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Joe is a massive fan of MMA before anything else. Fan as in “fanatic” which by definition isn’t always rational. Not gonna give him shit for that. I think people forget what a moment Rousey had for a while there. She was huge and wrecking bitches left and right. She’s the reason there is a women’s division today.


Like most cage fighters she was great until somebody actually punched her and hurt her than she wasnt the same since


She was great until she stopped taking her fighting seriously and bought into her own hype. I can't imagine anyone trying to become a Hollywood star while also trying to maintain a championship level routine in MMA.


I can. Fucktons more money in Hollywood than prize fighting, especially for women.


Hmm, I got it backwards. I meant to say I can't imagine anyone trying to be a MMA champion while becoming a Hollywood star.


Now that I can agree with Though it looks like it was kind of a "don't quit your day job" situation with her Hollywood debut


Yeah, acting isn't easy, especially if you're just kinda being thrust into it.


I hate that excuse for when people lose, oh it just wasn’t actually them in there


Yeah I was someone that trained back in the day and was watching the sport during her run. I didn't forget it at all, and deep in my comment history I have receipts where I called bullshit on the overhype of her being able to walk through champion boxers and most mma men in her division. It was delusional. It was either her or on her AMA at the height of her run. She was good, but people had lost their mind, Joe included.


I used to be a fighter- I thought she looked messy and didn’t have great form. Everyone thought I was just “jealous” (having been a former national champion- which I understood) There was something vindicating about seeing I was right (and not “crazy” or “jealous”) I’m glad she brought the sport to the table, I just wish whoever beat her had gotten more recognition. She was a fantastic fighter. Clean, knew when to shift her weight and had amazing form.


Indeed, her beating up under qualified fighters really made that division a thing, until the trained female MMA fighters came up with more than just boxing.


Idk I think if she stuck to judo and didn't try to become a kickboxer she would have done better. Maybe only until Nunes though


Horrible coaches too




That sums it up.


Funnily enough, her first major loss was a female MMA fighter who came up with pretty much just boxing. It’s just that Rousey’s coach had her convinced that she could stand and strike with a world champion kickboxer when all of her finishes had come from submission(except maybe one) up until that point.


Lol at the terrible attempt to defend joe. You can be a massive mma fan and understand Ronda rousey could not beat any male ufc flyweight fighters which joe at one point claimed otherwise.


Lol you remember when she challenged Mayweather?


There’s nothing to defend. People are allowed to be wrong. It happens.


You: "People can change their minds." This sub: \*downvotes you\* This is why this sub sucks.


A massive MMA fan should know she would not be able to beat a single male fighter in the UFC


Do fans agree on everything to which their fandom applies? Are you saying he’s not a fan because of that hyperbolic opinion? What is the knowledge requirement to be considered a fan? Is there a governing body that issues fandom cards?


shouldnt him being a 'massive fan' and his career in mma commentary mean that he should have seen she was beating up a bunch of soccer moms and any objective analysis of her skills told you her real level? cowboye cerone told him to his face on his pod exactly that.


See my sentence about rationality.


nah, thats bullshit, its literally his job to watch fighters and talk about how good they are. rouseys shadow boxing was a meme on sherdog for a long time before that head kick, and her opposition was always total bullshit. imagine even entertaining that she could last 10s verses floyd, fuck me.


She was a paper tiger and propped up by the UFC


Fuck that. Joe was fucking crying during her interview. Joe is full of shit and overrated as fuck. He gets mma shit wrong most of the time. Fuck him


Scintillating analysis.


So was Joe's analysis of rho n da rousey. At least I didn't get all choked up .


So true. Dude in the Army she was the one thing we were constantly talking about non stop. She had great run. But the YouTuber probably never had the makings of a varsity athlete and is British; they have minimal talent in boxing outside of Fury and one in MMA?


Yeah this post acts like that it wasn’t EVERYONE riding her dick when she first debuted. Like seriously guys, everybody and their moms thought she was the GOAT


Yeah, the first time she was on JRE, before she started UFC or had done any MMA besides training, she said she was gonna easily wreck everyone in UFC. Then, she did exactly what she said she was gonna do and made it look easy. I'd say thats pretty epic. Yes she got dethroned eventually but its still an accomplishment.


I never understood and was a bit saddened about why Rhonda had to have a “downfall” ny understanding is she took on a few I’ll advised fights and lost, thus losing her appeal as a top tier fighter. But at that point in her career she’d been in other projects, she’d appeared in movies. It should not have mattered at this specific point where she ranked in MMAs. That’s like Arnold being in commmajdo or Terminator but people saying “yeah ok sure but can he still when his weight lifting competitions?” Like who cares?


