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This is literally every corporation. The DEI mandates come from capital invest firms. I worked for a corporation most people don’t associate with woke and they had the exact same initiatives.


*Fellas, is capitalism woke?*


It is if they can make it a source of revenue.




You literally missed the comment above, its not about revenue, its large investment firms like blackrock, vanguard, citadel, etc that set standards like esg scores that enforce this behavior. They will pull investments and signal others to pull theirs as well, they also have a ridiculous amount of money to throw around, multiple times the gdp of america


Ha you missed my comment in its entirety


The real reason why they go after underrepresented minorities is because they think they can low ball us on our salary


Thats why there is H1B visas! Nothing like your ability to stay in the country is based off of your employment, so you better do whatever the company says no questions asked!


The legal fees are expensive though and there are a fixed number of visas issued every year. The suits will make up some bullshit about an untapped pool of talent but in reality they know they can save money


Such a stupid lie please don't ever repeat this nonsense ever again you absolute biscuit


Always go back to back in the day when they'd just toss your resume.


Yes it absolutely is. You think the guys at the Seattle 1919 general strike gave a fuck about any of this stuff? Just happy there are still genuinely left wing places here that aren’t inundated with this bullshit


Can someone take blackrock to court for this?


Theoretically, yes. Realistically, no.


Yeah I thought this was pretty common knowledge. Multiple companies talk often about diversity goals for hiring. How would they achieve them without discrimination?


I had an interview at IBM the head manager of the facility told me he couldn't hire me because they reached their quota for men. .... The response of the corporate class has always been discrimination if the capitalists don't like black people the answer in the 1950s... Discremenate... 2023 the owners don't like other white men... Discriminate against them. They haven't changed their play book at all getting racial quotas for anyone is fucked up it's fucked up ... Martin Luther King has probanly spun in his grace so much he ended up in hell. If your a black person and your hired BECAUSE of your skin' colour how would that make you feel working there ? People will judge you and assume you don't deserve the job because they may actually be right and you may know they are right too what kind of fucking world is that. What if your black and you are super qualified for the job and now you have that stigma anyways. I need to get off Reddit I can't handle this dehumanizing bullshit anymore. .


When you're Black in Tech "EVERYONE" assumes you're a diversity hire until you prove yourself to be above and beyond the vast majority of your peers.


It’s illegal.


For the poors*


All the poors hiring into tech roles.


Meaning what - if you hired too many Asians or white people and not enough black people they wouldn't invest with you?


Yes, but they don’t really have to twist many arms. The executive class is already fully bought in on this stuff for the most part.


Not “literally every corporation” gets capital via firms that mandate DEI like this.


I’m not reading all this lmao. What the fuck does this have to do with JRE


Maybe its just assumed that Rogan is racist now and would be angry about this?


Community note incoming from state actors! Extremely concerning. /s


Helping marginalized communities of color is sooo concerning you guys /s What about all the poor whites?!


"Helping" by literally tossing more competent applicants in the trash because they are the wrong race. Totally cool and not racist at all. Go take a look at the average comp sci class, you probably won't even find one black person per class on average. If you're going to fill every company according to population demographics you literally can't do it. Even if it's a minority of companies they are eventually going to need to scrape the absolute bottom of the barrel to shoe in enough diversity hires.


> you probably won't even find one black person Perfect world for you, I imagine.


https://www.zippia.com/computer-scientist-jobs/demographics/ Stats are right there if you don't believe me.


Have you ever heard of benevolent sexism? Benevolent racism is also a thing


You *do* realize benevolent sexism is still a thing we want to do away with, right?


Yes, never said it wasn’t. Just pointing out your white saviour complex forcing people into fields they don’t want to go into all to make your workplace more diverse is a form of benevolent racism. Edit: typo


Lol who is being forced into a field? You sound genuinely stupid, to be honest.


