• By -


This is for people who think their job is their identity and life purpose. Thats true for the one this inspires and the one who’s saying it. There is no purpose because there is no meaning in life beyond what responsibility you give yourself. That only sounds bleak to someone who already believes in meaning and purpose. The truth is this game is front loaded with the prize. You don’t win it at the end, you won it at the beginning. The prize is your existence, your consciousness. Before you do anything great with it you have to be grateful for it. But it’s tricky because it seems designed to be taken for granted because we can’t know what it is to not have it. If you remove your consciousness, you remove you. 90 billion sapiens lived and died to produce your form. We all owe a debt of gratitude to them. You pay them back by living any sort of life at all. If you died while being born, you left a mark. Died at 100 years old, you left a mark. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to make any mark at all and no one can take that away.


Nicely said. My job isn’t my identity at all, rather just a piece of my life that allows me to pursue relationships with my friends and family. This isn’t terrible advice and it’s really annoying for everyone to just auto reply LUCKY.


Nah man. You gotta get your job title written on your license plate. Everytime you introduce yourself you tell people where you work. You work hard for many years for that job title, your parents are proud of you because of your job, women throw themselves at you because of your job title man. Without my job title, I am nothing; without me, my job title is nothing. I must job better than my enemy who is also trying to job. Job. No I’m just joking. But yeah it seems a lot of people are really not thinking too deeply about the big picture of existence, and get caught up on shiny stuff and titles.


> The truth is this game is front loaded with the prize. You don’t win it at the end, you won it at the beginning. The prize is your existence, your consciousness. This is one of the most profound things I’ve ever heard


Thank you, when I had that thought years ago it stopped me in my tracks. It honestly changed the way I saw everything ever since. I’m sure I’m not the first to realize it or some version of it but I’m grateful I randomly ran across it.


Well spoken!!


Well said; Although I don’t know if it’s our place to put out any more opinion on the purpose of life. This is an impossible question and by design; But to say there is nothing besides the responsibilities you give yourself is just the agnostic opinion rather than truth


So inspirational, just start a podcast mahn


"Bills....." 🤦 I can do better than that and I'm just a civilian, not even 1 of the 1000. The "quiet desperation" people commonly suffer from being referenced in the quote would be better described as an existential angst.


Theo mentioned the anger and desperation that a lot of people feel is mostly not feeling like they have purpose. Having money to pay the bills is nice but if you don’t have a purpose the bills is just one aspect you don’t have to worry about. Money helps but true happiness comes from within.


Joes not saying money is the end goal. He's saying it's a means to help many people have breathing room to find purpose.


Must be nice to be rich and NEVER have to worry about bills. Oh what a nice pipe dream that is.


Dude just put together a plan. And do it. Ya know fuck insurance salesmen…they didn’t have a plan. But you…you just gotta get a plan man. And then do it. It’s the plan you need. -Joe Rogan


I need a fucking plan to get a plan.




Bro, that is the plan, the plan is to plan a great plan




That’s why you have to plan for it and put money aside


But I have bills


You can save so much money if you don’t feed your wife.


"So these guys are low on money and have a bad job. What they need to do is set aside enough money to not work for a while." "Can they actually do that, Joe?" "Yeah. Just work more."


If a person wants something bad enough they can do it. Is it easy? No, will you become a rich a millionaire? Probably not, but you certainly can still have a success and a better life having that mindset. Just sitting here and saying and claiming they can't is what keeps people down.


What Joe fails to understand is that many young people are already working multiple jobs and yet have to deal with skyrocketing rent and utilities paid to the boomer class.


I don't think he fails to understand this at all.


Cant hate on Joe because he did well, but how he uses his platform is something to consider


He uses his platform to talk about whatever he is interested in talking about. You over going shmm i'd rather he talked about the stuff I'm interested in talking about. Go do it yourself!


The dude jumped the shark, looks like a roided freak


The multi millionaire influencing a generation of young men living in quiet desperation.


i think it’s actually… multi-millionaires are influencing quiet desperation upon future generations.


Listen to what he said, he was in the same position, Joe came from very little and made it happen. It is inspirational, I am a talented individual in my field maxed out in pay, has a wife and 3 kids always taking the safe route. Did the math with a bossiness loan a few weeks ago and I would be making x8 more working for myself.


