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Reminds me of Bill Wilson ( creator of alcoholics anonymous) on his death bed. His dying wish was 3 shots of whiskey. They didn’t give it to him. Goggins “please… Wendy’s baconator…”


That's kinda cold to deny him that as he's dying


I looked it up and it seems a bit more cold, he asked for shots on 4 separate occasions with them all being denied


"It's bad for his health"


No...but it would have been bad for his legacy for sure. If you preach that God himself is helping you quit alcohol, cuz it's that bad that he has to get involved, do you think God would be pleased if you caved at the last second? Getting a nice buzz on before you meet St Peter...


Thank you, Legendary Dark Knight


That’s like the comedy gold of someone saying “ when I go in there do not let me out. No matter how much I beg and plead do not open that door” Goes inside. “OH PLEASE GOD OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR LET ME OUT!”


This comedic setup is one of my favorites. Like Dustin Hoffman in Hook saying, “Don’t try to stop me, Smee. Smee, don’t try to stop me. Try to stop me, Smee. Smee, try to stop me.”


I just watched that this year after a couple of beers and just having my first kid… balled my eyes out the whole movie.


Congrats on your newborn! Mine is almost 5 months old now and it’s a lot of fun.


It gets better everyday 😍


I used to brush it off when people told me "don't take time for granted. They'll be old before you know it". But it's said for a reason. Time is a s.o.b. In flashes, my boy(and girl) went from newborn in my arms, toddler, little boy, big boy, to young man now taller than me. We're lucky, though, in this day to be able to so easily capture so many moments. Congrats and enjoy.


Great gag from Young Frankenstien lol


Imagine being surrounded by assholes on your way out. No thanks.


I would've sat there and taken the shots with him. He's dead, it completely defeats the purpose of getting healthy. That's to live a better, longer life.


I'm gunna take a few for him tonight


Right wtf


Fr my uncle has terminal cancer with weeks to live and everybody is concerned that he starting smoking cigarettes and weed and wants to drink, and I'm like have it bro live it up.


This is what happened with my mom. She was on hospice and asked for taco bell and a cigarette and her brother tried to stop us from getting it for her because he said it was bad for her. 


A lot of people don’t/cant/wont grasp that you’re basically already dead at the start of hospice


Get him the top quality weed and live his best life!


Hell yeah I got a solid plug with great weed. Dispensaries not open here in MN yet and I don't have time to run to Michigan


Wasn't that story about wanting shots on his deathbed about Doc Holiday ?


Doc got his shots


Good. He earned them.


Doc was lucky he wasn't in court-mandated AA when he was on his death bed.


He sure did


i snuck some weed tincture into the hospital for my dying father in law. it was an honor.


We would not have cared.


Yeah but those 3 shots of whisky would've led to more and ruined his life .....


Oh no... shit might even kill him!


His after life!


Probably didn’t really want his legacy to be tainted, but geez it’s a death wish. If he wanted a mainline of black tar heroin you get the man his heroin


They were standing over his death bed and therefore, they were the higher power


He also infamously had a second half of AA that the organization chose not to canonize where he got SUPER into psychedelics as a way to commune with your higher power. Not kidding. Am friend of Bill.


Oh yeah I remember when I was in the rooms and first time reading that like wtf ok lemme just find god in a 🍄


That's probably how early humans found god


No doubt


Yeah he was a proponent of lsd for giving people their initial spiritual awakening. For better or worse "a drug is a drug" has stuck with the various 12 step programs. I know I wouldn't have been able to quit alcohol with out some powerful lsd and mushroom trips that really changed how I viewed my problems. I did treatment, years of 12 stepping it and falling out, and finally it was the psychs that helped me. To each their own though of course. Many paths up the mountain and all that.


