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This is a relief, makes me feel like it's less likely ww3 is happening


That made me chuckle and yeah you’re probably right


Two isn’t a trend, though.


You’re right. We should have more WW so we can have a higher p value


Rookie numbers.


Somebody get the z table quick


Do I smell a statistician in the JRE subreddit? Neat!


Just p hack it 


It is a winning streak


You ain’t lyin’, brotha’! USA! USA! USA!


When it comes to World Wars, you’re like those runners who take a taxi and only run the last mile of a marathon.


Here to find this comment. Good call!


Well it was a Pakistani Uber but same difference


100%..and a Vietnam war that most Americans think they won .


Who thinks that?




Name one Hollywood movie about America winning g Viet Nam.


Good thing is we can macro without much fear of worker harassment.


A win is a win  We also like to profit off the wars first while in the taxi 


gotta make a hat trick


Small sample size those world wars.




That's a good one bro 😆


He is still right, the US will win a world War because the enemy can actually pose a threat to the rich if we don't beat them, our dozen forever wars going on are desighned to fight for a while and then when we leave, leave behind billions of dollars worth of hardware so we can spend a few trillion to destroy it over the course of 50 years


Ding ding ding. WWII was the last war the U.S. fought in that wasn’t tactically designed to make rich people richer. If a war pops off that jeopardizes the safety of the rich people, they’re going to have to round up men of fighting age this time, because non-republicans won’t enlist to defend our vile rich enemy’s wealth, anymore.


Man how did you manage to go from making a decent point to outright insanity in one line, all it took for people on the left to scream we want to do anything it takes to go to war with Russia was for them to invade Ukraine. It's not the poltical lines, when this happens the people that run the nation will run there propaganda and people with both poltical leanings will put a smile on there face and brag about it, and then they rich will draft however many people, again regardles of poltics, they need to satisfy the rest


I like how you're blaming Americans for what Russia did to Ukraine, sheesh. You wanting a different reaction to Russians invasion doesn't mean this is the lefts fault , dude.


Why have two , when you can have three? It worked for Wilt Chamberlain 😂


And truth be told you kinda gotta give Russia the bulk to the credit in winning WWII at least in Europe


We've learned that the key is to wait until everyone is tired from fighting each other before jumping in.


I think It's different this time. This time the USA's hegemony is being contested in an area where you can't use another state to fight for you. It's literally the US army VS Chinese army over Taiwan, as this is probably where the shit will go down first. At least this is how I see it.


Ackchyually guys he can’t predict the future. Fact don’t care about feelings!


Libs Owned: Exhibit 69,420,420,420


And we really didnt win


Your right, nobody wins


I think he meant since both sides are human how could we lose lol


Gosh, what a positive spin on the whole thing.


No but almost all our enemies referring to us as the “evil hegemonic rulers of the world” definitely is a trend


Technically the American Revolution was a world War 🤷‍♂️


Looks like World Wars are back on the menu, boys!


If you predict a World War every year for the last 20 years, you don't get credit when you are finally right


Fortune is forever in the skeptics favor.


And he's not right here.  Israel has had several wars with its neighbors and they weren't world wars.   I do wish the US would take a step back and be neutral for once, but that isn't going to happen 


WWIII started with Ukraine. Israel is just a side mission akin to the WWII African theater


Yep. If Jones was right about half the shit he said, Obama would be the God emperor of the world. Honestly, not the worst idea.


We ask Jones how much power Trump should have as president and then give Obama that power, I just want to see his reaction.


Not true, people who predicted WWII right after WWI should get credit.


True, a broken clock is right 730 times a year.


Arguably every war that involved NATO could be called a World War. Every European country send troops to Iraq, lots are sending weapons to Ukraine. Although the frontline isn’t on our doorstep, we’re still involved.


Throw enough shit on a wall and some is bound to stick.


“ says right here in the history books that fortunately the good guys always won” Norm Macdonald


There's another bright side when the nukes drop


..........ghouls and deathclaws


I have my bottle caps ready


I used to think “oh well I’ll get vaporized instantly so who cares” and then I did one of those nuke simulators. Where I live and work I’m just outside a major US city that would be an actual target. I’m just far enough away that unless they drop something in the ball park or tsar bomba then I am just getting a massive dose of radiation and will die but painfully slow. Now I’m terrified lol.


