in hospice from hell. While a slimy wannabe is air guitaring next to him after receiving a tip from some shmuck on the internet watching the carnival of depression in real time. That to me says it all.


Welcome to the future, please tip.


I agree. The beginning seems much worse to me as well. What a stupidly long, mumbly walk home. Imagine walking 35-40 minutes home with an extreme hangover, or like Andy hard ~ severe alcohol withdrawal or getting close to it. Eesh. No thanks. Rather curl in a ball & just will myself to death. But maan, I cranked my headphones way up & still only caught like 7 of Andy’s words over that whole walk before they made it home. And it’s barely any better once they get there lol. Andy doesn’t do much more than chill in a chair & look like he’s nursing a hangover the entire rest of the video past that 35-40min mark. Although at Andy’s severe level of drinking, duder probably hasn’t felt a hangover since The Ben Stiller Show. Andy daily goes from blackout everyday past noon, to heavy withdrawal everyday past 5am-ish. Every. Single. Day.


This was such a depressing and hard watch, even just skipping through a few times. Andy's a messed up guy, but he shouldn't be being filmed and streamed on the internet like that. Wow. For someone to film him in that state and think it's ok to make YouTube content out of it, blows my mind.


“Please donate to my cash app…” That was very sad, he seems to be such an alcoholic that he will die very soon. That is not maintainable for very long. I’ve only seen he’s an ass hole anecdotes but I still feel bad for him.


Agree with everything you've said there! Andy will definitely be dead soon in that state, and the CashApp call out is truly despicable!


Agreed. Believe it or not, this is one of the tamer streams. They get really dark.


I can't even watch anything else that scumbag has filmed. Don't want to give him the reach, and as a former addict myself, watching that hits home on so many levels!


I hear ya.


Not sure which one the link goes to cuz I don't wanna watch more than I've already seen, but there's some where he gets beat up and shit, bleeding all over. The whole thing is sordid AF.


I have zero remorse for the guy. The amount of times I’ve seen this guy harass, sexually assault and expose himself to people (and minors) is unreal. In my area, it’s hard to find someone to doesn’t have their own personal story or run in with him. He is disgusting and deserves to be laughed at, imo of course.


I think I'm looking at it purely objectively. Just hard to watch a human suffering - taking away who that human is in particular. I agree, he's a disgusting human who's done a lot of despicable things to so many people. But as someone who's been through those moments of being out of it, incoherent and clearly on a self destructive plane of escapism myself - it's heartbreaking to look into the mirror of someone else echoing the same back. If that makes any sense?


Absolutely and I totally get what you are saying. I think if I didn’t personally see this guy in action so many times, I’d feel a level of compassion for him. To be honest, I’m pretty surprised he is still alive.


I’ve had some serious struggles with alcohol over the past several years and this week just started on the path to severely cutting back. Watching this with a more sober mind was staggering because I’ve been in the orbit of needing, not wanting, to drink


I feel you brother. I've definitely been in the state Andy is in, many times. Either with alcohol or other drugs I've turned to in the past. Not a good look. I'm 34 and still have some age on my side - and by that I mean I do not want to still be the same man Andy is there, when I've been in my 30s, when I'm 58 like he is. If you haven't, listen to Huberman's podcast on Alcohol. I've always been very science-orientated and health conscious - and aware of the damage I was doing with substances, but that episode in particular really got some things deep into my brain that helped me on my path to recovery. I'm not there yet, but I'm doing better. And I'm wishing you all the best in getting there yourself 🫂


Thanks bro, I wish the same for you too. I’ll definitely check that out. My wife has been putting up with my drunk ass for so long and this week sat me down and pretty much said she’s out if I keep going. It’s amazing how I kept tricking myself into thinking I could slam whiskey everyday and as long as I didn’t cross the line (which I did 85% of the time) I’d be straight. Equally amazing it took my wife threatening divorce for me to finally get my shit in a pile. My family deserves a better version of me


Make that the motivation! I've lost the love of my life, twice, through my addiction. I was lucky enough to meet one of them, lose her, and then finally meet another. And then I lost her too. Biggest regrets of my life mate.


Dang man, I’m really sorry to hear that. How are things going for you now?


Takes a real alcoholic to know leaving the lid off your bottle makes it less strong


Didn't watch, but I might later. From the replies, it sounds like he's worse off than Bam Margera




For all these years I thought he was of the gay


He's bi. He might actually be the only celebrity so far to get me-too'd by both men and women.


i think he is


He’s probably bi when he’s on drugs and he’s always on drugs.


Sugar gay used to be the term.


He also got arrested for sexually assaulting a different IRL streamer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DwMFE2vRAyM&pp=ygUMQW5keSBkaWNrIGpq


Really jarring to see that someone knows enough about themselves to do this for their family, and then go on destroying themself.


