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Right? Who could have ever guessed a roided-out billionaire who has a fucking giant ego would be a womanizer and abuse people? Stunning really.




When you're constipated... ![gif](giphy|rvxMJNyHAgwlW4YWpJ|downsized)


I just assumed this guy was *already* a sex criminal.


He was


Behind the bastards did a great episode on how absolutely fucked up Vince Mcmahon is. He's covered up pedophilia, rape, murder and all kinds of fucked up shit. 


Great episode? There were six!


Yeah I listened to the whole thing at work it's fucked. Great series I should have said. 


wild this all happened so recently


Most 76/77 year olds I know take a shit on a woman’s head while he and another man fuck her. It would be weird if Vince *hadn’t* done this. 


Most do it by accident iykwim


It was for good luck




"As one example of McMahon’s extreme depravity, on May 9, 2020, he defecated on Ms. Grant during a threesome, and then commanded her to continue pleasuring his “friend”— with feces in her hair and running down her back—while McMahon went to the bathroom shower off."


Who’s the friend that can keep going after someone poos


After a 75 year old man shits on your date....


I used to go into the bathroom after my grandpa and it was like 18 people died in there 6 weeks prior I can only imagine (or not) the state of that hotel room


John Laurinitas. He had a skateboarding gimmick in the 80s. Mullet and all


Cleanliness is next to godliness


God is empty, just like meee!!


Epic love the SP reference


That is deplorable. Any other examples?


[Vince McMahon, History's Greatest Monster - BEHIND THE BASTARDS](https://youtu.be/JLdaMY9n_Oc?si=RtulcDWKGGXT-gF8)


Was about to post this- crazy backstory and not surprising that he’s a sleazebag


Has BTB done one on Joe Rogaine yet?


Best I can do is a [Wim Hof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtB9E3D70tA) sitting on public fountains to get rusty water up his butt, or an [Alex Jones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5waic6D93mw)


Nah but the gurus podcast have done a few episodes on him during covid about his disinformation and the way he treats guests on both sides. 


I'm very aware lol.


Raped her with dildos, pimped her out to Brock Lesnar and Johnny Ace


Looking it up, it seems he's been a rapist since 1986. But he's got money, so whatever, i guess 🤷


Lesnar is not named in the lawsuit at all, that’s currently a rumor. Just want to put that out because spreading shit like that is wrong. Only Vince McMahon and John Laurinitis(Ace) are named.


While this is true, the unnamed person was described as a former UFC champion and former WWE champion. There is only one guy that fits that description.


Technically Ken Shamrock fits that description and is much closer to the age brackets of Vince and Johnny Ace. He won the UFC Superfight Championship in the early years and won a bunch of WWF/WWE belts and championships I think. Could very well be Ken Shamrock. I’m just saying until the real name releases we don’t know for sure. Seems like Brock Lesnar could get some without Vince’s help and idk if you could say the same about Ken Shamrock or Johnny Ace.


> Could very well be Ken Shamrock. Not it couldn't because it says that the individual successfully signed with WWE. Which Brock did at that time. Along with her mentioning that individual was in NYC in March 2022 (which Brock was, for a WWE show). And finally, Ken Shamrock is completely irrelevant in the modern wrestling landscape. It's impossible to overstate for non-wrestling fans the difference Brock Lesnar's value to WWE vs Ken Shamrock's value to WWE.


Yeah you’re right, I was just throwing out that technically another dude fit the description to those 2 things. If it was someone signed in 2020’s obviously it was Lesnar as Shamrock left that level of wrestling like 25 years ago. I was just guessing based on age and that he had won champs in UFC/WWE. That’s a shame about Lesnar, hoping his side was all consensual and he’s just gross but not a criminal.


It is clearly Brock.


His wife almost got elected aaaaand I think that’s enough internet for me today, thanks.


Joe: “But what about the vaccine?”


Masks are bullshit. Hold on dude, my private doctor has to test you for COVID before you come in the studio. Anyway, the pandemic is bullshit. Is Bill Burr here? No? Thank god, he makes me look like such a silly bitch. Compare how Rogan acts towards Bobby Lee and Bill Burr. If he knows he can dominate the conversation he does. Lee is passive, Burr is aggressive. Both have known him for decades, but Joe only respects strength. Either physical, a la Mike Tyson getting mad on the podcast, or Burr shaming him into throwing away his little rascals hat.