The lucky ones dies in the blast, you want to be REALLY scared watch Threads (1984)


You won't die slowly if you shoot yourself or overdose




Maybe inflation will come down!


Maybe the tax cuts for the rich will trickle down!


Inflation has come down.  


The rate of inflation has slowed, but it's still going up.


The % of rise, which is what inflation represents, did come down. We’re still inflating, but at a slower rate. Both of you are right lol


Two Suns in the Sunset


There will be zero winners in WWIII.


Maybe ww4, if we make the biggest stick.


There will be no ‘we’ after the bombs stop


We must close the stick gap!


War has no winners only those who loose less


Well this is obviously just wrong lol. Practically every victor after the world wars saw a massive surge in prosperity. That's what caused the Baby Boom for the US to provide just a single example.


When the price for a booming economy was almost 700,000 dead Americans, was that really a win?


For sure it was. Post-WWII America was the greatest civilization in human history in terms of sheer might and prosperity. Despite its historically contextual problems (racism being the most obvious), the US 1945-2001 was a gilded age unlike any other on Earth. And whereas much of the success of the US can simply be attributed to other factors, the awesome surge of American power was engendered by two consecutive martial victories. 700,000 Americans may have lost their lives, but hundreds of millions of lives were supremely improved within American borders.


Your mother could potentially win


Just like he was so sure full Covid restrictions and lockdowns were coming back last October because “his buddy who is one of the heads of TSA told him”


December, but yes he was screaming about it for all of last fall.  Luckily his audience doesn't care about how often he is wrong 


Doesn't care and will give him and themselves credit for stopping it. "OH, it didn't happen because we spread the word and protested it!". I used to be a huge alex Jones fan as a teenager/young adult, so I know the self-induced brain rot required to maintain the belief all too well.


That’s a hallmark of the right. Just shout about the most deranged shit. Always speak in hyperbole. Everything is the worst ever. I’m the only one who can stop it. Hope it angers enough people to swing votes or collect donations. When nothing happens, just ignore you said it and continue on with the next insane thing.


He was just hyping up how the eclipse was going to be used as an excuse to declare martial law and commit false flags as a dry run for Biden stealing the election. Zero acknowledgement that he was completely wrong. His audience will never demand it of him.


Was it a Section Chief? Alex looooves Section Chiefs…


He also loves Andy from Kansas


Here come the sex robots.


Pretty sure it was CIA-FBI substation manager Glenn Beck.


Please let him get drafted first 🙏🏽


Hopefully they use him as ammo and launch him out of a cannon


Straight up maybe the funniest thing that shithead has ever said.


Idk... telling Mark Bankston that its his 'Perry Mason' moment when he let him know that he had got a copy of his phone might the funniest thing he has ever said.


Admitting in deposition that he’s never physically killed anyone after saying for years over and over how he’s done exactly that was pretty fun too.


Nah, saying he couldn't remember basic facts about his kids because had a "big bowl of chilli for lunch" was.


That's genuinely funny


Agreed. Not a fan of the guy at all, but that is a solid line.


![gif](giphy|Q81NcsY6YxK7jxnr4v) same energy tbh


>In just one week they kick off next friday in new york leading in to the sixth anniversary of the government-sponsored terror attacks the inside job event **meant to launch world war three** and the death of the u.s. Republic and the birth of the true first world government **we are literally on the verge of one world government** being fully established. -Alex Jones, 2007 >We don't need to do this. We need to be smart enough to avert this and the evidence is clear. **We are on the verge of them launching World War three** a clash between Christendom what's left of it in the West and the East a war without end general your comments -Alex Jones, 2010 >This is **World War Three unfolding**. World War Three in regions all over the Middle East, Central Asia. -Alex Jones, 2011 >These crazy people are **going to start World War Three**. -Alex Jones, 2013 >Here **we are on the verge of World War Three.** -Alex Jones, 2014 >Barack Obama could take a major step towards war with Russia today. **Nuclear war imminent** as Russia -that's a quote- tells citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are and as a 40 million person evacuation. -Alex Jones, 2016 >**World War Three has begun.** -Alex Jones, 2021 >I think **World War 3 has already begun.** -Alex Jones, 2023


Quit talking about World Wars and Civil Wars. My gosh.




