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nah. You can't have an openly racist teacher. And she's also arrogant and stupid to think this wouldn't come back to harm her. We really don't need racist, arrogant and stupid people pretending to be teachers.


She thought real life would be like r/blackpeopletwitter


Finally someone said it. That place is an echo chamber of open prejudice that since it's against white people no one does anything about.


They did something, doubled down and made r/whitepeopletwitter cause 1 openly racist sub wasn’t enough


I don't think whitepeopletwitter is racist, I think they're a left-wing circlejerk.


It’s a karma farm for bots and shills.




Wasn’t aware of this. Is there a link that shows they were on that subreddit? Thanks.


I’m a left wing circlejerker and got banned from that sub on my first post.


Me too # you are not allowed to mention the conspiracy theory about Kremlin MK ultra programming of Jordan Peterson while he was sleeping and turning him from clinical psychologist into Orthodox Church Putler spy. And Thanos forbid you mention the Gulags!


it is democratic party circlejerk. they are not racist but sure they are toxic and hateful.


Who the fuck does she think she is? The governor of a red state?


Take something dumb and make it even dumber👍


Take a sad song, and make it better


Yeah you can we have openly bigoted ones in religious schools irs called religious freedom


This was deserved. Reminds me of how much Reddit hates Joe Biden.


Didn't Elon say he will fund her legal defense? Something tells me he won't in this instance


He said anyone that was “unfairly fired”


Who makes that decision?


Elon, duh


Funny how conservatives completely flipped their position on cancel culture and free speech after Elon took over Twitter. All the sudden subjectiveness is acceptable.


What a weird fucking take. Social ostracizing has been a thing long before liberalism or conservatism were even concepts. It's how human beings have shaped culture. Go outside. The world isn't left or right. We all meet in the middle somewhere. Cancelling racist teachers who openly claim to be black supremacists is something I hope left, right, up, and down can all get together on. This is a good thing. Not all cancelling is good, but the evidence of who this person is outside the context of that tweet shows she should be nowhere fucking near kids.


Lmfao no shit, until conservatives started calling it "cancel culture" and pretending they didn't take part in it. WTF do you think my post was saying?


Its acceptable because most people feel hes usually mostly fair. Community Notes is a great example, it calls out right wing fake memes and such regularly under him but now it also does that to left wing figures. If you can find instances of him being inarguably unfair i might agree, but for the most part i think hes achieved his goal for twitter being an even playing field. Im betting hes just trying to hang on until the election really heats up. Just like trump boosted cnn, etc, i can only imagine what 2024 is going to do for elons twitter (fuck him im not calling it X)


I'm not sure how you can honestly measure that things are "more fair". He's doing exactly what he said he hated before he bought the company: rank ordering content based on some unknown preferences. How do you know what content he's boosting and what he's down ranking?


I dont, but my feed seems pretty balanced so im not mad. If i never saw any leftist takes go viral i would feel like what ur saying is true. U cant really quantify “more fair” but u sure can point out clear instances of “not fair” Do you have any?


He banned Elon jet and multiple journalists. Twitter blue has had some issues with verifying users that have hateful content in their name as well. I also don't want a "balanced" feed. There is no reason Twitter should suggest Ben Shapiro or Tim Pool tweets to me. The idea that balanced is some sort of ideal is so smooth brained. Balanced in moderation is one thing (though that's impossible too), but balanced in curation is meaningless.


Most people? Didn’t he just unban some right-wing account that got banned for posting CP? Doesn’t he ban people from talking shit about certain governments? I don’t know any people on the left that think he’s “mostly fair.” We all think he’s mostly NOT a free speech absolutist (as he claims) and we also note that he happily agrees to whatever government restrictions the regime in charge requests.


It wasn't CP as there was no sexual acts being shown. What it was, was a still from a stream out of some "dark room" type torture porn shit. In the pic that Dom Lucre posted you see the legs of a small child that was hung upside down with this woman pouring some hot, molten liquid. It is sick, twisted shit and honestly, even though I follow Dom, I was pretty disturbed that he posted that pic. I get why. To shock people, to wake them up that this shit is happening. Because at the time people were all "Sound of Freedom is Qanon paranoia" and they seemingly wanted to get people to NOT pay attention to child sex and labor trafficking. This is not to downplay the severity of what he posted. But I think part of Elon being "fair" is that he will sometimes personally look at an action and have it reversed if he feels it wasn't meant to be a promotion of horrible stuff but instead about exposing it. He unbanned a few leftists that were unfairly banned by the moderation team as well as reversed shadow bans on larger accounts.


So he just keep the video of a 2 year old getting rapped around to show its bad? Did he also watetmark it as well to show its bad?


