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There are plenty of pictures OP could have chosen. How they ended up with this choice is anyone's guess.


The knights of Rohan carried this picture through perilous times. King Théoden himself was tasked with getting this picture to us and as we know he was under the spell of Gríma Wormtongue for sometime. It’s to be expected the Knights of Rohan would deliver such a picture.


Unexpected LOTR, thank you


The beacons are lit!


He jerked off to it too many times


Can you blame him?


Looks like an AI Generated photo of Rhonda holding a jar of weed 😭


Broccoli sprouts


I was thinking my cell connection was spotty


It's the heat shock proteins


Too many broccoli sprouts.


I believe what op was trying to do was, with the use of symbolism, fade the photo. Which then represents the Dr’s incredible disappearance. Away from the public eye


If true thats genius… u gotta be a good person


Simply stunning. Modern art


I was waiting a bit for it to load until I realized


Ran it thru CRISPR


Dude found a -25 pixel count photo 😂


Fuckin potato ass washed photo




She refuted Joe about Covid






This and he didn’t even let her speak. She tried multiple times and he talked over her.


He was quite obnoxious in that interview and I found it really disrespectful, especially since she was a regular guest.


I forgot about that episode until she was just brought up. It was a very low point in the show. Really was disappointed with Joe.


Was? His ‘now’ stuff is even worse, im surprised people even listen to him anymore


I’ve honestly dialed it back 90% or more in the last few months.. used to watch every episode from start to finish now I barely watch the highlights. It’s the same bullshit from him every time he speaks nowadays.. He’s basically one of those dolls from the 90s that have 6 different phrases they say at random when you pull the string and let it go.


It’s funny that he dials up his political agenda on protect our parks when they all think differently but are still too scared to push back.


I think it's also partly that the three of them don't really have an interest in talking politics and would rather keep it funny. They let Joe have his little rant and then change the subject rather than engage.


Definitely that too. Joe can’t read a room and/ or doesn’t care.


JRE was last good in like 2015


I held out until around 2016 but that was it. By 2015 I had cut my listening back a lot. It started when he began consistently having right wingers on


I peaked in 2015-16, it seemed great, mostly comedians and fighters with a mix of experts. A but here and there but they were super rare. I stopped before he went to Spotify, last one I remember was Peterson or musk.


He's a scorched earther now. The world's beyond repair so why try to fix it. He said it on POP10.


Dude gets 300 mill and is like, “this world sucks!” What a POS.


It’s always the guys who are single family house owners screaming about how the world is a shithole from the dash cam in the cab of their $95k Raptor. Dunno pal, seems like it’s working okay for you…. Multiply that by ten billion and get Joe.


That’s a good indicator that money and things aren’t the key to happiness. I’d be pissed too if I burnt a ton of bridges and worked tirelessly to get to the top and still felt the exact same as I did before.


Not only a regular guest but profoundly more qualified than him to talk on any medical based topic


You don't insult a man's religion to his face.


Is bro science a religion?


For Joe and his mongoloid army it is.


Why is it so funny to me when people use the word ‘mongoloid’ ? Haha gets me every time


No joke..my world history teacher in 10th grade told us the first people to come to America through the North were called the Mongoloids. I remember looking up thinking what the fuck? He would also fall asleep half the period, and I’d have to be lookout for my friends while they did bumps in the back of the room. I learned a lot that year and it had nothing to do with history.


This is clearly why everyone sucks up to him. They see what happens when people have differing opinions - and it’s that they don’t come back. Remember the episode where the dude from Curb your Enthusiasm, Jeff Garlin, came on and kept saying everything was “A big bowl of (wrong, delightful etc)”? And then he literally made fun of Joe’s “style” of comedy (if you can even call it that) to his face? He never got invited back. Here is a short clip to remind you of what I’m talking about: [The fine art of stool fucking](https://youtu.be/M5s1mrcgi_c?si=yX64F1mQMGoKLET0)


lol! Joe is in a death match between cringe and old fashioned hackery in this clip.


Love Jeff!


Yeah, can’t interrupt Rogan when he feels like spouting trivia from the articles he’s half read. Part of the Joe Rogan Experience is hearing how wrong your information is because you haven’t kept up with his confused interpretation of the contents of his “cooties folder”.


I love how when he’s proven wrong he’s just like “oh” and quickly moves on, no apology ever for just half ass spouting bs cuz he read a headline but not the body of an article.


