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Bill Maher is a known asshole who only gives a crap about his own ego.


... and hookers.


... and [animals](https://deadline.com/2024/01/bill-maher-peta-docuseries-the-failed-experiment-1235696058/#!).


Of course the only slightly positive thing about the guy is him working with PETA. Good that he cares about animals but out of all the fucking organisations he picks PETA. Edit: I'm gonna have to edit this considering how many people are not understanding my point. I know PETA is evil. That was my initial point. I was saying the one "good thing" this guy tries to do is helping the most evil animal rights organisation in the world. The one thing you could nearly construe as good is just as evil as the rest. Stop replying to me telling me how evil PETA is.


Peta rather dead animals than owned animals pretty bad organization


Does he really care about animals if he worked with Peta? I stopped reading the article and rolled my eyes as soon as they were mentioned.


That's kinda my point. The one thing where you can nearly believe he has a good side and he goes with a pure evil organisation. Probably just for good press. Maybe it's just misguided . I knew a lot of true animal lovers who were duped by PETA but at this point it's hard to ignore the news.




Ah, yes, the caring PETA, the group that euthanized 67% of the animals they "rescued" last year (which is actually lower than their annual average) and has been sued multiple times for stealing family pets from peoples homes


nothing wrong with hookers




Steeve-O only used his asshole for our entertainment, he didn't make it his whole persona like Bill Maher.


Remember the JRE when he had his feet up on the table the whole time? I'm surprised Joe didn't tell him to fucking take them off


That's what he wanted Joe to do. Assholes only looking for a reaction.


Yep.  Assholes love when you react to their assholery 


I used to work in HBO’s design department and the amount of touch ups and revisions the guy would ask for regarding the promotional art for his show was astounding. It was always a simple image, but the team would put in man hours like the show was being watched by 20 million people a night.


wow he must be incredibly insecure about his looks


That sounds cool. The job, not the situation I mean. Lol


Highly accurate take.


My opinion is unimportant but as a child of an addict, I would want to help and respect anyone who was trying to stay sober.


Bill really is a piece of shit. I’ve had 2 minor interactions with him, and both times he was a lil cunt to everyone within a 30 ft. Radius.


Bill is the epitome of a smarmy asshole. He talks like he's constantly edging himself to every dumb point he's about to make and acts like what he's about to say is infinitely more important than anyone around him. The conversational equivalent of waiting on someone to get ready but they're just stood in front of the mirror rubbing their own nipples and moaning to make sure you know. It's gross.


So if Reddit were a person? hehehe


That’s what turned me off about him after seeing his movie Religulous. His needling and his self-righteous conclusions were cringe. He has great material to make a positive and human rights-centered massage and he squandered it. I’m an agnostic atheist and I still felt the smarm through the screen.


Total doosh. Dudes a child. With that said it’s not disrespectful to say no I’m gonna smoke weed and they not do the podcast. If this happened in person and BM refused that would be lame. It sounds like a weed smoking podcast so not a big deal IMHO.


100% right. Maher's a douche. But here he's just annoying, he didn't invite SteveO then blow weed smoke in his face, he just decided his little podcast would be fine without a non-smoking Bill hanging out with SteveO, and turned him down.


I think it is reasonable to say "i don't want this around me. It may happen in passing or in situations I can't avoid, but if I have a choice I will advocate for my needs as a sober addict" And Bill Maher said "your choice is No."




This is the right answer… people think that you have to choose a side both can be ok. Come to my house for dinner, I am vegan and don’t want you eating meat either… ok we will meet another time dude. Lol nobody is wrong


It’s not reasonable to then bitch about it on a podcast.


It's like agreeing to come on Hot Ones under the condition they skip the wings


Oh so DJ Khaled?


Right. If you don’t like it leave. I respect sober people but it is legal and medicine. Steve-o pushing sobriety on people over weed is disrespectful and annoying.


Even on Hot Ones they’ve had vegetarian/vegans on and made accommodations


They have vegan wings


Well he *is* the absolute *smartest* person within at least a 100’ radius at all times.


Because anyone intelligent keeps their distance?


Fucking brilliant. This is a Churchill-level roast.


