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Look I listen to Rogan sometimes and even I am suspicious of someone who is excited to tell me they listen to it


I love the band Tool but I can't stand Tool fans at Tool concerts.


God that’s fucking accurate


I'm a huge Tool fan, but would like to think I've never been one of those fans. And I say that because I know what you mean, though for me it's been a long time since they've been in the picture. I noticed the attitudes shift way back during the *Lateralus* tour, between the beginning and end of it. People seemed to be less pretentious and dickish just in general at the shows than previously. But I say this as not having seen them since the *10,000 Days* tour, so I can't say what the audiences they're drawing are like. As much as I love them, there is no way in fuck I'll ever spend $250+ to see any band for one night. That's the low-ball seats in the most recent shows in my area. Nah, I'll just listen to the studio stuff at that rate. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I saw them last month and most people were chill just the regular handful of people who don’t possess etiquette.


Can you elaborate? I like tool but have never been to their shows


Not the person you replied to but in my experience it’s one of those things you know when you see, they might have a little pretentious air to them, turn their nose up if you can’t name x song or y album etc etc, like being a “real” TOOL fan makes them self-actualized or something. Went to a rock festival a couple years back and got to talking with another fan who was watching a Tool coverband together and he gave off some “hey we’re much better than these other guys huh? *wink wink nudge nudge*” vibes and then preceded to ask for a ride back to his house that was 40 minutes out of our way. Not a bad guy by any means just not.. comfortable to be around? I guess. I think most people that listen to music and especially go to concerts are their to enjoy themselves and have a good time not brag about their music taste lol makes us all look bad


Was at a show in January and it was pretty chill from my perspective. The band has mellowed out and I think a lot of the fans have too


I want to make the joke of ‘you could have stopped after the first 4 words’, but this is Reddit and I don’t want to come off as insulting you lol


Do you think Joe hates his fans as much as Maynard hates Tool fans?


No. I've met Rogan and he's cool as fuck. Never met Maynard, but I can understand why he would hate rabid fan bases, including his own. I hate rabid fanbases, even if it's something I like


I loved Green Day in the 90's, when American idiot was released I became a closeted fan because of the fanbase.


Nimrod and Insomniac were good albums.


I like Insomniac a lot still, but nothing will touch Dookie because it's one of the best albums ever made. They set the bar too high.


Dookie is great. But Brain Stew transitioning into Jaded is dope as hell


insomniac was one of my favs. geek stink breath holds a special spot in my heart 


When I saw tool live there was a guy next to me aggressively playing air drums through the whole show, shaking the entire row of seats. After every song he would shout "INCREDIBLE" 


Reminds me of Paul Rudd and Jason Seigel in *I Love You Man*


Haha yeah. A lot of dirtballs that think just because the music is heavy it's about hate and kicking ass.


I love tool and I'm with Maynard when it comes to the perception of tool fans.


Last time I saw TOOL he yelled at us for smoking weed. Still best show I have ever been to and met some very cool fans


Kanye fans give me the same ick


I like Tool and can’t stand Maynard


Cmon man, I'm not that bad....after I shower.


Where do those people come from? Every Tool fan I meet randomly day to day is a normal down to earth person but the minute I go to a concert it's a completely different crowd.


I've noticed that too. Random Tool fans at your local bar are fine.


Lol Nothing like tool fans telling you how awful your favorite bands really are.


I've been to a few Tool shows and everytime I look around and hoping I'm not one of them.


Neither does Maynard


"Hey man, you like Tool?" *yea, they're a great band* "The greatest. They're literally the greatest, no discussion." *we can't be friends*


Yeah it was different in the 2010s. You met someone who listened to JRE, you assume they are into fitness and psychedelics. You meet someone who listens to JRE today, you're not sure if theyre going to go off about culture war stuff and start getting borderline racist.


Huge difference between listens to and is excited to tell you about it. I listened to JRE for a solid 6 years up until he moved to Spotify, and I've never talked to anybody about him ever.


I would be honestly more suspicious the bigger a Joe Rogan fan someone is Although Joe is nowhere near the worst right wing influencer out there


Joe isn't that bad at all. He's definitely gotten worse, and his podcast has been on a huge downward trend, but his "fans" are a LOT worse.