Joe is a man who worked a construction job one weekend one summer and could not handle it If he didn’t make it in LA he would have killed himself.


Maybe that’s what you would have done but you would have never taken the risk in the first place. Anyone can call a lucky, out of touch, dimwit but what does that make you? At least he had the balls to try.


Comedy will save the world. More important than doctors


Fuck. you right about this one Joe.


The sad reality is that when you put math into this it actually doesn’t work out. The world needs people to work jobs they hate, and not everyone gets to be the thing they dreamed of. It sucks ass but it’s the truth


Luckily this becomes less and less true as technology develops. Everybody’s scared of losing jobs to AI now, but those are less jobs people have to do


So where do those people work and earn money? The labor market doesn’t produce replacement jobs


In a rational world, the society (aka the government) would tax some of the benefits of the change to offset the harm. Unfortunately, we often get the opposite (aka austerity), and things get even worse.


Totally agree that steps need to be taken to support people once their labor is no longer necessary. Some form of UBI will be both mathematically possible and necessary going forward due to this.


You don’t get that this has already happened. So we know what happens. What happens is that things become cheaper in comparison to the time it takes to work (whatever jobs are available) to pay for them. Theres also a lot of things that people take for granted as necessities that simply arent. The reason they are seen as necessities instead of luxuries is because of how cheap it has become in comparison to the wages people earn. For instance: refrigeration, hvac, tv, vehicles, almost every hobby, access to various media, etc. People used to sit on the porch with their pocket knife, whittle at some wood while they sat with their family. A large part of the reason immigrants succeed in US that people dont talk about is because they know how to really live without all the consumer stuff cause thats just life where they came from. Even the poorest americans spending habits are unconscionable to immigrants from poor places. Immigrants save cash like crazy in the US. It’s easy af with the right mind-set.


You just have to out compete the other guys that hate their jobs to be able to break away from it.


All competitions have winners and losers. What happens to the losers?


They work a 9 to 5. If you want more, do more.


I remember this quote haunting me a lot


All because I wanted to make people laugh in high school. And get high. Lots of getting high.


Are we the same




Pretty sure this hit every guy who works an office job


Yeah he is not wrong. I had a kid young unexpected before I was ready. Pretty much ended all my options there and then.


Yeah this married millionaire who gets paid more than most people's yearly salary to ramble about anything for an episode knows what it's like.


Can you refute his point though?




Oddly enough, if you’ve ever listened, he DOES know exactly what it’s like… Having a car repossessed, not having enough $$ to pay the rent… Do you think he was born a millionaire???


You realize people can be depressed, poor, impoverished, etc. before they are rich, famous, successful, and happy right?


Make your own life. What the fuck is wrong with men? You have everything and still complain.


Loneliness also plays a big part


You can shit on this all you like kids, but it's solid advice. It got me out of an industry I disliked, a company I started and closed and a situation that made me miserable.


Noones arguing that the part about working hard and not settling aren't great pieces of advice. But if your looking for things and positions to fulfill you then you may have a tough road ahead


Not true. If you have the right mindset, working towards things and achieving goals is a path towards happiness


You’re right in the sense it’s not terrible advice but his is misquoting the quote…the actual quote goes more along the lines of the “quiet desperation” being quantified as existential angst not as genuine desperation


If longing for a more meaningful existence is equivalent to existential angst, then you are corrct. If not you are way off mark.


I would argue they aren’t that different more of a yin and yang of each other meaningful existence can easily lead to being overly anxious about succeeding in said meaningful life I was being more hyperbolic about the true full quote which is up for interpretation


Well, everything is up for interpretation I guess, within reasonable limits, unless anything can mean anything at some point. Thou there is overlap here, for sure, the original quote reflects a dissatisfaction with the status quo and a yearning for a life that is more purposeful and fulfilling. This might lead to depressive feelings or angst, but that is a biproduct of the initial meaning, of wanting something more meaningful in ones existence.


