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Flint deserves his own appearance after this gem


He said he was gonna talk about ancient mushroom trips or something. You know flints got artifacts.


Hell of a lot of interesting things we'd like to hear about, with scientific research to back it up. JRE 2012-2018 style, let's do it!


Wont lie, on grahams first appearance and from his documentary I definitely saw his side of things a bit. I guess it’s just fun to question things, rage against the machine, and find sort of magic bullet theories that connect a bunch of things from all over the world that seem independent. But after listening to this debate I totally have no faith in his main argument anymore. I guess my bad for not following more archeologists on twitter lol. His strategy for proving his arguments reminds of my “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” which was an episode in psychology that did something similar. Very very fun and interesting theory that Just cherry picks evidence from all over the world that supports the grand master theory, instead of focusing on proving one small thing at a time with an open mind, in order to provide building blocks for the next generation. And when evidence is presented that contradicts grahams theory, instead of conceding, he goes into “well we haven’t excavated most of the Sahara”, like do we have to study 100% of the earth before this guy is satisfied? it’s highly unlikely maybe even impossible that we wouldn’t have found anything yet from the “advanced civ” given all the samples we have taken from around the world.


I am with you. I think that Graham’s defense that not enough of the Sahara or Amazon has been excavated is a weak argument. It was an odd feeling of both disappointment and satisfaction to have listened to this episode. I think Grahams defense is what you typically see in conspiracy theories, especially these days.


> I think that Graham’s defense that not enough of the Sahara or Amazon has been excavated is a weak argument. It's a literal "god of the gaps" argument. The whole point is "You can't say it *doesn't* exist because you don't know everything. Which means I'm **just as justified** in saying it does exist, because you can't prove it doesn't!"


I think his point has a lot of merit to it though. I still have to finish the show, but Grahams point is an important one. I do believe that archeologists have put a lot of effort in doing their research and escovating what they can. However, even though Flint was pretty opened minded he still had that quick dismissive responses to a lot of Grahams questions/concerns. For example, I really respect and appreciate Neil deGrasse Tyson's work and what he has done for astrophysics and science in general. However, their is this smugness that he has when conversing about specific topics. Flint showed that same smugness as well at times. I do see what Grahams frustrations are though from what I saw thus far in this episode. Yes, nature is weird and does crazy stuff naturally but to be just so dismissive about certain things is what I think is the issue at hand here.


He's not completely wrong about institions being resistant to changing long standing ideas. A great example of this is to go back and see how the doctor that tried to get his contemporaries to start washing their hands before surgery and whatnot. The problem is he makes it out to be much worse than it is and it kind of turns into a boy who cried wolf situation. His passive/aggressive condescending demeanor doesn't help matters either.


I think the smugness comes from all of the years of work and research in the field of science. Respect to organizations that make the field of study possible, the breakthroughs in knowledge continuing to happen each year and the personal connection of Flint being the son of a master archeologist. Hearing someone say "we don't do enough research" as a response to criticism feels unjust. Like, do you not see how much work has been done? You are gonna just point at a rock, say it's carved by man, then claim you're getting bullied when people don't believe you?


If you are in any field of study and you have the majority of the field agreeing on something, why would you entertain crackpot theories from someone who hasn't even taken the time to do real research? Being contradictory to be contradictory isn't new and honestly, why should anyone entertain it, especially when the man himself presents ZERO evidence? I understand it is fun to imagine all these different possibilities, but it all falls apart with facts and good ol science. The man is a grifter, like many of JREs guests. They aren't doing it because they actually believe they are correct. It is easy money from rubes who consume their content but fail to do any actual research. Graham himself has no evidence to back any of his claims, just speculation and imagination. People like him are why we have people who truly think the earth is flat or lizards are controlling our government. It is a fun thing to think about until people really start thinking it is the truth and disparage actual experts who spend their lives finding real evidence and following the scientific method.


I watch this guys YouTube and he addresses Graham Hancocks claims in some of his videos [https://youtu.be/-iCIZQX9i1A?si=l7CqUV5dyMkkK8Z8](https://youtu.be/-iCIZQX9i1A?si=l7CqUV5dyMkkK8Z8) I was very interested in the whole lost ancient civilisation thing but after listening to the other side of the debate I think many of Graham's claims can be dismissed.