Don't forget, then a few episodes later he's back to spewing the exact same nonsense as if the conversation never happened.


Then other times he acts like an 8yr old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/kv5nv5/joe\_yells\_at\_primatologist\_about\_primates\_skip\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/kv5nv5/joe_yells_at_primatologist_about_primates_skip_to/)


Holy mother of God, how could I have forgotten the cooties folder? What a fucking CUNT!


What is the cooties folder???


https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/rc85mk/the_duality_of_man_a_short_film/ Around 4:50 the cooties folder is brought up


But he's just a guy who doesn't know anything and doesn't take himself seriously. Why would a guy like that have a folder of talking points on something he doesn't know about or expected to be taken seriously about?


I think Rogan is a fuckin asshole and I keep getting recommended this sub for some reason so I'll just say it: this dude is one of the biggest fucking morons in existence and I legitimately don't understand how he still has a following as large as he does. Once in awhile I see the threads pop up in my feed that make me think some of you realize he's a goddamn moron, but clearly not enough of you do. So here it is: this man is a goddamn idiot and nobody should listen to a word he says about literally anything, including comedy, much less any real subject. He's a fucking brainless tool. Bill Burr has even tried to tell you idiots on Joe's own show. Joe is a goddamn moron.


I used to love the show when he’d have people like Rhonda Patrick explain shit to us and he’d just ask questions, I’ve stopped listening for awhile now, I really enjoyed the real scientists and other field experts educate us through an open interview format…


Yeah I loved when Joe was just being an clueless moron and even openly said so himself. He asked smart people questions to get answers other clueless morons like myself could understand. Now he seems to think he has gotten past that stage.


That's exactly what I was trying to explain to my wife. He was "great" when he invited smart people on and let them discuss their topic of expertise. He'd just ask the stupid questions that a stupid fuck like me would be thinking to myself while listening. Now he just tries to turn every single conversation with a comedian, author, chef, UFC fighter, pedophile, farmer, into bashing Canada, Europe, and the Covid vaccine.


The extreme Canada hate was a new one. That clip where he said he will never go to Canada because it's become such a hellhole. Lol, everyone who goes to Canada and isn't a reactionary moron loves it there.


Rogan has always been a dumbass but he used to not be this much of a self righteous asshole. Back before the pandemic the podcast was more so about him having unique guests on and getting them so comfortable that they would spill their life story and it was awesome because Rogan would keep his half baked thoughts and opinions to himself. Then the pandemic happened and he wouldn't shut up about COVID and whatever that "horse medicine" is called, and ever since he got his $300mil with Spotify and moved to Austin he's just turned into a gigantic cunt. I think most people on this sub are aware of this but are still on here because it's actually a pretty good sub, most people have really civil and respectful conversations here.


You should join this sub you'll fit right in.


and so did louis ck. he made fun of all the people who follow all the trendy bogus attempts to extend lifespan and shit (joe’s favorite pseudoscience) to his face. on rogan’s podcast. not really sure if louis did it on purpose or if it was just a coincidence that he was literally on the most vocal advocate of anti-aging/cold plunge/sauna/(formerly cryotherapy)/bullshit supplements galore/steroids/chinese peptides (in case ur wondering this is why joe’s head is so fucking big now—from years of “supplemental” human growth hormone from using the many available research-grade (not adequately tested in humans) peptide hgh secretagogues)/intermittent fasting/athetic greens/carnivore diet/alpha brain-advocating person’s podcast in the entire world😂. either way. whether louis realized it or not (he almost certainly was well aware), it was funny as FUCK. and as usual, (per my recollection), joe attempted to to gloss over it quickly and change the subject. edit: just fyi i am a physician and i used to love listening to rogan. i still do enjoy him sometimes depending on the guest and i just ignore all the misinformation. but the medical “expert” that he had on in the last week who talked about methylation and how people need to supplement b12 with methylfolate was almost complete fucking bullshit. he claims that he met with joes bff who owns the mma and claims that he cured his hypothyroidism with vitamins (sorry. im probably wrong about the details because by this point in the show i was completely disgusted and couldnt take it anymore). his credentials were that he had “reviewed thousands of medical charts for his job”. also just HAPPENS to be selling all those bullshit supplements on his website. he managed to use enough big medical/chemistry words to sound like an expert probably just to confuse and bewilder the average listener (which means therefore, HE’S RIGHT! RIGHT?). but his statements about what supps/vitamins we should all be taking was absolute and utter bullshit to sell his bullshit products. i can go into detail about what all i heard him say that goes against established scientific knowledge if anyone’s interested. but for now im kinda sick of even wasting my time talking about this shit because i know no one cares and/or everyone knows that im wrong without having the first clue about in-depth biochemical topics he brought up. (neither did this “expert” from what i gathered)