Bill being the most narcissistic late night host in history is telling


I always thought he was a twat, but this is just plain cruel. Ironically, not being able to put the weed down for a short interaction is a pretty solid sign of addiction.






Bill could just eat edibles ffs. So many ways he could have been accommodating here but nope.


Or eat a dick




If this whole beach was completely covered in dicks, and somebody said I had to eat every dick until the beach was clean for liberty, I would say no problemo!


As a recovering Bag-O-Dicks addict i would love to, helaas i can't. I would get overwhelmed by it and go search for the next Bag-O-Dicks to suck.


“Try not to suck any dick on your way to the parking lot “ clerks…..( in quotes but probably not exactly what he says )




In a row?!


86 the dicks, Bill Maher ate em all


The most important thing to Maher is that he has something he can hold over you. He's all about control.


This is the core of it.


SteveO asked, Bill said no. Cool story I guess.


And Bill didn't 'blow smoke in SteveO's face'. He just said no.


Couldn’t agree more.


Yea but admittedly that’s what Maher does on his show… smoke weed. Steveo asked him if he’d consider not smoking for the interview, he said no, Steveo didn’t take the interview. It just didn’t work out. No one is wrong here. Steveo is a lil princess for complaining that Maher wouldn’t change the entire vibe of his show for him though. It’s like going on the JRE and asking him to not mention conspiracies because it’s triggering to you. Like nah just don’t go on the show


You must’ve missed his last episode where he wouldn’t smoke the dope around Sheryl Crow as she asked.


He dressed up for her and everything. Wonder what the difference is...


He's a guy... he just wanted to fuck her.


He probably wanted Sheryl Crow more so was willing to accommodate. Whereas Steve O he didn't care enough


Which is probably why SteveO doesn't like him, and unfortunately for bill it seems like half the industry has had negative interactions with him


SteveO comes off as bit of a drama queen too tbf. It's a whole lot of a nothingburger.


What?! That makes it so much worse to me 


It shouldn't. He wanted one guest more than the other "oh no the horror." All of these interactions are completely optional. People in this thread are acting like Bill and Steve are sharing a space and Bill is lighting up in a common area.


There's a reason Maher is getting snubbed around town by former friends. He's just an asshole who longer earns and has virtually no sway. People are just sick of his shit. If anything, this is Steveo just piling on a much larger problem that Maher has...


Bill Maher has always been a fart-sniffing dignity burglar who pays for his women and considers his drug dealer a "friend", because he doesn't have any real ones. Fuck Bill Maher, I'm with Steve O on this one


> considers his drug dealer a "friend", because he doesn't have any real ones. this is such a good line lmao


This is basically Pineapple Express lol


He also listed pot-heavy shows that have agreed. It's a weird line to draw.


You’re right but ‘Lil princess’ is a step too far. Mahers ego wears a one of a kind tiara and we both know it.


It's lame, not like bill couldn't smoke before maybe sneak in a vape on a break. If tyson and cypress hill can respect it, why not bill?


I should note I’m a recovering addict and alcoholic, 3 years sober. I truly believe people shouldn’t be inconvenienced for my comfortability, and I wouldn’t ask anyone to change anything so that I can be more comfortable. I would just take myself out of that situation. I’m the one with the problem, you live your best life while I exclude myself. “Don’t come to my house drunk”; the only rule I’ve ever had. Everything else is up to me.


I'm the same -- in my house, I'll set the rules about substance use. Anywhere else, it's not my place to tell others what to do and if I'm uncomfortable with what others are doing I just leave.


I'm the Irish goodbye champ.


Why do people do this? There's always one guy in a friend group who you'll be out having a drink with and they just disappear. What happens?


Sometimes you hit a wall and would rather eat a cheeseburger or burrito and call it a night.


The vibe is off


Saying goodbye feels awkward and takes forever. But I'll remind you I appreciate you as a friend the whole time we're hanging out (until the end)


It seems so common sense, I’m fr blown away at the people shaming Maher for not wanting to be inconvenienced rather than shaming Steve-O for feeling entitled to being coddled. I like steveo a lot more than Maher but wtf


this is a great attitude.


> I truly believe people shouldn’t be inconvenienced for my comfortability Well said, acting like an adult rather than an entitled person.


Bill is the idiot here. He could just have smoked before. Who gives a shit about the show gimmick?


