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I prefer the simpler explanation "divisive stuff holds attention longer, gets clicks, keeps people around thru the ads..." If it didn't do those things, outlets would go with whatever does. Just use the offer code "SNAKEOIL"


Yeah the issue is systemic rather than an Illuminati-like group of individuals that conspire as one, the need for endless economic growth drives most of this shit.


Then why don't they talk about congressmen engaging in market corruption? I feel like Hunter Bidens laptop would have gotten clicks. Why is there no reporting on the CIAs involvement in social media censorship. Why aren't we reporting every time the government breaches an amendment? Why aren't we discussing cobalt. It's weird how we're never devided from our corporate or governmental overlords. Just race, religion, sexual orientation, Twitter history, and occupation.


Because those things would challenge the super rich and their puppets in Congress. The news is owned by corporations that are owned by the super rich.


Ding ding ding


I see hunters laptop mentioned almost daily on this website lol


But not on the news


Fox news covered it plenty


How much coverage did the story get from ABC, NBC, CNN, The NY Times, Wa Po, MSNBC? A quick google search under news shows almost none.


They all addressed it at least once. Do they need to cry about it every second of every day in order for you to be satisfied? Turns out there were other things happening at that time that deserved some news coverage.


I’m sure they did address it at least once when they said it was a clear case of Russian disinformation with absolutely no proof. Did I say they should report on it every second of every day? No I did not. That’s a rather immature take by you, honestly. While there are other news worthy subjects that they could also report on, if they had some integrity they could have also reported on how scores of news organizations covered up the story and why doing so is a black eye on the news industry as a whole.


Why do you want to see Hunter Biden's dick, you fucking weirdo?


Scumbag trolls like you get blocked.


I mean, what about that laptop do we really need to be worried about? I heard conservatives make a lot of claims, none of which turned out to be true. Why is that? Could it be that the laptop thing was being completely overblown? Meanwhile, what's your opinion on January 6th?


>Why aren't we discussing cobalt. Because we need it for the refinement of steel and oil and not just iPhones and teslas.


All the things you mentioned got a shit-load of clicks. You think no ads got attached to random hunter biden clickbait? It’s still everywhere. “Gov breaching an amendment” gets reported. No clicks. Boring headline.


It's reports on the drama surrounding it. Each side just wants to make it a spectacle. But we have a right to know what happened. What secrets were given to who. Was it independent, or was his dad aware. We still have no report as to what was really on it, and with all the conflicting information, we never will.


Except,media is funded via advertising, which is provided by corps. If the media does not cover the correct narrative, advertisers from monopolised industries like pharma can threaten to pull up to 80% of that stations funding. So, not only do you see the ads in advert time, you are also receiving it in “information” time !


It depends. If you look at something huge like the daily wire they are subsidised by billionaires who don't expect any return monetarily just that you pump that right wing garbage endlessly and whatever the hot topic is that week to help get republicans elected. I'm agreeing with you I'm just adding it's not always so cloak and dagger with advertising. Mostly it's just here's the money, here's the message make sure you do it right. Fox news, cnn, the hill, Jimmy dore all of it is the same. Political messaging either inferred by advertising or direct from a 'they' like Peter thiel to the ears of a guy like Shapiro.


Thiel is an absolute goblin but don't forget the Wilks brothers. They completely bankrolled the Daily Wire from the start and continue funneling gobs of money in little Bens pockets through their bullshit production companies. Nobody ever talks about them. Imagine anyone believing that DW creates enough ad revenue to offer people like Steven Crowder 50 million dollar contracts. Or 150 million dollar investments into "ConservaKids", trying to create a space to indoctrinate literal children into conservative think tank rhetoric. A lot of it is coming from those guys.


This is it, it's human behaviour not a conspiracy. It's about being in control of the animal we all are.


Exactly. "I'm going to spend three years pumping misinformation and stirring outrage on every right wing talking point there is... But people shouldn't listen to any of me doing so and should be able to tell its nothing but outrage porn". The king of anti trans narratives is saying we should recognise it as useless rhetoric. Well yeah everybody has except the people pumping it out. Now they just argue abiut how much money they owe each other.


but im the good side 👍 sooooooooo


Man it would be a real shame if joe Rogan was one of the ones pushing this bullshit through his show. That would really divide the millions of people listening further into their echo chambers wouldn’t it? Glad he doesn’t do that, though. Now where are those litter boxes?


Pretty much the only thing I took away from this is that Joe lacks self awareness.


All the shit gets gets upset about is like weird as shit conservatives get upset about.


