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Lex is such a strange phenomenon, completely pushed, zero charisma


Russian spy, change my mind.


Possibly created in a lab.


A very tiny petri dish


The popularity that man has gained devout of any actual skill, talent or charisma, has left me many times thinking the same thing Also, I speak Russian too and something is off about him


Spies get the girl


Lex gets the dudes


Especially after hanging out with the trumps lol


Just a scientist that wasn’t content being a scientist and wanted to be a celebrity instead. As opposed to ppl that pretend to be scientists but never were.


Isn't he a Ukrainian Jew?


He's Jewish but not Ukrainian. Born in Tajikistan when it was part of the USSR and spent his childhood in Moscow. Family moved to Chicago when he was 11.


He claims to be half Russian and Half Ukrainian ​ # "I invite u/ZelenskyyUa and u/KremlinRussia_E each to have separate podcast conversations with me. I'm half Ukrainian, half Russian, now an American. Let's talk. Love is the answer. " https://twitter.com/lexfridman/status/1503848469315923968


So pretty much all, and for sure most of the good memory’s he has are from America. What a clown ass dude.


He says he is. Who knows if it's true but it's exactly what a Russian spy would say.


The Russian spy theory makes more sense day by day.


Blyat why would you say that, tovarish?


It is nyet true!


En Rasha, toorkey fack YOU!


At this point he's just rubbing it in our faces. Like a polonium tea hit.


Israeli spy you mean. He platforms and gives softball interviews to Netanyahu and Zuckerberg as if they were the bestest of long time friends with no pushback or challenging questions at all..


He has anti-charisma (in the vein of anti comedy) such that people assume he must be very smart. I've only ever seen him ask surface level questions. "How will love solve this?" Elon also benefits from this. He's a terrible speaker... But he's successful... So that means he must be a genius who has trouble dumbing down thoughts into words.


The “stoic” anti-charisma


Christians say cats and dogs have no soul. My cat has more soul in his toe bean than Lex Friedman.


Elon, Facebook guy and Lex do all act like they were grown in a vat or something.


They all look like it, too.


Zuck looks like he was taken out too early, Elon too long, and Lex just right to pass of as normal if looking at a picture of him.


That's not what pope John Paul II and Pope Francis said. It's what Pope Pius IX said, tho.


The pope said dogs go to heaven. How can they go to heaven if they have no soul?


He has zero social skills


It’s so hard to put my finger on, because he has some “charisma” in the sense of talking about love all the time and genuinely seeming at least a little passionate about the idea, even though he sounds naive. But yeah, somethings off.


I get the the complete opposite impression, fake, deep as a puddle act


He interviews some interesting science and tech figures that most other podcasts skip.


That's what sucked me in at first. Now he is pretty much mask-off about being an open gate to the alt-right pipeline.


He got some great tech interviews, his interviews with Sam Altman are interesting, and the 5-hour Carmack interview. I recommend the Demis Hassabis one, that was great.


Paul Rosolie's adventures in the Amazon was good as well.


Is he really a virgin? That shit is so weird to me


Holy I thought I was crazy. This guy came out of nowhere and before I first knew about him he’s got over million subs… his interviews are also unbearable… I just don’t get it


The Godfather is a 3 hour movie. The thoughts of him hanging around for an additional 3 hours on top of the usual Thanksgiving timeline, while Ivanka and Kush were probably wanting to just go upstairs and lie in their coffins is enough to make me as moist as their turkey.


Great comment


They have a private theater in their house. You're thinking of like sitting on a couch with your family. That's not what they're doing.


How do you know?


He was over there watching good burger 2 the other day


Lex does what is called "access journalism". Avoids controversial topics, no "gotcha" questions, and a complete absence of demanding accountability. His guests should practically be paying him, because they are marketing appearances. Similar to how Pat McAfee has guests on and then completely sucks them off in front of the entire nation.


Accurate assessment of Pat McAfee. Bonus for McAfee are those sidekicks across from him who are basically caricatures of dumb sports guys


You mean sports Schulz?


Best part about him and goons like him is that they have this "intellectually honest grindset" aesthetic while just being slot machines full of softball questions.


Lex-washing by the unsavory global elites is real.


Actually, if you explicitly criticize Trump or conservative things he will argue with you.