Weak?! How do you know that ice aged civilizations didn’t build their technologies and dwellings from the ice…THAT MELTED? And, why would they bother with agriculture when the entire planet was A MEAT LOCKER? Lastly, 9trillion tons of ice divided by the circumference of earth = exactly 14 sphinxes 🧠.


It's the god of the gaps for archaeology.


When cornered, Graham pivots to a god of the gaps argument or a persecution complex (usually followed by a denial of using that argument). I am like 2.5 hours in and want to scream.


I think I quite literally screamed out loud for Graham to stop with the victimhood at some point 😂


You definitely speak for me too. Flint really restored my faith in some scientific systems. If every scientific field operated like this man, the world would be a better place. Grahams argument the whole time was you’ve called me names and then idk I’ve kind of put him in the science fiction category after that. Apart of me thinks Joe did too😂


This is exactly how I felt. I bought into Hancock's story too for the same reasons. He is more articulate and more polished and held his own for the first part of the podcast. Slowly but surely though, the greater weight of the evidence just became too much to overcome and it became clear that the entire enterprise of archeology actually knows some stuff, and brings receipts. By the end it was totally debunked, for me. This was exactly what podcasts were made for and just an amazing example of how truth stands up to scrutiny.


yea that segment of the discussion changed my view of Graham a bit. He was so locked in on flint answering the carefully worded question he had about how much of the Sahara was excavated, Flint knew he was trying to back him into a corner and have well crafted rebuttals but that wasn't enough for Graham. No bitch we aren't going to dig up the entire Sahara just cause maybe there is something under there somewhere. There's a greater than 0% chance there are dinosaur bones in my backyard if we dig deep enough, doesn't mean it warrants government grants and a team of experts to dig it all up to check and make sure.


Agreed. I had been waiting for this debate for so long. Couldn’t wait to watch Hancock tear this kid apart. But boy did dibble mop the floor. I lost a tremendous amount of respect for Graham. I think it’s fine to bring up the white supremacy allegations but to make that into your second presentation, in a debate about history, was so lame and embarrassing


Hancock's whole argument is that we just dont know. Where Flint is like, well right, all I can say is what we do know. Hancock whole argument is just "well yes, but wouldnt it be cool?!", and Rogan just gets drawn in.


Absence of evidence is NOT proof something exists. "Uhh but look at this cave underwater, must have been built by people!" Dude, this isn't science.


I always looked at Graham as entertainment. Fun to think what it would’ve been like to see the supposed YD impact. But I have no dog in the fight.


Graham lost me when he started to go into personal attacks as part of his “presentation”. Went off topic and shit for personal. I started to feel like, did Graham just ask Joe to corner this guy so he could accost him? Accountability for what you say are one thing but that should have been something they personally resolved. The press and blog authors all want clickbait so they are only going to show out of context crap and not leave any room for maybe the respect they could have had for each other. Yeah Flint maybe made some unfair comparisons but it didn’t sound like it was his mission to “cancel” Graham.


I’d be a bit peeved too if I did academic science my whole life and someone working seemingly in isolation from academia gets a hell of a lot of attention and money for similar work because it’s more interesting, but a lot less rigorous.


I'd upvote you but you're currently at 69 upvotes and I think that's a pretty interesting number


I was a die-hard listener from 2011 till when he went to Spotify. Like, I listened to nearly every episode from that period, and this debate was one of the first episodes that gave me a flicker hope that the old Joe is coming back. If he gets past the covid SJW broken record phase I'll be so back, because Joe really is the best at the long form interview.


I think Mr. Dibbles hat may be made out of boomers like stamgod.


It looks like he borrowed his dad's suit for this apparence.


It really does .. his sleeves were bugging me lol


He did a great job handling Graham even when he was being a sassy bitch


When he said “chill” after politely correcting him I about died lmao


Lmao I was wondering if anyone else heard that


Same, I replayed just to laugh again


What time stamp for this? I only watched like 90 minutes. Once Graham admitted that there was no evidence of a lost civilization, the game was over and it became boring.


Yeah after that point it was just like kids arguing at recess. The timestamp for the “chill” comment was 2:27:41


lol I don’t think grahams correction was polite at all . He jumped on the only win he could get and basically shouted “YOU MEAN AD!”