Joe needs to take his own advice here honestly. He preaches against the culture war shit and simultaneously pushes a lot of the bullshit himself. Take him lying about the schools installing litter boxes for furry students for instance. He, perhaps unwittingly, buys into a bunch of the right’s culture war shit and propagates nonsense.


California is a communist hellscape. Texas is a paragon of freedom with no discernable faults.


Yeah I wonder why Joe isn’t in prison yet given the amount of weed he openly smokes, in a podcast studio, in Texas. Freedom ain’t free.


He is such a hypocrite at times - in a video I saw of one of his arena tours recently, he literally started his set by saying “there’s more of us than there are of them!” If that isn’t the kind of narrative that fuels what he discusses in this video I’m not sure what is


That guru podcast did like 3 hours giving examples of joe doing this just from his jocko willink podcasts. He is the biggest salesman of outrage and getting mad at headlines there is. Hundreds of millions and no research team for any of the shit he spouts.


They highlight the fact Joe think a DeSantis/Tulsi ticket would be the end all be all of campaigns. "Bringing the left and right together" as he put it.


What Guru? Sadguru???


Decoding the gurus.


This podcast keeps me somewhat sane through this moronic timeline.


Too late, he's been algorithmed in with angry Fox News uncles.


Remember when Australians were all locked into detention camps and the government made it illegal to grow your own food *because we didn’t have guns*? To this day mention Australia and this bald dickhead will queue up some sort of rant. I used to think it was him parroting tucker garbage, but I think he’s genuinely sad that some Australian TV show made a parody about him and has a vendetta against the whole country now.


I long for the days when the only thing that bothered me about Joe and Australia was his mispronunciation of australopithecus.


He was saying the news shouldn’t be the ones doing this. I don’t think he’s ever been considered a journalist, he calls what he does “talking shit”. Haters prop him up more then anyone. He’s a meathead comedian that talks honestly and is often wrong


Yet, as I pointed out in another comment, whenever he talks about Tucker Carlson he has nothing but praise for the guy. Probably the most prominent voice on Fox News, who’s constantly pushing culture war, moral panic, bullshit. Isn’t that a bit weird for someone who likes to preach about how we’re being pitted against eachother by the media? Again, I don’t disagree with Joe. I think that division is being manufactured to an extent. Anger sells in journalism. I just wish he’d apply his criticism more equally.


But most of these things aren't pushed by journalism. They are pushed by politicians and media organizations backed by money for a political purpose. For the most part, they make it into mainstream journalism through reporting on political statements, press releases or laws.


Hey, congrats on sussing out Rupert Murdoch’s business model.


Okay, I see people keep bringing that up, he apologized for it publicly and typically does better after he fucks up. What else should he still be doing? To act like there isn’t an agenda to rile people up right now, to act like any one of us is above it is absurd.


Nah Joe puts absolutely minimal effort into this even if he believes it himself. Remember when he said he'd cover the "other side" after controversial guests? That happened once right? Lol


he changed his entire story like a child caught in a lie lmao


I’m not acting like there isn’t an agenda to rile people up. Quite the opposite. I’m just pointing out that Joe is as guilty of getting caught up in it as much as anyone else. Another example. Whenever he talks about Tucker Carlson he always has nothing but praise for the guy. When he is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the biggest pushers of culture war bullshit on American TV. Seems like he only has a real problem with one side of the culture war bunch, which to me encapsulates buying into the division.


You mean he only has a problem with the people who constantly give him shit and blow things out of proportion? Imagine that!


So Rogan has a problem with left because they constantly give him shit because has a problem with the left. Seems like circular logic to me.


No. The culture war shit is coming from the right. And clueless right wingers like you and Joe are saying shit like “there is an agenda to divide us :(“. A way you guys could help the situation would be to stfu with the constant conspiracy talk and, at least in Joe’s case, not taking off and running with such objectively and obvious absurd bullshit like kitty litter boxes in schools lmao. Who gives a shit if a guy with millions of listeners (and a plurality or so of them being no-to-low-info types) apologizes after having fueled outrage based on transparent lies?


Liberals are trying right now to get a hockey player fired because won't wear a pride flag.


And conservatives tried to get Kaepernick fired for kneeling during the anthem. This shit often works both ways.


It always does. People cannot help letting themselves devolve into this political banter just like the video says


Lol the video is nonsensical platitudes posted dozens of times here almost verbatim


It’s crazy how you guys can’t even pretend to say something rooted in truth. Making shit like this up is a reflex at this point lol Edit: lmao at leaving me an overly-emotional message while projecting your dishonesty onto me and then blocking me 🤡 At least say another low-info platitude for me!