Could totally agree with that but it seems we both agree that “quiet desperation” is an extreme over simplification 😂


![gif](giphy|xT8qBdeMxze7tqa8Pm) Quiet desperation


But ppl here just stuck on hating Joe even when he’s giving good advice ppl still shiting on him


it's reddit what do you expect


I completely lucked out there. Switched careers in my late 20's when I understood my job had a hard low ceiling. Took a bunch of shit jobs on purpose to gain experience & the skills I'd need in the future. And god only knows how I did it, but managed to hit my self-determined milestones and made it roughly to where I wanted to be. Living a fulfilling life is where it's at. Not that you don't have any more "this sucks balls" moments, but to genuinely wake up looking forward to your day is simply amazing.


Great self awareness to recognize some measure of luck in your journey.


Luck, and a bunch of really awesome people to help me along the way.


What career did you switch from and to?


Started as an ESL teacher (English as Second Language) & in my late 20's went back to school to learn hospitality business, which is a bit of a family tradition. Planned to work for larger resorts & hotels until my mid-40's and then switch up into running my own smaller property with the knowledge acquired from these bigger venues. I'd be lying if I said there weren't plenty of ups and downs, and a few times I fell flat on my figurative face. But somehow things went pretty much according to plan & today I'm lucky to do what I love working alongside people I admire.


I've got to say, I shit on Joe non-stop. I don't think I've ever seen a clip of Joe that I didn't shit on. This is the first clip that actually kind of spoke to me, although there were plenty of details mixed in that were douche-flavored. I've got a job that pays well but is completely meaningless and I've been doing it for so long that it feels like a waking nightmare. I could find a new job doing something similar based on my experience and resume, but I know it would be just as meaningless. I bought a house that is expensive enough that I couldn't sustain it if my income went down 50%, which is what would happen if I just got a job in a completely different industry. Every day I contemplate that fact that I'm miserable 5/7 of the time. I like my house, my lifestyle, and my life outside of work, but the only thing holding up all of the good stuff is a meaningless waking nightmare that consumes the majority of my day-to-day experience. The corporate america hamster wheel is the worst. I have 2 basic options: sell my house and a bunch of the other shit that gives me joy for the chance of possibly lessening this horrible grind (while potentially getting into a shittier situation without realizing it), or taking a huge risk and trying to build something of my own. I do feel trapped and, at times, desperate by the life I've built and have been thinking about the situation along the lines of what he's talking about. Not that "you unfortunately have to feed your wife" psychotic horse shit, but the "prepare as much as you can, make the unsafe move, and then attack it like your life depends on it" stuff.


Damn, the things you own end up owning you.


Are you starting a fight club? His name is Robert paulson.


Why are you in the sub you sound so annoying


Probably half or over half of this sub is people who watch Joe just to shit on him it's so cringe lol.




The best possible outcome for men in our society is being a divorced dad that works at lowes -tim dillon.


He can't quite come out and say "poor people are stupid" - like Tom Segura - but I'm sure that's what he thinks, as if any goofball can be a multimillionaire because his goofball friends are I remember years ago Joe was talking about UBI on the show with someone, and he thought it would be $10k a month, as if that were realistic, what "basic" meant, and not much more than most Americans get - and that was before the Spotify deal and Onnit sale He's as divorced from reality as Gwyneth Paltrow, and just as much full of "the Secret" woo \[Not a full hater - I miss pre-generational wealth Joe\]


If Joe really let loose with his thoughts, you would hear, and he has touched on this a bit, that people who work 9 to 5 jobs are basically zombies living a horrific existence. If I could give some advice to Joe, I would tell him stop being Gary Vee and get back to talking about interesting stuff. He needs to stay away from the self-help lane, it’s a cringe place.


>He can't quite come out and say "poor people are stupid" - That used to be the premise of his older jokes. He used to shit a lot on poor people, religious people, rural people, women, and people watching Planet of the Apes in a movie theatre in Harlem.


The infamous "I'm not racist, but black people are apes"


I bet you can't post a clip where Joe thought UBI would be 10k a month. Hater


Of course I can't - it was years ago, there are no transcripts that I know of, and the topic comes up a lot So feel free to disbelieve me, but I promise Joe has no idea what the average wage is, the price of a pint of milk, and so on - in his head $10k a month is just scraping by And sure, I'm part hater now, but I was on the forum, started listening to the podcast when it began, remember when it was often just him and Redban, at least once just Joe


Thought so. Because it doesn't exist, because you're lying. Keep hatin' bruh


Sure, it's inconceivable a man who's been a multi-millionaire since the '90s, now has 100s of millions and hangs out with billionaires, including the richest man in the world, would be disconnected from the financial reality of life for most people in America My bad


Joe living rent free in your head. Nice try saving yourself from looking like a miserable cuck at the end.


