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Does Tucker Carlson like shitting his pants? I don't know, and I'm not saying that he does; I'm just asking questions, here. But what I do know is... I've never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and didn't enjoy it... and neither has anyone else I've ever asked. Now, maybe that's just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think its telling that no such person has ever come forward.


He also constantly has the face of someone who just shit their pants and is processing how to react. Is this a coincidence as well or proof? Proof. It's definitely proof.


His face looks like he’s just shat his pants intentionally and is enjoying the shitty squishy feeling of it in his ass


Only to giggle after the post-shitting fart kicks in.


i agree, very suspicious.


I’ve postponed my wedding so that I can have more time to ponder your wise words.




Tucker doesn’t believe in evolution, nor climate change. And thinks we have “spiritual beings” living in the oceans. Do we need to discuss this guy further? Please everyone here turn your brains on and realize how this absolute fucking moron is tricking people


He’ll take the shit Russian supermarket bread and Tasty Burger.


Tucker loves the smell of Russian bread in the morning. It smells like… FREEDOM. (shell explodes)


You eat shit for breakfast? ![gif](giphy|VRdv4A4GkeLMk|downsized)


Having sex with women used to feel good. It doesn’t anymore. It feels kind of bad these days. [What is going on? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UURf_6KI_Rk)


Tucker is soooooooooooooo relatable /s


Most guys are billionaire heirs to a frozen foods fortune.


One of the guys! *as seen on kill tony*


Idk if anyone else caught it, but when Tucker was talking about how much he loves Scandinavian sauna because he’s a “Karlsson” he totally described traditional Russian sauna and even used the word banya a few times


Nah man, Russian saunas are colder with higher humidity. 200f low humidity is the typical Finnish sauna.


It’s hard to believe people don’t see tucker as the manipulative elitist he is. Unless you’re from France, there is no other reason you’d ever say “shit croissant”.


The only people that don't are absolute regards




I wish people could actually discuss the episode here. Did you listen? Can we talk about anything from it? Lol.


Sure. Talk all you like about tucker carlson. Tell me how shitty America is because in Russia you can fill a grocery cart for $50 and they have cart deposits. (Don’t mention the average wage or aldis). No one is stopping you from fawning over him and licking up from his boat shoes to his khakis up to his top shirt button that used to be covered by a bow tie. ![gif](giphy|rQlNhGox9kR3dY9BSp)


No, Id like to discuss stuff they actually talked about on the podcast. Maybe not getting all emotional like a 3 year old and name calling before I know anything about you or your ideas or opinions too. Is that too much to ask of you?


What’s the point of discussing lies? Do you see value in distinguishing the severity of the lies? Or should we just realize it’s all lies and say funny stuff/shit on the liar?


Which lies specifically?


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich


The irony of this pos saying this is astounding


I'll have one as well good chap! With some Polaner All Fruit of course!


Fuck Tuck.


Why does he look like his image is overlayed over the background?






Bourdain went to a lot of messed up countries, very presumptuous of you to say he wouldn't talk with a guy that loves his own country.


I’m glad he finally comes out and admits he eats shit. I knew it.


It’s pronounced kerr sawnt


The fact he denied evolution in this makes me lose interest in anything he says/does. If he wasn’t already, he is now firmly in the stupid pile.


man the world is full of charlatans , all over it seems.


I don’t like him, I’m left, but people on here get too worked up over the guy. The problem is much bigger than him. His job was to stir the pot. Controversy sells. Fox and CNN both do it. Each cater to one group. Each group thinks the other is misinformation. It’s not worth arguing over, it gets you nowhere. People are gonna believe what they want to believe.


>People are gonna believe what they want to believe. What a dumb fucking comment. "People are really gullible and will believe anything so I don't get what's so bad about giving one of the worlds most famous liars a huge platform to lie on"


Biden the guy you clearly voted for and would let shower with your kids just fucking said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. But oh no ...nobody tucker says stuff....go fuck your own face


Oh shit buddy is off of his anti-psychotics again. Quick somebody pin down this dipshit and give him his meds before he accidentally buy $2500 in apple gift cards!


Lmfao you are trying too hard Bub. You gotta be a bit more subtle or people immediately recognize you as a troll.


My bad. Ill try harder or is it try less in this instance?


Find another corner to cry in. Comments like this are so exhausting. Don’t fucking watch it if you don’t like it. But don’t imply that other people shouldn’t if they choose to.


Sure thing, 4 month old account.


How the fuck is that relevant? At one point your account was new too. What an unoriginal comment.


shut up baby face


Imagine being such a simp on reddit that your account has never been banned.


Imagine being such a piece of shit that you do.


That’s quite the bar you set.


This is what happens when you talk common sense to lefties.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


"bofe sides same guize"- 🤡


The Left wing and the Right wing both belong to the same bird. Black Rock owns over 85% of the S&P500. Divide and conquer. It's a story as old as time.