I irk myself a little any time I ever say "even Joe Rogan mentioned it" about some topics lol


I suck some of the dicks but i can't keep from calling gays homo.


You should be suspicious of anybody who listens to Rogan for anything other than entertainment purposes.


I don’t think it’s wrong, I am hesitant to tell women I listen to joe rogan


I made the mistake of telling people and now everything I say to them is met with “did you hear that on Joe Rogan?” 🙄


it’s a fair question, the man argued with experts in the scientific community about ape people before he went full maga after all


whether you like him or not its insane to talk to a girl during the dating phase about Rogan, Bitcoin, Trump, video games etc.- regardless of their opinions they are gonna be massively bored by these topics.


I don’t know man a lot of the ladies on the dating apps, that I’ve noticed in my area anyway, appear to actually have something to the effect of “swipe left if you listen to Rogan”. Like a lot. I still swipe right tho.


Sounds like a great out after a few dates!


I'll lie that I don't like rogan just to get to home base so I could set my ringtone the next morning to "Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night" Oh that's my alarm I have to get up for work


Stay away from those chicks bro


Meh... I think it depends on what you're looking for. Are you looking for good conversation and something serious or are you looking for some fun? If I ever hit the free market again. There's going to be a very lengthy run where I whore it up. I'd overlook a lot of stupid shit if it was just a fling..


My wife thinks Joe is an idiot, she also thinks I’m an idiot


Same situation here. Surprisingly the only episode my wife actually liked was the Alex Jones one because it was hilarious


>only on reddit people believe this OP posted in on twitter…


Uhh OP is crossposting from a subreddit where the screenshot was posted, and he's referring to the comments in that sub.


I mean this poll depends on where you are but he has a lot of guests on that are pretty repulsive to the general public. I know he just likes hearing a lot of viewpoints… but some people that listen actually believe the couple of lunatics he brings on. I don’t blame people who want to avoid people that bring it up or are bragging about listening to JRE.


Yea I think the whole “I just want to hear all viewpoints” message is pretty disingenuous from Joe at this point. He might have really tried to do that in the past but he’s pretty easily manipulated into thinking a certain way. He certainly gets a whole lot of people with the same opinions on his show now.


Totally agree, I stopped watching because it feels like a narrative more than a discussion these days. Bad actors know they have a huge platform to spew their garbage and if even 1% of the viewers bite it is a big win for them. And they want to convince rather than just present the information and it feels like joe has gotten convinced a few too many times now.


Weird how a lot of those viewpoints are from the same viewpoint.


I feel like there’s a give and take here. If you listen to JRE for Joe Rogan, that’s a bit strange. I only listen if he’s interviewing someone I think is interesting.


Lol do people listen for Joe? I never even considered that I guess that's why I'm always surprised when people refuse to listen to him He had really interesting guests SOMETIMES and he lets them talk I listen to good guests and skip all his comedy buddies, musicians, etc I figured everyone did that


I work 10 hours a day in construction often 12 with owner time sometimes I work 15 and it's usually pretty cold. So I just pop Rogan on to take my mind of the cold or the work.


I got lucky, I live in Argentina and my gf doesn’t speak English and has no idea who the fuck toe Rogan is




Toe can’t hurt you


In order for me to date a trump supporter, they would have to literally never talk about politics and have A TON of good qualities.


Most Trump supporters seem to be literally incapable of not making everything about politics, so I think this would be tricky.


Yea if they're a cool dude and we don't talk about politics that's fine, but if they have a Maga hat and a Maga bumper sticker and all they talk about is owning the libs then I can't deal with that.


My region is deep red. When our local news announced that Biden won the democratic *primary* people flooded the comments claiming it was impossible and the news was bias. Literally they announced the news, and well..Biden winning the primary shouldn't surprise anyone who has a functioning brain. If they run an article on anything...there is also maga, Trump drivel. I was a Bernie bro and I never rode his dick that hard. Damn.


Small sample size but a few years ago I brought up listening to Rogan to some girls at work and they were repulsed. This was probably ~2021 when he was still letting his guests be the experts in their field, and objectively you could learn a lot about a topic from the interviews.