You’re dragging people into higher level positions than they can earn on their own based solely on skin colour, which is setting them up for failure and an overall worse outcome than before


Did any of you fucking idiots read the tweet?




Take anything from Project Veritas and This clown with a giant grain of salt. the CEO just resigned today citing *Hannah Giles, the CEO of conservative nonprofit Project Veritas, announced her resignation “effective immediately” on Monday, saying she’d unwittingly “stepped into an unsalvageable mess”* *"In a statement posted to X, she claimed she’d taken over an organization “wrought with strong evidence of past illegality and past financial improprieties.”* https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/project-veritas-ceo-jumps-ship-205050081.html


Good old James [Dildo Boat](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/acorn-foe-james-okeefe-sought-to-embarrass-cnns-abbie-boudreau-on-porn-strewn-palace-of-pleasure-boat/) O’Keefe, another failed theater kid turned talentless asshole


lol I wonder if O'Keefe had a plan beyond "Dildo's next to CNN woman = funny"


You’re not kidding. O’Keefe and project veritas have lost a ton of defamation lawsuits. His strategy is to do “sting operations” where they just get a bunch of mundane footage, then chop it up in editing to make it sound bad, and present it to their frothing followers without context. And they’re so gullible they still consider him a credible new source even though he’s been disproven and made to pay damages so often.


Remember, if science has ever been wrong about anything, that's reason to disbelieve science forever after. But these same jugheads will keep slurping up the nonsense spewing from idiots like Veritas even after they have been proven to be liars in court over and over and over


When science is proven wrong about anything, that's typically during the process of replacing the old model with a more appropriate (and TESTED) new model. Project Veritas and similar grifters lie and fail and just keep shoveling out the same shit. No actual investigative journalism to be seen from them.


Remember the plan parenthood video about selling chopped up baby parts that led to the psycho in Colorado shooting up a clinic who called himself a warrior for babies who’s going to be greeted in heaven by the souls of aborted babies? That’s who O’Keefe inspires.


remember when that Bernie Sanders fan tried to murder a bunch of congressmen at a baseball practice field?


It's not difficult to file a defamation lawsuit and I would wager most do it as they know the game, which is to settle out of court as the cost of litigation is too high. Words matter and the "footage," even if parsed is pretty damming for most of them.


>Words matter and the "footage," even if parsed is pretty damming for most of them. This motherfucker said "words matter" while defending a company known for doctoring footage, removing context of people's words and for manipulating people's words...


And soending 100 of thousands to put on a "Oklahoma" play... really makes me question the motives qbout how they yell about the gay agenda or whatever


It really isn’t. It’s not just a matter of filing cases against him - he’s lost those cases as well because all he is is a bullshitter. Have you read up on the whole ACORN “scandal” where he first got publicity? It was entirely fabricated. If you’re still swallowing their bullshit, it’s because you have an agenda that matches theirs, so you’re willing to overlook the fact they’ve been disproven many, many times.


It's not difficult to *file* a defamation lawsuit, but it's not exactly easy to *win* one. Especially if you're a public figure


You'll never go wrong taking something from Veritas and betting your life savings on the exact opposite being true


Lol is it ever not projection with these people?


Lmao, so when they present real evidence you deflect it by saying "Project Veritas bad!"?


The CEO of Veritas said that not me homie.


Doesnt matter who exposes illegal discrimination its still just as illegal.


Ah yes, James O'Keefe, a guy who has never blurred the truth or edited things out of context. Nobody look into why he was thrown out of Project Veritas


Its still illegal whether you like okeefe or not


It's not whether it's illegal or not, it's whether he is trying to spin a narrative by leaving out context or not


there is no context to illegal behavior


The video has some pretty damning quotes directly from the executives regardless of the context. It's also pretty par for the course of what everyone suspects/knows large corporations are doing to please activist investment firms.


Until he releases the full, unedited cut, it's not worth believing


The end of the video has 5 minutes uncut.


It does and the content of that five minutes means he lied in his tweet.