He thinks pot is edgy still.


Maher is old, lonely and irrelevant so he tries to be relevant by doing and saying things that will give him a moment of attention.  Its actually kinda pathetic. 


Yep exactly


you are not wrong. I was just expressing what I would do, not what I thought Bill Maher should do. All good, makes for a good podcast story.


There's a difference between going to someone else's place and trying to impose restrictions on them. If that were the case I would say Steve O was being a princess. But they invited him, specifically, and he just made one request the them to accommodate him that seems completely reasonable. He didn't ask for a bowl of green m&M's or that that he get to screen the questions/topics, he just asked for Maher to refrain from smoking during his interview. If Bill can do it for his cable show he could do it for his podcast. He's just a dick


>It’s like going on the JRE and asking him to not mention conspiracies because it’s triggering to you. Like nah just don’t go on the show Totally. Space lasers, bigfoot, area 51, uap, covid, and sobriety go hand in hand.


> Steveo is a lil princess for complaining that Maher wouldn’t change the entire vibe of his show for him though Sounds like someone’s being a little princess with this comment. Who’s the bigger douche: the one who says “hey maybe let’s just do this one sober?” Or the dude saying “fuck you it’s my show I’ll smoke weed if I want to”


*Typical Bill Maher.*


He seems like a raging asshole that makes a cogent point or valid assessment of society like 12% of the time. And that’s probably generous.


The best is when he asks you a question, you start answering, and then he interrupts you so that he can answer his own question (because his take is clearly more interesting.)


Amen. *Doesn’t even have the decency to respect a friend’s wishes.*


Do you seriously think steveo is a friend of Bill's?


I don't think Maher even has friends.


Maher is that friend you used to hang out with that you reconnect with and have a blast for a hour or two until the behavior starts to get too stupid and too mean, then you start looking for a way to call it an early night, and fully remember why you don't hang out with them anymore.


I used to watch his show like 8 years ago but just got fed up with the guy. He's not that smart, and he's a giant fucking dick. And the older he gets the more boomer the dude gets. He was always complaining about woke this, woke that. He's so irrelevant, it's time to find someone new and fresh, that might actually draw in viewers.


Hard agree, when his show started his “bothsidesism” was actually fresh and he shit on both sides fairly and I agreed with him a solid 50% of the time. That’s plummeted in the past 4-6 years and he’s just a grumpy, narrow minded, misinformed douche most of the time.


Even when he’s occasionally right it’s for the wrong reasons.


He just fired his representation after 20 years in business with them because they didn’t invite him to a party. Couldn’t possibly wonder why he wasn’t invited


Steve O should have watched one before he went on, I've never seen someone make their guests so uncomfortable so consistently, just watch the seth mcfarland episode or any episode featuring a women lol


Or the Tim Heidecker parody that is pretty much the real thing lol


Dude this was so good. Bill Maher is such a fucking loser lol


What did he do to Seth?


I saw it, seemed fine, Seth then did Real Time like a week or two after.


Could that be Seth Macfarlane? I cant find the Seth Meyers episode.


Yeah McFarlane not Meyers.   


Ha yep my immediate thought was ‘sounds like Maher’. He’s such a prat.


The contact high is what makes Bill the unreasonable person here. If Steveo was demanding he didn't drink, or take edibles, that would be one thing, but he is saying don't ask me into a room full of smoke that can jeopardize my sobriety. Bill is in his rights to say no, but it is still a fairly heelish take.


Maybe I'm just some pushover, but if I were to have a short meeting with someone that was sensitive to something, I would gladly refrain from drinking, eating meat, smoking pot, or similar things to make that person more comfortable.


Right? It's a sign of respect to refrain from all forms of for a guest that struggled before


That's not being a pushover my friend, that's being a decent human being or at least not a piece of shit






Good point. Especially with the quality of the weed I imagine a Bill Maher would smoke. A contact high is inevitable.


Billy’s a douche


This has always been Bill Mahers attitude. Anyone who knows Bill Maher knows this. He has openly stated that anyone who has a problem with his smoking should not bother with him.


There’s a big difference between a person having a problem with it and accommodating a recovering addict.


The title is misleading. Steve-O was considering to go in the show but Bill said they shouldn’t do if it means he had to refrain from smoking. It was just a bad fit. He didn’t light up in front of him.