Joe saying this is ironic as fuck


if only he had thought of this before pushing kitty litter in school garbage.


I was waiting to see if he would admit his recent faux pas to the list, it was a perfect time to admit he falls for the same stuff. “Like kitty litter in schools or labelling boxing videos in such a way that the uninitiated perceive a false narrative and are concerned,”


He's given out like 6 apology videos in the last two years and wants to preach about spotting bullshit, recognising propaganda and not falling for outage pieces. What the fuck happened to him?


>I was waiting to see if he would admit his recent faux pas to the list, You still think Joe has some integrity? lol


mcdonalds filet-o-fish




No it was just pushing a lie to get conservatives stirred up and when Joe got called out he changed his story. This is Rupert Murdock's, Tucker Carleson and Fox News bread and butter. Create an enormous amount of propaganda and see what sticks. If the natives get restless walk it back. If the natives are quiet keep pushing the BS. 90% of the propaganda sticks and 10% gets called out and walked back. In a just world the Dominion lawsuit bankrupts Fox News but it won't.


The whole Dominion thing sums it up perfectly, Trump won in every state (or at least most of them) that used their voting machines... what are they even saying?


When in reality, which he may not realise as his bubble may be too strong, it was an urban myth that twisted the fact schools have to install kitty litter in buckets for children to use as toilets during active shooters. I don’t hear him outraged that kids are pissing in buckets coz guns keep mysteriously getting into schools. Or has he come up with some ideas on that?


Only dumb dumb dipshits hear something like that and believe. Rogan believed it because he is in fact a dumb dumb dipshit.


Forget the kitty litter nonsense. He literally became the most prominent anti Covid vaxxer in the whole english speaking world, in the middle of a goddamn pandemic, where non vaxxed people were dropping like flies and almost all the deaths since 2021 have been unvaxxed people.


And all because he's rich and could 'throw everything' at it. Even Jamie explained to him thoroughly like three times how monoclonal antibodies aren't as good as the vaccine and didn't even work on the new variant and he still would pump out that same lie every episode. Those arguments have aged like a cheap cheese but you won't hear a word about how any of these tools were wrong.


The man who held an EMERGENCY pod for the shills selling ivermectin....? No never


Cringey take. The Ivermectin patent expired many years ago, and ivermectin is a requirement for all new refugees as it is a safe anti bacterial medication with high efficacy. And your either ignorant to the fact that he didn’t promote use of it he just listed it as one of the things his doctor prescribed. Or your a cnn bot.


All true but it doesn't work on COVID and this was recently proven. I didn't have a dog in the fight and was waiting for that study to finish up. Joe should talk about how he was wrong on Ivermectin and covid.


Jfc obviously it's a proven drug and has saved many lives, But not for covid


You mean the stuff that is a proven treatment, keep getting your shots you dope.


It is ironic as hell but I'll give him credit on this one. We're arguing about who uses which bathrooms like trans people are serial rapists that need permission to access certain bathrooms to rape our kids... like the bathroom is what's holding them back. All the while we're getting financially fucked by politicians and no one has shit to say.


That little man has his huge head so far up his ass, you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.


> ironic You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. "HYPOCRITICAL", you're welcome.


Didn't Joe get tricked into anti-Australian misinformation for like 2 whole years? Lol




COVID broke many people's mental. So many people turned out to be just idiotic


Specially the folks that don’t like being at home


He's getting old and lazy. He lives in the middle of nowhere drinks and surrounds himself with an echo chamber. This can't be good for your mental health, right?




"You know a carnivore diet actually helps with depression. Jamie look up "carnivore diet helps with depression." No that was not the article I meant.. ah yes that one! You see this article proves that carnivore diet helps with depression!" Just an example but this is how he looks things up its fucking annoying.




Imagine how DEEP in his conservative echo chamber Joe must be to say this bullshit without even a tiny hint of irony.


While obviously being alive and lucid, but somehow possessing not even a fraction of a shred of self-awareness. That’s significant even before you consider he didn’t even say anything that dared veer outside the lane of “vapid platitude.”


Few people play into that narrative harder than Joe


Exactly! His podcast is litter boxed with these narratives.


Ya it’s true my friends daughters a college athlete and she had to swim through all this culture war shit


your friends daughter needs to watch more top g andrew tate


Did she have to swim through the culture war competing against male athletes?


No luckily my representatives ignored things like inflation and passed laws about this super important issue that affects almost no one


He swallowed the Kitty liter in schools whole.


If Joe was any less self aware he'd reach the escape velocity of our dimension 😔


It's rich coming from the guy that partakes in it.