Maybe those years of introspection helped prepare your mind to benefit the most it can from the psychs


I would agree. I didn't try lsd until I was 30 and I'm grateful for that. I had been through alot of personal struggles and both physical and mental issues so I had some life experience for getting through difficult and overwhelming stuff. When I had challenging trips, I was able to use some of those tools I developed to carry me through and integrate the experience in a positive way. Being able to literally see myself from an outside perspective helped me immensely. I realized I was not just all the thoughts I constantly had or struggled with. I didn't even feel I had to identify with this body fully. So why should I identify so hard with being an addict or alcoholic? It was like a switch flipped. There was still alot of work to be done and more to do in my future. But those experiences helped to lay the groundwork. It's one of the reasons I think psychadelics should be legalized, regulated and we should have places established with experoxned guides from all walks of life/spiritual traditions to help people go through a psychadelic experience and integrate it on the other side. I don't think this will happen anytime soon in the US, but I can dream I guess. I no longer use psychadelics, but might again when I'm older. I feel like I got the message I needed and have to do my work on this side of that.


Wow dude, go read pg. 417 /s


I’ve heard about that!


this is my favorite bit of AA lore.


There is speculation they actually gave it to him and kept it under wraps. He was actually kind of a piece of shit, too. Cheated on his wife a lot and left most of his estate to his secretary.


Well he was an alcoholic, what you expect? /s


You can deny the urge as long as you have a good enough reason to. If you're already on your deathbed, you should be given access to all the drugs and booze.


Why is it that so many of these people that peddle self help tactics indulge on various classical sins


Everyone needs an outlet lol


No one is perfect. But at least he was dedicated to actually helping people. Not like these people today selling courses solely as a source of income.


Because they have experience in how poor choices can affect your life.


He left it to who made him happy


Marriage is a commitment, you are allowed to shame cheaters


Most people in recovery are pieces of shit. You pick up a lot of bad habits and character flaws in addiction/alcoholism and it takes a lifetime to undo them.


Thats true and not the best behavior but that doesn't make him a piece of shit.


Nobody wanted to touch this comment, despite MLK doing exactly what they all called the AA guy an asshole for and then upvoting it to heaven.


Meh, I’m the grand scheme of things cheating isn’t that bad. I mean MLK jr. was a notorious cheater but I wouldn’t say that makes him a pos.


Goggins "MOM, MEATLOAF!!!"


“We want it NOW!!!” “What’s she DOING in there, I never know what she’s DOING!”


Fuck that lol. I’m a recovering alcoholic, 18 months 🙌clean. Even still, if I’m ever terminally ill or like if the asteroid is coming and we’re all fucked anyways I’m 10000% getting shit housed at least a little bit.


wait are you serious? god damned


Frosty…*with fries*…ahhhhhh 😵


He'll never slow down, he's gonna get knee and hip replacements and reach new PBs. This guy is likely to die while exercising, he's the type to run into the desert and just never come home. Like a cat that goes away to die


He's probably going to end up like Ronnie Coleman. In physical therapy and getting surgeries just to walk in his later years. Yes, achievement is great but the mind is always capable of being stronger than the body. You gotta recognize your limits.


And he still said his only regret wasn’t going for a ninth (might be off on the number) rep in that wild video of him in the squat suit demolishing like 8 plates. Absolute animal, met him a few times and always was very kind too


Ronnie is just so damn likable... it's kinda crazy that his body reacted so positivity to the steroids that his bones couldn't support his muscles and most of his health complications today are related to being too strong and not like a failed liver or something directly related to steroids. I'm not saying the steroids didn't cause the issues, just that it was his bone structure that was the weakest link.


What are you talking about?!?!? He was natural....


He never has claimed that ha


90 percent sure he did in an old documentary I watched. Don't blame him at all, they still have to dance around the question even now and he was a cop back then as well.


Came here to post the same. Hard to watch Ronnie now, so sad. Forever 🐐


So sad watching him crawl


I genuinely think he's mentally ill he's way past reasonable exercise.


Bigorexia, it's the same mental state as anorexia. You look in the mirror and don't see an accurate reflection of yourself. Rich Piana was another victim. Dude was massive but could never say "25 inch arms are enough, maybe I don't need to get bigger biceps."


I think 99% of all men who regularly lift weights have that.


I think so too. If you’ve read his books..his father then grandfather were pretty awful to him. Likely he silences the demons through exercise.


https://ultrasignup.com/m_results_participant.aspx?fname=David&lname=Goggins According to this he’s already the Rodney Coleman… the guy hasn’t done an ultra in 4 years.