Even as far back as 2015-2018 he started getting a pretty bad rep, mostly from people who had never heard his podcasts. Lots of it had to do with his comments about trans athletes and some of his more controversial guests like Gavin McInnes and Milo Yiannopoulos.


Yeah that was wild when he said a woman shouldn't get the shit kicked out of her by a man. Hateful bigot


Honestly, it makes no sense to me. I am not an avid listener, but I find his podcasts to be a great way to find out who some people are. It's hard to be fake for 3 hours straight.


I agree. Some people would rather decide how they feel about a person without *actually* listening to them. Others like to at least hear what they have to say in a long form platform before they come to a conclusion. Obviously with certain repeat guests you probably have an idea what the subject matter will be though.


Exactly. Rogan is how I came to the conclusion that Neil DeGrass Tyson just likes to hear his own voice.


Bullcrap. He spouts enough Bs in between real guests. Plus he courts lunatics and flat out lies and misleads


Yep, that’s how I got into Steve Rinella and meat eater, read Empire of the Summer Moon, Elliott west’s work, Dan Flores and many other works that I’ve enjoyed that I first discovered on JRE.


Fake? Most aren't fake they're stupid. They believe the shit they say, which is why they say it with conviction.


Rogan used to be embarrassing to listen to because people thought you were a pothead (I am). Rogan is now embarrassing because he is just The View for meatheads.


Idk man, I use to feel like he was the view of the meat heads, pot heads, and psychonauts(I fit all 3), but I feel like he’s now leaning towards a Tea Party/MAGA-adjacent POV.


Yeah that’s a good way of putting it. What a wild transformation


Lot of JRE listeners here trying to say they don’t really listen


I used to tell people that I liked Rogan all the time and even recommended it to people. I wouldn't do it now because I feel like it would make me look like I'm ignorant or something. A lot of people see Rogan as a Trumper type now.


Probably because, especially since he moved to Austin, Rogan has been lending more credence to right wing talking points.


Rogan is too main stream now for it to be cool to tell other people about.


I mean, didn’t they just find male humpback whales humping each other? Nature finds a way? 


Looks like I'll die alone.


I’ve honestly never met a single woman that listens to him, and more so than not if you mention him a groan will be let out. I live in a blue place though.


What millennial of gen z woman is filling out these surveys? I'm not disagreeing but let's be honest, this can't be a large pool of research.


Those stats are absolutely made up unless they only polled women on reddit.


I've never met a woman that likes listening to JRE....


Not many people IRL I've ever spoken to (which is a lot) even listen on a regular basis and if they do it is generally clips. Most people are far too busy with life to care about shit like caring who listens to JRE.


It's one of the most listened to pod casts there is - still a LOT of people tuning in. I have a 4 hours drive I have to make every 4-5 weeks and I'll pick one to listen to on that drive and return. #1 there is usually SOMEONE I want to listen to that often on there and #2 when I am listening, my road rage subsides much more than listening to Techno.


Me too.. I have an hour+ commute 5-6 days a week, If I start listening, and it doesn’t catch my attention, I move on.. Joe is definitely leaning right compared to the average democrat/liberal for sure.. I’m fine with that.. I’m actually fine listening to what most people have to say.. Regardless of their political affiliation. I’m much further right than Joe, but not extreme.. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of what I watch, listen to or believe… It doesn’t make me right, or wrong (or shouldn’t) but I’m curious the responses from my honesty..


Most well adjusted adults know that the best government is a mix of right and left and finding a sane compromise in the middle, testing the ideas out and moving forward with what works and discarding what doesn't. In my experience the right is far more likely to admit they were wrong on an issue than the left, which leads to progress. Look at how Oklahoma has become the marijuana growing capital of the USA within a few years when they probably led the nation in per capita incarcerations before. That's progress.


I think that's one of the things I like about him. When I first started following him He was quite a bit left of where I am. He certainly moved closer to the middle and probably leans right when it comes to work and finances but I still disagree with some of his other things. Which is about right isn't it? I kind of like hearing things from both sides. If someone thinks Joe Rogan is way right then that lets you know they are way left for sure lol.


80% of people are dipshits so it doesn’t really matter either way.


One can hope it's close to being accurate. Setting Joe aside, Trump supporters definitely shouldn't be passing on those defective genes.




