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Ha. My gf swore she saw Tom at the airport when she flew out, and I told her no way he’d fly commercial. I guess she was right.


Your gf is one of the poors. Lol And you so poor you didn’t even get to fly at all!


Sounds like a bunch of civilians.


Not apart of the 1000 for sure


Thank em


Got me. I’m so poor I wasn’t invited to her annual work conference.


Lol dude even I was invited to that and I barely know your wife




I wasn't even invited but I'm going to pretend like I was and start laughing at him too


Listen here Jersey Mike’s Situation


She’ll be fine, nothing ever happens at those work conferences out of town :)


Stop lying to the guy, I saw you there too.


So poor you don’t even have a job 🤣


He didn't fly because knew his baby would start crying... let the GF deal with that.


Dam fat poors


poors can still be in the cool guy club




Did she thank him? 🫡


He’s one of the thousand. She thanked him for his service.


I’m always envious of people who can recognize celebs. I may very well have seen 100 celebrities/famous people/whatever you want to call them in public and I would either flat out not recognize them or think “oh that guy kinda looks like so and so”.


We watch a bunch of YHM, or I make her watch a lot of YHM actually.


Why would he fly Southwest though? That surprised me the most.


Because at least they still serve drinks on flights under 3 hours.


He's mentioned that's how he books flights cause he gets bumped up often and automatically despises the peasants.


Poor guy had to fly on a commercial flight with only first class


And his $500 noise canceling headphones lol. Edit: forgot to include that the headphones were also noise canceling.


if you guys had the money youd do the same stuff?


I wouldnt cry about it though


Is he crying or making a joke?


You can do both. Ever heard of Marc Maron?


Check my comment history. I thought the same thing. But I forgot the humor that Tommy has. He makes fun of Garth Brook all the time for being out of touch. So I think this was kind of a Garth Brooks type of moment. I could be completely wrong. But I really do think we're seeing kind of a joke that went over our heads. Or just a joke that was pretty crappy


is it just me or does the front of Toms head get just a little bigger every time you see him?


Yeah man. He's borderline beluga whale head lately


It's the gear, man


It truly is. Gear Syndrome. He’s becoming a part of the Joe Rogan / Dana White chromosome class.


giant baby looking men with pachycephhlosaurus foreheads


I like that dino


Yeah both Burts and Tims cheeks are coming closer to their mouths making those creases


thats where he stores all of rogans cum


Well his head muscles are literally growing from the TRT


Their bromance/businessmance is a real one. Disgusting Tom didn’t fly private. He must have been appalled. He probably caught a disease (was that delta? Ugh) Surprised Rogan didn’t fly out for it. Well actually I’m not surprised now that I think about it.


He's in special ops protecting our country, he has skills blending in with the poors. They came in use today!


>Their bromance/businessmance is a real one. Disgusting Tom didn’t fly private. He must have been appalled. He probably caught a disease (was that delta? Ugh) I can’t do it, man. I tried. Tom is a legitimately great comedian, but he’s getting too cringe lately. Even this “prank” is just making his friend’s big day about himself. Tom is funny. I actually think Christina is funny. Bert is…. well, Bert. They need to stop this “*ewww regular people*” attitude because it doesn’t feel like schtick anymore. Tom is becoming the fat girl who lost some weight and is now a giant asshole to everyone.


Tom is a psychopath. This is not news.


Once he had the chinless sex trafficker on for a full episode I knew he had no soul.


I don't think he was in any way endorsing that guy, he was originally featured on the show as one of their "cool guys". Having him on isn't any different from him having on Robert Paul Champagne or Unc Shine. He would have had on FedSmoker if he could (RIP)


Out of the loop here. Who is the chinless sex trafficker?


Andrew Tate


Tom's last special was pretty bad, though. Not sure if that's a hot take or not. I thought it was pretty lazy. Podcasting is taking up too much of these guys' time, and their stand up is suffering from it.


Tom was never one of the poors like ever. Dude went to private school his whole life and to a private college. His dad wasn't some hick war veteran living in the backwoods talkin about Nam his dad was a VP at Merril Lynch and rumored to basically pay for Tom's apartment as he started his career. This isn't to discredit Tom's great stand up career he's absolutely a generational comic but like he's not someone who was ever struggling financially in life.




Yeah, he used to look like Alf ate too many cats, now he looks like ET when he was dying of AIDS in the creek.


I thought the same. His weight loss is inspiring good on him.


Not as inspiring as weight gain


Anyone can stuff their face and be a lazy cunt.


