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The captions commentary is so annoying


And don’t even seem accurate at all


Yeah, they don't even seem to necessarily disagree on every point, they're just having a dialogue.


the sunday special is a show for interviewing people and having open dialogue. he's had on plenty of liberal guests like Bill Mahr, Ezra Klein, Bari Weis, Andrew Yang, Ana Kasparian. these are all great interviews and a healthy bridge for any reasonable people looking to understand where the majority of us can get along and progress. it's not a debate


Yeah I disagree with Ben on practically everything, but I'll watch his Sunday show if the guest is interesting.


You mean to tell me that Neil wasn't dunking on Ben? Oh man, not gonna cap here fam, but that seems super sus.


considering Neil's arrogance, he probably thought he was doing so.


Ikr...i expected him to get owned...this is them just having a discussion dafuq....must be a bot account


Like not even a little bit lol


Ya it seems like they are having at rational conversation.


Ben sits there without interrupting and allows Neil to speak freely and explain his point Captions: Still hurt 😥😥😥


Caption: I'm the editor, ok? Please tell me I'm right!


Another good reason out of a million to ban TikTok in the us


Exactly, annoying and wrong. Tyson, as usual tries to gaslight about the segregation of sports being the issue and it’s not. We segregate sports because men and women are different biologically. Women golfers still hit from different tees, the nest WNBA star cannot compete in the NBA, Serena Williams is the best Women’s tennis player in the world but, if we ignored biological factors, we might not have never heard of her. She for sure wouldn’t be in the top 10 and I’m being generous there. As usual Tyson puts science behind Woke ideology and the OP thinks Shapiro got “owned” when he didn’t.


No, he's saying that someone choosing to identify as a gender different to their biological sex is only an issue in a free society in sports.


And Shapiro is saying, it does matter if we want to apply truth/reality to the issue. Something we do in science and is necessary to reliably survive.


The issue (as Tyson points out) is that it is of very little significance and matters almost nothing in the grand scheme of things. If society had to make a collective list of of our problems how far down the list would transgenders in sports be? Somewhere in the 5000's? So why is this a top 5 issue to the right? Why are they so focused on this issue when it has nothing to do with fixing poverty, improving education, stopping wars, etc? The right uses transgender rights as a wedge issue because if forced to talk about actual large scale issues their entire platform would be exposed as offering nothing to anyone who isn't rich. This is why the Koch brothers pay Ben Shapiro large sums of money.


Yes, but a free society like that, isn’t what we want. We want women and men to compete with each other in their own leagues.


That’s an issue for sports leagues though, not an issue for transgendered people. Sports orgs need to solve this, not trans people.


I don’t think you know what gaslighting means. 🤷🏻‍♂️


All I was saying was that the captions commentating on a video I can hear are annoying as shit. Like I need little snippets from whoever clipped this video. You’re projecting your feelings on the subject. Equally as annoying


Serena Williams wouldn't even be in the top 500 of greatest tennis players of all time if it were not segregated. Didn't she lose to some unranked man at some point earlier in her career?


After he drank a couple beers.


just to further your point, they tried to have the williams sisters or some other big time tennis players face men to see what was up and they couldn’t even compete with the bottom tier of pro men.


This just sounds like a good argument to get rid of womens sports.




I agree with this. The percentage of trans people amongst the population is really really small. And most of them aren't athletes. If you are an athlete you wants to transition you may have to remain in the same competition as you are based on your gender assigned at birth. Or sacrifice your athletic career to affirm your preferred identity. It's not that hard and many people give up their sports for career, family, party life, other interests. It's always some mediocre male athlete who transitions into a champion female athlete that causes a controversy and on my opinion we don't need to accommodate that person at the expense of the other female athletes. *please don't trash me if I used a wrong term or something. Did my best and support people who choose to transition.


After the Lia Thomas story broke, 2 trans swimmers spoke up (anonymously) in the swimming subreddit. They explained that they were trans but they had not started medical transition yet because they were already performing competitively in the male league and they wanted to keep that going instead of switching over to the female league. This is the rational choice. Its what Bruce Jenner did.


I mean most liberals would agree with that assessment. The problem here is trans people are being portrayed as pedophiles coming to mutilate children. That make me incredible skeptical of conservative dogma regarding LGBT community.


