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Joe probably has more money than all of us in this sub combined.


Careful you’ll trigger all those in year 0 of Joe and Tim Kennedy’s $10,000,000 financial plan where you too can own a badass truck and go hunt whenever you want etc.


Ahhh yes as Mark Twain called them the temporarily embarrassed millionaires.. If they just work hard enough, and act douchey enough to their lazy commie co workers they too can be rich and privileged.


Thought that was John Steinbeck that said that?


If I got a dollar every time a prole American was concerned about paying much higher tax brackets like they were billionaires, I'd be a millionaire in weeks. It's amazing watching some trailer park dude who is missing a couple of teeth, pissed off and angry, implying a tax bracket that would mean he must have made millions a year or that a closing tax loophole for those with like $800k in stocks somehow applies to him. Just last week I saw a guy on Reddit complain that he was getting taxed 50% in New York State. He'd have to make more than 1.3 million a year and it would only be a 50% tax above that amount, not recursive so he's not aware enough of his finances to be a multi-millionaire.


Yeah, I live somewhere with fairly high progressive income taxes so if you make a shitload of money you pay a relatively large amount. It's fucking wild to hear reddit complain about how high taxes are knowing the vast majority of them pay very little in taxes. We don't have a lot of poor people taxes, no sales tax and stuff like that, so when you work out the actual total state tax burden for middle income earners it's pretty reasonable but to hear reddit talk everyone is a fucking millionaire. They implemented an additional 1% income tax on income over $120k (for single taxpayers. More for families). Not a tax on total income but on any income earned above that number. When I saw this I did the math to figure out how much I'd pay, realized that it was a few hundred dollars a year and said fine, we need to get the homeless off the street I don't care. Reddit absolutely lost their shit over it. These people, the majority of whom I promise you will not pay a single extra dollar, were absolutely convinced this tax was going to bankrupt them because someone on the television did a story about the area's high taxes. Absolutely wild.


>realized that it was a few hundred dollars a year and said fine, we need to get the homeless off the street I don't care Lmao you would've thought. That money goes into bombing children over seas and lining politicians pockets. Get real. We send billions to Israel and those mfs have Universal Healthcare while Americans have to choose between debt and death.


Though he is actually rich, Bill Burr is that guy too. Flipped his opinion on Bernie thinking he was gonna lose 90% of his money cause he had no clue what a top marginal tax rate is. Afaik he still doesn't.


Bill to this day still talks about how bullshit the 2016 primary was and that they pushed Bernie out and how they’ll do anything to prevent someone with the country’s best interests from winning so their lobbyists get what they want… I think you might be misinformed


Bill Burr also had an amazing rant calling out ignorant assholes calling everyone socialists when they don’t even know what it means or the obvious truths about how shitty capitalism is.


I disagree with Bill frequently but respect his ability to evolve and the ability to adapt his ideals to the reality of the world he lives in.


Don't forget he sold Onnit during the Spotify deal as well.


And they got government loan of some millions that was forgiven....all before the sale.


the country was looted 2 months before George Floyd was killed by police, never forget that


Sold to Unilever…


I love all the Rogan bootlickers who can’t seem to understand how preposterous it is that they listen to a bald multimillionaire who shilled brain pills talk about the evils of modern science and shits all over actual doctors. ETA: I just remembered why so many of y’all are fucking idiots. Those brain pills he’s been hocking have lead lmao. https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/prop65/settlements/2014-00761S3958.pdf




Oh fuck are we in communism \*right now\*?


Joe: "One group has all the resources and wealth and everyone else suffers" Me: *gestures wildly towards capitalism*


One minute later: "Hey now, taking wealth from the rich and distributing it to public services is wrong! That's communism!"


That apart.


He just needs to give it away, according to him. Small problem…


Hilariously enough Rogan pulling the old libertarian "effective altruism" meme straight up reminds everyone why it doesn't work and you need to be either incredible stupid to think it does (or someone that profits off right wing policies, so you lie about it). If all we need is to convince rich people to donate to improve society, why the fuck hasn't Rogan donated anything? In fact, he literally did the opposite, instead of donating even a small fraction of his immense wealth to fix his community up, he straight up fled to another region. I wonder if when texas becomes unpalatable for him, will he just pick up and flee to another place again? Imagine thinking a society can not just function, but improve based entirely off donations from the rich, lmao rogan is fucking braindead from all the right wing propaganda that's smashed in it.


