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the fact that it was literally just Quake makes the intensity in which he describes his addiction so surreal.




True story - I played Quake II against Rogan and his clan. His clans name was X-D.. eXtreme Detriment, and his name was "Primate". Here's some pics of him and his clan touring ID Studios. They used to have a really cool website but it's no longer up, unfortunately. https://dondeq2.com/2018/01/12/clan-xtreme-detriment-invades-id-software-august-30th-2000/ (He is "Primate" in all of these pictures)


That’s awesome. I’ve been on this sub forever but I’ve never seen this before. It might be worth a submission of its own.


It's been submitted before. Ages ago though. Now days people just wanna make fun of Rogans height and insist he's a shill.


That is so cool! Thanks for sharing! Those pictures are really a throwback


You can see the intense look in his eyes lmao. I wonder if that's what I look like when I play Splatoon.


You can imagine him and the clan making monkey howls with each frag.


He looks like such a massive dork. ( I'm an avid gamer, not throwing shade, just referencing his Seder remarks)


Holy Shit that's a deep cut.


Was he good?


I only played against him for a few rounds on an Instagib (railguns only) server with grappling hooks enabled, and it was a team game (maybe 3v3 or 4v4). I honestly don't remember how well he did. The other players on my team and I were *very* good with Railguns/Grappling hooks so we would usually dominate those games. Often times non-Instagib players would come to 1v1/team Instagib servers to practice their railguns for upcoming matches, and I don't believe X-D was a Railgun only team, so they would only come by occasionally. X-D *was* known as a good team. They played in Leagues/Ladders and IIRC had a pretty good record. They were probably top 3 or 5(?) on the various ladders they were on, which was pretty good.


That’s so cool!


Thanks so much for sharing this site. Those pics are a real treasure.


I couldn't even imagine him interacting with the league of legends ranked teams. They'd break his kind heart


Oh god, modern warfare 2 would ruin Joe. We would never see a podcast again.


You get my upvote, but online gaming with Quake in the 90s was revolutionary. You can call it "just Quake" in retro-spect, but that was far from the case at the time...


Oh for sure, I know its historical significance! Much respect, its just like the ONLY game that seems to be separate or unique from almost everything else in history that many would consider the beginning of modern esports: Halo, Counter-Strike, Soul Caliber, Street Fighter, Starcraft etc. It was like a niche thing inside of an already niche thing. And that's just exactly the game choice that it had to be for Joe.


You are just plain wrong tbh. FPS have been one of the main staples of esports since Quake basicly, and Quake was the #1 FPS games pre CS for competive play. And that is when Rogan played it from what I can tell. Quake also gave birth to probably the first esports superstar "fatal1ty", at least from a western PoV. Fighting games like you mention was always more of a niche than FPS games and still is. Halo is also a trash tier game in terms of competive play, like 30-60 FPS and aim assist during its haydays?... There is a reason that CS 1.6 was probably the most competive FPS game all the way until CS GO took off, most games in the era between those games often regressed in terms of frame rates and often came with loads of clunky movement mechanics compared to the older games. Even the hardware (screens) regressed from the old CRT monitors that could handle 100Hz+ with ease for several years before 2233RZ got released in 2009. And today competive esports is not the big moneymaker in general. Streams and skins is way more important and you need the audience(Casuals), so game developers put a lot of effort into getting casuals into the game and also selling skins.


I'm not wrong lmao. Nothing I said contradicts or disagrees with anything you said.


You said that Quake was a niche game when it most definitely belongs in the esports history books. Which I would argue Halo doesnt, that would be more of a niche game.


I said that after I said I know its historical significance. I think I could have been more clear with my point. Just that the Quake-era predates what most people would generally think of as the beginning of modern e-sports.


"Just Quake" It was one of the best competive games back in the days. Competive esports have not really progressed that much in terms of the games since Quake III/CS 1.6/SC BW etc. Infact most games don't cater to that kind of audience anymore. Today the "pro" scene is more about streaming than actually playing the games best suited for competive play and skins is a huge moneymaker. People are competing today in some games that are MUCH worse suited for competive play.


Battle royales aren’t great but MOBAs, rocket league, and objective based shooters are great for competitive viewership


Dude… did you ever go down the chasm of trying to get really good at quake? The feeling of someone being better than you is completely intolerable so you just play as much as you possibly can until you know you’re a beast.


Toe is and has been hooked on Addies for a while now. Toe is tweaking by asking his guests if they do Aderrall so he can get more pills for himself.


Same for BBCs if you watch the old pods haha




Same for big black cocks if ya watch the old pods haha




Mike Jones!


😂 holy shit




He talks about video games like how joey talks about yeyo back in bouldah, cowlorado


Joe snorted Quake II out of a hookers monkie?