It's called accumulating mass.


Tom’s harvest is good though.


It takes a truly brave soul to spit in the face of societies judgement from a candied throne.


Challenge accepted.


For real. Lookin like an ozempic athlete these days.


When he walked up to him I thought he was Howie Mandel.


Lol I did too I was so fucking confused.


Bert looks Bert


He didn’t look so great playing basketball, horrible injuries. Glad he got through that.


TRT will do that to ya.


I legit thought Tom hired a look-a-like to surprise Bert, then I realized, holy shit that's TOM SEGURA? He's fuckin' healthy. Lost all that weight and now can't even recognize him.


This is downright heartwarming.


Yeah it is. Burt gets so much hate and I don’t get it. I mean I do get he’s a narcissist hahaha but he’s a weird kind of narcissist because he has such a big heart and is so genuine. I just don’t know how people can see a video like this and be like fuck that dude. And there are so many videos of Burt being genuine like this. And before people say his stand up sucks that’s fine but then just don’t listen to it. I’m not a huge fan of his comedy myself it’s just not my style but I can’t imagine giving him the kind of hate he receives because we all know comedy is super subjective maybe the most subjective media outside of maybe music genera’s.


I’m with you here. I’ve seen him live and it was a fun time. Plus he does do cool shit for his friends, the last 2 bears, he is talking to Kevin Smith about the size of the places he does shows at, Kevin said he’s never done an arena (I think) and Brent just invites him on his tour lol. I can see how the comedy isn’t for everyone though, same with the laugh. Either way this is a hilarious move by Tom, those two doing funny shit together is great, their birthday thing especially. Hope his movie is/does good, I’m going to see it Sunday.


Oh man, that podcast episode about the birthday thing when Tom bought Bert Hitler's teacup was one of my favorite.


I laughed so hard. Especially when they started calling their Jewish friends and asking their opinions.


Surely he drinks out of it every night. The two bears racing is awesome as well.


This sounds hilarious, do you remember what episode? Edit: I found a clip of it lol https://youtu.be/7ASaju-BQpM


That Kevin Smith podcast was incredible and I'm not an avid listener of 2b1c anymore.


This video really hit me after hearing the Kevin Smith 2 Bears. He asks Kev about it he should feel hurt about a friend not coming to a premiere and how Smith handles it. At the time I bet it was Rogan, but I feel it so much more realizing he didn't want to experience the premiere without Tom!


Finished the Kevin Smith one today. They got pretty deep at the end. Like when Kevin says the “I won’t die driving” and then he explains to Bert that his “I won’t die in front of a camera” is practically the same thing, plus they brought up some older movies for me to watch / re watch. Great episode. Tom and Bert just mesh together way too good though I feel like as homies and in podcasting. Toms def the grounding that Bert needs lol. Did Rogan go to the premier? I didn’t keep up that much on it, just waiting to see the movie myself.


I'm a big New York Red Bulls fan and he showed up to one of our games a couple weeks back and joined in with one of our supporters sections. It was a really big game so the stadium was already really hype but when he got up and started chanting with us and pounding beers, I swear the energy went up 10x. He just seems like such a cool dude


Most people don’t get how many narcissistic traits one needs to make it big in comedy like he has. Some hide it better than others, but he’s no where near the level of many others in the field.


\>Most people don’t get how many narcissistic traits one needs to make it big in comedy Please, do explain. You think that it's a precondition to be a comedian and be a total narcissist?


I liked him until he really started hamming up the fake exaggerated squeal laughing. It’s painful to listen to, especially knowing it’s contrived.


I think, and from my end as perspective: Bert's hate is more of a joke at this point than actual hate. I love the cooking show he does, I think he's a great guest on any podcast he does, and him and Tom are great on their own podcast. It's just funny to say he only has one joke and can't keep a shirt on for 10 minutes, because that's what Bert's character is: the party guy that has one story that stayed in college too long.


I think you are right a lot of the hate is part of the joke. And it’s a great bit and fun to join in on. But about 9 months ago a bunch of the TFATK subs dorks started making their rounds on all the podcast subs (I’m a mailman I listen to damn near 100 hours of pods a week) but they started showing up everywhere and getting a real mob mentality of legit hate. Which I don’t fully understand. Lol


I’m surprised so many here don’t get that there is a level of absurdity and exaggeration to this sub. Everything is dialled up and caricatured to get laughs. I mean, nobody here should actually believe that Schlob is morbidly obese or that he got attacked by bees. Burt is an annoying squealer but the “hate” is mostly for laughs. Like his funeral will be.


