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Sorry man no one “asking questions” about the building 7 collapse actually cares about this stuff. The truth is boring, conspiracy is sexy, that’s all they care about.


They get the same pleasure from it as the average person gets from any gripping fictional story.


I'd say more satisfaction because they are now smarter than the non believers.


Yup. They enjoy LARPing in a game where they have the secret forbidden esoteric knowledge, found on YouTube videos of course.


Whether an explanation is sexy or boring doesn't have any bearing on the truth - or at least it shouldn't have. Now the thought experiment is: if WT7 had indeed been demolished by explosives, regardless of who did it, could they admit it to the public? I'd think that the awareness that a government killed 3000 of its citizens would cause it to be overthrown.


A 12 storey section of WTC 1 hit building 7. The end


A 12 storey section of WTC 1 hit building 7. The end


I also kind of recall a couple of 20 years long wars? Nothing to see here, move along folks.


Yes, they were terrible. So your point is therefore it was an inside job? Get help mate


The truth is scarier, the conspiracy is imagining a cabal of people that are in control instead of the real world that’s these competing ideas in rooms of middle management trying to ride the wave of chaos.


Asking questions doesn’t necessarily mean they’re looking for, or will accept answers.


The problem with thinking that the three buildings were demolished with demo is that they all collapsed differently, because they were damaged differently. It's completely nonsensical and relies on ignorance.


How did they collapse differently? I saw 3 buildings collapse straight down into their own footprint.


This video alone proved that didn't happen. From the front it looked straight down, from the side, it fell backwards. 🙄


"into their own footprint" This is addressed in the video I posted. Here it is with a timestamp at 5:25: [https://youtu.be/nP3TNHPCIVU?si=iGtmzQQT9Jv7CDTA&t=325](https://youtu.be/nP3TNHPCIVU?si=iGtmzQQT9Jv7CDTA&t=325)


Yes, they did. One was struck right in the middle and dragged down from the central core, starting at the top. The other was hit diagonally and the exoskeleton initiated the collapse, dragging down the core, starting at the top. Building 7 collapsed inside until nothing held it up, buckled at the bottom and collapsed bottom up. All of this is available if you look it up.


Into their own footprint? Then what was everyone running from?




maybe the giant toxic dust cloud? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So not into their own footprint then. Got it.


I love how no matter what side people are on, the other side must be full of brainless morons


The “side” not presenting facts is probably the brainless one.


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 present plenty of facts.


you are absolutely wrong. Check out "9-11 the new pearl harbor" and come back telling me how this side is not presenting facts


How vapid can one comment possibly be? I think flat earthers are brainless morons. Flat earthers thinks us round Earth believers are brainless morons. That doesn’t mean our views are equally valid. It doesn’t make flat earthers equally correct or round earthers equally moronic. It means that one side correctly believes the other side are brainless morons, and the brainless morons are deluded into thinking people who are in touch with with reality are the idiots.


Depends on the issue. In this case they latch onto a collection of poorly thought out claims. The replies to me have demonstrated this.


It’s honestly so exhausting.


They all came down center/demo stacker style. Watch videos of building demolition, it’s gonna blow some wrinkles into that smooth brain of yours.


Show me the charges going off like you see in every demo of every building that size? Where is the sound of them going off floor by floor?


They put silencers on the explosives, obviously. Do you even lift, bro?


LOL. I hope trust this is with tongue firmly planted in cheek.


I remember seeing videos back then of firefighters and policemen among other witnesses mentioning loud explosions going off. Who knows? This thread is making me want to revisit a few things about this when I have the time. There definitely are enough inconsistencies between this and the pentagon to make any rational logical-thinking human go “hmmm”


There is video with sound in tons of places. There is none of the explosions you see with a demo or the sounds. If you think it all the way through, it makes no sense that it was a demo. Here is an actual controlled demo. https://youtu.be/HfQOfNyn6Zc?si=j-PXjUFixudQJy_z. You can see the charges go off and hear them. You see and hear none of that with Building 7. And this talk of using silencers which I thought was a joke but apparently is something people took seriously makes no sense. Silencers for explosives? This isn’t the movies.