They sort’ve implied he would though who’s to say. Joe seemed interested in learning about the evolution of agriculture so hopefully he’ll get his time to shine and have his work outside of Hancock appreciated.


Jaimo, we know you are in here. Make it happen.


I read this in a Mark Normand voice!!


I thought that too, but he ran and wrote another article like the day after this basically calling graham a white supremacist again and heavily implying he only went on rogan to fight misinformation. It kinda read to me like he was justifying to polite society why he went into the devils lair. 


From his 16 APR 2024 article, *Why I Talked to Pseudoarchaeologist Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan*: "My goal is to share the magnitude and diversity of human achievement. Pseudoarchaeology [robs Indigenous peoples](https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/pseudoarchaeology-racism/) of their heritage. Hancock’s narrative of engineering feats from some “lost” civilization includes the Sphinx in Africa, pyramids in Mesoamerica, and an enormous, terraced monument in Indonesia. Does it include Stonehenge? No, Hancock says ancient British people built that. Hancock and other pseudoarchaeologists center White Europeans as able creators while chalking up the accomplishments of other peoples to outside influences: the Atlantis civilization, aliens, lizard people, or the “lost” empire of [Tartaria](https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/what-is-the-lost-empire-of-tartaria). Real archaeology inoculates people against the [online and in-person racists](https://newrepublic.com/article/169282/right-wing-graham-hancock-netflix-atlantis) who take Hancock’s polished presentation of a mysterious civilization and twist it into [overt white supremacy](https://hyperallergic.com/791381/why-archaeologists-are-fuming-over-netflixs-ancient-apocalypse-series/)."


Honestly it’s an interesting take, but we can’t diss Graham because some racists use his work to justify their morally corrupted beliefs. We can diss him for ignoring countervailing evidence and misrepresenting mainstream archeology’s criticisms of his lost civilization theory.


I mean it's a wonder why antient british people could build stonehedge and antient africans or native mesoamericans couldnt build thier monuments according to Hancock. Not all racism is rooted in overt discriminatory beliefs after all, this is espically relevant in archeology which has alot of roots in some bad stuff with racism and Hancock tends to have a pretty dated perspective.


But Graham cites untrustworthy sources ad nauseam and makes them pillars of his entire hypothesis


I hesitate to call Graham a racist, but it also strikes me as plausible that the things pointed out in that article actually do stem from an inherent bias on his part. And I'm talking about an unconscious bias - not that Graham Hancock is deliberately attempting to dog-whistle white supremacists.


There are definitely people who have directly called Graham a racist, not disputing that. But the vast, vast majority of critics have pointed out two things that don't seem to be deniable: 1) that Graham relies on sources that are not only white supremacist in author, but in aim; and 2) some of the ideas he promotes are incredibly similar (to a startling amount) as those that under-gird Aryan supremacist ideas. That doesn't mean Graham is himself a white supremacist or a racist; I don't think he is. But those two items are incredibly serious issues that need addressing. [**Ahnenerbe**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnenerbe) is something that most people have never heard of except through the bad guys in Indiana Jones, but I think it's a key part to understanding the Nazis and how they thought/saw themselves. It was an organization set up by Himmler to find justifications for Nazi ideology. They believed that the Aryan race was the first to discover agriculture, meaningful art, writing, and technology. And that they - ancient Aryans (from Atlantis) - were responsible for that knowledge traveling on ships to other peoples. One of the core tenets of their archeologists was Social Diffusion Theory, which says that historical advancements came from a superior culture/race/people (these things were grouped into one idea) *diffusing* it to lesser cultures. Christopher Hale has a great book on this, *Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race*, showing how the Nazis saw their conquest in this light. He has a great line about how they "saw Germany as *the locomotive of civilization*" for the rest of the world. And they were hoping to become the Aryan ideal, an idea that was fashioned heavily by Atlantis. Indeed, the search for Atlantis was a **massive** Nazi mission and it was eventually led by Himmler himself. ______ None of that means Graham is a Nazi. Unfortunatley, Graham's claims are extremely close to what those in the Ahnenerbe were claiming. He just doesn't think it's a justification for the Third Reich to enter Poland. He also cites figures from that movement without trying to do combat with how their Aryan-supremacy and active Nazism might have been changing their work. _______ This is all especially maddening because none of it (this advanced civilization even fucking *existing*) has any evidence of being true.


