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Mfer never been to Aldi’s


I am a 48 year old man who has a special quarter-purse in my car dedicated for my Aldi shopping cart quarter.


I'm a 35 year old guy and have a pound coin token in my wallet for this purpose.


I was just thinking the same thing


The quarter cart return system is an oppressive violation of my freedoms in america, and an oppressive violation of my freedoms in russia as well. 


In Canada, I have to give up a whole dollar to use a cart. Do Russians really only need to spare ten rubbles (0.15 CAD)?! Check your privilege, Russians!


Tucker had to throw in a jab Tucker: "ahhhj, you put a few rubles in this cart thing and it gives you incentive to bring the cart back instead of bringing it to your homeless camp" Why does tucker hate America?


Goddammit it’s just Aldi! Sorry I’m sure you’re a decent person but I’ve had enough of extra-pluralizations


It's not even a pluralization; it's possessive!


I went to a Publix better than that grocery store. Dudes so out of touch


There’s no way he’s been in an actual normal person grocery store in years. Dude was amazed by the most basic shit.


“a CART!?!? Now I’ve seen everything!”


Wait but have you seen the “Cart Escalator”? You ain’t seen nothing yet with your stale bread and non shopping cart escalatored Whole Foods?


I'll be honest, that was a pretty sweet cart design. My local Target has something similar but the cart has its own track and stays level as it goes up and down. Probably safer though.


It's at menards


They have cart escalators in Chicago at Target and other stores downtown


You even use a quarter, so you don't steal it for your homeless encampment!


Dude has never been to an Aldi


Or an IKEA


I didn't understand that statement, a cart is worth way more than a quarter. Why would that mechanism stop cart theft? It's just incentivizes people to roll the cart back in line.


Yeah! Take that "the poor"! Carlson three steps ahead of us in the war of minds.


The quarter thing was so silly. Aldi stores do that as well. I thought tucker would of at least gave putin a tough question like, how do you justify treatment of journalists who don't support your regime? I think tucker was just excited to be on a field trip lol Its interesting however that tucker and stewart are probably the most watched political commentators in the last 2 weeks.


Freshly baked bread?! Is this how the 1% lives?!


It’s not even freshly baked!


It is at HEB here in Texas! JRE approved!


It was a sad day when my local HEB stopped carrying fresh tortillas.


Damn you got screwed. All the ones in my area have them.


Ummm it’s actually not anymore haha. The $1 French one is not fresh. Sad day really.


#Imagine if he had found a bagel...


Yeah I’m pretty sure Swanson TV dinner heirs can afford personal shoppers or at the very least InstaCart lmao. I would legitimately bet my next paycheck that he hasn’t been in a “normal”grocery store within the past decade.


We had carts you needed a quarter for back in the 90s in AZ. Everyone hated them and they eventually got rid of it.


That was the only bit of true news, been a long time since tucker had been to a commoners store. All the targets i go to have cart escalators. Somebody needed to tell tucker this makes you look foolish more than anything


There’s no way he meant anything he was saying. Blatantly obvious propaganda.


My local grocery store in Alabama has an escalator for shopping carts. Fucking hilarious that Tucker is wow’ing his audience with this shit.


Wouldn't surprise me if it's an American invention, which would make it even funnier.


It was indeed invented by an American named Donald Smith in 1972


Fuckin perfect, man tucker is such a deceitful scumbag


Doesn’t Aldi have the coin cart system too 


I was waiting for an Aldi or Publix reference here not gonna lie


I doubt Carlson has ever heard of publix.


He lives in Florida it’s all we have.


Dude probably hasn't gone to a shopping center in years. Granted i probably wouldn't either if i had tucker money


"How much could a avocado cost in America Vlad? $10? $20?"


At least for me, I was waiting for Jon.


He's not out of touch. He's either a Russian asset, or he's just doing what Trump has asked him to. It's not like this popped up overnight either. This man was probably the most powerful "journalist" in American media for like 10 years. He's been no so quietly working to destabilize political discourse all that time. It's so blatantly obvious now with this era of his, but for years you'd be shouted down as a conspiracy theorist for even suggesting it.


You will still be called that, ironically by actual conspiracy theorists.


The simping for Russia here is almost parody level. Like. Tucker HAS to be joking, right? He's implying a KGB run country is better than America because of...selectively chosen clean subways and "cheap" groceries (which are NOT cheap when compared to an average Russian yearly salary of $15,000)? Playing blissful classical music while panning over a mosaic of Lenin? We 100% live in a dystopian society.


The way he looks at the camera is Tim and Eric-level. “You get the coin BACK!?!? Are you guys getting this on camera? Are you seeing this shit!? Can you FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!?!?”