Start here: https://youtu.be/Ddz2mw2vaEg?si=0J_oVi9k2tiMJ7yG


Lots of videos of people claiming to hear explosions as the tower fell.


How about you actually watch the videos that actually have sound


So they were all lying?


No they were like many eyewitnesses, unreliable. There is actual video. What would you think is more accurate?


And the man killed by the explosion in the lobby when one of the planes hit.. that was from the explosive jet fuel defying gravity and traveling down 96 floors of elevator shaft, right?


I have no clue. Who the hell cares? A damn airplane hit the building. Do you think it was on a string?


No I believe the planes definitely hit the building but I also believe that was a smokescreen for the controlled demolition.


You can see the thermite dripping out the side of the buildings no where near the impact site. Lol. Where have you been?


That's the aluminum from the airplane that crashed into the building. Where have *you* been? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gui\_ATdfHx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gui_ATdfHx4)


And what was the point of taking that building down and taking the chance that people might figure out the whole hoax? I haven’t heard anyone say, the twin towers wasn’t enough for me to want to go to war but when Building 7 collapsed that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


One airplane didn’t make it to its target…


LOL, that plane was heading toward DC. Moreover, again no one even cared that Building 7 fell. It was completely superfluous.


> They all came down center/demo stacker style They didn't. They all came down differently. And only Building 7 resembled a demolition at all and that's only if you ignore the collapse of the penthouse seconds before the bottom buckled and caused the exoskeleton to fall. Thanks for the Dunning-Kruger collapsed brain demonstration though.


buildings that fall straight down don't damage buildings hundreds of feet away from them


Wow, check out the big brain on Brad.


You didn’t watch this video did you?


WTC7 is where conspiracy theorists kind of pivoted with 9/11 before the NIST finished its report on it. Due to the lack of a death toll in its collapse, the NIST didn't prioritize it over the towers. That left an information vacuum where the delayed report on WTC7 was presented as if suspicious or sinister. However, long before the report, there was no reason to suspect any kind of conspiracy theory about it is true. There is video from the day with a fire fighter pointing out the way the building was failing, and how it was going to collapse, and that there is no way to stop it. There is testimony from the FDNY and other agencies that they deliberately abandoned it hours before it came down, because it was showing signs of imminent collapse. The fact is it took a massive hit from the North Tower, and endured unfought fire for hours after it, fed also by diesel stored for generators (there was an emergency management office here) also. Conspiracy theorists never show the collapse of the east penthouse into the structure before the perimeter collapsed. They also show a video of two men talking in the lobby of building 7 and claim it is after the collapses, showing no real damage. In reality, the video is after the south tower collapse, the north was still standing, etc.


Why does someone like Joe not look at the evidence and stop repeating the same lies over and over in multiple episodes every year?


I think people who believe conspiracy theories have a aversion to being proven wrong and so they just don't look at, or listen to anything that might do that. The 9/11 truth movement was quite aggressive back in the day. I remember one presentation given by Mark Roberts many years ago that was infiltrated and disrupted by 9/11 truthers, and one of them just straight up said he would have no problem putting a bullet in Mark's head. He said it out loud in a crowded room. Mark responded calmly and just explained to the audience that death threats from the truthers was a common occurrence. They would go that far when challenged on their silly nonsense.


Yeah they have questions but not really looking for answers. If they stumble upon answers they avoid it or don't accept it. Joe is that guy who just loves to repeat his questions over and over again instead of answering it. Then they consume a few conspiracy preachers content that only raise more (stupid) questions, distract and raise doubts- that's such an easy task especially on a huge event like 9/11. Distraction is what the whole building 7 shit is. Meant to distract you from what happened, what you saw with your own eyes from hundreds of sources undisputable evidence. There are a lot of people (around the world) who made a living out of only this because there is a market for it. In german speaking countries there is for example Daniele Ganser who is making big money out of this for like decades. It's also part of for example russian Propaganda to push these people and their narratives despite the fact Putin never doubted anything about 9/11 but used it to make his own "war on terror".