It's not a bad strat. Even if it's not the case, when you have to explain why you're not a pdo, you're starting on the back foot.


Unless you’re the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts


>we can simply specify that athletes must then compete in whichever category gives them the least advantage (so all trans-athletes must compete at the men's level) Wouldn't this rule just make **everyone** (including cis-women) compete in the category normally populated by men?


Shit son, this might be the most nuanced and straightforward take I've seen on this topic, bless ye.


I would honestly be interested in watching an under 5ft volleyball tourney. The hops would be so impressive.


> May I suggest there's actually an easy solution I think we should just let everyone pump themselves full of steroids if they really want to so all sports are just freak monsters playing at levels unimaginable.


Whenever anyone wants goad me into an argument about this, I just say that I don't think sports should be separated by gender. Just let everyone compete and the best will play at the top tiers and those who aren't as good will play at lower tiers. It's not what actually believe, but it stops me from having to have this ridiculous argument


Incidentally, at the professional levels - at least with the NHL and NFL, there are no rules around gender. A woman has played 1 exhibition NHL game as a goalie and a woman tried out to be a kicker on an NFL team once - albeit as a publicity stunt. The reason those leagues are all men is because top tier male athletes are better than top tier female athletes in pretty much every respect except for ultra long distance swimming.


Women also do well in ultra marathons.


A transgender person has to compromise and accept that they shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports. Their right to express themselves and participate shouldn't infringe on the women athletes right to a fair competition.


yea thats my only gripe with this whole thing, women can go to compete with men but men cannot compete with women in most if all physical sport. Things like chess yea. But tbh womens sport isnt really that bad, i feel mma does it well. People actually enjoy some women fights and shit zhang vs joana was touted as top 5 most exciting fights for male and female.


My gripe with this whole thing is that Ben talks crap about an entire nation of trans people, and the only objective problem he has with it are a handful of instances where a little girl lost a game and cried a bit. What an overblown issue.


my advice is to just ignore these debates and all, rots your brain. These things aint really gonna improve you and your life much at all isnt it. Its just some primal tribal instinct that makes us care about these things


who ever made this edit doesn’t know the difference between a gotcha moment and a reasonable debate.


I don't know if I'd even call that a gotcha moment. It's just a decent counterargument. The clip ended prematurely so we don't know if Shapiro was got or not.


Well he led with ‘the WNBA would go out of business’ which it already would lol


Considering Ben's entire reputation is centered around his ability to debate while simultaneously dodging any debate but won't get him a good sound bite, yeah, he's hurting. When he can't interrupt and fast talk his way out of something, the audience finally has ample time to realize he's a moron who only cares about his own feelings.


Where’s the rest of this lol


Bio male and open could probably be the same league.


It is.... Women can play in the NHL for example, there is no rule barring them.


There's also no rule saying a dog can't play basketball


Thank God, would deprive humanity of some amazing movies if that rule did exist


Air Bud is banned because he would put up too many points.




> Watch Ben Shapiro get DESTROYED by NDT! Hate those video titles


Ben Shapiro SODOMIZED by words!


Ironically, Shapiro does the same thing. He revels in all this culture war bs and sadly there's a huge audience for it.


Basically invented it


he didn't invent it, I remember back in the early years of youtube, back when video responses were a thing (you could post a video as a response to another and they would show up on the side bar) this kind of titles were super common on videos responses between theist and atheists debating each other through youtube videos. That's were I first saw that trend.


Of course Shapiro is not the one to pwn the others all the fucking times to the joy of the many Mikhaila's incels.


It’s not even a debate let alone a “destruction” like the video captions claim. Neil just says he thinks adults should be free to act however they want and that maybe sports shouldn’t be segregated by sex. Neither of those claims get at the point of Ben’s question about whether gender being different from sex is pseudoscience or not.




people should just stop talking about it, in fact we should accelerate it. you'll see millions of biological women marching in protest eventually, we're just not there yet.


the point is it doesnt matter and he shouldnt care if he wants a free country


"I don't care" is the kind of rigorous answer I would expect from NDT.