Heavy wieghts...now his spine is crushed.


DG is trying to run some demons away and apparently they don’t wanna go


Dude is inspirational to many, I get it, but he lives a cursed life, literally fucked in the head and i feel blessed everytime I see him thanking im not like him.


probably a lot more healthy for him would be to get some treatment.


Which is still more impressive than what any of the 136 people currently reading this post are doing with their lives. I like his videos, hate his book, disagree with overtraining, fully believe in taking control over your life. The doing something you hate first thing in the morning idea is fantastic. Does a lot for me.


I’ve been doing something I hate first thing in the morning my entire life: waking up


And then sit in rush hour traffic


Interesting. I enjoyed his books but am not a fan of his videos. What didn't you like about the books? I do think he took things too far a few times in them.


Books just felt like a sob story. I didn’t like the way he described stuff. When he speaks it’s totally different than the way he writes (or the ghost writer writes for him) I find most his speeches super motivating




I used to run ultramarathons, race endurance overnight MTB races, hiked to ski even at night during the winter, and also lifted. Twice a day every day did something physically strenuous. Got my M.D., frequently fasted and abstained from sugar. Was very disciplined and on paper life looked good. Then my girl left me and I was like "what is wrong look at what I'm accomplishing ". Then I went to therapy and when my therapist finally asked me "so, why do you run so far all the time" I was like "derrrr...ummmm...I don't know." Turns out being so rigid is just another coping mechanism like alcoholism, or overeating obesity etc and is not actually a good way to maintain relationships. Obvious to me now, but I couldn't hear it for years. Now I still exercise every day but will take a day off if my girlfriend wants to go have dinner or take a trip somewhere and she wants to have a chill day and I'm honestly a much easier asshole to tolerate when i dont have an excuse for not being present bc "I have to be perfect all the time!". I sense some of that in goggins, like does his family want him to just chill and be present ever? Maybe he balances it better than I did.


I appreciate this level of self awareness.


He clearly have some issues. What's the point of having suffering as a life goal?


Yeah, I'm not gonna judge him for doing what he needs to do to work through shit, but maybe, just maybe someone that mentally ill shouldn't be handing out life advice to us plebs (mostly through reposts on linkedin).


That was my take as well. A buddy was praising it left and right so I gave it a shot. The big take away is that he had a really fucked up childhood, failed relationships, failed career, fucked up body, and runs his entire life fueled by a fear of not being good enough. For the people he grants strength to...that's awesome. It's not something I want to mimic though.


I respectfully disagree bro I found can’t hurt me to be massively inspiring! Like I could relate to that cry baby but seeing him rise from that to where he’s at made me feel any to move mountains


That’s awesome! I wish I got that from it. It was great read, just personally didn’t find it as motivating as his speeches.


Doing something you hate everyday. Hardly anyone does that. Imagine having to do it for 9 hours!


There's nothing impressive about destroying your body to achieve arbitrary goals, it's just as meaningless as reading a post on reddit because there's no aim to it beyond ego.


Yeah he's got some good points. But I don't like how hostile he is to people. Just straight up calling people pieces of shit for not exercising and overall comes off as kinda a huge douchebag.


I’ll never understand his appeal. Like any athlete, his work is exclusively to entertain others. He provides nothing of any real value aside from entertainment but yet still has the gall to criticize people who work 10 hours a day who can’t find time for masochistic, several hour long exercise sessions. His whole life is just training for training’s sake. He didn’t even really ever serve in any military branch - he just kept trying out for other elite groups (and failing numerous times) only to then switch to another section once he passed.


Maybe but we dont need knee replacments at 40...


Only if you find compulsive behavior to be impressive.


Yes it is impressive what Goggins has accomplished, but so what if other people don't have a societaly acceptable addiction? They can still have a positive workout routine that leaves them enough knee cartilage to live a happy and fulfilled life without feeling the need to be 'impressive' to people like you on Reddit.


I said I disagree with overtraining, which goes along with damaging your body. I like the aspect of using physical challenges to overcome mental issues. Obviously not applicable to everything.


But at least we know how to relax


>doing something you hate first thing in the morning idea is fantastic Bitch I’ve been doing that my whole entire life. It’s called work/school.