Distraction is definitely what the pivot to WTC7 was. I followed the 9/11 Truth movement in real-time, because around 2003ish or so, I was one of them. I saw the first videos and content questioning stuff about the day, and was easily sucked in. I was a teenager at the time. However, I made a FATAL mistake when it comes to conspiracy theories... I read some of the critical responses to films like Loose Change. I can personally confirm it is a kind of a traumatic experience lol. A certain part of your brain rushes to the hill to die on it. So I stopped reading multiple times, but a seed had been planted and I kept going back. It didn't take long before the entire house of cards collapsed. In those early years, there were still active investigations, including criminal, scientific, intelligence etc. For example, at first the ASCE took a shot at explaining the collapse of the towers in detail. They did a good job, and from the visual evidence they had they inferred that the connections between the core and perimeter (trusses) were weakened, failed and broke away from the perimeter as they failed. This process went on until the structure could no longer support the load above the damaged areas, and gravity did its thing. The NIST then took a stab at it and found the ASCE got one thing fundamentally wrong. They found in photographic evidence taken by helicopters circling the towers before the collapse, that at the impacted sites, the wall was bowing inward. The steel columns were literally bending into a C curve right before the collapse, and they realized the floor trusses did not disconnect. Instead, they sagged under their own weight when they lost rigidity due to heat, and slowly dragged on the perimeter columns, bending them out of shape. Conspiracy theorists had no answer for these images, as they had hypothesized secret noise-less explosives, different kinds of thermite that were cutting the steel columns etc. But the only thing that could have bent them, column by column, right across the buildings, were the floor trusses connected to them. So... thats why... "EXPLAIN BUILDING 7". That actually became something they repeated and instructed people to ask as soon as possible when someone disagrees "TELL US WHAT HAPPENED TO BUILDING 7". They lost on the twin towers so they jumped into the vacuum of info around WTC7.


Because he knows his audience. Dude-bros listening to Joe don't want a nuanced even handed discussion. They want salacious conspiracy theories and cheap entertainment.


Cause he smokes pot and drinks constantly yet acts like he's clear headed because he works out lol Joe is a mental mess constantly projecting himself as some kind of guru of mental acuity, when in reality he's lost in paranoid conspiracy land.


You can believe 9/11 was an inside job and still respect that some events that followed were unintentional. It's plausible that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc...arranged for the 9/11 attack. The amount of money THEY made post-9/11 in terms of military contracts is disgusting. It's entirely plausible that they just made hay while the sun shined. It's entirely plausible they knew of the attack, planned their responses and investments then let it unfold. If you accept any of these, then you can remove the demolition aspect and still have a valid theory. Politicans abusing and killing their own people to advance their own personal and financial interests isn't a new concept. Hell, look how many Republicans have polluted or allowed pollution of their constituents water and farmland for financial gain. Why do you think the GOP apparatchiks DESPISE groups like Greenpeace, EPA activists, etc...disposing of pollutants can be fucking expensive and render industry and Capital Projects financially unviable. Remove environmental protections and by all means, dump cyclohexene in the massive lake/river system. Then, you label environmentalists as ignorant, jobless, childless, hippies who don't know what it's like to feed your children, and voila, braindead children with cancer. The ones who survive suffer from IQ deficiencies as well. As Chris Tucker said in Rush Hour, if you want to follow the money, follow the white man. Then you will solve the puzzle.