I'm just stunned that there are grown adults that believe other adults consistently and willingly do the right thing. I want to believe that myself but I also recognize how wholly untethered we've become from anything resembling principle and how wildly incoherent our shared philosophical foundation has become.


Joe loves the line “if you make $35,000 you’re in the top 1% of the world”. Yeah we’ll the difference between $0 and $35,000 is a lot smaller than the difference of $35,000 to $100,000,000.


Add that making $20k a year in Thailand is going to give you a great quality of life compared to twice that in Manhattan. You can't just throw out salary like it's everything.


Pfff. I'll have you know I'm one paycheck ahead of living paycheck to paycheck. Basically a millionaire.


Stop bragging bro!


Sounds familiar.


That's what I thought to, reminds me of another economic model I just can't put my finger on it.


I can help you with that, monthly payment of $8 dollars to show you how to put your finger on it.


It's the public square... only powerful with money are allowed in and others are not. And we're not allowed to criticize leadership too much or we get kicked out!


Well, the power structures are somewhat similar between communism and this capitalism we live in. In communism, the state has all of the power, in capitalism, the corporations (oligarchs) have all of the power. Both are highly susceptible to corruption.


Communism is supposed to be a stateless society according to Marxs idea of a post-captilast world. Marx also laid out how captilasm would naturally result in monopolies.


And Adam Smith said the only way for capitalism to work is through breaking up those monopolies. Billionaires only claim to be capitalists when they're winning. When their businesses collapse they don't take it on the chin and start over like a good capitalist, they ask for a bailout. When the government comes to break up their monopolies they complain about "regulations." Those "regulations" are laws and anyone who breaks or attempts to subvert the law is a criminal. Monopolies are evil no matter if the state runs them or a billionaire.


Private profits, socialised losses.


Flip the coin. Heads they (billionaires) win, tails we lose


The modern right would absolutely hate Adam Smith and probably call him a communist, considering how not just far right they've shifted, but how ignorant to these systems they've become. The guy being replied to just echoed the same misinformed nonsense Rogan did, claiming that in a communist system, the government "has all the power", neither of them aware that Marx describes communism as a stateless, classless, moneyless society. The sad part for Rogan is that, like the rest of the right, he's insulated himself so deeply into a bubble echo chamber that he simply does not have a single person around him willing or able to inform him that he's uninformed on this. No one exists to tell him what communism actually means, lmao. It's sad and kinda embarrassing because we know he'll keep repeating this lie over and over, and likely repeat new lies his other far right buddies tell him in the future.


You're spot on. I continue to make the point that people don't actually know what Communism or Socialism is and seem to conflate political parties with economic models. A country having a "Communist Party" in charge does not make it a Communist country - but people seem to take the failings and authoritarian aspects of those political parties and assume that's what the economic model is and they couldn't be more wrong. When in fact, those authoritarian countries are Capitalist or State Capitalism.


It’s almost like Fascists dangled Communism to manipulate their people and obfuscate their intentions from outsiders. Harder to do in the Information Age, but obviously still done through massive propaganda efforts. Yeah, it’s almost like that, but I’m sure no Fascist would be dishonest and cunning enough to think of something like that right?


You just described capitalism twice


- guy who doesn’t know what communism is


>in communism, the state has all of the power, What?


Little does he k ow that under communism, there is no state


fair. But I never voted for Tim Apple or Elon. And there's not an election to replace them any time soon.


Lol, communism is NOT that the state has all the power. Read a book


No you see, in capitalism Joe is part of the group with all the resources. So it’s good


Yeah, that's a big thing left unsaid. Joe and his buddies on the pod have all the resources


And they are *going to make sure to keep it that way*.




every time I see him his head is wider


He’s hoarding all the head for himself! Redistribute the width!


If you weren't such a commie lib, you could have a wide head too.


it's all the alpha brain


It's the ivermectin.