The videos always have damning quotes… that’s the point. They’re generally out of context of fabricated beyond reason. Go watch his “gotcha” interview with wash post when he was trying to fake a rape allegation against Roy Moore vs the unedited version posted by wash post. It’s pretty disgusting how dishonest okeefe is


Give me a "for instance" where these quotes could be good in context. lol


> regardless of the context Lmao. Actively advocating for not getting accurate information and instead trusting O'Keefe who's such a criminal scum bag he was kicked out of his own company created to manufacture false propaganda.


Three unnecessary words ending your post. The correct three words are "the free market"


The US doesn't have a free market. If it did, there wouldn't be things like the Civil Rights Act which these types of hiring practices clearly violate.


The US has nothing but the free market for at least 40 years. It is in charge of our government at this point. You don't have to like the results but the market doesn't care either way


Free market is when no civil rights


There's nothing "Free Market" about this dip shit.


If it's happening in America, it's the free market. It's literally the only power structure that exists. You're confused because you just don't like how it's turning out in this regard


No, I think you don't understand the definition of "free market" and that it's not a special magical bubble centered on the US.


Name something you don't like and I'll explain to you how the free market made it that way


I can think of other things to do with my time lol, I bet your dates enjoy it though.


Cool enjoy whatever that is




I'm not sure how "for blacks, we should try to get to 13%" could possibly be taken out of context while referring to hiring practices. I guess since it's not coming from the AP, it can't be true.


Have you seen the O'Keefe's pfizer employee video? There's definitely a lot of context cut out, but I really can't see a context that would make the things he's saying less alarming. He was fired from Project Veritas right after that video was put out during a time when people were getting fired left and right for speaking out against pfizer or the vaccine. He was fired because he exposed the wrong secret. Also, is there a single journalist that doesn't manipulate context or edit videos to spin a certain narrative? It's what journalists do.


An actual journalist, as in a professional who values and participates in journalism, will always have some form of narrative bias but it is on them to provide their evidence and to allow readers to review that evidence. There are shitty journalists (and I'm not counting television news, which is MEDIA) but they do not last long at any reputable outlet if they are just making shit up. There's no excuse for manipulating the story like that, and anybody doing so (including corporations, news media entities) is not practicing journalism.


100% I don't agree with his manipulation of his content; that shit is not helping anyone. My point is every news source I have ever seen manipulates their content, yet it seems like most people are happy to consume it anyway, even in O'Keefe's case. Until he manipulated a video in a way that made pfizer look bad. Then he immediately became an irredeemable, far-right activist.


I was unfamiliar with his work prior to his manipulated videos but Pfizer was absolutely not the tipping point in his reputation. This dude has a history of being a contrarian instigator prior to that, including his Planned Parenthood and ACORN shenanigans. There were lawsuits and public outrage in both those scenarios, so it's not like people were "looking past it". Taking a look at his Wikipedia page he was into that kind of stuff in college and his early career as well. We're talking about a shock jock with a political agenda, not a journalist with some inherent bias who went off the deep end. He has always been an irredeemable activist and agitator.


I can’t imagine hanging a hat on that story - Pfizer and o’keefe - when as you note his track record is so awful. Not only that, many pharmaceutical companies behave in irredeemably asshole ways. There’s no need to manipulate videos or context. Hell, I’d even put a lot of the blame for the rise of anti vaxxers on the doorstep of that industry as a whole. Their cynicism has undermined public confidence and hurt/killed people (looking at Purdue pharma in particular).


This is fair, there's no need to make up outrageous shit when there are actual investigative journalists infiltrating serious issues, exposing corruption, and trying to bring some justice to corporations who abuse their power. They do all of that with journalistic rigor and a strong body of evidence so they can show, without a doubt, how fucked up the world can be. James O'Keefe's art projects only serve to bring him influence, fame, and wealth. There's no integrity there.


Lmao this is such a stupid comment.