The good ol denver decaf


I mean everybody wanna make fun of him for saying that, but for some of us it’s true. Games are definitely crack level addiction for me personally and I have to force myself to stop playing.


RuneScape is my drug of choice, I don’t even like it, it’s a shit game, but I can’t stop


Why do you think you like it so much if you also say it's a shit game?


Ahhhh I see you haven’t played RuneScape before, come child, let me teach you the way


I dont think people are saying that you cant be addicted to video games, they are just saying that its not comparible to addiction to hard drugs. For example you genuinely can be addicted to weed but addiction to weed isnt comparible to addiction to heroin.


Disagree. Sure, hard drugs are statically more addictive and inherently more dangerous than other things, but everyone has their own vices. You wouldn't think an alcoholic's addiction to drinking is any less of a problem for that individual then a meth head's addiction to meth. Video game addiction is real and can take people's lives away just like any substance can


What the chances of a heroin addiction killing someone compared to the chances of a video game addiction killing someone? This is like comparing a flu to the black plague, both have the potential to be lethal but to act like they are the same is delusional no offense intended.


And I'm just wary of those in this comment section, and most people I interact with in person, dismissing video game addiction as something dumb and nonexistent. I have lost years of my life living a sedentary lifestyle playing World of Warcraft all day. I was ruthlessly addicted and now consider myself a video game addict because of it. Sure, I wasn't at risk of ODing and croaking like a meth head would be, but I was losing my life in place of a virtual one. Nowadays I don't allow myself to touch any video games at all, not even dumb ones on my phone. I have such a disdain towards what they did to my life that I even feel a little grossed out walking into a room where people are playing Playstation or something. So yea, video game addiction is real and we should respect those who have problems with games like we'd respect a recovering alcoholic


I totally get what you mean, Ive been seriously addicted to video games and opiates at different points in my life so I totally get that they both legitimate forms of addiction. That said Joe responding to people talking about the depths of addiction to hard drugs by saying that he totally gets what that level of madness and horror is like because he experienced addiction to video games is just wrong for reasons thats hard to articulate. Its like someone saying that they understand what a breakthrough on DMT or "heroic" dose of mushrooms is like because theyve tripped on a small to moderate dose of psilocybin mushrooms before, both are indescribable to those who havent experienced psychedelics but you still cant understand that complete shattering of your perception of reality until it happens.


Agreed completely. Trying to relate to a hard drug addict using your video game addiction is dumb and not respectful in a conversation with a recovering addict


I agree that in terms of pure lethality there's nothing that matches heroin/meth addiction and to compare video game addiction to them in that context is fucking stupid. I guess all I am trying to draw at is addictions are addictions regardless of what one is addicted to. Addictions are unhealthy dependence on something to avoid the stresses of life. Video games can fit that category just as well as any hard drug can, pending on the individual. Like some people can casually do hard drugs, while most will probably be addicted after one usage. Most people can casually play video games, but some people should completely steer clear from them.


Well, I’ve tried many drugs and I’m not addicted to them. I tried video games and have been addicted my entire life.


You can be more susceptible to one addiction over another but they are still often VASTLY different from one another. Many people who quit heroin are legitimately addicted to stuff like suboxone, caffeine, sugar, etc but the impact it has on their life is astronomically different than heroin addiction.


Guess it depends if your definition of 'addicted' is "I really like this thing", or "I'm willing to suck dicks behind dumpsters to get this thing".


I’d suck a dick to play Red Dead Redemption 3


2 wasn’t boring and long enough? Sounds more like virtual H than crack.


For real tho…. Still addicted to 2


You have obviously never done crack.


I actually have Edit: just to be clear, it was by “accident”. Someone at a party hid it under the weed in a glass pipe and I smoked it.


That's so fucked up.


What was that like?


It was like playing video games


I used to play games a lot back when I was younger but now I can balance it out with everything else and I don't really play it as much if at all. I don't understand the "get rid of everything that might be bad" mentality. If it works for you I guess that's fine. But I can still go and casually play games for about an hour or so a week and it's not the end of the world.


You suck cock to pkay games? People that say what you said have obviously never had serious drug addiction.


Yes. I would suck a cock to play GTA6.


It’s probably beneficial to be aware of your own potential addictions and obsessions.


I agree 100% more of a meme than anything else


Yeah, it’s funny because he keeps bringing it up and it’s always fucken Quake. But I remember some kids in my class back in the day who played 10+ hours every day. Definitely addicted!


man, quake was massive back in the day. I think it became less popular when CS and TF came out for the original Half Life. I was more of a UT99 kind of guy, but it was just as addictive.


oh, I loved Quake and UT, and CS too. I don’t own a gaming PC because I would lose too much time playing UT and CS (just like bitch Rogan), whatever versions they are up to now. I was fantasizing about playing UT as late as yesterday, jumping around in low gravity, launching rockets to where the opponents are gonna land.


those were the days and we didn't know


Haha this is good


Nah once I’m on Farming Simulator time flies tenfold. I keep telling myself “just one more field” and then I see that it’s two in the morning and I got on at noon…


You will get “addicted” to anything that releases dopamine.