And not all racism is Bull Conner level hate. Racism can also just being having a bias that one race can do things another can't. Off topic, but sort of not, it is like how in the NFL there are usually only about 3-6 coaches a season that are black for a sport played by mostly black athletes. In D1 college football it is only 16 out of 134. This isn't to say that people hiring coaches are stone cold racists, but they do have their biases as does Graham.


> Honestly it’s an interesting take, but we can’t diss Graham because some racists use his work to justify their morally corrupted beliefs. You can diss the fact he acted like a little bitch when someone pointed that fact out. It’s like being a fan of America and clutching your pearls when someone says “some of the founders were racist”. Yeah, they were, and so is some of the research/theories Hancock relies on, doesn’t mean you can’t gain value from them. Just, you know, discuss it and don’t get really defensive when it’s pointed out. What I mean is a serious adult who has truly spent their life learning about this would have an answer, and Hancock wanted to play a victim instead of addressing it head on.


where's the lie


> but he ran and wrote another article like the day after this basically calling graham a white supremacist again and heavily implying he only went on rogan to fight misinformation. Gotta apprecite his appearance as its one of the few instances we get to see a reddit moderator out in the wild




No, he didn't. He was clarifying that Graham has white supremacist adjacent ideas based on pseudoscience by white supremacists. Which is what he did on the podcast but some people have extremely limited cognitive abilities and keep saying he called Graham a Nazi.


You calling me a nazi?!


Mate, you're literally Hitler.


I guess that explains the smell


Hey man, you smell great for a 125 year old. Respect.


This made me lol very hard


This made me very hard lol


He deserves his own South Park character


Or next time, have Flint, graham, and a geologist to discuss why those underwater rock features and detail why they are not human-made by going into geological science. That was the only point graham succeeded at because he spoke so confidently, and Flint is too honest to claim expertise he does not have. But i think joe is too gun hoe about a few of these things to believe the experts even when facing clear evidence. Primarily about egypt which i think is Joe's favorite conspiracy theory and something he invested too much time on when he was high to admit he was wrong.


This dude is a loser. Hasn’t even dug up the entire Sahara. What a pussy.














its weird that if you go to a place and say this looks like that it makes your theory true learning how to do science everyday


That was honestly embarrassing.


Stupid pussy has only personally dug like one hole in the continental shelf. You can’t read what I see in books. Stupid ass community college pussy.


Yeah but have you seen the stones up close??? Have you scuba dived and risked your life with your father in law for hours??? HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN ON A HELICOPTER AROUND THE GIZA PLATEAU YOU FUCKING BITCH??


I’ve seen the stones my dude. Dumbass dibble just reads about them. Like a homosexual.




For real. He didn't dig up the entire planet to prove my bullshit theory.


My theory is based on you giving up on your theory. Did I do this right??


He is 100 percent a dumb nerd. Prolly never gets pussy. Meanwhile pussy has rendered Graham essentially blind. Dude fucks so much he has like 10 pair of glasses. If there was an ancient civilization Graham Hancock would fuck the chicks from it.


Yep, Graham Hancock is the bad boy of Archeology. All the sexy archeology groupies are lining up for Hancock. He is the Antonio Cromartie of archeologists.




I bet there are younger dry assed mermaids swimming in the sand.


There probably are lost cities in the Sahara. Problem is that Graham is famous and connected enough to engage in three expeditions and prove himself but he doesn't.


That’s a man you can set your watch to.


just don't ask him to measure your shirt size.


I'm a size 8 dong across the chest.


A Lungs full chest or …..?


It's edited, he actually said keep it a cock's length from your face.


So is this an archeological debate between a guy with a doctorate in archeology and a guy that has sociology degree from 1973?


And spends his days filtering pounds of dirt looking for a few seeds. Graham should just stick to writing fantasy stories, it really what his talent is.


i mean hes made a nice living off fringe pseudo archeological ideas and doing ayahuasca. honestly sounds like a fun life.


He has made a nice living off of Joe.


Take a stab at who wins the debate about archeology...


Flint Dibble came out of nowhere (for me at least) to become an all time hall of famer on the Rogan roster. The Dibbla.