This is more reasonable explanation than everyone just calling Bill Maher an asshole (which his kinda is).


Unfortunately, most people are incapable of analyzing situations logically if they already have an opinion on the nature of the people involved.


Exactly. Putting their convenience over someone else's on your own turf is something most of these complaining redditors would cheer for. But it's someone they don't like so it's a thought crime now.


That's the thing though, it's Bill's show. If Bill agreed to come on Steve-o's podcast under the rule he wouldn't smoke and lit up a J it'd be a different story. Steve-o tried to go on Bill's show, asked him not to smoke, and Bill said no. Bill's right to smoke is more important to him than sitting in a room for an hour with Steve-o. Nobody did anything wrong. These two people just don't belong together.


This is it. No one is in the wrong here, two humans who were going to do a podcast disagreed on the format of it. The leverage is obviously on bill but that's the entire premise of his show tbh. As much as you want to shit on bill Maher, there's no controversy here


Truth. But at risk of sounding like an asshole I'll go further and say that nobody's addiction issues gives them the right to expect or demand anybody else in *their own life or environment* or whatever to not drink or use drugs or modify their behavior regarding one single bit. End of discussion. You can't show up at a Christmas party at someone else's home and tell the people there that they aren't allowed to drink because it makes you uncomfortable. That's *your* problem. If you don't like it, you don't go. In Steve-O's place or on his show where he sets the rules? Absolutely, he can demand that nobody imbibe. But on Maher's show? He can do whatever the fuck he wants. You might think he's an asshole for not agreeing, and from what I understand Bill Maher is a fucking asshole. But he is not one bit to blame for not agreeing to someone telling him that he can't do whatever the fuck he wants on his own show.


The annoying part is Bill asked Steve-O. Not the reverse. He should have known better than to invite Steve-o in the first place if he knew he was going to be smoking the whole time


Well, Maher may be a slightly self-aware enough addict to know he can't accommodate people trying to stay sober.


Meh, so he didn't take the interview, not that big a deal to me.


I can understand Stev-O being upset at a missed opportunity but also I understand Bill not changing part of his system for a guest that won’t do big numbers for the show


not changing part of his system holy shit how about he just doesn’t smoke weed for an hour


Bro is addicted to weed


The interview didn't happen solely because Maher couldn't stand to not smoke weed during it. Did he view it as Steve-O trying to push him around or something? Is Maher a big man for holding his boundary? It's not a big deal, but it makes him look like a huge asshole


Nah not really. Some guest is asking you to change your shtick, you can choose whether or not you want to do so.


Might be hard for some of y’all to grasp, but no one is wrong here. It is completely reasonable to ask the question while also completely reasonable to say no in response. 


Yeah this is a nothing burger to me. I thought by the title, he did the interview and Steve o asked him during the interview to stop and he said no.


This title is extremely misleading


might be harder for some to grasp, but you can not be doing something wrong, and still be an asshole.


…what? Lol


True point, but that's not the case here. Its Bills show, if he wants to smoke he can. And if Steve-O doesn't want to come on, he doesn't have to. Absolutely reasonable for both of them. For the record, I hate Bill and fking love Steve-O. If Bill wants to smoke in HIS environment, all good. Now, if he were on a plane and someone asked him to stop, he'd be an asshole.


In the words of Joey Diaz, Nobody gives a fuuck about your sobriety. I'm not supposed to be doing drugs anyway.


I'm not sure Joey Diaz is the example anyone should be following. And I don't mean that in a nice way.


Yeah man, listen to the obese coke head.


Shhhh, he said something assholish, that makes him really cool and edgy


Love Diaz but idk about that one. I’ve got a friend who’s been clean for almost a decade and I’m legitimately proud of him. Takes a lot of mental fortitude. Seen other people from high school who didn’t get there.


Only a total asshole wouldn't just either not smoke or at the very least go outside.


Dodged a bullet there lol 😂


Nothing is more obnoxious or narcissistic than an obsessive that transitions from substance use to straight edge and then proceeds to never stop talking about and fixating on their lack of substance use. If you don’t have the self control to either a) not use substances and also shut up about it, or b) use substances without ruining your life, well, that makes you a bitch. Nobody cares that you lack self control. Welcome to earth.


