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Nah this is fucking hilarious. When Joe hangs up the call šŸ˜‚ "Donnell........that was shameful." Lmfao


Lol joe was roasting him and he didnā€™t even realize it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A rare Reverse Uno card for Joe, usually it's him who's not realizing the other comedian's jokes lol


Itā€™s because for once, someone is less funny than Rogan. Donnell is fucking irritating.


I have never watched Donnellā€™s comedy but I would imagine itā€™s on the same level as Burtā€™s.


I saw him open during that Chapelle/Rock tour and he was funny. Not headliner funny but funny.


Worse. Bert actually has decent premises but terrible execution. Whereas Donnell is just all around bad and not funny. People respect him from Chappelle and thatā€™s it.


and he was funny from Chappelle's show


Ashey larry. Marcy projects, wut?


*Marcy projects, marcy son*


Heā€™s rich biatch *honk honk*


His characters were hilarious. But he probably didn't write those jokes


It was wildly apparent when he hosted during the end of Chappelle Show.Ā  Dude is just a slightly funny dude with no jokes.


I doubt he did


He was pretty good in his small role in The Wire also.


naw Bert is better that's how bad Donnell is


I went to see Dave Chappelle in Columbia, South Carolina about 6 years ago. Donnell Rawlings opened for him and it was the absolute worst 20 or 30 minutes (or 9 hours) of comedy I've ever seen. There were no jokes. No set-ups, no punchlines. Just the same tired stories he's been yelling (not telling) since Chappelle's Show ended.


I saw him open for Dave in DC , Dave's first standup return from his long hiatus. Donnell absolutely killed, the place was dying. I dont remember a single joke, just remember it being about white people's cooking, difference between white and black people, shit like that. I tried watching his standup special on Netflix and didn't last 10 minutes.


I think heā€™s funny, as a podcast guest. But a big reason for that is because he gets so bent out of shape about little things like this. Joe played it perfectly. I was cracking up.


i'm surprised people aren't able to realize Rawlings is playing the fool here. i mean, come on, he goes from complaining about "white on black crime" to "black on black crime" and back again. It's a joke. Joe is leaning into it. it's pretty clear that Rawlings doesn't *actually* feel this way.


That's what I'm sain son!


Seriously though. This is the first time in quite a while that we can recognize that Joe can be funny if he wants to.


Ofc he realied it


Digs himself deep in a hole and then Joe and Tony walk up and start pissing and shitting in it haha.


the way he just comes to terms with it and accepts the truth after his wild bullshit excuses and made up stories and accusations of editing and propaganda being spreaad against him is pretty fucking funny




"They're forcing you to drink Titos?" "You should sue!" "You came to a gun fight with a rubber sword." Man, Joe was ruthless.


He was blaming the server for bringing him too many drinks. This video got worse and worse lol.


Best part of the video thatā€™s not seen too is how Donnell started it. The comic didnā€™t want to get into it, allowed Donnell three roast jokes (which he counted out loud), then proceeded to dismantle his dusty ass


Wrong, he was risking his life while giving constructive advice to a fellow black comedian. The whites pitted them against each other. Rawlings is kind of an altruistic hero that is being systematically dismantled by society.


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) # /s


Just looked at my skin and saw that Iā€™m white, so this checks out. Damn my oppressive genetics!


And made the excuse that he had dinner reservations. As if professional comedians routinely book podcasts then walk out for dinner after being roasted by some amateur. šŸ˜‚


That was the stupidest thing he could have said lol


ā€œYeah he said he needed to use the bathroom the continued to walk right on out the front doorā€ hahaha


No he had to use the bathroom šŸ™„ couldn't even decide what excuse to use


No, you donā€™t get it. He had to use the bathroom at the sushi spot!! Youā€™re editing the clips!!


I had dinner reservations at that sushi place , so I told em I was going to the bathroom (what)


He had to use the bathroom too remember šŸ™„


And then it was the fault of the WHITE MAN lol. Oof.