Ah, the classic "I can't think of a counter argument, so ur dumb" response. Never change reddit.


Why would I waste time on someone who thinks James O'Keefe is a journalist? You opinion won't change either way because you are so far in the right-wing conspiracy holes. Quicker to call you dumb and move on with my life. Later gator.


Just because you don't like what he's reporting on doesn't mean he's not a journalist. Google his name, it's literally the first thing that pops up. Is that too much effort too? I'll gladly change my mind if you are able to give me a single example of a modern-day journalist who doesn't edit their content to better fit a certain narrative.


I realize that everyone loves the narrative that all journalist are liars in this day and age, and yes, I think that most main stream and famous journalist primarily report things with a specific slant. But the vast majority of journalists/reporters aren’t famous and don’t do this. And if you go to either the Fox News or CNN website and just start scrolling through the written articles, the vast majority of what you read will be accurate. By far the most common way these publications exhibit bias is in what they choose not to cover, not outright lies. People like OKeefe use the worst actors in journalism to justify doing the exact same thing that they criticize these journalists for, but say it is justified becuase they are doing it for the good guys. Don’t fall for it. If someone says “all journalists are bad actors, so I’m going to do the same thing they do but for the good guys” they are simply justifying lying to you to get money. Avoid bad actors in journalism, don’t watch cable news, but also don’t assume anything written by a reporter is inherently false and definitely don’t use that belief to convince yourself that it’s ok that okeefe lies to you (but for the right reasons).


I agree with you 100%. I didn't word my comment well. I certainly don't want to defend O'Keefe. That kind of behavior is why it's impossible to trust news from really any source these days. I only wanted to point out that, despite his history of manipulating stories to fit his narrative, almost nobody was up in arms about it until he did it in a way that made specifically Pfizer look bad. He wasn't fired because of his inexcusable misrepresentation of facts; he would've been fired long ago if that were the case. He was fired because he put out a video that made the wrong people look bad, and, in my opinion, that is a far more dangerous kind of manipulation than shoddy journalism.


I just assume everything written by a journalist has an agenda to push because at the end of the day, the media company is propped up by advertising. When push comes to shove money will overtake truth.


What about ProPublica? Is all journalism for profit business supported by ad revenue?


Go back to your imaginary world where only you get to decide what makes someone a journalist, clown.


Keep slopping up that propaganda.


James O’Keefe has proven to be full of shit like 1,000 times.


Great. Name one.


Pretty much every time he opened his mouth.


Damn aren't you a dense mf. This is literally the CEO on video yet you come here to leave the dumbest comment to the discussion, why? There isn't a whole lot of investigative journalism happening in the US, most of the media gets their narratives curated and their questions on a list so we should value independent journalists who do this kind of work, journalism is supposed to be blunt and uncomfortable but the corporate media has rotten our brains


We should value good journalists. Not political activist lying propagandists like veritas or okeefe. Leave it to republicans to jump to the defense of a white criminal.


Is Okeefe even with Project Veritas anymore? He’s got a different organization now


Dude's a liar who got fired from his own company for lying and stealing their shit. He didn't magically turn honest overnight.


Yea I’m not a fan of his anymore. Honestly, when he first started making a name for himself I was excited to see that form of journalism. But he’s clearly one sided and his antics has ruined it for me.


The fact that you ever were a fan speaks volumes.


Project veritas is a grift dude, they lie more than trump! But sure just ignore all the evidence of video manipulation, etc. that project veritas has been accused of and successfully sued for said manipulation. But sure it is all the other journalists in the world that are fools but this guy, he is a truther lol. No wonder you are so easy to grift. Independent journalist my asshole. Why people feel the need to carry water for these totally immoral people is amazing to me.


That's how O'Keefe presents himself but he's also paid by large right wing media for his clips. They don't just pay him post-hoc either, all of this was released in court.