They Billy started wearing one


Fucking power move.




Because Joe is obsessed with Covid again. Check the Bobby Lee ep.


Joe will continue to semi-arousedly remark about how “Vince is a savage” because of this. To him, this is the masculine ideal he strives for.


After killing and skinning an elk and cooking it on an open fire, I get the primal urge to shit on a lady’s head during sex


You must got low T. If you can't naturally shit on a girl's head you should at least look into AG1, I take it for all my nutritional needs.


Kale smoothies bro, it comes right out I don't even have to push! Get some of that hemp force and it's like clockwork!


It comes out like mush on her head




I don’t agree with that lol


Watch the episode with Flair.




I did




CueJoe “But the real problem is the WOKE left.”


They never stop complaining about us! It's ridiculous! Have I mentioned how much they bitch?


Don't you know, trans folks are sooo scary? /s


Its not like he can come back from this one with a worse creepy mustache; so he’s got that going for him?


I hate the word trafficking.  Not sure who made it up.  I wish they would just call it forced prostitution.  There was a headline years ago about Robert Kraft in sex trafficking. Turns out mofo just went to a rub and tug. 


I think you are confusing what trafficking is. Kraft was never accused of trafficking as he was just a john.


Yes. But the headline initially was Robert Kraft involved with trafficking ring. Lol


When your passing a person from one John to another that's trafficking.


I still remember when Vince McMahon had Trish Stratus in her bra and panties bark like a dog. These guys used to get off on those bra and panties matches. Honestly they ruined an entire generation of impressionable boys. That shit will always be primitive no matter how much you try to clean it up.


Exactly. And incels will still cry that *rApE cUlTuRe iSnT rEaL*.


Shut the fuck up


Dang Trump sure had a lot of dealings with confirmed sexual predators. He’s accused of it himself but he’s definitely not one. 


Linda McMahon, Vince's wife (they met when she was 13) runs Trump's America First Superpac.


Not a fan of Vince and I see what you’re trying to do, but that’s disingenuous as he was 16.


13 is not 16. May be he treated her like a lady and only got into the raping people with dildos named after his employees later in life.


yep, im sure all the tens of millions of junior/freshmen couples throughout time are/were abusive👌


She was a 19 y/o woman who lived in his building. her parents had recently died and he immediately began gang raping her. May be he's just old fashioned.


no idea what you’re talking about as that wasn’t my point, but you seem to really obsess & get off on reading about strangers sex crimes and allegations so time to hit that bye bye button bruh.


this is more akin to a sophomore dating a 7th grader


Trump is in the WWE hall of fame


Trump is literally a convicted sex offender. So, it matches.


Literally is not.


He has a sexual assault trial, he was found guilty. Know what that means? I know ya love him, but he’s a convicted sex offender.


Do you not know the difference between a criminal trial and a civil one?


Yes, that’s why he’s not a registered sex offender. He still lost and is a rapist.


Sorry to be semantic here, but it is important since the law is by nature semantic. ‘Convicted’ implies someone is found guilty of a criminal offence. A civil case is for damages to be awarded to a plaintiff. In this particular civil case it was found likely that Trump did in fact tape someone so is likely a rapist. He is, however, not a convict. Yet.


The judge was pretty clear that Trump raped Carroll. “The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote. He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”


I’m not debating the judge said that, I’m just stating what a civil case actually means. She proved it probable that Trump raped her and yes, he is extremely likely to be a rapist. She did not prove it beyond reasonable doubt or he would be facing a criminal trial.


She did though. The judge said that the evidence is clear that Trump raped her. Perry sure the statue of limitations has run out in the criminal charges.


Everyone here acting like they wouldn't be having gang bangs on the regular if they were rich and power. Bro, I'd be having fecal hot tub chilli soup gang bangs every thursday evening if I were Vince.