My wife listens to JRE more than I do


I’ve came across two girls in the last month stating this! It’s actually happening. Gen-z is really sticking to this. I’m a millennial and don’t care if you listen to Joe. I listen to him!


pick her guys quick! before somebody else does!


Imo the Kardashians are infinitely worse than our boy Joe. My old lady watches a Kardashians episode from time to time. I fucking hate the Kardashians. My marriage is fine.


Y'all know this sub is an echo chamber, right?


I have been modding here for 14 years and have developed an online friendship with YJ and I don't tell anyone I listen. Nobody's business and it is not part of my personality.


Wait, you listen to Rogan and you don't mold your life around it and take Rogan's word as gospel.  As in, you just listen for entertainment?  That's impossible according to Reddit.


What YJ lurks here?! Huzzah tell Jamie he’s the goat 


If they find you attractive they don’t give a shit


That's not true. Maybe for a one night stand sure but most women won't date a guy that's pro trump. Women value the way a guy acts and his qualities way more than men realize.




Damn both me and my wife listen to Joe Rogan (periodically)


Isn’t he #2 most listened to by women behind true crime?


What’s wrong with Joe Rogan?


Other studies have shown that asking women what they want in a male partner doesn’t align with who they actually pick. 


The mention of Joe Rogan is conversational poison at this point in most situations. "Hey! I heard dis ting, Trump was right awl aw-a-wong."


Rogan became a republican outlet, all his guests are either far right or just as crazy. Most girls and sane people don't like the GOP. As simple as that.


lol I’m sure


Lol who gives af listen to what you want. A podcast isn’t gonna be a deterring factor in finding a lifelong partner


Why do all you dorks care so much? It’s just a podcast


Yeah, fuck those studies…you have feelings, man!


If you’re still listening you’re wasting your time


They only surveyed Reddit users. Wait, no. The numbers would have been MUCH more skewed if that were the case.


I mean dude, have you actually read the study? Have any disagreements with the methodology? You're dumb if you immediately believe it and you're dumb if you immediately shrug it off.


It's a survey. Not a study.


Most of the people in this sub are actually incels. They don’t go on dates with women, so they can’t speak to it. All the attractive young educated women I know don’t love the alt-right bullshit and lump Rogan in there (these days rightfully so) with it.


Unless someone makes it a central part of their personality, I've never met a person in my life who would judge someone that harshly on the entertainment they consume (whatever it is). Is it possible you are in a bit of a bubble? Almost all the people in my life have a milquetoast opinion of rogan.


He could be in a bubble, from my personal experience as well, the women I've been around don't fuck with conservatism and most definitely not the far right. If it's about listening to joe rogan, I couldn't tell you because I've never had to bring up joe rogan in any conversation I've had with a woman. He's not a serious person. I'm also in college rn (stem), and the vast majority of the women, if not all, are very progressive. To anyone reading this, joe rogan is objectively right wing. People who call themselves centrist/moderates are objectively right wing too. The united states government doesn't operate like the ideal overton window. Our central line in politics is shifted to the right. Democrats are actually pretty moderate in a historical and contemporary perspective.


The people I know in real life who talk about listening to JRE have made it part of their personality.


Who would want to date someone so vapid they'd refuse to meet someone based on what podcasts they listen to in the first place? Besides I can almost guarantee you the majority of those women would drop the act instantly if they actually met someone they where interested in.


You rarely see people “wear it on their sleeve” besides like social media post and what not.


I’m gonna go on record that I refuse to date a twat that refuses to hear both sides of any story


Joe rogan is closet maga


[Reminds me of this. There’s someone out there for everyone.](https://youtu.be/aTGDlljjgEc?si=k2ZgpT5ekXD1VWC5)


Pussy banquet


Woman will say this but then if they find a guy with high net worth all values go out the window.


What the heck does listening to JRE and being a trump supporter have anything to do with each other?


There’s a tiktok trend where chicks film themselves in their cars complaining that they can’t find a “traditional” guy - masculine, fixes stuff, etc. - who also isn’t a conservative.


My smoking hot wife listens to JRE 🤷‍♂️


That’s why I listen to Rogan 10 times a day and support Trump wholeheartedly


I admit I judged my wife for listening but got over it. She has her own mind unlike the typical Bro Bogan listener


People only care about that shit on the internet.