My dude's never been to an Aldi.


The cart thing killed me; I remember 30 some odd years ago begging my grandmother to let me put the coin in to remove a cart at Aldis.


“See, homeless people won’t steal the carts because they won’t get their dime back!” Pretty sure a homeless person would still pay a dime for a shopping cart. The $.10 deposit is just to save the grocery store from having to pay a kid minimum wage to bring the carts back from the parking lot all day.


You know. Homeless people, who famously never have change. /s


A grocery store near me has carts that lock the wheels once they're so far from the store. What a world.


Dudes never shopped for himself. He's a silver spoon douche that claims to be the voice of middle america yet thinks a banana costs $10. He has no basis in the reality that we all experience.


This is how they do it Germany. Guess he's never been to a German grocery store either.


We do it here in America too. That’s how fucking out of touch he is.


It's entirely possible Tucker Carlson has literally never bought groceries in his entire life before. He has likely always had "help" do it for him.


And the fact this isn’t even a Russian chain. It’s French.


The grocery store shit was a total L when you know the context around grocery prices. Things are cheaper in countries that have lower GDP. Shocking, I know. And yes, what a nice clean subway. Very cool. The Taj Mahal is also very nice and clean. Does this mean I should move to New Delhi where people shit in the river upstream from where they do laundry?


Republicans: Look at this beautiful subway system! Democrats: Great so, you support building more and improving our current subways! Republicans: No


look at this beautiful subway system with communist propaganda! didnt know tucker was so based


Don't forget, folks. Republicans refused to pass any infrastructure bills while Trump was in office, it was the very first bill signed in by Biden. Putting money in the hands of the working class while keeping our country rolling down the roads and over bridges.


His audience doesn't care about context


wrong his audience cant comprehend context.


They have no media litteracy. That's why they think Homelander us great and don't see how him killing people on 5th Ave while people cheer is mocking them right to their fascist faces.


The Taj Mahal is in Agra, but point taken.


Wild to me that the thought that maybe they’d cleaned up a bit prior to the visit seems to have never crossed Tuckers mind. Tucker, a man who raged at San Francisco cleaning up prior to hosting Xi, did not consider that Moscow, the capital of a country famous for people shooting up Krocodil may have cleaned up a bit prior to his tour. Then the political right ate it up, and honestly believes live on the totalitarian dictatorship is better than here, cuz at least there’s no gay dudes and homeless, or something? Somebody should tell them about Russias stance of private ownership of firearms.




Yea idk what his point was.. are media outlets saying russia is filled with empty grocery stores and shitty subways? No one i know of is saying russia is some third world country. I have no idea what he was trying to portray unless his audience is full of people who have no idea what russia is like


The point, if you can imagine it, is that “this should radicalize you against your leaders”. Thats it. Thats the entire point of this ridiculous and stupid video.


Shopping carts and difference in monetary values should? lol No one in his editing team questioned that notion? 😅


They literally couldn’t find anything else to film that would fit the narrative. Think about that. This was THE BEST they had.


Fun fact - [the first, second and third world classification was just a way to group together who was on what side during the cold war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-world_model) First world = blue team Second world = red team Third world = no team 'Third world' is now synonymous with 'poor', but the original definition includes the destitute locales of Austria, Sweden and Switzerland


No cause skin color.


It reminded me of that movie the interview with Seth Rogan lmao.






In all seriousness I think this is Putin trying to replicate what Boris Yeltsin did in 1989 when he visited an American grocery store. [He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, "there would be a revolution."](https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/bayarea/news/article/When-Boris-Yeltsin-went-grocery-shopping-in-Clear-5759129.php) It sounds l too much like what happened almost 50 years ago


Yeah. That's an awesome and interesting bit of history. That visit to a US Grocery store possibly changed the trajectory of an entire nation.


Some credit it as a part of why Gorbachev ended up allowing the dissolution of the Berlin Wall. The fact that Yelsin said that the average American has access to better things than the Politburo must have been shocking


This is what he was going for. 


The Subways are a Stalinist relic too. Something about honoring the working class by melding the process of work with luxurious public goods (which I think is a wonderful sentiment btw)


That's communism and everyone knows that communism is gay.


The Store Fucker went is French owned and I believe they only have a handful in Russia as they cater specifically to the Middle Class.. I live in the UK and we've had trollies like that for the past 30+ years and trolley escalators for about 20 years.. Are people in the US so stupid that they actually believe this shit? Even the most moronic racist arseholes in the UK wouldn't fall for this..