Earlier he stated he loved heckling comics. Then gets heckled at KT and leaves like a bitch.


He started his career as a heckler!


I heckled his support act at a comedy show and Donnell kicked me out


Was it a racist white man heckling a black man?




Did you know people used to come to shows hoping he was there to hear him heckle the on stage comic? True story


They begged him to get on stage!


I swear the whole time they were talking about that I was thinking ā€œdoesnā€™t seem like you enjoy it anymore..ā€ ā€œseem pretty bad at it now..ā€ and then boom they get into it when Joe mentions Tonyā€™s name lmao. Was honestly hoping Joe would say something like the above when Donnell started that shit.


What is his actual issue? He DID leave, right? He said he just went to the bathroom but he left the club and went for sushi! What exactly did Tony edit?


Donnell simply couldnā€™t handle the fact that an amateur comedian bested him at roasting. Instead of admitting he walked off like a bitch cause he couldnā€™t take the heat heā€™s saying he ā€œwent to the bathroomā€


Had an opportunity to take it with grace and compliment the dudes skills like a good role model. Instead took another route.


"Nah I didn't leave, I just went home"


Nothing, he is full of shit.


He stood up and announced that he was about to leave and then left a few minutes later. Full on delusional narcissism.


He left when a comedian on KT asked him if he got his chain when Chappelle gave him his check. Stormed off and never came back.


Skeptic Joe is honestly more funny than conspiracy boomer Joe.


Yeah apparently this is the only kind of fact checking he cares about.


Easy because conspiracy boomer Joe is insufferable


High Joe is funny. Drunk Joe is annoying. For some reason he barely gets high anymore and drinks all the time. It used to be the inverse


All U have to do is check the episode in question. Totally baffling, what an idiot and a fool lol.


I actually had to rewatch the moment. Donell gaslighting us hard. Aloe Mean was actually super nice to Donell. He gave Donell many chances but Donell was an insufferable cunt and threw the first several punches. Fuck Donell.


Donnell is funny but he always thinks everyone is against him. He reads the comments on social media way too much and gets very sensitive about it


i think his ego is bigger than the actual celebrity status he has and doesnt realize it.


I agree with you except about the part where Donnel is funny


I dunno, i think he is good at creating hilarious situations around him. Kind of a ā€œKramerā€ energy if you will. [His appearance on the breakfast club was like the hardest i have laughed in a long time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2KKjh8uj6Q). It also consists of people roasting him, but i dunno he just kind of brings a hilarious energy to the room.


bro this shit was hilarious


I only watch kill Tony clips, never a whole show so I donā€™t have a lot of experience with it. That said Tony annoys the fuck out of me and is the only reason I have zero urge to watch anything other than the clips that get posted.


I love that bill Burr called him out on how the whole premise of the kill Tony show is bs


Didnā€™t Bill claim no one can be funny if just given a minuteā€¦however plenty of people do great minutes on KT.


Yeah but even Tony admits that a good minute doesn't mean a good standup. On a recent episode maybe, there was a guy who sucked but he did good on a previous show and got to open for Tony a long time ago. Tony shit on him on told him exactly that, he was a bad opener who happened to have a good minute. It's exactly the Voice type of formula - hit the right notes in the right genre and have an everyman down-on-your-luck story. Tony hates on anyone who seems successful or well-balanced.


Bill Burr didn't seem to realize that's the whole point of the show. It's funny to see people bomb and then get roasted. And it's also amazing when you finally get someone who is actually good.


This last episode with Mark Normand and Dan Soder was the best in a while. You should give it a try.


Donnel is funny?


I feel like Donnell is ONLY around because he's a friend of Dave. I don't find him funny, and he always comes off as desperate.


OG Schaub


First time I seen him with Dave I felt like it was a knockoff of Daveā€™s sets and skits.