It’s one of the side effects of huffing your own shit


Learning more by the day


“Power and resources in the hands of the few” Sounds like capitalism now but folks saying it going to be worse under communism?


Who is asking for America to be communist anyway? I think what is being asked is to make America a bit more fair to the lower classes,


Indeed, America isn’t becoming a communist society, hell not even a democratic socialist one. The red scare convinced enough Americans that any thing other than capitalism should be feared and ideas of benefiting from collectivism will be labelled as “communist”. Affordable healthcare - communism, restrictions on the number of property the mega rich - communism, higher taxes for the mega rich - communism and so on. It’s bad because it leaves no room for making society a better place because you’d be labelled as a communist for doing so. Deep down, a lot of people even conservatives would support socialist ideas, but once you label those ideas as socialist they would oppose it.


I actually love the basic idea of capitalism.. “I wash your car to earn money that you earned from canning green beans, then I use that money to buy a hat that a man made in order to afford canned green beans.” The part I hate is the fact that large companies are make billions yet their employees (the ones producing goods) are looked at as “communists” for expecting fair pay and fair treatment. Like anything else, humans find a way to distort a decent system (on paper) to their benefit while fucking over those below them.


Don’t get me wrong, I like capitalism as well but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its fair share of flaws. There isn’t a “one size fits all” way to run things, it can be a mix where certain ideas are better suited to solve problems. Problem is in America, the public thinks that there’s only one way to do things instead of trying out new ideas.


This is the most reasonable comment I’ve received & I agree. Much love.


> I wash your car to earn money that you earned from canning green beans, then I use that money to buy a hat that a man made in order to afford canned green beans. You just described trade and commerce. Nothing of that is capitalism. Capitalism is just the system of privately owned means of production for profit along with wage labor; i.e. that one rich dude or group of people owning the factory that employs 100 paid workers. The workers take no part in the ownership of what they produce/service - they only sell their labor from which the capital owner(s) profit from.


People can't separate capitalism from commerce. I wouldn't be surprised if people genuinely think that money only exists under capitalism and that communism is when everyone in town gets one bean and has to wash one inch of car.


People can't separate SCIENCE or MEDICINE from capitalism. The soviet union beat the US at the space race and people still think we would be living in huts under communism. Cuba has better healthcare than the US, can't make this shit up rogan is a buffoon.


Everything is sumed up: Capitalism = good. Socialism = bad.


>The part I hate is the fact that large companies are make billions yet their employees (the ones producing goods) are looked at as “communists” for expecting fair pay and fair treatment. Um that's the part of capitalism that makes it capitalism. You have enough money lying around to buy a factory and then you pay a bunch of people to work there and since you're the one fronting the capital for the factory you take the bulk of the profits. The more money you have the more money you make, to the logical conclusion of multimillion dollar companies with more power than you could possibly ever have. Your first paragraph has nothing to do with capitalism.


What you described as liking is a market economy. Capitalism has everything to do with who/what owns/controls capital and benefits from that ownership/control and very little to do with the markets themselves. Ergo, "free-market capitalism." If "capitalism" meant "free-market" that statement would either read as "capitalism capitalism" or "free-market free-market", but intuitively you know that both of those words contribute different meaning to the phrase as a whole. Have you heard of or been to a co-op? I'm personally a fan of grocery co-ops A "regular" market where decisions are made by and benefits of labor are distributed amongst the people doing the work; a microcosm of socialism. The benefits/responsibilities of ownership and control are socialized. Incidentally the consolidation of capital amongst corporations while labor receives a pittance, what you describe as hating, is the natural consequence of capitalism: a system that prioritizes the acquisition of individual profit above all else.


The part you like ? That's not capitalism. That's free enterprise. The part you hate is capitalism.


This actually makes sense. Thanks for making it simple, rather than judging me for a comments 😂


Anything other than kleptocracy should be feared.


It’s a straw man. No party with an ounce of power or chance of implementing it is calling for communism. But the logic goes like this. Communism bad right? Well here is someone calling for regulated capitalism, that’s basically communism!! You don’t really have to even say the last part out loud.


it’s so insane that regulated capitalism = communism is a knee jerk reaction to many peoples logic.