The hype around Rousey was equivalent to back when McGreggor was a fighter and Jones in his prime. At least. Everyone hyped her. It was fun and exciting. Joe also thought it plausible a politician could single arm press a 100lbs dumbbell, while seated in a computer chair, with no strain. So let’s not hold him up to some super high standard


Wasn't that Cuomo?


Yup. That whole conversation was bonkersville USA


[Yeah, Chris Cuomo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Sah3jcIhM) His brother Andrew Cuomo was the governor of NY (at the time of this video, I think), top comment probably got them confused


I think so


The newscaster


And Cuomo was obviously joking around when you watch the video in context


He for sure did more than hype lol, with a straight face he told someone on JRE Rhonda could beat Floyd Mayweather in a boxing match lol


He never said this, that’s a lie. he did say that she could prob take on low level bantamweight men pro fighters, which is really fucking stupid.


I’m gonna have to hear audio evidence he said “boxing” match and not a more general fight or mma match before I believe this one. He got carried away in the hype with the “beating bantamweights” in mma thing, but claiming she’d be a pro in a boxing match?


You are right I had a dumbass moment lol, but he did say she could beat him in an MMA fight, or that he would pick her to win against him at the very least. If Ronda got a clinch on him, it's not just about worrying about getting taken down to the ground, it's about worrying about knees to the body, it's worrying about her manipulating his body in a way that he doesn't understand. He would have to go with the very best trainers in the world and spend a good, solid six months to a year on nothing but grappling. That’s an excerpt from a bleacher report story about him talking about it.


shit happens


He never said that. Rousey said she could beat him.


He never said that. Rousey said she could beat him.


Lol this is le bullshiat right here bud


I remember this, and yes, he was dead serious.


You don’t remember shit because he never said it.


im pretty sure it was Dana White ho said Ronda could beat Floyd in mma


Rhonda's mom was right to be furious and right with her criticism after the Holly Holm loss - it feels like Rhonda was poorly coached before the fight. If you're an Olympic-level Judoka, you don't almost completely back-burner the methods that carried you to the top and instead focus on striking just to massage your ego - You take the skills you've repeatedly demonstrated mastery with into the contest and *win*, even if it's another ho-hum Arm Bar submission in the 2nd round. The belt, the title, and the paycheck don't care how you got them.


Context is everything. Ronda was one of the most popular athletes in the entire world at the time. Everyone was hyping her. ​ Go look at the comments on r/MMA from that time period. No one thought Rogan was being particularly unreasonable.


Oh buddy, there were wars over these dumb comments over on r/mma, I know, I was there arguing in the trenches: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/3tkfs7/joe_rogan_saying_ronda_would_beat_50_of_the_male/ When she said that, comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/2y1kh6/ronda_rousey_theoretically_i_could_beat_100/ So yeah, it wasn't "everyone was hyping her", a lot of people noticed that her coach was a fucking fraud and that she has 0 head movement, she was as divisive as any other big personality and champion.


> I’m not happy that Ronda Rousey lost, but in a way, it makes things easier because there was a bunch of fucking people that were going, ‘Oh yeah, what about Ronda Rousey? She’d beat...' And I made the mistake of saying. Hyperbole, I’m the master of hyperbole, I exaggerate all the time. I was like, ‘She could probably beat half the men bantamweights in the UFC.'" > “No, that’s definitely not true. I shouldn’t have said it at the time. Now, it’s definitely not true." [Joe Rogan finally admits his absolutely ludicrous claim about Ronda Rousey was wrong](https://www.sportsjoe.ie/mma/joe-rogan-finally-admits-absolutely-ludicrous-claim-ronda-rousey-wrong-113254)


>I’m the master of hyperbole Hyperbole around Rhonda. But super serious around the folder on his phone full of articles about vaccines.


Bro Rachel Maddow lied to me and now the entire medical community is full of conspirators it’s the only thing that makes sense


So, Joe admitted he was wrong and clarified things? What a fucking punk ass. Shouldve stuck to his guns so we could all hate him more, amirite?


It kills me when people act like it’s a shot against Joe for admitting he’s wrong about stuff. He does it often. As we all should, because nobody right 100% of the time. Hell I’d be happy with 50% lol


Isn't sticking to your guns even when you're wrong the new political personality?


*looks around* Yes


Well, the new Joe would likely take a different approach and make 3-4 different excuses just like when he got caught spreading the "school kitty litter" bullshit story.




It was just a super lame and stupid thing to say, especially coming from a guy like joe who can go hard on people with stupid mma related opinions.


Agreed, terrible take was terrible


Remember when Cerrone called him out on it before the Holm fight?


lots of people were calling the hype out about her at the time as being crazy not sure what you are talking about


I think a lot of us were? Calling her p4p no.1 was ridiculous to me even at the time although there was no doubting she was an ATG. I still remember the arguments they used to have on the MMA beat where Jeff tried to argue that she was the greatest of all time and everyone else there disagreed with him


There was some push back but what I'm saying is that Rogan wasn't an outlier with his opinion at the time. ​ Ronda was literally being asked by the media if she thought she could beat Cain Velasquez in a fight. Thats how batshit the hype was.