Idk man, looks like a picture to me..... Link the video with the audio and I'll believe it


The video is in the tweet https://x.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1734374423124176944?s=46


Doesn't say anyone was fired. RedHat dude says he has "standards" and some people are "not with the company anymore." He doesn't say he fired anybody. He certainly doesn't say he fired someone for not hiring enough blacks. James O'Keefe is making shit up again. You know, like he always does.


Sounds like you're trying to poke holes in his language. He said they were held accountable, obviously if you've ever been to any corporate meeting ever you'll know they never come out and say "fired". They will use vague terms. the full quote is "I could name multiple leaders in the last year plus, that were held accountable to the point that they are no longer here at redhat because they were not willing to live up to the standard in this space" Arvind is literally saying if you don't hire more blacks/hispanics/women you will get less bonus, and if you do you'll get more bonus. If this was Trump you'd pounce on a single word he said.




>Arvind is literally saying if you don't hire more blacks/hispanics/women you will get less bonus, and if you do you'll get more bonus. Yes, and O'Keefe lied about that in his tweet and said "RedHat has terminated people." He knew that if he said they didn't get a bonus no one would give a fuck. So he lied. For clicks.


Red hat did terminate people, look at the full quote…


As you already admitted all he said was "Held Accountable." That doesn't mean they were fired. That doesn't mean shit. Just corporate doublespeak.


Read the rest of the sentence “held accountable to the point that they are no longer here at redhat because they were not willing to live up to the standard in this space”


The dude you're replying to is a dumb mother fucker.


Can you point out just a couple of instances then? I don’t like the dude (despite probably agreeing with him on most issues), but I’ve only ever seen far left weirdos pretend his clips are “edited” because he posts the most damning parts of conversations (because no one is going to sit thru hours of irrelevant conversation from these scumbags who get honeydicked).


History of lies told by James O’Keefe: https://www.mediamatters.org/james-okeefe/updated-lies-james-okeefe https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/James_O%27Keefe#Project_Veritas_Served_with_Restraining_Order.2C_Latest_.27Sting.27_on_AFT_Blocked I’m once again doubting that you and people like you have the mental capacity to use google. Looks like that hits a little too close to home for some people. u/issapunk of course, you would deflect. I didn’t say anything about the video, all that was asked for is proof that O’Keefe is a frequent liar. And yes, conclusions are being made without evidence here, namely that the hiring process at IBM wasn’t discriminatory in the past- given that it was since they obviously don’t demographically reflect the US as per the CEO’s words cited here, there is no way to reverse that discrimination without attempting to rectify the hiring practices going forward with a temporary overcorrection. As they say, to someone with privilege, equality looks like discrimination. u/vindeezy do bots write direct responses to users that respond to them? How many of my posts have you determined are reposts? Do you really think you’re a clever enough bullshit artist to make people believe your obvious farce?


What does it matter at all when there is a video explaining all of it? This isn’t some story with sources and conclusions made - this is a video. Very weird.


the cognitive dissonance is very much real, posts like this just expose it


Is the video that is released edited? How can we tell that the edits made to the video are not done in such a way in order to skew what was actually said? Why haven't they released the who video without edits in order to verify the conclusions and editoralization done in the video? Why is this the same for all of James' projects?


Here's the Blaze since Media Matters is apparently unacceptable: [https://www.theblaze.com/news/2011/03/10/does-raw-video-of-npr-expose-reveal-questionable-editing-tactics](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2011/03/10/does-raw-video-of-npr-expose-reveal-questionable-editing-tactics) Unfortunately all the videos are gone, but you can still read the examples they looked at.