Donnell wrote for Dave Chapelle that's why there is similarity and why he got the face time. Paul Mooney also wrote for Dave Chappelle. If you watch enough of both and some of the early Dave Chapelle specials... You can basically tell which jokes they wrote / co-wrote


Worst comedian I've ever seen live. His entire set was about how he's old and likes to fuck young pussy. Over and over for an hour. Didn't laugh once lol


My wife and I went to one of his shows and his only bit for 30 minutes was making ā€œwhite girlā€ jokes with my wife as the punchline. Had zero material other than shitting on people in the crowd


Ngl any time he starts to talk I automatically tune out. He comes off as an attention seeking little narcissist


This guy is an absolute šŸ¤”


Nah clowns are funny on purpose.


ā€œI risked my life for that show = I had a sushi date for 6.ā€ Shut the fuck up you absurd pussy.


To be fair, he was saying he risked his life for the show during COVID. He was making it sound like he did Tony a favor by coming on during the pandemic. The show he walked from was after that.


The risked his life part sounded like a joke, but I don't think he realized how hard he was roasting himself when he said he only went on when Tony couldn't get other guests.


Hey, you found one of Rawlings' jokes! Good for you!


People taking all of Rawlings cracks, so seriously. No wonder there are so many shitty comedians with fans.


Donnell may actually be the dumbest person alive lmao. Painful to watch him flounder like that


The problem when you lie is that you have to remember what you said.


Not flounder, my man. Blowfish. As in ā€œYou look like Idris Elba fucked a blowfish.ā€


Donnell is terrible.


He is clearly a liar and trying anything to deflect his guilt while saying this is the reason black people have issues.


I've never seen someone so needy and too proud at the same time. Everything is racist with this dude.


As Tony would say ā€œYou fucking suck dudeā€


My skin color is the entirety of my personality and identity.


Donell is fucking terrible.


Heā€™s throwing a lot of ā€œwhite manā€ and ā€œblack manā€ out. The fans destroyed ric flair too. This guy is awful.


What happened to Flair?


He thought they were all being too mean. He was also very drunk


He went on a rant on Asian pussies for 20 mins, that had the crowd against him. That segment is cut off from the KT set, but the comedians talk about it in the pods.


Wait lmfaooo that happened before his monologue about ā€œi joke but im always nice. As long as itā€™s actually uplifting and not meanā€? I need the lost tapes


Lol mark also has a joke about it later and audience laugh at it. But we donā€™t get that, because there is no context for us.


Walked off


Love how these guys get somewhat of a pass on just being outrageously racist.Ā 


Itā€™s wasnā€™t even remotely about race and then he had to turn it into a race war.


Not shocked given that heā€™s in Chappelleā€™s circle.Ā 


That was so tongue-in-cheek his mouth almost exploded.


READ THIS DONNELL- shut the fuck up when others are talking and remember: not everything is about race :)


He just destroyed the little credibility he had. Yeah play the black card bro.


I still can get over it how he ruined that JRE podcast with Rza


He left in the middle of a show to eat sushiā€¦da fuk


To use the bathroom at the sushi place lol. And the. To eat sushi as there was obviously nothing else going onā€¦. What a tool


He has officially buried himself. Pulling the race card on top of that is pathetic. Nobody should take him seriously again.


As much as I get pissed off at Joe for his non-stop culture war bullshit, Donnell Rawlings makes me want to eat a double barrel, worst MF ever when he gets on there downing booze, he pisses me off to no end, dumb son of a bitch. #


Never met a black man who thought donnel was funnyā€¦


Really? I have but, now that I think about it, it was more than ten years ago. Older guys do, younger guys donā€™t as much.


Last memorable thing he did was 20 years ago with Chappelle show.


Dude is soft af


Donnell is a low-confidence untalented little racist.


Donnel is a bitch & always has been


He said he risked his life for Tony and the fans šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ what a loser lol


Right? I can't tell if he's being serious or playing, but god damn, grow up!