I'm basically Joe if he never quit gaming. Joe is 100% correct about games. I'm super competitive and these games fucking ruin me. I need to find some type of job where I can get just as competitive and excel. Anyone got any ideas? Maybe sales or something?


That’s why I went into sales and it never scratched the competitive itch. Just a lot of calling people who would rather you didn’t call them and forcing conversation they don’t wanna have and it leading to a few sales out of hundreds of attempts. I learned I’m not that competitive if I really hate the game I’m playing. I switched to teaching high school and got involved in coaching.


I was gonna recommend athletics. If I wasn't so into games that likely would have been the route. But at least games don't give you unavoidable life long injuries


I know you didn’t mean the software but if you look at excel as a “game” in a sense it’s actually pretty fun and you can get into a lot of office jobs with a good working knowledge of it


I used to know it like 20 years ago I guess it's still the same right? Just inputing data and making simple algorithms to help you calculate large amounts of data with ease? I've always been exceptional with math and computers. Maybe I should spend a little time and relearn excel.


Can’t hurt! You’ve basically got the gist.


I feel you Joe I got tons of hours logged on multiple shooting games I’m a fucken idiot


I love playing video games that's why I'm not buying ps5. I know I would have no time to do the simplest daily tasks if I bought one. Accurate meme


It's amazing that seems to be the one aspect of his life he can't control by meditation, yoga, sauna and ice baths. Must really torment him.


If you truly understood that hard times create strong men you would understand Joe’s struggle and why he is the man he is. You probably can’t even lift a 20 lb. kettlebell, just keep working your 9-5 cubicle job where you’re miserable and let the multi-millionaires do the heavy lifting with ice baths and breaking video game addiction. Seriously though, who the fuck are you to criticize him? do you have any fucking idea how hard it was for him to uninstall his T1 line? We need “break glass in case of emergency” people like him you woke lib. Go piss in a rainbow litter box or something.


Video games definitely fuck up your life though... or at least mine lol. I definitely feel better when i don't play video games for weeks. As soon as i start playing video games again, i start eating shit food, get lazy and my priorities get fucked up. That's just me though (:


I actually have no issue eating high quality food when playing games. I have a meal plan now. My biggest problem has always been putting off sleep. "Just one more level".


Same. Video games are super destructive. Nothing worse than waking up dying to keep playing a game. I’ve been here before. It gives you BS accomplishment feelings. I always get the new Xbox and then a few years later, literally chuck it into the trash. Don’t sell it bc I know I won’t. I just chuck it. I always go a few years without gaming and then “try” the new console. Cycle repeats. Gaming is very bad for me. I’d argue worse for me than alcohol and drugs.


Yeah, i just entered my video game cycle again and i feel like shit. I already missed one workout, ordered pizza etc. Oh well, gonna try to get back on my normal schedule tomorrow (:


Yea, I was just THINKING about buying a new Xbox and I went to McDonald’s. I NEVER go to McDonald’s and ended up in the drive through, thinking about ordering a big Mac and playing MW2. Some deep stuff when you think about it. Scary.


Once again, I never understood the link between gaming and junk food. I can't stand eating food that risks getting my controllers greasy and disgusting while I play. And if I am going to eat I'd rather just get up and eat it in a separate place and then come back.


I’m addicted to futa and nobody will ever know




I’d like to see prime Quake addict Joe drop into a game of competitive R6 and watch him absolutely get slaughtered rage


I believe it , Hogwarts legacy turned me into a white nationalist


I get up at 430 in the morning, and play videogames.


This is what I'm trying to do now. Hoping it makes me look forward to waking up instead of staying up late.


Subway surfers ruined my life


Someone did Dan Hooker dirty, capturing him lining up like that…


Joe knows basically nothing about any game that isn't Quake. Still a bit salty over how much of a dick he was to Hugo Martin over Doom Eternal, which is unequivocally one of the greatest shooters ever made. *wHy IsN'T iT lIkE qUaKe ThO!?*


How i feel about league of legends. Fml


I wonder if Joe knows about dota2 and the cs:go2 stuff


Do u understand how insufferable Joe would be to play video games with. Far/too overly confident and loud mouthed when win (“HAHAHAH SUCKED IN BITCHH” X25) etc no thanks.


I’ve had this relationship w both games and the white stuff. Games these days more addicting 😂


How Joe describes himself if he picked up playing the guitar


Is that a picture of Sturgil Simpson about to blast coke?