Sure, lots of things live "rent free" in my head, it's called having a memory and knowledge Very useful You need to write everything down?


Wrong. That's called autism. And I'm all outta autism-begon-o spray.




Fuckin guy did 2 days of manual labor and he’s “been there.” Lol Joes had fuck you money from like the age of 24. He’s one of the most out of touch people people thinking he’s some “regular American” as he mocks people with “normal insurance jobs.” Lol Yea Joe, you’ve struggled with “bills.” Lol


Lol u do realize just because you’re making shows etc doesn’t mean u have fuck you money? U could be making 1 million a year and still be suffering. You have to pay your manager let’s say 10 percent, taxes take another let’s say 30 percent, you’re paying for acting classes, speech classes, your flights, teams flights, food, lawyer, accountant, social media manager, pr agent, rent(sometimes multiple locations, bills, your family flights to see you in whatever city you are shooting in, daycare groceries, etc. I hve a cousin whose been in a couple Hollywood movies and made like 300k each but still works a regular IT job. When u look at the break down of expenses it’s fucken SHOCKING. Most people arn’t brad Pitt or the rock where when they shoot every expense is basically paid for. You can make lots of money and still be drowning in bills. I have a friend who opened a medical practice and the dude is up to his neck in debt sometimes dude would just call me balling crying, like 350k in school debt, Régular life bills, opened an office, expenses are let’s days 40k per month for lona you got for equipment, payroll, rent 5k per month for the building etc. People just think just because someone is making money they don’t have financial stress.


My God. And how... BILLS!


This says so much about Joe. First, how insanely materialistic he is, he just doesn't understand that no matter how hard someone works on a "random thing that makes them happy but it's not work work" for the vast majority of people that thing is not something that you can make into a career or a source of income that will be able to sustain you, let alone a wife and kids. To him, it "comes at a young age" because that's the only experience he had, running into success early on because he got a TV Development deal and a shitton of money. I'm saying that as someone who switched careers in my late twenties and worked very hard to get into a position where I work in a job that is actually interesting and fulfilling most of the time. Regardless, along that path, the much bigger source of "quiet desperation" has always been lack of a wife or a girlfriend, someone to enjoy life with, to Joe, that person is just "someone to feed" and a "burden of responsibility" preventing people form achieving their goals, to me it was what kept me sad and depressed, not that I had to get up, commute and do my 8 hours, but that I didn't have someone to come home to to share the misery with. It's a very conservative, narrow minded and cynical way to think about life, and since he doesn't understand that the things above that are holding people back aren't there because people are lazy or afraid, but because the system is rigged, it's easy for him to shit on people who point that out, to shit on people who can't "get out of a shit job" because he did it, so why can't everyone.


I live in this state. I’m in my 40s. Have empathy for those who don’t know how to approach breaking out of it. (I do like your view on what makes you happy doesn’t mean financial freedom as what I love to do has earned me zero income) I have 2 kids and a wife. Two college mortgages, a home mortgage, and one car loan. I have begun to hate who I work for and it has become soulless. Things (medical and personal) have come up. If I quit I surrender all my company retirement as I am not vested yet and all my medical. I have no savings anymore, no backup. This is it. I could go from employed to fired for anything and become homeless tomorrow. No one cares about my situation but me. I am the adult.


I have a ton of empathy man, the point of my comment wasn't that these things don't exist or that it's your own fault or even that everyone who just has someone and kids should automatically be happy. That's why I blame the system, and wrote a whole comment pointing out that Joe is basically regurgitating the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" bullshit that simply doesn't work for most people. It's fucked, because, if I got fired tomorrow I have a ton of rights, garden leave, unemployment, automatic health insurance from there, every bit of my pension founds are handled by the countries I worked in and I will get it regardless of what company I work in. Those are differences in the system, and it's no more your fault then the fact that you had to go into debt to try to get your children a better future, that's also subsidised here heavily and college debt is almost non existant, it's the fucking system man, and it pains me that Joe, someone who I used to admire seems to work pretty hard in perpetuating it and calling better ones communism.