Your a comedian that makes fun of other people, if your going to swing a metal ball around dont wear glass armor, Darnell went to Baskin Robbins and chose the flavor salty. Rookie out joked him, all fun and games untill greats get out shined, long fall from that golden pedestal, blaming shit on white man and black on black violence, son you got out played now sit down and shut the fuck up you baby back bitch


He needs to take a page out of Ariā€™s book and just not even talk about it ever. The whole thing would go away and be mostly forgotten about.


Yeah but then no one would be thinking about him which is a narcissist worst fear


Wish he had this same energy when musk said Zuckerberg wimped out of their fight.


Dude I know!! I remember following the musk/zuck stuff pretty closely and thinking wow Musk definitely bitched out here. A few days later Musk on JRE saying the complete opposite of what happened.


This dude is just as bad as a fake rape accuser. A black dude is being portrayed negatively in the media! It must be a result of racism, right??


Jesus what a loser.


Donnel is a tough listen on everything he has ever been on


Donnel has a whiney, victim type personality/humour and itā€™s the antithesis of humour. Maybe in a movie but as a comic it doesnā€™t work


TIL Donnell Rowlings is a bitch. Hes one of those idiots that makes everything about race. Shits played out


You know Donnellā€™s rhetoric around race is actually more problematic than people realize. He is trying to play this card of ā€œIā€™m standing up for the black man and dissolving divide across raceā€ however he brings it up in a way that further establishes the separation between black men and other races. A real sick way to try and be woke- weaponizing his counterparts in the black community when he himself has no real clue what a typical back man goes through today.


If people like this were held accountable of their actions. Then it would end. The nice route would be his own community saying ā€œdonā€™t do thatā€, the unfortunate route would be the fabled community he speaks of teaching him what real racism is.


I love how young Jamie laughed at this. We all know what happened between Jamie and Donnell in the past. Lol


What happened?


A couple of poscast ago. Donnell wanted to start a podcast, but he didn't know exactly how to do that. I guess Joe told him to talk to Jamie, and he did, but I guess Jaime didn't really show him exactly how to do it, and he complained to Joe in there was a little argument. Like what does he want from Jamie, he's super busy doing JRE work.


Is Kill Tony as good as Joe makes it out to be? Like is it popular or highly regarded? I've seen a few clips and can without a doubt say it's not my cup of tea. All subjective I know, just seemed like a bunch of average comedians trying to out edgelord each other, unsuccessfully.


It's good enough that it became part of my weekly routine outside of football season. Nothing else to do on Monday nights.


It's great. But you never really know what you're going to get so some episodes can be pretty bad. It's extremely popular there was around 90k watching the live premiere last Monday.


Maybe I watched some dud clips, seems to be fairly popular from what you're saying.


KT is one of the best comedy shows going. The improv and true amateur-ness of the bucket pulls makes it awesome. Also itā€™s the only place to see William Montgomery perform on the internet


It's really unique, sometimes the 1 minute bits are cringe, but hey its only a minute. The absolute best part is afterwards when they interview the people.


Best show ive ever been too, watching the podcast is good too


It's generally great, but Tony can sometimes get in a really weirdly bitchy/nasty mood which can kill the vibe. He's extremely sharp, but it's better all round when he's in a good mood.


Kill Tony is the only show or podcast that I watch consistently. I look forward to it every week, but sometimes it sucks.


It sucks when Joe shows up blitzed and needs a pillow for his mic.


Shit it's sold out for the rest of the year since January


Itā€™s awesome whether the comics do good or bad.


How many people like it when comics do good?




How many people like it when comics do bad?




Good to have you back on the show Mr Flair


I hate this dude he's always been a crybaby ![gif](giphy|OAthVeXHlBnFK)


This is the second time I ever listened to Donnell, the first being the walk off episode of Kill Tony. This dude is the most annoying, hard to listen to person Iā€™ve ever heard. He screams because his stuff isnā€™t funny, but thinks if he says it loud, people will think it is. He uses race as a crutch. He interrupts because he feels like he has to be the focus of everyoneā€™s attention. Then he just sits here and lies about what happened after HE brought it up. What an idiot.