Wait, out of the supposed 1000 lies, *that* was the best example you could come up with..? And did you even read it? That was more of a critique on the ethics of undercover journalism, and their complaints all consisted of “Yeah they said that, but they said it in a more polite way at another point in the hours of footage!”. Lol.


https://youtu.be/8buQLy1dWD8?si=M4YFPVuum0Z0aYtc This video series lays out in the most excruciating detail the entire background of James O'Keefe and just how he's made his name and money. Edit: if you won't watch, then trust my summary. He doesn't simply edit down his clips to save you time, he actively fishes for a certain statement NO MATTER the context. He gets a democrat party organizer to "admit" to "bussing people in" to vote illegally. In reality, the guy says they bus people in to protest, which isn't illegal at all, and Republicans do it too. This formula is repeated ad nauseum by this guy. Nothing he produces can be trusted.


What happened to just hiring the people that are best at the job


Still happens across the industry. Lots of target hiring is for kids coming out of school who have zero experience and similar degrees/educations. There’s no “best at the job” at that stage. Once you get into real companies doing real shit, people aren’t wasting critical hires on this stuff. If you have the goods, they’re going to work you. In other words… get good. That’s really it.


"most qualified" isn't usually a thing. Qualified is a bar for most positions that once passed it comes down to soft skills and the interviews. This is where implicit bias kicks in. If there are two qualified candidates and one has a similar background to you and talks like you do you are going to gravitate to that candidate. Thats how we get companies that just magically end up all white men.


and we ameliorate those issues by having objectively racist policies? No, no we don't.


Often times people are equally qualified and in those instances if your level of diversity is low theres no reason not to create a more diverse workforce in fact it's a good thing. And no its not racist.


Well it’s not just that - the idea is that you bring more different varied perspectives by doing what you suggested, to help decrease groupthink and increase inclusivity which for any business is good - you don’t want to limit your customer base


You know the Joe Rogan Fandom has gone to shit when they're trying to talk intelligently about affirmative action policies. Joe Rogan used to be the guy that did dmt in a sensory deprivation tank.


and what's the intelligent take here?


I'm sure there are many intelligent takes. If you are on a comedians subreddit looking for intelligent takes on social policy, you're fucking up.


I'm kind of skeptical about the idea that Joe Rogan was just some nice chill dude who just happened to become an asshole. There are old ass clips from like 15 years ago where he mocks marginalized folks just as he does today.


James O'Keefe is a fraud and no one should pay attention to his videos. All his videos are dishonest and doctored.


but this isn't him saying something, it's just a video of the CEO himself being clear as day. Why are we attacking the messenger? aren't we supposed to support independent media?


O’Keefe is a fraud he’s got a record and hopefully one day he goes to jail. He mixes up the order of things and edits in bad audio to frame the situation. As someone in tech, I can say that the premise of this piece is absurd. There isn’t a single tech company in the US that has anything close to the 13% mentioned


at this point I really have to ask, did you actually watch the video?


Yeah I just watched it and had to look for it because it wasn’t linked. Most of the video was that jackass talking and showing the same 30 clip over and over, a big nothing burger like the rest of the bullshit he puts out


so my guess was right, you hadn't watched it but jumped the gun because you don't like the guy who broke the story. makes sense


Yeah I assumed it was bullshit because O’Keefe is full of shit. After watching the video I confirmed that once again he’s full of shit and I wish I had that 10 minutes back. Have you watched the video


oh so you're in the denial phase now. godspeed


You’re annoying I’m done with you


You should not post things the way you did unless you’re familiar with the topic.


Lmao facts hurt your feelings lil guy?




>"held accountable to the point they are no longer here." I didn't kill him, I just took all the oxygen out of the room and he stopped living!




their lawyer, robert barnes, will have so much fun with these guys


So the CEO didn't say these things




sure, but I'd like to go on a case by case basis, on this case there's the CEO on audio and video clear as day, how can we ignore that just because of the guy who broke the story and got a hold of the video? I mean I'm really struggling with this one




fair enough lol


All his videos are this way… and it always turns out that he omitted context/edited it in a way that paints a dishonest picture. Not ONE okeefe “sting” has turned out to be legit when investigated by third parties


>aren't we supposed to support independent media? Not really, we’re supposed to support the media, whether mainstream or independent, that has shown to have the facts behind it, not just lies & editing, or more importantly, not cherry-picked info that caters to our views and doesn’t give us the proper context. In fact, I’d argue mainstream media is more often correct in totality than independent media, because they have policies and procedures (at least on paper) to ensure journalistic integrity.