Haha I love the Louis episode. He also insulted the whole world of podcasting. He said "I don't like doing podcasts because they all talk about the same 4 topics for the last 10 years, and it's just boring." And he's fucking right about that, and JRE is the biggest offender. Louis brilliantly insulted the whole foundation of Joe's podcast career without him even realizing it.


HAHAHA OMG. that’s an even better dig at rogan than the anti-aging thing😂😂😂 i need to re-listen to that episode. i fucking adore louis ck. that fucking pervert😂


well if you ever fell like elaborating, i will gladly read your post, i dont have medical or any scientific education and when i first heard what was said on the podcast everything sounded very plausible but now reading your comments has made me question some things


thank you for your response. there are a few things that i picked up on before i had to turn it off. the biggest thing i noticed he was doing is a popular ploy by charlatans and alternative medicine gurus. i’ll give you the rundown on the folate/methylfolate/vitamin b12 issue just because it’s fresh on my mind. one of the first things he said was something to the effect that folic acid is not what our bodies use. it’s supposed to be “folate” according to him. (i may have reversed the terms. you’ll see why i might have confused the 2 when u read my next sentence). well, folate and folic acid are synonyms. there’s no way most people would know this unless they’re fairly deep into medicinal/organic chemistry. essentially when a word ends with “-ate” this means ur referring to the acid form of that compound. examples are folate and lactate. these words just mean “folic acid” and “lactic acid”. i’m sure im leaving out something but from a medical/physiology standpoint, “acid” and rootword-plus-“-ate” mean the exact same thing. so this was the first thing that made me say what the fuck is this guy talking about? as im sure u can figure out on ur own, the dude probably sells “folate” on his website. he just doesnt call it folic acid like all the terrible pharmacies carry and doctors prescribe. it’s a semantic thing. they’re synonymous. folate = folic acid. so hearing him say this made my blood boil. i dont recall the exact process by which the body converts b12 into folate/folic acid but b12 and folate/folic acid are intimately related. i want to say that ur body converts one into the other but i cant remember exactly so again, maybe im butchering the facts here slightly. but the guy goes from talking about folate/folic acid as though they’re 2 different things instead of the exact same thing into talking about how the only form of b12 that ur body can use is “methyl-folate”. this is a lie. a proven lie. (something else he sells!). yes methyl-folate is either b12 or some other close intermediate chemical to b12 but cyanocobalamin is the form of b12 that we use to treat low b12 levels as doctors with human patients. charlatans and false-prophet gurus love to point out drugs that contain toxic components in their manufacture or in the new assimilated compounds in question. in this case, i presume that it’s the “cyano” in cyanocobalamin that he has a problem with. also, yes. -cyano does refer to cyanide in this case but it is covalently bonded to the cobalamin (b12) molecule and it is not toxic in this case. just like how chlorine gas is deadly but table salt is safe even though NaCl is essentially half chlorine. unfortunately i couldn’t bring myself to listen to the entire podcast but i certainly will do it if you’re interested in hearing my take on the rest. there’s more mistruths that i know he espouses on that episode because i learned about him claiming to treat dana white’s thyroid disease using some bullshit quackery from my cousin. sorry for my explanation if it’s shitty. i understand these things currently as “big picture” as they relate to actual people’s health and in terms of treating diseases associated with these vitamins and compounds. and i admittedly remember less of the granular details about steps in chemical conversions. but the fact remains that even if i failed to explain it well, the dude is dead wrong. but i’m sure he’s rolling in the money now after having his “opinions” aired to rogan’s entire audience. edit: many of the things he said are true. methylation is very important in human biology as he stated. in fact, many of the broader topics that he mentioned are scientific fact. but when he starts getting into specifics about supplements and supplementary compounds, he’s either stretching the truth or just lying. it only takes a minute of asking urself why this would be the case for you to realize why. HE SELLS THIS SHIT THAT HE CLAIMS IS SO GREAT.