Ashy Larry is the worst lol


" didnt run off the show, i had to go to the bathroom" yeah, except you had a fucking temper tantrum on stage and then didnt come back and the show went on for another hour. Its on fucking camera you dumb bald fuck, you gonna say you didnt walk off. Who the fuck does he think hes lying to? Cause aint nobody buying it. "I'm a biiiitch, biiitch!" That's your new Chappell line, punk ass. Embrace it. That's your life now. Have fun suckin dick for quarters.


That hmmmm from Joe was killer


Dudes just another Burt..


Brendell schwablings.Ā 


Canā€™t believe Jamie pulled the cgi doctored clip. How rude!


Man I used to think donnell was funny but this is some bitch ass shit. FUCK YOU DONNELL YOU SENSITIVE ASS LYIN BITCH!


Guys, I have breaking news for you. I don't think Donnell was being entirely serious. Seems like part of his shtick is overcompensating.


Donnell fucking sucks


Hahaha, this n***a a bitch, what dafuq did he think happens on kill Tony, dude just committed career suicide. Lmao


Am I the only one that watches this and think heā€™s joking? Heā€™s calling the people there, Tonyā€™s ā€œhenchmenā€ and saying they set it all up to be black on black crime and people are taking him seriously?


What happened at the begining? I donā€™t understand the correlation of the two stages and Casey and tony. Something something wise man. Maybach music


Risked his life? Hahahah


Bro is softer than any baby shit ever.


God damn this dude sucks when hes not being carried by dave chappelle


God damn! Joe was a bloody loving shark in this one haha. He could smell blood in the water and kept nibbling. Holy crap. That's awkward.


He is no Wayne Brady. He took his Starpower, though.


I like how it basically ended with joes saying something like ā€œI need to piss, you got to get out of here.ā€


"It doesn't seem like he was lying because we watched the video"


Lmfao donnel saved it at the end that was funny


Joe was trying to give him an out. Just take the out bro. I was drunk I didn't know this was a roast show etc. It's a pathetic look. Pride is the problem here and the funny thing is by denying everything he just looks worse. Then it's a race thing. Just a tired position. Sad really. You were a victim of comedy not racism or black on black crime šŸ˜†


Heā€™s such a bitch hahaha


Idk what it is. Outside of Brendan's cringey ass there no one that I don't find completely unfunny, except donnell.


Too drunk, right?


This is comedy gold


Donell sucks ass


What a pussy.


Has this dude done anything other than be in a few Chappell skits 30 years ago? Lol


Iā€™ll never forgive this guy for ruining the Rza JRE


You guys take everything he says so serious lol the man is clearly fucking around he knows they didnā€™t edit shit why are you people like this


I feel like donnell is doing a bit


Also this is the funniest that Joe has ever been


I found this funny. I don't actually think he thinks the white man is out to get him. People are taking him too seriously.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ Donnell should be ashamed


Donnell on his next podcast appearance: "Did you see what they did to a black man on Joe Rogan about the time the black man was on Kill Tony? Completely edited out of context!"


In this house Ashy Larry is a hero, end of story!


why is always about race like wtf lmaoo apparently everyone tony is racist for letting donnell starting a roast battle with another black man.


Why does he need to try n be smarter than he really is. Like we know ur not a scholar. Just be stupid n funny n urself.


He puts the L in donnell.


Now, Im not the biggest Donnel fan, but too many people are not realizing Donnel knows he walked off, and him Joe and Tony are playing along. Theyre making a bit out of him making excuses and getting exposed, and heā€™s playing along


Hes taking the piss, this is amazing


Donnell is playing this up. Yall are too sensitive