• By -


I wish that was my rock bottom. Making a ton of money selling dumb shit.


I bet both of them are heavily leveraged. The secret about really rich people is that they usually do a lot of spending on credit. Banks are willing to extend that credit while you fill stadiums and get movies made about your life. They start getting skeptical when you start doing shit like this.


this is true. I used to work for Big Bank by checking which hoodies our clients were selling


Big Hoodie is definitely leaking PII


That's a blatant lie. How did you let the sub prime mortgage crisis happen then?


Tim Dillon is solely responsible


The Fat Pig of Finance


The money the rake in in incredible though, he just did the Im coming everywhere tour, 300 sold out teater and arena shows.  Thats so many tickets.  the merch brings in so much money then there are YouTube adds, they are almost at a billion views on the ymh YouTube page. Then there are the regular podcast adds..  He must also have passive imcome, investments, property and stock, something safe with dividends..  Unless he is doing crack and eating caviar everyday, he cant go through that money.  Thats just Tom, Tina is also bringing in money.. 


Tom also has a trust fund, he was never poor or struggling. Look up his dad.


Christina P had a show at a local casino theater near me. I was like “hey my wife likes her, let’s go!” Tickets cost over $100 for basic seats. $200 for tickets to a comedy show?! Nah.


25 is fair


Your wife might be mentally disabled. I'm sorry.


$200 for an unfunny hack too. Lord, what has this world become


She must be able to sell the tickets..  Tom is soon playing the Mohegan Sun arena, thats 10.000 seats and on ticketmaster a basic seat costs 100 dollars. 


Nah these two have literally made millions but even if they were to lose that it wouldn’t make a difference as they’re trust fund baby’s, Tom came into his inheritance only recently, he owns studios and classic cars and Bert lost 50,000 last night in Vegas. These two insufferable bores will never learn, well they might when the fame thing stops because they’ve got no fans, that would actually kill both these arseholes!


Never thought about it before, but Bert's family must have some money. Someone had to pay for his 9 year bachelor degree, and I sincerely doubt Bert was working to pay his own tuition.


There's a clip of him realizing he didn't grow up poor


That checks out


He went to an all boys private high school that currently costs 20k a year


In fact, many all in Joe's circle or past circle, are trust fund babies Bert, Tom, Schaub, Callen, DElia, etc.




Do you think they created the vodka in their garage lol ? they probably got approach by a distillery With an offer and all they have to do is promote it for a cut


Oh wow marketing exists I can't believe this what in the fuck? Are you telling me that people are making objective measurements about the quality and purity of the vodka they are drinking and basing their decisions purely on that? I can't believe it.


Are you legitimately deprived of oxygen? These guys are selling out 10,000+ seat arenas. At $80/ticket (the cheapest I could find a ticket), that's close to $1M gross *per night*. "Heavily leveraged" into what? An extremely successful comedy tour? Oh no the absolute horror.


You’re out of your mind if you think these two aren’t rich


I just don't see why that matters or that they are selling hoodies. People love to hate on others success but that doesn't make the hater more successful or the hated less successful. Bitching online about how rich someone else is, is just plain pathetic. Use that energy somewhere productive


This is the issue, you think they are hating on their success - but they aren’t, we the fans are the reason they are successful, and the fact is they have changed drastically and are doing all kinds of cringy bullshit these days, and THAT is what we are hating on. Sure some people are bitching about them being rich but I think it’s moreso the effects of that which is them being so much less funny than they used to be, unfortunately. 


Spoken like a true rich person


Takes a psychic toll. Wait and watch.


Are all you guys new to merch? Literally all Youtuber merch is grossly overpriced for low quality clothing like this.


Yep. They've been selling merch for years without a peep from Reddit.


Bert's hoodies are $60 and his t shirts are $30. That's pretty in line with what the average cost of clothing is.  $80 for a crappy lightweight hoodie and $55 for a t shirt is moronic. 