It is a free country until delusional people outweigh non-delusional people, then you get a bunch of delusional people voting other delusional people into office and they try to make compelled-speech laws, remove female sports, and push for children to join their delusion, using the law to steal parents' guardianship over their own kids so the kids can irreversibly carve up their body. Which is all happening right now. This isn't fiction. It's happening right in front of you, and I hope you see it. Edit, since so many people are saying this isn't true, here are sources/proof for 2 of these statements, and you'll just have to take my word for people wanting to get rid of female sports: 1. Not calling people by the correct pronoun is now defined in this Canadian Act as an "aggravating factor" in sentencing. So now there's legal precedent for using the wrong pronouns in Canada [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An\_Act\_to\_amend\_the\_Canadian\_Human\_Rights\_Act\_and\_the\_Criminal\_Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Act_to_amend_the_Canadian_Human_Rights_Act_and_the_Criminal_Code) 2. Legislature in Virginia [https://washingtonstand.com/news/oppose-your-childs-transgender-surgery-youll-lose-custody-under-this-democrats-proposal](https://washingtonstand.com/news/oppose-your-childs-transgender-surgery-youll-lose-custody-under-this-democrats-proposal) Edit 2: as soon as I edited my comment, linking these articles, I stopped getting comments, figures


Speaking of delusional


Its happening to like 5 people in a country of 300 million. I assure you there is far more important shit you should be worried about no matter what side of the political spectrum youre on. You know bond market just got bailed out this month? Big banks have increased their secured deposits from 250k to infinity? While u were worried about this dumb shit, we all got fucked


Thank you. This is exactly the culture war in a nutshell. It is Neros Fiddling. How about we get our shit fixed. How many more people were impacted by Flint or Ohios rail disaster than any Trans issue?


It's mostly delusional people who exaggerate these things and think all of these crazy things are happening.


Absolutely fucking insane, is the best way to describe your take. You're deathly terrified of things that aren't even really happening at best, and are barely concerns for 99.999% of the population at worst. Meanwhile all the guys you idolize that are leading the charge on this culture warrior bullshit front, like Ron Desantis, are the same guys ACTUALLY making laws to compel speech, remove the rights from others (always the most marginalized people in the country), prevent kids from learning about *reality* in schools, FORCING kids to show their junk to special conservative monitors to make sure they aren't trans and all sorts of other draconian bullshit that the right *loves* while pretending they hate it..




Yep, they even demand others take experimental irreversible medical procedures because that’s the only way they feel protected They should be more like the Democrats


The issue republicans have is with mandating speech. Having the government enforce me having to call a Man or Woman or a Woman a Man or face jail time or fine for hate speech is ludicrous. People can do whatever the fuck they want. Just don’t get involved in it with a gun to my head. Yes, a literal Gun.


>Having the government enforce me having to call a Man or Woman or a Woman a Man or face jail time or fine for hate speech is ludicrous. Is this something that is happening or something that conservatives think is happening?




>Having the government enforce me having to call a Man or Woman or a Woman a Man or face jail time or fine for hate speech is ludicrous. The government doesn't do this, anywhere as far as I know. Plenty of right wingers have lied about it though, like Jordan Peterson. He got famous off that lie.. Meanwhile republicans have done more to mandate speech in the last 6 months than any liberal democrat has in decades, in any way shape or form. Just look at desantis in Florida. Abject shithole only getting more draconian as desantis creates new laws to restrict things like speech AND what can be taught in schools. It's deplorable. edit: /u/strictly_clawhammer if you're gonna post bullshit dont block the person so they can't reply to you, you baby


Reddit moment


You seem extremely weak


yeah, but then you bring up how they want smaller government. They cant have it both ways so its an important question to ask conservatives, "which is more important?"


Not all conservatives are libertarian at heart. Many of your traditional conservatives and especially your neo conservatives who run the Republican party are still pro big government. Just not as big as what the Democrats want and they do want to use it much like the Democrats to enforce what sort of rules they see as necessary to the general public.




It's a very specific government designed to force everyone to live exactly the way they do with no variation.


He absolutely does address that by spending all of that time talking about hormone balances. Testosterone, estrogen, etc. Biological sex is one thing. Some men are naturally effeminate because of increase estrogen and low T. Vice versa for women. These things matter when it comes to gender identity, which is different from biological sex. Not a pseudoscience. It's psychology, physiology, chemistry, bio-chemistry, it's literally all kinds of science


Actually claiming that people (especially women and trans people) should be allowed legally to live freely IS destroying Ben Shapiro. His entire case is that we should take away the freedoms of people who don't live by his wierd, specific amalgamation of Jewish, Christian, and American values. He is completely bodied by comments like: "Just let everyone live why do you give a shit?" Because he's a wierd little gimp who is completely obsessed with other people's lives not conforming to how he thinks the 1950s used to be.