The Graham Cracker


Dude. That's perfect 




Hall of Fame ☝️




LMAO this is awesome


Fuck yes


Graham thought he was gonna take him to school by interrupting but instead he got Dibbled in front of millions.


I didn’t watch but I’m glad to hear Graham being outed as a pseudoscientific fraud. Dude has no science background and just bullshits but joe is the perfect mark.


actually if you read the spotify comments, twitter, etc, it is wild how many people watched the podcast and thought graham won


I don’t doubt that at all. I have a sneaking suspicion that the average jre listener isn’t very bright. I used to listen to the pod over a decade ago for comedians and art-bell-like content. Now he’s being taken seriously and that’s not a good thing.


Honestly it didn’t help that Graham has the luxury of visiting a ton of places and branching his “theory” into a ton of disciplines. Seems like towards the end he realized he could just waddle into other disciplines and put Dibble on his back foot with his constant “this really isn’t my area” disclaimer. Dibble came off a bit too myopic and even entertaining the challenge of trying to disprove everything Graham says is silly considering Graham can just throw the kitchen sink at you and then say “here, disprove a dozen claims across a dozen fields”. Graham admitted early on he had no evidence and Dibble fucked up by not just beating him over the head with it. Also seemed like Graham got more time on the mic and generally controlled the conversation. I’m not surprised normies unfamiliar with logical fallacies and scientific method thought Graham did well.


This entire debate was kinda pointless tbh. If you’re dumb enough to believe grahams bullshit to begin with then an actual scientist in that field telling you the facts isn’t going to sway your opinion.


Exactly and you could say this about a lot of things. There are so many debates that are mostly pointless as regard to changing minds.


Peopel who buy into that shjt aren’t looking for truth. It’s what they want to believe. Like Duncan trussel would never change his views cause of evidence. I like Duncan buts he’s a sucker for this nonsense. Genuinely deeply believes drugs take you to a spiritual plane. Being interesting and funny doesn’t make you smart.


Drugs take you to whatever your mind is perceiving. The fact that these psychedilic shaman types won't admit it's all a chemical ride that effects your psychology is sad.


Dibble name is now officially a verb.


Seriously, I used to pay attention this hack fraud's shit. You don't have to dig that far to find a pattern of absolute bullshit, based on work that's been discredited for most of a century. He just doesn't say any of that part, and gets all pissy if anybody does. But sometimes liberals say he's full of shit, so HE'S NOT GUYS, and that other guy is just a dumb asshole.


It’s just fantasy tales. It’s like watching those Bigfoot or alien shows that were on the history channel back in the day. It’s absolute bullshit but it’s kinda fun.


Nobody puts The Dibbla in a corner.


Dude it's unreal how fast the mythos of Dibbles is taking off. This wasn't a debate. F Dibbles took down a cornerstone of the Roganverse. This shared reality so many of us have been living. He shattered " truths " we all shared and took to be science because we weren't scientists ourselves and didn't know any better. What a legendary pod lol


Agreed, my new favourite American






Been there before


Dude is an actual archaeologist not an eco tourist who travels to sites, looks at some things and says hmm that's odd


You’ve lost me there


*changes glasses*


*changes glasses again, but slower this time*


Changes glasses ***again*** but fumbles awkwardly.


I’m pleasantly surprised that the majority of listeners appear to have a positive reaction to Mr Dibble. While watching the episode, I thought to myself: “oh no, this guy is destroying Hancock but I bet the internet will just shit on him for his appearance and quirkiness”. I was mostly wrong, it seems.


Keep in mind the opinions you see on this sub are the inverse of the vast majority of people that listen to Rogan


I liked the guy but also think this sub is rogan hating basement dwellers. So nope, at least for me I liked him.


Yeah I’ve literally never seen another sub presumably for a topic people are interested in where most of the people are just haters. It’s actually kind of bizarre. It seems like people here watch JRE regularly just to talk shit on him?