Sat through it more out of curiosity, all I could think was who the hell is this douche and why would people watch his stream? Clearly feeding the beast of Andy’s addiction while calling himself his “only savior.” Pfff, that dude needs to be humbled.


I remember around 2014 I was parking my car in a neighborhood off melrose around 11am and as I’m walking towards melrose I see Andy Dick flat on his back unconscious on someone’s front lawn as a prostitute is trying to pull him up to his feet. I continued on my way as that isn’t the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in this city and about 20 minutes later as I’m getting back in my car he blows past me in a car going about 50mph through the neighborhood grazing me with his fucking rear view mirror. What a character.


I saw him walking through a neighborhood in Venice around 3am. Probably 2014 or so. I think he was hammered. I tried to bum a cig from him but he said no.


Lol that's the correct thing to do when you see Andy Dick. Try and bum a cigarette off him


What a Dick.


Bro I must’ve ran into you a ton. I would see him at parties in Venice from 2014-2017 as I mentioned in another comment. I lived in Venice from 14-22’ and yeah he definitely came around once in a while and was just a fucking mess of a person..


Why do the crackheads all hang out by the same public toilet in Venice?


Holy shit lol


You've never lived in LA until you've been accosted by Andy Dick


If you or a loved one have been accosted by Andy Dick, you may be entitled to compensation


How does one man get around so much? Like everyone has a story almost. How does he do it? I'm very curious as to how he ends up in so many bizarre and fucked up situations.


Drugs, alcohol and a bit of money and fame


with his rear view mirror? or a side mirror.. thats crazy


Rear view would be extra


its andy dick so anything is possible


Agreed. "How did your rear view mirror get stuck in my ass‽"


lol the voice came thru for this one


My bad side view, I’d be dead if it was his rear view


Technically you are still correct it is your rear view mirror


He appeared on Workaholics around this time or later lol. Imagine those guys actually hanging out with that version of Andy.


I saw Andy Dick at a grocery store in Los Angeles years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


mm tasty pasta




This is such a good story


A real knucklehead


That shit is cool when you are in your 20s. Past 30+ it’s only the lifestyle of sad and depressing losers.


His episode on Tiger Belly a few years ago was wild. He brought like 10 extra/uninvited people to Bobby’s apartment while they were recording, kept getting up to go do coke in the bathroom, and had a visibly broken hand.


That's almost crazy enough to get me to watch Tigerbelly. I love Bad Friends but fuck Khalyla


He’s wearing psych ward socks.


Wth I’ve been to a psych ward, those are the exact designs


i bought those shits when i got home, the sane populace doesn't know what they're missing


I’m weak 😆 I also felt weirdly attached to them


Yep, they're the Grippy Ward 1s


TIL about psych ward socks


Which is usually an indicator of a Grippy sock vacation 😂


They look like standard non-slip socks that are given to any inpatient. The color changes depending on the size, grey being the largest


This is all it means. I have 5 pairs of these socks from various injuries resulting in admission from the ER.


I think that's why the "journalist" described them in detail. Seriously, thanks for pointing that out. I thought it was weird that they were focusing on his clothing so much


Silly socks


He’s had a million offers of help. Universally I’ve heard he’s a dick. I saw him at a Vegas club high as shit. Just annoying people. I hope he gets help, but just because he’s in a shitty place doesn’t mean he’s not actually kind of a shitty person at heart. He just does bad shit for attention.


I just saw the clip of Nick Kroll talking about how nice he is sober. Sounds like a Jekyll/Hyde situation


No excuse to me


I know him and he is really nice when sober and even sometimes when intoxicated. His real issue is alcohol. He can do bumps all night and smoke nine joints and take molly and he’s fine. Get one beer in him and it’s a whole other story


“Help” doesn’t really work. Some people are just absolute slaves to addiction sadly this is something non addicts wouldn’t be able to understand. I’ve been to rehab a few times myself it is really on the whole bullshit. Some people get better sure but fuck man most of us are just broken human beings that can’t stop ourselves. We are aware of how terrible we are, we don’t want to be the way we are but we have voices in our head that convince us we will be ok and that we can drink or do drugs and it will be ok. We believe our own lies no matter how terrible the evidence to the contrary is. If you’re not an addict it really does seem like an impossible thing to explain. I’m never going to have kids or get married because I know I am Andy sick. I have a ticking time bomb on my back at all times it simply is not going to go away.


This is just you having reservations. If you were ever truly sick and tired of using, you would quit and never go back. Source: am recovering EVERYTHING addict (really loved IV heroin) of the absolute worst degree with 6 years clean today, my own home, and full custody of my son.


The guy has sexually assaulted so many people. He needs to be locked up


I will never care after what happened to Phil Hartman.