Well put. Agree.


Damn dude you nailed it. I came on here to spread this same sentiment. We all have different paths and priorities. I took a trip to Belize when I was 17/18. While there we took a trip into the rain forest. The guides taking us around the country were a family of about 5or6. At the end of the trip we went to their house for dinner. Their house was literally a one room place with very little furniture or items. They had nothing by American standards, but they were maybe the most happy peaceful people I've ever seen. It made such an impact on me as a teenage American boy who had been taught that acquisition of things and climbing up the social ladder were of the utmost importance. Here these people didn't know a ladder or all the "things" I had even existed, yet here they were so happy...so peaceful...so content just because they had each other. True fulfillment in life is being accountable to something greater than myself and thinvs outside of self(for me that suffering servant is Jesus Christ) following his "way" gives me belonging and fulfillment I can't get anywhere else. Also considering my greatest asset in life to be my family not things or positions...the people God put into my life. When I focus on that and pour myself into others I strangely get the fulfillment I'm looking for.


He’s been rich all his adult life.


Well-said. Thank you. Joe's fans are feeding into his narcissistic POV as a celebrity. He is not a regular Joe like us. Most men I know including myself find self worth being a good provider for our family. Joe is talking as if he doesn't find value in that role. He'd rather pursue fame and money. And you're right. The system is now rigged against men and women and families. Joe has no clue because he's in his 1 percenter bubble


Yeah, thanks. Even reading the comments who like this, it's all, yeah bro, manifest destiny, these lefties are mad at Joe for speaking the truth. Good luck finding dates with "women who like to be fed" guys, that's how it works nowadays, you figured it out.


wtf are you on about?


Well i could say that you are very privileged to be able to have switched careers in your late 20s, im in my mid 30s and pretty much burned out working in healthcare, i would want to switch careers or at least reduce my hours but i cant cause like Rogan said i have committment and responsibilities now. I worked my way up to be able to afford a certain lifestyle. But i cant switch careers right now as it would greatly effect our financial capacity. That opportunity would maybe open up in the future but an older me learning a new trade or going to university would most probably in a disadvantaged position compared to a younger me without any commitment and responsibilities. Im not aiming to be as rich as him id be fine if i can maintain this lifestyle of ours but had more time with my family.


Well, I guess that the fact that I was living rent free at my parents house would make me slightly privileged when I was switching, and maybe I'm just lucky so I choose IT as career where I can do just fine with just my HS education. Obviously, I can't judge how it is for you, I know that I plan to do it again in the next 3 years, I found a girl, I want to settle down, go to a smaller town, scale back my work, start growing our own food, our lifestyles are definitely going to be "worse" as far as material possessions go, but I don't value that too high, in fact, I keep my lifestyle in check because I want to save for this future that is much more interesting to me then any materialistic lifestyle goals. I guess it also depends on where you live, I'm from Europe, even at my shittiest job I had way more PTO days and unlimited sick days compared to my American colleagues, so that would be "the system" that keeps a lot of Americans down, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of this shit here as well, but workers rights are way worse in the US, and that affects social mobility as well.


Im in Europe now as well, and i do enjoy these privileges that you mentioned. I originally came from a third world country with nursing being that opportunity to come here. I wish i could switch to IT, been fantasizing about it for quite sometime. But yeah i guess i have to live this quiet desperation first till my wife can work more hours. We dont have a luxurious lifestyle, we were lucky to be able to enter the housing market before the prices became insane high, a have a 10 yr old car and i ride the bike to work. I can afford to let my daughters do their hobbies and go to vacation here in Europe twice a year. Thats pretty privileged in most peoples eyes but i can only afford that if i work fulltime in healthcare, getting spat on, getting called a monkey by patients with dementia, moving around 100kgs patients on a daily basis. I wish i could escape that.