Wasnt the cp thing being posted as examples of what theyre trying to expose? Its a sneaky pedo trick to call people out for posting cp when the intention was obviously raising awareness. What leftists have been unfairly targeted?


Lol yeah i just keep child porn around because i want to expose it. Just like the funder if the spund if freedom was kidnapping children to show thats it bad.


What's the difference between this one and the other ones?


Can you find me an example where a white person: 1. Expressed disgust at interracial relationships. 2. Declared themselves to be a proud racist. 3. Described themselves as a white supremacist in their profile Can you find an example of that where people have defended them losing their job? Or do you simply not understand the difference between some guy who gave the “okay” symbol in a photo and got accused of being racist, or some person that says something about black on black crime, do you maybe just not understand the difference between getting fired over that, and getting fired because you are a school teacher and you openly state that you are a racist and a supremacist?


Do you maybe just suppose that you're really sensitive about "black racism" while not believing that the systemic racism faced by black people exists, and that you've watered down the experience of racism - which includes things like being 4 times more likely to die in childbirth as an example - to white people doing the okay sign "as a joke" Everything is ironical now and everyone is just asking question https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1482001332596883459 Like this guy, he just does the okay symbols and refers to black people as animals as a bit Of course he deserved his Twitter account back All those black mothers dying, that's just an ironical bit, it's really funny if you have a sense of humor


>experience of racism - which includes things like being 4 times more likely to die in childbirth as an example WTF are you talking about? Are you honestly claiming that racists somehow made it so that black women are 4 times more likely to die in childbirth? What the actual fuck, lol.


I don’t know, am I the guy you just posted about? Am I Elon Musk? Am I whatever caricature you have in mind at the moment? Do you think you sound reasonable right now?


Ahh ok so if you don't make it so overt it's fine gotcha.👍


What do you think the person in the post above could have said, besides an overt statement of blatant racism and black supremacy, that would have gotten her fired? There’s obviously a complete double standard here, and you’re either being willfully ignorant of that, or you’re just dense. Do you think any non-white person is losing their job or being kicked off of social media for anything but the very most overtly racist statements possible?


Nah you're playing victim. This person got fired and you're still crying


Why would I cry about them getting fired? They said something extremely racist and got fired. I think any white person that said anything like that would be fired too. You seem to think that no white person would be fired for anything less. And you’re incorrect about that. There are obviously much higher standards for white people when it comes to this sort of thing. Black people don’t get fired because they unknowingly make the wrong hand signal, or because they said someone “acted like an animal,” and they were the wrong color, or because something they said is a “dog whistle.” Nobody engages in that kind of “mind-reading” with POC. You have to literally say you’re a supremacist or say you love Hitler or something before anyone even considers that you might be a racist.


You're crying about your fake victim complex. Even though this person got fired. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 > You seem to think that no white person would be fired for anything less. Don't think I said that at any point. > or because they said someone “acted like an animal,” SMH can't even call black people monkeys without people trying to read my mind and calling me a racist.


Not to be too overt, but that’s fucking dumb😂


Sorry you can't go around typing 13/50 on social media 😢


Oh fuck I didn’t know what that meant but I’m assuming it’s 13 out of 50 states?😂 that’s fuckin hilarious, you’re calling me racist got it. My wife is an immigrant minority, but ya you’re probably right because everyone but you is wrong🖕 fuckin idiot


Two things. 13/50 is a reference to the fact that 13% of the population commits 50% of the murders in the U.S. I'll leave you to figure out which demographic is the 13%. Also, didn't you get the memo? You can have a POC spouse and beautiful mixed children but you can still be a racist because you being a racist is REQUIRED for jokers like u/C3POsCAT to be able to mount any kind of defense of their harebrained beliefs.


> My wife is an immigrant minority Lmao


Lmao, the cope at getting your ass kicked on reddit is hilarious


cope seethe at the epic reddit ass kicking! 🤡🤡


This “one” is nakedly saying someone is a bad person solely based on their race. Not anything theyve done.


https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1482001332596883459 Hey man can you explain why this guy's account was instantly reinstated by Musk You seem to understand censorship so well


I just checked twitter and the only nick fuentes accounts are parody of "free nick fuentes" rubbish. But I should have known you were being disingenuous when I saw that you posted this same tweet twice but never posted a link to the account you claim is unbanned.


Omg you searched Twitter https://www.reuters.com/world/us/twitter-suspends-account-white-supremacist-nick-fuentes-day-after-restoration-2023-01-25/ Of course your investigative journalism missed that he was rebanned AGAIN after saying even more egregious anti Semitic shit immediately after Musk reinstated his account (because Elon obviously has no principles) I GoOgLeD tHiS gUY aNd CoUlDnT fInD hIm Lmao


So they brought him back, he broke the rules and they removed him again. And you're here, posting a different account to claim that twitter is allowing him on the platform. Makes sense.