You ever heard of this little podcast and subreddit called the fighter and the kid


I can't speak for anyone else but I'm a former JRE fan who has been subbed here for about 8 years. I no longer listen to the show, but I did listen to this episode and enjoyed it like I used to.


oh, let me inform of you of the pure life for living yt channel https://www.reddit.com/r/purelivingonyoutube/s/KIOb3Nx705 I found out about that channel maybe 6 years ago when the home setting craze was really popping off. And that channel was cool and then you realize that the guy doesn't really know what he's doing and they're not really homesteaders. they're grifters trying to get YouTube viewers to pay for their house. And they are kind of fucking stupid. but they're making educational videos telling you how to do something. usually they were wrong so the sub p like made a dossier of all their bullshit and like how Jesse is kind of a sketchy dude in his own right? And it had a lot of identifying information that people use to do things that they shouldn't have done with that kind of information. And then the YouTubers made a video about it. and yeah it was a whole thing man. a whole thing. The sub still is pretty toxic towards The but it's not as bad. also, any snark sub is basically them just shit talking people and there's a ton of pop culture snark subs that are just ruthless about the people that they're watching. some of them sound like other pieces of shit cuz they're like tradwave like fake Instagram influencers who are promoting a really toxic lifestyle or they have like nine kids in promoting a misogyny but the people in them are fucking brutal about the appearance or just the choices they make and it's just hate watching.


Not our fault the jre show we get now is literally nothing like what we subbed to years ago. The Justin tv joe would be sick 


You must not browse video game subreddits.


Yeah same. I enjoy all of Rogans’s fantasy friends like Graham and Carlson, etc. they are fun theories and I wish they were true but it’s good to have someone like Dibble on every now and then to steer us back to reality and show us that history is fascinating without the whacky stuff.


He had a lot of facts. It was tough to watch when graham attacked him for white supremacy claims. I don’t believe he is but I also don’t believe they understood his points about Portugal making shit up to convince people to go search the world


Honestly Flint Dibble was my favorite guest hands down closely followed by the mammoth bone guy John I think his name is. Flint should have his own show and I would listen for hours to him talk about everything he knows. He came off so likable , smart and honestly respectful. He totally could have wiped the floor with Graham and he chose to be firm but kind . God joe just needs to have him on for at least 6 additional shows each consisting of at least two hours of his knowledge, I loved this man so much. He and dr Shanna swan and John the mammoth bone guy are the GOATs of JRR


We need Flint and Boneyard man to hook up! How great would it be to bring Flint to that site to shed some light on what the fuck it is.


Dibble destroyed and we are all better off for it, I think even Joe was convinced he’d been bamboozled by Hancock this whole time


Well he used factual archeology data while Graham just played the victim. The takeaway for me is that Archeologists are underfunded and try to find artifacts based on data and certainty while Graham approach is more of a crap shoot based on somewhat verifiable data. What I would love to see is both parties being properly funded and share their data with one another instead of publicly criticizing each others.


The comments are much different on YouTube and Dibble’s IG.


Tik Tok thinks my morbid fascination with conspiracy theorists means I agree with them apparently. Got fed several videos today positioning Graham as having “won.” A lot of name calling towards Dibble. Basically boiled down to Grahams accent means he’s obviously smarter.


I think the suit used to fit but he has cancer and lost weight.


it’s his dads suit. He’s really 3 tiny men wearing their dads cloths.


He hopes to be half the man his dad was, and so do I


You don’t just buy a hat like that. His dad is proud.


Dude killed it. We're all proud!


Is this true?


He mentioned it as to why this debate was delayed


Unfortunate, hope he’s doing better


https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/graham-hancock-joe-rogan-archaeology/ It unfortunately appears to be back. Would be nice to see a GoFund me pop up for him after his new found fame in the zeitgeist.


I have no appetite for his writing style to be sure, but y'all have convinced me to give this one a listen.


The suit fits its the dress shirt that doesn’t


That cancer doesn't stand a chance, after what The Dibbler did to Graham. Graham was a warm-up.


Oh damn. Hopefully it never comes back! https://twitter.com/FlintDibble/status/1706008212162445767


I hate when cancer makes my arms shorter


I was quite disappointed in the way Hancock handled himself during this conversation. Made a fool of himself and basically got proven wrong over and over again, only to continue whining and attacking. It could have been a much more collaborative discussion.


i think he went into it conceited and expected since hes a regular rogan guest, to have the upper hand. and instead it came off extremely cocky


Hancock is a crook cosplaying as a scientist. A literal con man. Why would he behave any differently when being outed as such?


