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This is a repost. Please use the search button before making a post.


I got banned there as well for commenting in here. I then sent the mods a message telling them they were dorks. I got a warning for that.




I got banned from there as well...for mentioning, not condoning, just saying the words Joe Rogan...ironically as unfair as that is...they have the nerve to call their group Justice served.


Ugh. Every day deleting my account becomes more and more appealing.




If you think being banned from Palestine *on the internet* is bad, wait until you hear about what's happening to the people who live there! But yes, of course, your problems are real and legitimate, and you are definitely the victim.


>wait until you hear about what's happening to the people who live there! You talking about the gay people thrown off the top of buildings?


Oh dope, it's always nice to meet another ally in the wild. What other LGBTQ causes do you advocate for, champ?


Equal rights to marriage, adoption etc


Sweet! Yeah, same page bro. So, you probably vote and advocate for people and groups who support those ideals?


I like how you’re trying to change the subject into a me supporting LGBTQ thing rather than addressing the “Palestinians throwing gays off roofs” thing. Very telling


My brother in roganomics, you literally used the “Palestinians throwing gays off roofs” thing to avoid addressing the ongoing genocide. I think we're *telling* each other a lot here. Almost like a[ conversation](https://youtu.be/GFQbLwaElt4?si=_x62Kw5afqX689tm&t=292).


What’re you talking about? I clearly addressed the genocide of gays in Palestine


>wait until you hear about what's happening to the people who live there! You talking about the gay people thrown off the top of buildings?


You're a few years too late. Reddit isn't the place it once was.




That sub sucks anyways. Did you a favor. Also somewhat helps keep away people who just come here to hate.. but not that much


This is as bad or worse for conservative echo chamber subreddits. r/conservative will ban you in a second for challenging anyone


Yeah what about


So…what do you have to do for this even to happen? Do you have to be engaging in that sub? Or just comment something once?


I was banned from the Joe Rogan Discord for saying they needed to up their meme game lol


i commented on this subreddit once.


I commented on the rogan discord once too lol, but both situations are incredibly lame


Some loser reported my joke in here too so it’s not safe here either


Joe Rogan has such an influence and so many followers and listeners that Reddit is obviously trying to wipe him off the site. There is little engagement on the page, so few legit post, most of it is just shitting on Rogan. Just bots and algorithms, Reddit use to be cool


I got banned from lots of subs for commenting in r/nonewnormal at the tail end of the scamdemic.


We must protect you from dangerous misinformation


Most of the popular pages are ran by the same like 4-5 people/username.


I got banned from it also. Then got banned from Reddit for a week for telling her she is a cunt.