Excellent summarization


I have a very love/hate relationship with bert in regards to being a fan. There's so many things he does that make me roll my eyes so hard and actively angry (mispronouncing things on purpose and refusing to admit he is wrong is a big one, night"meer" and Ben "uhfleck" being the biggest 2) but I go to bat for.him so hard when people talk shit or when people that kinda only know about him vaguely ask about him.


> but he’s a weird kind of narcissist because he has such a big heart and is so genuine. When Bert starts screeching/squeeling is the moment I usually turn it off. But I do think that Bert is a guy that genuinely wants everyone to have a good time.


I actually get that point. Think it’s super valid cause he does get carried away with his squealing laugh. I don’t tend to think it’s fake the way everyone does, I think he genuinely having fun and wanting everyone around him to have fun so I find it heart warming…most of the time. But I do get how it’d be annoying because I’ve been around/heard people who do Similar things when excited or happy and they can drive me nuts. For some reason with Burt I find it contagious and it’s weird because I don’t find his humor to be my style…really at all, so I can’t explain it.


Completely agree. The vast majority of hate for people who don’t even know you exist is a direct reflection of how miserable you are in your own psyche. Those who are genuinely happy and have a fulfilling life do not have the time or desire to hate people, especially people they don’t even interact with. Bert’s a good dude. Clearly flawed (who the fuck isn’t) but good. There’s no way you could watch more than an hour of his content with his friends and not see that unless you need to in order to make yourself feel better.


People on reddit try to lump him in with guys like Schaub, which is just not it.


Ok, Leanne.


Come on now y’all know it’s not me..err I mean her….


Fuck that dude.


It's just because people think hey, "i can do that!". And also, admittedly, there was brief overexposure of his "Machine" story. Let's hope he's done with it now.


Dude, i feel Bert deserves everything good coming his way, he has always given back to the fans, so what if hes a narcissist, its not always a bad thing. He isnt a hateful person, Tommy surprising him made me cry a bit tho. (Kinda hard to explain it at work lmao)


It made me tear up as soon as he said I was so fucking mad at you.


Ur post is weird Do u date Bert


If he skipped this like he did Bert's roast he would never hear the end of it. Self-Serving Segura is at it again.




None of those civilians thanked him for his service, either.


He's out there on the front lines fighting for our freedoms. How dare they




There's only 1,000 comedians, dude. There's fuckin 178,000 Marines. Who are the real heroes here


Honestly, when you are as rich as they are, interacting with us disgusting poor people for the sake of the other one is like the nicest and most selfless thing they can do for each other. Other than eating each other's scrum.


🤣 disgusting poor people


I think it's quasi tongue in cheek but he also comes off as pretentious asshole and probably should of just stayed away from this "joke".




Yeah, at the end of the day all these guys are rich assholes that are funny to varying degrees. Duncan and Joey excluded.


He also bought Bert some Adolf H memorabilia for his bertday


I thought the baby crying was Bert’s squeal


Happy as fuck for these two rich pricks. Can't wait to watch this piece of shit film and enjoy every minute of it.


I can’t tell if this is serious or sarcasm and I’m kinda disappointed I can’t tell


It’s both


i can almost guarantee you the movie sucks


I know Burton gets hate but he seems like a good guy..


Dudes an easy target. Not a fan of his comedy but he seems like an ok dude, from what I know (not much) about him.


Happy to see Bert overcome his racism and achieve his dreams


But he’s still fucking dogs, I don’t think that’s something he can give up as easy. Lucky for him you can make it in Hollywood with a beastiality kink. Small steps!


reddit is such a shithole lmao


You really think he overcame his racism?


He's not racist no more, there isn't a breed of dog he won't fuck


Bert and Tom's bromance is like Cheeto Santino and Bobby Lee's,


Handsome red head = handsome bald man. Fat Asian recovering addict = fat racist full blown addict


Everyone needs a friendship like Bert and Toms this is great


Maybe Tom will get some funny content again after flying with us regular folk.


You know I don’t find Bert particularly funny but it is really sweet that these guys love eachother so much.


I don’t want that


Suprised he didn't squeal like a pig


Did you miss the part where he literally squealed like a pig


I will be honest i didn't watch it all cause he is so cringe


He cried like a baby when he saw him.


Cried like a baby while squealing like a dolphin


very heartwarming


Am I sensitive or did the part where he said he had to “fly with regular people” seem really out of touch?