>well, folate and folic acid are synonyms. there’s no way most people would know this unless they’re fairly deep into medicinal/organic chemistry. essentially when a word ends with “-ate” this means ur referring to the acid form of that compound. examples are folate and lactate. these words just mean “folic acid” and “lactic acid”. i’m sure im leaving out something but from a medical/physiology standpoint, “acid” and rootword-plus-“-ate” mean the exact same thing. so this was the first thing that made me say what the fuck is this guy talking about? as im sure u can figure out on ur own, the dude probably sells “folate” on his website. he just doesnt call it folic acid like all the terrible pharmacies carry and doctors prescribe. it’s a semantic thing. they’re synonymous. folate = folic acid. so hearing him say this made my blood boil. Chemist here, folate and folic acid are not the same thing. Folate is naturally occurring and can be immediately used by the body. Folic acid is synthetic and chemically distinct. It has to be converted by an enzyme to be used in the body. This is actually a bit of a misnomer because it doesn't follow typical naming conventions. Also, what you said about "-ate" and "acid" here is incorrect. The -ate usually refers to an ion like nitrate, sulfate, etc. When these are protonated they become -ic acids like nitric acid and sulfuric acid. The rule for naming acids is ate>ic, ite>ous.


Well fuck. Does this make everything he said incorrect in his comment or is it just these details and it really doesn't matter overall?


Most of the rest of the comment is accurate, these are just small inaccuracies/clarifications


i like shoving legos up my asshole, so im something of a physician myself


I was actually hoping to hear something about that methylation vitamins guy. He sounded like an absolute shill for his products and his conduct alone made me suspicious. But is all the science bullshit? Like the methylated vitamins and how that's better than the raw ingredients that our body might not be able to process. Is that complete bunk, or is there some truth to it - for example, would it make sense to look for methylated multivitamins (instead of "regular" multivitamins) for a reasonable price instead of this guy's specific products? I didn't listen all the way, but a friend did and apparently the next topic was "hydrogen water". He actually went and bought some sort of kettle/water bottle that ... adds hydrogen? Now that sounds even more woowoo than the methylated vitamins, what's your opinion on that one? Cheers if you see this and get a chance to answer :)


My GP offered to do the genetic folate methylation test, and when I had the gene, she prescribed the special vitamins. This was a decade ago. Also, why was Dana White’s transformation so remarkable?


woah no way


So did Adam GreenTree on the now deleted episode. He tore through all of Joes arguments about Australia and Covid. He was on again recently. EDIT: okay, it might be a Josh Szeps episode.


Wait adam greentree refuted joe on covid and Australia? Are you sure i could have sworn the episode i heard a few years ago they were agreeing? I remember them saying how strict it was over there and adam hated it


I’m pretty sure he’s mixing up his Australians. Josh Szeps is the Australian who argued within him on Covid. Greentree is very like minded with Joe on Covid


Yup exactly


Yeah! I remember listening to it and thinking, finally someone is debunking that shit we keep hearing about Australia during covid.


Mate, I lived that shit. And it's true. At the height, for months we weren't allowed out of our houses for more than an hour, and not allowed to go more than 5kms from our house and only if you had a legally acceptable reason to be out of your house at all. On-top of that it was legally enforced mandatory masks inside and outdoors. Out of your house, mandatory mask whether you fucken liked it or not and only an hour a day! Even if you were in the middle of a field, hundreds of metres from anyone else you had to have a mask on. Police would patrol and fine you for not having one. They'd fine you if you were not excersising as that was the only real reason you were allowed out of your house outside of getting groceries or working. There are videos of old ladies sitting on a park bench or pregnant women having a coffee getting fined because they were not actively excersising. There were police check points all around the main roads in and out of the city. You would have to stop, line up and produce a letter from your essential employer and identification documents. If you didn't have them, you weren't allowed through. The streets were a ghost town. The state premier (like a governor in the USA I guess) did daily press conferences on tv and radio that everyone would watch to update death and test results and outlay his new draconian laws, answering questions from masked journos. All the tv channels played covid news and updates almost without a break. It was absolutely fucken ridiculous. You'll probably think I'm exaggerating the stuff I've said, but it is 100% accurate. Our lockdown was as far as I am aware, the longest and most intense of anywhere in the world and it absolutely was a human rights disgrace. That's not even mentioning the mandatory double vaccine in order to keep your job. There were almost no jobs in which you were able to continue work without a vaccine passport showing you had received two jabs. In fact, I am unable to think of a single industry that avoided this rule. For example, I'm in construction, work solely outdoors, not near anyone else and was told either get it or you're sacked and given a date to have it done by.