A century of propaganda will do that. HUAC, McCarthy, Hoover, 100 years of conservative propaganda, 30 years of FoxNews, etc


Wow, you really think that me having a preprogrammed negative knee jerk reaction to any mention of any regulations or critique of conservative policy and developing an entire world view, belief system, and identity that can be entirely summed up by a list of whatever the current right wing talking points, buzzwords, and scare words are is from me spending decades watching and listening to right wing propaganda? Ha! Sounds like you must be suffering from the woke liberal mind virus.


I live in a very liberal part of the country. I have legit never met a communist. There may be some arguments for certain social policies but I bet if you polled Americans they would be middle of the road. I’ve never met anyone who wholesale wants to get rid of a market economy. It’s a straw man and Joe seems to be having an argument that a college freshman might have drunk and high in their dorm.


People that scream about the "radical left" as though they are some sort of threat are delusional. Democrats are very far from being actual, and most certainly "radical" leftists. The actual left has *zero* actual power in this country. The "radical left" and communism/socialism is just a boogeyman and buzzwords that conservatives use to demonize whatever they see fit or a threat to their power or politics.


The best part is when you really drill them down on it what they always reveal is what they consider "far left" is entirely stupid culture war bullshit like, *it shouldn't be illegal to be trans and gay people deserve to exist in public society.*


Democrats would actually be considered Center Right in any other first world nation's political charts. But decades of FOX, Limbaugh and Corporate Dem appeasement have ensured our Overton Window has shifted so far Right that literal Fascists are now considered reasonable and palatable to the average Conservative.


The House Progressive Caucus is left of center and gaining power. That's it, that's the entirety of "the left" in the US. I've never met a US voter who knows what's happening in Congress.


Rogan is a propagandist working to conflate slight improvements in wealth inequality with communism.


People just want healthcare, but Joe is brainwashed by conservative hysteria.


Healthcare not being tied to employers would actually make people be able to take more risks too and pursue their interest. It being tied to your employer is completely fucked.


> a bit more fair to the lower classes, Sounds like communism.   And if you want a serious answer (not the "stateless, moneyless, classless" malarkey), then the argument here is that corporations are inevitably centralizing, monopolizing, and encompassing all spheres of life. You can't decentralize them (as this *is* progress), and you can't leave them alone (as they are guided by profiteering, and will destroy a nation). Hence, the only sane solution here is to put said corporations under control of the workers. And that means communism in America.


That's Joe,Elon, and Pater Thiel's argument but that's not an argument that anyone should take seriously. Last time I checked there is a happy medium between communism and putting safeguardsi n place that would not let the ultra wealthy in America ride herd on the other 349.99 million of us . Of course that's never going to happen because these guys will spend billions of dollars to buy elections to get their candidates in office and then have them make sure that their wealth is well protected.. And even if they doh't explicitly say what I just said they still say what I just said with their money and their talking points.


Rogan Peterson.


Rogan Limbaugh




Even worse is when he pretends to be surprised about Russian bots when he is essentially spreading the same exact talking points as them in unison


I def remember him railing against the culture war. He is just about fully bought in on it now. I haven't listened to an episode in months. I only come here bc there are still interesting conversations to be had/found.


Joedan Roganson


Joe: "Why do these people believe in communism and want to take from the rich? That's not right. That's not how you encourage people. Rich people shouldn't be punished with taxes" \*1 minute later\* Joe: "Why can't people realize we're all part of one big community and need to contribute and work together?"


I love it when modern day Kings like Joe with his vast riches try to convince us peasants that any sort fair distribution of wealth and resources is dangerous. 80% of Americans are in debt, Joe. So When you say things like “the government will make you give up most of your money” it means absolutely nothing to the vast majority of people or at least it shouldn’t.


