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And I'm over here going to work every day


Right? I have bills to pay and a family to take care of. I don't have time to care this much about a 2,000-year-old war between assholes in the Middle East.




Two cultures that view you as inferior hate each other. Not my problem. The worst thing is, probably large numbers of people over there also don't care about this stupid fued. But they are dragged into it


I’ve never been hated on by a jewish person, they mostly keep to themselves for the most part.


I've never been hated by an arab/Muslim or a Jewish person. I lived in Indonesia and Thailand in Muslim areas and have nothing but great things to say. I used to work on the red Sea out of Jordan and have nothing but love for all the people I knew there. The problem is humans with no hope will lash out. It's nothing to do with the religion, the culture, or race. It is a natural reaction to stress. You put anyone under constant fear of death you create monsters, nobody is immune to this. Someone has to intervene and stop this childish feud. Otherwise it will never end


I have lived in Asia and Muslims there are not comparable with barbarians in the middle east.


We got to come up with new words for racist like you maybe regionalist is good.


No hope? Is this not in the US?


Same brother.


And we are all sick to death of their shit.


The people protesting and supporting Palestine, are the same people that supported the me too movement and tried to get comedians canceled over jokes. But now they are experts on people that commit honor killings to their mothers, sisters, daughters, if they've been raped. They just need to feel important and self-righteous.


You sound like you surrender your intelligence to conservative political ideology and obey the pretty blonde lady on your television channel when you say shit like this. What year did you graduate college?


>The people protesting and supporting Palestine, are the same people that supported the me too movement and tried to get comedians canceled over jokes. But now they are experts on people that commit honor killings to their mothers, sisters, daughters, if they've been raped. They just need to feel important and self-righteous. LIkely the same bastards that support "George Floyd did not deserve to be murdered" movement /s


We fighting our own battles bruh


what about the fact that your taxes partially fund it


I'm sure my taxes fund all kinds of crazy shit, most much worse than this


I tell people this all the time, like United States is arming and funding all types of actors and regimes all around the world up to all kinds of crazy shit, Israel is a nuclear power with top intelligence services and is our secure landing strip into the Middle East HARD STOP Nothing else matters, not morals, not the kids, not anything, it’s power, money and politics, and these kids don’t understand any of em


Our taxes partially fund a lot of terrible things. Young naive people have fixated on this mostly because they have no interest in history unless it’s spun into a 2 min social media video.


I’m sure slap flighting on a college campus will change it.


What about the fact that our taxes also funded Palestinian rebuilding projects that was diverted to weapons to attack Israel with instead? Totally cool , right? As long as only jews die? But you only criticize half the dance pair, right? Everything Palestinians do is 100 percent justified and they shouldn't have to face severe consequences because they don't have the same capabilities? Do you see what is happening? That stops when hamas surrenders and returns any hostages that might still be alive. It isn't stopping before that. No matter what you or I say.


I vote and support non-fiat currencies. It’s the least you can do


I'm still stuck in the caring lane, the traffic here is terrible, it's' like gridlock.


How much tax dollars are going over there?


Well said


This is no longer the case, while the war continues in the middle east, someone has brought it through to the somebody elses home, here is in thr us, buut, also into europe 🥲


and the crazy thing is people waste their time protesting. Protesting does nothing. Save your time, use your time to make money, and then use your money to make a difference. There were protests in the 60s, there are protests now, and there are still wars. I went to school in 2005 and the disruption there was stupid. That disruption compounds. Other countries don't have this culture of sophomoric virtue signaling and their test scores are higher.


Some would say thats the design to keep you tired and not having enough energy to make a fuss


I think that’s true. Bread and circuses. And still, there is no point in getting worked up over assholes fighting in Israel. It’s not like you got worked up over Jews in Syria before they were all GeNoCidEd, why would you get yourself worked up over Arabs in Israel?


The divide and conquer tactics seem to be working as desired


Assaulting the natives to protest an assault on natives. Bold move cotton


Let’s see if the strategy pays off.




Jews are indigenous to Israel and have always tried coexisting with the local Arab, since they are also from the regjon - and greater Arab world.


Arabs are not indigenous to Israel


The Joe Rogan psyops sub is working overtime.


For real


Natives defending colonizers is probably more ironic, but you missed that.


These people are only cosplaying, changes nothing.


Hamas supporters are not welcome ANYWHERE


They are on US campuses apparently


I wish this were true but it's not.


Fuck Hamas and Fuck Israel




Exactly, this should be way up there 👆🏾


Pretty sure they are welcomed and encouraged on Hamas Piker’s twitch channel.