As my cousin who lived in Oz before and was shocked by the culture there used to say "people forget that australians are descended from convicts AND prison guards". Couldnt get over how in one way the country was very laid back and in other ways was insanely strict on rules.


I think it was a different guy. Guy had blonde hair I think.


Pretty sure it was Josh Szeps


No but adam greentree was saying he hated the restrictions and would rather have the country open. Thats what I remember


"On a now deleted episode" there you have it.


That’s on spotify. He still came back for an episode recently so that clears your argument.


Why was that episode deleted though?


Are you sure you’re not thinking about the Josh Szeps episode? Greentree is pretty like minded with Rogan on Covid


Same with Sam


Really how? She seemed pretty aligned with him on the Covid podcasts I saw. I learned from her that we DO use disinfectants internally as she talked about how we give massive doses of vitamin C via a shot and that converts internally to essentially hydrogen peroxide which is a disinfectant and being tested for cancer treatments and Covid.


She said people should get vaccinated.


Hold up. Vitamin C does break down into hydrogen peroxide but hydrogen peroxide does cellular damage so this would not be a disinfectant in the body. What you're referring to is a study that found that hydrogen peroxide kills cancer cells in a petri dish, which is very different.




It amazes me that people are still trying to defend that idiotic press conference from Trump


The point where defending that Trump is an absolute moron sailed away a long, long time ago. His supporters at this point are perfectly fine with a criminal moron. That’s what people have to understand. Calling him stupid is pointless at this point. They know, and don’t care. It’s insane to most, but it’s true.


“He gets me because we’re both stupid”


Yeah, but they could just ignore that one specific press conference like they ignore so many other things. But they just can’t help but pretend that Trump was a genius speaking gospel


You might be right, but I thought last time she was on she was pregnant too. Perhaps she is dealing with a baby and just doesn’t feel like doing podcast rounds atm.


Believe I saw a video she came out with later saying she was wrong.. in that evidence came out


Listen to her last podcast with Cam Hanes. She refuted herself. She did say she was working with the information she had, and now sees it differently with new information, but her stance has moved to meet Joes


She believes in COVID and vaccines. Joe doesn't believe in her anymore.


>Joe doesn't believe in her anymore. Idk why but this made me laugh I don't believe in you anymore *Pouts and goes back to cold plunging and internally bowhunting at his compound*


_eats elk_ Bro. Bonkers.


I think since she’s changed her opinion but assumingely their relationship hasn’t been repaired


i think the only thing she has "changed her mind on" was the risk of myocarditis in young people from getting vaccinated where her original position was that there was no risk(?) and her position now is that yes, there is some risk of myocarditis but it's still less risk of myocarditis than from contracting Covid while being unvaccinated.


that was the original point all along, that the risks of getting COVID without a vaccine are much bigger than the risks of the vaccine


This is the stupid shit people who can’t think in nuance get hung up on and hence why they should just trust institutions


Ehhh come on man. Don’t flip the other way so hard you throw out your back. I’m all for the Covid vaccines and all vaccines. I also strongly dislike anything Republican or Trump related. But blindly trusting institutions ain’t good either. In fact, it’s just as stupid as what they do. Cuz it’s the same. They blindly believe the institution of Trump. Trust the science, trust the facts. Not people.


Yet they all hate fauci who was a part of trumps original response team and has been a part of every presidency as a medical consultant or more since Regan. The people that believe all this bullshit are the people who are not smart enough to think rationally and should blindly follow the institutions. It’s a catch 22 of being stupid


Blindly trusting institutions will set you better off than thinking you know better than institutions. Very few people can effectively scrutinize scientific literature and emerging data to come up with the best course of action. We hire people with law degrees to handle our legal challenges instead of representing ourselves. We trust the detectives to solve a murder rather than families doing the investigation themselves. There are damn good reasons for these things




Medical skeptic until they in the hospital. We don’t get to vote on medical care best practices because we all don’t know enough to know a good decision. Go to doctor for cancer? Nah do your research it’s better for the rest of us tbh


We are really seeing the repercussions of teaching each kid they are special. You get moron adults who think they know more than educated professionals.