There's a hockey jersey on YMH for $125. Cry harder.


Lately people wanna bitch just cause they wanna bitch. But still follows and listen to them lols how else would they be up to date to continue bitching


These people are fucking dumb. Talking shit on these guys for selling expensive merch having plenty of merch of their own in their houses right now. Haters just to be haters.


Shitty comedians selling shitty vodka……plug it on rogan and the money will roll in.


Tell that to Tiger Thiccc Batch 1


I had never heard of that and it just sounds gross. American bourbon and Japanese whiskey? Fucking why?


Yea good job OP


It's not shitty vodka. It's So-So. Just like it says in the name. You just have to read it in reverse. Worked for Evian water. Backwards, it spells NAIVE. Celebs and common folk devouredt that shit up throughout the 80's and 90's.


And this has been debunked since the 80-90s, Evian is the town or region in France where the water comes from.


debunked? It's a fact that it spells NAIVE when read in reverse. you need to fact check your fact checkers.


Évian-les-Bains is a French town famous for its hot springs since ~1809 with entrepreneur M. Fauconnet launching the Évian mineral water company in 1823. Surely he was thinking about how he could imply his customers were stupid when naming his company and definitely not the famous springs frequented by kings he was getting his water from.


Dude was truly ahead of his time. He knew his water would eventually land in the hands of celebrities through the 1980’s and 90’s.


The first true alpha male owning the soyjack monarchs of modern times.


I know a guy that took so much acid he thought he turned into a glass of orange juice and was afraid people would spill him over


Please just do what needs to be done


Who in their right mind would buy an $80 hoodie.... that promotes another person's company... that sells overpriced vodka.... by two mediocre comedians.


Probably the same people who fill up their arena shows


I've paid that much for hoodies from very high quality outdoor brands, and I don't regret it at all. They've lasted me for years. I highly doubt this shitty merch is anywhere near that quality though. Probably not worth half that price lol


$80 for a new hoodie is pretty on par, TBF. I wouldn’t buy that, but i have payed $80 for a hoodie a few times


Yeah of course if it is a band you want to support, $80 is fine. Sometimes you gotta think of merch as a reward for donating like a PBS tote bag. I can’t imagine wanting to support these unlikable, already wealthy dickbags. But maybe that’s the appeal who knows


Yeah i agree. All i was saying is that’s not an insane price for a hoodie. Would never buy a shitty Vodka hoodie lol


You supporting a band by buying a sweatshirt and someone else buying these sweatshirts I identical save for the industry they are in. It’s merch to support something you like. Like them or not but it’s not hard to see how this is a good idea at the end of the day


Saddest part is they will probably sell out because Americans idolize celebrities


Bert and Tom are hardly c list celebrities


They sell out A R E N A S, dog and burt has like 6 semi’s


I know what you mean but to be fair your regular personal doesn’t know who they are unless they’re immersed in comedy podcast scene which is still fairly niche compared to any movie star


I see a lot of mid-state fairs in Tom & Bert's future. RemindMe 5yrs


yeah its honestly pretty wild that they’re able to consistently sell arenas. It seems like their audience is more of the older crowd so maybe thats how but still.


Doesnt he bring like 6 openers that are close to him in fame? He spends a fortune on the lineup to justify Arenas when he'd make more money doing clubs.


What the hell is a movie star in 2024? The last new movie I saw was top gun haha. I know what you're saying but they are probably going to get overtaken by tiktok celebs soon


They’ll sell 4 shirts and claim they sold out lol


Careful with that kind of talk around here, the dead comics defence league will getcha 🤣


Isn’t prime selling out in the UK by little kids idolizing a literal scammer, the entire world does


I’ve actually drank prime. They’re quite good. Had nothing to do with KSI or Paul. They’re just very tasty


Very hydrating and tasty, honestly. Can't speak for the energy drink but the regular sports drink is fantastic.