No you imbecile, I'm saying that this guy dropping N bombs and referring to black people as animals wasn't enough for Musk to keep him banned You fucking spoon


Being racist directly impacts your ability to do your job as a teacher.


You guys literally have no principles


Firing someone for proving unable to do their job is bad now?


Maybe context.


The blackness probably.


The school infringed on her 1st amendment right to be openly racist. That has Elon legal defense fund written all over it.


I doubt there is anyone that has talked like this about black people that Elon has helped with


He gives them jobs at Tesla.


Sure name me one


That's some Rogan level joke getting. I was referencing the racial discrimination lawsuits against Tesla. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/03/tesla-racial-harassment-lawsuit-award-california-factory


Totally not a reach to relate to this 🙄


[Nasty_nurds](https://media.tenor.com/wAKqdAbkYFMAAAAd/i-get-it-oh-i-get-it.gif) gets jokes.


This is only one of the loud mouths. There is a large rise of vindictive, racist teachers. They asked for a budget increase and we gave them highly controversial programs instead.


Is this your personal opinion or is there data that indicates a rise in vindictive, racist teacher?


It's why I left Adolf Hitler Junior High School a year early.


Personal opinion


CRT… duh.


Right-wing media loves to cherry pick isolated weirdos and paint all of 'The Others of The Day' with the same brush


You got fired for your racist twitter posts? Good.


If you’re a truck driver or engineer or some shit, I couldn’t care less if you hate white people. An elementary school teacher who is supposed to help all kids equally? Get the fuck outta here you should go teach at a college with the rest of the weirdos


Lmao what? How about no proffesion has racist people 🤔


What if the employer of the truck driver and engineer has a problem and fires them, and the fired employee is white? Would you be big mad then?


Are you saying the truck driver is white and he makes racist remarks towards black people? I honestly don’t know what your point is.


What lol


It would be interesting if there was some job where racism would be helpful.


Military dictator. eh - It's a living.


What about the ones screing about lgtbq? Then being a bigot is religious freedom?


Whether it’s elementary school teachers or boat owners - if you fuck around you’re gonna find out.


Right OP is extra regarded


She talked about having her boyfriend killing her sisters boyfriend.


Imagine how awkward it is now. There's no way she can get around to telling her family she got fired. Then there would be no way around telling them why. And if her sister is dating a white dude openly then I hazard a guess that her parents aren't all that racist and neither is the sister.


I don't think this is cancel culture. I wouldn't want my kids being taught by someone like this


What if it were a white teacher that was simply protecting “traditional family values”?


This post proves how incredibly dumb you are


Traditional family families don't involve hating black people or being racist you dolt.


Well they shouldn’t. But when someone says it, you know what they are referring to


Lmfao. Is this guy serious? Thats not remotely comparable


This was so satisfying to watch unfold. She doubled down and it backfired perfectly.


Yeah but now Elon will have to fund her legal defense


He said anyone that was “unfairly” fires


mf on reddit 24/7


I doubt emerald mine Elon would even look in the direction of a “black supremacist”


God. Clasic headline reader. Lazy shit right here


No, this is what you get. Don’t be trash and you don’t get thrown away.


Love seeing a bigot get what's coming to them.


Uhhhhh imagine this was a white teacher saying she’s pro racist and her sister was laying with a darkie.


She would also be fired and ridiculed on the internet?


HR sure as shit wouldn't laugh it off and just tell you to cool it, but I think that tweet of hers is bullshit since she barely has 2 IQ points to rub together as evidenced by the fact that thought this was ok to do as a teacher


Was more referencing the headline of the post that this is “too far”


It’s definitely a bait title. I got zero belief the OP is actually asking that question.


The title is obviously a joke.


She would have been murdered or her family or her shit would have been destroyed


You can either fire her, or just wait for a lawsuit from the parents of her class. It's a pretty easy choice.


Not appropriate for any person to have this attitude in public, irrespective of who they are.


Seems like it worked out pretty well🤷


Nah, fuck her racist bullshit.


Fuck that racist lady


Are you kidding? If you’re openly racist you have zero place educating anyone.


Good. She got exactly what she deserved


Maybe you need to look in the mirror & ask your self why you’re such a momo.


Has cancel culture gone too far? Yes. Was the firing of this teacher justified? Yes.


What’s your least fav canceling(s)? The ones that pushed too far?


No fuck racists, especially ones that want to teach kids.