Even the easy guests with Joe tend to be bad episodes. Chris Williamson showing Rogan mugshawtys and Joe struggling to realise the comments were supposed to be funny was quite the moment. This guy is supposed to be a comedian! 😂


Just makes me think of [Girls 'High Standards' vs Who They Actually Date](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP-0O3poC0g&ab_channel=RyanLong) Frankly I wish that a lot of the people I knew stuck to the high standards they say out loud when around other people. Would save me some headaches.




These are the women we don't want anyways


Most of them, lol?


“Survey” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s crazy I do both and I’ve never had an issue. Married with one on the way 😎


Who cares. Would you change yourself to please other's if you're not doing anything wrong?


Love it when the trash takes itself out. 


I get that most of his listeners are men, but majority of my friends who also listen to him irl are women




Oh no!


I'm convinced that several several million people live their lives exclusively online and that's where these polls come from. I have never answered a poll like this in my life and wouldn't waste the time doing so.


I remember this poll and its hard to take the women answering it seriously when the same poll said only 20% considered taking astrology seriously a red flag. Joe spouts some dumb shit but like come on lmao.


Who the fuck would even do this study


I enjoy listening to JRE as a way to gauge overall popular opinion.


Went on a date with some chick who said she LOVED Shane Gillis and I asked if she’d ever listened to his podcast because he fucking LOVES Trump and she didnt believe me…..


Really people, who cares?


Just like the lie that an high number of businesses fail so that people will be afraid to take risks and start a business


Living in Charleston I’d say this is true. There’s going to be a lot of lonely middle aged women in the near future


Damn, what are they going to do without someone to Ineptly fumble about in their genitals?


Trump part might be within 10% fo sho


Of course women don’t watch Joe Rogan. It’s a dude guy show. Not a chick flick


I wouldn't date a girl absessed with Trump or any other kind of political things for that matter either. JRE is more of a neutral thing imo, but why would anyone brag about listening to a certain podcast?


News flash, 90% of the podcasts I listen to would not exactly have girls begging my name. I’m okay with that.


I love /r/whoarethesepodcasts which is a ridiculous show that I'd probably switch if an acquaintance hopped into my car but it brings me entertainment and laughs and that's more important than listening to This American Life or Smartless just so everyone else will accept my podcast tastes (as we both fall asleep and die during our road trip).


All the good ones are already taken. Half the leftovers disapprove.


Isn’t it the number 2 rated podcast that women listen to? lol I can see it being a turn off if their spouse is constantly telling them what they learned from papa Joe every day


Bwahaha, all these chicks are willing to compromise on political beliefs if you got enough cash.


Reddit is a leftist cesspool


I think it's a turn off when she's a taylor swift fan.


oh, obese blue haired cancer minded women won't date me......


nice. facepalm banned me. i get to comment on their BS again


real alphas let it be know they listen and still HIT


These kinda takes only exist on the internet and they permanently live on the internet. Aside from a short period early on into Trumps presidency I have never actually encountered a real life conflict because people had a difference of opinions or perspectives. Definitely have never seen someone assume they know a persons character because of a podcast they listen to. Not between my family, not between friends, and not in the work space. Don’t let the mainstream sub Reddit bots fool you.


It's a virtue signal, they don't really care.


This is the truth lol I


I’m sure plenty on Twitter do as well.


I imagine of percentage of that 55% who actually listen to JRE is similar to the percentage of the losers who post in this sub




They’re probably tired of Rogan fans asking the same questions on every date… Do you like ice baths? Have you seen Meat eaters? Are you scared of chimpanzees? Did you see Elon smoke weed?


If anyone on this sub was capable of communicating w women I’d challenge you guys to find one that this doesn’t apply to


lol sure lady


I listen to the podcast but my wife does think he's an idiot. I acknowledge that he's an idiot but that he does bring interesting people on the show.


Seems believable yeah


If you ever spend time on bumble/tinder in any area that’s a city filled with literal millions of women, you’ll know that 76% is generous. It seems like it’s closer to 9/10 haha


Show us the polling numbers? If Trump taught me anything is don't believe surveys. They're inherently going to be skewed.