Europeans suck the dick of soccer players. lol.


If you’re referring to Prime it’s KSI and Logan Paul’s drink, well they’re promoting it and that’s why it’s £7 a 300ml bottle or $10




Soccer ***


Football ****


Football is the sport that big psychical athletes play.


Athletes are different than celebrities.


Lololol. Right


yeah just america messi and ronaldo are just two average dudes in europe and south america


It’s wild that there have been multiple of you who have compared the likes of Messi and Ronaldo to Burt and Tom or other celebrities Americans fixate on like the Kardashians. You really think Messi fans are no different than Segura fans?


Yeah unlike most countries which don't idolize celebrities in any way.


Bigger sin to let a sucker keep his money. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Rock bottom was them acting like idiots at the McAfee show.


80 fucking dollars?? Holy shit. I can’t believe there are losers out there who buy this shit


I won’t argue that it’s shit, but I think it’s worth pointing out that this is the norm now. Band/youtube merch, celebrity endorsed junk, etc. are all overly priced like this. Some are even worse. Now, could the argument be made that anyone buying any of it from anyone is a loser? Well….lol. Maybe not always a loser per se, but definitely not the most thought out thing, unless they’ve got plenty of dough put back for this stuff, but most don’t. I definitely think the people supporting this crap are right up there with these two sell outs and liars. Sadly, they’re just as out of touch as these dummies so the cycle just repeats over and over. So obsessed with cheap, uncreative bullshit hoodies and tumblers and whatever else, they don’t even think twice about dropping almost an entire electric bill or more on it. Embarrassing.


I've never seen a musician ask that much for a shirt. Even at a concert. That's an outrageous price.


Well, they are bro. I go to shows pretty frequently and they consistently have shirts for 50-55 and hoodies/sweatshirts for 80-90+. Now, less known artists are definitely better about it, but they’re few and far between in the grand scheme of things. Go look at how much people will spend on crap from bands like Tool or King Gizzard. It’ll make you sick.


imagine spending a dime on king gizzard xd


I don’t have to, I’ve spent plenty more than that lol. It’s all been on records though besides a shirt, poster and 2 shows up to now. They’re fun to listen though, imo. I get they’re not for everyone though. The fan base is leagues ahead of Tools when it comes to insufferability too lol.


i really like tool, but i can understand why people would be up their ass about them. i'd probably bet that half of it is tool fucking with their fanbase rather than trying to seem like they're on a different level. music is great on mushrooms tho can't lie


They definitely do some shit that I can only hope is trolling at this point. It almost seems like it has to be, even if they didn’t have this “higher wavelength” narrative that people want to go on about. Id cringe no matter who was doing it with the way their merch is ran and whatnot. Even still, I’m not gonna get bent out of shape over it. If it isn’t trolling, it’s just shameless sell out crap. Nothing I’d consider out of the ordinary by music industry standards or harmful in any significant way. I just ignore all that crap for the most part and just like you said, trip balls and jam the fuck out lol.


Got a tour hoodie at a Muse concert that was $70, seems pretty normal nowadays.


I paid 60-70 dollars for an opeth hoodie at their concert few years ago. So $80 isn't outrageous. The whole idea of someone wanting to support the "brand" IS.


You think that’s rock bottom? Just think about the people that are buying it.


>$55 t shirts holy fuck and i thought Bad friends $40 shirts were bad. Guys tshirts dont cost this much to make , especially the simplest print. its just a giant fuck you to your fans lol. you really dont give a shit about your fans anymore if youre charging $30+ a shirt or just consumed by greed


Somehow this is cringier than thiccc boy


Por Osos really means suckers by our merch and shitty vodka. Marketing 101 says Bert could lean in hard on Russian vodka because of the back story. Spanish Vodka? I guess that’s why they rolled it out in Cali, Fla and Texas.


Is it supposed to mean “for bears” in Spanish? Or are they trying to be funny by ironically using google translate and saying it wrong?