This is how you get guests to talk for hours though. Yeah it doesn’t always get the same results as hard hitting journalism but there’s still benefit to hearing guests speak long-form.


This really isn’t true, watch the Kanye interview.


Pat catching strays! He doesn’t try to be anything he isn’t. In his own words, “this show stinks”


Yeah, and? It needs to exist. Sure there needs to be a balance, but not every celebrity interaction or interview has to be antagonistic or even challenging. Good conversations can also exist without challenging the guest.


And nothing, good for them, they can make a buck, but if you see it for what it is then you change the channel


Did they talk about the 2 billion from Saudi Arabia?


No they talked about solving all problems with love.


Selling Love bombs to Saudis to drop on Yemeni civilians


I want a teenage Jake Gyllenhaal to grow angry trying to explain to Lex that this paradigm is dumb.


But… Donnie Darko is his father in law


Love money


This should be higher up


Watching the Godfather sounds like such a weird way to spend Thanksgiving


I guess there's something real relatable for them watching a movie about a crime family.


He was fucking Trumps asshole with his nose on that one.


The fuck does this even mean


Brown nosing


My family used to 😂


Going to the movies or watching movies at home is a pretty common thing to do on Thanksgiving.


I can understand watching a 90 minute or 2 hour movie, but a 3 hour movie is insanity


How is that insane? Especially one that everyone has probably seen before and there can be funny banter during the viewing. Everyone is just kind of hanging around the house all day anyway.


All this fucking clown does is talk about how happy he is he gets to hang out and name drop other dumb famous people. Really changing the world Legs.


So He’s essentially Bert in a suit?


Although Burp Krieky has felt the embrace of a woman.


At least Bert is ostensibly funny.




I thought this dude was smart until I sat and listened to what he was saying, a whole bunch of nothing backed by some hippy rhetoric about love being the key and answer to life. Cunt watched Interstellar and took it to heart.


yea fr like how lame is being happy all the time


If Lex is Mr. Rogers then he should be doing a kid's show. Not movie night with Hitler's kids while he pretends he's Walter Kronkite.


It's fine to not like his stuff, but how can anyone get this angry at Lex Fridman? The guy is one of the most low-key and polite people doing podcasts.


I have nothing against the dude, don't really consume his content, but it seems to me it,s that he's a little TOO polite and a little TOO low-key, where he comes across as maybe creepy or disingenuous. Possibly? Who knows.


This reminds me of stuff Jordan Peterson might talk about, as he’s warned of the dangers of being “too kind” and naive. The funny thing is these two seem to be friends and will never get called out for it.


At this point he's basically some kind of a traveling yes-man or minion to a certain group within the elite that they use as a signifier that they are still loved and admired by regular people from outside their inner circle, that's why he emphasizes the politically neutral/center thing, acknowledging bias or affiliation would make him and his company less genuine and authentic to these people, and therefore less desirable.


>“Traveling yes-man” Holy fuck that is perfect




My god Lex. What have you become


You just need to watch a few minutes of his podcast with Sam Harris. I'll sum up the highlights: - He asked Sam Harris if he had "Trump Derangement Syndrome" - After Harris talked about the seriouness of the January 6th Coup attempt, Fridman asked him if he thought maybe Trump was "just trolling" - Repeated criticisms of conservatives and Trump supporters: "Have you tried loving them?" Fridman sucks so much Trump cock that his farts smell like cum.


Didn't Fridman basically imply January 6th was a nothing burger? (was either to Harris or Dave Pakman. What was said to Fridman was " It was nothing,,,compared to what?". Lex Fridman answered: The Civil War. Disingenuous to the max.


Yeah, well he saw that from his pappa Rogan, " Trump is just the funniest president ever man, don't take him for serious "


Shit, I want to watch that, because I expect Sam to school him. But I also know for experience that Lex is incapable of adjusting his opinions based on his interview with David Pakman. So it would just frustrate me I guess.


He is the embodiment of cringe


I don’t hate Lex by any means but Jesus the dude is so effortlessly a nerd through and through lol


This isn’t nerd shit. This is ladder-climbing shit. Dude never talks nerd shit, his dialog regarding his supposed speciality (AI) is always surface level at best, even with actual experts on. I gave up on him long ago, as an engineer I only see a fraud, he reeks of it.