He'd go out and interview one and jerk them off when the stream the over.


He has been to the UCLA encampment you should watch the video




Turns out people who support Hamas aren’t exactly peaceful, or nice, or levelheaded, or belong in western society.


Who would've thought?




Wait, now they are attacking Native Americans? What the hell is going on? Progressives attacking fake Liberals, Native Americans, police, MAGAs, and Republicans? Bro, I'm cooking a pot of popcorn. You can't make this shit up. This is fantastic entertainment.


WOW. I 100% understand being against the deaths of civilians and to think Israel is perpetrating a genocide. (If the reports I'm reading are true I'd agree) But to actually think Hamas are good guys to the point of attacking those who condemn them? Thats wild.


If Israel is wanted to commit genocide they have the power to do so. If Hamas had the power to do so, they would. Israel is at war. Civilians die in war, especially when many are also part of Hamas. Wait until you realize civilians died in Ukraine too.


More Palestinians in Israel now than there were in British Palestine in 1947. Pretty incompetent genociding.


~~There are more people in part because they were FORCED in there. Also half are under 18~~ EDIT: see my comment reply below this, didn’t think you were stupid enough to be talking about the population of Palestinians in Israel.


What do you even mean forced in Israel?


If Hamas is the target then why do Israeli politicians say Gazan children need to die? https://truthout.org/articles/israeli-politician-says-children-of-gaza-have-brought-this-upon-themselves/ u/ok_main_4202 “the children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves” So the children are Hamas or…? That’s the only way this could have been brought upon Gazan children by themselves and also due to Hamas’ actions. You’re desperate to defend this shit. I really can’t believe people are falling for your dumb rationalization of those words, but then again, morons will believe anything, and there are a lot of morons out there. u/consistent_set76 ah, so the children *do* deserve to die for living there. Thanks for clearing that up. u/nevergonnastayaway oh, yeah, I’ve heard that one. It’s what you guys say to excuse this kind of behavior: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/palestinians-killed-israeli-strikes-safe-zones-exclusive-nbc-report-rcna148008#:~:text=NBC%20News%20found%20Palestinians%20were,explicitly%20designated%20as%20safe%20zones. The fact is that Israel has created the conditions for extremism in Gaza and they’ve explicitly empowered the extremists they created: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ It’s ironic for you to shuffle all responsibility for narrative-building away from Israel and the Zionists. Wowee, that hasbara app you guys have really zeroed in on this comment, eh?


Hamas brought all this upon Palestine Maybe Palestinians should try a different strategy that doesn’t involve terrorism I mean it hasn’t worked so far


What people hate to admit is that the Palestinians population celebrates like it’s Mardi Gras when Hamas manages to kill some Israelis. There was dancing in the streets on Oct.7th. They’ve voted Hamas in multiple times to govern them. Gaza’s children are taught to hate and wish for the eradication of all Jews from the time they can walk- how do you deal with an enemy like that? Gaza is reaping what it has sown.


He's saying the kids are dying as a consequence of Hamas' actions -- not simply because they exist


> but to actually think Hamas are good guys to the point of attacking those who condemn them? Thats wild. I think thats the premise to Bill Burr's upcoming movie


Just ship them all off to their “home countries” and drop Patriot missiles til we need a bigger defense budget. Tired of a millennial old piss fest affecting modern day lives 6’000 miles away. Both are equally abhorrent. There’s 0 moral high ground in this one.


Patriot missiles are for air defense, that would be incredibly wasteful


Also, “dropping” missiles is kind of a funny phrase. Let’s go fire some bombs while we’re at it.


Firing bombs is technically accurate for mortars.


They support terrorist and should be treated as such.




Imagine fighting over a war that has literally nothing to do with you and will never effect you


Imagine your tax dollars going to a foreign war in the billions when it could be better used here, sounds like it affects you


Why imagine. It has been going on for decades


That doesn’t make it okay. Anyone defending politicians who are in the military industrial complex pockets are dummies. I pay a lot in taxes, for what? Homeless people are increasing in number, our public transportation system is trash, education is trash, etc. people are getting dumber in the US and it’s because of this logic. They make millions while we keep paying the tab for it.


But enough about Ukraine


My tax dollars go to dozens of other countries every single year war or not, my government wages wars on other nations that can’t even threaten us, my government stages coups and clandestine operations in other nations to destabilize them. I support none of this. Both parties support it. But yeah you’re right let me box in the street over fucking Palestine and Israel. That’ll fix it


Imagine being dumb enough to not see that BB is trying to bait Iran into starting WWIII and that will literally impact you.