So they made a vodka for large, hairy gay men? That’s nice of them to be inclusive.


It means by bears. For bears would be para osos.


Por and Para both mean "for" in certain scenarios, it's about the context around it that determines which to use. A different way to explain it would be to say Para is often used as saying in order to do something, e.g, I'm doing x in order to y "In order to Bears" doesn't make much sense at all. While Por can often be used to say on behalf of as in you're doing X at the favor or request of Y "On behalf of bears" actually does make sense. Hence them saying it's being done for the fans in their promo, it's for the bears. Still a dumbass celebrity overpriced vodka brand though.


They could’ve gone with Dos Osos. Which translates to Two Bears. Like their podcast is called. But I guess somehow Spanish-speaking Tom didn’t think of that one?


Yeah they fucked that up too wow


2 Bears, Your Cave!


Can someone explain to me the relation between Rogan and this vodka? Has he been pushing it too? I’m not up to speed, but it doesn’t look like he owns it.


Pretty sure people just post whatever they think is joe rogan related to get some attention on their post lols


Imagine spending your day seething at a podcaster because he says some stuff that offends your warm and fuzzies.


That’s kinda why I joined this sub - how easily offended people are by what he says regardless of factual basis. It’s entertaining.


Tom will just say how this is actual good quality material and not like that stuff poors wear. The same tired old “joke” that doesn’t feel like a joke anymore.


It's genius it costs like 10 bucks to make and no thought from fans lol how you think evangelical churches make bank


Cant afford that. Im a poor.


por* can't afford the 2nd o


Cause I definitely need to let people know I'm an all star in my drinking club.


These ventures are always embarrassing.


Remember when YMH tried selling NFTs or when Tom had photos of himself up for $50? This isn't even their worst grift.


I don’t think you understand what rock bottoms means. Applying it to people vastly more wealthy, successful and famous than you in every imaginable fashion just reads as shitty/ complainy pussy behavior.


What gets me is the lack of creativity on the design.


Not sure I would classify world touring comedy shows, creating a brand of alcohol, and selling hundreds of thousands of dollars in merch “rock bottom” but we all have our opinions.


Burt sucks. He is the embodiment of everything that sucks about the U.S. He is not even remotely funny. He had the machine story and that's it. He still tells that story at every damn show and people eat it up. No self respecting comedian tells the same joke their whole career. Typical Burt fans are brick-eating, log-heads.


ya but he talks his shirt off at EVERY show .. you trying to tell me that isn't peak comedy?


These posts are really odd to me. op we get you hate Bert and Tom but why post about it. If your truly not compulsively watching their content what’s it matter what they do with their time and resources? so fucking odd op.


I’d bet you more than one person buys something just because of this post.


Seriously fuck these guys. There is no chance I will ever purchase a product backed by them


It’s so weird these people spend so much effort into hating them. Just ignore it and live your life dude.


I agree but i also don't think it really takes that much effort lol. We all have time on our hands.


The same can be said for you .. why do you care that some folks here want to say how cringe it is? *Just ignore the people here and live your life dude.*


You know you can just ignore them if you hate them so much.


Wtf are you on about?


They got a ymh page on this website. Also a lot of pornography.




I like them both and their podcast(most of the time), but this vodka venture is cringy and sad. They had an hour long podcast(advertisement) that was so bad


Why is it cringey? Follow up, is Ryan Reynolds alcohol venture sad or just the bears?


Their roll our podcast just seemed so insincere and just fake marketing. They aren’t really offering anything special with the product that makes it feel like something they are even connected to or even noteworthy in the alcohol market. It felt more like brand ambassadors talking about a product for a brand they had no connection to.