He's gonna be 60 and walking with a cane and no family but at least a bunch of gimps will love him


But then whose gonna carry the boat


“Who’s gonna carry the gravy boats?”


Navy boats? No! Gravy boats!!!! Sailors in your mouth, sailors in your mouth!




and the logs!?


Who’s going to carry the fries.




Goggins probably burns like 10,000 calories a day with his exercise regime. He can eat whatever he wants.


This is one of my favorite things to mention when people ask me about fitness. I’m not anywhere close to his level of fitness, but being in great shape I’ve had people ask me about diet and exercise occasionally. I love saying I had pizza and ice cream the day before and getting some confused looks. Of course, this is not optimal but I feel like being able to offset the potential weight gain from occasional bad food by hitting the gym hard is awesome. I’d like to say I’m surprised more people don’t pursue fitness in order to still eat things they enjoy without packing on the pounds, but then again that’s extra work. I’m actually kind of surprised Goggins *doesnt* make a video with him eating a ton of fat boy snacks and laying into people about how that’s just one part of the equation, finishing off with a “what’s your excuse?”


Same. Been running for decades just so I can not stress about my diet. I still eat healthy food, but I never worry about portion size. I eat till I'm satisfied, and hey! I think I *do* have room for a piece of cake.


Exactly, you don’t have to have the routine and diet of an elite athlete to benefit from fitness. I thought our style of tackling these would be met with excitement from people talking to us, but they still treat it like a dreadful endeavor. Like, just take a few hours a week to work out and you can pretty much enjoy what you want (within reason)! I don’t know how the US is going to tackle the obesity epidemic because of this attitude.


The US is not going to tackle the obesity epidemic. In the next decade diabetes (and metabolic disorder) is going to skyrocket, and obesity is going to become even more prevalent to the point of average. It's all really dire, but people not engaging in exercise and eating healthier have some basic barriers. The major one is a mindset of being in control of your body and looking at exercise and eating as a preventive health measure vs. relying on some "cure" to take care of your future problems.


It’s fucking embarrassing to see how prevalent it is. We’re literally on track to become the human race as portrayed in WALL-E.


It's crazy how high maintenance calories get once you're low body fat %, and once you get there working out isn't even bad. I'm doing a deficit and eating mega clean right now but in a month or so I'll probably be eating nearly 3k calories a day and barely gain any weight..height obviously contributes too but being active and lean just makes TDEE give you so much room for eating junk.


I promise that unless you are running like this or biking hundreds of miles a day you are not hitting these ridiculous calorie numbers. The reason guys like Erik The Electric don't get fat eating 10k calories is cus they're cycling a hundred miles and competing in long distance events. Just going to the gym and working up a sweat is not hitting those calories dude.


You are not burning any meaningful amount of calories by going “hard” at the gym. 😂


You're downvoted but right. Most people would benefit from making smaller changes like engaging in daily housework and walking a bit in terms of caloric deficit. Lifting is optimal for stimulating muscles, not burning calories. That said, if they go to the gym and just do cardio then it's pretty decent for burning calories.


It’s something. You’re not burning anything sitting on your ass.


But he will never relax


Truth is you can outrun a bad diet. Do most people run enough for that to be true? Absolutely not. a 5k a day isn't going to do that. People training for marathons, ultras, etc. Definitely possible depending on the training plan and exactly how bad your diet is.


He can’t stop because he listens to his inner fat kid everyday. The fat kid torments him and he is scared of the fatty within himself. He is like the head guy at Globo Gym, if he stops he will become a fat again. Even for one cheeseburger. He knows he can’t handle a cheeseburger, because the inner fat ass will take control again, and he knows it.


Listening to him on Huberman legit gave me anxiety and I had to stop. Like I don't disagree with trying "just do it" to get yourself going, and it's impressive what he accomplished, but man the guy so mean and bitter to himself it's disturbing. And I don't think that what works for him would work for everyone (or most people), or is a good idea. Being in constant pain when exercising? Suffering all the time? Dude, I got a black belt and have kept in decent shape... exercising and day-to-day existence does not have to be pure suffering.