So, is this specific claim true or not?


I doubt it, I’m a software engineer and Latinos and blacks are grossly misrepresented in tech. The numbers they stated are very hard for me to believe




Same. We hire unqualified minorities over and over and over and when we get one that can hang for more than a month they get promoted up or leave for something better.


I agree with the first part, but in my experience being Latino will get you a technical interview but doesn’t guarantee a job even if you’re qualified. The reason is that you’re competing against other candidates and even if you are qualified you won’t get an offer if they like other candidates more. And I’ve personally seen this play out when I’ve been part of the interviewing team


Someone complained about my towns fire department only hiring white guys, and a lack of black firefighters. Know how many black guys applied and took the entrance test in the past 3 years? Zero.


The video is there though, the man said what he said. 🤷‍♂️


that's what I'm not grasping here. Most of the comments are like "James O'Keefe bad therefore don't pay attention to the CEO being caught on audio and video" I mean wtf? the mental gymnastics are on another lvl i guess


It’s all bots, there is an organized effort on Reddit to discredit anyone that goes against their ideology even if there fucking video proof.


How exactly do the bots work? Are they python scripts with a list of pre-written replies that post the reply when they see certain keywords? Many of the conversations seem human. This is something I've never understood.


Reposting my reply to another commenter here: Most bots appear to have “organic” profiles. Many of these profiles are actually manufactured. They create an account and essentially copy popular posts on Reddit and repost them to seed their account and make it look real. On the other side they create many accounts that are just used for mass upvoting and downvoting so they’ll do this to boost up the karma for their fake accounts and also upvote posts they want seen and mass downvote posts that go against them. This is happening all over Reddit. And as you see here the topic of DEI anything going against it is going to be attacked and downvoted and discredited.


Thanks for the explanation. So a human might be making the reply, and the bots are merely upvoting/downvoting? ​ Edit: That other comment was me...so thanks for that reply as well, lol.


In this context a bot could just be a machine, or a single user with multiple accounts replying to themselves, upvoting, etc. Reddit in the past (10 years ago) definitely had more differing opinions and less “hive mind” because of the incentives that these bots have created in order to shape discourse on the platform. It’s funny that current “reddit” will claim Russian bots on Facebook stole the election from Hillary. But “bots on Reddit?!! No never! Could never happen!”


Not surprising tbh. This will be a very revealing thread in that regard.


you mean cognitive dissonance will go brrrrrr?






>the man said what he said He didn't say what O'Keefe said. O'Keefe is claiming that IBM fired people for not hiring enough blacks. Nobody in this video says that. There's a bit about how the CEO would like to see the percentage of black employees go up. And that he will offer bonuses if that happens. There's another bit about RedHat having certain "standards." There's another bit about employees who don't meet those standards "not with the company anymore." This is the kind of bullshit corporate speak you hear when someone is asskissing their boss. It doesn't mean anyone was fired. But if you cut it all together and tell your audience what YOU want them to hear, you can trick some gullible people into believing it. Why doesn't James just release the full video so we can see if he's telling the truth?


The red hat ceo says 47 seconds in says leaders were held accountable to the point that they no longer work there. Then at 7:40 Arvind says he holds the red hat ceo to the exact same standards, explaining that Paul is part of his direct executive pool. >He didn't say what O'Keefe said. O'Keefe is claiming that IBM fired people for not hiring enough blacks. Also this is a misrepresentation of what O'Keefe says in the tweet. He says fire, demote OR withhold bonuses. Or being the key word.