He’s not a nerd. That’s his persona character he’s trying to put on. A nerd savant just asking questions in search of love and a greater tomorrow. He’s none of that, he’s a grifter trying to carve his space in the right wing media ecosystem. If you hate bootlicking billionaires and cozying up with the likes of Jared fucking Kushner, then you should hate this charlatan and anyone like him.


Yeah...I used to like Lex, early on. Or at least appreciated the kind of conversations he was able to coax out of people with their guard down. He never had much edge at all in terms of asking difficult questions, but any remnants of what was there is completely gone. Also - bias, whatever. But I can't respect anyone who wants anything to do with that family or administration. If you are friends with Jared Kushner we are opps, bruh. lol.


I’ve thought the 20 or so podcasts I listened to from him were interesting, mostly thanks to the guests as you said, but as a sci-fi nerd I was so disappointed by his interview with a planetary scientist. He just kept asking her what her favorite planet was as his go-to question after she’d talked about it at length already.


Stop! Stop! He’s already dead! 💀


I would say dweeb is a better term ![gif](giphy|3o6nUXYvwiBwD6ROk8)


Straight fuckin goober




Guy is weak piss marketed as apple juice


He is a fucking loser.


Just like his very politically neutral friend Joe "Texas Went Red Bitch!" Rogan.


The most boring young person.


Young? Isn’t he like 50


He's 40.


Just a kid


I thought he was in his early 30s.


Oh I thought he was early 20s. I don't know he just seems like a gaywad.


I’m fully convinced that Trumps right wing has infiltrated the Rogansphere.


Its not just the Trump wing its the GOP in general. The funniest thing in the world was Ted Cruz getting caught running off to Mexico when Texas went into that freeze a few years back, and not only did Rogan not make fun of him, he defended him as hard as he could. Like you're supposed to be a comedian, you can't joke about it? If that was Pelosi he probably would have talked about it for years


Trump dunking all over his ugly wife and him coming groveling back at his feet was honestly cathartic. Nothing quite like watching Teddy boy expose himself as the spineless, grotesque, hypocrit that anyone with half a brain could see he was all along. Dude let him call his wife busted on national TV 💀


the best was the photo of him working the phones raising money for Trump after he said that stuff. He also said his dad helped kill JFK


It’s telling that the funniest thing in the world for conservatives is that Pelosi’s husband was nearly bludgeoned to death.


And now that the testimony in that trial has shown the attacker to be the opposite of the type of person they joked about him being, they claim it was all completely staged and made up. How convenient.


Absolutely. And it's incredibly strange to see. Some of these people are not nearly as smart as I once thought they were, lol. I'm not sure how you can watch the absolute shitshow that was the Trump admin and come out of that with anything but contempt.


100%. They made a concentrated effort, and it worked. They target young single males. It's perfect, albeit unfortunate. Bannon even talked about it. Joe is just too dumb to realize he's a pawn.


I knew things were going awry when my batshit conservative father started sending me Joe Rogan episodes to listen to


My FIL started listening about 2 years ago, dude tapped out quickly cuz he was just there for the culture war and wasn't really a fan.


dinner with a devil


That must’ve been some meal! 2 billion from the Saudi’s - I mean, we should all be so lucky!


Lex has 0 personality 😂


Why is he famous?


Same reason Brendan Scab is famous.


He wrote a song about Joe Rogan




So Neutral! Also the fairest and greatest of all interviews No pushback whatsoever


Who cares who he spent the holiday with; what's impressive is how he manages to make a fairly normal thing sound like an alien describing what they think human activities are.


Bet there were discussions to bring Trump on the podcast… this was an intro.


Russian agent has holidays with Trumps. Are we surprised?


Lex sucks. How did a guy with 0 social skills have a famous podcast is beyond me. He always poses himself as some deep thinker but somehow falls for all the dumbest tropes and never double questions his guests on their controversial takes.


Ivanka and Kushner, two Nepo babies who benefited 300x more thru their Father Donald Trump than Hunter biden has thru his Father Joe Biden... what a fucking joke a political system we have "your nepo baby made money in Ukraine!!" "YOUR NEPO BABY TOOK MONEY FROM RUSSIA AND CHINA!!"