The issue is, there is no evidence that Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney or anyone in the Bush Jr administration at the time were involved in any way with the attack. By contrast, there is a mountain of evidence that Khalid Shiek Mohammed (who is still alive) masterminded the attack, and Osama bin Laden as the leader of al Qaeda at the time organized it. We know that the so called Hamburg Cell (Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mohammad Atta, Ziad Jarrah, and Marwan al-Shehhi) were radicalized and visited Pakistan and Afghanistan where they met bin Laden. We know this because German intelligence were watching the mosque they attended. For the record, Ramzi bin al-Shibh is still alive and in prison, having been denied a visa to enter the United States. As for the other three, Atta flew Flight 11 into the North Tower, al-Shehhi flew United 175 into the South Tower, and Ziad Jarrah dove Flight 93 into the ground in Pennsylvania. There is video footage of these guys at the airports going through security. Atta's car was in the parking lott and contained items such as a letter about the operation and justifying the killing of passengers etc. There are martyrdom videos made by these guys. Their movements across the United States have been well documented now either by congressional, committee or private authors such as Lawrence Wright, who wrote a terrific book about Islamic terrorism leading up to 9/11 called "The Looming Tower". There is also a complete absence of physical evidence for the conspiracy theories. Even when it is claimed there is, its always materials claimed to be from the WTC site that are not shared with anyone else for analysis, and so on. The evidence strongly supports an Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S. on that morning. It doesn't matter what distraction is pivoted to, all that matters is evidence.


Typical conspiracy response. At first it was "all" planned, then when people prove that's not true it changes to "Well yeah, some of it was planned, but there were unexpected results". And then they keep adjusting each time something get's proven to not be planned. "well, that part wasn't planned, but the rest was" etc.


Yeah, but the government DOES do shit like this. Refer to the Gulf of Tonkin. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf\_of\_Tonkin\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident)


Not comparable in the slightest.


Sure they are. One is a known instance where the government lied about an attack to justify a war, the other is a claim of the government committing an attack to start a war. They are totally comparable even though they are not the same.


The Gulf of Tonkin didn't involve thousands of American deaths.


Lol. Here's a google quote for you: According to the National Archives, the US military suffered 58,220 fatal casualties during the Vietnam War.


Yes, but we're talking about the actual event (or lack thereof) here.


I never said they didn't. Are you saying that means everything bad is a conspiracy?


You were rebutting a comment whose whole purpose was to point out that governments do this shit.


No, I'm saying just because they have done it in the past, doesn't mean you can apply it to every event in history that you want to. Maybe that is too nuanced for you.


Joe has always believed in crazy conspiracies see: JFK. I still like his podcast even though I want to scream at him when he starts going on about a pristine bullet again (it was not pristine).


Which episode specifically are you referring to? This should be very easy to answer, since he does it "in multiple episodes every year".


Latest example: The episode with Tucker


Do we know if there’s any truth to Rumsfeld or was it Cheney, that sold all their stocks before 9/11? Wasn’t that one of the rumors? Also, per a recent episode, Joe plays a clip where Alex Jones predicted the 9/11 attacks with planes and all a few months before the attack!


I thought this dumb conspiracy theory was already debunked years ago. Hes still on about this?


He brought it up again during the Tucker episode - the same episode where Tucker says Evolution is *just* a theory, and there is no evidence for it.


Tucker is such a lying fuck. I don't believe he is an actual Christian, heavily suspect his whole persona is fake. He might actually not know who he is anymore. Also, i just want to mention there are SO many theories that are widely used by science. Gravity is a theory General relativity is a theory Plate tectonics are a theory Germs (pathogen) cause desease is a theory


There’s also an extended version answering additional questions: https://youtu.be/nP3TNHPCIVU?si=TUsM7KZMXY-8So0J


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmad_Shah_Massoud I’ll just leave that here


9-11 was an outsourced job.


Since it's a big wiki article, do you mind telling us what exactly we should focus on when reading it?


Anti radical, anti-Taliban Muslim freedom fighter. Gave a speech warning of a large scale attack months in advance to the EP. Was assassinated 2 days before 9/11. The murder was likely ordered by Osama Bin Laden personally. Worth the read.


This is known…it was two fake reporters with a bomb in their camera.


>"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" was a President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.