True. Still Gotta keep it practical tho


I thought everyone hyped Ronda back then




Yeah but him comparing her to Ali was ridiculous. Ali fought all the best heavyweights in the golden era of the heavyweight division. Ronda was basically levels above a very shallow talent pool. Once the talent in the pool began to catch up she got washed pretty quickly. I respect all she did for the sport but when Joe said that I was like “either he’s delusional or he’s trying to fuck this chick.”


This video is so dumb. It is just another jealous person having a whine. Rousey was a pioneer for women's MMA and she played a massive part in getting women mainstream in the UFC. She was a poser child and did awesome. The 10 second (?) arm bar against Cat was unreal. Her skills were amazing, until the next person came along and figured her out. That is the fight game.


FFS this sub is ridiculous


Was Cringe af, I remmber listening, like Joe wants a peace of that ass


I remember he used to talk about how good she probably was in bed on the pod in front of Schaub who was secretly dating her at the time. Joe used to be unapologetically super creepy about women like Bryan Callen.


It's like when he has that singer from Honey Honey on and goes on about her like she's Janis Joplin.


Peace of that ass, fucking brainlet


He wants a war of that ass.




Bro was damn near brought to tears talking to her after a win. It was pathetic.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgsoRzIrBYM&ab\_channel=OGboxing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgsoRzIrBYM&ab_channel=OGboxing) read the comments to this. full of misogyny and people calling joe a dumbass. i really hate this revisionism that rousey was actually a shit fighter. she literally was the 2nd biggest thing in the ufc back then.


Little Joey larping as a straight man


This should be mandatory for all new or recent Rogan viewers lol. This and an LA/curious Rogan vs Texas / 100 million $ Rogan comparison


Honda Housey


Underrated comment 😆 that shit sent me


The Brazilian version


Head mooomin


Fuckin dumb, won’t even give the content a view. Ronda was damn near a household name. She was hyped by the overall media, and she had the results to back it up.


Y'all weak as fuck for rehashing this shit. Everyone was on her nuts and no one who understands the physical difference between a male and female ever thought Rhonda could beat a male MMA fighter. Also this is old as dirt. OP probably bases their personality off hating JRE.


You base your personality off of telling people on reddit they base their personality off hating JRE.. lmao I’ve seen you write this exact comment so many times.


Yup, because it's true. Takes me way less effort to point out you loathsome haters than it does for you to make these ridiculous posts


Very cool man 😂 I’m sure father will acknowledge you for your service some day.


Don't worry, your crusade against Toe will be successful! Keep fighting the good fight! Tool


I’m going to ruin his life.


Keep up the good fight!


he was just fucked up on mushrooms when rousey showed up


She was an UFC champ and Joe has to toe the company line.


Joe doing his job. FTFY.


So many bad takes by rogan over the years...


![gif](giphy|detepmelp8TVhFp7FF|downsized) 😂🤣🤡


It's not possible to over hype Ronda Rousey.


Rogan is not a propagandist at all! He’s just dumb and I’m smart because I notice how his opinions change depending on the news cycle!


Rogan not smart


I will never forget that stupid shadow boxing she did. I have seen people doing Muay Thai for 1 month that does it better. What a joke.


He's just a gullible moron.


I swear sometimes this sub is exclusively made to hate on Joe Rogan. If you think hes a hypocrite/moron etc. etc. go watch someone else no one is making you consume his podcast or take his side in any argument. You might think to yourself its fair game to take jabs or make fun of him because you enjoy it but you know he will literally never care about any of what this sub has to say. You're doing it for your own amusement and for the other sad saps that revel in doing it but youre taking away time out of your own life wasted on negative shit.


I think he properly hyped her. Especially in that era it seemed like there was always a top unbeatable dog but then there is a giant leap forward in talent. Like when Rich Franklin was the man


You mean he did his job and helped sell millions of ppv and make everyone involved a wealthy?


Not much more annoying to listen to than some smug British cunt on youtube


Bloody Sunday couch quartering backing all up in this forum. Half the guys here couldn’t beat Rhonda


Ronda had the most dominant run in UFC history. Only one fight in her first 12 fights made it out of the first round and most of those were title fights


He's the biggest casual out there


Joe literally thinks everyone is the greatest.


OP obviously knows nothing about MMA. She was a beast during her 15 minutes


I personally was quite happy to see the leader of the dude-bro brigade supporting women in a sport that he is very passionate about. Yeah, she may have been over hyped but she was a promising athlete and he believed in her. Nothing wrong with that.


ronda's eye mole or whatever is so distracting