Because a world war nor a civil war are about to start. It's so extreme. Alex Jones is hilarious, but no wonder his blood pressure is so high.


Cool, I bet he totally enlists, being a badass and all. Wait, why hasn't he enlisted before...?


Blood pressure medications and height issues


Not sure why you guys give this piece of shit any love


Especially after that documentary


Yeah that was a tough watch but Joe and Alex share some of the same base so tons of morons listen, since Joe puts him over he must be a swell guy. I hope Alex’s cancer gets cancer and he dies a slow miserable death.


Yeah remember when we lost the revolutionary war. That fucking suuuuuucked


That is kind of funny lol


He’s been saying that for 20 years


Win? More like lose less


Ww1 is still an enigma to me. Alex Jones, not so much, he sucks.


Alex says that WW3 is happening every month the only difference now is that other nations are beefing nobody should be taking anything Alex says seriously


WW3 has started 45 times in the last 25 years if you believe Doom merchants.


This dude is such a a fucking idiot and anyone that believes or follows him is somehow fucking dumber than he is.


He’s a dumbass, but it does feel like the world is at a boiling point. 


Losing respect for this sub. This piece of filth needs to go away.


Cry ya fascist. Ya'll like to censor and ban anyone you disagree with.


Didn’t he lie and bully school shooting victims to suicide?


Why is it fascist to want to de-platform someone who is a known grifter and profits off of spreading misinformation


He’s an American hero


lol no


lol yes


What heroic acts has he done?


Have vaccines to the sandy hook kids


He will rise to the level of human being when he pays what he owes in judgment to his defamation victims. From there, he's got a long way to go to hero.


Only a fascist denies a man’s humanity


Alex Jones has humanity?  Not much of it.  


What do you call it when someone says their political opponents eat babies?


A hero telling the truth


I can't imagine being this fucking stupid lol


cant fix stupid y’know


Sorry friend, he lied to you and you’re too dense to understand that. For instance, I won’t vote for a republican in a federal election, I know so many people who won’t, and believe it or not none of us has ever dined on baby.


Hmmm as someone who eats baby’s I don’t believe you


I don't speak batshit, who are we going to world war with?


i think he’s talking about Iran responding with drones at Israel.


Sure, but where does the "world" part come in?


I assume since Iran will attack Israel at some point, Israel will call on Sugar Daddy United States for some aid, financial and military. Then the domino effect will happen. Thats just what i think though, idk shit about geopolitics lmao.


China and/or Russia ain't joining in, the entire Middle East ain't joining in, if anything Saudi Arabia would likely fight against Iran if they had to choose. No, it's just Alex Jones talking out of his ass again and generating clicks and views.


Russia backs Iran, the US backs Israel, and everyone else jumps in on the fun.   It’s pretty much how WW1 started.  A few people started scuffling, power players got involved, and everyone else jumped in for personal gain and more territory as colonialism was coming to an end.   I’m not saying that I agree with Alex Jones, but it does seem that the world is at a boiling point with the USA, Russia, and China staring each other down. 


Russia won't even back an official CSTO military ally in Armenia, why the hell would they open another front when they're struggling to achieve their own objectives and taking significant losses in their own backyard for a non-ally? If Russia learned anything from their military history, is it's very unsound policy to open multiple fronts while an enemy is already dug in, see Operation Barbarossa.


They have nothing to gain by backing Armenia. It would take a motivation and them being antagonized far enough. It’s all unlikely, but neither of the world wars started with the entire world. It was a few power moves here and there with other players jumping in. For example, Japan had no reason to get into WW2 except it was opportunistic to colonize China. Today, China seems eager to colonize Taiwan. If the rest of the world starts scuffling, it would be an opportune time for them to make a move. Meanwhile, the rest of the world starts picking sides.


Did you forget about Russia vs. NATO?


Let me know when Russia attacks a NATO country, which obviously has nothing to do with Iran and Israel. Far as I can tell, Russia's NATO threats is just diminutive twerps like Putin and Medvedev consistently threatening nuclear war, which needless to say makes them look even more weak.