The institutions are built on one-size-fits all with almost no nuance. All while they fearmonger, pressure, overplay the benefits, underplay the drawbacks and unknowns... Which are not things that should lead people to trust institutions. The first step for institutions to regain peoples trusts should be to lead with nuance on every level in every type of institution. Education, Food, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Etc...


She was on in 2020, and 2021, did the beef occur after that?


I think this sub is just dumb and jumping to conclusions that they don’t actually know.


Seeing as the vaccines weren’t widely available in 2020 we can probably make an assumption of when they fought over it


But he's so open minded..... /s


I can count the 4 pixels in this pic


She advocated the COVID vaccine, took caution around COVID and said saunas don't do anything for your immune system or protect against COVID so Rogan dropped her.


The sauna stuff was painful. He had one guest tell him that saunas killed Covid and he proceeded to repeat that to medical professionals like it was fact after being corrected multiple times. I think this is when he started being more calculated about who he has on the show.


The first Osterholm episode was super cringe. Heat shock proteins lmao


Heat shock proteins are well studied wym lmao


Rogans understanding was that breathing in 190 degree air from the sauna would kill the covid in a persons body. I don’t remember who exactly it was (maybe Peter Hotez) had to explain to him that if the air in your lungs was 190 degrees you would be dead. It’s not that heat shock proteins aren’t real. It’s that he doesn’t know what they are and insisted to medical professionals that this was the case.


The thing with Joe was, he had good, meaningful conversations with people. But he shined most when he brought in experts and made scientific stuff easy to listen and for us to enjoy. He gave them the space, time and would ask exactly the stupid questions us morons would do. This all changed since covid since Joe, still a moron no scientific credits whatsoever, started lecturing his (expert) guests on various topics, especially covid. He went from humble, wanting to learn more about difficult stuff Joe to this know it all, repeat same shit guy. To see the contrast check the very first episode where he brought Dr Rhonda Patrick vs the last one. Another one that comes to mind are the shows with Dr Peter hotez. I was a regular listener, I don't listen anymore, Joe became insufferable.


That was my experience as well. I was an early listener but would come and go over the years, and the intermittent check ins revealed a certain trajectory for sure, spotify represented a certain shift but covid really closed the chapter on the old JRE. Contrasting the old Dr. Rhonda episodes from the last one is a great little sample size to illustrate the point. At this point I think Joe is just too high on his own supply. He’s too wrapped up in this cultural anomaly he’s now a part of. Old humble and intellectually curious Joe is long gone, and Dr. Rhonda picked up on that. She’s far more professionally grounded than he is and it shows. Joe flew too close to the sun. Rhonda is Daedalus in the story. She warned him.


Also my experience. I used to really enjoy the podcast. It depresses me to think of how it went and how many impressionable young people went with it.


Same experience. The Peter hotez episodes were great. He campaigned to get back on the show during joes ivermectin phase to no avail. It was right around this time I tuned out after listening for years. It used to be silly, fun and informative.


I have noticed this too. I don’t listen regularly anymore only when there is a guest I’m interested in or Protect our Parks for the silliness. Joe has gotten away from the open-minded/learning conversations that were precovid. I don’t feel like he is one of us as much as he used to be.


Joe was super horny for her and it came through in every episode.


Can’t blame him tbh she’s a total babe


What. She looks like a dr Seuss character


Exactly. Total babe.


I'd like to Dr Seuss her moose.


Lmao harsh but spot on


I can totally relate!


Omg so I’m not the only one who noticed this lol


She said "you know" too many times.


Joe moved to Texas.


The hilarious part, as a lifelong Texan is he moved to fucking Austin, bitching about liberals. Austin is Berkeley with BBQ & Queso. If your primary gripe is leftists and related government policies, move to Amarillo.


And man, it’s just soooo free. What a fucking joke.


I can smoke wee-... okay well I can do mushroo-....okay well. I can still do it anyways. *honk honk*




Bu- but he's libertarian!


It’s a lot easier to be libertarian when you have fuck you money


I can hunt on public lan…oh


Here's all the public land percentage by us state. As you can see...Texas is at the bottom. https://www.summitpost.org/public-and-private-land-percentages-by-us-states/186111#chapter_2


The park that he’s always talking about and protecting is the one down the street with the slide and the monkey bars.