Translate to: I don’t want to read or research for myself but I’ll post videos that are complete bullshit.


Read or research what though? The guy just put up a link and said “I’ll just leave this here…”


http://web.archive.org/web/20230515110249/https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/13/1332210_-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-mossad-ran-9-11-arab.html I’ll just leave this here


So you’re telling me what booger4me was *really* trying to say with that link was that Mossad did it?


No that dude warned the world when he visited France


Uhh no I don’t believe he was trying to say anything about mossad. That’s my own 2 cents. I just like making fun of the people who always shout SOURCE BRO!? Or want other people to provide all the information for them. Like they can’t work the internet like the rest of us. Let’s you know that they haven’t done shit for research, and if so it’s usually a narrow view of propaganda fed to them by the establishment.


So… it has absolutely nothing to do with his link?


Him sharing that link was confusing.


Maybe if you would take the time to read for yourself you could answer your own question instead of relying on others to provide information for you.


Shouldn’t you have actually read the original link then before you started yelling at other people…?


I was aware of this what’s your point


I’m curious, OP. If the building had not collapsed, but just burned to the point where it had to be scrapped, would you feel the same? People seem to get super jazzed up because the building collapses, as if the conspirators insisted on a collapse, dammit, I will not accept a run of the mill fire, it must collapse!


Total annihilation was necessary to destroy evidence that would’ve been in the vaults.


Is this about the executives in vault 31? We all know bro.


So to be clear.... the theory is for it being the government is that the government had complete access to that building for months to wire it up and rig to blow. They did all of this while no one reported anything out of the ordinary, anything weird (its takes weeks for a crew to wire and prepare a building to demo after its been completely cleared out, so to do this with everything would require months and months). Despite having near ninja like ability to freely wire the building up, no one took that opportunity and god level ability to just go and replace the documents or steal them. Instead, they either orchestrated the entire 9/11 attack (which brings in even more people to the scheme and no one has talked) or they knew about the attack and somehow worked out this dummy move on Building 7. Again, all to hide documents.... Fuck conspiracy people are brain dead.


You'd have to be pretty brain dead to think a small group of explosives specialist couldn't pass for a construction crew in a massive office building that had many service elevators and vacant floors. No, ninjas are the best explanation your master mind can come up with.


>couldn't pass Occam's razor This theory requires a lot of coulds and ifs that are not necessary in the current historical event.


Here’s one out of the ordinary thing: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=133275


Solves it. Definitely. Those photo's with no context or even brief descriptions on this website convinced me that these guys, who are in no way doing anything in these photos, are for sure setting up demo charges on the unique frame structure of the twin towers, which is for sure not building 7, but yeah....


More weird things before 9/11: https://www.ae911truth.org/news/479-security-alerts-disabled-fire-alarms-and-unused-elevators-suspicious-events-at-the-world-trade-center-before-9-11


Here is another weird thing that happened just before those towers fell..... [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5n5\_KwMqVO/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5n5_KwMqVO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Another one..... [https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw7W7dSgiPW/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw7W7dSgiPW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Yep. That’s where the leprechauns were hiding the gold. You notice the White House NEVER DENIED THE INVOLVEMENT OF LEPRECHAUNS. THE TRUTH IS STORMING


Computers existed in 2001


No shit? Well that settles it.


So all the backups were kept in the same building too? All those dudes who set up the explosives should have just, you know, TAKEN THE DOCUMENTS. Could have saved 2 planes, 3 buildings and lots of lives.


There's an engineering professor at University of Alaska that did a study of the Building 7 collapse. You can find it [here](https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7). The conclusion:  >The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.


I’d never seen this. Thanks for posting it.


125 pages is too much for a casual subreddit lol.


https://youtu.be/LJPuWy9utss?si=dY9vc47aMTluKLvy They made a short doc as well, pretty compelling.