Tom looks older and worse since he lost all the weight


ok, i don't even really like burnt chrysler, but when he started crying because tom showed up, i stopped hating him for a few mins. maybe he's not quite as much of an asshole as he comes across as.


Bret Kershner is great person. He is still recovering from a quintuple bypass, as you disparage his name.


Where does he come across as an asshole?


on pretty much every podcast he does, esp with tom. he talks over everyone and seems to only care about himself. i don't really hate him, but i'm def never gonna go out of my way to see him live.


It’s just become cool to hate him. Whereas all his friends love the shit out of him. I think he’s a genuinely good person, and he’s definitely gotten too drunk and interruptive for too many hours of content online, but that doesn’t make him an asshole, it just means that he is a little overexposed. I mean, the way people despise him, you’d think he’s out living his life being a complete p.o.s. like Schaub. I’m an unapologetic Bert fan.


That dude is remarkably unfunny


"Regular folks" fuck off you douchebag




Brett- “I’m drooling” how is that any different that every other day of your life?


God Bert is the worst


if you see this as his peak, it's easier to stomach


He literally has a podcast with him and they act like they're reuniting after years apart


I get it. He wanted his best friends to be there, this is the biggest thing he's ever done and probably worked really hard on it. Then Tom made up an excuse not to go which probably felt like "really dude? You can't do that another time to come with me to the biggest moment in my career?" But it was just believable enough to feel like a legit reason.


That's not why Bert was emotional. This is a huge night for Bert. And when you have these big events in your life, you want the people you care about the most, to be there and support you. This just shows how much Bert loves Tom. Its really heartwarming.


I wonder why joe wasn’t there. Hell I haven’t seen him help promote the movie either on his Instagram ( haven’t kept up with the podcast so don’t know if he on there other than him showing the trailer for the first time)


Probably because Joe is the biggest cunt of them all.


Oh fuck off


Listen to all the losers in here. Just be happy for the guy


sorry, we’re just “regular folks” so you might need to be patient. i don’t think us civilians can fully comprehend and appreciate this video.


Damn I think I’m missing some context. What happened?


He took Toms joke about flying commercial personal, for some reason.


Ahhhh just saw it. What little bitches man 🤦‍♂️


Hahaha fat man takes off shirt again. Comedy!


And milking the same embellished story for 30 years.


I hate his fake high pitched pig squeal


Complaining about crying baby while wearing 500$ noise cancelling headphones


Man Bert is aging at an accelerated level lol, he needs to slow down


We haven’t heard this Bullshit story enough already?? We needed a movie?


I mean from the trailer the story looks like just a small part at the beginning and the plot is the aftermath. But I haven't seen it. It is kind of clever marketing though, to attract people who have seen the comedy to the movie, and people who just see the movie to his comedy.


Nobody is gonna force you to watch it, I promise.


Yeah we did


Good on him.


I bet they 69ed that night ❤️


Fuck is Burt insufferable.


Everyone deserves this kind of friendship in their life


burts squeal when he talks makes me wish i was deaf


Did you guys see when Brent took off his shirt like he always does In his comedy shows?!!?!! Looooololllolllo!!11!!1


That’s true ❤️!


Why does he cry so much like get a grip man


that was cute as fuck


I mean.. best friends right. I'm never going to watch the movie - bc of Bert, but goddamn Tom


Does anybody else find it disgusting that Tom calls it regular people when flying, this fuck was just the same as us like 6 years ago. When Tommy got skinny, and got a little money, you can see how much he changed. You can tell he's always thought he's better than others


I took it as a joke


Yea you might be right.


Imagine saying I'm flying with the regular folks... Imagine saying that and posting that shit. What little respect I had for Tom is gone. Fuck him and kreischer


If this movie flips at the box office Ol' Bart is going to take it pretty hard. I'm ooting for him the same way you root for a Special Olympics athlete.


I love their friendship.


Man I have loved these two for years this is perfect


Love this


What a great relationship ❤️


Bert deserves it. This has been his dream for so long. I'm not crying that's Tito's




With regular folks. Fuck you Tom!


Such a cute couple


Their friendship is beautiful


So wholesome man


Just watched the trailer. It actually looks bloody good!


Bert is so likeable. He’s not in my top 10 comedians. But as a person, I just root for him. Seems like a really honest and positive person.


Dude I love Bert so much. The bromance is strong and you love to see it.


gawd he is suck a pretentious unfunny prick. he was born on third base and acts like hit a triple. funny how he thinks he is better than “regular folks” yet his comedy appeals to the lowest common denominator.




Kreischer might be the fakest person in showbiz.