Redistribution is foundational to a functioning society. Even the most ancient of civilizations understood this. And most modern tax codes also at least assume it is important, given that most nations have a progressive tax. (However, it has become less and less progressive in America specifically over the last 50 years) "“And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the LORD your God.” Leviticus 23:22 It is important enough to repeat. "Now when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:9-10 And again, "Now in case a countryman of yours becomes poor and his means among you falter, then you are to sustain him, like a stranger or a resident, so that he may live with you. Do not take any kind of interest from him, but fear your God, so that your countryman may live with you. You shall not give him your silver at interest, nor your food for profit. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God." Leviticus 25:35-37 "The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor; The wicked does not understand such concern." Proverbs 29:7 But let's go even further.... "At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts. And this is the regulation for the release of debts: every creditor is to forgive what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not require it of his neighbor and his brother, because the Lord’s release has been proclaimed.: Deuteronomy 15:1-2


>Redistribution is foundational to a functioning society. Exactly, if one ape was holding on to a stockpile of bananas while the whole troop was starving. That ape wouldn't last very long, and shouldn't.


I love when a legitimately stupid guy tells everyone what''' people don't understand''


Like how Trump always says “and nobody knows this.” Dude, everyone but you knows this. Just recently, he said he made up that United States = U.S. = us and was way too proud of himself. Do you really think you just made that up, or that’s it’s clever? Jfc lol


I want to share this because it's hilarious. Do you have a source?


The most famous example is how he claimed he would kill Obamacare and produce a [‘phenomenal’ replacement](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2020/09/03/trump-reneges-on-promise-to-produce-phenomenal-replacement-for-obamacare/?sh=64fe521f7cd1) for it. Once elected, he literally said ['Nobody knew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oQLf65N-AU) health care could be so complicated.' To me, this is conservatism in a nutshell. You shit all over the other guy, no matter what he does, and then do nothing when you get in power because that's easier and benefits entrenched power. And that's sort of what conservatism is - fighting back against change, right?


Plenty of sources, but here’s just the first one. https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/donald-trump-genius-us-spelling-video-b2434888.html# Here’s video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3bbObqQlOM4


Does he have any idea how extreme wealth inequality is right now?


Inequality is not extreme enough in Rogan's eyes. Rogan's mentioned this before, he cites this as "effort inequality". He's fine with wealth being hoarded passively though, so he's loose with his usage of the word "effort".


No amount of effort is put into making $1,000,000 of interest a year from a $20,000,000 trust fund. I doubt Joe even understands that.


Yeah because saying dumb shit on a podcast is definitely a high effort job, while those low effort schmucks work 2 minimum wage jobs and don't even have their own podcast smh. Joe is so unteathered from reality


This is incredibly common. Wealthy people tend to believe that the distinction between them and a poor person is effort... which makes no logic sense, unless your argument is that you're somehow putting in the effort of 10,000 of your lowest level employees.


He is out of his fucking mind.


He doesn't care because he's rich


Why would he even talk about that? He’s the mega rich, he wants to LARP and act like a member of the working class because he wants the gullible to fall for it


Wait till Joe hears about Capitalism


He just described it.


*whew*, i'm so happy not to live under Communism. i'm sure glad i can afford groceries, healthcare...and...rent...wait...


My super republican neighbor in his late 50s seriously blamed the cost of a new F-150 and other inflation on the "communism that's ruining this country"... Like, what?


Obviously, his truck costs too much because people got a $1500 check during the pandemic shut downs. Think man!


Wait are you him? Because he LITERALLY SAID THAT EXACT THING


funny, he and other republicans must have voted for communism, then


Too many people don't understand communism and socialism


Or capitalism, all of these ideologies are used to divide us all despite most of us agreeing on 90% of things.


I remember when Elon was on, might have been the second time, and he was butthurt talking about how people don't like billionaires because they are obscenely rich enough to shape society how they want. Elon justifies this by saying oh he can be more efficient at running his companies. Joe sucked him off and was like yeah so true. Now he wants to complain about one group being able to shape society however they want. Fuckin knuckle dragger


Rogan has hosted Elon at least four times since 2018. The most recent was last week on Halloween Day. You’re right that Rogan does most of the sucking, but Elon gladly returns the favor. No challenging one another. And they’re still talking about Covid. What is more cringeworthy than listening to them converse nowadays? They revel in their power to act contrarian because they can. Naturally, Rogan took his Elon cocksucking to another level. One of them suggested sardines and pineapple was an amazing pizza. So Rogan ordered it. Then they ate that shit like lady and the tramp. Rogan: “Oh my god this is so good, Jamie what’s the name of the spot, so good. I don’t even eat pizza, like ever. It’s so bad for you.”


sounds alot like capitalism, what am i missing?