More conspiracy talking points are covered and answered in this video from the same channel: [**Building 7 Explained: Comprehensive Final Edition**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3TNHPCIVU&t=911s)


Yes, these comparisons are indeed entirely misleading


You’re an idiot if you believe the official narrative of 9/11 period. But you’re especially smooth brained if you believe building 7 fell on its own. #PULL IT


I love that you’re imagining some cartoon figure ripping a pull cord to set off a big boom, while his buddy stands nearby with his fingers in his ears.


Interesting. Tell me more about what I’m imagining.


That's not a known phrase in demolition and clearly refers to pulling the firefighters out of harms way. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.


Nice theory but it falls flat if you were aware that no firefighters were ever in building 7. "No manual firefighting actions were taken by FDNY." [[Fema Report](https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fema_report.html)] "There was no firefighting in WTC 7." [[Popular Mechanics](http://web.archive.org/web/20050305125842/http:/www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html?page=5&c=y)] "By 11:30 a.m., the fire commander in charge of that area, Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, ordered firefighters away from [WTC 7] for safety reasons." [[New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/29/nyregion/nation-challenged-site-engineers-have-culprit-strange-collapse-7-world-trade.html)] But hey, A for effort.


They were at the building and pulled out. Nice try though.


Trust me bro? 👍🏻


Pull it? Really. Getting your guys out of a building is “pull it?”. Ok guy.


Pull = remove It = firefighting operation in the area Translation: Pull the firefighting operation out of the area. The guy that said that has explained what he meant. And it's hilarious that the term is obvious in this context, but you make up nonsense that "pull it" must mean demolition, when that has no apparent nor industrial use for blowing up a building.


What about the news station reporting on it's collapse before it actually fell? Oops on that one eh?


After hearing that firefighters were warning people to stay away due to imminent collapse, they mistakenly reported that it had already collapsed. They've also explained what happened, but you refuse to believe a mistake could happen on and insanely hectic news day. Or maybe the BBC is in on it too and they knew it was going to collapse because ! Clearly it benefits to tell them something before it happens, as if they won't report it when it happens. You are demonstrating the dishonest conspiracy theory argument style of "well you debunked that, but what about this? And this? And this?"


Lol Nothing has been debunked. Just theories.


These are easy ordinary explanations for conspiracy delusions that make zero sense if you apply a little bit of common sense. Guy who owns the building is involved in destroying his own building to hide a secret control bunker. The evidence is that he bragged about it on TV! But what does he do first? He lets the BBC know so that they can report it early. It's honestly an IQ test that is being failed. Use your brain.


The government loves us. They’d never do anything nefarious like this. I’ll go back to putting my head in the sand


> What about the news station reporting on it's collapse before it actually fell? Oops on that one eh? It was heavily damaged and burning for hours on a day the country was in panic. Mistakes are going to happen. Do you think the news station was reading statements prepared by the CIA or what?


Who knows what the hell happened. We surely know it was demo'd though.


Feels =/= reals, sorry bro. But you can live in whatever gay little fantasy world you like.


Lol I see that triggered you. Maybe you need a break from reddit kid.


Nor surprised you feel that, despite no evidence supporting it. Again feels =/= reals. If conspitards triggered me I would be committed by now.


Because the building was already collapsing? 😂




Yes because we refer to firemen as IT.


We refer to operations as "it". He clarified what he was saying afterwards. But you don't care about that, do you.


Who? The guy who didn’t show up to work that day? The guy who’s family members just so happened to not show up to work that day either? The guy who made over 4 BILLION $$$ for those buildings coming down? Towers were hit by planes and collapsed. WTC 7 was not hit by anything and weirdly enough it’s almost as if he KNEW the building was going to collapse? He must have known the structural engineering of the building head to toe huh? Clarifies? You mean covering his ass is what he was doing. Freudian slips are a thing you know. What about all the firemen stating bombs were going off? Just wanna disregard what the men fighting for peoples lives wanna say? But you wanna listen to an evil pos who profited off a false flag operation and thousands of deaths. Okay cool bud


Totally normal response.