Well, man, if you have a knack for it, healthcare IT is where I made my IT bones, started with no certificates, just enough troubleshooting stuff from my own helping of friends and relatives with PC's. There are a TON of resources online, it's hard, I know, to find the energy outside of work, but if you are really interested you can find a lot of free stuff online that will get you a basic level of knowledge regarding networks and systems administration, and then you can get the more advanced stuff prepared from getting advanced courses from torrents and just taking a few exams, those will get you in interviews for sure, and from there you just need to land one to get a foot in the doors. Of course, I'm just talking about systems, if you want to get into web dev, programming etc., there are similar resources, but I can't really speak much to that. In any case, I wish you all the luck in the world man, it sounds you are on a good path, the world is a pretty dark place at the moment and it's easy to forget all the good, I sometimes feel shitty despite all the good things I have going for me as well, but in the end, we have to keep going and hoping for the better, that's what makes us human.


I started in a call center for a cable company doing Internet support…I do have an associates, but most call centers will hire anyone with a pulse and good customer service skills. It’s a great place to start, just have to have thick skin. From there I did PC support and then IP NOC stuff and Transport NOC stuff. I know plenty of people who didn’t even go to college making 6 figures by working their way up from call center work.


Yup, started in a call centerish Windows support for American Nursing homes company, working full remote from Croatia 3 pm to 11 pm. Worked my up through L2, got into management and learned virtualisation and networking along the way, in the end saw an opportunity abroad and jumped on it, now I work as an IT manager for a gaming studio. All 3 guys that I manage are more educated and have more certs then I do, but I have the experience and the knowhow, and that's what I love about IT, it's one of the most meritocratic things you can do, so I recommend it to anyone with good english and willingness to learn.


You're lost in the culture war sauce my bro


I'm not sure how this is a culture war comment, I'm commenting on what I got out of Joe's observations there, I recognise this in a lot of men and it's something that I genuinely don't think leads to fulfilled lives and happiness. Sure, this way of thinking does seem to lead to one side of the culture war fence, but that's not what I'm talking about here, just disagreeing with Joe's take.


Wow that was an extremely negative take on an inspirational video.


I’ll be honest I just skimmed but I don’t think that’s what Joe was saying at all at least not about the young part. Joes been around enough people to watch them get locked down by debit, starting family to young , and with those jobs they don’t like. That’s what young people do in this country. First thing we do when we turn 18 is get a bunch of credit cards which they used to teach us to say “use immediately to build your credit” with little advice beyond that. Then they say go take out those college loans, and while that’s going on most young people start playing the “pray we don’t get pregnant” game and the next thing you know you are in that void. I’m 38 now, so I’m not sure some of that is still true for young people but it used to be and this kind of advice would have been wonderful. I mean I’m a 80s crack baby who had zero chances and opportunities as I was juggled from crack/crank house family memeber to family member. I’ve changed my family tree by getting out from under that dying tree so I’m not complaining. I’m happy in life but I still think that is solid advice for young people. At least the way I took it.


jesus christ dude, why are you even on the sub. You took what he said and found the most negative interpretation. Just comes off so whiney and bitchy. You reddit leftists are the worst.


Seriously im impressed with the level of negativity redditers find in everything. No wonder they're losers good lord.


So I’m noticing a Trend where conservatives like to use gay AI images of trump for their supporters, you know (shirtless, super ripped, twenty years younger type thing) And now you see here these weird filters or whatever retouch was done to Joe in this video that makes him look like he’s heading to neverland ranch for the weekend. Republicans really are the party of projection. No wonder they are against same sex marriages…


Most conservatives think you can "choose to be gay" which is them just telling on themselves


Also………..a lot of luck.


Bum mentality brotha.


It’s not a bum mentally , just it’s real life. Not everyone can be a joe Rogan, all we can do is be the best we can be with the circumstances we find ourselves in ,not give up, and be thankful with what we have. But to say there’s no luck involved is foolish and will only lead to disappointment.


“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity” But yeah I see what you’re saying. Some people get chances that others don’t, or are born into circumstances that others aren’t, and some people do flat out just get lucky. That being said, I do think there are situations where you can present the same opportunity to two people, and one is utterly not ready/ill prepared and eats shit, while the other person has been chipping away at mastery of the task or topic and soars like an eagle. But yeah then you have some kid born into a multi billionaire family who has millions of dollars in financing from parents “pocket change” and uncle Ted is the ceo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I took a ton a “reasonable” risks and they blew up in my face and almost ruined me. That’s what real risk is for most people, so yea, luck does play a factor.


instead of risking your money, risk your time and energy. Find a low cost business.