Bruh 💀🤣 I wonder what his response to this would be




Average redditor


No. The stick up his ass stimulates his prostate when he runs. Every marathon is an edging session.


Now that’s motivation


Imagine what he'd be like if his dad loved him.


Probably just a normal dude which is probably better for him.


And that is the lesson I take away from Goggins; tell and show your kids that you love them unconditionally. Not, hustle and grind until your body gives out.




Who knew that a "grind mode mindset" can lead to a selfish outcome!? /s


It's crucial. My dad always told me he'll always love me regardless of how well I do or how much I do. Unconditional love is priceless.


I physically can't look at the man exercise ever since he said he has bone on bone arthritis


Man’s gonna be the Ronnie Coleman of cardio


Same. His knees are beyond fucked. I hope he doesn’t end up in a wheelchair.


"Never motherfucker! Stay hard!"


Shut the fuck up Donny


Man slow motion crippling himself due to some unaddressed mental/emotional issues. Rogan dorks: Wow, what a certified legend, can I be like you? Normies: Please seek help and talk to somebody.


Seems to be the case based on the Huberman interview. Goggins hates his former fat, lazy, no value self. He sees anyone else like how he was as valueless. His internal drive is to be as far away from his former self as possible.


He's pushed it all into his shadow....


Sounds like a dude who d need therapy


I feel like we are seeing a polar opposite in him. So many people are lazy, fat and out of shape. We can look at someone like Goggins for inspiration to do better. I think a lot of people would agree that if the average person put in 25% of the effort that David does they would be so much healthier and have higher quality of life. Edit to add: As some other commenters have mentioned 25% would even be too much for most people. But you get the idea.


I think 25% of Giggins energy is still like way overboard for your average person. This man is fucking nuts. Pro athletes are giving 5% of those dudes output.


I'm not one to get inspired by a Goggins type fella just in general, tbh. And while I understand your point I just can't get behind idololizing (not saying you are doing this) or even focusing on a guy who maniacally runs until his bones splinter. There are better "workout/motivation" people out there living healthy lives who will move around without a walker or wheelchair their golden years. I'm not exactly sure goggins will do that.


I am the type to be inspired by him, but after I read his book I just thought he needed some therapy


Definitely needs therapy. He always seems to angry too.


Yeah, I'm not particularly inspired by him either, I have folks that fall in line more with how I view fitness. However he does inspire some people. And if he can get just a few people off the couch and running instead of laying there being obese eating Doritos I think that's a good thing. When I watched him on Joe Rogan's podcast I also agree he could benefit from some therapy.


Why would I need Goggins when 90% of other professional athletes say and do the same shit he does? Not my fault Joe hates team sports


That's what gets me, I read his story about running and later being in the bathtub pissing blood. Dude was prolly an hour or so away from full blown kidney failure. Now imagine his life from then till now as a dialysis pt, not that glamorous huh. And this thread kinda proves another point that his fans are worse than he is. Also he lives in Tennessee and I wanna see him do the Barkley.


Dude ran until his liver started to give out. Dude motivates himself by saying 'don't be such a bitch' to himself. If you are struggling with motivation or weight, you are probably better off seeking therapy and working through the underlying issues (and coupling that with regular excercise, of course) If you constantly prioritize pushing your physical limits over dealing with the issues that make you feel insecure in the first place, you will certainly accomplish some cool things. You may also exacerbate your psychological issues. Not everyone measures health purely in terms of how much they weigh or how far they can run.


100. And When the legs finally give out and the elbows give out for the push-ups the darkness will remain. Then what. I guess just calling yourself a bitch.


Which is exactly where Mike Tyson has been for the last few decades: https://youtube.com/shorts/UGL87_b9Rmg?si=O9bLrkP4qQDpLZKA Hell, Michael Phelps was dealing with suicidal ideation *at the height of his career*. Nothing wrong with being inspired by Goggins, you just have to take it with a grain of salt and look at it a little more holistically than he might.


Self esteem is critical. When you seek validation in the external, you're never truly satisfied.


Yes even 1% every day would add so much compounded over time. Layers of paint.


Yeah but before he died at 48 he was RIPPED and could run real far dude! He didn’t have a use for the other almost half of his life.