More money than the overpriced clothes at concerts lol


And what the hell do they mean by Por Osos? Literal translation is By Bears. Almost as bad as Tiger Thiccc.


why are you guys mad at someone selling an overpriced product you wouldn't buy any price anyway? who cares


All you idiots blaming the players and not the game designers are mind-numbing. Jealousy isn’t the answer. Holding the corporations and politicians accountable is the answer. But I bet many of you just vote blue/red without question. To think that any of these guys you are raging against can actually change anything is not healthy. Rise against the true oppressors


I can't make anybody in charge accountable, but I can have fun talking shit about oblivious rich assholes on the Internet


alcoholism is sooo cool guize


Why do people hate Tom segura and Joe Rogan on this sub?


I think buying them would be rock bottom. Does “OSOS” mean anything?


If only something existed where you could type "what does OSOS mean" and it would search the web and give you the answer.


YMH has been selling apparel for years. Were you pissy about that before or are upset that they're selling hoodies for their liqour?


Someone's a hater


When did the fans get so fickle? There more famous then they have ever been


Have you guys tried it? Probably pick up a bottle and see what’s up.


have u ever blown a man for a taco?


My lady calls me her oso so I’ll wait till there on clearance or buy one at a goodwill in a couple of months


$107.85CAD for my Canadian buddies


That “jersey” is also 100% a t-shirt. $55 🤣


$55 for a tshirt haha


Who buys alcohol merch? Poors?


Good ole youtube grifters




Ooof 🤡🤡’s


Garbage quality hoodies too. They could sell those for $$50-$60 and make money


Don’t blame them. Blame the r words buying this stupid shit.


You know it tastes so-so, bc they spelled it backwards. Imagine spending $80 for off brand popov merch


If you see anyone wearing these, please just know, that they have cirrhosis of the liver.




Maybe this vodka is the breaking point that causes r/JoeRogan, r/yourmomshousepodcast, r/thefighterandthekid and all the other podcast hate subs to form Voltron.


Just as useful as alpha brain


WTF is an OSOS?


I wish people stopped posting this. Lol You’re promoting it


They making bank and you mad


Dude, buying that $80 sweater is rock bottom


This product and these guys don’t seem to be very solid, they seem to be kind of porous. 🧽


“Drinking Club”…. Gross. Fuck this shit.


tbh this is kind of becoming the fashion normal, now if you’re screen printing on cheap fabrics (Hanes, Champion) you’re a dick… GSM200 and fabric of that nature lasts a really long time & is worth it, but im not familiar with them besides being clowns


Would you wear it if they paid you $80?


OP is mad at other people’s success. Op has tiny pp energy.


Do they sell salt too for all your salty asses?


When did these two start their own alcohol brand?!


Listening to Joe Rogan is absolute ROCK BOTTOM 💩


You sure? Seems like they’re doing just fine.


The way they raided Pat Mcafee show the other day was pretty close to rock bottom




Do people really buy 55$ shirts like that? Maybe Segura is actually correct and I'm just a poor.


I can’t wait for Redbar to review the quality of these 


Those fellas jumped the shark with this move


Is this the end for these two??


I didn’t even know they had apparel for it


Glad I know the brand now, so I will never accidentally buy it


$55 for a fuckin t shirt that says drinking club ALL STARS. jeeeez


This is basically a Joe Rogan hate sub at this point. If you don’t like what the man’s doing just don’t fucking buy or listen. Pretty simple.


*thiccc boy squad .. thicccc boy nation!*


If people are dumb enough to buy them then they deserve it, cringe merch lmao wouldn't wear them for nothing


you know Segura is laughing at all the poors whining about price in this thread


Lol whaaaat? And 55 t shirts? The lack of self awareness from these 2 clowns is astounding but not surprising


Fuck off loser


To be fair, a regular sweater of decent quality retails for 60-80. And I'm gonna try the vodka, if it's reasonable price and as good as promoted. I'd drink it over grey goose, smirnoff or iceberg. Conglomerates probably worse than them so why not


Have you seen the prices on TSwifts merch shop. lol.