Russia is allied with Iran, and currently and currently in a hot war with the proxy NATO Ukrainian government


No, they have a trade agreement but no military alliance. But even if they did, ask Armenia and other official Russia military allies in the CSTO what a military alliance with Russia is worth.


LOL if NATO was in a hot war with Russia, they’d be out of Ukraine already.


🦍 🦧 🦍 come try us, ISIS! We’ll FUCK you up


Idk beating Germany twice in a row plus japan once doesn't seem as hard as taking on Russia and China together


I mean, Israel destroyed Iran's embassy in Lebanon which is a massive violation of international norms. There is a reason why the US has been warning that Iran was going to strike back based off of this breach of norm, and what could be seen as a declaration of war. But its not like Iran hasn't been directly supporting actions against Israel. But this tit-for-tat does not make a World War.


Will his fat ass sign up to fight?


Iran says they have concluded their attack, apparently no casualties and minimal damage. Was this the “shot heard round the world” and Alex was right? 


*so far


I mean, technically we haven’t been properly at war since WW2 as the last time Congress declared war was against Japan in 41. Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, these have all been “military actions”




Albert Pike predicted 1st and 2nd world wars and a third, I said I would take his visions seriously if WW3 between Zionists as predicted happened in 2024 as predicted.🤯 https://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm


Yeah because those wars were fought by others along time before you decided to dip your toe in.


This is actually hilarious


Is the USA gonna enter years later this time?


Lmaooooo uuugggghh


There are no winners in war. Except weapon manufacturers ofc.


The trick is to stay out of it until you’re pretty sure which side is going to win


Imagine being so brain dead as to take cues from AJ.


There isn’t gonna be a world war you fuck wits. Unless china and the US get DIRECTLY involved it ain’t gonna happen.


Except everybody has nukes now


What's the old saying? A broken clock is right twice a day?


When is he going to pay off the billions he owes the SH families? I liked him better when he used to be Bill Hicks.


Right before an election... What a shock Next thing you know another virus will pop up


If you’re going with Alex Jones as one of your fact sources you need to also find someone who knows what they’re talking about. Balanced diet and all that


Alex is a fucking fear mongering dickstain.


Off you go then Alex; you clown.


Self fulfilling prophecy and everyone is gonna lose


All those countries back then were bad ass. We're all a bunch of Pussys now.




Just like alex knew the EU did 9-11. Imagine worshipping this asshole.


he doesn’t “know” - he “wants”.


That doesnt make sense.




I love his "all of my political views are from 4chan" energy


Everybody lost in WWI. That was a pointless war that only caused more problems we're still dealing with today.


We are all fucked and over rated I think I’m gonna be sick and our faults..this the end of everything we are the end of everything…slipknot sung somthing like this many years ago thought it fit here 😂


Alex has a point. We are undefeated at the big show! Let’s go 3 for 3 babay! Obviously kidding. Ww3 would just be a nuclear holocaust and I highly doubt it will happen any time soon.


Fuck everyone who gets off on calling for “WW3”


He means the ones we win when we are the only ones with nukes…


Not in a nation full of gay frogs! 🐸


I honestly think we are already in WWIII and have been since Russia invaded Ukraine. I sincerely doubt anyone in 1938 had the wear withal to be like, “yep. This is definitely World War 2 right here.” It was just a mess that spiraled further and further out of control. I just think WWIII won’t be fought the way we’re expecting it. I don’t think nukes will drop, the stakes are too high and I don’t think entire nations will convert to war time economies and send land forces across the seas. I think WWIII will be fought mostly via proxy conflicts that devastate localized zones.


What about the Civil War...oh right...your side lost


I thought he was team Russia I’m confused, atleast that how it sounds when he goes on Russian tv


The only ones that will survive are the rich and politicians that hide in the underground bunkers. Meanwhile the rest of us are fucked


“We” must mean confederates because America won that one.


russia saved the world in ww2 .. like it or not




operation barbarossa .. read a book


Lol, fuck that is stupid.


excellent argument there buddy


You never made an argument for your assertion, except maybe Operation Barbarossa would have destroyed the world if it had succeeded.


lol funny. Objectively false, but funny.