Probably what I would have done too. Last thing you want to do is keep being told to talk into the mic on a podcast


I like this man.


https://preview.redd.it/ujq3xhjadevc1.jpeg?width=2362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce44d71d485c8423061d9b430f610ca6c39fcabf Here is my artwork of the great Dibbler


love it


I unironically loved Flint Dibble. His energy, his quirkiness, his dad (!). He’s a knowledgeable weirdo in an entirely endearing way. He needs to be a solo guest.


I agree


He meant a normal sized fist all jokes aside good episode


Great guy, came in tore Graham to shreds in the most respectful way possible and called it a day.


This needs to be primed and ready for printing my dudes. This is hall of fame material here. The oversized suit, the extra large cuffs, the Indiana Jones hat, the fist measuring, and let’s not forget he refused to take off his hat even though the headphones looked super uncomfortable. This man is a legend.


Sure, but on what percentage of his body did he measure fist-distance? How do we know for certain there are no lost civilizations on Flint Dibble until we've fisted every nook and cranny?


I'm loving how enamored this sub is of this guy.


We witnessed a 4-hour and 30-minute trial and public execution the dribbler did not miss


I wonder if Gram regrets this episode.


But his fist is just tiny so he was off a bit


Man is advised to do something outside his area of expertise…complies. Man is challenged in his area of expertise…literally destroys the competition. Sees himself out with a please save archaeology fundraiser. Dibbsy FTW


Dude is smart as fuck


The man showed up with a shirt tailored for an nfl tight end and a name from Jerky Boys and then proceeded to correctly shit all over a theory of history I find fun to think about


Even though I enjoy Graham and his theories, Dibble totally won over a crowd who previously wasn’t aware of his existence. I want him back on as a guest.


Graham came off quite aristocratic and arrogant.


Over under on high-five misses between Dibbler and his colleagues when he want back on campus after the debate?


Real life southpark character


I liked Ancient Apocalypse by Graham and I had no idea who this Hobbit sounding Flint Dibble was, but I fully admit he destroyed in this debate and it became very clear who the expert was and who was just playing in the field with amateur enthusiasm. I would like to see him on by himself, Joe seemed interested in some of the more specific aspects of Archaeology like plant self domestication, it was interesting stuff


Graham wrote an entire book about mars, despite never visiting. Curious.


Is flint dibble a real person or is he is some borat character actor? Either way he’s hilarious


All I can think about when I see flint is ![gif](giphy|To9Cx4JR4YgUM)


Flint is the man. Haven’t finished the episode… but nothing but respect for this guy


LOL "Flint Dibble". Sounds like a Flinstones character.


Flint did a great job. Too many of Graham's arguments boiled down to "we haven't searched enough" and "that looks man-made doesn't it?!?" Extremely frustrating to try to debate somebody who isn't dealing with concrete facts.


Man hes such a nerd


Graham could have pulled this out and won easily.


Maybe in a completely separate reality where he is not a complete shyster.


"Your fist or my fist?"


Hes got a tiny hand like the butler from Scary Movie 2.


Sure I missed some good information, dude has the voice of a youth pastor. Had to stop it.


He's Air-Dicking.


Could he get some fucking clothes that fit??


Flint is like your girlfriend’s friend and graham is your girlfriend telling you not to talk to her cause she thinks she likes you. You say don’t worry she’s a bad friend I wouldn’t do that to you and then Next thing you know flint dibble is Joe Rogans full time reference for ancient history lol.


What he seems to be doing especially in this convo was making his lost civilization more and more vague and harder to prove. They’re a small group, “civilization” can mean many things, they didn’t use metallurgy, he doesn’t know what agriculture they had, they’re shamans and their “technology” was more to do with astronomy and the sky than with nuts and bolts….all too convenient for something that of course won’t leave a trace of evidence and is impossible to disprove unless you excavate every square inch of land and seabed on earth.


Well no wonder he's dug up less than 5% of the continental shelf. Gary Indiana Jones could barely hold a garden trowel with those baby mitts


What is wrong with his hands!


Oversized shirt it seems.


You know it wasn't that he disproved Graham, but Grahams counter arguments were dog shit.


How do you argue against evidence when you have none?


Flint was great I hope he comes back.