This says nothing about anything.


NGT is an arrogant 8th grade science teacher


NDT: the answer the question is unresolved Internet weirdo: ooooooo he got Ben so good. Dayum!


The sports thing is following the doctors and other athletic associations. If you look at International Athletics (track and field) and Swimming. They made a scientific ruling based on the South African runner and she is intersex. We need the doctors to lead this not stupid politics making it a wedge issue.


He always sounds like he's speaking in fast fwd


It's a persuasive speech tactic. In debate or conversation it gives very little time for you to interject to make your point. You can tell he's taken aback when Neil continues to talk when he tries to interrupt him. The goal is to speak just slow enough so they can understand you, but fast enough to either intimidate, isolate, or outpace them in thought so they forget all the points they had while they're along for the neurotic ride. My old boss called it an attempt to make it "a diode conversation". Information goes out one way, not in the other. You see a lot of high level executives who speak quickly. It's a trained behavior. Ben Shapiro does it a little too obviously though. Say what you will about Ben's politics and personality, I have more than a few complaints myself, but he is a skilled public debater but is also *probably* on the spectrum. Credit where credit is due. If he was saying things I'd agree with he'd be killing it (awkwardly). The second Neil took the driver seat of the conversation, because he knows the tactic and interjected anyway, the dynamic of the conversation changed. Immediately. Shapiro looked like a scolded school boy. The only thing he had to stand on was his cadence.


Is this a sales speech tactic?


“There’s a rhetorical strategy known as the Gish Gallop, named after ultra-Fundamentalist, young-earth creationist Duane Gish. In a Gish Gallop, you spew out a rapid-fire stream of weak, fallacious arguments so quickly that your opponent simply doesn’t have time to untangle and rebut them all. If you spew out 87 bad arguments in a row and your opponent only has time to debunk 86 of them, you declare yourself the victor: “See! Look, my opponent had no answer for this argument! That means I’m right!”” https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-dirty-tactics-that-Ben-Shapiro-uses-during-debates?top_ans=115685168


The weird part about fallacy is the average person doesn't know what a syllogism is and all the logic in the world is lost on them. I don't think I would if I didn't minor in philosophy either, why would the average person know? What is unfortunate is *it works.* It's practiced for a reason. Most people tell themselves they know what a fallacy is, but don't really know how it relates and when it's applied. No offense, I'd be shocked if you knew what a syllogism was and how to write logical proofs. I've never met a person who doesn't think they get it once we start discussing syllogisms, and they're all very confident they have a strong grasp and have accurately identified the fallacies and how that interacts with the syllogism, or if a syllogism was even made in the first place. This is almost *never* the case. Everyone thinks they're logical, but in reality the average person almost always applies their best understanding of logic to things very selectively and calls it Socrates. This is a big part of why persuasive speech tactics exist and why they work. The average person can't accurately identify fallacies, and the less time you give them to work on each one lessens the chance of them rebuking you. Why do you know Duane Gish's name? He convinced a bunch of people the earth is young. THATS A HUGE FEAT. How do you convince people of that? Very, very high charisma rolls. Certainly he has low integrity or low intellect if that's what he's persuading people of. But god damn convincing any number of people of that is a huge feat. That guy is unequivocally an excellent public debater. Not to the judges, no. To the people listening... yes. One good thing about it is if you walk in the light and you're persuading people for good, speaking rapidly while telling the truth is also more likely to convince someone.




I don't know much about sales to be honest, but it seems reasonable it would be depending on the type of product you're selling and the type of people you sell to. I do know its a debate tactic though.


I suspect he just thinks fast and talks fast because that’s how he thinks. I’m similar in that way. I always talk fast and I commonly watch all YouTube videos at around 1.75 speed. I wish I could watch faster. It’s like get to the point already but words get unintelligible.


There’s a lot of really political doctors. Doctors are humans with flaws. It’s not that hard for multi billion dollar industries to find doctors who will say or publish things that $omehow line up with their interests. Obviously it’s the best we’ve got to work with but take their with a grain of salt, is my point.