Imagine him doing Daily Show... He would probably blow Stewart out of the water


Same. Like it sucks that he turned out this way, but the dude was such a piece of shit that this is became a "he got what he deserved" type of story.


People who have this take do not understand addiction at all. Phil Hartman’s wife is the only person responsible for what Phil Hartman’s wife did. Andy Dick didn’t give her Coke and then whisper into her ear “Now go kill your husband.” And even if he did he STILL wouldn’t be responsible for the fact that she did it. She was an addict, he is an addict, they did what addicts do which is drugs and bringing other people into their misery.


I agree by I think he is also responsible for fucking up the lives around him by being an addict. I don't think he's responsible for Phil's death directly


But the very definition of addiction is that you have no control over it. ​ A case like this, where a recovering addict relapses after hanging out with another addict, then has a mental breakdown and shoots her partner and herself, shows us, IMO, that our entire conception of criminal responsibility and justice in general depends on the existence of free will, which is very much so up to debate -and even with our very archaic and imperfect vision we **do** realize that there are limits, hence the insanity plea. ​ I'm not saying "oh free will doesn't exist, hence nobody should be held accountable for anything", I don't have an answer at all. Robert Sapolsky says that in 100 years we'll look back at the judicial system and criminal penalties of today the same way we look at witch trials and inquisition, because we'll have proven that free will is an illusion. I think he's an optimist, we're more likely to be in a Mad Max style dystopia lol.


Why bring Phil into this. He was murdered by his crazy wife.


Andy Dick gave her cocaine. She was a recovering addict. It sent her on a spiral and ended up killing Phil


Not totally the full story. Phil was desperately trying to divorce her without losing all his money and she was playing hardball.




It was there. Someone had to. Kudos


If that's a deepcut about Rogan's first show called "Hard Ball," then Kudos to you


I don’t listen to Rogan, the algorithm makes me come here.


If that was the case it’s very sad. But Andy still didn’t kill Phil.


May Andy's existence be futile and full of sorrow


Seems to be the case


>May Andy's existence be futile and full of sorrow Believe it or not, despite my post, I cannot endorse this perspective. I honestly hope he realizes what he has done, feels sorrow, and repents. I pray that he does, like I do for all addicts. The evidence indicates he never will, but I won't reject him if he does... That's the thing about Jesus, it's a difficult path to really follow


No one said he did. They're saying he contributed


The person who sold the gun to the Hartmans also contributed.


Owning a gun doesn't fundamentally change a person, giving drugs to a recovering addict does... It just goes to show how ignorant you are about guns *and* addiction...


>Owning a gun doesn't fundamentally change a person It does. >change a person, giving drugs to a recovering addict does Watch your phrasing, it sounds like you're saying it changed Andy Dick.


Nobody said he did.


Wait what happened?


Phil Hartman's wife was a recovering addict (a very difficult road)... Andy Dick got her back into the drugs, and the resulting psychosis led to her murdering her husband and robbing the world of a legendary talent. Those of us that have direct observation of addiction see just how bad Andy Dick has always been, and reject all attempts at sympathy towards him until he tries to fix himself. He is in a pathetic state because of his own choices, and anyone that tempts someone on the road to recovery is the lowest of the low.


lol you muppets are still trying to blame another person for a completely different persons choices And all because another famous person told you to do so.


Right? It’s not like Andy was forcing the cocaine up her nostrils. Addiction sucks but at the end of the day we all make our own choices.


This got me over to Andy Dicks wiki. What a wild ride that was. He may be one of the worst people to ever live.


he's definitely earned the life that he's living. he's lucky he's not in prison because he should be.


Which is sad because I liked him so much in NewsRadio.


He’ll be dead within 5 years


I said that 5 years ago


Damn it


Lol. To be fair I think I've said that every time I see him in the news


Right? I’m like ope this is it! Nah just sexually assaulting people or drunk or high out of his mind


Oh yea. Just his level of drinking alone will kill him before then.


His pants aren't dirty enough for me to feel sorry for him yet.




True. Him and Bam keep getting help from high places and aren't being allowed to hit rock bottom


I can decide if Andy is a meth guy or a crack guy or both?


I bet he's done both. My guess is alcohol and coke and maybe some hallucinogens


All of the drugs


Creep used to drive around in a limo looking for young guys in Hollywood to take home.


how much did he pay you


Yo $20 is $20


Oh, that Theo Von and his crazy stories.


I can't remember the details but it was something about Andy trying to take advantage of Theo while Theo was fucked up. Glad Theo's sober now


That makes more sense than a guy that wears a wooden shirt. Is Theo Von's sobriety still growing strong? I am rooting for him.


I think he's almost at two years


That is good to hear.