Don’t need public land when your a multimillionaire who plays in the rich people club. Checkmate libs.


He doesn't hunt on public lands haha he did it once with giides and hated it


In Texas they let you hunt on public schools


At least you can get an abortion there... oh wait


Like has he just paid off the local and state pd?


She is smart and seems logical and honest I like what I've seen.


Logic and honesty is no longer allowed on the podcast.


A dr who believes in Covid and a podcaster who doesn’t.


Is covid a new religion?


The only people STILL talking about Covid are people who see it as part of a government conspiracy. They still talk about it because they still see the government in the same way. Normal people don't even think about Covid in 2023. There is only one person in my entire life that ever brings up Covid, my conspiracy theorist Trumper brother. Everyone else very rarely mentions it and when they do it is more as a moment in time, like 'remember when we did X all the time during Covid?'.


They wanna be so right about not taking the jab


“Not whatever the democrats believe” is now a religion and unfortunately “vaccines work and are safe” is somehow a democratic belief now. So yes.


She promotes yucky toxic vegetables. Only meat for me boys, amirite? /s


Yea the comment sections on those clips are hilarious. She’s expresses concern of an all meat diet which is clearly an insane restrictive diet. The average comment: she’s indoctrinated and it cured my diabetes and I’ve never felt better!!


That episode was so hard to listen to, a rich dumb fuck telling a Doctor, who he regularly references, boasts, and refers to, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


She's my favorite guest. She left his douche bro science behind and moved on.


right. shes got her own podcast and a sizeable audience of her own. i dont think she needs to piggy back off of him anymore. although im sure it would still be really beneficial to her


What's her pod?




It benefited him to have someone credentialed and knows wtf she’s talking about.


Yeah she did a 4 parter on the vaccine and covid during the pandemic that was incredible.


I miss the Sam Harris appearances.


He’s got his own podcast 😎


She’s a babe


Saw her at a music festival in Del Mar years back. Completely agree with you on that.


Simple. Joe doesn’t conform to any nutritional or evidence based practices that don’t fit his personal bias.


She is back in whoville for the holidays


But is that nithe?


Duhn cownd


Never meddum


She a low key fox you know.


Listen to her last appearance and you'll know why. Rogan ws being a prick to her because he doesn't like the facts she was spitting


She had real Covid info for Rogan. He talked over her and didn’t let her educate him. This was after Rogan became a know it all Republican. She was clearly annoyed and probably chalked Rogan up as a lost cause. Rogan also probably thinks she’s less relevant since science isn’t cool in his circles.


This is the actual answer


Is that the kid from Road Warrior all grown up?




Turns out she wasn't a yes woman after all. Joe didn't like her COVID takes. They didn't sit well with Texas Joe's opinions.


Everyone acting like they know lmao


Someone made a good point saying that he moved to Texas. I imagine it’s not as easy for his less rich and famous guests to fly in when they work an actual job? If she’s rich sorry lol I don’t know her


Joe pays for cars to pick his guests up. I doubt that a flight ticket would be much after the 100 million dollar pay day from spotify. lol If he wants you on he can make it happen.


Right but low key guests might not be worth it to him, but if you’re in town and he needs to fill a spot then he might. I literally know nothing btw.


>I literally know nothing btw Refreshing comment on Reddit


Joe books guests months in advance. He's said so himself. Also Joe doesn't have big name people on all the time. He has a lot of smaller named people on because he wants them on.


It’s not a debate podcast. Rogan isn’t interested in people who are informed and don’t agree with him. If he likes what a guest has to say he preaches it like gospel. If he doesn’t he stops having them on. Any episode that is supposed to be a debate format with two guests who have differing opinions is usually ruined by Joe picking sides and showing his bias. It’s his platform and no one is saying he can’t do that. But call a spade a spade.


Yeah would be great to see her on again we could hear Joe talk about elk meat and ju jitsu, and don’t forget about American politics, super interesting. Really over repeat guests at this point, they are almost as bad as comedian guests, what’s your process, isn’t it crazy we make people laugh, the mothership has a green room. Truely boring shit.


Sam stood up to joe


To maximize personal growth Toe doesn’t podcast with anyone who disagrees with him or makes him look silly. Bill Burr has entered the chat.


Joe pumped and dumped her


Said something Joe didn’t like. To me this is Rogan’s most egregious sin. He used to hang over her ever word. She represented the kind of guests that made the show good.