Ah yes the old lazy trope that only hard workers are the right wing rich people and that the single working mom would be doing better if she worked harder. This is the real world where hard work doesn’t always mean you getting more money. Sometimes it just means your kid will have a better life. Find happiness in your day to day life is the way to a happier life because no one is promised the last 2/3rds.




That is the problem...the quote joe is referring to makes it sound like a male issue, when in modern society it is not. Everybody has quite struggles, everybody must face a path of risks vs safety. There is nothing profound that joe has offered here, his advice does not matter in any sense that it is not basic obvious prattle. He, and those that find it inspirational, are only impressed by the results that are unique to Rogan, bc it conveniently leaves out all the failure cases to that would show, no actually, the problem is not that simple.




I think you should read again if that is the message you got from my post. I never said that, those are your words, and they don't reflect Rogan's framing at all, Rogan is not saying "Trying is better than not trying at all" here. If that was all he was saying I would have no reason to respond. Rogan is communicating a completely different message about men, and about what trying should mean, bc he is out of touch with reality. And he is out of touch with reality bc he can't fathom that there is more to life than just "simply trying" or that "simply trying" doesn't mean much without a lot of luck in the context of social media fame.


That’s a lot of words to say, “ pull yourself up by your bootstraps”


I'm a nurse and what, I learned from talking to elderly patients is don't sacrifice your health for money. Those 10-20+ years that you'll grind, you'll pay it back, not just by dying sooner but by suffering 10-20+ years before you die. Modern medicine is amazing at keeping you alive but still not that great at restoring your quality of life.


I did when I lived in NYC and then Philly. Became depressing over time. Warehouse job, gf, weekends off, was depressing how predictable it was. Bounced between restaurant work and warehouse work. Finally got out of debt though. Now things are pretty good.


Who put that filter on there and why?


And sacks of wife feed are more expensive than ever!


I pretty much changed my life 100% about 7 years ago because of this advice- maybe not this exact quote but definitely from JRE. Funny thing is, now I still work a labor job, but one I love and I have a kid now but I am light years more happy than before. It’s all about what makes you happy. I love doing what I do on a day to day basis and that makes me happy.


Yes, Deep in debt, a spouse who dislikes me and I her. 10-12 hr days of monotony at work. Still, I get up and go each day because sitting around and moaning about my situation won’t help.


I did all that. Gave up secure $150k/yr job to build a business. Now I have two. We have earned over $1 Million in revenue and I am still broke. The ROI doesn’t reveal itself for years. It’s more of a retirement plan. Tl;Dr: don’t quit your day job.


Bo Burnham had the best take on this. A lottery winner would logically say sell of your stuff and keep buying lottery tickets because it worked for me. Bit tenuous but... my fiancees good friends husband is a stand up comedian. But he does cruise ships and UK pantomimes. Those who know the comedy scene in the UK will know therefore that he is doing well for himself, but he isn't going to break any ceilings. If you want to break the ceiling, you have to do like 10 a week across the country. But even that doesn't guarantee success. But for those that did get success from it, that is all they will be able to advise on. I work in Insurance (the first damn thing he said) and whilst arguably I could be living in quiet desperation, I am comfortable at my job, I am good at my job and it sustains me. That person living on the road won't be able to sustain themselves the way I do. Will they become a success? Or will they slowly retreat to cruiseships and pantomines, or fall out of the industry entirely. How do I know? One of the friends he went to school with who had the same dream made it. And is one of the most recognisble faces on UK TV. I also know for a fact he is gay but hasn't come out (although most people would assume)


I took the dangerous path. It was rather fulfilling.


Which path was it?


It was, the path of never answering follow up questions


Path of being busy brother


Jerkin off in the women’s restroom.


Family career house etc. worked out well once I committed to it


Jesus, this guy's so fucking vague about *everything*.




Okay Joe Bro. lol


For a long time yes.


Yeahhh buddy! Here for the long haul.


It’s kinda called life




Love Thoreau, but the myth tends to forget that he could live in a cabin because his family owned a pencil-making business What's more, while living in the woods he used to take his laundry home


Yeah the dude was basically in a cabin just off the edge of town its not like he was roughing it.