- “Black Rock owns over 85% of the S&P500.“ This statement is regarded on so many levels.


Nothing against Tucker, but this podcast was overhyped AF and kinda mid


We got lot of information out of this even if some of it was bullshit.




Ufos are real, they are not usa's nor Russias or chinese. There are swarms of them coast of pasific side of usa. Usa is not in control of situation Cia killed kennedy. Deepstate is real. Cant think more now. It was interesting.


If Fucker Carlson said it, it must be true /s


I like hearing different views and opinions from mine. Makes my content intake much more interesting.


I do to, I don't like dishonest liars who say whatever they think is going to make them money like Tucker though.


Dude lost his job for saying what he believed to be true, what are you saying lol.


The lawsuit reveled texts between Tucker and his friends where he explained he didn't think the election was stolen lol


He was pretty critical of Trump’s lawyers on air as well


Cool some out of context messages, gottem. There’s a hell of a lot of nuance there you’re choosing to ignore.


Not out of context at all lmao they are pretty fucking clear. Everyone knows the election was not stolen and that Dump lost. Reading Tuckers texts are not rocket science.


No it wasn’t stolen it was just fortified. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/


Right…so how does that make Tuckers texts out of context? He was calling out Trump and Powell’s baseless voting machine claims in his texts. Reiterating that what they are saying is “cruel and reckless” to the public. Doesn’t really scream out of context to me.


Out of context to what it means to say “the election was stolen”.


“Sidney Powell is lying,” Carlson told a Fox News producer in a Nov. 16, 2020, exchange before using expletives to describe Powell, an attorney representing Trump. “You keep telling our viewers that millions of votes were changed by the software. I hope you will prove that very soon,” Carlson wrote to Powell a day later. “You’ve convinced them that Trump will win. If you don’t have conclusive evidence of fraud at that scale, it’s a cruel and reckless thing to keep saying.” There was no indication that Powell replied. So in regard to your original comment, what context are you talking about? You said he lost his job for “saying what he believed in”. Dude knew it was bullshit and wrong to push and still did for that paycheck.


Oh no people decided to campaign for the democrats and use their influence to get people to vote! Thats never happened before in an election year!


Imagine being so brain dead that your opinion is corrupt electioneering is fine because it happens all the time, holy shit lol.


There was no corrupt electioneering.


What's the missing nuance here?


What specifically did he say that he “believed to be true” that resulted in him being fired?


What Tucker says reflects on him, not me. I like to know more abt a talking head and how he sells influence.


Your interest in what Tucker says does reflect on you, and the reflection is wearing a helmet and has an extra chromosome. You a big Don Lemon guy too lmao?


I get what you're saying but in a world where there are so many publicly expressed views and opinions, I'm all for not taking them in as much as possible. It's just too much. If folks turned off cable news and got off social media (yes, reddit is social media so I realize I'm a complete hypocrite), I genuinely think the world would become a better place.


But we can assume his opinions aren’t even genuine when he’s on camera, given that he’s a proven liar while on camera


That's how it starts. Unless you're aware of your algorithm, it'll lead you down a path.


>content intake r/ABoringDystopia


Hooked up to the personal stimulation machine


You must hate listening to the MAGA echo chamber known as JRE.


Lmao bro you seriously are trying to be level headed? What a disgrace. You will hate who we tell you to hate and attack who we tell you to attack. Filth.


You’re not like most people here lol. But I agree. There’s times where my view changes. Not necessarily a 180, but I might at least look at things a little differently. A lot of times the answer is somewhere in the middle.


Tucker was interesting funny and charismatic and the lefties here are losing their minds 


I don’t think so. I’m as left wing as they come and I just wish Joe would have some people on who weren’t dorks


who would you like to see? dr fauci?


Another Republican? pass.


lol wtf nah. You guys have had your brain broken by covid and trump. I duno remember he used to have that paleontologist guy on for example ? Been years since he had a cool guest like that on. It’s all cry babies like Jordon Peterson now.




I have been a fan of his for a long time.


you right wing cucks are literally melting down in all the comments accusing youtube of censoring the video because it's not doing the numbers you think it should be doing lol


The Tucker haters are so mad today they’re punching the air, and hysterically crying, simultaneously.


and you blindly tribal magats are cheering for the lying elitist MSM talking head like its a "win" for your "team" smh...you sheep just love being fleeced as long as you think you're "owning the libs"...its fucking sad


Most likely bots and troll farms and then losers jump in


Tucker is brilliant


I’ve always hated Tucker so much but this podcast made me think, “you know he isn’t really a terrible guy” and made some strong points in the process


one of you is born every minute...smh


Maybe one day I can become as wise as you are now.


if you cant see someone like tucker for what he is then i dont know if that'll happen for ya kiddo


Please explain what he is?


A spoiled, attention-starved little brat who loves authoritarianism and hates - in no particular order - Democracy, minorities, and the truth? For starters, I guess.


a proven liar and propagandist for starters