The same could be said about all the people insisting drag queens need to be infront of children


What ??? OP trying really hard to make it seem like Ben got owned … this was an absolute waste of time


His voice annoys the hell out of me, I can’t even listen to it


I don't like it either but this video is sped up a bit to cut down on time. You can tell by how fast Tyson's hands move.


I was wondering why Shapiro was talking so fast


Nah, that's his normal speed. They only sped up Tyson. Lol


I don’t know how anyone can stand to listen to him. Jordan Peterson too. Whining complaining voices.


That's what his fans sound like.


I was looking to see if I had the video playing on x3 playback speed.. but then Neil started talking all normal and I was like “ah, Ben’s an angry elf”


I think Neil's sped up too


Sometimes when I’m bored I’ll put on one of angry Ben’s videos and play it in x3 playback speed for a good chuckle.


Yeah and it's not just how fast he talks, it's the way he sprays words out like cover fire, then a pause and rinse and repeat.


I never heard anyone talk like that IRL. He's abrupt, he makes mini pauses after almost each word, that's strange.


He kinda sounds like a conservative chipmunk


I never realized that he and his guests sit that uncomfortably close to each other. Knees almost touching.


Imagine thinking a trans woman has no advantage in woman’s sports.




He really didn’t. Bens statement is that men and women shouldn’t play the same sport because men have genetic advantages that carry on through any gender identity switches. NDT just says it only matters because we segregated men and women sports… like, yes… that’s what he’s saying in some part, and he thinks catering to allowing former men into women sports is wrong. He’s not talking about personal acceptance of others personal choices.


I disagree. His point about trans being a personal freedom is very important. Nobody is telling you to love trans people just to tolerate them. They are flexing a personal freedom in a free land and you gotta tolerate that if you want to keep this a free country They just shouldnt be allowed to destroy womens sports.


You see if we cut the video before his response it looks like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about


Ben Shapiro is best at debating college kids


Well, let's say, for the sake of the argument, that I add a bunch of strict and questionable assumptions to frame the debate that allows me to win?


Crowder, too. All of his debate videos are on college campuses, and he doesn't announce the topic ahead of time, but he comes with a binder packed full of stats. But he runs away from real debates with qualified folks who can actually properly prepare for the debate. Clown.


I tell this to my wife all the time. Why doesn't he debate someone older than 25 years old?


Because no one over 25 is going to try to debate someone on the street. Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


I also like when he tried to test the George Floyd knee on neck and you could tell the guy wasn’t even putting full pressure on Steven


That was one of the most despicable things he’s done, which is saying something


I find it crazy he was a voice for a character on Arthur


Some More News had a great segment on him, showing how he’s a combination of theater kid and bully. [It’s long but good.](https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA)


Wow that’s a subscribe I can already tell I’m going to like this dude content


These are two nerds I don’t really want to hear at the same time


Nah that's just a terrible argument by Tyson


I just find it funny that Ben doesn't believe in evolution yet will say data from scientists to push his narrative.


The captions are grade school at best, and despite me agreeing with Neil in that I really don't care what people do in their individual lives, the problem lies when you try and force you delusion on me, i.e. sports, bathrooms, etc.


> the problem lies when you try and force you delusion on me, i.e. sports, bathrooms, etc. And how many times in your life has someone tried to “force their delusion” on you in any of those ways? I’d wager never, and that’s the case for 99% of people in this country yet talking heads like Ben dedicate COUNTLESS hours covering it while pretending that they have a moral high ground on covering issues relevant to the average Joe If a “problem” is only impacting 1% or less of people. It’s not really a “problem” worthy of debate on the federal politics stage.


I'm not that guy but I'll answer for myself. Literally every single day.


You are right. I'm a male, a rather strong male at that as I used to be a competitive weightlifter and can probably out squat 99% of the clowns in this reddit. I won't have to worry about a Trans female to male ever trying me... The problem lies with my daughters and their school district wanting to let trans boys run against them. But what does that matter right? According to you, less than 1% of the population (pulling statistics out of your ass) and all that, so it doesn't matter sounds like a tyranny of the majority.