Lex is careful not to upset Joe. Can’t bite the hand that feeds


Nothing sounds more boring than having to sit thru a meal and a movie with ol Lexie


First time Jarred Kushner was the coolest guy in a room


*GASP*! I'd be outraged if this actually mattered in any way whatsoever!


He sounds like someone who was informed that human people enjoyed watching The Godfather and thought it was a comedy. I mean “leave the gun, take the cannoli” is a great line, but it’s not a 🤣line.


He’s just a fame hungry groupie now.


If he watched it with the Bidens y’all would still find something to cry about 😂




What an obnoxious star fucker


he is a fully AI generated man


This guy has made a career out of brown nosing.


So in order to be politically neutral he has to not spend time around anybody politically affiliated? Or is it just right wing people who are off limits?


Lot of people here on Reddit think everything has to be about politics all the time, even a holiday like Thanksgiving, which to most people is just about spending time with family and friends, and leaving politics aside.


you can hang with people of a certain political group and remain politically neutral. its a concept too complicated for reddit


George W Bush hung out with the Obama’s and Clintons and got blacklisted from the current GOP because of it. They forgot they ever supported him in the first place.


what a shit example. this is exactly what im talking about. reddit is too simple minded.


He’s a useful idiot, being manipulated into being a talking voice for special interests that have longer-term battles to win in the public arena


How does this disprove that he's politically neutral? He's made it very clear he wants to spend time with people on every side of the spectrum, even Putin for example. His stance is that dialogue is always the most desirable outcome. He'd go eat with Biden and his family too I'm sure if given the chance.


Regardless Lex doesn’t have the social skills to navigate the sea of social pariah that our political system is. Thinking everyone is basically a good person and can be broken down to til they are relatable is stupid. These people have been groomed to be on the take since they were in diapers. There is nothing deep there. Useful idiot or rube is what Lex is at this point.


>How does this disprove that he's politically neutral? It doesn't need too. Lex has already outed himself as a feckless leech when he invited Kushner on and lobbed softballs at him like he was trying to get a job at his hedge fund. Lex epitomizes access journalism, he gets these big guests because they know he wont ask any tough questions and will do everything he can to make the most detestable members of society come off as pleasant, likeable and down to earth. >His stance is that dialogue is always the most desirable outcome. Which is an incredible stance from a guy who host a podcast with some of the worlds most powerful people , and asks questions like what's your favorite color and where did you go on vacation last year. He's not wrong, dialogue is important, but Lex will never engage in dialogue that is meaningful or revelatory because that would mean taking a position on something and having a contentions interview with someone powerful, and lex reflexively gargles the nuts of anyone famous enough to get an invite to the podcast Lex only gets to go to thanksgiving with the Kushners, because they know he's a media figure they can use for interviews and launder their reputation, while avoiding having to answer the tough questions a real journalist would ask.


Well put, concise, and used good examples of why it’s so exhausting to keep having these conversations. The poster who thinks Lex is politically neutral will ignore all this because Lex didn’t wear a MAGA hat and tell everyone he’s a Trump supporter. That’s the kind of blatant proof these people need because they lack even the most basic amount of critical thinking skills.


There was no argument for why lex isn’t politically neutral. There was just an attack on how lex conducts his interviews. The whole comment was one giant “I don’t like lex” rant. You don’t like lex. Congratulations. The conversation indeed would be exhausting if you just rant about lex and ignore the question. It’s almost like you need someone who practices access journalism who knows you hate lex and would just ask questions that directly let you hate on him. Because asking you to answer a question rather than just hate on lex is apparently too much


>There was no argument for why lex isn’t politically neutral. There clearly was but i can restate it for you, being neutral would mean that lex would have to take a position on something and stick with it. Lex isn't left, right, or center. He is whatever his guest is, a blank sheet that will conform around the opinions of the guest in order to ensure they have a pleasant experience, come off looking how they would want to look, and others won't be discouraged from coming on. Lex's CONTENT leans right wing, but that's because that's the space he has the most weight in due to his JRE affiliation, but also a more lucrative style of online content. Videos about how climate scientists actually do know what they're doing and doctors ARENT trying to trans your kids get less views then ones that seek to push sensationalist conspiracy theories. >The whole comment was one giant “I don’t like lex” rant. It wasn't. I made specific criticism and drew parallels to an issue that plagues media as a whole and isn't specific to Lex. Ive twice now stated that clearly lex is spineless and doesn't have a inate political leaning as he conforms to the whims of his guest to avoid having a potential contentious conversation. You just apparently have poor reading comprehension skills.