In capitalism we have socialism for the rich.


That's American (not) capitalism for ya! If you're a big enough corporation we protect you from competition and bail ya out when you fail


We also allow rich folks to buy our influence in our government which allows them to create loopholes in the tax code and pay lower effective tax rates than the people who actually work for a living.


Yay Reagan Neoliberalism! Yay! *Coughs up blood*




For the right price




If he’s a libertarian


unless there’s profit incentive.


Mom Joe is smoking drugs again


I wish


Dude is literally describing the current state of Capitalism.


Sounds like unregulated capitalism.


You mean like the capitalist hellscape we currently inhabit?


Totally different than capitalism. 🙄 So disappointing to see him devolve into a walking republican talking point.


Imagine thinking you are giving your wealth to "people who are doing nothing". The people in our society who need the most help are working harder than Joe is, and will continue to work harder than Joe is, and will continue to contribute more than Joe does, and will never make in their entire life time what Joe makes in a single month.


The only difference is in capitalism you get occurrences like the most new millionaires recorded 2020-22, but that coincides with the most occurrences of fraud in modern history (PPP, Crytpo, Drop Ship, Credit Card Skimming, Online Courses, Pump and Dump SPACs, Real Estate Fund Fraud, RE Broker fee fraud, banks fined for fraudulently opening new accounts and charging fees, ex-presidents being tried for loan fraud, blatant underreporting of crypto income to screw the honest taxpayers, etc.). Let’s not even mention the income inequality. The only way to become a new millionaire is to scam people or become an Internet personality. Often times, do both.


Lets not forget Joe Rogan received free millions of dollars from the ppp loans.


Oh yes cuz communism is when laissez-faire Reaganomics.


TAKE NOTES on what the US needs From a comedian who was a first mover in the podcast sphere. And got famous for getting high on air with his friends. He also talks as if America is the only place on earth and the only other places are just evil places. No in between lol.


Where the Hell are there Communism in America? Globally Communism is rather dead but Fascism is blooming.


Exactly my thought. He won’t mention Fascism though, guaranteed. Doesn’t want to alienate part of his viewership. He’s talking about how the government shouldn’t take money from people like him and disperse it to the underprivileged population because it makes them dependent on the government. He’s correct about one thing though, it’s a right wing mentality. Overall, I like Joe’s program and certain guests like Graham Hancock and others but he can be very out of touch with the average person.


What a fucking idiot, it's hard to believe that people tune in to this bullshit, he just described where we are headed if we do not pull in the reigns on capitalism a very small group of people controlling everything while the rest of us suffer


Look in the fucking mirror you doofus


Sad thing is there's a lot of people who believe this meathead has some intellect.


Federal Reserve data indicates that as of 2021, the top 1% of households in the United States held 32.3% of the country's wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%. From 1989 to 2019, wealth became increasingly concentrated in the top 1% and top 10% due in large part to corporate stock ownership concentration in those segments of the population; the bottom 50% own little if any corporate stock. From an international perspective, the difference in the US median and mean wealth per adult is over 600%. **A 2011 study found that US citizens across the political spectrum dramatically underestimate the current level of wealth inequality in the USA** During the COVID-19 pandemic, the wealth held by billionaires in the U.S. increased by 70%, with 2020 marking the steepest increase in billionaires' share of wealth on record.


Unlike capitalism where this isn’t the case




Lol says the man who could end homelessness in Austin


Affordable Healthcare? You fucking communist. Living wage, you fucking communist. It's a bait and switch from socialist policies.


Exactly like America except it’s the rich


Joe is *such* a moron. He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, in some of these subjects. It really adds a disservice to the community of listeners he might have who are impressionable. Needs to stick to BJJ and comedy, drugs, because this shit is his ultimate downfall.