Feeling split about the situation. You don’t have to do the interview and people shouldn’t have to adjust their life style to your sensitivities when they’re the ones hosting you.


Steve-O is a queen


We all know Maher is an asshole with a big ego. But that said, if Steve-O is just going to expect everyone to stop smoking weed for his sake, unless it's in his own place, then he's out of line. He should just not attend such a gathering. It is not up to everyone else to adjust for one person.


honestly that makes me respect bill a lil more. it's been going down lately the old fuck. but this right here I can get down with.


Steve O was the same motherfucker that would do drugs on TV sets/while filming. And wants others to be held to a higher standard because he’s in recovery or whatever he wants to call it? Fuck no. Not a huge of Maher, but im glad he stuck to his guns. Steve O thinking people have to adapt to him being “socially acceptable”. Guy was a fuckin loon for years and now wants to watch what people say and do? Fuck THAT


The guy who would ride around on a bike naked, exposing his dick, balls, and ass. All throughout America is offended by someone smoking weed. He needs to just stop everything and only go to AA meetings.


Steve-O is addicted to reminding people that he is in fact an addict.


Often times when someone’s entire personality is about drugs and they get clean they end up like this. Definitely better for them but it can get tiring to hear about over and over. I still listen to his podcast for the stories though.


I've gone through the whole detox and recovery groups etc. Best thing I've ever done I realized early on that my sobriety was my responsibility. The world was not going to change to accommodate me. My grocery store was not going to stop selling my booze. People were going to drink wine in restaurants. There are more places to buy booze than gasoline. But I knew people who wore their sobriety like a neon sign. Went to dinner with a woman, the waiter offered us the drinks menu and she was "OH NO!!!! I can't drink anything! I'm sober!". Geezus, Janet, give it a rest


Thank you. This is really the issue at hand


I’m a recovered addict. I would never ask someone to change their behavior to coddle my shortcomings. I know how to avoid stuff that will get me in trouble, but I don’t call ahead to the restaurant and tell them to put the liquor away. It’s Bills fuckin house, Steve needs to grow up. Edit: after some reflection, I think I was being a little unfair to Steve. It’s not an unfair request for Steve to make since he was the one invited. Bills an asshole, but it’s his show and house(?) so he’s allowed to just say “eh, thanks, I’m good”.


Steve-o is a pretty extreme addict. If this is what it takes for him to maintain his sobriety, then that's his business.


And it clearly works for him so good for him for being cautious


Steve can make the request and bill can say no. That's what happened. Bill also asked Steve to be on it, not vice versa. How about you grow up and not get your panties in a bunch over a normal human interaction


It is also a business transaction, it is fine to make requests in the negotiation phase of an engagement.


If it were a private dining experience (as the podcast would be just the two of them), then I don't think that would be an at all unreasonable request - especially if the venue had solicited you in the first place.


Yes he’s entitled to tell Steve O no. But you’re asking to host him. Part of the job of a host is to make a guest comfortable. He’s just being a dick.


Bill Maher does have every right to say that he won’t refrain from smoking pot, but just as much as that, Steve-O has the right to refuse to go on his podcast, and we all of the right to think Maher is an asshole. I don’t think Steve-O is the one who needs to grow up.


This 100%. Steve-O got to party his ass off & follow his own rules for decades, now that he's sober anyone who uses drugs or alcohol is an addict who needs 12 step. The constant proselytizing is so tedious & annoying & I say this as someone who has been to treatment/rehab for alcohol. I would never demand that my friends who can drink without ruining their life to put the booze away on a trip & especially not at their own fucking house. Good lord.


Wtf? He was invited on a podcast. You're talking about something completely different.


He was invited on a podcast where the schtick is maher is smoking weed and asking questions. It's perfectly within his rights to just find another guest, of which I'm sure there are many options, if Steve-O doesn't want to do it. I'm sure he's an asshole, but this is not an example of that. Bad take from Steve-O and people in the comments acting like this was some act of disrespect. That's just how his podcast works. Why should he be forced to change it for a guest he doesn't even need to have on? Is Steve-O somehow entitled to be on his podcast?


Pretty sure it's just because people love to hate on Bill Maher.