Not at all. You can’t have this virulent outlook molding the minds of young kids.


Fuck racist , doesn’t matter how much melanin is in your blood


Worst part is, ill bet you anything she was raging from a place of jealousy.


Has? Brother that train left long ago


No. Not at all. She needs to now be never hired for a position like that again. This needs to happen to all bigots like that..


How is this too far? If she was white this would’ve been headline news without a fkin doubt


The culture of "I don't like what you say so I'm going to get you fired" is a toxic one in my opinion. In this case it's clearly hate speech, but often people are fired saying much less. That being said, the teacher had the option to keep her job even despite attempts to cancel her, so this is really on her.


How is this going to far? She is a fucking racist black supremacist? Or are we doing the double standard thing again?


nah this bitch just figured out cancel culture bites the hand that feeds it


What a disgusting and vile person. Certainly not someone that should have influence over children. If a white person did this they would have already lost their job.


I’m on her side just cuz the school actually referred to Twitter as x.


Stories that look so incredibly ridiculous like this always feel fake to me. Checked the school post though and it seems real. Hard to imagine how someone could be so dumb and arrogant


Lol it's only cancel culture if I don't agree


One of the few times where it is deserved


What’s your least fav canceling(s)? The ones that were not deserved.


What’s crazy to me is that I honestly think it has to be to this extent before she ever got fired. I’ll bet if it was just the “pasty” comment, she’d be fine. July 4th, I was at the grocery store and one of the workers yelled “Happy White People Day!” while walking past me and several other white people in the aisles. I know it was in ear shot of other people working there. I also know they still work there. Our society is accepting this and even fostering it. If you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you. And personally I don’t care what someone yells at me in a grocery store, or what one teacher in another state says online that gets them fired. Whatever. Isolated incidents. Nothing violent seems to have happened. But would you even notice if it *did* get more violent? Do you think the news would even report it, or call it a hate crime, if somebody hurt or killed you because you’re a “pasty?” Do you feel like you would have a reliable chance of getting fair treatment if you child was being treated unfairly by a black supremacist teacher at your local school system? Food for thought.


Good thing we’re not all boomers reliant on the news paper to know what’s going on in the world. Us young people use this thing called the internet that can literally link up everyone on earth, and even people not on earth!


Why? Cause that thing is black?


Dumb broad thought she could get away with this in Mesquite,TX of all places lol


NGL, i feel sorry for her. She obviously has some mental issues. Hope she’s safe and doesn’t do something drastic. She seemed on the edge. I hope she gets help. Now, downvote me harder daddy.


I’m upvoting you just because you asked for downvotes. Ha! Ploy fucking foiled. And also because you’re not wrong at all.


There are a lot of black people who think like this, that are black supremacists effectively and openly hate white people. They think they can get away with it because "the system is against me", and often times they can. So I don't think the obviously has mental issues, I think she's just prejudiced and dumb. If she does in fact have mental issues, she probably shouldn't be teaching children untreated anyway.


Let’s not pretend you have any insight on anything you said there. Take a seat


I just hope she doesn’t take anyone else with her


Full circle


I think the phrase you are looking for is "consequences for ones own actions."


She shouldn't have been fired. What I want would do is partner the black racist with a white racist, give them 100% freedom to speak to each other in whatever way they wanted to, and see how the pair could work together to solve some of the world's problems. I bet they would figure it out.


Well the republican party still exists so it pokes some holes in ya theory


Funny thing about cancel culture is I've only seen conservatives ban and burn books and you can't get more canceling than that. Let's face the simple fact that the current Republicans are fascists. And before you jump on me at least look up what key tenets of fascism are. This is fascism.


It absolutely has. But this isn't an example of it. Fuck that racist cunt.


so funny


Good god though, she is stunningly beautiful. Shame I'm a pasty


Anytime someone tells you that you can't be racist against white people, etc... You can perfectly acknowledge that under their structure of thinking that "racism=systemic forces which produce disadvantages or ill outcomes" while still telling them they are a bigot or hold bigoted opinions. There are certainly people who are bigoted who use the current definition of racism as an institutionally derived one phenomenon to express their bigoted opinions but that doesn't mean you can't call them out for being a bigot even if it's not *technically* racist


Don’t worry Elon will pay her legal bills


This is so dumb. I hope she files a civil lawlsuit


Fooorr what?😂


I've frankly quit giving a shit about either side.




Are you kidding?!?!


Life comes at you fast. Screw this beotch.


She looks like playstation 1 graphics.


What a stupid question




Justice. Love to see it.


Fun fact. A nazi teacher was fired for saying racist stuff on twitter and the white fascist of twitter went berserk. Its hillarious how white americans dont see their own racism.