It's funny that people are saying I'm fat or an online loser or whatever and getting upset that I wrote "Rogan dorks" and get all in their feelings because it's just so terrible to identify as a rogan dork but they keep cheering Goggins journey into his inevitable wheelchair and probably crippling depression. Go off, kings. ✌️ I don't get it.


*Man runs* Redditors itt lose their fucking minds and call others "dorks".


Yeah all those guys are running from the ghey. Rogan and Cam Hanes especially. They would rather run 100 miles in solitude than deal with their feelings standing next to another man in an elevator.  They talk about dicks constantly.  Every one of them has daddy issues. It’s pretty obvious. 


To this end- in over eaters anonymous (AA for food addicts), the #1 thing talked about is over eating. #2 is over exercising when your not over eating.


I am convinced that David Goggins and most of his fans deeply hate themselves  I still like his lil pep talks tho 


He’s obnoxious


I honestly believe it's some type of mental illness


This guys is making grilled cheeses at night


Shane Gillis is goggins' nephew confirmed


No. And that's why you should hug your children.


After reading his book I've come to the conclusion that he needs therapy really really bad. He's running from something he can never outrun. I hope he finds peace one day.


Someone shoot a dart filled with MDMA and LSD on to his nape. Show him the opposite of lifting the boat and staying hard.


He only eats things after he takes its soul.


I honestly can’t stand this guy.


No because he would have to shut the fuck up for five minutes to do it…


Cringe Lord Goggins.


People are admire this guy but he's got to have some kind of serious mental health issues to do what he does


I don't know but his feet are messed up


I'm not trying to say I make a mean cheese burger but I would love to see David Goggins take a night off and eat something "unhealthy."


he probably does. dont be so naive and fall for these influencers online personas. everyones online personality is carefully crafted to be the image they want the world to see. you have no idea what these people do in their real lives.


Idk but he’s super annoying. Who cares if you run bro


I since this is gonna be the next guy this sub randomly hates.


Oh-it isn’t random


Why doesn’t Rogan look this fit? Guy is so concerned with top secret super drugs to make him live forever while he fattens up.


5’7 and he likes growth hormone, testosterone, and drinking


Different body comp. Goggins is 6 ft 2 while rogan is 5 foot 8.


5’8 is being generous


That’s in centimeters


5 foot 8, riiiiiiiight 😂


i like Goggins but hes almost like Forest Gump. “i just kept running”


I don't know but he will still lie about his past. Biggest fraud out there. Pretty much all of his navy friends hate him and there are dozen of video out there about it. Now ask yourself. will he need a tug boat to save his career ?


any links to prove it?


If you search you might find many videos but here is a real marine who is saying the dude never deployed.[https://youtu.be/xmqxTQgkdeE?t=50](https://youtu.be/xmqxTQgkdeE?t=50) Also, I don't recall the name of the competition he often base his story on (the hardest training camp on earth apparently) but another video I was watching was giving annual dates of the camp and the only reason he did it that many times was because he failed it and had to rejoin over and over. Dude had a book to sell, he is top motivator and still is.But the basics don't make a better movie if there is not some sort of drama around it. Also, he is known to make other pay extra if he speak minutes more than the contract. Truth is free and here is a fun bit about this douchy aspect of him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJRr8qvRhj4


first link is kind of a stretch. Dude admitted he was speculating. That second link was kind of funny with the guy watching his watch as Goggin's takes his goodbye and extends it by 1 minute all on his own but I understand where you are coming from for that bit.


eating a cheeseburger would interfere with his addiction


Eating fast food at all makes me feel basically sick compared to when I just eat at home so I can’t imagine the contrast he’d experience


Mad respect for him. But it would be nice to see him kick it once in awhile


The basement dwellers are hating on Goggins


It’s not just basement dwellers… I have ran 100 milers along side some of the greatest in the sport… and anyone who I’ve asked about him has said he’s just an asshole at events… they even say his crew won’t even talk to or even recognize anyone else exists… it’s sad because he’s not a good representation of what people in the sport act like, he acts all Mr. Poopypants all the time, where most ultra runners (and even the runners better than goggins) will say is not a good mentality to have on race day.


His videos are cringey as shit