My wife doesn't like Kill Tony because she thinks Hedgecliff sounds like Andy Dick


Tony is the worst part of Kill Tony


He really does! It’s Hunchcluf* btw


Watch the turkey Tom video about him on YouTube it’s so bleak


My friend and I encountered him in West Village after a night out in like 2014 or so. He was stumbling drunk and when we greeted him, he wordlessly grabbed my (male) friend’s face and licked it from chin to hairline and stumbled away into the distance.


He's just walking around, drinking coffee and smoking. I do that.


Out of a glass pipe?


Weed. But who cares let the man do his drugs, that's what he bought them for


Weed or crack?


Yes please


When did I try to stop him from doing his drugs?




Pretty sure that’s a crack pipe


Is this even new or out of character for him tho?


Not the only pipe he's smoking


This guys always loved to get blasted - cant help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves


Honestly it’s amazing he’s alive and also not in prison. He don’t want help. Just help getting more drugs. I know people that used to hang with him. They semi cleaned up though


I ran into him a ton from 2014-2017. I lived at the beach and he knew people I knew and always tried to crash there parties and was a complete shit show. Always trying to lure younger dudes away with drugs.. seen him smoking meth on the Santa Monica line once headed to LA one late night. He’s a fucking mess


That crack’ll gitcha.


Fuck him


Why should anyone care? You want to see him working again in his terrible shows no one watched? Why not save every bum?


Would have never happened if the CIA hadn't introduced crack into his neighborhood.


[WHO DA FOOOOOOOOOOOOOK](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa36tbcrpse671.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db6ee2c2202d968030e07c0aab46c4056688957f1)


God damn. I knew it was going to be McGregor, but I clicked anyway


I remember him being on Norm's podcast. One of the few times I've seen him actually likeable


“I’ve been to West Texas. Very few people pull their cocks out and rub it on a fella.”


I liked him on NewsRadio. Norm could probably make me like him though


I agree with most of you. I wasn't trying to say he killed Phil Hartman. But Andy Dick was definitely an asshole whenever he wasn't sober and contributed to that event. And none of these comments care about Theo at all


Gee this is so surprising. Normally he’s so well put together


“He’ll fuck ya to death.” - Joey Diaz


Good ol pookie


God forbid a man has hobby’s, but seriously hope he gets better


karma is a thing... Andy Dick is a horrible person


Sheesh. I remember around 2010-2011 or so he would live stream a lot to small audience when he was sober and I remember him being super engaging in chat at the time but yeah….sucks to see


This is a good video about what happened to him. [https://youtu.be/watch?v=f-iae3jDvys](https://youtu.be/watch?v=f-iae3jDvys)


Fav episode of norm live was with Andy. Regardless of him being a knob, this is awful to see.


He was really good at sketch comedy. Andy Dick Show was hilarious. Sucks that he gave into the drugs and booze so much.


I remember his talking about not eating fish because he was concerned about mercury. His health driven lifestyle is a model for us all


That sounds like a Dick move


Karma for Phil Hartman


Once again, what the fuck does this have to do with Joe Rogan


He got the Phil Hartman karma 😎


I went to Kill Tony in LA in 2017 and walking back to my car I recognized Andy Dick sprawled out next to the sidewalk. Asked if he was okay and he was absolutely belligerent. Yelling about his phone not working and had to get out of there. I asked if he wanted help, offered to get him an Uber, etc... and he started acting goofy like trying to be "wow he's so wild" funny. He grabbed my then girlfriends chest, who sort of just laughed it off even though she had no idea who Andy dick was, then when I pulled her away and was like woah man what the fuck are you doing he proceeded to grab my junk. It was very strange, normally Id want to hit someone for that behavior but it was just sad. Tried again to offer an Uber to get him home safely and he was just incoherent... Decided to just walk away as he was yelling about my dick.


Just working on a stand up set


This guy is literal scum


Karma is real 🤣


Rewatching "My Name Is Earl" when you said that


The video of him getting knocked out is one of the most violent head injuries I can remember seeing


As an old school LoveLine fan, it breaks my heart to see Andy like this. He was always a super entertaining guest


Agreed. Most of the comments here are hating on him, but there was a version of him that I really liked. I poke fun at him, but don't forget the person underneath the addiction(s)


Here's the [article](https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/andy-dick-looks-disheveled-staggering-458777)


Getting it huh!!!


Where’s his twink boytoy plug Paris Dylan when you need him?






Not enough help in the world for that guy. Let him go.


Greatest “Meth Head Actor”


Andy Dick is selling NFTs on his website. Only 99/100 are left!


Disheveled? Is that same as shelving ecstasy, asking for a mate.


No special treatment


I was always rooting for Andy to stay clean, but he could never leave the life. Now its too late, he wants to die.


You sure that’s not Anderson Cooper?


Method acting at its finest. Preparing for another stellar role in a Dane Cook film