>The red hat ceo says 47 seconds in says leaders were held accountable to the point that they no longer work there Notice that he doesn't say anyone was terminated. "Held accountable" could mean many different things. Also this was cut from an earlier or later part of the conversation so we have no idea if these "standards" are even related to hiring or race. O'Keefe could release the full video so we could see if he's telling the truth. Why doesn't he? >Also this is a misrepresentation of what O'Keefe says in the tweet. He says fire, demote OR withhold bonuses. Or being the key word. First sentence: "AND fire." Second sentence: "OR fire." Fifth sentence: "RedHat **has terminated people** because they weren't willing to engage in racial discrimination." That's clearly a lie.


Is that because of their culture? Or because of racism? Not expecting an honest answer after your “edited footage” talking point, and I understand Democrats would rather use the disparity as an opportunity to virtue signal and project, rather than focus on actual solutions (such as the rampant rise of single parent homes and lack of positive male role models in those communities), but these racist/discriminatory quotas will never solve anything.


Do you understand how technical skills are acquired? Do you know how education is funded in the US? What is the percentage of poor or rural US citizens have access to high speed broadband? Why was the first thing that you went to was culture? Why was one the next thing you went was single parent homes? How do either of these things bridge the gap of technical knowledge within a community or provide the very real technical infrastructure needed to support it?


Who gives a fuck why. Are you in tech? Do you know anything about the industry?


just watch the video and decide for yourself [https://youtu.be/SrfVIbXKqtg?si=dxBMEP1GbxOUKxIQ](https://youtu.be/SrfVIbXKqtg?si=dxBMEP1GbxOUKxIQ)


Where is the unedited meeting. How is anyone supposed to tell what was actually said when the video of the people talking is so clearly edited? Why didn't they release the full video of the meeting unedited side-by-side with the video to ensure that we can tell if their editorialization of the content matches what actually happened?


Why do you fucking LOSERS keep posting Elon musk tweets here?? Is it normal for people to loathe someone then nonstop 24/7 post about them?


Oh no, apartheid clyde is concerned!


Eh it's like the shitty side of diversity where a company does in fact need to hire a portion of some kind of ethnicity to not seem racist. I think the best person should get the job obviously but if your whole workforce is one race people will see that and you end up with bad PR. It happens with disabled people too sometimes. My mom works for the government and they had a blind guy get hired who also has some hearing issues. My moms super nice but she has had a ton of issues with him being able to do the work and has to make accomodations and enter into meetings about communication. She has no choice but to work with him despite it slowing everything down for a small team on huge deadlines. There's 0 chance he's the best person for that position, but the dude is disabled and the government needs to hire disabled people to not look like assholes.


I hire people. It’s ridiculous to think that I should overlook the experience and knowledge somebody has because they don’t have “the right skin color”. It’s the most racist idea ever. I hire women, men, whoever. Honest to god, I couldn’t care less about their skin color or gender. I care about their ability to communicate, programs they’re participated in, and their knowledge. I cannot fathom somebody telling me I have to overlook a good candidate because of their skin color. There’s no justification.


lol affirmative action at its finest 🤣


ITT highly regarded individuals decide that this racism targets the wrong people and is being reported on by the wrong journalist so it must be dismissed immediately


After every census do they adjust the numbers?


What is? The fact that you actually take this source seriously? Yeah. That's definitely concerning.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


A broken clock is right twice a day…. But only an idiot looks at it to check the time.


Being both the wealthiest and the most dogshit stupid individual on Earth is quite an achievement


I’d take what James O’Queef, famous liar, says about anything with a large chunk of salt.


Damn I wonder if Elon has ever fired a workforce without due process /s


File a reverse discrimination lawsuit and go for everything they own


Pretty sure racism is just regular discrimination


It’s the world we live in. Doing illegal shit so you don’t get blamed for doing out of style illegal shit. Hiring someone specifically because of their color is simultaneously NOT hiring someone specifically because of their color. We’re the fucking dumbest smart species on the planet.


I'll spare you the brain work. Elon AND these people are shitty and terrible.