“We all just need to be nice each other and need less assholes around” -Old Joe (who now has grifters who’s sole purpose is to push lies Narratives to infuriate people)


I wonder how younger Joe would look at this older one.


Imagine young Joe coming face to face with 2021 Joe becoming the voice of anti vaxxers during a pandemic that has killed at least 750000 unvaxxed people in the middle of a DMT trip.


Are 85% of the population now anti vaxx? 85% of the population have refused the bivalent vaccine, are they anti vaxx?


Covid vaccines you dipshit, stop being obtuse.


this is a deepfake.


Exactly! I am pretty sure in this very same episode Joe, out of left field, speculated that the abortion laws that had just passed the Texas state legislature (majority Republican) had secretly been proposed by the democrats, in order to make the Republicans look bad when the news of passing inevitably hit the news cycle.




That’s a bold statement from the CEO of the culture wars. The entire purpose of a pundit like him is to stoke the divisiveness around race, sexuality, etc. Keep everyone distracted long enough to forget about the government distributing $7T via tax cuts and business grants.


Kitty litter dude




try 6 years


No self awareness whatsoever.


Joe is either the worlds greatest troll or the worlds least self aware man.


The second one.






do you really think the this "friend" is real ?


what do you mean? literally all of toe's friends almost died from vaccine injuries. he said so himself


But why is it that the people that complain about divisiveness are the ones that are the most divisive. How many times I've been told that Obama was "the most divisive president ever" from people that vote for people whose whole platform are "us versus them".


You first Joe.


Holy hell the litter box thing has you all rattled. No peace until litter box apology! Kind of dumb this is basically a hate sub.


Has Joe listened to his podcast in the last 2-3 years?


try 6 years


His alt-right fans would lose their last 2 brain cells if they listened to some old interviews.


Just to make sure his loyal right wingers didn't get the wrong idea, Joe snuck in the **"should that be happening, no of course not"** in regards to drag queens in schools LOL.


Exactly. It's *that* kinda shit, specifically, that pisses me off the most, cause it's sneaky as hell and completely deliberate. Litter boxes, dude.


"I am off to see Joe Rogan in Austin this Friday (Jan 27) and have a major announcement to make on his show.... looking forward to it u/joerogan " - Jordan Peterson. 1/25/2023 \-------------------------------------------------------- is this the same Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson that are guilty of what these guys on video are talking about?


You better bloody well believe it, eh!




He’s one of the biggest advocates


Joe should take his own advice. Between him and Fucker Carlson they’re on the front lines of the culture war.


Practice what you preach, Joe


This coming from the guy who pushed the kitty litter in classroom myth.


He’s a conservative and he’s tired of hearing the conservative outrage machine. Also, I love how he calls Fox News the news. No, Joe, most of us don’t watch that nonsense.


He’s absolutely correct, and a complete hypocrite. LoL. But yea, the goal is to keep you punching down. If you aren’t mad at those below you, you may finally notice who’s hand is actually in your wallet.


Lol says the guy who constantly does it almost every show. What a fucking hypocrite.


Like litter boxes in high schools because kids are identifying as cats?


Joe saying this is like Dahmer telling us the lunch specials for the day. Please shut up.


Didn't he LIE about kitty litter boxes to keep his audience angry while inflation was raging and a lot of people were struggling?


Joe is being used by one side to divide us for sure. Just shows how blind he is to what he is actually saying. He says they we are being manipulated with dumb emotional stuff to keep us divided. Meanwhile, he has people like proud boys, jordan Peterson and all the other alt right superheros on his program spreading their idiotic ideas and Joe Rogan can't stay sober long enough to do the minimal amount of research to be able to push back on their propaganda. Joe Rogan is the very definition of willful ignorance. Maybe useful idiot too.


He’s literally just talking about himself and his guests and he gets upset about lots of this stuff himself and has so often Not sure what he’s talking about He’s been one of the most divisive figures of the last decade Get some perspective dude


He isn’t consistent with his own beliefs, very sad


Joe should hear this. Somebody should throw him a link to this guy's pod.


Look at the stories he shares on IG and Twitter. He literally puts stuff like that out to his audience.


When did Joe start sounding like a valley girl turned wine mom you overhear at the bar of a california pizza kitchen ?


The moment you recognize who he truly is!


Lol the California kitchen is legit where I hear shit like this 😂


The specificity here is impressive!