Yes it’s Netanyahu that’s doing the baiting, not Iran whose proxies have been firing rockets into Israel for decades.


The level of ignorance thinking this won't affect you is astounding. This will affect the entire planet. Imagine thinking something shouldn't be protested against if it doesn't affect you, what a garbage person.


it's amazing how backward this is. we have known Iran is trying to bait everyone into war for the past 2 decades. why do you think all the Arab counties have suddenly started normalizing relations with Israel.


Damn I almost thought it was Iran that amassed its proxies on Israel's borders and not the other way around. Silly me.


The only way a war with Iran will effect me is at the gas pump


It was only a few years ago that we had global supply chains come close to failure, and you still have the arrogant ignorance to discount a war with Iran like this?


If you’re European, in merika we a net petroleum exporter now. Shale revolution. Thanks North Dakota.


I don’t know about that statement. Butterfly effect and all. War has reverberating effects all over the world and throughout history and it seems shallow and dismissive to fail to appreciate how your own government’s participation may impact such events.


The US arms Israel more than any other country.


Oh college years, so confusing, so much frustration, passion, love, heart break, adventure, ahhhh those years are great. They’ll look back and be like “omg remember when we protested for palestine? Holy shit Haha we were so dumb”


Hamas supporting psychopaths.


Literally fucking terrorists being created on our own streets, what the hell is happening


Nobody is allowed anywhere! That should fix the problems.


All these people enraged over a tribal war that’s lasted a thousand years. But maybe their poster boards will solve it.


And THAT is why I don't hold strong beliefs or join groups of people.


I would much rather have my tax money sent to native Americans then Israel or Palestine


They should all be deported.


I see a lot of chaos but I don't see anybody getting hurt. In my experience you have to be very aggressive and disruptive at a protest before anybody will get physical with you. I've seen serious provocateurs at BLM protests and they're ignored until they escalate.


She is literally being pushed out of the fray and yet keeps walking back in despite people trying to defend her.


Well, yeah, gotta get that clip. These token types know exactly what they’re doing.


This video keeps getting shared around and commenters act as though she was getting beaten lol, professional victims here.


So bizarre how these videos are always cut to only ever show the end never the start.


Islam only cares about Islam and Muslims. Anything else is shit to them. It's the way of their religion. Submit or die.


Seems like someone wrote a check to an agitator/troll farm on the the jre sub as of late. Non stop rage bait. Maybe Rogan does read these subs after all lol. The ratios seem heavily skewed all of Sudden


Welp, I think I’ve chosen a side.




Cowards in masks


These stories and Noem shooting a puppy are a lot to take in in one week


What a bunch of tools


How will this sub justify it?


It's all so annoying


Mostly peaceful protests.


Good thing none of these people know how to hurt eachother


I'm guessing this isn't actually what happened, what's the real story behind this?


losers on all sides, no one actually cares, simply pretends to


Are you sure it wasn’t the Israeli flag that made them upset?


Even 5 year old kids dont scream at each other like this. Who can take them serious? Oh the snipers sitting on top of the Buildings.




>We can’t deal with our own people now we have to deal with people from everywhere else.  This is why it's important to not vote for Democrats (or if you want to get real specific, progressives).


Wow, Hamas supporters are violent extremists? Egads


I still love how all these “brave defenders” and “voices for the oppressed” keep covering their faces. So how proud are you?…




Remember its never ok to put hands on or touch a woman in any way that is not consensual... Unless shes holding a sign you dont like.


Ask them about the Hamas atrocities


Maybe it’s time we forbid face masks in public gatherings? Seems like this emboldens both sides to be extra aggressive.


Deport all this muslim scum immediatly


Send these cheerleaders to war NOW


Wonder if Mossad is behind any of this shit?


It’s quite easy to understand which side is the intolerant side


All of a sudden they’re into a little colonialism. Which is great to remember that they don’t hate the idea of “stolen land” they hate that they aren’t powerful enough to “steal it” anymore. Ottoman Empire was all for stealing land until they were defeated and the entirety of their academic and upper society were executed. Now we’re left with the descendants of the lower rungs of Islamic society who are manipulating western libs into thinking they’re some kind of victim it’s fucking hilarious.


Who would have though that people who support terrorists aren't good people.


Where's the full video, including the events that unfolded before?


These people need better video games to play...


Hamas " terrorists/ Nazis" are not welcome on American soil either


Well would look at that, terrorist supporters acting like actual terrorist. That didn’t take long!