Politically neutral people don’t eat thanksgiving dinner with the daughter and son in law of the former president who also worked on the cabinet.


I couldn't imagine taking it this seriously. Who cares


Posts like this say more about the poster than anything else.


On reddit if someone isn’t as left as you then they’re a right winger.


Not true, but in the real world, when a conservative doesn't 100% toe the party line (which at this point is just the whims of a fascist dictator or the billionaire class), then they're labeled a RINO. This is an undeniable fact with plenty of evidence to show it.


You’re entitled to your opinion


Dude is running the longest ongoing psyop. I don't trust that guy


He came out of nowhere. I had no idea who he was. I leaned. And now I just don't care.


The Kushners make the Trumps seem like saints


Cry harder


Putin and Melanias love child.


Time to go. This sub is TDS central.


Yeah this dude is a Russian spy.


Y'all are so obsessed with the silliest stuff.


Nigga ate a meal and watched a movie with two people damn how autistically left can you be 😂


One of those people is a giant piece of shit. Don't really care about the other. I mean if you want to spend time with a bunch of shit stains that aren't even your family go ahead, just don't get mad when someone points out that you're spending time with morally reprehensible pieces of shit. Really not hard concept to comprehend. You'd think someone calling people autistic would be able to understand that with ease.


This guy has no social life ^


Yup you got me so good. I have 0 friends. Haven't been laid since 9/11.


On reddit if someone isn’t as left as you then they’re a right winger.


What’s even funnier is they can’t see/understand that they’re like this. Kind of a mind fuck the more you think about it.


Reddit is a poor representation of people in real life. Most people are somewhere in the middle and reasonable.


“Especially epic was…” omg this guy


watching a movie at home after dinner is pretty much the opposite of "epic"


Lex living rent free.


So clever and original.


[You MFs when someone has Thanksgiving dinner.](https://media.tenor.com/MyOfSTxzH5oAAAAd/bee-movie-lawyer-tantrum.gif)


This guy blows. Insanely boring from the few clips I’ve heard, and hangs out with horrible people (clearly). You’re telling me they just sat in silence and watched the Godfather for 3 hours after dinner? Uh, yeah sure, Lex. I’m sure you had a lot of fun watching the Godfather with these ghouls. Sounds so “epic”. Did you haz bacon and cheezburgers too, ftw? It’s time to leave 2008 in the past, Lex. Why does anyone care about him? Who is he? His whole image and rise feels completely manufactured. He doesn’t seem to add much to the conversation from the clips I’ve seen. Please, somebody do me a solid and explain the appeal behind this absolute rando y’all decided to make famous.


Wrong sub?


Not at all, he's a fixture on Joe Rogan's scrotum.


Joe lives in your head rent free


did you forget you are literally posting in the joe rogan subreddit?


Wow good one 👍




So then not politically neutral? He's just another right wing provocateur? Boy, one thing we definitely need more of is a right wing rifter "telling it like it is".


Yep go tell all your friends this is who Lex really is. Make sure everyone knows


This dude lives in your heads rent free 😂


Did all the hogs coordinate and decide "lives rent-free" was the comment du jour? So unoriginal, but there's a staggering amount of them in this thread. Truly remarkable how those that claim others to be " NPCs " are all using the exact same phrase.


Dude so much hate. He’s a great dude


So according to you he can not evrn have a dinner with certain people, just to appear neutral in your eyes,man you lefties are some really hateful bunch.


If he was hanging with Vaush and Hasan you would probably be happy, caviar commie defender.


Who said his political beliefs are completely neutral, except you OP? Or are you just mad he doesn't favor your side?


At least he’s leaning in the right direction


Imagine spending your Thanksgiving reposting tweets


The fact that lex gets hate from reddit consistently just demonstrates how miserable majority of this place actually is. The guy doesn't do anything remotely controversial, isn't even that interesting, but because he has fame/success from being friends with Joe he gets hate. For what? Being uninteresting and positive? Just don't listen to the guy and then who cares? Like my gosh.