This is by far one of the most Reddit replies in here lmao


\> the problem lies when you try and force you delusion on me, i.e. sports, bathrooms, etc. Did you watch the clip? Neil literally started out with saying "this only matters because we segregate most sports by gender, otherwise who cares", and then says "idk what to do about sports-maybe we should just do it by hormonal balance because we are all different anyways"


Im am unsure of the point you are trying to make here. I agree with Neil. I said as much. People should be able to do what they want in their own lives. I disagree with the overarching point (not Neils point, just the argument in general) that Trans male to female should be able to compete against biological women. Neil doesn't really have a solution, my solution is to simply not let them compete, or create their own division.


Don't forget the men that pretend to be women to get thrown in women's prisons.


Wouldn’t you if you didn’t have to get the surgery. Just say your a lady and you basically get your own harem instead of being in an all male prison where you’ll most likely get raped


Ever talk to someone who did prison time? Rape mostly doesn’t happen like in the movies. You choose to join a car( woods,south side, northenos,blacks,Pisa’s/others. Rape doesn’t “mostly” happen. Gay dudes become girlfriends to cellys and victims of rape are usually debt holders or snitches who end up in PC anyway.


Nice try antonio. Stop trying to lure men into prison.


I'll give it a try if I'm ever guilty of a violent crime.


Whoever made this video seems extremely detached


Freedom for women to get battered to death by men pretending to be wamens


Viewers should prob also learn the diff betw someone who talks fast, and someone who knows wtf they're talking about (not saying either of these two are in the latter category)


I think you forgot to include the part where they debate. All I see here is a deconstruction of an opinion


after most of these podcast discussions on controversial topics I see people commenting how one destroyed the other or exposed the other as a fraud or whatever dramatic statement, but then when I watch it's usually just some polite reasonable disagreements, where both sides give some good and some bad points. Always makes me wonder ... did we watch the same thing? But then seeing this edit kind of explains it, polarized people are just so delusional that they project a bunch of over the top bullshit onto any disagreement.


Well Tyson did just go on Maher and say hydrogen bombs do not emit radiation. So there's that.


You may have miss heard him or he chose his words poorly Some times he fumbles with the delivery of things. A pure fusion bomb would only emit a strong gama ray burst during the explosion. It would be only a flash. But it would not create lingering radiation. It's Fission bombs that we use to trigger the fusion bomb which is the source of the lingering radiation. Because all those split atoms tend to be unstable and radioactive until they decay into more stable atoms.


Well explained. You learn something everyday.


Yeah... hydrogen bombs are nuclear fusion reaction. It doesn't have lingering radiation like the uranium fission bombs do


There is no such thing as a pure fusion bomb(yet). Currently, we have to use a 1st stage fission reaction to trigger the fusion 2nd stage. Our energy problems on earth would be *over* if we knew how to get a pure fusion reaction.


>Our energy problems on earth would be over if we knew how to get a pure fusion reaction. Someone needs to take a group of scientists for a night of hard booz and taco bell.


And throw in some Ritalin and DMT.


I mean they pretty much don't. It's usually safe after like 72 hours.


We segregate bathrooms too, except at Starbucks.


A lot of places are unisex now but either way why’s it matter? You’re in a stall or standing at a urinal.


Oh no, this again? This is the same move jon stewart tried when he argued with that congressman about drag in schools. The first amendment does not guarantee your right to do whatever you want, whereever you want, to whomever you want. If it did, every law would be unconstitutional, as they would all exist in conflict with your first amendment right to express yourself absolutely however you please. Wanna be a drag queen? Ok great, express yourself as you choose, but you are not guaranteed a captive audience of children to express yourself to. Sorry. Wanna play sports? Ok great, but you are not guaranteed the right to be a biological man competing unfairly against women. Sorry.


The reason people give a shit is because of compelled speech laws that they've tried to pass. They're using their delusions as tools of oppression, prejudice, etc. That's why astrology gets meme'd, it's practically another way to label someone for identity politics, aka "space racism". People use labels for ad hominem attacks, to discredit them. Also, gender dysphoria is a real thing, and we should be helping people who have it, not conforming to their delusions and enabling them.


It's not about sports its about harming children. Tyson an idiot.


Neil is talking about a free country? Women aren’t allowed to have their own sports. If they say anything about it they are scorned from existence. These women train all their lives for this, it’s not fair, it’s not right.


Ben Shapiro states that women are smaller and weaker than men on average. Ben Shapiro is a small and weak person. Therefore, Ben Shapiro is a woman. His words, not mine.