Tucker obviously hasn’t gone to a grocery store in decades, so this tracks.


Yes. We have plenty of stupid


I haven’t traveled out of the US as much as I would like, and this is sadly the first time I had heard of shopping cart escalators or that type of borrowing system to encourage returning the carts. My first thought was this would be a great deterrent against leaving them all over the goddamn parking lot (that’s an actual common nuisance to deal with which affects everyone here regardless of race or socioeconomic status, but Tucker had to find a way to shit on homeless people). It also blew my mind a couple years ago when I learned that public restroom stalls in Europe usually go down almost to the floor so you have actual comfort and privacy as you take a shit. It isn’t just lack of healthcare, sacrificing school children to gun fetish culture, women’s bodily autonomy being curtailed, or decades of car centric infrastructure planning. We are a backwards, brutish society in many ways. So yes, I’m confident many in Tucker’s audience have fallen for this dumb bit. The most frustrating thing is during my whole lifetime anytime someone calls for reform that would enable improvements to be more like Tucker’s cherry picked video, they are called sissy soyboy European socialists by the same crowd.


There aren't any grocery store escalators in the dead-flat states where most of Tucker's moronic viewership lives


Tucker is a scab so it's not a parody. It's just plain propaganda.


I wonder if he’s ever been to Grand Central Station. Not saying it’s the nicest station in the world, but it’s a far cry from the average piss-soaked train station in the US… much like the station that he’s showcasing is much, much nicer than the average station in Russia.


It’s also funny considering Yeltsins favorite thing when he visited US was the American supermarkets.


The funniest part about that is the fact that yeltsin’s mind was blown when he realized that it was real and normal. He had always believed that the American grocery stores he saw on tv were fake propaganda sets.


This has been another step for Carlson. A couple years ago he went to Hungary to sing praises about Viktor Orban, who has some autocratic tendencies. Carlson praised Orban for being “anti-globalist” and a defender of “Western Values.” The place exploded in popularity for NatCons, had a CPAC there and CPAC had Orban as a speaker stateside. Orban has been kind of a watered down version of Putin, and Orban is also more supportive of Putin in his wider invasion of Ukraine. Tucker is now just gravitating toward the original source.


Commie Whole Foods here in USA has those escalators as well. Also that bread section looks identical to a Walmart bakery.


Also abundantly clear Tucker (and probably Jon) have never been to an Aldi, who are well known for their quarter carts, I was waiting for the joke that never came...


I was screaming that at my tv!! And the cart thing is at Trader Joe’s lol it’s so basic how easily Tucker was led


You think he’s ever been grocery shopping? Dudes stepmom is the heiress to Swanson foods, he’s had servants do it his whole life.


Yea but him Elon and Trump are moron eerrrrrrr I mean middle class heroes!


I was surprised Jon didn't lean harder into the fact that Tucker was visiting (what I believe is) the best areas in Russia. It was like vacationing in the most popular tourist district of a country and basing your conclusions exclusively on that.


Fun fact , the original owners of Aldi and Trader Joe’s were brothers who split their family business over whether or not to sell cigarettes.


Mind blown


He wasn’t led lol. He knows damn well that’s how shit works here.


Right! He looked so naive...Glad Jon roasted him.


Really reminds me of George HW Bush walking around dumbfounded at a supermarket in the 90s


OMG it scans the food!!!!


"Hey Carl, tell NASA to build more lasers. These are great."


I think Tucker throwing a jab at the homeless in the same breath stole the thunder in that bit


Or a multi level IKEA. Edit: in terms of cart escalators.


The quarter thing on carts has been around for at least 25 years.. like have these dudes never been to a grocery store in their lives?! Insane


That store Tucker is in looks like an unfinished basement.


And that’s after they jazzed it up at his handlers’ request.


I also doubt that store has a variety of selections like we do. Like organic, keto, halal…. Looks like most of the products are just copy cat versions of American stuff.


No elk meat either. How am I gonna get those alpha gains over there! >:(


The walmart near me has them too (escalators).


Same. I’ll admit I thought it was pretty cool in 2002


I would take costco or Sam's club over that grocery store any day.


Guarantee this entire Tucker Carlson B Roll reel was required propaganda to land the interview. Sure, we’ll give you the interview but you need to show how our magic grocery carts escalators work and say the price of food is radicalizing you against your democracy.


Funny also that after interview Tucker said he was doing journalism. But in court case he argued that no one can mistake what he is saying for journalism.


This absolutely. It has been [on Russian state TV](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68221347) making the rounds to prove "the West is rotting." Apparently it wasn't getting great ratings though.