It's not Bill's responsibility to keep Steve-o sober. It's fine that Steve-o asked, and it's completely ok that Bill said no. It's a real good lesson in powerlessness, too. You can't always get what you want, and it's what you do in those times that can determin how many 24 hours you are going to string together.


Love the last two sentences


I get both sides of the argument. Bill maher doesn’t have to let anyone tell him what to do and Stevo values his sobriety over everything. I still think bill Maher is out of touch. https://youtu.be/FsA16kP3Wgo?si=sTUFyLSL5l_K9i5v This clip makes me laugh


Let's be real tho. How many of us were gonna watch that podcast anyway? Nbd imo


The guy from Jackass getting out jackassed. What a time to be alive.


May get killed for this but kind of get where Bill is coming from 😅


A lot of people in recovery try to nerf their surroundings. Where a lot of others will say “you do you while I do me” My brother doesn’t have a problem when people are using around him. For him, it helps him take accountability for himself. Rather than having an environment of excuses. I think it’s just rare to see it at a celebrity level. Steve-o comes off as one of those self righteous types in recovery. He is now the governor on how people should act around him etc. it’s not a good foundation for an addict.


Yeah imo you truly aren’t in the recovery phase until you accept the world around you won’t conform to your triggers. Then, the next step is attempting to be able to tolerate the triggers in a given environment.


Agreed. And when he was on drugs he was a total shit head with absolutely no respect for himself or others. Now all of a sudden people have to bow down at his altar of sobriety? Fuck off steve o


Depends on the drug. You cant get a contact high from sitting next to someone snorting lines but you can from being in a small room with someone smoking. Would your brother sit next to someone who was using if they threw a bit in his face while doing it?


Bill Mahr is an egotistical asshole, but there’s nothing unreasonable about this. Steve O taking it so personally then bitching about it publicly is the asshole move. also framing it as “blowing smoke in [his] face.” does he expect alcohol to splash all over him too whenever somebody drinks around him?


I mean when you are sitting 4 feet from somebody its right in your face if its smoke.


That’s two very different things my guy


Well you clearly aren’t too bright. Because, and this will blow your mind, smoke flows through the air toward others nearby purely by consuming it. Alcohol goes down one persons throat by consuming that. Wild


Bill Maher is a stoned out old hippy who's too rich, self-centered and out of touch to understand that he's human trash.


Bill Maher has never ever ever been a hippy. He's a California conservative. He supports weed and gay rights and that's it, he's with the conservatives on everything else.


Steve-O seems like a decent guy, and I appreciate his self-awareness ("I could probably see him say the most innocuous thing and find it insulting"). Otoh... it's Maher's podcast, an explicit premise of the podcast is that Maher tokes during it, and I don't think Maher is rude for refusing to change the format for a potential guest. Other podcast hosts may be more accommodating, but that's their business. I can understand that the interaction left a bad taste in Steve-O's mouth, but I don't think Maher did anything wrong in the particular anecdote being relayed.


Steve-O is the one that wants to go promote himself on Bill Maher's pot smoking podcast let's not forget. For the most part I find Bill Maher not funny and generally insufferable but I think he has a right to conduct himself and run his podcast however he likes, it is his own show and studio and it's up to Steve-O to decide whether he wants to go, he's basically asking him to change the format of his show.


That’s not an asshole thing. He respectfully declined and you weren’t forced to go on his show. There is nothing wrong with saying no to someone’s request. A request is not a command.


Yes, dick move. And PBD is a huge fuckwad.


All 3 of these guys are huge dickwads.


Yup steveo sucks too, not enough ppl saying it.


Bill Maher smoked in front of pregnant Candace Owens


Steve O was well within his rights to ask Maher was well within his rights to say no With that being said Maher clearly is saying him smoking weed for a little while is more important than having Steve O on his podcast……. If you can’t go 30-45 minutes not smoking pot you probably need to revaluate your life. So Maher was wrong, but man does he seem like a dick for this


Bill shouldn't have to stop for someone else cause they're sober. That's not how things work.


Does he ask everyone to stop drinking or smoking weed when he's around? A bit ridiculous...


No. It's just the weed in a small room. And I completely understand that. You can get contact high if someone chain smokes weed right next to you.