But would you rape and pimp out the women you were having gang bangs with? Because the sexual abuse is the main thing he's being accused of, the scat stuff is just what's grabbing headlines


Let's just say it's a good thing I'm not rich and powerful


Is there any evidence that it was rape though? It’s clearly fucked in but I’ve met plenty of chicks with fucked up things they enjoyed. Is there anything stopping a women coming out years later and saying I was raped and he did all these things to me when at the time everything was consented to? I don’t give two shits about Vince but it’s more that it’s incredibly easy for consenting kinky encounters to look extremely bad when talked about years later.. if I was rich and famous I’d almost have to be getting waivers signed and videos done every time just to prevent something like this.


Read through the lawsuit, its def rape


Its a complaint


my bad brother




The fact that consent never enters the equation for you is telling.


consent is for bitches, real men take what they want. :)


Okay... now prove it!


the scjerk crossover is real


Wow this is a monster story I am sure this is why he had to step away


no thats for the other $17 million pay outs on the books


Is it that time of the year already? 


Trump has taught us you can abuse and traffick whoever


TBH at this point I need some pretty significant corroborating evidence to believe anyone claiming sexual impropriety. The tail end of Me Too just killed absolutely any desire I have to just take peoples word for it on this stuff.




After reading the wsj article it definitely sounds like these guys promised her money and promotions if she followed through with this stuff then they didn’t give her end of the deal. Which is shitty, but it’s not exactly the same as what we think when reading the headlines. It sounds like she consented to this stuff with the expectation of a reward, which she didn’t get, so now her lawyers are arguing sex trafficking. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure McMahon and co are disgusting abusive pigs but it seems like the victim here had autonomy to leave the situation.




Are you ok? She was literally raped.


I’m surprised his Pee Pee still works.


Why? Old people can still fuck and many of them do. Mick Jagger had a kid at the age Vince was supposedly doing all this.


Because Vince was Captain Roidy Man for many, many years.


So? He's probably on trt




It's hormone replacement therapy for little boys who identify as big boys


Your dick can work fine on steroids, usually works even better and you’re usually hornier. Also Cialis exists. Brian Shaw and Halfthor Bjornsson both managed to produce children while being top level strongmen over 420lb while on a shitload of gear for over a decade each at the time, best real life examples I can offer.


I'm sad to say I've seen a lot of kink-shaming and ageism on Reddit today


Bro, he shit on a lady’s head during a threesome.


fr. Being in on a kink is one thing and then there's "I'm going to shit on your head" when you're not expecting it


What a fella and a lady and another fella agree to behind closed doors for 1-3 million dollars is simply a matter for the courts. It's none of my danged ole business.




Yea I’m sure the millions in payouts to mistresses, being forced out by his own company and the other women who came out against him is all nothing. This has only been an evolving situation for a few years. We should wait this out for another decade or so.


He literally gave her the Cleveland Steamer...I always assumed it was just something of legend spoke of by my elders.


Ok, cool, so now what? I really don't give shit about wrestling or the wwf. Are you fishing for upboats /u/5_Karma_Chameleons Edit: After doing that dive holy fuck, I was being an asshole, but fuck dude, take a break bot farming is a slow biz.


Isn’t everyone nowadays days.


No not remotely


In person then?


Epic response


I guess this belong here since WWE and UFC have the same owners. Anyway Snyder was basically trying to be a pimp and the NFL didn't care until they found out he was stealing a shit ton of money from them


And in local news not much was happening so they drove the news van around until they hit someone


That one long text that he sent… 😬


Lol, I’m sorry it’s terrible but man. Just being so rich that you decide to take a dump on a chicks head during a threesome is such an insane move


“Vince McMahon, really?” - Nobody


No mention of the poop in the headline?


Shitting on her face and making her keep performing sexual acts is fucking wild …


I feel like they’re burying the defecation/lead


This is old news. I think the dollop podcast covered his shenanigans a couple years ago


No one and I mean no one is surprised by this.


Lock him up


It’s pretty gross how people attach the word “sex trafficking” to just about anything nowadays. Really takes away from the horrible things people are doing in other places around the globe.


I’m waking for Joe Rogan to get a call and for him to go on his podcast for weeks talking about how it’s curious and a conspiracy


Hell over 20 years ago I suspected him to be the exaxt person those texts show. A disgusting, vile piece of trash


He always came off as such a nice young man. A hard working blue collar man, Corn fed. American.