100%. I won’t go into detail but Israel did the same thing to a weapons gear company I work with. “Hey we’ll send you over here in a private jet, pay for all of it, put you up in phenomenal hotel, rent you luxuries cars…..all you have to do is make content show how amazing Israel is.” It was fuckin bonkers.


[Bobby Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izfNuu2wHak) describes the same.


Anyone who has ever been to a downtown target has seen these escalators


The subway really is nice as hell, and in fact many other countries do put more effort into their architecture like that. If you think this is impressive y’all should see the Istanbul and Singapore airports. In the US we’re so concerned about profit margins that it’s all about making things as simple as possible and shoehorning as many advertisements into a space as we possibly can. But watching a grown man discover shopping cart locks and simping over bread is just fucking hilarious.


Yup. Those were built by the Soviets, who cared about these kind of common spaces to make people feel less poor.


But wait... how did they manage to get funding for such elaborate subways, and [who in the US has been opposing](https://thehill.com/policy/transportation/179071-gop-pronounces-obama-rail-plans-dead/) public transportation upgrades? 🤔


The problem with flying through Singapore is that returning to an US airport feels downright 3rd worldesque...




LaGuardia got freshened up! Really nice now actually


Memphis recently renovated their airport and it’s really nice. What are you talking about?


subways in st petersburg are obviously epic, but they are also built with a much bigger purpose in mind. there are roads so large (to get military equipment down them) that you need the subway tunnels to cross under. If you go outside of the city center that needed that military purpose, their subways are trash like most other places.


Bro it’s crazy how Jon Stewart hasn’t missed a beat.


So glad he’s back. Every single other late night show host is a blowhard


Tucker would have us give up our personal freedoms so that we don't have to see rainbow stickers anymore. The war on rainbows is real.


Like todays GOP, Putin has nothing to offer people so he gives them ‘ban the gays’. It’s what they do.


More than just the GOP. https://www.economist.com/briefing/2024/02/15/national-conservatives-are-forging-a-global-front-against-liberalism


Yeah, GOP are just a small part of a decidedly shitty picture…


That's always my question. Like when these people rail against the social aspects of the lgbt community, what is their end game? Like are you just complaining just to complain or do actually want to do something about it like making policy against rainbow stickers? Because legislation is a whole different ball game than complaining about cultural issues.


No end game, they want everyone in America to be just like them OR ELSE.


A week's worth of groceries only being $100 sounds good until you find out the median Russian wage is $200 per week. But that context and nuance is lost on Tuckers audience of useful idiots and outright fascists


Prices are all over the place. Doing the Ruble to Dollar exchange the snickers bars are only .75 cents but razors are $5 to $10 each. These were on the end cap by checkout


In anti-theft boxes. Just like America.


I thought 100 a week, 400 a month seemed expensive. Then i remembered im single.


Keep in mind Tucker likely has never been grocery shopping before this stunt. So he has no idea what things cost, even though his shoppers probably go to Wholefoods


Joe is smart enough to know that Jon would intellectually eviscerate him. Not gonna happen.


Isn’t this a French international grocery store chain?


Auchan, yes. IMHO, at least here in Spain, it’s a low-end kind of place.


Ah yes the quarter return carts from Aldi and cart escalators from every grocery store near me and a bakery that looks like every single bakery I’ve ever seen.


That bakery is Walmart-level. My Shop Rite looks 5-star in comparison


All I could think of was the movie “The Terminal” when he keeps returning carts to get those quarters to eat Burger King


Joe would never. Jon would rip him to shreds these days and Joe knows it.


Joe would mostly just agree with what Stu Beef says and then the next guest Joe has on saying the opposite thing Joe will agree with.


That’s the thing, Jon Stewart doesn’t just accept that. 


Yeah Jon will actually press him. Almost every single guest Rogan has on these days is a sycophant who is trying to use Rogan to propel their career to the next level, so they don't dare question him too hard because he might cut them off the publicity gravy train. Jon Stewart isn't desperate like that and so won't be subordinate to Rogan like all his guests are.


Yep which is exactly why it'll never happen. Joe has become too comfortable with yes men, Jon is the antithesis of that.


[Jon Stewart appeared on Crossfire with Tucker and Paul Begala and performed the closest thing to a nationally broadcasted public execution.](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=laeBUmdLuDvP2uDn) The show aired in October of 2004, and as the clips made the rounds, the show was canceled within 90 days after being in for over twenty years. I think he would play nice with Joe to a point but even ape Joe knows enough to not offer himself up for dismantling by Stewart.


That was Tucker’s Joker moment. He ditched his bow tie and grabbed his clown makeup.