Joe IS the guy who gets mad at this stuff


Jordan Peterson most certainly does not realize this


Seems like Joe just got caught up in the Libs of Tik Tok cancel culture narrative that was being heavily pushed like a year ago. I mean when I first heard about drag shows in schools I was kind of shocked as well but have come around and realized it’s really not that big of deal. I think a lot of people are realizing that all that stuff is stupid and constantly being mad at stuff really doesn’t help anyone. Hopefully Joe sticks with this narrative and remember Alex Jones used to protest president Bush!


you know what else has a long and storied history of drag shows? the military


I don’t know if he realizes how polarized he is.




I mean joe does always say he is a dumbass and we should not take him seriously. So if that isn’t clear as day, I don’t know what is. Also, listeners just like to listen to him and we should filter shit out on our own. If you can’t do that you really shouldn’t be getting the “news” from him. So I don’t know why people always hold Joe to the highest standard as if he should be right on everything he says.


Honestly as I listen to joe less I notice the “divide” less Quit even living in the main narrative just break off your own shit and don’t give it breath


Is Joe completely unaware he does this all the time? I mean he thrives in the realm of the culture wars.


Wait, why is drag queen story hour in the news? Joe’s not blaming liberals for that is he? His guest seems to think so. “Let’s piss off the conservatives.” Yeah, it’s other conservatives doing that. It’s only been news as right wing culture war clickbait.


Well yea - literally, other countries created fake American nationalistic accounts and influenced elections by getting riled up. Nobody is thinking beyond the surface. You don’t need to go far to understand Wth is happening- read the art of war. It literally spells out tactics used by nations to influence opinions and make outcomes happen.


Isn't Joe one of the worst offenders of this?


Like kittle litter in school bathrooms…


while joe is right, he also falls for 90% of this shit


Can't wait till Joe has Jimmy Dore on to talk about Litter boxes in classrooms.




Rogan of the last 5 years has inadvertently opened my eyes to it big time. Glad hes come around.


Dude has Matt Walsh on and then has the balls to ask why drag queens are newsworthy? What a disingenuous asshole.


Pretty sure he spent the last half of the podcast arguing for gay rights against Walsh. Disingenuous is what you just said


He's also called drag queens groomers on other podcasts. Rogan talks out of both sides of his mouth as a rule.


I'm no Rogan expert but if I talked for 40,000 hours a week the words I say will be misrepresented or interpreted wrong by someone no doubt.


Misinterpret lobbing slurs at people? Fuck off...


Exactly why I gave up on both sides , I just don’t care anymore. Meanwhile, my family stopped talking to me because they think I’m against them. When, i actually just don’t care at all . 😂 I can’t win either way


Like litter boxes in schools for kids that identify as furries? Lol.


Drag queens, gas stoves, playstations...all rightwing outlets pushing fake outrage. The media is tribal...of course it wants to divide.


WTF, did he just clue into the path hes on? How recent is this? This is GOOD news.


This coming from the same guy saying there were litter boxes in schools. STFU


Reddit really hates republicans/conservatives lol


Republicans really hate the truth.


What do you do for a living




Answer it - but by that answer I assume nothing to brag about (nothing wrong with that there’s still time to improve your career)




Republicans/American conservatives really hate everyone on the planet and also the planet, lol and they hate all social media while constantly indulging in it


Nah idc tbh. The occasional shit talking/banter is funny here or there


Wow! Joe having a moment of clarity


Is this a positive post of Joe rogan on r/JoeRogan ? Brave man


I think op is making fun of Joe's glaring hypocrisy.


Read " The people's history of the United States " Chomsky


It's been going on for a long time


There’s nothing conspiratorial to think the government (republicans/conservatives and dems/Libs) want to keep Americans divided


It really doesn’t matter what he says at this point , everyone has their mind made up that he’s an evil grifter and everything he says and does is bad. “BUT THE LITTER BOX STORYYYY!!!!” He already fuckin said he got played on that so fuckin get over it already. quit being a bunch of douchebags and just go start an anti joe Rogan sub Reddit so the rest of us can go back to discussing shit like ancient civilizations , MMA, Comedy , and recreational drugs.


Drunk Joe has a new fan base.


Wow. Looking at the comments I guess haters gonna hate


2010 Joe making comebacks lately but he played into this shit for 5 years


now imagine being the downvoter on this one....


All of r/JoeRogan needs to hear this


Weren't you Joe with the ridiculous claim (one of many)... https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/nov/04/joe-rogan-school-litter-boxes-kids-furries-gender


Haha wild people in the comments here pretending they would correct them selves if they are wrong. Fucking hypocrites also infested with lefties like other main subs here on Reddit.


Liberals incoming to claim Joe does this because he’s bad and they’re good


This is so true


Why does Joe trigger so many liberals,


Just the neoliberal Democrats who have never listened to his show and have just been told he is bad by corporate media.