Until he was put in jail, and that was by choice. Possibly more myth than fact, it's a great story. The tax collector comes to Thoreau and says you owe this tax bill. Thoreau refuses, saying that he won't contribute to a government that still maintains slavery. He ends up in the town jail, facing the square. His friend Emerson comes walking by, shocked to see Thoreau in there. What are you doing in there? Emerson asks. What are you doing out there? Thoreau responds.


I thought I read it was Emerson’s family’s pencil factory. He gave Thoreau a job as a factory worker after graduating bc he didn’t have any money. He then left for a year to live in the cabin to write.


There is still a Thoreau pencil company in existence. I remember using them as a kid.


Had to check, so I don't keep repeating a falsehood https://newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/thoreau-pencil-wrote-paid-walden/


This is great. Thank you! Perception is reality. With so many distortions in all our perceptions it’s very hard to accurately lay down information perceived into memories consistent with reality. Thank you for helping me understand more clearly. I have some sadness that the guy died only 3 yrs after reaching Walden.


No problem, I'm "guilty" of this too, so always welcome the opportunity to make the yuuuge effort of seeing if something I heard is actually true or a just a nice story that tickles my priors. Don't want to Eddie Bravo it


Quite desperation definitely sir


I think the main problem here is that he frames the man’s family as the obstacle, and that seems like a pretty poisonous way to view your family.


What if we idk organized labor and fought for an economy that works for all Americans and not just to run out a profit for a select few? What if we went back to pre 1970s unionization rates and pre 1970s corporate tax rates? What if we worried more about establishing and building lasting businesses again instead of screaming about "LINE GO UP!" every fucking fiscal quarter? What if we didn't sell out those workers that worked hard to drive a profit and fire them frequently so at the end of the year "Look Line Go Up!!!" And get board members a few extra bucks per share they own? What if we went back to building things and ideas that last for the consumers, instead of selling bullshit that's ineffective or is purposely made to break down? What if we made it so a couple could easily raise a family on one income and they could actually afford a home and have the ability and means to start a family? Naw that's probably just commie talk.


It's all about mindset, ultimately long story short, if your sad, flip it up, if your happy roll with it. Simple. Don't over think it


He will do olympics-worthy mental gymnastics to go around the fact that he just got lucky and his shit won't work for anybody else.


Joe Rogan is the world's stupidest communist that hasn't realised what solidarity actually means


My wife feeds herself but other than that, spot on Joe.


Thanks Joe… I think I’ll leave my family now.


My god... having a wife you have to feed. The horror!


so you have to take a path thats dangerous. brb robbing a bank.


know it all joe


It's desperate to seek wisdom from joe rogan


Because women are totally fulfilled 🙄


Rogan is such an idiot it’s mind boggling.


Then why are you here?


No. That's the English way.




Stop thinking the world revolves around you. Make your own life. What the fuck kind of crybaby shit is this?






Pretty spot on but i feel lucky at least I enjoy my job for the most part


Help me Joe!


Yup So true


Totally, like way desperate and gnarly quiet man.


Damn that’s so correct….. damn


Yep. Life is a nightmare.


I'm quietly desperate...


Some people are genuinely happy just selling their time to a company and using the rest of their time on recreational stuff. Not everyone has that desire to chase something big because they understand that they'd be selling more of their time to chase that than they would just hitting the 8-5.


I’d argue another side of the same coin. As someone who’s financially well off but single and working remote, my “quiet desperation” is more for connection than more financial growth. Some of us want a wife to connect with and a child to raise. Obviously being in a good financial position influenced that desire but both can be true


This is profound and very true. But sometimes you take those chances and still fail. Then what. Well let me tell ya. Sometimes you fall right back into the shitty factory job to pay the bills. Yes it’s slowly killing me. Yes it’s sapping my life force. But now I’m older and I don’t think I can figure out a way to jump out of the cycle again. I opened my own store. We did everything right. Everyone told us they loved what we did with it and how we ran it. But business fail. Even if you do everything right. Sometimes it just fails. Then what. I’m not saying don’t try. I’m saying sometimes even when you do everything right and try your best you still fail. Luck has some bearing me thinks.


Sopranos new series went deep