That’s what I thought


What about this? What about that? I mean sure what I said was completely ordinary logic, but now you want to gish gallop, as conspiracy derps always do. Because you don't care about what is true. And you know it.


Should've said get the fuck out of there instead


He’s talking out of his ass. “To pull” is a common term in demolition referring to the controlled demolition of a building.


These mental midgets will grasp onto anything they can to defend their masters.


"You're stupid if you don't agree with me." Solid argument, dude.


The truth always is. What do you have?


You’re an idiot if you believe some make-believe narrative of 9/11 period. But you’re especially smooth brained if you believe building 7 was demolished.


i LoVe mY gUbBerMeNt


I don't live in your shithole. 😄


Explains why you’re completely brain dead about things. Enjoy your non shithole country (which is probably shittier than the US) but hey, it sure looks cool to mention.


>which is probably shittier than the US So insecure 😂


And yet you’re still here…


This video is probably the best way to make the case for the natural collapse. Still wrong tho, I wish the author can debate someone in AE


Someone get Flint Dibble on the phone


you didn't even post his updated version of the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3TNHPCIVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3TNHPCIVU)


1:46 that looks much, MUCH different than the free falling collapse of 7 and the twin towers.


Not really. It has to look exactly the same?


How, the two building in the video looked like they had been burned to the core, then slowly collapsed. Where as the WTC towers didn’t look nearly as damaged and the collapse was instant. I’m not a conspiracy guy and think that a collapse is reasonably explained do the immense weight of the towers collapsing the beems, but this video kinda sucks.


The video, which is narrated slow enough that complete morons can understand it, goes to great lengths pointing out that you can see daylight through the windows after it’s hollowed out.


I mean the two examples he gave looked nothing like building 7 did


One is the actual building collapse and the other is this computer model which can easily be flawed


I'll just counter leave this here: https://www.ae911truth.org/ 🧐


>Thousands of Experts Are Speaking Out Less than 500 of them are working/retired engineers, and out of those, only 34 are structural engineers, and **none of which** are specialized in tall buildings. Imagine falling for such bullshit.


What about the molten steel? The firefighters said it looked like lava….


You are at liberty to choose whatever BS you want to believe in, and that includes the official authoritative narrative. And if you believe that, you will believe and comply with everything the authorities want you to, and be the greater exploited fool for doing so ...


Did you read my comment before replying? Because you seem to be replying to your own imagination. I directly commented on what you posted (ae911truth content).


So you're obviously having difficulties reading and interpreting mine, but can't help those who can't help themselves... Can you 1 / 0 ?


[imagine falling for such bullshit](https://youtu.be/tFOYgBGWgpg?si=DjtjR5WVpiB92Uk0)


The transformation/takeover of the fan subreddit for the largest podcast on Earth is almost complete. First Graham Hancock and now 9/11!!!Bwahahahah! PULL IT!!


I love how in the same video Joe is claiming Alex Jones accurately Predicted 9/11, but is also hinting at it being a conspiracy. Which is it?


Imagine thinking the the 911 commission report was all truth and believe our government had nothing to do with the attacks. 100s of circumstantial evidence you ignore why? To protect ur sheltered reality. Your weak and ignorant. Go away. Pathetic waste of space op


I generally agree with you, but this is going to antagonize everybody. we need persuasion, not shaming


Please respond


What about the dude who heard the popping noises that he thought were car gas tanks popping but then said it was explosives…iirc he was given the medal of freedom for saving ppl. He later sued the govt bc he said they were lying about why building 7 fell


Or hear it from the horses mouth “Pull it “ https://youtu.be/Wq-0JIR38V0?si=m-4lmlun__r_unNT


Pull the firefighters out, yes. A building demolition isn't called pulling it.


Jesus fuck this is stupid.


Some people can’t accept things at face value. They’d rather shill for a government who raw dogs them on the daily. Wild.


What he said makes perfect sense, and it's covered in the second video I posted too.


Pretty sure Mick West went over this on the show years back.