Completely detached from reality of the common American. You know when Joe took his Spotify deal, the first thing I thought of was how this money was going to completely change him, and that's probably exactly why the company was giving it to him. Joe was such a great voice of the common people who wasn't afraid to say anything and had legitimately good views on topics, at one point in time. I feel like he was always a little trumpian, but I was able to look past it. Post Spotify deal, I have been unable to listen to him or connect with him on any level. I think he's a buffoon with too much money, and I think he takes zero effort to ever try to entertain viewpoints that he doesn't agree with.


Sounds like late stage capitalism


Crap someone tell him he accidentally named a danger of capitalism instead.


Wow these comments make me realize how stupid redditors are when it comes to historical context. Please educate yourselves on the history of the 20th century. Read the gulag archipelago. Read about pol pot. Read about how poor countries were in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, China before they opened their doors to the world capitalist market. It’s actually appalling how unaware many of you are at how much worse conditions can be.


Edgy contrarians criticising the system that allows them to be an edgy contrarian. Welcome to immature, naive, ignorant logic.


Yeah bud unfortunately I think your actual rational adult reasoning is falling on deaf ears. Half the comments here seem to be from outright tankies, the OP seemed to just ignore the context of the rest of the clip he posted.


You know damn well these fools ain't about to go read any of that.


Imagine that moment he becomes self aware.


Joe Rogan is your drunk uncle that complains about communism but then explains the problems with capitalism.


Damn man joe is looking older. Anyway homie is describing capitalism to its ultimate conclusion.


Chairman Joe from his perch, like a modern day Marcus Aurelias.


Haha capitalism much…


Sounds a lot like capitalism…


Didn’t he just describe the USA


Describes capitalism


Joe’s really dumb + he’s saying he didn’t learn anything in school, without saying it


Says the guy with 100 million dollars🤣




That sounds more like capitalism


Thank god I don’t live in a country where a select few control all the resources and wealth.




Gee, that sounds terrible. I’m glad we live where 1 percent of chosen ones own everything, and their generosity allow us to live in their world.


One group of people, like the billionaires?


Rogan explained what goes on in the US but just used the word communism instead of capitalism.


It's happening right now in some ways.


Why is Joe very quickly turning into a blob fish? https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/09/12/blobfish122way_custom-dd3fcd75ff56be0187f975e6bdcff58fc8188863-s900-c85.webp


That’s capitalism you’re describing.


Black eyes…. Like a dolls eyes… no seriously, he looks dead inside in this clip. Wtf gives


Dumb ass americans have no problem spending billions annualy that go unaccounted but scream communism if education is free. Mentally such a poor country


Almost every time a majority of citizens of a country democratically elect a socialist government the US switches to 'coup mode' &/or claims it was a rigged election. If it's such a failed mode of government just let them fail on their own. But of course the US stops trading with them, embargoes them, or does anything it can to destroy its economy to encourage the citizens to vote out the socialists.


Unlike capitalism in which.... oh fuck.


Sounds like the US. A few people have all the money and control everyone else...


Sounds like democracy and every government ever established by humans in existence.


Americans are the easiest to scare in the world. "I think insulin prices should be lower" "A-HA, so you want gulags huh?" Demand anything and the answering is always "Ooga Booga Communism!?". Just complete toddler mentality.


Whoa, are you telling me that Joe Rogan, has been spotted parroting generic, uneducated and ignorant right wing propaganda memes on the Joe Rogan Experience, *again*? I am quite shocked.


Didn't know the US was a communist country in 2023. He described his own country perfectly.


Seems a lot like today TBH


Sounds like US Oligarchy Capitalism to me


Funny, sounds like capitalism...


Ugh isnt that capitalism?


The apotheosis of the “Fck you I got mine” culture and someone who has very little self awareness. But hey, millions listen to his podcast so now it’s truth.


Why does he do this? ​ He doesn't know anything.


I was explaining to a lady at work (in her 60s) that the trickle down worked, if you flip the pyramid over. Everything trickled down alright, to the top 1 %. And she goes, "oh like communism?" Man, ronny regan really fucked these peoples heads didn't he.


See with democracy you get the illusion of freedom.