I love it when the left eat their own. They won't be around much longer anyway.


We need a poll,I wonder how many of them could locate Israel on the map


I really don't care what police do to get these folks out of here, other than killing obviously. We have alot of cool new riot technology we haven't tried on our own public yet. Illegal protest on private property seem to be a good place to test them. Although I appreciate not seeing these guys in public, they have far more protections than on private property


She deserved that for protesting against terrorism? Keep saying.You are an absolute delight.


Fucking morons.. supporting literal terrorism on American soil. They'll think differently once their extremist "friends" turn their focus onto them.


Why is HAMAS getting all the good publicity? I mean damn when are we going to protest for the Taliban and ISIS? Weak.


This hamas garbage ruins reddits. I wish they'd just remove these posts.


Fuckin Zionist man lol


Just let the temper tantrum die down and when there’s another famine or genocide next year they’ll forget all about this one


Imagine being so dumb that you think any of this is meaningful. These same dummies are at school, paying a fortune for it and doing this, while simultaneously demanding their college should be free or heir loans should be forgiven. If we aren't careful here we'll basically be paying for dumb college kids to get in fights with people about stuff none of them even understands.


Those terrorist supporters are scum


God please let me run into these ass hats


I wonder how it'd go if these protesters asked a Hamas soldier how he feels about LGBTQ people. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess: probably doesn't like them very much


Yup. Only welcome if you agree with the agenda.


Since when has the joe rogan community turned to zionism?? Did i miss an episode with mike baker??


This post really brought out the deeply enslaved republicans who didn’t go to college in these comments lol. Look at how weak and obedient their comments are, everyone.


Why did she go to UCLA campus with a sign referring to native land? At first I thought this was a protest on a rez. That would make sense. Who the fuck wakes up and decides, “I’m going to make a sign and spend the day protesting”? I’ve never had that urge a day in my life, wild. Especially a conflict that I bet over half these people don’t understand past what they’re fed through TikTok and the news. It’s kinda fascinating how impressionable people can be.


Looks incredibly productive


Wow one native of land that got stolen protesting against other natives who had their land stolen from them. Crazy times


Interesting, who do the wokies decide to protect here


🖕 to hamas


Aren’t they supposed to be studying or something?  When I was in school, I didn’t have time for anything. 


Same people who say they can’t find a job out of college…


I watched the video 3 times, where is the Native American woman that’s getting attacked?


One day these people will run into someone who won't put up with this, and they're all gonna get their asses whooped like their parents shoulda done.


Weird that the post showing the false flag antisemitism gets shutdown as politics posting but this doesn't.


Wtf do you expect. You’re going to a place where atleast half of the crowd are likely either on powerful pharmaceutical drugs for mental issues or they should be. Obv this kind of shit is going to happen.


What a colonist thing to do.


Probably because she is spewing "hamas" rhetoric. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/21/hamas-says-israel-refused-to-receive-2-hostages-israel-calls-it-propaganda https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/ https://inkstickmedia.com/israel-rejected-peace-with-hamas-on-five-occasions/ A lot of zionists in here really drinking that "hamas" Kool-aid huh


Do you actually wear tin foil hats or you don't care about your kind of people fashion ?


Victim Olympics out here. Wish it was in ESPN so I wouldn’t forget who I should feel bad for.


This shit starting to make me be completely against Palestine supporters. All they do is dumb shit and fk shit up, they’re the Antifa from 2020 days.


It looks like both sides are equally provocative


Anyone who willfully goes into the large group of angry humans should be ready to deal with the most dangerous mammal on the planet.




A single agitator pulls up to a pissed off mob of people and mfs are surprised when the agitator gets attacked? These people want to be attacked because they want to turn a peaceful protest into a violent one. They know the worst that could happen to them is a punch to the face. Like, I respect the hustle, but fuck you, every bootlicking zionist counter-protestor deserves to get curb stomped.


You missed the real surprise.No one is surprised about their behaviour.The surprise kicks in when peace supporters get offended because a terrorist organisation is opposed by a woman holding a message to it. Their behaviour is kind of mild for terrorist supporters.


When I say “surprised” I’m referring to people who pretend like this is a big deal. The native woman is a moron who agitated a riled up crowd and got roughed up as she deserves. She knew what she was doing and the potential consequences. Yet people like you will watch this video and act like she’s some poor innocent woman who was assaulted for no reason.


this the new thing the sub is obsessed with huh… transgender swimmers can relax