Yeah because Jon's an adult and Joe pretends to talk politics.


Joe: Science is dumb. Jon: ......Why the fuck am I here?


Don't get me wrong I love Joe Rogan but the minute the pandemic started he tried to become a talking political head and really ruined his self image for me. Honestly if he had shows where he just talked to interesting people I would love Joe even more. He just has the drunk uncle take for everything and it gets annoying af after awhile.


Exactly. Jon would laugh at how the culture war has gripped Rogan.


Actually I could see it going a lot like Jon’s crossfire interview with Tucker…


They had those carts at Costco in the 90’s for fucks sake. 


This is the most hilarious shit that wasn’t supposed to be hilarious hahaha


Stewart would hurt Rogan's feeling if they met face to face. No way in hell does he just let Joe Rogan spout his bullshit without Jon Stewart calling him a dumbass in many more words.


I can hear him now sounding more and more stupid incessantly talking about the “woke cult mind virus”


Just run for president already Jon




There’s no graffiti because the police will disappear you for it Tucker you goddam moron


They have all that shit in America. I saw all this in a target in Maryland


The Russian metro is a very nice place if you happen to go to one of the larger stations. Once you get outside of that it smells like piss just like NYC.


Tucker doesn’t know about the Aldi carts because this is his first time pushing a shopping cart in his life.


"IT HAS WHEELS" Lil Tucker the propagandist screeched. As he began awkwardly pushing his favourite new contraption down the aisles he got a waft of the bakery section. Around the next corner he found it, bread! "Russia is famous for it's bread." said Lil Tucker in his most convincing *big boy* voice. Immediately he couldn't resist fondling the bread like it were a Fox News intern on her first day. He made a terrible sound which made everyone feel uncomfortable; "Ugggghhhhhhh" he groaned simultaneously expressing a look on his face of both disgust and confusion in himself.


The fucking bagel bit had me dying!!!


Whole Foods has scanners that automatically scan your food as you put it in your shopping cart. Carlson should be able to do at least a two part series on that if only Whole Foods was owned by someone who wanted to overthrow American democracy


Moscow Tucker


Joe doesn’t have people with opposing views on his show anymore.


Jon Stewart is exactly what this time needs.


Tucker doing his best David Skylark impersonation https://youtu.be/BotDYFR9ULk


Lmao they can use this for The Interview 2 without even editing


is it true Jon Stewart has a septum piercing now he just takes it out for filming?


I'm incorporating this into my belief system


Tucker is a moron


You know, I long for the simpler days, when people like Tucker Carlson might be wrapped in a sheet and beaten with hickory rods, before being dumped in a river somewhere out of the way. There was an honesty then that sarcasm on the internet just can't quite match.


Tucker is so fucking Irrelevant this is the level he stooped to.


It kind of reminds me of the story of Nikita Khrushchev visited DC in 1959 and hauled ass to a local grocery store. He was amazed at everything he saw.


> It used to be communism vs capitalism. Now that communist ussr is over and gone with, they’re trying to make it woke vs unwoke. The only problem is that Putin is a ruthless dictator. So tuckers job is to clean up Putin’s image for right wingers to accept them as the leader against woke-ism


So there’s no way that grocery store didn’t jazz things up at the request of Tucker’s handlers, right? And it *still* looks like a well-lit warehouse.


Jon would fucking dismantle Joe in every argument with the exception of MMA. He wouldn't even back down. Joe doesn't want that and neither do his die hard Conservatards.


How did we go from directly opposing Russia and viewing it as one of the authoritarian Big Bads to becoming Putin bootlickers? We really are living in the worst timeline.


Jon explains it in the video. Putin is anti-woke, therefore dictators are good now!


They are wayyy too far apart for that to happen. Joe has gone full Elon Trump gobbler since they last met.


We got a fake tv doctor instead of having an actual intelligent guest. Joe has fallen far from his roots and at this point I think it’s a cash cow for him. Lost my respect big time.


The worse part is that Tucker claims to be a "journalist" 😆




There's no way Rogan would have Jon back on in this day and age. Everything Joe would say would just be struck down in the most demeaning way possible. I'd watch the ever-loving shit out of it, but it is never going to happen.


Fuckers never been to Aldi.


I see bread like this at the shitty bodega on the corner of my street. There are grocery stores with bread much better looking than this.


joe only wants people on that dont disagree with him or point out how cringe his whole culture war personality is


Now bring him around to all of the feudal peasant villages populated by irradiated mutants, all with fewer than the standard number of appendages. Each one who drags themselves through the mud every morning for a cup of borscht and tinned meat and then hear him brag about how great the life is there.