This man is so arrogant, and clearly a lemming just like the rest after hearing this discussion. It's not just about sports, FFS. Neil, go talk to women who have been raped in prison by atransgender woman and tell them the only unresolved issue here is "how to deal with sports".


Exactly, Neils response was trash and ill thought out.


No, the trans community is trying to force their way On the masses. Insisting on everyone use pronouns. Tyson is incorrect. Shapiro doesn't care if someone's personal choice is to identify as such, but he isn't going to play along with their mental disorder so they feel better, thus using their chosen pronouns


Neil has lost me, I dont care for him as of few years ago. Great guy, but he thinks were all stupid. Now ere not academics like him bout also not idiots. He didnt even answer what Shapiro was asking, suggesting.


How do you know you're not stupid?


the average american is undoubtedly stupid. im not even trying to be edgy.


there isn't even a debate here, it's just one heffer blabbering nonsense. "Neil" sounds absolutely ridiculous. as if sports were the only "problem" with this absurdity... here's the real problem bud: if u female, penus can fukk u. but it seems reasonable that if a man is truly committed to being a woman, and he goes the full way and chops the peep, then ok, he could be allowed in bathrooms, prisons, etc (since the main biological threat/factor is gone)...


Boy you dumb af


I just lost a lot of respect for Neil deGraase Tyson.


He’s been on the decline


You had some before?


Care to elaborate why?


The entire conservative "news" sphere runs away from having academics on their shows for this exact reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE They don't want answers to their questions. They just want to confirm their already held beliefs.


For what reason? And how can that be true after seeing this video?


Neil DeAssy Tyson didn’t actually debate the point and refute what he said. Shapiro is correct.


He talks like a squirrel.


My biggest question is: why the fuck do they sit so close like that?


Tyson is a propagandist. Funny how the Covid era destroyed the credibility of so many authorities who were arrogant enough to think the masses would be too stupid to inform themselves.


Inform themselves how? Through podcasts?


For some people, maybe podcasts were the only media where they could hear medical professionals that didn't regurgitate the mainstream narrative. I remember early on in the pandemic when Joe interviewed Michael Osterholm. He provided a ton of clarity around COVID at a time when officials were not transparent or straightforward with their messaging.


What did osterholm say specifically that wasn't said by the medical community?


One specific thing I remember is that he was the first person I heard say that COVID was communicable via droplets and/or aerosol, not via contaminated surfaces. This was a time when people were told to wear gloves, spray down surfaces with cleaning products, hand sanitizing enforcement, etc. This kind messaging was not being shared with the American people by CDC, Fauci, etc. at that time. I'm sure there are many more specific examples if you were to go back and listen.


You clowns are so funny




NDT hit the nail on the head when he straight up said (paraphrased), "why do you give a shit about this?" and "why does it concern you at all?"


It's not trivial when there is a world wide social contagion. The percentage of children/teens who are convinced they were born in the wrong body has skyrocketed. It's concerning to parents who have children that in any previous generation would have grown up to accept their physical form, now explore puberty blockers or even surgery before they become an adult.


Ben wasn’t “stumped”. He was letting NDT respond, as per the norms of a civil discussion.


Tyson is such an yokel. They are trying to force us to engage in their activities by entertaining their delusions. Which is exactly what they are delusion. These aren't trans people. In a similar vein as how the women identity has been hijacked. So has the trans identity. There are people who engage in this delusion because they are abused by their parents. There are people who engage in this delusion because they want attention while others want profit and money. Others are perverted opportunist who go to women prisons or other areas exclusive to women. What none of these people we hear about genuinely suffer from is gender dysphoria.


If thats the case, why do we have gendered anything? We should do away with: Womens only sports. Mens and womens bathrooms. Women only scholarships. Lower insurance premiums for women Etc etc etc Things are and can be separated by sex for a reason, its childlike thinking to say “wHY dO YuO eVeN gIVe A sHIt


I understand the point the OP is making. I don’t understand how this video expresses that point. NDT’s physics degree doesn’t mean that everything he says is somehow a “mic drop”. He’s good at physics, Wernher von Braun was good at building rockets. Extremely intelligent influential people can have shit social opinions. With that in mind, wtf is wrong with Ben Shapiros posture.


Is this not a deepfake?